firepassed · 4 months
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snowdrops bloom from her palm as keyleth lies in bed, expending the little magic she has energy for in a desperate attempt to keep herself awake. her every muscle aches and throbs but she cannot bring herself to sleep, she doesn’t deserve to sleep and she cannot bring herself to until she knows for certain that her people are safe and there won’t be a second attack. her parents both come in to scold, to encourage her to rest, to assure her that things are alright now, that things are almost restored and are going back to normal but the tempest cannot bring herself to fully relax even. she needs to heal. she needs to rest but keyleth cannot bring herself to even think about it, not till his touch.
she had not realized just how close to the time vax normally returns home the attack was, this whole week being spent being handed off the healers and trying her best to help her people. keyleth had not even realized someone had come in to tell her of his arrival, not realizing he was there until she felt his hand moving up and down her back. that touch alone is enough to tell her who has entered her chambers and keyleth doesn’t hesistate to react, the last snowdrop falling from her hand to join the pile upon the ground as she instead moves to embrace him, head burying itself into his neck as her arms clung to him with a certain desperation, eyes closing.
“ it’s all my fault. ” her voice is strained, keyleth trying her best to will herself not to weep but already feeling tears pricking at the corner of her eyes. “ they were after me. and we stopped them but i failed them. i- “ she sniffs, arms gaining a bit of strength to hold him just a bit tighter. “ everything is my fault… ”
[ rub ]  –  for @ravenant​ to rub up and down keyleth’s back / shoulder as a means of comfort.
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bixels · 6 months
While I do think anon was rude, I do think it's pretty shitty to set up all this stuff you were going to add the au and then just drop it. It's disappointing. Definitely unfollowing.
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#ask me#anon#once AGAIN.#I am not dropping anything#the au is not getting cancelled. more than likely i'm gonna take a break from it until i find motivation again#But I've been drawing the AU for half a fucking year#In that time I've only drawn 5 things that aren't mlp related#I'm getting tired and my last few posts didn't do as well as I'd hoped#And I'm not about to burn myself out on mlp au art even if I really do love making it#I'm still gonna make comics. I have a bunch of ideas.#Tulli and I still wanna do the limited run merch shop#Discord is still coming. Sunset is still coming. Sombra is still coming. I have so many ideas#But I need to do something else for my own sake. Did you know I was supposed to get the background 6 designs done by now#But I didn't because I'm TIRED#I've been keeping myself on a schedule to keep content pumping despite travel and school and family and I'm tired#what i'm getting isn't matching what i'm giving and that's nobody's fault. i'm not frustrated at anyone. a slump was bound to happen#drawing the au was fun until it become my Thing. Because when your Thing––your identity––starts to faulter#it can really make you freak out#And that's not healthy for the project or for myself. I need to find the fun again and I'm sure I will#I'm really appreciative of everyone's support in my inbox and replies it really does mean a lot especially given that about 2/3 of my#followers followed for mlp. But if you're gonna react to me saying “i'm gonna cool down on mlp art and draw my own stuff” with “i'm#disappointed in you." then Leave! I think it's good you're unfollowing#you are not obligated to stick by my side! But don't act like I'm doing you a disservice by turning my attention elsewhere#I didn't promise anyone anything and I definitely didn't say I'm breaking any promises.
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windydrawallday · 5 months
Um, hello, I just wanted to say I really like your art (manly the lockprowl stuff because I love them so much). I think you're a really cool person
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AJASGDSH THANKIES!!! After almost two weeks of surviving the flu and spending time recovering from other personal stuff irl, this ask is so welcomed ♥
You know what? Have a quick doodle of these rascals, I miss drawing them!
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slautertm · 2 months
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out of all the places that steph imagined she would run into ruth, the mall was perhaps the very last place she expected to bump into her, yet here the nerd is. her eyes look about for the other's a little as @hqlfbloods, ruth exclaims a cheerful, " too late for that. you're stuck with me. ", as lauter tries her best to make an excuse for her to keep on roam. steph sighs a little, a teasing sort of thing and she hopes the girl knows it.
