#zukka nation wake up!
julchenawesome · 2 years
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@oldpotatoe 💗💗💗
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adriancatrin · 8 months
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soulmark au sketches. the idea of sokka in proven ‘soulmates are real’ universes consistently intrigues me—how would that impact his skepticism/interpretation of fate/destiny/free will? personally i think he’d be very angry for a very long time and probably not even understand why
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heartbeats; matching, shared
Words: 5,329 | Chapters: 1/1 | Pairing: Sokka/Zuko
"You know," Iroh had said, tea cup steaming in front of him. "Some say that everyone has a matching heart, beating perfectly in time with their own. Decided by the Spirits—soulmates, of a kind." Toph's head whipped around to stare in shock at this strange, wise old man. "How did you know that?" Iroh shrugged, a careful nonchalance about him. "Old stories can be found in all sorts of places. Have you found your matching heart, stranger?" "No." She looked away. "But… I can hear them."
Notable Add. Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, POV Outsider, POV Toph Beifong, Getting Together
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wyrm-mlm · 10 days
Thinking about Soulmates Zukka.
Thinking about a soul bond with shared physical pain. About Sokka waking up screaming at 13 because his face BURNS. It aches for weeks as GramGram looks at him with worry(after all, how could a child hurt that badly?)
Thinking about Zuko with hands that ache with the phantom pains of working fishing lines, tying nets, practicing weapons he never held. About his face tingling with cold too sharp for the mild weather of the fire nation. He never tells anyone.
Thinking about Sokka who knows he’s eating enough food, knows he’s been hunting enough for the group, but still his stomach aches with hunger when Zuko travels alone.
About when Iroh is hit by fire from Azula and he feels guilt so sharply it becomes a physical pain and Sokka can’t understand why he hurts so badly.(for a foolish moment he worried Iroh was somehow his soulmate.)
When Zuko has his fever, Sokka feels sluggish.
Just… ugh so much possibility for angst.
Sokka landed bad on his leg during the comit because the feeling of being struck by lightning is fucking distracting, okay?(Zuko is confused when his leg aches along with the lightning wound)
After when Zuko is the fire lord and pushing himself too hard, that is when Sokka finally admits it. He takes care of Zuko because the idiot is too self sacrificing to do it on his own.
Zuko didn’t connect the dots at all.
Feel free if anyone wants to write a fic of this I would love to see it! I may or may not do so but the more the merrier!!
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justaz · 4 months
realistic zukka: zuko is swamped with being firelord and righting everything wrong w the fire nation that he has No Time for visitors or personal letters, sokka is busy as chief of the swt and building all his little inventions to speed the rebuilding efforts along. zukka doesn’t speak for weeks bc they simply don’t have the time or mental space to think about that.
that is, until zuko wakes up in the middle of the night to a face over his, grinning like a madman. zuko’s instinct is to fight bc there has been five assassins this week and it’s only monday. sokka is screeching like a banshee bc if zuko breaks his invention-
the guards burst in and light up the room to find chief sokka of the swt desperately scratching at the ground to get away from a half awake firelord zuko who is currently beating him with the first thing he could get his hands on: sokka’s invention.
they don’t speak for weeks bc sokka is Upset
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aimlacely-sapphic · 2 years
🔥Fire Lord Zuko Headcanons🔥
My semi-canon compliant headcanons of Zuko after the war with a side of Zukka
Zuko's first few months as firelord are a bit of a mess. He's desperately trying to put together some semblance of functional governance in place of the corruption left in his fathers wake, while simultaneously trying to negotiate peace treaties and settlement agreements with nations his predecessors attempted to destroy.
He's overworking himself, not sleeping enough, forgetting to eat and overall just not doing a great job taking care of himself, convinced if he doesn't take care of things instantly then he's not doing enough.
It all comes to a head once the assassination attempts start getting out of hand. At that point Zuko is simply not sleeping so Sokka, Mai, Tylee and Iroh stage an intervention (you cannot convince me Iroh would stay in Ba Sing Se once things start getting out of hand)
His security get upgraded, Toph gets brought in to vet the staff (she can tell when people are lying!! why wouldn't she get to kick people out of the palace?)
