Tassel to Table
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Sexy and Simple Meals from Burlesque Showgirl Grace Gotham to Your Table
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tasseltotable · 3 years ago
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Vegetarian lasagna soup! @noevilfoods The Stallion Italian-style sausage, garlic, onion, Italian herbs, fennel seed, carrots, celery, zucchini, whole peeled tomatoes, tomato paste, basil, No-Chicken broth, mozzarella cubes (at the bottom of the bowl so they could get all melty), broken up lasagna noodles, and Parmigiana-Reggiano. #veggiesausage #noevilfoods #lasangasoup #vegetarianlasagnasoup #plantbasedsausage #vegetariansoup #feedfeed #plantbased #nochickenbroth #lasagna #forkyeah #gracegothamgourmet #tasseltotable https://www.instagram.com/p/CVehBRVLU7V/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tasseltotable · 3 years ago
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Meatless shepherd’s pie with @gardein beefless tips, portobello mushrooms, carrots, celery, onion, herbs de Provence, and sage cooked in a wonderful, umami gravy made with red miso and vegetable broth. Topped with mashed potatoes (I had to work late, so I went the instant route with @bobsredmill potato flakes). Topped with freshly grated nutmeg and paprika. Savory, delicious, and all plant-based!!!! #beeflesstips #shepherdspienomeat #gardenpie #gardein #bobsredmill #potatoflakes #workweekcooking #plantbasedcomfortfood #feedfeed #forkyeah #savorygravy #gracegothamgourmet #tasseltotable https://www.instagram.com/p/CVMGqigLyVV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tasseltotable · 3 years ago
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Some assembly required. What I did with my @hepworthfarms box from @freshdirect this afternoon. #ratatouille #knifeskills #nightshades #latesummerproduce #ovenbound #eattherainbow #vegetarian #hepworthfarms #freshdirect #farmsharebox #eeeeeats #forkyeah #gracegothamgourmet #tasseltotable https://www.instagram.com/p/CTvNpDNLXoq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tasseltotable · 3 years ago
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Refried back bean tostadas, @radiclefarm spice greens, chopped kale, homemade salsa, melted pepper jack, pickled jalapeños, diced tomato, @maldonsalt to finish. Couldn’t do it without my favorite @vistahermosaproducts corn tortillas sprayed with canola oil and baked in a hot oven until crisp. #blackbeantostadas #healthytexmex #vegetarian #tostadas #radiclefarms #homemadesalsa #vistahermosa #vistahermosatortillas #vegetariantexmex #tacobelle #eeeeeats #forkyeah #gracegothamgourmet #tasseltotable https://www.instagram.com/p/CTXZidlrgQY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tasseltotable · 4 years ago
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Meatless Chili Cheese Spaghetti. @impossible_foods meatless ground, onions, ranch style beans with @mccormickspice chili seasoning, and whole peeled @centofinefoods tomatoes. Served over perfectly al dente spaghetti and topped with hand-grated (tastes better!) @tillamook cheddar. A little shower of cilantro to finish. Did not miss the meat AT ALL. #meatlesscomfortfood #impossiblemeat #chilicheesespaghetti #chilicheese #tillamook #mccormick #ranchstylebeans #plantbasedmeats #texmexspaghetti #everythingisbetterwithspaghetti #forkyeah #eeeeeats #eatstagram #foodstagram #feedfeed #food52 #food52grams #huffposttaste #thehungrytruffle #gracegothamgourmet #tasseltotable https://www.instagram.com/p/CTCvHG1LjlD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tasseltotable · 4 years ago
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I’ve been experimenting with more meatless/plant-based cooking for the last several weeks. In my early 20s, I was a vegetarian for 5 years. At that time, it was not as easy or as tasty to find meat alternatives. Excitingly, there are so many wonderful options now. I love making vegetarian versions of classic meat favorites like these #meatlessswedishmeatballs using @impossible_foods plant based protein seasoned with shallots, herbs de Provence, a shake of Worcestershire sauce, panko breadcrumbs, onions, and a dash of nutmeg. Served with homemade mushroom gravy, mashed potatoes, and roasted asparagus. #meatfree #swedishmeatballs #impossibleburger #impossiblefoods #meatballsandmashedpotatoes #didntevenmissthemeat #vegetariancomfortfood #meatlessalternatives #mushroomgravy #mashedpotatoesandgravy #roastedasparagus #eeeeeats #forkyeah #gracegothamgourmet #tasseltotable https://www.instagram.com/p/CS13Zvjr8l9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tasseltotable · 4 years ago
