33 posts
18MDNI[character] x reader warrior✊
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tessieee · 3 months ago
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I realized I related to him in some ways so I just drew him
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tessieee · 3 months ago
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another voltron meme for you. i love allura, she deserved so much better than the ending she got
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tessieee · 3 months ago
i like to imagine dabi can dish it out but absolutely cannot take it. he makes fun of everyone relentlessly but if you call him a poo poo head he starts plotting to kill you
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tessieee · 3 months ago
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The former villain known as 'Dabi' is now your patient. On the road to recovery, you're charged with nursing him and his broken heart back to health.
carnations symbolize new beginnings, grief, and love. ❦
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chapter one. chapter two. chapter three. chapter four. chapter five. chapter six. chapter seven. chapter eight. chapter nine - coming soon chapter ten - coming soon chapter eleven - coming soon chapter twelve - coming soon
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tessieee · 3 months ago
fanfiction isn’t enough, I need to chew on him
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tessieee · 3 months ago
When he’s a red flag but you need him
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tessieee · 4 months ago
a/n: devildom is behind in having unique common gift ideas. so i thought what better than gifting them the most random human world things. not beta read so oops
the concept of gifts in devildom is kind of limited. this is something you find out quickly within your second time being there.
every event when you and the brothers go out to get some gifts or thingamajigs, you realise how limited the options are in terms of the variety of products. solomon agrees it is limited but no one is bothered by the repetition of those things. until you decide to try something new. before the next time you visit devildom again, you go on a random shopping spree in the human world.
and oh boy, did you change the worldviews of these demon brothers.
levi, even though having used multiple electronic consoles all these years still cant understand this tiny little round robot can clean the floor that well. what do you mean you call it a dj roomba? what do you mean its harmless and yet very powerful?? its been months and yet not one demon has gotten used to it cleaning around the house. its always a jumpscare for them and their ankles.
beel got his entire life turned around when you pulled out that one multi-recipe cook-pot things that can just cook everything all together. the demon was too stunned to speak. for the first few days he was unsure what he can put inside but slowly he found ways to keep whatever he wanted to keep warm in it. the only thing remaining is a shoulder strap and its the best purse/inventory.
you didnt expect satan to beam up that much seeing the cat-carrier backpack that you got him. mammon and asmo make fun of him by comparing how contrasting satan's personality and the seriousness of the gift is, but the increase in the amount of cats in the neighbourhood and decrease in scratch marks on satan's arms and face say otherwise. you almost thought satan was considering maybe even putting your sheep form in it.
belphie cares less about any gift. he doesnt take nor give but after you explained what a water-bed is, he was skeptically intrigued. it wasnt until the anti-lucifer league decided to test the bed out (to check for any leaks in the material) in lucifer's room, that he realized how wrong he is. he took in every wave he felt and went to dreamland for a very long while. oh the possibilities of using this. he made you order a few more and some especially with holes in them for other purposes.
asmo already has every skincare product,device,whatever, that are present out there. but he was willing to try out those contraptions you brought. some of them claimed they massage your skin the right way, or reduce the fat around areas or something. you knew those things dont really work but asmo still loved them, surprisingly. he mentioned something about how they suit his demon skin much better, to the point he created a new trend and challenge of using these tools in devildom.
lucifer wasnt impressed by the idea of your gift at first. HOL (and the demon castle too), had enough tools to maintain any average demon household. so when you presented him with a multi-purpose toolbox with over 20+ tools in it, he wasnt sure it'd ever come in handy. until one faithful day when fixed a broken part of the house with the tools you gave and oh. he couldnt stop telling barbatos how less of a mess he has to go through now to complete any repairs needed. obviously he had to keep this away from his family because there's no saying what one or a few certain individuals would do using these. (yes he makes you hold the flashlight too)
gifting mammon is the hardest thing. the demon always wants to get something new everyday and youre sure he has tried out almost every kind of gift. hell, he will even use the gifts you gave the others. so he was a little shook when you told him you didn't get him anything "special". instead you pulled a 180 and bought yourself something useful. he was "annoyed" knowing you could see where he is at any time with the tracking sensor you put on his DDD, but he was instantly convinced this was the best thing ever once he found out he can reversibly track where you are too. of course this made his job as the number 1 rated mc-protector easier. no more getting lost figuring out where you are.
a/n: this changes their outlook on the kinds of gifts humans give each other. yes they later gift you the most random unecessary things too. no you cant return them.
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tessieee · 4 months ago
About my MC
Okay, since I've decided to write my MC into the Obey Me! plot on AO3 I thought it'd be best to upload short glimpses into each chapter on tumblr in order to get some readers on AO3! I might be a genius. (AO3 should be under the same username @/tessieeee
Short desc-
My MC is more like a self-insert so I'll be using the same name, Tessa. She's an ambitious clinical psych major who's got like a severe case of the early 20's invincibility.
She dons a bottle blonde wolf cut that she's grown out to her mid-back and a couple face piercings. Some she ends up getting in the Devildom as a streak of true independence- more on that will be written into the story.