And finally things start to settle down
Once the peace talks and negotiations are done he starts transforming the Fire Nation itself
A lot of people have written about this but I am absolutely convinced that Zuko spends the first year trying to get the palace staff to trust him not to hurt them
By the second or third year they are willing to speak to him and have more than small talk
He goes about making a lot of changes in policy but first he disappears for 2 days only Sokka and his head guard knowing in advance
He goes incognito through dozens of towns and villages
He visits schools (putting his blue spirit skills to use)
He goes to orphanages and homeless shelters
He goes back to the Sun Warriors to tell them about the end of the war and seek advice on how to reshape the way firebending is taught to everyone (and maybe he ends up adopting a dragon egg in the process...)
When he returns to the palace he is ready to transform the nation
He makes it a crime to use corporeal punishment
He brings back old traditions and rule for Agni Kais where they can only be fought by adults against adults provided they both agree to the fight. The Agni Kai stops when a person surrenders or at first burn.
He wanted to completely end the practice of Agni Kais but tradition could not constantly be broken by his reign (according to his advisors) so the changes just make them less common or harmful until they go obsolete
He puts in place programs for veterans to get the treatment and support they need.
He creates a fostering program where children who have been left behind can find love with parents who have lost children or veterans who want to bring love and hope to the world
He works with Aang and Sokka and Master Piandao to create new curriculum for the schools which is historically accurate, brings back culture and joy and teaches students to think for themselves
He includes some of the wisdom from the sun warriors in the new curriculum so that firebending, and really all fighting forms can be taught with their duality in mind. Fire burns but it is also life. Martial Arts can be use to kill, but they are also an art form.
Making the curriculum stick is a longer process but with help from people on the inside, slowly but surely schools start to teach in a better. kinder way
Its around the time of Zuko's 20th birthday when advisors start to bother him about marrying.
It is while trying to avoid their matchmaking that he start realizing that he likes Sokka (he's an oblivious biromantic asexual, why would anyone expect it to take less time)
Not much changes when they get together, they still spar and go to the gardens to feed the turtleducks together, Sokka still makes silly faces behind ambassadors backs, Zuko still goes down to the kitchens to make them a pot of tea to have together witting in his room (the kitchen staff are used to this by now)
But they start sharing more intimacies, finding what feels comfortable for them in the form of hugs that last just a bit longer and chaste kisses on shoulders and cheeks and foreheads.
And when the egg from the sun warriors hatches and a tiny dragon comes tumbling out, they name him Druk and take care of him together
Zuko continues to go on trips incognito a few times a year and it is on one of these trips what he finds a young child alone on the side of the road. When he learns that she has know family he tries to taker her to the orphanage in the town near by. She runs away and there is nothing Zuko is willing to do to get her to go.
She has a grittiness and fighting spirit that reminds Zuko of his younger self, an independent streak and impulsiveness that border on dangerous. And even though Zuko has to leave her that day he can't stop thinking about her as he returns to the palace.
Sokka notices right away and they talk about her, and adoption, and the fact that Zuko needs an heir and end up figuring out that they want a child of their own to raise now that Druk is all grown up
When Zuko next returns to the town he brings Sokka, a legal witness and adoption papers with him.
He introduces her to Druk and when she pets him and falls in love they start to talk to her. She begins to trust them, telling them her name is Izumi and that she doesn't like the orphanage because it reminds her too much of her past.
They stay for a few days getting to know her and when they ask if she wants to live with them she does say yes.
