The Montford Gazette
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the-montford-gazette · 11 years ago
SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 1924
Local SADNESS REIGNS IN CITY CENTER By Leon Talbot MONTFORD, IL - When one thinks of a garden, weeping is typically not part of the association. However, the besotted botanists at The Montford Botanical Society have announced this week their push to bring sadness back to its roots by introducing the addition of a new themed garden to their already vast selection of seed and bulb-based species.
"The plants themselves are not sad," Albert Higgins, lead botanist at the organization clarified. "It's not a half-dead and dying collection of leaves turned brown or roots rotting in a boring arrangement of pots, but we've instead cultivated a selection of weeping trees of varying heights to put on display."
Weeping trees are a curious phenomenon in the plant world. Where their peers' branches happily extend out and upward, they seem to be caught a somewhat mortal depression - limp limbs hang lethargically downward, as if they are resigned rather than overjoyed to bear the burden of a shining sun each day. Some to the point of severity, like the weeping sequoia whose shape is a caricature-esque resemblance of a person moping about, blanket of foliage drooping over its entire form like a leafy mourning shroud.
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"There can be a certain amount of humor in it," Higgins went on to say, "Especially when you look from a distance. Stand back and scan the treeline. All these tall and proud trunks and branches standing sturdy are interrupted by a pathetic group breaking up the strength with their wallowing."
The garden is set to be planted along the north east arc of the city-center park, forming the top right frame of the central lake. With benches dotting a wealth of paths paved by naturally jagged slices of slate, shipped via train from the mines of Virginia, visitors will be able to wander all through the trees as well as rest beside and even beneath them. As for the actual content of the space itself, there is promised to be more than the standard shade cast by common conifer and willow.
The spring-budding blossoms of the fruit and flowering trees apricot and cherry blossom are also planned to be in attendance, and Montford’s sprout of the latter is said to be an offshoot from one of the original trees that were given to the States as a gift of friendship from Japan in 1912. At a final planning conference, the audience of plant folk were rapt with anticipatory whispers when the sakura, named such in its native lands, was brought up. Its flowers, soft as blush tinting the cheeks of a youthful face, are expected to be one of the biggest draws.
Back in the Society's greenhouse as he knelt in fastidious study of a young, squat specimen of weeping cypress, prostrate in commitment to its wilted nature, Higgins imparted a tip that was equal parts moony and inclined: "We certainly don't want people to come here and feel sad. But, if they are feeling a little down and want to get it out the Garden of Sadness will offer some of the most empathetic company in Montford, outside of the good Doctor Fletcher of course."
The garden, free to the public, is expected to be formally completed by the beginning of April.
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the-montford-gazette · 11 years ago
SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 1924
National CHICAGO STATION SIGNALS SIGNS OF LIFE CHICAGO, IL - Following the acquisition of the Chicago Daily Drover's radio station 720AM, the Chicago Tribune this week sent out its first broadcast on their new frequency.
Previously known to the area as WAAF, the absorption of the station underwent a call sign change to WGN - short for the organizations renowned slogan, "World's Greatest Newspaper".
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This marks the first radio station to be owned by the newspaper, and the public is said to be looking forward to their broadcasts of news, weather, and useful, up-to-date information.
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the-montford-gazette · 11 years ago
SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 1924
World GREECE SWAPS ROYALS FOR REPUBLIC ATHENS, GR - Severing the monarchistic ties from which was birthed a relationship racked with instability, Greece entered into what is being called the Second Hellenic Republic this week. Experts state the turnover's cause being longstanding unhappiness as a result of unsuccessful conflicts and disillusionment with the crowned heads of state.

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The most prominent of these skirmishes seems to be The Asia Minor Conflict, alternately dubbed the Turkish War of Independence. Lasting four years starting in 1919, it began on the heels of the Great War's closure, when the western allies were said to have promised the looking-to-expand Kingdom's territory into that which was once Ottoman-owned. The Turks, in violent disagreement, fought back for their land, and after a large number of deaths - heaviest on the side of the Greeks - reclaimed the plats that had been bartered against their will. Back in Greece, such lead to a revolt against their own by Venizelist supporters.