Her family is Hispanic and was raised with a lot of the older generation ideals which fuels a lot of her rebellion in college, especially after arriving at the Devildom.
A lot of the interest in the brothers and their relationship with each other comes from an aspiring psychologist's perspective. She's smart for sure, but she gets cocky and ends up believing she knows everything.
Expect angst and witty banter, I think it's what she's best at.
This goes without saying my MC's body type isn't suuuuper important but she's got a thicker athletic build!!! I need non-skinny rep IM SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stoner MC haha funny stoner MC I love you
I'll edit this as the story progresses !
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tessieee · 4 months ago
How bad would it be if i took to AO3 and wrote my mc into the plot of the og obey me game since Im lowk oldgen and haven’t downloaded nightbringer yet 😭😭😭 HELP ME’!’!!!!!!
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tessieee · 4 months ago
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tessieee · 4 months ago
Stoner! MC
Requested Anonymously
Summary: Stoner MC who gets the dateables high. Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon & Solomon x Reader Word Count: 1,377
18+ Warning: This fic involves the use of drugs (cannabis)
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Diavolo was under the impression that getting high was something that was considered taboo.
Really anything that involved Diavolo letting loose and being anything less than perfect was considered taboo according to the Royal Family.
But, he was never one to shy away from a challenge, and there was nothing he wanted to do more than to let loose - especially with you.
He had heard about your “extracurricular activities” and after doing ample research on all things cannabis and getting high, he invited you over to the Demon Lord’s Castle.
It was pretty late at night when he asked you to come over, but he couldn’t risk anyone else seeing what he was about to do.
There was something thrilling about having you sneak around the castle with him, knowing he was doing something that others wouldn’t approve of.
He listened to everything you had to say about what to expect and you couldn’t help but smile at the adorable and innocent look of excitement he had in his eyes.
Diavolo had a million expectations in his mind about how it would feel the first time, but he still wasn’t prepared.
He felt like he went through multiple phases. At first, he could feel his heart racing and you talked him through it before he could panic.
You noticed him spacing out here and there and would bring him back to you every time.
Before long, he had reached this state of what he could only describe as peace.
He was always rushing around with a hundred things to do at one time. 
He never had a chance to have a break. 
But, right now he was feeling like he didn’t have a care in the world. He was fully relaxed and to make everything even more perfect, you were right there next to him.
Diavolo wished he could feel this way all the time. But, he knew that his responsibilities as the future King of the Devildom wouldn’t allow him to do so.
Still, on particularly rough days, Diavolo would invite you over and ask you to stay the night at the castle.
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Barbatos was probably the most experienced being in the entire world.
He knew almost everything and had tried almost everything.
He could see how big cannabis would become before it was even discovered by humans.
He was curious as to what the big deal was about cannabis so he had tried it once, wanting to understand.
To be honest, he wasn’t so sure why others liked it so much.
He wasn’t expecting their very own human exchange student to be a stoner, but when he found that out, he was willing to give cannabis another try.
He wasn’t afraid to admit that he may have done it incorrectly the first time.
After all, he had done it alone and he was positive that different amounts would affect humans and demons in different ways.
Perhaps he hadn’t taken the right amount.
Barbatos wasn’t one to typically ask for help, but he couldn’t deny the fact he was incredibly curious to finally understand why weed was so popular.
He invited you over to the Demon Lord’s Castle and asked you to help him experience “getting high”.
He was so proper with the whole conversation that you wanted to laugh. But, you stifled your laughter and agreed to help him.
Getting high with you was an eye-opening experience for Barbatos. He immediately became aware that he had definitely done it wrong the first time.
Because he had never felt like this before and in his opinion, it was an amazing feeling.
Barbatos knew that it would only be a matter of time before your supply ran out, and since he visited the human world so much, he felt like it was his responsibility to get you more since you were allowing him to use it.
He ended up being your “supplier” so to speak and learned way too much about cannabis to ensure you were always getting the best quality.
After all this time, Barabatos can finally say he understood why humans liked to get high often - it was quite the experience.
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You are going to have the hardest time convincing Simeon to get high with you.
Simeon was very knowledgeable, so of course he knew about weed.
He read all about its effects and how people could react to it.
It seemed relatively safe to him, all things considered.
But, he was an angel.
Sure, deep down inside, Simeon tended to have a rebellious side, but he tried to keep up his angelic appearance as much as possible.
And doing any drug just simply wasn’t something an angel would do.
But you see his resolve slowly cracking every time you ask him to try it with you.
It wasn’t that he wanted to try getting high necessarily, it was that he would be doing it with you.
He knew that he could only resist you for so long and that one day, he would give in and try it.
That day came after he found out the others had tried getting high with you.
He instantly had FOMO and it wasn’t long after that he asked to try it with you. 
Of course, the two of you had to be alone. The others couldn’t see him doing something so - sinful.
Simeon found a nice place outside in the Devildom where he didn’t think anyone would see the two of you.
He looked so nervous the first time and you had to ask him multiple times to make sure he was okay with this. The last thing you wanted to do was peer pressure him into it.
