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ASKBLOG:OPEN!Free Grandma hugs
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the-0ld-espeon · 2 years ago
Apec smiled and let her lay a paw on ner.she dipped her head thankfully and croaks gently to the fellow old Pokemon: “ah thank you..that is what I do wish,hopefully something that she wishes as well
[ Previously... ] The old -- though, not that old in comparison to the espeon beside her -- delcatty seemed to nod her head sympathetically to the elder's response.
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SPIRIT: "I am... deeply sorry to hear that. Its a tough situation to be in, speaking as someone who has been in a ... similar position in the past." Spirit gently placed a paw on Apec's shoulder, though giving ample time for the espeon to refuse if she was not open to the gesture.
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SPIRIT: "I hope that you two are able to reconnect in the future, if that's what you wish."
[ @the-0ld-espeon ]
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the-0ld-espeon · 2 years ago
Lucina: *approaches, but stops a couple of times just to feel the grass under her paws*
H-hi ma'am, I-i was allowed to come and ask.... How does a hug.... Feel?
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Apec got onto her haunches before she leapt up onto the bigger livingbeing and carefully began to clutch onto her in a hug.she smiled upon her and said “and that dearie is a hug!”
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the-0ld-espeon · 2 years ago
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the-0ld-espeon · 2 years ago
(@askabbyandeva) Anna: 198 years, huh? I only wish I could age that well, but alas...
So you mentioned you had a strained relationship with your daughter. Do you care to elaborate on that?
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‘I will still love my daughter,no matter what.” She finished firmly yet in a somber tone.once more her dull Gem on her forehead glowed a bit as she made sure her daughter was alright through a bit of well..Espeon ability.
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the-0ld-espeon · 2 years ago
“Oh thank you travels for you and good luck in any future battles!” She chuckled and waved a goodbye to sparkles.she gave a hapoy sigh and curled up once more under the tree.
(@ask-sarah-and-co) sparkle @ apec
The eevee smiles widely, “Hi! It’s very nice to meet you!” She sits in front of the espeon. “Would it be weird to ask for a hug?”
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‘Speaking of which
” Apec mumbled,her hug for the evee getting loose.”That reminds me..I’ve haven’t seen my grandson in a long time..i do hope my daughter isn’t being so hard on him again
” she sighs before she smiled down at Sparkle warmly and chuckled “now then,I’m sure your trainer or parents or caretaker are worried about you dearie! Do they know your here?
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the-0ld-espeon · 2 years ago
“No problem,take care and safe travels sonny!!” She called after with a smile.she turned back to her spot under the tree and mutters
“What a nice Young Man.”
(Response to this)
“Oh, thanks for the advice.” Edin said gently.
“Actually, I have friends who do need it. And also a future partner whom I haven’t met yet. I’ll make sure he’ll take your advice too.”
“Until next time. I hope we'll meet again soon, Grandma!” He left the place with a confident smile.
[ @the-0ld-espeon ]
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the-0ld-espeon · 2 years ago
“Still young to me dearie!” The old Espeon chuckled in a good natured manner and patted her head.”oh! What a amazing necklace,where did you get it?” Apec asks curious .
(@ask-sarah-and-co) sparkle @ apec
The eevee smiles widely, “Hi! It’s very nice to meet you!” She sits in front of the espeon. “Would it be weird to ask for a hug?”
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‘Speaking of which
” Apec mumbled,her hug for the evee getting loose.”That reminds me..I’ve haven’t seen my grandson in a long time..i do hope my daughter isn’t being so hard on him again
” she sighs before she smiled down at Sparkle warmly and chuckled “now then,I’m sure your trainer or parents or caretaker are worried about you dearie! Do they know your here?
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the-0ld-espeon · 2 years ago
(@ask-sarah-and-co) sparkle @ apec
The eevee smiles widely, “Hi! It’s very nice to meet you!” She sits in front of the espeon. “Would it be weird to ask for a hug?”
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‘Speaking of which
” Apec mumbled,her hug for the evee getting loose.”That reminds me..I’ve haven’t seen my grandson in a long time..i do hope my daughter isn’t being so hard on him again
” she sighs before she smiled down at Sparkle warmly and chuckled “now then,I’m sure your trainer or parents or caretaker are worried about you dearie! Do they know your here?
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the-0ld-espeon · 2 years ago
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[ This makes me very happy! Thank you,each one of you for those kind things,it really means a LOT for me!! I’m looking forward to answer the questions with Apec and other upcoming characters!! And also interactions with YOUR characters!! ]
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the-0ld-espeon · 2 years ago
(@ask-the-shiny-pokemons) Edin: "Oh, hello ma'am (maybe I should call you "grandma" if you want)! This place is very relaxing, isn't it?" He smiles at her. "Anyways, I really wanna to relax from my activities. Is there an advice you can give?"