Venizelism, named for its leader Eleftherios Venizelos, touts liberalism and opposition to monarchy along with a self-prescribed allegiance to the democracies of the West. The man Venizelos is recognized as not only being a top political figure in Greece, but is also said to have been the political enemy of the late King Constantine I who, after abdicating the throne to his son-cum-successor George II in the latter part of 1922, left his kingdom to live in exile. He passed in January of 1923, however the instability of favor seemed to span the generations.
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After the coup forced George II out of the Mediterranean country, the nation's people took it upon themselves to decide upon a republic for their next form of government. The referendum solidifying this decision is formally set in the plebiscite that is due to be signed in April. Sticking to their already established theme of liberalism, the Greeks elected Admiral Pavlos Kountouriotis, supporter of the revolution-waging regime, as their first president.
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the-montford-gazette · 11 years ago
SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 1924
LOCAL REVIEW: HOLIDAY DELIGHTS, STROLLERS STRUT IN SPECTACULAR SOIREE By Leon Talbot MONTFORD, IL - It’s no secret to these sneaky streets that if you are looking for a place to cut a rug, The Stroll is definitely the spot. Moodily lit tables encircle a dance floor that is very frequently packed and coy cigarette girls wander the labyrinth of aisles between them to serve and sate, pretty smiles upon their pretty faces and an eager amicability that could soften even the toughest member of the crowd. But it’s not just angelic faces and an atmosphere to encourage forgetfulness of real world troubles beyond the place’s pearly gates; for those in the know, really, really in the know, the best reason to go is for Grace Holiday and The Smooth Talkin’ Strollers.
The Strollers electrify the space with a woozy jazz reminiscent of the soulfully swampy sounds coming out of New Orleans mixed with a pinch of crooked crossroad bargains from cunningly calamitous entities - a compliment, to be clear - though I’m sure their skill was toiled for and well-earned. The outfit’s horns are a siren song of delight, the snare a shaking rhythm that resonates to the bone, the bass a wizened, plucky aside. They would be fine on their own, but they don’t strike me as an outfit that is content to settle just shy of extravagance. Indeed, when the auburn strands of their alluring songstress steps into the spotlight is when the real show begins, when harmonious perfection is achieved.
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Her voice is velvet. The silken caress of a lover’s gloved hand, the unfurled petals of a rose in spring, and yet its wielded with a force to be reckoned with - the stinging wake of that gloved slap, the biting prick of the rose’s stem picked. Grace Holiday is an expert in her field, a name that Montford should be illuminating to pull itself out of the gutter in which it perpetually wallows.
She knows what she’s on about and it thoroughly shows, with heart-swooning lyrics that procure heartfelt feelings of empathy no matter the experience expounded by song. Holiday coaxes a feeling of believability from the listener; one that understands, one that’s been there before, but at the same time manages to retain a degree perseverance, some airiness to confirm the confidence and strength in her own womanhood. She is metropolitan talent and worldly elegance with a smile that imparts the friendliness between neighbors and style that exudes the seduction of modernity. A picture of completion.
In a compilation ranking the best of Montford, The Stroll would certainly be amongst the top. So go. Go for the atmosphere, go for the company. Most of all, go for Grace Holiday, and her Smooth Talkin’ Strollers, and hurry, before their talent gets swept up for bigger and better.
While they look up now and see lights, they need only to step out to see stars.
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the-montford-gazette · 11 years ago
SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 1924
WORLD AERO FINDS FORTUNE IN FIRSTTIME FLIGHT HELSINKI, FI - Bruno Lucander, founder of the Finnish aeronautics company Aero O/Y, claimed success this week as his company’s first flight took off from its point of origin and landed at its destination safely.
The approximate 55 mile route had the plane departing Helsinki to cross the Gulf of Finland and land in Tallinn, Estonia. Though no stranger to the growing air transport industry of the world, having been the general manager of Finland Spedition-Central before the founding of Aero, there was a palpable pride with Lucander and other officers of the company upon their flight's success.
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The plane used in the crossing was as Junkers F13, a single engine monoplane outfitted with seafloats and crewed by two men, a pilot and a mechanic. Closed cabin with room to seat four, it was not people that the air machine was carrying, but rather parcels of mail totaling about 357 pounds. The waters of the brackish, icy, yet reasonably still gulf seemed to be no large obstacle for the plane to overcome, nor the harshly frigid North European weather through which it had to fly.