After reassuring you that he was fine, you agreed and let him try it.
He was surprised at how he didn’t feel anything at first. He was sure that it didn’t work for him.
But, then he felt it all hit at once. One moment he was himself, and the next, he was in an elevated mental status.
You took Simeon around town to keep his mind busy and distracted so that he didn’t panic.
And after the initial phase passed, Simeon enjoyed the feeling.
He felt like it enhanced everything about his little date with you around town.
Though, he’ll probably rarely do it if he does it again - he has an appearance to uphold.
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Solomon was both the most supportive and understanding of getting high.
After all, not only was Solomon a human, but he had been alive for a very long time.
He was alive when it was first discovered, when it hit an all-time high of usage, and every moment after.
He had tried it once or twice himself, but that was so long ago.
He hardly remembered what exactly it felt like.
When you came to him and asked him if he wanted to try it with you, he hesitated only for a moment to think about the situation.
He knew that it was a legal drug in a few different countries and it would provide an opportunity for him to spend one-on-time with you.
There was no reason for him to decline your offer and after a short trip to the House of Lamentation, the two of you were getting high in your bedroom.
You were surprised at how well Solomon was handling it. You almost wouldn’t know he was high.
It made you think that he was a regular stoner, but he claimed he hadn’t tried it in a long time.
So, you chalked it up to all his crazy magic experiments giving him a stronger tolerance to it.
The two of you end up having a lot of fun together, talking about random stuff and laughing until the others have to check on you.
The brothers’ number one course of action is to ask what’s so funny - to which Solomon always responds by saying, “It’s our secret.”
The look of anger on the brothers’ faces will send you and Solomon into another spiral of laughter.
He has so much fun the first time with you that he’ll look for any opportunity to do it again and it’s not long before the two of you are stoner buddies.
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tessieee · 4 months ago
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that one ship dynamic but with levi and mc
(credit to @litriu! here is the original post (lmk if the link doesnt work pls))
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tessieee · 4 months ago
“Out of everyone in the Human Realm, why me?” MC x Main 7
Pairings: Obey me! Lucifer x MC, Mammon x MC, Leviathan x MC, Satan x MC, Asmodeus x MC, Beelzebub x MC, Belphegor x MC
It had been a particularly long day at R.A.D. Your professors droned on about subject matter you had been too drained to read about the night before, results for a test you were not confident about came in and you did way worse than you were expecting, and your nights grew shorter as you tried to keep up with the particularly hard material you were given that week. 
Once you finally arrived at the House of Lamentation, you kept your interactions with the brothers curt– no one failed to notice your slumped shoulders and distant answers. Your door shuts behind you, your body sliding slowly down the door. Dark thoughts raced through your mind a mile a minute as you buried your head into your hands. Why am I even here?
 The weight in your chest became heavier as the days went by and it wasn’t unusual for you to have days where you'd feel like you were incompetent. That there would be so many better choices for a human exchange student other than yourself. There are smarter, prettier, more athletic people. Why you? 
Not much time passes before you hear a knock at your door, and you promptly let the demon in.
• —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • · Lucifer ~
The first thing he notices about you is your teary eyes, usually filled with the same wonder for life he lost so long ago. It broke his heart to see you this way. Still, he remained stoic; someone had to be levelheaded. 
“I brought your dinner.” His eyes trail up and down your vulnerable figure, taking in your emotional state. “If there is anything I can do to alleviate your distress, please tell me.”
And there he was, sitting on the floor by your bed right by your side. He’d insisted that you accompany him to his room but you refused to move. Curled up into a fetal position, you were basically cemented onto the ground. At first, he’d been taken aback by your sudden outburst– the sobs that racked your chest while you spilled your whole day onto him. All he did was sit there and listen, which was just as much as you could’ve asked for. Lucifer trailed his hand to your upper back, caressing it softly until you leaned into him. When you finally took your face away from your knees, he was greeted by your puffy eyes and snotty nose. You felt embarrassed but the day had taken its toll on you and you were too tired to care. 
Lucifer gazes at you sympathetically, he knows better than anyone what it’s like to have days that wear you down. He also knows that outbursts with the intensity yours had aren’t just from momentary things, this was something you’ve kept over time. He curses himself for not noticing sooner, perhaps he could’ve had this conversation with you sooner.
“This might be stupid but,” The demon perks up at your shaky voice, raspy from the lament. “I just felt so pathetic. I started to question… Why me? Y’know?”
“I don’t. Do you mind elaborating on the subject?” His expression shifts from sympathy to confusion. 
You sniffle, finally regaining consciousness after the crying spell. Wiping your tears from your red, swollen eyes and taking a deep breath, you finally answer his question.
“I mean- I just feel so… Insignificant.” You start, looking off to the side, almost ashamed to admit this out loud. “Out of everyone in the Human Realm, why me? What’s so special about me?”
You continue, once again allowing the words to spill from your lips.
“There’s nothing about me other humans have if not more! What if you all visit the human realm one day and you meet other humans and you realize that I’m not..”
“Not what?” 