" fine but only if the boys aren't with you, and you promise to not spill to pete what i pick and also give me your brutally honest opinion about all of them. " but she pauses, " you're going to homecoming... right ruth? "
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dawnshe · 2 months
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wherever vax'ildan went, vex'ahlia follows, and thus is simply how things have always been and how things would always be. hence, when he expressed interest in attending a meeting at the abc cafe, a meeting about something that he intended to be something of a surprise and vex was in fact surprised in the best way possible way. revolution is something her and vax have discussed since they were little, it's in their very blood, they rebel, they seek justice and survival for those close and similar to them. little was she expecting the mixed feelings that fill her chest.
she keeps her voice down, she swallows all of her apprehension and instead watches the others and scribbles on a small napkin till the meeting is over. the men split, vax flirting with one of them which causes vex to roll her eyes for a moment, but she instead makes haste to head to the leader, trying to figure out how to approach her notes in the most... amicable way possible that would allow her to attend the next meeting.
" you know, though my brother and i are very new to paris, i cannot say that either of us expected to find such wonderful and radical notions here so quickly. " there's genuine enthusiasm in her eyes and in her words, though she does speak eloquently in attempts gain respect and an ear from this man. she does hold out her hand, however, smile growing on her lips. " i am vex'ahlia. i try not to speak for my brother, but i think in this case i can : you have just gained two more guns in the people's fight. i would love to hear more of your plans. "
@betterto-die-thanto-crawl plotted!
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cupcaketrickster · 2 months
{[ @ambitiousillusions continued from HERE ]}
This is more than Astrid could have imagined, or would have ever dared to imagine, she’d get from life. Surely, she’d always cared about being the best, but it had turned out that’s not entirely everything that matters. Through some stroke of luck, she’s able to have both, a career and people who care about her, friends, and maybe, who knows, one day she can fall in love again. It’s not at the forefront of her mind, at least not usually, but on days like that, that are FILLED with love, it’s hard to ignore, and maybe she doesn’t want to ignore it either, because it feels nice not to fight the warmth that settles in her chest. She spins Jester around once more, lips curved into a smile. “It’s nice, ja.” She agrees then, listening as the music slows down, and Astrid decides not to move, instead slows down their dancing, too. “I’m glad they get to celebrate their love, and that all of their friends are there to witness it.”
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most of her focus is on astrid and astrid alone, trying to read her expressions and also just to watch her in this quiet moment, enjoying the slow curve of a smile that stretches upon the wizards face, missing both the fact that she was about to be spun around, though recovering quickly and following through with a chuckle and wide grin of her own, adjusting just as quickly as the music slows.
" it feels like time has moved both so fast and slow at the very same time. like... i have always known they would end up here, on a day like this, but it just couldn't come fast enough..." reluctantly, jester's eyes tear away to look at beau and yasha, unable to stop her smile from growing slightly. " it's just got my mind all running and dreaming and imaging... "
but she shouldn't get lost in her thoughts, instead a sappy lovesick smile spreading upon her lips as she looks back up at astrid. " i just want everyone to find what they must be feeling, you know? to have a special day like this... " but she smiles moving to try and spin the wizard.
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the-nysh · 1 year
this is not at all an indictment against Murata as the man has already proven a dozen times over to be incredibly dedicated to OPM, but is it just me or has his art quality since the Psykorochi fight seemed to have lowered on average? Not to say he's incapable of still creating spectacular illustrations but it feels like he's opted for a more cartoony and less detailed style over all.
He's been adjusting his workflow to prioritize speed lately (while noting what new approaches/techniques he's been attempting on twitter) for more consistently scheduled releases, so yes he's been going thru some trial and error for a while now. His more 'cutesy' style (with larger 'moe' eyes for most characters) seems to be a thing, as it's been noted by several readers - so your mileage may vary on how much you 'like' that look, but if there's anything Murata's personally not satisfied with you can bet he'll redraw stuff in higher detail (including improving the assistants' background work) for the volumes later!