The previously tested reliability of the Junkers aircraft was stated to be the main reason for its selection, having made a considerable impression on Lucander earlier in his career. The Aero company is said to be looking forward to many more successful stints in the skies.
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the-montford-gazette · 11 years ago
SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 1924
NATIONAL MASS INVESTORS REVOLUTIONIZE FINANCE WITH MUTUAL MARKET BOSTON, MA - In a move that could take the finance world by storm, investment firm Massachusetts Investors Trust this week revealed a new type of investment for its customers called a 'mutual fund'.
With each investor pooling their money into the single fund, it allows for the diversification of portfolio, while simultaneously reducing the risk since the collective amount is parsed and split between a range of individual stocks. Experts believe that while the losses to shareholders will be softer than those of the more precarious stock market, gains are also expected to be slow, but steady.
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The interest in this mutual fund seems to be markedly large so far, and the opening capital is stated to be a handsome four thousand dollars. In the meantime, founders of Mass Investments, L. Sherman Adams, Charles H. Learoyd and Ashton L. Carr, seem to be nothing but smiles and anticipation of success for the changes they have brought to the stock market floor.
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the-montford-gazette · 11 years ago
SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 1924
LOCAL RELENTLESS WINTER BEGINS TO LET UP, MONTFORDIANS EMERGE FROM UNDER WHITE BLANKET MONTFORD, IL - While weather speculators governmental and amateur alike have predicted another few weeks of cold weather for the entirety of the upper Midwest, they also say there's a visible end to the frosty temperatures. In what turned out to be a near-record setting season, locals have withstood all manner of harsh conditions this winter. Even the most recent snow dump served to do not much else than re-bury the removal efforts of city and resident alike.
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A majority of the Department of Agriculture's Weather Bureau monitoring stations scattered along the Canadian border have given readings that indicate that the winds which have caused the area to bundle up continue to blow in a south-south-east direction, but are slowly being relieved by those from the south east. Warmer air heading north-north-west is a sure sign of spring in waiting.
"It's a massive inconvenience," renown pianist Jade Buchanan said of the temperature. "Before being able to warm up on the keys, I have to dip my hands in warm water to thaw them in preparation to play."
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As the ice and snow melts into streams snaking the sewers, drivers worry about the condition of the roads underneath the mess. Weather experts advise that the formation of ice is water expanded into a solid, and when this happens in already formed cracks in the roadways’ asphalt the results could create fairly treacherous potholes.
"Be cautious of puddles, they might be deeper than they look," warned a city Department of Transportation spokesperson. "Everyone wants to get out when the sun starts to shine, but we don't need people senselessly wrecking their tires for a little fun!"
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the-montford-gazette · 11 years ago
SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 1924
NATIONAL SURVIVORS NOT EXPECTED IN CASTLE GATE MINE DISASTER CASTLE GATE, UT - In the early morning hours of March 8th, residents of Castle Gate were shook awake by a series of three loud explosions, the source of which was determined to be the local mine as underground workers were settling in for their morning shifts. First responders on the scene gave report of a blown out bulkhead, collapsing the entrance to the shaft.
It is believed that 173 people are trapped inside the mine, 57 night workers intent on leaving and 116 helmet men who are assumed to be near four miles underground. Rescue crews from around the state have started removal of the rubble from the manway and fanway to free the entombed men, but experts express concern about how long it will take to reach the miners, and the level of gasses thought to be the cause of the explosions and resulting cave in in the first place. Let on by the stench of fire, officials are trying to determine if an issue stemming from the worker's carbide lamps had anything to do with the trouble.
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The exhuming gasses, voluminous even in close proximity to the mine, have already claimed one life. George Wilson of Standardville, leader of a rescue party, passed from inhalation of the toxic air near the destroyed pitshaft. Five other rescuers were overcome and had to be removed from the scene.
"The miner's life is fraught with peril," a Utah Fuel Company representative said, "Our hearts are with those men and their families during this time of waiting and agony."
If the men are posthumously removed from the wreckage, this incident will go on record as being one of the most disastrous in US mining history to date.
"They spent their lives digging their own graves," Castle Gate onlooker Mary Hawthorne offered as she laid a bundle of early-blooming narcissus in an growing In Memoriam pile down the road from the entrance to the mine. "Those poor, poor men. A mile of earth for a mark in stone."