“I’m not anything special. Nor important.” His expression became more tender as you admitted the main thing that had been bugging you all this time. He could see the way a weight lifted off your shoulders and your teary eyes seemed to relax. At last, your body relaxes the muscles you never recalled tensing up in the first place. A comfortable silence ensued in your words, followed by Lucifer pulling you closer to him so your curled-up body rests more on him. You take a moment to notice he’d been sitting criss-cross the whole time. This distracted you enough to let out a sigh of relief. The eldest demon brother rests his head on yours, planting a gentle kiss on the top of your head and taking in your scent. “You’re missing the bigger picture, here.” He murmured.
“Huh?” Your thoughts were so loud, you almost missed it.
 “It’s offensive to yourself to take away so much credit from a remarkable human.”
Tears welled up in your eyes again.
“My brothers and I have been around much longer than you. We’ve all known humans; what they're like, and what they’re capable of. You may not be worthy in your impossible standards, but to us– to me– you are more than enough.” Fat tears roll down your puffy cheeks once again, yet these are silent. You smile at your lap as his words sink in, allowing yourself to relax more into Lucifer’s frame. He welcomes you in, allowing the both of you to share a moment. He believes in you, he always has. “Thank you, Lucifer.” You sniffle, sincerity laced in your words. “Thank you so much.”
• —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Mammon ~
 No words are exchanged between the two of you; simply relying on facial expressions to end up in your favorite spot to gossip in the room. However, at this point, it was unfair to reduce your bed to simply gossiping. Over time, Mammon had practically moved in at this point. He kept a spare charger and toothbrush there– you never complained.
He cradles you gently in his arms and lets you cry, similarly to how you had comforted him countless nights after arguments with his brothers that got out of hand. You two were a team, the terrible twos, two peas in a pod. He was your first, and you, his human. The sight of you broken down in his arms, distraught to no extent, truly unsettled something in him. Moments you had spent with him fly through his head as he searches for a sign as to when you started to feel this way. Was it something he said? Or did? To be fair he did only sell one thing, but if that’s what had you in this state then he’d go to the ends of all three realms to get it back. 
 The secondborn ran his fingers through your hair, being careful to not tug too hard on the tangles. Cooing quietly, attempting to soothe your obvious pain in any way possible. To his relief, you eventually calmed down enough to tell him what exactly was going on. You don’t think much as you tell him about your day, running by every incident in every class. Mammon takes note of the way your body shivers and grows colder as you speak of the anxiety-inducing day and doesn't miss a beat before messily throwing your comforter over the both of you. The cool cloth smelled like a pool of the both of you, taking you back to a multitude of memories of the both of you staying up far longer than you needed to simply talk.
“And with all of this, I just couldn’t help but think that I’m just not good enough.” You cry out weakly, exhausted from your outpour. “That if you met literally any other human you’d realize I could never live up to them. You’d all forget me!”
Hearing you say this tore his heart apart. 
“Oi, whaddya’ even talking about?” He was dumbfounded by your feelings. How could his human feel this way? His human! The thought of you being anything along the lines of what you claimed to be confused him. You could just look off to the side, heat rising to your face in slight embarrassment. He was acting like you'd just said the most ridiculous thing in the world. "Don't go sayin' stuff like that about ya'self. I'll sock you in the face if you do."
You scrunch your nose in amusement before returning to the same sad pout. Doubts continued to cloud your mind just as quickly as they left.
“Out of everyone in the Human Realm, like, ever. Why me?” You hiccup quietly, wiping a tear with the side of his shirt leaving behind a small, damp, glossy spot. Mammon flashes you a look, usually, this would earn you a playful shove but this wasn't something he'd fix with jokes or banter. He supposes he’ll let it slide. For now.
“Well… cuz’ yer’ uhh..” The avatar of greed struggles to find the words to properly express the utter adoration he has for the human in his arms at this very moment. At the same time, he dealt with the shock of hearing such a thing come from you. The thought alone of him giving someone else the same time or feeling the same way for someone else just made him uncomfortable. He swore he'd end the person who inspired this insecurity in you. So many feelings seem to cancel out the moment he attempts to say them out loud.
“Listen, I dunno’ why or how Diavolo picked you, but I’m damn glad he did.”
You don’t hide your disappointment at the short response he gives you. Luckily you read his expression as deep in thought, so you give him a moment. 
“All this time we’ve spent together, Human, is the most fun I’ve ever had running get-rich-quick schemes or even getting my ass whooped by Lucifer or– or in class–” He stops himself before he can continue rambling to you.
“Point is, yer’ irreplaceable! There's like a trillion humans, right?” “Well..!” You start with a gentle correction before he continues. “An’ there's only one you. I’m lucky to be the one to enjoy you, so don’t go round’ letting others enjoy you too, kay?” His words tug at your heartstrings resulting in a big goofy grin spread upon your pink and puffy lips. You nod your head at your first man, being more than happy to comply with his request. No one gave you such validating reassurance quite like he did. Who could blame him? You were his human after all and when you struggled he promised himself he'd be there just as much as you were there for him.
