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fukugangallery · 5 months ago
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[ひとかた てあし] 栗田咲子・長尾圭・森本ありや
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okawari-harapeco · 1 year ago
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portfolio-aya · 2 years ago
2022年 ポートレート集
photo by かず
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hide-note · 3 months ago
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koch-snowflake-blog · 3 months ago
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今森 茉耶は、日本のグラビアアイドル、TikToker。宮崎県出身。Seju所属。 ウィキペディア
生まれ: 2006年3月26日 (年齢 18歳)
身長: 164 cm
スリーサイズ: 78 - 61.5 - 87.5 cm
デビュー: 2022年
事務所: seju(GROVE株式会社)
他の活動: タレント、TikToker
愛称: まやちゃん
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wankohouse · 1 month ago
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手前の廻しは汚れて染みになってるけど、参加番号による割当で選択は出来ないよ! 勝手に洗濯もしないでね!
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追加情報 令和7(2025)年の開催について、「裸参り」は諸般の事情により中止となりました。 当日は、午前9時に縮小した小縄を車に載せ、地区内を一巡した後、常盤八幡宮に奉納します。 と言う事だ。みんなで協力して次回から復活させよう!!
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Sean bienvenidos japonitasarqueologicos, a un nuevo especial ya somos 2400 seguidores mil gracias por el apoyo y para agradeceros os traigo una de las leyendas más icónicas de Japón dicho esto pónganse cómodos que empezamos. - ¿Qué significa Sakura? Significa Cerezo en flor, seguramente os suene el nombre por algún que otro personaje de anime como: Sakura cazadora de cartas o en la película llamada comerme tu páncreas. - ¿Cómo surgió está leyenda? Todo comienza, en un Japón que está desolado por las guerras y horrores de los seres humanos, nuestro personaje se localiza en un bosque donde hay un árbol al cual no le florecían las flores, los animales ni la hierba por el mal que emanaba de él. - Un día un hada se compadeció de él y le concedió el poder de transformarse en hombre durante 20 años para poder encontrar el amor pero no fue así lo único que vio fue horror. Cuando le quedaba poco tiempo seguía sin florecer en lo que respecta como árbol y como humano. Un día en la orilla del río se deslumbró al ver a Sakura y se enamoró de ella. Llegó el día en el que se transformó en árbol y Sakura abrazó el árbol, le confesó su amor el hada tenía dos opciones adherirse al Yohiro o no pero viendo los horrores del mundo decide fusionarse con él. - Esta leyenda está ligada a una de las festividades más importantes de Japón que se llama Hanami durante una semana los japoneses contemplan la flor de Sakura en todo su esplendor. Esto fue un símbolo para los Kamikazes durante la 2ww y para los samuráis que lo consideraban con la sangre. - Espero que os haya gustado el especial y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones de Arqueología japonesa. Un cordial saludo. - 日本考古学へようこそ。フォロワー数が 2,400 人になりました。ご支援いただき、ありがとうございます。そうは言っても、安心して始めましょう。 - さくら とはどういう意味ですか?桜という意味です。カードハンターさくらや映画「君の膵臓をたべます」などのアニメのキャラクターでこの名前をよくご存じでしょう。 - この伝説はどのようにして生まれたのでしょうか?すべては、戦争と人間の恐怖によって荒廃した日本で、私たちのキャラクターは、そこから発せられる悪のために花、動物、草が咲かなかった木がある森にいます。 - ある日、彼を憐れんだ妖精が、愛を見つけるために20年間人間に変身する力を与えてくれましたが、そうではなく、彼が見たのは恐怖だけでした。 彼に残された時間がほとんどないとき、彼はまだ木としても人間としても成長していませんでした。ある日、彼は川岸で桜を見て幻惑し、恋に落ちました。彼が木に変身する日が来て、サクラは木に抱きつき、愛を告白しました。妖精には2つの選択肢がありました。ヨヒロに従うかどうか。しかし、世界の恐ろしさを見て、彼女は彼と融合することを決めました。 - この伝説は、花見と呼ばれる日本で最も重要なお祭りの 1 つと結びついており、日本人は 1 週間にわたってその素晴らしさを満喫する桜の花を鑑賞します。これは、第二次世界大戦中の特攻隊と、それを血をもって考えた武士たちの象徴でした。 - この特集を気に入っていただければ幸いです。今後の日本考古学の出版物でお会いしましょう。心のこもった挨拶。 - Welcome japonitasarqueologicos, to a new special we are already 2400 followers thank you very much for the support and to thank you I bring you one of the most iconic legends of Japan that said make yourselves comfortable we begin. - What does Sakura mean? It means Cherry Blossom, surely you know the name from some other anime character like: Sakura card hunter or in the movie called eat your pancreas. - How did this legend come about? It all begins, in a Japan that is devastated by wars and horrors of human beings, our character is located in a forest where there is a tree that did not bloom flowers, animals or grass because of the evil that emanated from it. - One day a fairy took pity on him and granted him the power to transform into a man for 20 years to be able to find love but it was not like that the only thing he saw was horror. When he had little time left, he still did not blossom as a tree or as a human. One day on the river bank he was dazzled by the sight of Sakura and fell in love with her. The day came when he transformed into a tree and Sakura hugged the tree, confessed her love to him, the fairy had two options to join Yohiro or not, but seeing the horrors of the world she decided to merge with him. - This legend is linked to one of the most important festivals in Japan called Hanami, during which the Japanese contemplate the Sakura flower in all its splendor for a week. This was a symbol for the Kamikazes during WWII and for the samurai who considered it to be blood. - I hope you liked the special and see you in future publications of Japanese Archaeology. Best regards.
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g-men-movie · 2 years ago
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moment-japan · 6 months ago
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市川雷蔵(Raizo Ichikawa)
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somasoa · 1 day ago
The Nature of Twilight Magic and how it affects the World of Twilight Princess
In The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, the Light World is overtaken by an alien magic known as twilight. Twilight magic, or shadow magic (影の魔力), first appears chronologically in the series when a group of magic wielders appeared in Hyrule, entering the ongoing conflict over the kingdom. 
人々の中に、魔術に長けた者達が現れ強力な魔力によって聖地を治めようとしたしかし、神は我ら光の精霊を遣わしその者達の巨大なる魔力を 封じこませたのだそして、その魔力こそが黒き力・・・影の結晶石である
Among the people, people who were skilled in magic appeared and tried to rule the holy land with their powerful magical power. However, the Gods sent us spirits of light to seal away their enormous magical power. That Magical power is black power...the Crystal Stone of Shadow.
Lanayru (Twilight Princess) - Translated by Sidier
We learn that these invaders used a powerful magic known as the Fused Shadow, or, per the Japanese release, the Crystal Stone of Shadows (影の結晶石). In this conflict, they almost emerged the victors, until the Goddesses of Hyrule commanded the Light Spirits to put a stop to their plans. As a punishment for their crimes, these magic wielders were sealed away within the Twilight Realm via the Mirror of Twilight, and the Fused Shadow was sealed within three dungeons across Hyrule. 
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However, this doesn’t tell us what exactly twilight magic, or shadow magic, “is,” or how it affects the Light World. Let’s take a closer look at the information we’re given in the game. 
While meeting with the Light Spirit, Faron, he has this to tell us about the Fused Shadow: 
In the temple deep in the forest lies a black power, a forbidden power that was sealed away by us spirits of light in ancient times, a power that those of the world of light must never touch... however, you will need it to save this world from the King of Shadows... If you want that power, go to the temple deep in the forest.
Faron (Twilight Princess) - Translated by Sidier
Faron tells us point blank that the Fused Shadow that he and the other Light Spirits sealed away long ago must never be touched by those who reside in the light world. This means little to us now, but his reason for saying this is shown in detail before long. Upon reaching Death Mountain, we learn the plight of the gorons; their patriarch, Darbus, has been corrupted by the Fused Shadow piece that was enshrined deep within the Goron Mines.