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All the year’s salads lead to this: late summer produce!!! Savory fruit salad. Watermelon, peach, tomato on a bed of spinach and arugula, dotted with that yummy carrot top and herb chimichurri I made the other day. Seasoned generously with @maldonsalt and Aleppo pepper. #savoryfruitsalad #summersalad #watermelonpeachtomato #chimichurri #hepworthfarms #latesummersalad #saladqueen #eattherainbow #eeeeeats #forkyeah #freshdirect #gracegothamgourmet #tasseltotable https://www.instagram.com/p/CSusxRQrYmf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tasseltotable · 4 years ago
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Made a gorgeous dinner last night with wonderful produce I got from @hepworthfarms box via @freshdirect - not a paid post. Slow, oven-roasted carrots and cauliflower (dressed with @soomfoods tahini at plating). I also used the bright green, supple, and grassy carrot tops to make a fabulous chimmichuri (also using parsley, basil, cilantro, white balsamic vinegar, and olive oil). All served with farro cooked stovetop in vegetable broth. Such a nourishing, healthy, #accidentallyvegan meal. Will definitely make again! #hepworthfarms #hepworthfarmsproducebox #freshdirect #soomfoodstahini #carrottopchimichurri #roastedcarrots #roastedcauliflower #plantbased #plantbaseddinner #farro #gracegothamgourmet #tasseltotable https://www.instagram.com/p/CSotj8qL9G_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tasseltotable · 4 years ago
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Facon, Lettuce, and Tomato with vegan mayonnaise on olive bread. Damn. That was good! @morningstarfarms breakfast strips, @gothamgreens Tropicana green leaf lettuce, vegan @hellmannsmayonnaise , and heirloom tomatoes and olive bread from @wholefoods ! Note the very important layering method: bread, vegan mayonnaise, facon, lettuce, tomato slices (seasoned with Maldon sea salt and fresh ground black pepper, more lettuce, facon, mayonnaise, and bread. The right layering and proportions are the key to a well-made sandwich! #nosogfactor #alwaysaddsaltandpepper #forkyeah #eeeeeats #eatstagram #foodstagram #feedfeed #food52 #food52grams #huffposttaste #thehungrytruffle #gracegothamgourmet #tasseltotable #seasonyoursandwiches #veganmayonnaiseisdelicious #fakebacon #accidentallyvegan #heirloomtomatoes #tomatoseason #gothamgreenslettuce #fltsandwich #faconlettuceandtomato https://www.instagram.com/p/CRwi_vKrnbL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tasseltotable · 4 years ago
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Baba ghanoush (made by roasting a whole, round Sicilian eggplant, which I have only seen at @elizabarnyc ) for a whole hour and then scooping the soft roasted inside into a bowl; adding salt, lemon, garlic, and @soomfoods tahini and blitzing it in the mini food processor. Topped with @frantoianiitaly olive oil, za’atar spice and served with cocktail tomatoes, micro arugula, and slices of a toasted @balthazarbakery baguette. #babaghanoush #babaganoush #babaganouj #eggplant #eggplantandtomatoes #nightshadeparade #balthazarbaguette #sicilianeggplant #zaatar #forkyeah #eeeeeats #eatstagram #foodstagram #feedfeed #food52 #food52grams #huffposttaste #thehungrytruffle #gracegothamgourmet #tasseltotable https://www.instagram.com/p/CRmJYX7LwQy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tasseltotable · 4 years ago
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Inspired by the divine ceviche at my friends’ fabulous new restaurant @contentonyc in East Harlem, I assembled this gorgeous scallop ceviche-ish plate for lunch. Thinly-sliced, raw sea scallops “cooked” in fresh lime juice with mango, avocado, gooseberries, cilantro, Aleppo pepper, and @maldonsalt on top. Finished with a smattering of crushed canchas (like they do at Contento - so delicious!!! Highly recommend you go check them out if you’re in NYC). Also - did you know that gooseberries are in the same family as the tomatillo?! #inspiredbycontentonyc #cevicheish #crudo #scallopcrudo #scallopcarpaccio #scallopceviche #canchas #gooseberries #mangoandavocado #aleppopepper #gooseberriesaretinytomatillos #cilantroandlime #forkyeah #eeeeeats #eatstagram #foodstagram #feedfeed #food52 #food52grams #huffposttaste #thehungrytruffle #gracegothamgourmet #tasseltotable https://www.instagram.com/p/CRZgIiiL4mg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tasseltotable · 4 years ago