• —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Leviathan ~
“I-I know you’re upset! So I brought some snacks and games– or we can just watch something and not talk! Your choice! Or– or we can talk about it. Do you want to talk about it?” The rambling demon stands at the foot of your door, your red eyes and tear-streaked face look up at him sourly. You almost felt bad since he was being so nice and his attempt at comforting you was so cute. 
“Hey! Don’t zone out on me like that!” He pouts, brows furrowed with worry. “Do you want to be alone?” “Not really, please come in.” He nods and complies, blushing furiously at the position he found himself in. What would others think if they saw him going into your room alone?! With presents! And a desperate expression!
“Set that stuff down anywhere,” You sniffle quietly, looking up at Levi whose arms were full of comfort items he’d brought for you. He awkwardly dumps some of the things on your bed and the floor in no particular order. The air between you two is tense, he wonders if he’s the right person for this job. Then again, he wanted to be the one to comfort his player 2. 
“Can we just play Devilkart™ for a little bit?
And so, the two of you played Devilkart™ until you could finally breathe without sniffling every five seconds. The quiet time allowed for you to relax, usually Devilkart™ nights are full of yelling curses at each other and bets as to who’d win, but tonight you both just sat there in comfortable silence. The sounds from the TV comforted you, the soft lighting of it in your dark room and warmth from Levi’s body shifted your mind from its corner in your brain. 
 After a couple rounds, you scooted closer to Levi who failed to react nonchalantly as you felt his body tense when your head rested on his shoulder.
“Wh–oa. You okay? 
“It’s not fair, I could never be as great as some of the humans out there. I’m not worthy of being here.”
“What?” He blinks, shocked by the sudden confession. Your words process in his head and hit too close to home. You sounded like him.
“That’s… that’s not true and you know it” Levi shifts the position you two are in, this time allowing his arms enough space to hold your shoulders. As to make sure you hear what you’re about to say— as if he could yank you out of the slump you were in, dust you off, and the balance would be restored.
Was it bad he wanted to kiss you?
“What if Diavolo picked a celebrity, or a model, or an idol!?” Your hands trail to his wrists, holding tightly but not pushing away. More tears race down your face, shameless and loud. 
“You’d all have no idea who I am— out of everyone in the Human Realm, why me?” 
“Because you’re— you— you’re special! How do you not see it?” His voice raised slightly, getting heated as you did. Leviathan takes a moment to lower his tone again; it was beyond him why you felt this way, he couldn’t fathom someone so perfect ever feeling anything but. If he had your charisma, your good looks, your wit— he doesn’t know what he’d do but he just knows it wouldn’t be feeling this way and it certainly wouldn’t be seeking out the comfort of an otaku.
“You’re like… my— my confidant! Thanks to you my stats are— they’re stronger than ever!” You could cook an egg on his face, burning to the touch. 
“Really?” His reference momentarily allowed you to sniffle your emotions down. Knowing him, he was anxious out of his mind to confess how he felt. 
“D’aw!” You coo teasingly, sniffling once again and rubbing your cheek against the hand still gripping onto your shoulder. The atmosphere alone felt hot, he was flustered. 
“Levi, that was sooo sweet!” 
“Huh?! What’s with that shift?!”
• —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
He had noticed that you were struggling in class, confirmed by when you went to his room one night to ask for help with an assignment. Since then he’d been trying to help you, you seemed okay. That didn’t prevent him from being disappointed in himself when you came home and locked yourself in your room. 
Satan had been in your room way less than you’d been in his. His hand gripped your favorite book tightly as he stood awkwardly in your room. You let him in, now what. It was unusual for him to go into situations unprepared like this, he needed a moment to gather his thoughts. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” You shrug, dejected by the day’s events. Exhaustion took over your body and the last thing you wanted was to expel your burden onto him. Satan’s expression softened from seeing your mood shift. At least you weren’t crying anymore?
“Lets lay down. How’s that sound, hm?” He nods towards your bed, you lead the way.
The avatar of wrath displays impossible softness around you, stroking your hair with one hand and skillfully holding onto your favorite book in the other. You feel the vibrations from his chest where your face lies, his rich voice bringing your favorite characters to life. He’d introduced you too the book not long after you first made a pact with him. Since then, you’d read the copy of it he and you shared. The book was loved, usually Satan wouldnt be able to stand the tattering of a book but the little notes and scribbled annotations peppered on the margins stood out. It was more than just a story now; a display of your blossoming friendship, the small fingertip touches whenever you’d exchange the book between you two to read the week’s notes from the other, and the way you began to look forward every time you planned an exchange of the book. 
“There are few people whom I really love,” He reads, leaning his head on top of yours. “and still fewer of whom I think well. The more I see of the world, the more I–”
Satan stops himself; he took note of the way your breathing steadied and your eyes drifted shut. Your form lay against him peacefully as he slowly put the book away and readjusted your position so that you could both drift off to sleep.
When you woke up, there was a cup of tea by your nightstand. Steam was still emanating from the top of it– you take it in your hands and blow gently. Too tired to process the absence of warmth that Satan’s body provided before he left, you take a small sip of the herbal liquid. 