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精霊様より託されている大事な宝をお護りせねばならねぇからな・・・だが、手に取ろうとダルボスが宝に触れた途端・・・おぞましい異形の姿に化けちまいやがったゴロ!それから奴は見境なく暴れてもうメチャクチャさ・・・噴火も一層 激しくなったゴロ・・・ワシらは必���の力で奴を山の奥深くに封印した
We had to protect the precious treasure entrusted to us by the spirits... But as soon as Darbus touched the treasure to take it in his hand... He transformed into a horrifyingly monstrous shape! Then he went on an uncontrollable rampage... and the eruptions became more and more violent... and we sealed him up deep in the mountain with desperate efforts.
Gor Coron (Twilight Princess) - Translated by Sidier
There's a limit to what we old men can do to stop Darbus, who has turned into a demon...
Gor Amoto (Twilight Princess) - Translated by Sidier
As soon as Darbus touched the treasure, he was transformed into a demon. This would naturally lead one to assume that the Fused Shadow, as well as all shadow magic, is thus demonic in nature, similar to the magic utilized by the demons in the series such as Ganondorf. However, this isn’t exactly the case.
Later in the game, Zant uses a different Shadow Crystal to turn Link into a wolf in the light world. This magic isn’t just regular shadow magic, such as that used by Midna or the Fused Shadow, but something else. Zelda and Midna both make note of this. 
This is some kind of evil power, different from the shadow magic we've seen up until now…
Zelda (Twilight Princess) - Translated by Sidier
It's the mass of magic that was cast on you. It's certainly different from the shadow magic that we have…
Midna (Twilight Princess) - Translated by Sidier
Instead of being regular shadow magic, we learn that it’s actually shadow magic that has been infused with the malevolent powers of Ganondorf, which were given to Zant. Zant then created his own brand of shadow magic using Ganondorf’s demonic powers, and this was the magic he has been using against Link and Midna throughout the game, such as the Shadow Crystal and Black Fog we see at the Palace of Twilight. 
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This black mist is a shadowy crystal that Zant created with his magic power to suck out the light… he is the one who was stealing the light of the spirits and turning Hyrule into Twilight.
Midna (Twilight Princess) - Translated by Sidier
A running theme that may be apparent by now is that shadow magic commonly appears in the form of crystals - while not necessarily pertinent to explaining exactly how shadow magic works, it is an interesting detail nonetheless. This also heavily suggests that the Shadow Insects that stole the light from the Light Spirits of Hyrule were made of Zant’s shadow crystals - after all, they were designed to absorb light.
Regardless, we can see from the above text regarding Zant’s own brand of shadow magic that it’s altogether reductive to consider shadow magic synonymous with demonic magic. And of course this would be the case, given that the Sols - the “suns” of the Twilight Realm - restore the land back to its original form, before Zant corrupted it, and began turning its population into Shadow Beasts.
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ソルは この世界を照らす太陽みたいなものなんだ
それが失われたから、みんな あんな姿に・・・
Everyone here hasn't completely turned into a shadow monster yet. I want to find Zant and restore my friends… Sol is like the sun that illuminates this world. Because that was lost, everyone turned into those shapes…
Midna (Twilight Princess) - Translated by Sidier
While it’s useful to know that shadow magic isn’t inherently the same as demon magic, why does it have a corruptive effect on those who reside in the world of light, then? Zant, speaking for Ganondorf, and later Midna, potentially gives us a clue as to why:
And my God wants one thing. Turn both light and shadow into a single darkness!
Zant (Twilight Princess) - Translated by Sidier
After all, light and shadow must not mingle.
Midna (Twilight Princess) - Translated by Sidier
While shadow magic isn’t evil, it isn’t “good” either. When characters like Darbus or Yeta come into contact with shadow magic, it corrupts them into demons. While it’s not darkness in the same sense as Ganondorf’s magic, it affects the light world in an adverse way that it - effectively - creates a unique type of darkness born from the mixing of light and shadow. The light world’s light also has an adverse effect on the denizens of the Twilight Realm, as demonstrated by Lanayru’s light magic nearly killing Midna, who is only saved by Zelda’s grace. 