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Tofu noodle tom kha-inspired soup. Coconut milk, vegetable broth, shiitake mushrooms, cubed tofu, white miso, ginger, garlic, lemongrass, lime, cilantro, @lovedreamgreens baby bok choy, @andean.dream quinoa noodles, and chili paste. #tomkha #tomkhainspired #shitakemushrooms #tofunoodlesoup #coconutmilksoups #cookingwithcoconutmilk #gingerandlime #noodlesoup #slurp #quinoanoodlesoup #summersoup #lemongrass #gracegothamgourmet #tasseltotable https://www.instagram.com/p/CRXtZA8ryIc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tasseltotable · 4 years ago
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Hummus nachos topped with last night’s wonderfully caramelized and smoky fajita vegetables, served with green tomato pico de gallo (not pictured). And, yes, you read that correctly: hummus nachos. If you ever don’t have refried beans on hand (or if you’re like me and like to make your own refried beans and are short on time), you can use hummus for the base spread on the chips. Hummus makes a fabulous and delicious substitute. As an aside, I prefer to make my own baked tortilla chips in advance by spraying canola oil on some @vistahermosaproducts corn tortillas and bake at 450 for 5-6 mins or until crispy but without any extra color. Top generously with @maldonsalt ! #hummusnachos #nachos #workingfromhomelunch #vegetablefajitanachos #vistahermosatortillas #cheesegloriouscheese #nachostandardnachos #texmexathome #bakedtortillachips #gracegothamgourmet #tasseltotable https://www.instagram.com/p/CRW1YZYriQW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tasseltotable · 4 years ago
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Working from home lunch platter starring leftovers from prior meals: leftover roasted ratatouille, leftover homemade baba ganoush, curry yogurt, @dodoni_feta cheese (the best!!!), castelvetrano olives, and toasted pita bread — all with a healthy sprinkle of za’atar spice. #someassemblyrequired #workingfromhome #desklunch #leftoversforlunch #dodoni #eggplantdip #babaganoush #curryyogurt #castelvetranoolives #zaatar #ratatouille #lunchplatter #forkyeah #eeeeeats #eatstagram #foodstagram #feedfeed #food52 #food52grams #huffposttaste #thehungrytruffle #gracegothamgourmet #tasseltotable https://www.instagram.com/p/CRE0v1YLbJi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tasseltotable · 4 years ago
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Late supper of beans and greens. Black eyed peas (not soaked in advance - just cooked lowish and slowish stovetop for over an hour. The New Orleans “holy trinity” (diced onions, celery, and bell pepper), garlic, diced turkey kielbasa, parsley, cilantro, tiny diced Fresno chilies, @tonychacheres creole seasoning, and what was left of last night’s beer-braised pork tenderloin and its pot liquor. Served with saffron rice (jasmine rice simmered with Spanish saffron threads) and a pile of thinly sliced kale. Healthy dousing (after photo) of @franksredhot original hot sauce. #youdonthavetosoakbeansfirst #blackeyedpeas #beansandgreens #bowlofblackeyedpeas #turkeykielbasa #saffronrice #kale #kaleandbeans #lowishandslowish #latesupper #gracegothamgourmet #tasseltotable https://www.instagram.com/p/CRDE0ytLoUN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tasseltotable · 4 years ago
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Was planning to make something else, but could not get the foodspiration video of @padmalakshmi enjoying a #bltsandwich made by @alexanderthechef with bread from @breadheadla out of my mind. So I made a FLT (Facon, lettuce, tomato with @morningstarfarms veggie bacon strips, fresh bread and juicy heirloom yellow tomato from @elizabarnyc , and garlic rosemary veganaisse. I’m not even vegetarian or vegan, but I love eating plant-based versions of classics! Thanks Padma and friends! #bltinspiration #faconlettuceandtomato #veganaisse #blt #yellowheirloomtomato #tomatoseason #tomatoeseveryday #iceberglettuceisthebestforsandwiches #sandwichesofinstagram #girlofsandwich #accidentallyvegan #gracegothamgourmet #tasseltotable https://www.instagram.com/p/CRB_duhrp0w/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tasseltotable · 4 years ago
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Taking advantage of a day off from work to doodle around in the kitchen and make a gorgeous green pesto for an upcoming weekday pasta salad. Cool food for hot days. #pesto #basilandparsleypesto #garlicandlemon #pignoliandparmigiano #parmigianoregiano #lemonzestandlemonjuice #frantoiaoliveoil #gothamgreens #istillhatebutcherblockcountertops #madeathome #dayoffwellspent #gracegothamgourmet #tasseltotable https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ_2IwrlpH-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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