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the-montford-gazette · 11 years ago
SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 1924
WORLD KINGDOM OF ITALY ASSUMES CONTROL OF FREE STATE FIUME ROME, IT - Seeking to expand their territory across the depths of the Adriatic, the Kingdom of Italy's acquisition of the port city Fiume, as declared by the Treaty of Rome, came to fruition this week.
The highly contested state has been a source of dispute between the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (often abbreviated as Kingdom SHS) and the Kingdom of Italy since the turn of the decade, enough to spur an intervention by the Great Powers which turned Fiume into its own independent state under the Treaty of Rapallo. United States President Woodrow Wilson was even reported to once be eyeing the Adriatic port as a possible home for the League of Nations.
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However, despite the Rapallo agreement the government of Fiume appeared to be in a constant state of instability. Italian annexationists were to blame for multiple acts of violence and uprising, backed by the unfailingly nationalist writer Gabriele D'Annunzio - often given the epithet Il Profeta due to the popularity of his decadent and symbolist works - who was a major key player in the seizure of city and the ensuing coup d’état.
With each successive attempt at control of the state's small government, the population turned increasingly Mussolini-leaning. In January of this year the Kingdom of Italy and Kingdom SHS came together to sign the Treaty of Rome, which splits Fiume in parts - the majority was delved to fascist controlled Italy under the kept name of Fiume, and a portion of the port under the name Sušak went to SHS.
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the-montford-gazette · 11 years ago
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WHEN: March 15th @7pm 
WHERE:The Stroll
This will be a dash event for the weekend of the 15th.
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the-montford-gazette · 11 years ago
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Nothing is ever over in a town like Montford, but for the moment, we should all relish in the light we've been given. All too soon may it be stripped from us and we will be left with nothing but the dark.
Silence is golden during these times, but that does not mean that the wicked will not whisper. If you pay enough attention, you may hear the words of their ill repute.
Some find it common place to act above and beyond the law, but those who favor the daring and the bold, often find themselves hungry and behind bars.
Children are considered the most innocent of beings. It is their innocence that creates goodness within us, even when we think that it is no longer possible.
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the-montford-gazette · 11 years ago
LOCAL SPIKE IN CRIME SEEMS TO FLAT LINE FOR THE TIME BEING Montford, IL – The following year drew to a close what is looking to be the bloodiest year, statistically, for Montford thus far. It’s left many of its residents wondering if the same is in store for 1924 or if the authorities have finally been able to get a handle on the town’s out of control crime sector.
Home to a few notable names in the realm of organized crime, Montford’s streets are no stranger to the violence that comes with meticulous corruption. Many saw the spike in lawlessness particularly brutal when consideration had been given to the gravity and nature of various incidents throughout the year. Townspeople were forced to endure a number of fires, incidents involving gun violence, robberies, murders, and even a peculiarly large number of kidnappings involving torture.
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"The police are doing their absolute best," Montford Mayor Roger Bisbey defended, “Take any other force this size and put them in our situation. They’d be blindsided! I’ll bet they wouldn’t be a tenth as efficient as our boys.” But some residents aren’t so sure.
"I thought about calling it quits in Montford after the fire," Fitzgerald’s Bookstore owner Edward Fitzgerald said, "the Police still haven’t found the person or persons who torched my store, but I decided to stay because of the history my family has with this town. My Grandfather built our store from the ground up, and it would just be a shame to abandon that along with all the good people here. Despite all of the tragedy and bloodshed, there are good people in Montford and in times of need they definitely outshine the rats waiting in shadow."
Recent transplant from New York and well-known businessman Walter Rockefeller seemed ambivalent about his new home. “It’s hard to tell whether it’s our own making, or simply woven into the cloth from which Montford is cut.” Rockefeller went on to add, “You want to believe that the will to survive extends from us all in a humane manner, but unfortunately it makes some more bloodthirsty than others.”
For now, Montfordians seem to be slowly exhaling their long-held breaths, but they may soon be given pause - the police are still looking for suspects regarding last week’s antique store smash and destroy.