“Ready to talk about it?” He appeared from the front of your door, shutting it gently behind him. His brothers were worried sick and flooded the fourth eldest with questions about how you were doing and if an intervention was required. He simply reassured them that everything was under control. 
“In hindsight, it’s kinda’ silly. I don’t want to trouble you with it” 
“If it’s about you, it's never silly. Talk to me, please?”
You sigh, eyes dashing to the side as he approaches the side of your bed taking a seat for himself. The sip of tea you took sits warmly in your mouth, any attempt to stall admitting to him how you felt. You swallow hard.
“I just feel like… In comparison to other humans, I fall short.” You tangle a hand through your hair tugging at the strands gently. The demon on your bed shifts his body more towards you. You had his attention now– intrigued by your insecurity he stays silent hoping you tell him more.
“Makes me think, out of everyone in the Human Realm, why me?” A short pause fills the air with tension. “I wish I was special.” 
“But you are the most remarkable human I’ve ever had the privilege of spending time with.” His words seem to heal something in you. You wondered when you began to care so much about what he thought of you. “Truly, I have never caught myself admiring a human with the same intensity.”
Your heart skips a beat while he’s speaking. The grip on your mug tightens and the look on your face reads disbelief. How long has he felt this way? 
“Ad–admiring? Satan..”
“Believe me when I say you are anything but unremarkable. You’ve worked your way into all of our hearts… Mine especially.” A soft blush crept onto his face, you noticed. 
Satan held much more passion for you than you originally thought. Your arms wrap themselves around his neck to bury your nose in the crook of his neck and he wastes no time before returning your affection. You couldn't quite put your finger on his scent, but you knew it smelt like home. 
• —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Asmodeus followed you to your room the moment he saw your teary eyes. The two of you had been inseparable since you arrived at the Devildom. Whenever your attention wasn’t being demanded by all of the other responsibilities you bore simply by being a human and existing in the Devildom, you were in his room. No one had ever made him laugh the way you did, regardless of what you two were talking about. Lady Luck worked her magic when he met you. 
“Oh, darling…” A sympathetic look laced his porcelain features at seeing your trembling shoulders. Choking on your sobs, you shove your hands towards your face being embarrassed to be seen this way. You felt like a mess, you probably looked like one too. Overhearing your classmates during lunch enlightened you to what they considered you to be. Sometimes you forget that outside your circle of love provided by the exchange program, a lot of demons still had to shift their mindsets when it came to humans.
Little time passes before the avatar of lust takes your body and pulls it close to his. Seeing you this way made him anxious, though he’d never admit it out loud, he liked how it felt. Asmo wanted to care for you almost as much as he cared for himself and it showed. He never missed a chance to offer you some sort of joint self-care sessions that you grew fond of over time.
“That's it, love.” He cooed, peppering kisses on the top of your skull as you spilled muffled wails into his designer sweater. “Cry it out.”
 Panic struck his face for a moment, maybe putting more thought into drabbing down before comforting you would have been the smart choice. What a silly thought! It was impossible for someone like him to drab down. 
The texture of the cashmere comforts your nose that you’d rubbed raw.  was broken by the demon’s quiet humming. An unfamiliar melody lulled you to a less troubled state, gentle and kind. Asmodeus’ flirty behavior turned you off when you first arrived in the Devildom. Back then everything was so new and overwhelming and a part of you couldn’t stand all of the demons around you. Being received with such affection was a foreign feeling to you which you just excused as ingenuine. That didn’t stop your mind from wandering every once in a while– with all the touches on the shoulder when he’d run into you after class, the back rubs when you’d spend the night gossiping in his room, the charged eye contact when he would do your makeup– you couldn’t help but look forward to the next time he would be around.
“Darling, why don’t you tell me what’s going on now?” His cold hand soothes your red-hot face, your sobs had eased into quiet huffs. “Keeping this to yourself won’t relieve the pain in your chest.”
A sigh follows Asmo’s words. You never had to deal with anything alone now that Asmodeus was by your side. His presence felt so bright in comparison to yours– how he always knew how you felt and what you needed was what confused you. To have someone be so attentive to your needs and the push and pull of your emotions was new to you. When you drowned in your feelings he was always there to save you. For a while you were suspicious of his intentions– unsure if the interest he took in you was anything genuine. But now you realize that you had never felt so seen by another entity before and by having someone to help you recognize your worth, you began to appreciate life.
“I can’t shake the feeling that if you guys ever meet another human… I don’t know Asmo, this is pointless, I feel better now!” This earns you a deadpan from the demon.
“What about me interests you so much?” You raise your voice, eyebrows arched with annoyance. Emotions clouded your judgment making it easy for you to fall back into your old thinking habits. You found it unfathomable for someone to care for you without hidden intentions and not knowing if Asmo had any frustrated you.
“I don't deserve this!” Your hands motioned between the two of you pointing out his affection.
“Asmo, I feel awful.” You frown. “I had an awful day and heard awful things from the people in my class and–” Silence. 