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astral-catastrophe · 8 months
I’m normal and mentally stable
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unladielike · 1 year
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    “Oh, right... my birthday is in five days. I guess that means not only would I have to accept the possibility that no one would remember, people will constantly be making weed jokes.” Sure enough, Vivian proceeds to sigh. “God, I’m starting to really envy normies; after all, I’m not popular enough to say I have plans.”
    Knowing her mother, though, she would probably insist on dragging her to a shopping spree and buying her more feminine clothes she will never even wear before arranging a family get together later on that day without any prior warning... which has her shudder, because if it’s one thing she hated, it’s people forcing her out on outings she can’t truly anticipate ahead of time.
    To top it all off, her family members were the most insufferable people she ever met, save for maybe her father, that the notion of spending more than a minute around them has her wishing someone could kidnap her during the upcoming 4/20. That way, the inevitable shopping spree and dinner would at least have to be re-scheduled to a later date...
this post was made with legacy editor because it’s just an obligatory ic post to make everyone aware vivian’s birthday is coming up, so i don’t really expect anyone to wanna continue it as a thread, but you could still have your muse reply to this!
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firepassed · 4 months
~~ @exandriian ( vax’ildan ) continued from HERE ~~
It’s not the most romantic place to be doing this, he’s the first one to admit it, but it somehow fits them. They’re still very much on the move at all times, rarely having the luxury of a bed at their disposal, though Vax has a few ideas for what they could do once they had one availabe the next time. He smiles, another moan escaping him as he settles inside of her, stilling his hips for just a moment. “Gods...you’re so beautiful...” He knows he’s said it just a moment before, but there’s just something about Keyleth like this, a little wild and blushing all the way down her neck and collarbone, that makes Vax want to devour her.
     “Yes...yes...” He whispers, leaning in to claim her lips with his own as he begnis to move his hips, rolling them to meet hers. They fit so perfectly together, and sometimes he thinks they’re two halves of a whole, simply meant to be together. “Let me hear you...” He knows their friends could hear them, konws they’re not far enough away to be safe, but Vax cannot bring himself to care, not when she’s perfect like this, so he drags his teeth down her neck with another moan. “Please...”
for keyleth, any moment that she can steal away with him is a moment that she wants to take advantage of, be it for a simple conversation or touches or something like this and oh does she imagine moments like this in her head more often than she might admit. especially after days like today. does keyleth like fighting? not necessarily, but does she like watching vax fight? without doubt. even if they had managed to get to a bed, she is more than certain she would have dragged him out here first. the recklessness of it is so intoxicating, the risk, the rush, his hold on her with both words and touch. his compliment earns him another breath, fingers holding his hair a little tighter as she slightly moves, desperate for more, his name leaving her mouth against his lips the moment he finally moves too. that last thing she is expecting though, is his plea and he needs not ask twice, her lips parting slightly and as his teeth make their way down her neck, the very moan she suppressed leaves her mouth. loud and though her blush deepens, keyelth feels no shame.
her tilting just slightly to the side in attempts to give him easier assess to more skin, her hand under his shirt roams upwards, oddly gentle despite her grip on his hair and the movement of her own hips against his. " oh sh-shit, vax- " her eyes open a bit, half lidded, trying her best to watch out for a moment before she lets her eyes shut after feeling certain that they were okay and letting herself focus on nothing but him. a sigh, louder than her moan leaves her mouth. for a moment, she matches his pace before trying to quicken it and take him deeper. " you feel so nice. "
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((okay so!! My plan is to spend tonight over on my other blog and maybe tomorrow night as well, but after that I'm gonna focus on this blog only for the weekend!