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the-montford-gazette · 11 years ago
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WASHINGTON, DC – Americans expect the price of sundries from Central American to rise in the coming months due to the ongoing economical spat. While the United Fruit Company holds a near monopoly-like stake in the region, other growers and producers are eager to get their hands on the market before it is completely devoured.   Having pushed out the majority of the locally-owned and operated farms in favor of those more “English-friendly”, United Fruit has carefully created a fruit-centric empire, even going to far as to build their own private railroads for transporting their goods. Threats of incursion from the Standard Fruit Company, United’s largest rival, and various attempted coups against the current Honduran government have seemed to increase tensions in the area enough to warrant another intervention from the United States.   Despite reassurances from the heads of state that this action is just a show of force for protecting US interests on foreign soil, the vast majority of those interviewed seemed wary for another ongoing conflict.
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the-montford-gazette · 11 years ago
WORLD ADOLPH HITLER TRIED FOR TREASON IN BEER HALL COUP MUNICH, DE — The trial for NSDAP leader Adolph Hitler began on February 26th in the Bavarian People’s Court. It was last November when the evening hours of the 8th crept by at but a snail’s pace, wrought with a suffocating tension that finally began to boil over on the morning of the 9th. Gathering a force of Brownshirts that was easily comparable to a small army, Hitler, in collaboration with Quartermaster General Erich Ludendorff, marched on Munich’s most popular beer hall to incite an intellectual riot and press gang uncertain Weimar Republicans to their self-proclaimed mightier side.
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   Infiltrating the hall, their alleged intentions were to target rival right-wing State Commissioner Gustav Ritter von Kahr who was due to deliver a speech, and who also had previous run-ins with Hitler and Ludendorff. After assembling a machine gun in the center of the auditorium, Hitler’s gang pressed through the crowd to make themselves heard, firing a gunshot into the air before declaring, “The national revolution [had] broken out!” and that, “The hall [was] filled with 600 men,” with nobody allowed to leave. They sequestered Kahn, along with Police Colonel Hans Ritter and Defense General Otto von Lossow, and after a failed attempt to force them to succumb their allegiances to the will of the NSDAP, Hitler delivered his own speech to the trapped crowd. Witnesses declared it to be remarkable not only for his ability to capture his audience, but for the many anti-Semitic comments made in delivery.    What started as a daring and precise attempt to overtake the government grew muddled and stale with time and confusion as evening gave way to night, and night into morning. With the movement having grown stagnant, a march of approximately 2000 men descended toward the Bavarian Defense Ministry, but were met by Weimar forces before they could get there. In the violence that ensued, a culmination of 20 men lost their lives and more were injured. Hitler was arrested two days following, and the headquarters of the NSDAP party was raided.    Back in the courtroom, Hitler has gone on the record stating that the coup was solely his idea. The previously captured Lossow is said to be a key witness for the prosecution, and members of the trial’s audience have mentioned that the Bavarian Justices seem sympathetic, if not a bit star-struck, by Hitler’s performance on the stand thus far.
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the-montford-gazette · 12 years ago
Thursday, July 11th 1923
Breaking News
Several Women Missing, No Suspects. Manhunt to Commence.
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An abrupt turn of events this past 48 hours has shaken Montford to it's very core. Four of the survivors of the infamous Montford Slasher went missing after attending a get together at Miss. Lillian Connolly's home just a couple short days ago. Reports are just starting to come in but we understand that the women never returned home from the get together, nor were they found within the confines of Ms. Connolly's home.  
Clara Deavoux, 26, Hollie Hollbrook, 27, Lillian Connolly, 25, Moa Hult, 21 were all abducted from Miss. Connolly's home. At this time the police aren't releasing any details regarding the investigation. Other women are still missing as well and have been for over a week with no additional leads Emily Kane Haim, Eliza Capone and Daisy Miller are also missing. Although none of the latter have particular ties to the other women, it is said that they have also been taken by the slasher. 
Right now the Montford Police department is urging everyone to stay diligent and are urging the women of Montford to stay inside wherever possible. Detectives Gordon Rumsfield and Clarence Hoover are organizing a manhunt in an attempt to find these missing women. If you have any information regarding their whereabouts or wish to assist, please notify the Montford Police Department immediately. 
General News
Cause of Food Shortage Found, Two Men arrested.
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It was said that two men, Devin Harrelson and Dexter Cunningham were both accused of hijacking food shipments that supplied Montford with their monthly supply of goods over the last month and a half. 