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Light and shadow are two sides of the same coin.
Neither can exist without the other.
Zelda (Twilight Princess) - Translated by Sidier
As Zelda says, the light world and the Twilight Realm rely on each other to exist. However, the blending of the two - the interaction of shadow magic with those who reside in the light - results in catastrophe, and transforms those who are affected by it into demons.
In summary, shadow magic, the magic utilized by the magic wielders who sought to dominate Hyrule, which was passed down to their descendants, the Twili, is not innately demonic, and even has its own equivalent of “light” in the form of the Sols. That being said, it is still innately corruptive to those who reside in the light and turns them into demons and causes demons to gather, effectively creating its own, unique kind of “darkness” in the process.
All that being said, how do these transformations manifest throughout the game? We know characters like Darbus and Yeta were corrupted by shadow magic, but what about, say, other bosses in Twilight Princess? Is it possible they’re also just demonic transformations born from the interaction between the light world and shadow magic? Interestingly, every regular dungeon boss in the game except Stallord features the same term in its title; “Twilit,” or, in the Japanese release, Awoken (覚醒). The fact Stallord doesn’t have this title separates it from these other bosses; this makes sense, given that Stallord is not a creature in possession of the Fused Shadow or a Mirror Shard, unlike the other bosses. Given this connection in the titles of the bosses, it’s likely that the bosses are all intended to have a shared trait or aspect unifying them. Similar to Darbus and Yeta, it’s likely that this unifying trait is that they were creatures of the Light World who were transfigured by shadow magic.
The first boss we face in the game is Diababa. This creature is a massive three-headed plant, clearly resembling a Deku Baba. Given that the Forest Temple is also home to countless Deku Babas and Baba Serpents, it’s incredibly likely that Diababa is a Deku Baba that came into contact with the Fused Shadow piece that was left in the Forest Temple. If we want to be pedantic, it’s possible it’s a Baba Serpent; however, the lack of the forked tongue and the more traditional head shape of the other two heads suggests that it’s probably just a regular Deku Baba.
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The third boss we face, Morpheel, is another interesting case of what appears to be a light world being further corrupted by the Fused Shadow. At first glance, it seems completely alien in appearance, with no close resemblance to any creature seen thus far in the game, demon or otherwise. However, a comparison reveals that its “face” is remarkably similar to that of a Bombfish, a fish that is commonly found throughout Lakebed Temple. To further this comparison, it even spits out Bombfish, suggesting that they’re its progeny. Given these facts, it’s likely that Morpheel is a heavily transformed Bombfish that came into contact with the Fused Shadow.
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The fifth boss we encounter, Blizzeta, is the corrupted form of Yeta. While it’s never explicitly stated that the Mirror of Twilight is made of shadow magic ala the Fused Shadow, the sages do give us this warning: 
But be warned, there is magic in the pieces.
Sages (Twilight Princess) - Translated by Sidier
Furthermore, we already observe the mirror corrupt Yeta into Blizzeta, which Midna notes is due to the mirror’s power, and Yeta even reveals that the mirror has resulted in her falling ill and draws demons to it, similar to the Fused Shadow.
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But since that mirror came to my house, I got sick, demons appeared… Bad things happen...
Yeta (Twilight Princess) - Translated by Sidier
She was so quiet… I guess that’s the magic of the Mirror of Shadows…
Midna (Twilight Princess) - Translated by Sidier
With this knowledge, we can then reasonably deduce that the next two bosses that are in possession of Mirror Shards have also been corrupted, similar to Yeta.
The next boss is in the Temple of Time, Armogohma. Given its unique appearance even amongst other Gohmas, it’s likely that it was a regular Gohma that came into contact with a Mirror Shard and was corrupted. Notably, while its “true form” is that of a smaller spider, its namesake armor appears organic in nature; it has urticating hairs on its abdomen, a spinneret, pedipalps, and can even lay eggs. Given the laser ability and its strong resemblance to the lasers utilized by other Beamos, it’s possible that the Mirror Shard turned a Gohma into some hybrid between a Gohma and the other technology found lying around the Temple of Time. 
