
My friend drew me Bahamut :D
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There was clear confusion. A sense of worry, perhaps even almost dread. Their gaze followed the woman's hand to the pocket. Something there... something that felt similar but also so very different.
Bahamut closes it's eyes and listens to everything for a moment. Listening to the very ground it sat on, the wind, the sea ever so far away. The very essence of the world courses through itself and then back out, like blood through a vein.
This world was truly not theirs, but they understood it just a little bit more.
"I am from a different realm. I do not require a summoner unless I am junctioned to another being. My existence is created by the world of the realm I am from, thus I can be as I am now." that wasn't the best explanation but hopefully it worked enough to ease the poor girl's mind.
"The people there call me a Guardian Force; a sentient force of nature that guards the planet. At times said planet sends us to other places. I believe that's what happened to me. I am not here to cause any strife or destruction, to ease the worry I sense."
Perhaps it's home planet may have just had a sick sense of humor.
…and there it is.
Dagger blinked, her eyes widening ever so slightly as that odd sensation suddenly makes a lot of sense. She heard of Eidolons changing shape and form depending on how humanity think of them, just like how Shiva grew up with the times, but she didn't expect to see the effects of said change anytime soon. Rhe possibility that this Bahamut wasn't hers, so to speak, didn't even cross her mind, even when a hand instinctively went for her pocket - for the garnet resting inside it, where she could feel the dragon rest.
"How… is this possible?", the queen mused, frowning ever so slightly "There's no summoner left other than just two of us--"
--and, surely, she would've been the first to know if Eiko summoned the king of dragons.
#the blue light;ic#ultimateutopia#bahamut vc: real quick do you know what a microwave is#also lets NOT bring up the human abuse right now that's a bad idea
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" i'm on your side . we're in this together . "
Humans radiating such power gave Bahamut severe apprehension... and perhaps some anxiety. Feeling one so suddenly was also an unusual circumstance. It was something that felt familiar, yet foreign.
There is a long stare of blue eyes at the other human.
... only to realize that it was no human at all.
"...Phoenix?" It speaks, confusion replacing anxiety.
"How..." Was it the Phoenix they new? A reincarnation? Some lab creation meant to imitate the power? A human being powered by Phoenix?
"Explain. Your appearance is not how I knew you. You do not feel as you should from the planet."
#the blue light;ic#ofcrimson#i didn't see you had an ff8 verse so i left it vague in case u wanted to change that :D
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#out of dsrc;ooc#i am having an internal debate pls assist#should they be able to make themself smaller/bigger on a whim
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"I don't know if not experiencing love is a blessing or a curse. Do I understand it if I understand hate and loathing? Both stemmed in the root of passion, but so different..."
Philosophy time.
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hc + friendship. // hc + goals.
FRIENDSHIP - Bahamut first experienced friendship a long time ago in the DSRC. A young scientist who was part of their experimentation would work overnight observation and sneak into their room. She was the first to treat Bahamut with any kindness and respect. She would tell them about the outside world and the war going on. She would warn it of particularly terrible experiments coming that she could not stop. She told them why she was there, and what she wanted to do was not what she was being made to do. They talked about normal things, and they played games as well as they could beyond the tank. Bahamut learned what friends were in that time. It was their first friendship. They remember it forever. It's why Bahamut let some of those scientists know of the impending doom. Its why they stayed behind. They hope she is doing well.
GOALS - A Guardoa3n Force has one ongoing goal: maintain and preserve the cosmos and the world. Their personal manifestations happen when the natural force matures and branches off to make room for new Guardian Forces. Bahamut only had a goal of protecting the world from what the DSRC had uncovered until it could be dealt with. Having joined an unlikely group of wanderers, Bahamut's new goal is to protect those who have earned their trust. Being free is a state of being that was lost to them for a very long time. Relearning what it means to be free, even with being junctioned to another, is now their new goal. When Bahamut has a goal, they will aim to complete it. Even if it is against some certain person's want.
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The name was not familiar to them. Neither was hearing of a Queen. It was becoming clear that whatever the fate of the cosmos had done, it deemed they were needed here. That would explain their unfamiliarity.
