Teutloff Museum
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Virtual museum for photo and video exhibitions 
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teutloff-museum · 7 years ago
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"I did not like the nothing, and it is thus that I met the empty, the deep empty, the depth of the blue" Yves Klein Blue, Bluer, Bluest – the French Nouveau Realisme artist would have turned 90 if he were still with us today. Photo: Herbert Doering-Spengler, Yves Klein, 1999.
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teutloff-museum · 7 years ago
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Live fast. Die later. Iggy Pop’s survival is kind of miraculous, given his decades of heavy heroin and alcohol addiction. But no time for a Post Pop Depression, this raw bundle of energy celebrates his 71st birthday today. Photo: Bob Gruen, Iggy Pop live at Roseland NYC, 1996.
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teutloff-museum · 7 years ago
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“I defeat my enemies when I make them my friends.” Dalai Lama
Following the anti-Chinese uprising in 1959, the current Dalai Lama crossed the Indian border on March 31, 1959, after a perilous crossing of the Himalayas. Although the Tibetan government in exile is not recognised officially by any country, its latitude is strong enough to raise an international movement which could seriously challenge Beijing's restrictive attitude.
Photo: Thomas Florschuetz, Second Second of a Step 5, 1987.
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teutloff-museum · 7 years ago
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“That will be the day of man as man”
It took several rallies to overcome America's obstinate racial problems. 53 years ago today, the Selma-to-Montgomery march led by Martin Luther King produced a landmark in voting rights legislation.
Photo: Leonard Freed, Dr. Martin Luther King, 1964.
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teutloff-museum · 7 years ago
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“Beware the Ides of March“ The middle of this month is pretty much soaked in blood.It’s not only Caesar who who could have told you a thing or two about it. In 2011 major unrest erupted in Damascus and Aleppo and descended Syria into an unspeakable hellhole.
Video still: Hermann Nitsch, The Orgies Mysteries Theater, 2005.
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teutloff-museum · 7 years ago
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Push against stereotypes
Today’s International Women's Day belongs to all groups collectively everywhere. So together, let's all be tenacious in accelerating gender parity. Collectively, let's all Press for Progress.
Photo: Lynn Hershman, Shutter # 17, 1990.
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teutloff-museum · 7 years ago
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Destroyed already well before First the building was set on fire, then the parliamentary democracy was laid in ruins. The Reichstag Fire Decree is passed in Germany on February 28, 1933 and helped to establish a one-party Nazi state. Photo: Yevgeny Khaldei, Reichstag, 1945.
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teutloff-museum · 7 years ago
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Synthetic Plastic - both a blessing and a curse
Leo Baekeland introduced the creation of Bakelite, the world’s first synthetic plastic on February 5, 1909 . This idea revolutionised the consumer world by inexpensive and simple products on the one hand, and endangers human and animal health by million tons of plastic trash in our oceans on the other.
Photo: Aziz + Cucher, Plasmorphica 2, 1996.
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teutloff-museum · 7 years ago
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What a disturbing day Besides the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp in 1945, January 27 marks another less known historical event. The almost 900-day destructive siege of Leningrad was lifted one year before and left millions of casualties behind. Photo: Yevgeny Khaldei, Blind Man 1945.
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teutloff-museum · 7 years ago
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One hand washes the other A secret arrangement between the Reagan-Bush campaign and the Iranian government gave Ronald Reagan a decisive advantage in the presidential election of 1980.  In return for military equipment the Iranians postponed the liberation of the American hostages and double-crossed Jimmy Carter’s foreign policy.  And what a coincidence! The hostages were freed the same day Ronald Reagan was sworn in as president on January 20, 1981. Photo: Danica Dakić, La Grande Galerie III, 2004.
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teutloff-museum · 7 years ago
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The sweet poison Energy-dense foods that are rich in sugar and fat elicit a wonderful response in human taste receptors. But a high-calorie diet combined with physical inactivity perfectly boost the pandemic spread of diabetes. 96 years ago today, the first insulin was used to treat diabetes in a human patient, but it’s time to tackle its causes.
Photo: David Hilliard, Hot Coffee, Soft Porn, 1999.
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teutloff-museum · 7 years ago
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Have a break, have a sausage
Trapped in sumptuous festooning and a bumptious multi-course dinner? Why not taking it back to basics, even meatless. The Teutloff Museum wishes you a festive holiday season and a fruitful and respectful Happy New Year!
Photo: Martin Parr, untitled, 1998.
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teutloff-museum · 7 years ago
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Are you staring at me?
Today’s International Day of Persons with Disabilities was originally proclaimed to increase awareness of the situation of differently abled persons in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life. So, less staring and more talking please.
Photo: Alla Esipovich, Aleksey Ingelevich and his Daughter Tanya, 2003.
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teutloff-museum · 7 years ago
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There are multiple paths to the divine
In remembrance of the first Christian ‘Holy War’, which was launched by Pope Urban II at the Council of Clermont on November 27, 1095. It’s time again to reclaim one’s faith from today’s wannabe crusaders and self-proclaimed culture warriors. In memory of the victims of Friday’s North Sinai mosque attack.
Photo: Maurice Weiss, Friday Prayer in Dakar, 2000.
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teutloff-museum · 7 years ago
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A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse!
or who holds the stirrups in Angie's empire...
Photo: Herbert Doering-Spengler, Merkel/Horse, 2016.
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teutloff-museum · 7 years ago
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Seduced to smoke Many countries both poor and developed have had traumatic experiences with hyperinflation. Germany’s financial nightmare became reality on November 16, 1923 when a soaring inflation ended in a currency devaluation by cutting twelve zeros from prices. Then better smoke…
Photo: Michael Najjar, from series 'Viva Fidel', 1996/97/99.
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teutloff-museum · 7 years ago
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…to be seen these days in the area of Bonn
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