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Finally, the fourth Mirror Shard is found within the claws of the Twilit Dragon, Argorok. If the name wasn’t explicit enough that it has ties to Kargoroks, the vulture-like bird enemies found throughout Twilight Princess, they are also an incredibly common enemy to find flying through the City in the Sky. Because of these facts, it’s very likely that the dragon was just an ordinary Kargorok that stumbled onto a Mirror Shard and was corrupted into a fire breathing monstrosity. 
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In sum, here is what the transformations caused by the Fused Shadow and Mirror Shards look like: 
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These transformations exemplify why the Light Spirits are adamant that those who dwell in the light are not to come in contact with shadow magic; it has a corruptive impact, that, even for demons, can turn them into monstrous beasts that make their previous forms pale in comparison. While the departure of Midna and the breaking of the Mirror of Twilight was certainly a bittersweet ending, it was for the best; light and shadow are two sides of the same coin, but it’s for the best that they don’t mingle.
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22oq · 3 months ago
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takigawa · 9 months ago
石森プロ時代のお話を。 https://x.com/takigawa_w/status/1789176940924223586?s=46&t=8Vf8aUwk_B-ZbQ5UAGv05w 2011年3月11日 東日本大震災 石ノ森萬画館のある石巻市、石ノ森章太郎ふるさと記念館のある登米市も被災しました。 特に北上川の中州にある石ノ森萬画館は津波に往復で襲われました。 津波が押し寄せた時、一階の玄関エントランスなどはビルっぽい四角い形で瓦礫が突っ込みダメージを受けました。が、それより上は丸い形状が幸いして津波が逃げて建物全体の破壊は免れました。 なんと、石ノ森萬画館は石ノ森章太郎先生が生前に「中州に降り立った宇宙船のイメージで」との設計コンセプトで丸みを帯びた楕円形のフォルムだったのです。 石ノ森章太郎先生が起こした奇跡と感じました。 震災の当日、地震と津波に建物は耐えたものの、中州の橋の欄干に津波で流されかけた方々、約20名が命からがら、掴まっていました。石ノ森萬画館のOさんがこれを見つけて「萬画館の中に入ってください!」と招き入れました。 しかし北上川を上った津波が戻って来たのです。 そこで再び欄干に摑まる別の約20名の方々。またOさんが、萬画館に招き入れ、約40名の方々とOさんは、余震の中、萬画館で過ごします。 幸い、萬画館には非常用電源もあり、レストラン用の食材もあったので、石ノ森萬画館を避難所がわりに5日間過ごしたそうです。 石ノ森萬画館の職員家族の方も奇跡的に皆さんご無事でした。 以上は全て後から聞いた話ですが石巻市では有名な話となりニュースやマンガにもなりました。 東京に居た我々は心配しながら石ノ森萬画館のK役員に連絡を取り「必要なものは何ですか?」とお聞きしました。 きっと食糧、医療、衣料など不足しているものが沢山あると思ったからです。3月19日の事です。 するとKさんは「石ノ森章太郎先生の生原稿が10万枚、石ノ森萬画館に保存されています。幸い棚から一つも崩れずに浸水もせずに無事です。ただ玄関ドアが壊れてしまい、防犯的に危ないので生原稿を引き取ってくれませんか」と仰るのです。 あんなに大変な時に心配しているのは石ノ森章太郎先生の生原稿なのです。 僕は「取りに行きます。取りに行きますからその際に必要な物資を持って行きます。」