Over time Zuko comes to find balance and love in the peace he created in the Fire Nation<3
Note: I cannot take credit for all of these ideas, some of them come from a bunch of fanfictions I've read over the years and especially Post-Canon Fire Lord Zuko (and his staff) by RejectsCanon
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top five divorced zukka moments? 🤔
you know i think the funniest thing about this ask is that the moments i’m about to mention are things that non-divorced zukka fans don’t even know about or understand but divorced zukka fans not only know about it and understand it but they either Saw the scene in their brain or Read the scene in a brain fic. we’re all connected to have the same visions
1. the failed proposal. everybody loves it when the person that’s never stayed for anyone stays for Someone and then that someone leaves. everybody loves that
2. umm umm when sokka came back to the fire nation thinking the assassination attempts were on zuko but they were on izumi??? and this changed everything cause even if he was terrified that anything would happen to zuko, he knew zuko could handle himself but this was izumi and he knew she was his weakness and he knew zuko couldn’t handle this on his own so then he just??? stays??? refuses to leave him on this??? wtf
3. mid divorce hookups okay you won me over jo. i think it’s funny. but even then i feel like they don’t Know exactly how the other feels like you’re alone and I’m alone….lets not think about this at all
4. that one time sokka almost died for zuko and izumi and zuko thought sokka was gonna die thinking that zuko didn’t love him? and then he wakes up and zuko gets his chance to do so and they realize that just like this assassination attempt, a hundred more could come and there will never be a right time but they only have one life to spend together and if they keep waiting for things to get easier and for the circumstances to be just right, nothing will ever happen. and despite fearing what people will think, despite knowing the assassination attempts will be more and more frequent, despite despite despite they still do it.
5. sokka death scene amv lmaooo get dunked on loser. this time around, he does die sacrificing himself for zuko and korra. this time, there’s no second chance for him and zuko holds him and tries to save him but they both know it’s too much for him to make it past this and sokka tries to calm zuko down even if he himself is terrified because what about katara, what about izumi, what about zuko, who’s going to take care of his family when he’s gone when it’s all he’s ever done? and they both wish they could have had more time but they know whatever they had left was spent just right. and then he serves and he dies lmao.
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waterfire1848 · 11 months
How’s it going at @waterfire1848 ! I’ve got another question for ya. This one is a more abstract ATLA question.
Suppose one night you are randomly Isekaid into either Ozai or Ursa on the night of Azulon’s assignation, coming into existence after Azulon is assassinated but before Ursa leaves. How would you influence the FN royal family, the Fire Nation, and the world at large? What changes would you make to canon? I’m curious!
It's going good! How are you?
I love this ask!!
I'll start with (serious) Ozai. I'd work with Ursa. If she has the ability to murder Azulon without being caught then I think she could be a vital ally. She mainly cares about (not bringing the comics in just the show) her children, so as long as no harms comes to them then Ursa won't do anything to me. Plus, her being around helps keep up public appearances. I would still be Firelord but now I have Ursa to deal with the children. The FN royal family would probably be more me and Azula doing our own thing and Ursa and Zuko on their own kinda split but living in the same area. If I wake up as Ozai with the knowledge I do know, I’d also destroy Aang’s iceberg and take Katara, Sokka, Toph and Suki to join the FN army.
(Funny) Ozai. I’d throw myself off a cliff. Azula and Zuko grow up happy with Ursa and the war would probably still continue but Azula and Zuko would probably have a stronger relationship since Ozai isn’t around to drive them apart and now Ursa is around to help them repair their relationship.
Ursa. Two options. 1. Either take Azula and Zuko with me and raise them in the WT so Azutara and Zukka can happen but also they can grow up away from Ozai’s abuse and safe. If Zuko and Azula aren’t around to help Ozai then the war will probably be over before Sozin’s Comet. It would probably end on the DOBS. And, as Ursa, I’d go to Ozai’s cell afterwards and beat him with a bat.
2. Kill Ozai too. Once I’m in power, I would help Zuko and Azula with therapy and actually paying attention to Azula. Zuko would never be banished and he and Azula would have a much better relationship. So if they stay on the FN side then the FN is winning the war (cause I will die with that headcanon that Zuko and Azula would be an unstoppable force together) and if they join the Avatar then I still believe the war would be over earlier.
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spacecasehobbit · 1 year
Infinitely easier to come up with fake fic titles, I can do that all day. How about "I'll be your best kept secret and your biggest mistake" or "thunder and lightning (very very frightening)" lol
I am jealous of this skill! I even trip myself up coming up with fake titles, lol. But onto the fake fics for the fake titles!