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‘And I do not mind at all if YOU want to call me Grandma or grandma sonny!” She chuckled and dipped her head playfully.she gave him a gently look and gazed at the Dawn.”it really is and my advice for relaxation if that’s what you mean..take a trip down pleasant memory lane and close your eyes.lean against the gentle bark of the tree..” she hummed.
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the-0ld-espeon · 2 years ago
A shiny version of the cat-like eeveelution approaches the fellow Espeon, seeming just a bit tense, but content all the same. "Greetings, elder. You may call me Esmeralda. I was just wondering.. how does one handle visions and omens? I'll admit, there's been a sort of.. looming feeling recently, and I am unsure what to do about it. You've had your fair share of time on this earth, so you must know something."
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‘I’m sure you will figure it out soon.try not to over stress yourself with clues and connections.” She added in calmly,her dull gem glinting a bit.
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the-0ld-espeon · 2 years ago
She nodded understanding and gave her a smile.”of course,I see what you mean.”
She gave a dip of her head and a warm smile,she waved with her paw and tail.”oh don’t worry,everyone needs to go home! Safe travels my friend!” She said
(blueespeon) Toshi @ Apec
[The white espeon smiles] My name is Toshi, Torakage Toshi. I am just a visitor looking around here, is all.
Of course, it is always nice to see another elder around. I hope your age has been treating you well?
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Apec’s tail flickered back and forth by the tip in peace as she gave a hum and closed her eyes at a thought.”speaking of which,I recommend sitting down near the Tree over gives good shade and is a plus to the sight of Dawn..”
She opened them once more and she smiled down to her fellow elder once more and said “now then,how is your age treating you if I may ask?”
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the-0ld-espeon · 2 years ago
“I See! Well you have such clean and pristine luminous fur,you look so young!” She murmured with a smile.
She gave a amused grin and simply stated “Disease,I have subitaaetate,my body is having difficulty with morphing my appearance to my life stage and is mixing it up. Though I also know a good Pokegroomer who dyes your fur good! I go there sometimes!”
(blueespeon) Toshi @ Apec
[The white espeon smiles] My name is Toshi, Torakage Toshi. I am just a visitor looking around here, is all.
Of course, it is always nice to see another elder around. I hope your age has been treating you well?
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Apec’s tail flickered back and forth by the tip in peace as she gave a hum and closed her eyes at a thought.”speaking of which,I recommend sitting down near the Tree over gives good shade and is a plus to the sight of Dawn..”
She opened them once more and she smiled down to her fellow elder once more and said “now then,how is your age treating you if I may ask?”
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the-0ld-espeon · 2 years ago
(@ask-team-searchlights) Gen: "Um...h-hi," the Oshawott said, fidgeting with his reunion cape. "I'm Gen. Um...y-you seem pretty wise. H-have you ever heard of humans becoming P-Pokemon?"
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‘I have heard plenty actually! It’s a bit common than you think,though most are willingly or don’t remember.” She croaks.she gave him a soft look and softly patted his head “I assume it wasn’t willing nor did you forget.there are many ways to turn you back human,so do not fret dearie.”
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the-0ld-espeon · 2 years ago
(askadelcatty) Spirit: My, always good to see others our age still hanging about considering all the young ones running around nowadays.... speaking of which, do you have any young ones of your own?
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She stared up at her with wonder and happiness before she hummed.after a few seconds her expression grew somber.”oh I do have a young ones! A daughter and a Grandson,who’s very sweet and adventurous daughter well..I love her dearly also but we’ve had a rather strained relationship..over the years..”
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the-0ld-espeon · 2 years ago
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‘..and also you are Correct toshi! I’m about.. 198 years old,so your about a few years older than me no?” she chuckled,Apec gave Toshi another warm smile.she shuffled over a bit more closer to the tree,inviting the other old Pokemon to join her in a polite and friendly manner
(blueespeon) Toshi @ Apec
[The white espeon smiles] My name is Toshi, Torakage Toshi. I am just a visitor looking around here, is all.
Of course, it is always nice to see another elder around. I hope your age has been treating you well?
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Apec’s tail flickered back and forth by the tip in peace as she gave a hum and closed her eyes at a thought.”speaking of which,I recommend sitting down near the Tree over gives good shade and is a plus to the sight of Dawn..”
She opened them once more and she smiled down to her fellow elder once more and said “now then,how is your age treating you if I may ask?”
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the-0ld-espeon · 2 years ago
(blueespeon) Toshi @ Apec
[The white espeon smiles] My name is Toshi, Torakage Toshi. I am just a visitor looking around here, is all.
Of course, it is always nice to see another elder around. I hope your age has been treating you well?
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Apec’s tail flickered back and forth by the tip in peace as she gave a hum and closed her eyes at a thought.”speaking of which,I recommend sitting down near the Tree over gives good shade and is a plus to the sight of Dawn..”
She opened them once more and she smiled down to her fellow elder once more and said “now then,how is your age treating you if I may ask?”
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