とお伝えして、その日からAmazon、楽天などで簡単に食べられる各種食品、オムツ、生理用品、などなどを会社で買い込みました。 震災直後��それらの品々こそ、なかなか物不足だったのですが、何とか集め集めて、Kさんと相談して、ようやく東北自動車道も復旧していた3月30日早朝5時にレンタルした(ガソリン不足だったので)プリウスに社員2人と僕、2トントラック🚚とその運転手さんとで、 石巻に向かいました。 途中、渋滞があったり、被害のあった道を通りながら、石巻インターに着いたのは午後1時頃だったと思います。 石巻インターに付くと高速道路の係員のオッチャンが「どこから来たの?あ、東京。何か運んでるの?」 と聞かれたので「救援用の物資、食べ物を後ろのトラックに積んで来ました。」と答えると 「許可証もらって来たの?」と言うので 「分かりません。」と答えると 「許可証あれば只になるんだけど、無いかぁ。 東京からかぁ、高いなぁ、もう高いからタダでいいよ!行きな!」と無料で通してくれたのです。 ちょっとビックリしましたが、有り難く受け入れ、石巻インターを通過しました。 そこから石巻市に向かうと最初は道もさほど荒れていなかったのですが、石巻市に近づくにつれて、瓦礫は増え道は荒れ、市内に入れば電信柱の上の方に何かが突き刺さり、船は乗り上げ、震災がいかに激烈なものであったかは、否が応でも心に刻み込まれました。 石森プロの社員二人とは「どんな事があっても俺たちは冷静でいような!」と誓い合っていたのですが、あの光景は心にズシリ、ズシリとダメージを与えます。 ようやくの思いで、石ノ森萬画館に着きましたが、中州にあった他の建物は見当たらず瓦礫の中に石ノ森萬画館はありました。 そこでKさん達にお会いできて最初にKさんが仰ったのは「遠い所、来ていただき本当に申し訳ありません。先生の生原稿は全部、無事ですから。」でした。 その言葉を聞いて、ご本人達がどんなにか辛い状況だったろうに、この言葉をかけられて、魂が震えるほど感動、感激しました。危うく泣きかけました。 これが日本人 これが東北人 これが石ノ森萬画館 これがKさん。 日本全体に「日本はどうなるのか」という気分が満ちていた2011年3月。 僕はその時に「大丈夫だ」と確信したのです。 その後、石巻市内に設置されたサイボーグ009や仮面ライダーの立像を見たのですが、なぜか全て無事で更に仮面ライダーの立像などはピカピカに綺麗なのです。 聞けば「石巻市民の方が埃がついて可哀想だからと磨いてくれているようです」とのこと。 これも涙腺に来ました。 #東日本大震災 #石ノ森萬画館 #石巻市 #石森プロ #サイボーグ009 #仮面ライダー
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dark-side-01 · 9 months ago
「ビジネス・ゲーム 誰も教えてくれなかった女性の働き方」
ベティ・L・ハラガン 著
福沢恵子・水野谷悦子 共著
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hide-note · 4 months ago
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koch-snowflake-blog · 4 months ago
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葵 成美 Aoi NARUMI
青山天南 Tena AOYAMA
青山ひかる Hikaru AOYAMA
蒼山みこと Mikoto AOYAMA
赤城ありさ Arisa AKAGI
朝比奈みゆう Miyuu ASAHINA
天木じゅん Jun AMAKI
天野麻菜 Mana AMANO
亜和 Awa
伊織いお Io IORI
池田ゆうな Yuna IKEDA
池本しおり Shiori IKEMOTO
石井優希 Yuki ISHII
市原 薫 Kaoru ICHIHARA
遠藤まめ Mame ENDO
大嶋みく Miku OSHIMA
木南美々 Mimi KINAMI
久我るり Ruri KUGA
草野 綾 Aya KUSANO
紅羽りお Rio KUREHA
小島まゆみ Mayumi KOJIMA
佐野なぎさ Nagisa SANO
篠見星奈 Seina SINOMI
鈴木 聖 Takara SUZUKI
鈴木ふみ奈 Fumina SUZUKI
世良ののか Nonoka SERA
蒼馬月葵 Ruki SOUMA
高砂ミドリ Midori TAKASAGO
高梨瑞樹 Mizuki TAKANASHI
竹川由華 Yuuka TAKEKAWA
ちとせよしの Yoshino CHITOSE
東条 澪 Ren TOJO
徳江かな Kana TOKUE
中川 心 Kokoro NAKAGAWA
長澤 茉里奈 Marina NAGASAWA
名取くるみ Kurumi NATORI
名波なな Nana NANAMI
西 綾乃 Ayano NISHI
西永彩奈 Ayana NISHINAGA
花咲楓香 Fuka HANASAKI
花乃衣美優 Miyu HANANOI
原つむぎ Tsumugi HARA
ぷにたん(能美真奈) Punitan
まいてぃ Maity
三田悠貴 Yuuki MITA
三橋くん Mitsuhashikun
美輪咲月 Satsuki MIWA
もものすけ Momonosuke
森 くるみ Kurumi MORI
森脇梨々夏 Ririka MORIWAKI
やしろじゅり。 Juri YASHIRO.