"I'll be your best kept secret and your biggest mistake"
Angst! Angst seems like the obvious answer, here, haha.
There's lots of potential for a fic with this title in AtLA.... Zukka could go either way (or both ways :p). I could see a Tyzula option with lots of Ty Lee secretly pining for Azula and knowing it's a mistake every time she finds little ways to feed her crush and hope it won't end in the inevitable heartbreak that she knows is coming.
But the one I'm leaning towards most is an Iroh-introspective piece in which Iroh (one who is absolutely, 100% just as Dramatic as the rest of his family, even if he pretends to be quieter about it) finds all new ways to blame himself for both Lu Ten's death and Zuko's burning immediately after the Agni Kai with Ozai, all while desperately trying to keep up a mask of hope and cheer every time Zuko wakes up long enough to look his way.
The mistakes were too numerous to count, and every one is an impossible weight he must learn to bear anyway. The secret is that he's dying inside even when he's smiling.
"Thunder and lightning (very very frightening)"
This one immediately inspired, "lighthearted and cute," lol.
For AtLA: maybe a Zukka fic in which Sokka experiences his first thunderstorm in the Fire Nation's rainy season, after starting his new position as Ambassador for the SWT.
Sokka is merely trying to hunker down in his warm and cozy ambassador room with some warm and cozy stew, when who should appear, between one lightning flash and another, on a nearby hilltop visible from his window - outside, in the rain - but Mr. Crazy-Fire-Guy Zuko... who is, apparently, practicing getting hit by lightning in the middle of the storm.
Who does that?
Zuko. Of course, Zuko does that, because Zuko is a crazy Fire Nation royal - Fire Nation Fire Lord, even - who would stand around in a lightning storm, shirtless, redirecting giant bolts of energy from the sky with his bare hands, with no concern whatsoever for either getting fried or for frying poor Sokka's nerves. First with, "Oh no!" and then with, "Oh, no."
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jubilantmedusa · 2 days
Hi! I just wanted to say that I really like your fics <3 I re-read your latest Zukka one 3 times. Do you plan to write any more soon? What type of ideas do you have? I hope I don't sound pushy I'm just curious!
Aww, so glad you enjoyed it :)
I doesn't take much to get me to talk about ideas and WIPs so here you go!
I'm not sure how soon any of this will get done, just because life is very busy right now (which is the reason I've been focusing on short stuff - I prefer medium/long, but short is more achivable right now; and it is a fun challenge to stick to a word limit).
Actively working on:
Zukka HC Sketch + Fic: I have two other Zukka H/C-ish sketches that I need to write stories for. They should be a little less angsty then the last one, in theory, but still have some H/C element. Waiting for inspiration to strike. (1 - 1.5k each goal). I might do more of these, or I might switch to a non-H/C sketch/fic focus. Or I might stop when those two are done. IDK. Whatever's fun.
Iroh and Zuko Post "The Desert" Whump AU: Zuko and Iroh’s escape from "The Desert" is intercepted by an enemy who quickly surmises that the most effective way to torture Iroh is to torture Zuko. With Iroh literally losing his mind, can Zuko (who is not doing well) save his uncle and himself? (currently at 4k; estimated 12 - 16k)
If I can finish the above by the end of the year I'll be pleased.
Ideas that I really want to do and have at least done *some* pre-writing for:
Iroh's Second Spirit World Journey: An Iroh centric story that diverges after "The Earth King." When Zuko never wakes up from his angst coma, Iroh goes literally beyond the ends of the earth to try to save him (aka - Iroh's second spirit world journey). Could have a sequal (or even be a trilogy, potentially), but not required. I really want to write this but I'm not sure if it would have an audience. Estimate: long, over 25k
Escaping the Desert: Another "The Desert" divergence story - Zuko and Iroh are captured by the Rough Rhinoes. Unfortunately, so is Toph. Zuko will do anything to save his uncle, but what about the strange blind girl who was with the avatar? Estimate 15 - 25k. The problem with this one is it would more or less require a trilogy... but if I can keep all the stories to around 10-15k that may be achievable.