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draconicace · 4 months
the thing is. my messaging anxiety goes down at night. but if i send a text at 10pm i think people will want to kill me
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slautertm · 6 months
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well her dad stepping out to talk to her before @dorkustm was supposed to pick her up was the very last thing she expected or wanted- it had been a back to back argument, steph purposefully leaving the conversation to try and get some space, waiting by the door, opening it so just the screen door was open before her date study session - she wants to be focused. she wants to be pleasant around pete and wants to be able to get done with what they have to quick so they can actually get to hanging out, to goofing around. to flirting, if either of them could make a fucking move. of course, she was not allowed a moment as her dad followed after her to continue their argument. outside unlike inside, steph kept quiet and just stared and tried to tune him out with any and all sound. there was the familiar words. something about not being smart. implications of being a disappointment. of the eyes on her. calling her dumb. she stopped listening, especially as pete's car approached. she stayed in place hoping he would stop once pete pulled into the driveway but he didn't, not until steph backed away upon seeing pete approach the door. how much he had heard steph didn't know, but she didn't ask, just closed the door on her father and followed after pete instead.
she's quiet. steph knows she's quiet and being... not quite herself. the tension in the car is heavy until pete breaks it- “   i  can’t  believe  that  asshole  said  that  to  you .   it’s  not  true ,   you  know .    ” he says and steph sighs a little, unable to even smile at the words.
“ it’s not entirely not true. you know what my grades are like. certainly not the family's pride and joy. not what they should be. ” steph's voice is quiet, soft, perhaps softer than pete has ever heard her. her eyes locked out the side window, not looking at him as she tried her best to get a fucking grip. " ... i don't care. " a lie. " i'm just... sucks you had to hear any of that. " no question of what he heard- how much because, yes, she does want to know, she doesn't want to ask. " sorry. i'm fine. that just... it makes me tense up a little bit. i just need a minute... " then she can be herself again.
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dawnshe · 2 months
✶ / from lucien @ghostslayed !
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despite often struggling a bit herself for food and such, vex had a tendency of sneaking something of what she had lucien's way even before her brother died.
something something vex expressing quick in hemocraft the moment that she first sees it and she really doesn't ask about it until things are quiet and they are first alone, but she does ask him about it in the most quiet and calm and chill ways.
in any au or timeline ( including in canon ) in which vex looses vax, there’s a period of time where she cuts her hair post vax’s death of vex trying to cut her hair and it’s an absolute hack job and not great and so she asks him to help her clean it up thank you.
vex does not go to lucien's resurrection ( i do in fact believe she hears from cree, summoning the lot but answers that she cannot be there because she's not faithful that it will work and does not want to risk it. ) regardless of not being there, i do feel like she is quick to message via eye connection ( because she's got enough eyes to do THAT ) just to talk to him, to see if it worked. where they are heading, truly just to talk to him again deep down, regardless of if she's with a certain group of assholes ( affectionate ) or not. and oh does this conversation likely give her a crisis.
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cupcaketrickster · 3 months
alias / name : ali
birthday : january 26th
zodiac sign : aquarius
height : 5'9”
hobbies : reading, writing, video games, ttrpgs ( and way too many ), cosplay, as well as music and theater ( of the regular and musical sort! though i’m sadly not on the stage right now and have not been for six years )
favourite colour : all shades of blue blue, lavender, periwinkle, and dark green
favourite book : if we were villains by m.l rio
last film / show : rewatch of campaign 2! but if doesn’t count it was the legends of vox machina
recent reads : i’m making my way ;) through the candela obscura and daggerheart core books, twilight ( because a friend picked it for march book club pick ), and some fanfics!
inspiration : other than consuming media over again, i take so much inspiration from music
story behind url : jester loves cupcakes ( and i’d dare say us sweet as one ) and is in fact the sneakiest, most chaotic and trickiest of tricksters
fun fact about me : i am aiming to learn how to sew soon! also i am about to gm a game of candlea obscura soon!
tagged by: @arcanecast !
tagging: @ambitiousillusions , @miscelliany , @missallanea , @stardustedstories , @inabsentiia , @tragedyplay & YOU! steal it! tag me!
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miserycanary · 3 months
pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley & model!fem!reader
synopsis: Ghost mentions you but 141 doesn't believe that he got a wife
tags: crack (well, attempted), fluff
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Ghost’s strict rules for privacy are something the 141 has known for years now. He’s not the type of person to blab about his personal life and often chooses just to keep quiet. So, imagine their surprise when he suddenly says that he’s going to take a day off because his wife asked him to watch a play. 