柳瀬さき Saki YANASE
雪村花鈴 Karin YUKIMURA
弓川いち華 Ichika YUMIKAWA
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yoga-onion · 2 years ago
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[Photo above: an Ainu woman in 1920s]
Legends and myths about trees
Forest spirits and natives (4)
Korpokkur (or Korbokkur) – ‘People under the butterbur leaves’
Korpokkur are the tribes of dwarfs in folklore of the Ainu people of the northern Japanese islands, meaning 'people under the butterbur leaves'.
The Ainu believe that the korpokkur were the people who lived in the Ainu's land before the Ainu themselves lived there. They were short of stature, agile, and skilled at fishing. They lived in pits with roofs made from butterbur leaves.
Long ago, the korpokkur were on good terms with the Ainu, and would send them deer, fish, and other game and exchange goods with them. The little people hated to be seen, however, so they would stealthily make their deliveries under the cover of night.
One day, a young Ainu man decided he wanted to see a korpokkur for himself, so he waited in ambush by the window where their gifts were usually left. When a korpokkur came to place something there, the young man grabbed it by the hand and dragged it inside. It turned out to be a beautiful korpokkur woman with a tattoo on the back of her hand (the tattooing of Ainu women is said to be based on this). She was so enraged at the young man's rudeness that her people have not been seen since. Their pits, pottery, and stone implements, the Ainu believe, still remain scattered about the landscape.
[History of Ainu]
The Ainu are an indigenous people from Sakhalin in the north to the Kuril Islands and Kamchatka Peninsula in the north-east and around the northern Japanese archipelago, especially in Hokkaido. The Ainu have long had an economic zone around the Sea of Okhotsk region.
They worshipped bears and wolves, as well as gods embodied in the elements of nature, such as water, fire and wind.
Ainu is the Ainu language for 'human' and is believed to have originally meant 'human' as a concept as opposed to 'kamui' (a designation referring to nature based on the spirit that everything in nature has a heart).
The Ainu people were conquered and their land confiscated by neighbouring Japan and Russia between the 15th and 18th centuries. Later, in the 19th century, forced them to convert, apply their customs and belong. During the Soviet era, hundreds of Ainu were executed or forcibly relocated. Today, the population and the Ainu language are in decline and there are revival efforts for their traditional culture.
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森の精霊たちと原住民 (4)
コロポックル (又はコロボックル) 〜「蕗の葉の下の人々」
ある日、アイヌの���年がコロボックルを一目見たいと思い、いつも贈り物を差し入れる窓際で待ち伏せしていた。そのコロボックルがそこに何かを置こうとすると、青年はそれを手で掴んで屋内に引きずり込んだ。すると、それは美しい女性のなりをしておりその手の甲には刺青があったという (なおアイヌの婦人のする刺青はこれにならったものであるといわれている)。コロボックルは青年の無礼に激怒し、一族を挙げて北の海の彼方へと去ってしまった。以降、アイヌの人々はコロボックルの姿を見ることはなくなったという。現在でも土地のあちこちに残る竪穴や地面を掘ると出てくる石器や土器は、彼らがかつてこの土地にいた名残である。
アイヌとはアイヌ語で「人間」を意味する言葉で、もともとは「カムイ」(自然界の全てのものに心があるという精神に基づいて自然を指す呼称) に対する概念としての「人間」という意味であったとされている。
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