“Out of everyone in the human realm, why me?” Asmodeus furrows his brows, exhaling sharply. Your words didn’t go without hurting. He figured that he had nothing to hide from you so that that would earn him some trust. This didn’t stop him from brushing it off; your insecurities already haunted one person and he couldn’t make it become two for your sake. 
“Because a human quite like you is hard to come across. Your soul is like a diamond, love. The toughest, shiniest, most eye-catching diamond.”
“You don’t mean that.” Bitterness is laced through your words. You didn't understand why he felt this way about you. The unknown regarding why he felt that way flustered you, everything about your borderline erotic friendship with the avatar of lust flustered you.
Your heart skips a beat and a quiet sniffle breaks the silence. Asmodeus made you nervous. Sure, he was never shy with letting you know how he felt about you, but you were at your lowest and here he was; with you. Then it dawned on you. Anyone else could’ve come to check on you but it was Asmodeus who followed you straight to your room, as if he could feel what you felt. You wanted someone to chase after you and somehow he knew that. It irritated you and made you swoon at the same time. Realization dawned on you. The demon cradling you in his arms wasn’t the root of your frustration but the fear of being known the way he knew you.
 You learned a lot from your time with Asmo. Thanks to him you knew you deserve the love he gave you. 
• —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
After hearing your door slam shut the brothers could only shrug at each other. They shared confused looks until they all landed on Beelzebub, who had been shoving some of your favorite snacks into his pockets and grabbing some for himself on the way to your room. 
“Should we come too?” Belphegor chimes in. The sound of your door had stirred him awake. His groggy expression provoked a softness in his brother’s face. 
“I think that would overwhelm them.” He says, barely swallowing the food in his mouth before speaking. “Be right back.”
Hastily he makes his way up the stairs to your room to not be tempted to eat the snacks he saved for you. Luckily, the ones he brought for the road had been devoured after you let him into your room.
Beelzebub was faced with your red nose and teary eyes. With a sharp inhale, he pats his bulging pockets which he packed full of snacks for the both of you. 
“Hey. Can I come in?” You nod and sniffle. A weak smile graces your sad features at seeing the avatar of gluttony at your door. Over time he’d become less aloof around you and since you’d started to spend more time together you had a firsthand experience of how loyal and caring he really was. Having him there in your room checking on you made you flustered, you liked it— you like him— a lot.
His large hands dug into his pockets, emptying out the contents before taking a seat on your bed. Beel pats the seat next to him which you trudge over to and take a seat. 
“Beel?” You rest your head on his shoulder. The bag of your favorite chips crinkles loudly as you tear it open. “D’you ever feel like you’re nothing special?”
This confused the demon by your side. What did you mean, nothing special? He couldn’t imagine you and those words being in the same sentence, much less spoken by you. Spending time with you and knowing of your equal fondness and understanding towards Belphie made you practically perfect in his eyes. To him, you oozed kindness. Yet he understood where you were coming from. To be reduced to one word to summarize your entire being was an experience he was far too familiar with, even with loved ones. Seeing your hurt-ridden face felt like a punch to the stomach. 
“All the time.” The words come out quietly from his mouth as if he’d also been admitting something. His strong hand reaches over your body and into the open chip bag you had yet to eat out of. The sounds of his crunching serves as white noise while you think. You couldn’t possibly fathom someone like Beel feeling the way you do. If you looked like that you’d probably be an asshole, you were hot so you figured you’d never have to be nice to anyone. You chastise yourself for your thought process.
“People will have their idea of you,” Beelzebub rubs your back gently and an empathetic look in his eyes glistens in your direction. “If that's all you are to them it says more about them than you.”
Your smile becomes genuine as he cheers you up. Perhaps he’s the type to pay attention during the pep-talk before a big game of Fangol. The thought made you laugh sadly. Beel catches a glimpse of your expression. He smiles too.
“Yeah, you’re right.” You say a thoughtful frown etched onto your features. Reaching into your bag of chips you grab a couple to hold in your mouth while you and Beel sat there. The plush mattress dips under your weight as you take a seat right behind where the sixthborn was sitting. He turns to look at you with confusion but you take his face in your hands and gently turn it the other way. Beelzebub doesn’t question you when you start to run your fingers through his ginger locks and he knows better than to comment as you start to braid strands of his hair together. 
“That tickles.” He says through a mouth full of the chips you made the mistake of abandoning on the floor near him. You give him a tired giggle which is all you can muster up. The demon gives himself a couple of seconds to finish up the bag before continuing with his point. He felt like it wouldn’t be fair to you to just leave it like that. A part of you still looked upset.
“There’s no one like you out there.” Assuredness drips from his words. As if he’d practiced this in the mirror a million times over before heading to your room. “Not in all the three realms.”
“You’re special to us all and I..” He hesitates for a moment, furrowing his brows in thought. Why did he feel shy all of a sudden? A light blush dusted his cheeks as thoughts about you ran through his mind. “Really think you’re special.” 