Upon hearing that it was in the presence of royalty, Bahamut bows their head briefly. "It is an honor to meet you proper, your majesty. I thank you for being the one to find me so kindly."
Rarer still that Bahamut was not of this continent. The energy of the planet hummed between their claws, like someone giggling at another for finding the plot twist in an old story.
"Where I am from, the people call me Bahamut. I believe that 'where' is a great distance away... but I am aware there are others who share in that name."
They were certain that they were not the only one, if their assumption of being in unfamiliar lands was very correct.
He sat, he spoke, as gentle and polite as a dragon has ever been to her. Without fully understanding why, Dagger found herself holding her breath, that odd sensation making her mind numb.
There was something. There was something familiar.
"You're on the fields surrounding the the kingdom of Alexandria" she answered, casting aside any doubt as she gave a deep bow, "And I'm queen Garnet til Alexandros."
A name that still both felt and didn't feel hers anymore, but the proper one to use in moments like this.
"May I know your name? It's quite rare to see anyone of your kind in this part of the continent."
#the blue light;ic#ultimateutopia#it's fine it's okay bahamut only destroys evil scientists bioshock style dagger ur fine#me realizing the tech difference between 8 and 9-
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It was a subject that had been on the dragon's mind since that first encounter. To be held in respect and high regard, even in the face of potential death... it was a telling sign.
Squall's answer was, as expected, very matter of fact. Even hearing about how they could be used like tools to further another's goals did not bother them like it would have normally. It almost sounded... recited, practised.
The admission of him hearing Bahamut's name in a legend was the answer it was looking for. It wasn't the other Guardian's with him and his party of SeeD that gave them up, it was Squall that knew. A GF would recognize another as soon as one bore witness to one, even in the case of artificial creation. they were energy from the world itself given sentience, sapience and more,
There is a thoughtful quiet before they speak. There was no need to hide the truth from this proven warrior.
"My existence was deemed critically classified. I was redacted from any communication outside of that laboratory. Zell knowing anything about that place was surprising... even after all of those years. I suppose it was fate that I was found."
There were only a few that had gotten out. A few Bahamut allowed the mercy of escape. Those individuals showed it mercy and kindness and it returned in the same.
To hear they were spoken of as a mythical entity...
Curiosity has them. "These stories... am I- was I a subject of benevolence? Something to be feared, or in between? I've heard some refer to me as a king... and kings can be either depending on who you ask."
@xgrieverspride talks to the so called king
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I should draw Bahamut and Rinoa but it's the 'I think we gotta kill this guy' meme.
Alternative version with Selphie except instead of "Damn" she asks about the rocket launcher from the Timber Train mission.
Or... Selphie and the train.
#out of dsrc;ooc#gio i am hoping you get far enough to get the train i know EXACTLY when you can get it it's just UHG
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" is there anything about yourself that you haven't told me ? "
" will you come back to visit me ? "
" what could it mean ? "
" this is not the correct way , and you know it . "
" this is truly a room worth admiring . "
" your obsession borders on creepy . "
" this reflects poorly on your overall personality . "
" maybe this is why everyone left you . "
" are you just sitting around waiting for more dialogue ? "
" no one gets to tell me what to do . "
" everyone thinks you are very powerful . "
" there is nothing in the broom closet . no reason to still be here . "
" you're not even doing anything ! "
" please offer me some explanation here ; i'm genuinely confused . "
" the broom closet ending is my favourite . "
" you're fat and ugly and really , really stupid . "
" you're addicted to drugs and hookers ! "
" that kind of anxiety isn't healthy . "
" i'm not your enemy . really , i'm not . "
" i think perhaps we've gotten off on the wrong foot here . "
" how i wish to destroy you . how i wish to control you . "
" investing your trust in someone is difficult . "
" please , stop trying to make every decision by yourself . "
" this is it . your chance to redeem yourself . "
" i can't believe i've been so mistaken . "
" you and i don't even know each other . we're like strangers . "