“Price, ‘am not gonna be here tomorrow. Got a date with my missus.”
All eyes are on him, everyone stills. “WIFE? Since when?!” Soap exclaimed, finally breaking the silence. His eyes were almost bulging out his eyes. “Never told you about her?” Ghost hums, unamused by the Scottish’s exclaim. “Johnny here does have a reasonable reaction. You never tell us anything ‘bout you, mate,” Price joined, chuckling and pulling out a cigar. The man just contemplates before brushing it off and bidding farewell, leaving the group confused. 
“Ain’t no way he’s telling us the truth. That man ain’t got no bone in his body to bag someone,” Soap voiced out, looking for anyone to support his disbelief. “I mean..” Gaz whistles out, crossing his arms over his chest and tilting his head as if he’s agreeing to some extent. That’s when, unbeknownst to Ghost, he got the reputation of being delusional and a liar. 
Soap, still doubtful days later, watches the lieutenant with a vision like a hawk. “Hey, lieutenant.” Ghost snaps his head up, looking at him. “How was the date with your wife?” Immediately, everyone else stopped what they were doing, silently listening. It was obvious he was baiting Ghost, emphasizing the wife as if putting on quotes. They weren’t as nosy as Soap but each one of them still held a bit of doubtness that the brick wall of the team managed to get a girl, and even marry her.
“It was okay. The missus had fun,” Ghost chuckles, fondly remembering how you were beaming on the way, rambling about the plot of the play. “Can we see pictures?” Soap smirked thinking he finally got the lieutenant but was taken aback when Ghost only shrugged and pulled out his phone before freezing. “Ah, we didn’t take pictures yesterday. Said she wanted to live in the moment.” 
Soap whipped his head to signal to Gaz, seemingly saying ‘See? He’s definitely lying! How convenient he has no pictures.” 
“How about just a picture of your wife?” Kyle suggested, now invested while Price seemed to be shaking his head in the corner. “I have none with me but..” With a few clicks, Ghost holds up his phone for everyone to see. Like birds, everyone flocked around him, curious to see. For a while, everyone was surprised and sure the man was lying. I mean, he just showed them a picture of a drop-dead gorgeous model from a magazine! 
‘He's definitely lost it’ everyone seemed to think, offering pity glances at the man who had this prideful shine in his eyes. Walking up to his superior, Soap patted him on the back. “It’s fine, mate… we understand how difficult it must be.” ‘not having a lady at all’
Thinking Johnny meant about your hectic schedule, he agreed. “It’s quite tough but we make it work,” he chuckled which made everyone wince.
‘Definitely nuts!’
Weeks passed after that and the topic never got brought up, until Ghost came in with a bento in hand covered with a handkerchief with frilly ends. When asked about it, he replied, “Ah, wife’s testing out recipes for an upcoming TV show. ‘S been practicing and asked me to bring one.” Once again, he was given pity glances and even heard a defeated sigh from Soap. 
‘He’s too far gone’
“How’s work?” you ask, dazedly paying attention to the movie you guys put, more invested in burying your face in Simon’s chest while he drapes both arms on your waist, completely engulfing your torso under his muscles. “Been getting a few weird stares,” he mumbles, playing with your hair and pressing kisses on your forehead. “Why?” you peer up, resting your chin on his shoulder. “I don’ know, princess.”
“Should we just… finally set the lieutenant on a date? I feel bad. I mean, he even lied about his “wife” making him lunch,” Johnny sighed.
“Probably the best idea,” Kyle nodded.
Now Price… he knows the truth. He met you before when you dropped by, asking for Ghost— which ended horribly— but he’ll lying if he said he’s not getting a kick out of this.
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꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱: probably won't be posting for a while :] Did you guys notice the hint to my previous work? Please do. 😔
dividers by @cafekitsune
Please reblog!! Ask is open!
check out my other works in the masterlist: ୭!
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