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ash-and-starlight · 5 months ago
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happy day two of @zukkathirst!! as always click to this link 🔥💦🥵👉 for the full pictures of friends doing things together
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escyn · 5 months ago
For day 2 of @zukkathirst have my personal favorite type of fanart (inspired by other fanworks)
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First-up is a primer in how to make learning about the intricacies of Fire Nation contracts and taxes and general management sexy inspired by @erisenyo’s Lessons in Proper Asset Management.
You can find it here on ao3
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die-auster · 15 days ago
Look who's baaaaaack!!!!
With such a great motto!
Can't wait to see what you are planning for this year!
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Happy Valentines, horndogs! Zukka Café is open for business! 💖
We're back with ZUKKA THIRST in 2025, so keep your eyes peeled for the sweetest, creamiest, and most decadent Zukka content on your dash.
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chiptrillino-art · 5 months ago
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(ID in ALT text)
so... if you guys know... i spend some time this year doing graphics for the @zukkathirst event. but i not only did graphics i also did some drawings for the event. i am just gonna post this cropped version of my first entry. the full image is on my Ao3
i am really looking forward to what this weekend can all bring! and exited to see other peoples contributions.
please don't worry if this event takes you by surprise. you have still time to draw or write something, or you can just lean back and partake in the commenter contest!
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dickpuncherdraws · 5 months ago
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surprise! i have one more drawing in store for @zukkathirst. zukka yuri fans, this one's for you <3
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arandin-art · 5 months ago
I really wanted to push myself and participated to the @zukkathirst Weekend, but it was a constant struggle. Honestly I'm certain Chip was just way too nice to reject my participation....Otherwise, it would never have been accepted...
So, there you go with the prompts: piercings and frotting. (We'll all agree this one is a complete fail...)
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dickpuncher420 · 5 months ago
nsfw zukka fic recs
@zukkathirst weekend may be over now, but there's still a bunch of smutty fics out there for you to enjoy! if you want to increase your odds of winning the comment contest, why not try showing a bit of love to some older works?
this is only a list of some of my personal favourites—don't be afraid to go digging around for other fics! many of these authors have multiple E-rated fics, so if you enjoyed their work, make sure to check out their profile for more (and leave some more comments! i promise they will love it)
fruity beverages by crosspin, zukkababey | 15k
Against his better judgment, Zuko covers a shift at The Prince and the Fool. Sokka makes it worth his while.
Nip It in the Bud by ranilla_bean | 15k
Zuko gets his nipples pierced for ritual purposes. Sokka needs to get his mouth on them.
hands, knees, please, tangerine by leopardfringe | 7k
Sokka has work to do. Zuko decides that he's going to help out. But as his hands start working on his pant laces, Sokka has a feeling that it's not him that Zuko is trying to help.
nosebleed by nights | 5k
Zuko's worked up after weeks of bickering with his husband, and it takes an entire assassination attempt to break the tension.
Provide by foil | 1.5k
Zuko, recovering from an assault, navigates his sexual relationship with Sokka.
blaze it by architecture_in_f1ll0ry | 9k
Zuko is stressed and overworked and Sokka knows just the solution. Unrelated, Toph keeps getting herself banned from local establishments.
Courtesan by backwheniwrotefic | 2k
“I think,” Sokka says, when it’s late and his face is pressed against Zuko’s bare chest so hard that his cheek squishes up and muffles his voice just a little. “Everyone thinks I’m your courtesan.”
Light in the Dark by Lady_of_the_Flowers | 8k
At least there were still the stars, he thought, gritting his teeth and resuming his slow walk, feet crunching unevenly in the stiff snow. At least there were still the Southern Lights to mark the way home during the black days of deepest winter. It turned out you could get used to anything, even the absence of the moon, with time.
In the Crease by beersforqueers | 3k
Sokka is an NHL goalie and Zuko is the new forward for his team.
An Improbability by HisMomoness | 8k
Sokka must have already said all this on the ride, and he’s repeating it for Zuko’s benefit. It doesn’t have the air of a rehearsed speech, though. Sokka sounds genuinely impressed.  Zuko is foolishly, recklessly, a little bit in love. 
it's too cold for you here by badgerfrog | 5k
Their shitty apartment may be cold, but Sokka and Zuko are well-versed in ways to keep warm.
heat lightning by spqr | 9k
Zuko gets drunk and sexts his roommate, and things escalate from there.
Spare Me the Glow by chronicpainzuko | 70k
Ten years after Fire Lord Iroh takes the throne and ends the war, Crown Prince Zuko travels to Republic City to have his wedding portrait painted by Sokka, a gifted artist struggling to confront his past.