" i still don't know you . and you don't know me . "
" you like being alone , don't you ? "
" perhaps you'll see me again , if you can find me . "
" i've escaped from that dull office and pesky narrator . "
" what are you talking about ?! "
" this is so stupid . why are we even doing this ? "
" you've demonstrated such bravery here today . "
" do you have zero consideration for others ?! "
" oh , thank god . you are willing to listen to me . "
" i think i feel ... happy . i actually feel happy . "
" no , wait ... where are you going ? "
" promise me you won't go back there . just - just stay here . "
" you are going to stay here , aren't you ? "
" please , don't take this from me ! "
" nothing good can come from this . "
" we can't be happy if we leave this place . "
" comedic timing is so difficult . i wish i was better at it . "
" it's just a bucket ! it can't think , it can't talk ! "
" i suppose you don't need me anymore . "
" you believe i'm real , don't you ? "
" give it to me ! give me the bucket , i need it ! "
" it's nice to see you again . "
" i'm on your side . we're in this together . "
" obviously the bucket isn't talking to you and telling you to do things . "
" do you see that i really have wanted you to be happy all this time ? "
" are you that convinced i want something bad to happen to you ? "
" that wasn't supposed to be a choice . how did you do that ? "
" can you see ? can you see how much we need one another ? "
" in the vast infiniteness of space , your thoughts and problems are materially insignificant . "
" when every path you can walk has been created for you long in advance , death becomes meaningless , making life the same . "
" although this passageway has the word ' escape ' written on it , the truth is at the end of this hall , you'll meet your violent death . "
" you're so bad at following directions , it's incredible you weren't fired years ago . "
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Thematic Headcanons. A series of subject-specific headcanons you can ask your favorite blog and muse.
hc + 🤝 for a headcanon about a connection with one of the receiver's mutual
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hc + 🤥 for a lie-themed headcanon
hc + 😶 for a headcanon about a secret they know of / keep
hc + 😴 for a sleep-themed headcanon
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hc + 🧼 for a hygiene-themed headcanon
hc + 🏠 for a home-themed headcanon
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hc + 🤕 for a pain-themed headcanon
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hc + 👎 for a headcanon about things they dislike
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hc + 😡 for a headcanon about something that makes them angry
hc + 👻 for a headcanon about supernatural occurrences
hc + 🥣 for a food-themed headcanon
hc + ☕ for a drink-themed headcanon
hc + 🐈 for a pet/animal-themed headcanon
hc + 🌸 for a plant-themed headcanon
hc + 🌄 for an outdoor-themed headcanon
hc + 🌍 for a travel-themed headcanon
hc + 🗡 for a weapon-themed headcanon
hc + 🎡 for a hobby-themed headcanon
hc + 🚗 for a transportation-themed headcanon
hc + ⏳ for a time-themed headcanon
hc + 🌘 for a night-themed headcanon
hc + 🌞 for a day-themed headcanon
hc + 🪐 for a universe-themed headcanon
hc + 🌂 for a weather-themed headcanon
hc + ⛄ for a season-themed headcanon
hc + 🎉 for a celebration-themed headcanon
hc + 🏆 for a goal-themed headcanon
hc + 💯 for an achievement-themed headcanon
hc + 🚬 for a headcanon about a bad habit
hc + 🎭 for an arts-/crafts-themed headcanon
hc + ✂️ for a hair-themed headcanon
hc + 👗 for a clothes-themed headcanon
hc + 💍 for a jewelry-themed headcanon
hc + 💄 for a makeup-themed headcanon
hc + 🎓 for an education-themed headcanon
hc + 📿 for a faith-themed headcanon
hc + 🎵 for a music-themed headcanon
hc + 📱 for a media-themed headcanon
hc + 🎥 for a film/tv-themed headcanon
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hc + 💉 for a medical-themed headcanon
hc + 🛒 for a shopping-themed headcanon
hc + 🔞 for a nsfw-headcanon
hc + ❓ for a headcanon of the receiver's choice
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Send “⚠️” plus a warning label for my muse.
(If you cannot see the emoji send “Warning”)
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Reason number eleventeen Bahamut has higher compatibility with Rinoa:
Her petty attitude about how the Predisent's train car looked in the mission briefing. Also fuck corrupt people in power. :D
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I'm the kind of FF8 player who spends 5 hours in Triple Triad to get 100+ Curaga and Death and more before even getting to Timber
Yes I have a problem
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"Bold to think that I can simply be deleted by a simple clown."
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