An anonymous tip came in to the Montford Police Department late last week explaining where the food had been kept. When Police officers when out to check the validity of the call, they were met by a putrid smell in the basement of Moriarty's pub as well as numerous crates full of rotting vegitables, dry goods, and meats. 
Fingerprints were found on and around the barrels as well as foot prints that matched the shoes of the men arrested. Both are denying any involvement in the murder and ransacking of said goods, but all signs are pointing to guilty with these boys. All associates of Moriarty's are also being considered for questioning involving this matter as well. The trial for both Harrelson and Cunningham is to be held until further notice, as the police department is working diligently of finding the missing women of Montford at this time.
 Local Women Admits to attempted Murder.
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Evelyn Westwood, local ragdoll and runner up of last year's Miss Montford Pageant has been charged with one count of attempted murder for stabbing local caddy, Colin Reeves in the stomach. Reeves is in critical condition, and is awaiting surgery for his sustained wounds. 
Westwood claims to not remember the incident and had gone missing over the course of a couple of days. She was found shortly after by Jessie Franco of the Stroll, who was also the person who rushed Reeves immediately to the hospital. 
Evelyn Westwood has a history of mental instability, and was often seen either leaving Fletcher's Clinic, or even wandering around the streets of Montford aimlessly. 
According to an anonymous source, it is said that the horrific events of a friend's death along with being a victim of the slasher had something to do with Ms. Westwood's mental break. 
As of now, the Montford PD have released very little information in regards to a trial, but it is said due to Westwood's mental state that it is likely she will be sent to an asylum for further evaluation.
Isla Cortese Crowned as Ms. Montford!
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Despite all the negative news, we are happy to report that Ms. Isla Cortese came out on top at this years pageant, taking the crown from former Miss Montford, Daisy Miller.
With her outstanding performance and glorious take on fashion du jour, it's no wonder the doe eyed Cortese took home the grand prize.
The other contestants, however, were a different story. It seemed that although the concept of pageantry is still fairly new, the rest of the women took a queue from Francesca Capone and her antics at last years pageant. 
Either way, the show was still spectacular, as well as the crowd which is always a pleasure. We look forward to next year's pageant, as well as seeing what Ms. Isla Cortese has in store for us as the newest Ms. Montford!
From the Desk of the Mayor
In Montford Thus Far…
 There has been a bunch of goings on happening in and around in Montford over the past month. For one, it seems that Monford’s population keeps growing! Be sure to introduce yourselves to you new neighbors and make them feel welcome!
 We’ve had our fair shares of parties, something The Montford Society Page is never behind on and there are sure to be more to come.
 The town is always looking for new ways to improve, if you have any ideas please stop by my office and leave your thoughts with my secretary.
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No Birthdays This Week
If you would like your birthday added to our list. Please send a message to Frank Willow.
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Search Party to Commence Immediately!
Event Details:
The Montford PD is urging everyone in and around the Montford area to partake in a massive man hunt to find the seven missing women that are believed to have been taken by the Montford slasher. All and any help would be greatly appreciated. 
Time and Place: 
Meet up at the Montford Police Department and Speak with Detectives Hoover and Rumsfield.
Dress Code: N/A (Casual outdoor attire)
**This is a dash event that will be lasting until the women are found!**
Horoscopes and Musings from Madame Zelda:
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Not all that is desperately searched for can be found in one spot. There are far stretched plains and vast valleys to conquer and more than one mountain to climb in order to find everything you seek. 
Time is precious and so is the expectancy of life. Think with your heart and your mind. Let them work together in order to achieve the desired result in the shortest amount of time. 
One will not survive. One will take the place of the many. One will prove the destiny of the rest. 
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the-montford-gazette · 12 years ago
EXTRA EXTRA! Still No News
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There have been no updates in Miss Kane Haim's disappearance last month. The increase of missing women and violence only suggest a frightful trend in Montford. If you have any information on her whereabouts or any other crimes in town please contact the police department immediately.
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the-montford-gazette · 12 years ago
EXTRA EXTRA! Where is Miss Eliza?
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It has come to our attention that Eliza Capone hasn't been seen around town since Friday night during the event at The Peabody. Our normal sources haven't been available for comment just yet and the police department hasn't received any missing persons reports. Keep your eyes on the paper for more information as it becomes available.
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