“Very detailed, thank you, Beel.” You say with feigned satisfaction. The hair you were braiding slipped from your fingers as the demon turned to give you an incredulous look. Laughter bubbles in your chest at seeing the way his head tilted, you were fond of the demon and not fond of the way it felt like you’d just kicked a puppy in front of him with the expression he was shooting in your direction.
“I’m kidding.” You slid your arms around his neck, resting your weight on his built shoulders. That’s a feeling you’d never get tired of. “Thank you, Beelz”
A large hand trails toward your forearm, which grounds you in the moment. Suddenly you both become aware of how close you are to each other. You can feel his breath on your arms; he’d pull you closer if he could. 
“Yeah.” The simple response from the demon certainly didn’t speak for his complex feelings for you. He knew he’d do anything to keep that pretty smile on your face. 
• —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
“Hey, you’re kinda’ being really loud. Do you mind– uhm…” 
Belphegor was faced with the unexpected. He assumed that when he’d go complain to the human you’d apologize, laugh it off, and invite him in– which he would’ve reluctantly accepted whilst already falling asleep in your bed– but there you were, sobbing and glaring furiously at him. Did he even do anything?
“Whoa, alright what’s with the face? Let me in.” You grumble something under your breath that you’re glad he doesn’t hear. The door creaks as he pushes through it and scans your room, eyes locked onto your soft, unmade bed. Not that he cared.
“I dunno Belphie…” You stare helplessly as he walks by you. “I don’t feel good right now.”
He shrugs you off. There’s nothing he couldn’t help you get over. Someone like you shouldn’t have to be worried about anything. You have one of the most comfortable beds in the Devildom and seven doting demons who care about you— if that isn’t the makings of a stress-free life he didn’t know what was.
“Kay’ then.” The demon makes himself comfortable on your bed. You helplessly watch as he curls up in your crying spot. 
“What I meant was that I wanna’ be alone?” 
He was fast asleep. Of course, he was! Why would you expect him to respect your wishes? Frustration displayed itself proudly on your face as you watched the seventh-born sleep. You were jealous of how peacefully he slept.
“Whatever. Why would you care?” You mumble, taking advantage of the fact he was knocked out cold. “You of all people would agree I’m not shit.”
The floorboards creak quietly as you pace around your room, rubbing up and down your arms for comfort. If you stopped moving you’d likely start crying again and you’d rather not wake Belphegor just for him to see you cry.
“Of course I’m not special.”
“This is so stupid. Now I can’t even have a pity party in peace.”
 You feel the tears well up in your eyes again. Just when you managed to stop them your tear ducts were betraying you. The steady flow of tears began once again, your chest heaving with sorrow. No sounds escape from your mouth until you have to inhale again. Trying to keep yourself quiet, you slap a hand over your mouth. Heading to the bathroom to cry seemed like the only valid solution at this point.
“Why do you want to be special so bad anyway?” The avatar of sloth’s drowsy voice snaps you out of your ramble. His eyes shift lazily across you, taking in your distressed appearance. You whip your head around towards him making a pathetic attempt to clean your face from the tears and snot that expressed your dread.
“What?” You stutter out. A quiet yawn is emitted from the demon before he sits up to face you.
“What’s so good about being special that it deserves to have you pining for it like this?” This earns a scoff from you. 
“You were listening the whole–” You cut yourself off before setting off on the demon. To alleviate the pressure of an oncoming headache you pinch your nosebridge, hoping the tension won’t get worse. “Belphie, I feel like I’m gonna break down. If you don’t care to help then leave.” 
Mentally you cursed yourself for allowing Belphie to see such a side of you. Even when you were trying to be stern your voice shook with uncertainty and hurt. He seems to visibly soften with your words, understanding that now wasn't the time to banter or push your buttons. It wouldn't be fun to see your reaction if he did. Belphegor stifles a yawn which turns into a long sigh.
“You’re pacing y’know” You shoot him a furious look before he speaks again. “Look, it's just lame you think this way cuz’ you don’t even have to try to be unique.”
You let him talk this time. 
“It’s what draws people to you. I mean, who else can deal with our problems the way you do and then still have energy to give after.” A soft grin graces his lips. “I’d be exhausted.”
Damn it. How emotional were you exactly? Tears slipped out of your eyes as he spoke, your heart holding on to every word and the knowledge that Belphie did understand. Part of you was afraid you’d just be brushed off by the demon but after everything you had been through with them made it silly for you to think so. Belphie cared for you too, in his own way. He nods to the side you usually sleep on and makes room for you to lie by him. Not much time passes before your head is resting on the nook of his shoulder and his fingers trail shapes lazily on your side. You always forgot how tired breakdowns made you. You always forgot how safe sleeping by Belphegor’s side made you feel, ironically enough. Whether you were special or not to everyone else stopped concerning you so much now that you knew how special you truly were to someone who never would’ve given humans a chance in the first place. With your mind finally at rest, you could drift off to sleep.
Oh mty glob finally its done T_T I'm so sorry for taking a billion years on these I tried my best to not make any part longer than the other or anyone OOC. Im super anal when I see a character I really like is OOC so if anyone sees that and has tips for how to write them I'm all ears!!
Thank u for reading <3
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