the-mislead · 16 hours
Yhs art dump again
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This is not all of them but most of em
Characters: Valerie, Alec, Yumi, Celeste & Elijah, and Evan (in that order)
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the-mislead · 17 hours
The four pillars of minecraft roleplay series:
Aphmau’s Minecraft Diaries
Samgladiator’s Yandere Highschool
ItsFunneh’s Yandere Highschool
and CaptainSparklez Mianite
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the-mislead · 17 hours
I've been rewatching YHS and remembered how crazy some of the earlier episodes are 😭 how are Funneh and Gold not in jail yet????
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the-mislead · 17 hours
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HEYYYYYYyyy I designed the main cast!! I also tried introducing them and giving some reasonings behind my artistic decisions to my friends (who don't know what YHS is about)
I love them a lot. I also love character design, and it feels like I put my heart and soul to them lol!! I'm very touched by everyone's feedback on them.
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the-mislead · 17 hours
Ghost Valerie!
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She looks menacing here because that's not actually Valerie, it's a version that haunts Alec & Kai. She's the opposite of our girl because she represents their guilt in failing to save her
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the-mislead · 17 hours
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me when old mc rps phases kicks back in
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the-mislead · 19 hours
It’s wild how much exorsexism still comes out in “supportive” places that apparently want to put you in girl-adjacent, boy-adjacent, or fag categories. You can tell someone you use he/she pronouns and everyone turns into a transvestigator to determine if you get he (boy), she (girl) or they (fag).
Demi Lovato used she/they and only got she/her. Elliot Page uses he/they, I never see people use they for them.
You’ll come out as nonbinary everyone screams and cries about how hard it is to use they, but when you “look like” a girl but use “he” then suddenly everyone is able to figure out how to they/them you. You tell people you go by “it” and suddenly everyone knows how to use they/them.
You tell someone you use any pronouns and if you’ve got a beard, everyone “spontaneously” decides that he/him is the right choice. What ever could have prompted it?
Are you a girl genderfluid, a boy genderfluid, or do I need to use pronouns as cover for a slur?
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the-mislead · 19 hours
"Shopping for clothes is already intimidating. There are so many options and styles to consider, as well as factors like sustainability and ethics.
But for people in fat, disabled, or queer and gender-nonconforming bodies, it’s even more arduous.
Nico Herzetty, Emma K. Clark, and Paul Herzetty wondered: What if there was a way people could shop — not necessarily by color or size — but by measurements, materials, and ethics?
So they set off to create their website: Phoria. 
Here, shoppers can set up a free profile, add their body measurements (and “typical fit challenges”) and peruse over 270 brands. Once these data points are entered, users can personalize their pages with “saved,” “recommended,” or “hidden” brands. 
Pages can be totally private, or shared with the community to connect over styles and brands.
Aside from fit, brands in the Phoria database (which claims to be “the largest database of plus-friendly brands”) can also be filtered as “gender-neutral,” “woman-run,” “small business,” or “natural fibers.” Users can also filter for price, preferred styles, and more.
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Pictured: A screenshot of the "Fit Challenges" feature on a Phoria user's profile.
Some brands include popular names like Athleta, Levi’s, and Patagonia. Others are small businesses, like Beefcake Swimwear, or Hey Peach.
“For so many people, it feels too damn hard to find and keep clothing that fits in all the ways that really matter. So we’re doing something about it,” the Phoria website reads.
“Unlike most online shopping experiences, we center the needs of plus-size women, nonbinary, and trans people, and prioritize supporting clothing brands focused on sustainability, ethics, and inclusion.” ...
That team — made up of Clark, and Nico and Paul Herzetty — calls themselves “fat, disabled, and very, very queer.” 
“These are some of the main ways we identify, and they’re qualities that have directly impacted our ability to get dressed every day in a way that feels good,” the Phoria team introduces themselves on the website.
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Pictured: A screenshot of Phoria's plus-size clothing brand database.
In addition to catering the user experience to women, non-binary, and trans people, Phoria is also a benefit corporation, or a B corp.
“We’ve legally required ourselves to consider the interests of all our stakeholders — customers, employees, the planet, and our shareholders,” the Phoria website explains.
“Our specific public benefit purpose is to reduce people’s dependence on buying mass-produced items made in unsustainable ways and to use human-centered business models to boldly challenge economic systems of inequity.” 
Right now, in the early stages of the company’s business, it doesn’t make any money.
“We’re focused on building something that genuinely solves plus-size people’s challenges around clothes shopping and supports smaller and more sustainable brands,” Phoria’s website states.
So, spreading the word seems to be of utmost importance...
Additionally, TikTok creators @couplagoofs (a queer couple named Morgan and Phoebe), recently shared a video in which they discovered Phoria. They met the website’s creators at a fat liberation event in their city and were introduced to the tool.
Quickly, commenters responded with gratitude and excitement.
“It is so disappointing to sort through pages of plus size clothes that aren’t even plus size,” a TikTok user commented. “This is gonna be such a good tool!” 
Some even shared emotional responses, speaking to the need at the heart of Phoria’s mission. 
“I’m… gonna cry,” another commenter wrote. “I’ve needed this my whole life.”"
-via Goodgoodgood, November 20, 2023
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the-mislead · 19 hours
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the-mislead · 3 days
This crossed my mind just now but I notice how you never see any drag kings in fiction, just drag queens. I wonder how many people even know that drag kings exist.
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the-mislead · 5 days
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Adam has reached his goal! Domino hasn't reached his, but he still has a chance! Only 6 Days left to order a plush.
[Domino Plush / Adam Plush / Webtoon]
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the-mislead · 7 days
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the-mislead · 7 days
if i had super speed im sure people would be like "how could you possibly have super speed" and i would be like "ok, ill prove it. name something you can get at a grocery store" and they would be like "hmmm okay. cheddar cheese" and then i would use my super speed to shave their head completely bald almost instantly. theyll never see it coming
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the-mislead · 7 days
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A snake story, based on an experience I had while I was in Florida.
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the-mislead · 7 days
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the-mislead · 7 days
The thing about Palestine donation asks is that a lot of actual Palestinians are just now joining tumblr because they realize its a good place to go for donations. So they don't know tumblr culture and don't know that donation ask scams are a super common thing/don't really know how else to get the message out. And tbh idk how else they would either. So a lot of their blogs look like scams to a regular tumblr user because they're new (and sometimes get nuked for no reason and have to restart) and have no bio no title no pfp sometimes. And also of course a lot of them aren't native english speakers so their asks can read strangely. But they're actually legit. The only real way to tell is to check on the blogs that verify these gofundme's/donation posts. Obviously it's a good idea to check if a donation ask is real before posting it but in this context the process to do that is different and "real fundraisers won't advertise in ur inbox" doesn't rlly apply (not trying to mock/insult the other asker its just a common tumblr mentality that unfortunately doesn't work in this situation)
Ahh I see I see, no that’s quite helpful to know <:-) thank you for informing
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the-mislead · 7 days
Does Alvin feed you?¿
only the bones of the chicken wings he eats that greedy fouck
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