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erisenyo · 5 months ago
For @fandomtrumpshate and @zukkathirst weekend, for the "rimming" prompt, featuring post-canon established Zukka, Zuko with an embarrassing little secret, Sokka thrilled to figure it out, dirty talk, shenanigans, and flipping the script (and realizing you might not know how to read upside down).
[“Don’t worry, love,” Sokka tosses over his shoulder, smirking as Zuko’s heat licks up his back. “Second place is still good enough to get your dick w—wait. Mine?” Zuko tumbles Sokka onto the bed. “Yours?” “You said mine doesn’t have posters.” Sokka shoves his loose hair out of his face, rolling onto his back just in time for Zuko to straddle him. “Meaning yours. Your—crush? You have a crush?”] OR, Zuko has a crush. Detective Wang Fire is on the case. And Sokka--Sokka might have a few questions, too, once he gets past how fun it is to see Zuko so flustered.
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blu3berrydraws · 5 months ago
Alright, alright... I did participate... Somewhat @zukkathirst
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You can find my doodles in the collection
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shesmykindofboi · 5 months ago
My contribution to @zukkathirst, thanks for the fun prompt! Full piece on Ao3
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faux-fires · 5 months ago
no update on merzukka today, if anyone's following me for that - the whole big bang team, me, @ranilla-bean and @chiptrillino, are hard at work on our @zukkathirst entries! We're really excited for this event and as 3/4ths of its moderation team we can't let down the mission, by which i mean: zukka banging. :D
chapter 3 will be up soon-ish*! *Unless i am bludgeoned to death by the project manager at work**, which is at this stage a strong possibility as in a couple of weeks i'll be disappearing on holiday for nearly an entire month **Of course, equally likely is that my work project manager and @ranilla-bean the big bang project manager fight for the privilege of ending me*** like king kong vs godzilla and i am but a casualty of the ensuing brawl ***if i die before i finish mermaids please rest assured chip outlined the sex before i wrote a single word cuz she's an actual icon
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escyn · 5 months ago
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Slut him up sunday! (Id in alt)
The second chapter of you're gonna carry that weight ft. zuko's very round ass, cowboy sokka on top, mostly clothed sex, jockey-ing, sokka's nipple peircing, a bit if rimming and most importantly middle aged scruff has been released into the wild as part of @zukkathirst
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die-auster · 1 month ago
9 and 28 and 29 please!
9 - What's your favorite set of tags/comments you received this year?
Frankly, I love all of comments and tags, I read it again from time to time. It's a big emotional support!
But if I have to pick, it'll probably be comments for the first of "Air nomads in love". It's my first (the only) AU series and I love the reactions.
Especially that one by @likealittleheartbeat:
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28 - Did you learn anything about your art/process/style this year?
I learned a few things about working with scans. It still needs improvement but I like to think that my traditional art looks good on your screens. Yes, I still have problems with light colors and was twice said that I'm doing dark-skinned characters poorly... Well, I'll try to fix it, I swear.
Also I learned about connecting layers, which helps a lot with coloring and light on digital drawings.
As for my style – it seems I really like elongated compositions. Hope you like it too :)
Update: also my style is kinda decorative and I love and hate it both at the same time.
29 - What are you excited for next year when it comes to your art?
Oh, I have a bunch of plans!
First, to learn: anatomy, watercolor, animals, storyboardings, digital drawing.
Second: lots of ideas and wips, both Avatar-related and not. I'm going to try a few new techniques and present to you more headcanons.
Third: NSFW (yeah...). It's a big step for me, because I am not sure about my art skills, but still. @zukkathirst, here I come :)
Thank you very much, for all your questions and for the whole ask!
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baileynono · 5 months ago
For @zukkathirst !!
Prompts: Rimming & Blowjob
Sokka and Zuko come to the realisation that they desperately need to fuck. However, there are only very few moments where the Fire Lord won't be interrupted. OR: The four times Sokka and Zuko were interrupted, and the one time they were not.
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dickpuncherdraws · 5 months ago
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good news, fellow horny perverts: it's @zukkathirst weekend!!!
you can find the first page of my comic here. stay tuned for the rest over the next 2 days ;)
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escyn · 5 months ago
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do you like scruffy middle aged men? do you like cowboy themed pin-ups? Maybe of the Zukka flavored variety? Well do I have some art for you.
For the first day of @zukkathirst I am offering the first chapter of you're gonna carry that weight for your viewing pleasure, ft. cowboyxsamurai zukka frotting cattle ranching in the middle of eurasia and maybe learning how to trust each other (eventually) + this chapter includes a Sokka pin-up
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