Zukka Iron Lung: There is a plague that only effect firebenders. This spurs the invention of the iron lung -- Sokka is one of the lead engineers. When Sokka goes to the Fire Nation to Save the Day, he catches feelings for the Fire Lord. Unfortunately, Zuko then catches the plague. Length TBD.
Zukka Post Series romance: Zuko was injured/disabled before the finale and never took the throne. Sokka hasn't spoke to him since. He has, however, developed PTSD. With his life seemingly falling apart. Sokka decides to run away and go to university at Ba Sing Se. He stops for tea at the Jasmine Dragon, which is now run by, you guessed it, Zuko. Angst and romance ensures. Bonus airbender field trip. Length TBD.
Ice Demon / Waterbender Hospital - This is something I'm not sure anyone would be interested in except me, but I do like medical whump. I've done some light worldbuilding for a waterbender hospital, and have a vague idea of sending Zuko there when he's attacked by an Ice spirit. For some reason. Maybe involving Aang and his quest to master the avatar state? or maybe not, because that would be a lot of story. Lots of more to develop here. Could be gen or Zukka. Season 3 somewhere. Length TBD.
Fire Demon story - I would love to write a longer form season one AU that shamlessly steals the premise of the excellent short fic Fire Walk by Sholio and makes it into a multi-chapter Zuko joins the gang early story. Length TBD.
Ancedotes: This is an idea for a series of short form slice of life/characters backstory fics (3 - 8k, lets say). So far they'd include - "Old Man " a story that answers the question 'how did Sokka learn about physics?' - coming of age/loss of innocence; "Losing at Pai Sho" a story about teen Iroh learning to not be arrogant; and "First Kiss" - the only idea I've ever had for an Azula story, featuring Ty Lee's first kiss and Azula's first... something else. I have an idea for Toph and Zuko, but not committed to them. Katara story has not come to me. I also wanted to pair these with exercises from The 3 A.M. Epiphany because idk the whim struck and the idea is in my head.
Aside form that, I'd like to write a few whumpy Zuko short stories (3 - 10k) that focus on the gaang relationships I haven't written about as much - friendship fics featuring Katara & Zuko, Aang & Zuko, or Toph & Zuko.
If I am ever to become independently wealthy, I'll write my season 3 AU.
And if I ever feel very, very silly - but still slightly angsty - I'll have Iroh commission a symphony in C.
Thank you so much for the question! I am flattered. It was very nice.
If there's an idea you (or anyone who stumbles across this) especially likes, let me know!
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julchenawesome · 2 years
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"His smile twists, falling away. He rubs at his face with both hands, before pulling them away to stare at them.
These hands, capable of so much creation, had nearly destroyed that which he loved most. What had they done?
His fingers curl into his palms, nails biting into flesh. What had he done?"
"Feel like we only go backwards"-Chapter 22, by @oldpotatoe
I hope you liked it!❤💙🤭
[ID: dark blue/black/little red background, Sokka in the left center, with his hair down and with the water tribe clothes, looking horrofied to his hands. But actually, he sees Zuko (right-center) between the hands, long hair and red robes. It's a memory of Zuko being strangled, and holding his wrist. He is crying, suffering, and Sokka is guilty. Over them arecte sentences: These hands, capable of so much creation, had nearly destroyed that which he loved most. What had they done?. END ID]
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bisexuallsokka · 2 years
during the spymaster sokka au era of zukka nation i considered writing a fic of my own for it but i only wrote the reunion and was like ah that was cathartic. well got that out of my system.
but i would’ve done it where sokka and zuko were either newly engaged or just recently married and zuko would think that sokka was dead for like. three whole weeks. i would’ve really dragged out the angst. and then when sokka comes back to him zuko doesn’t know it’s him and thinks he is part of the attack but then sokka is like “sunshine it’s me!” and zuko stops because
Only Sokka calls him that. Sokka, who first adopted the nickname when he would find Zuko in the mornings hours after the sunrise and give a sarcastic “Good morning, sunshine,” as he still struggled to fully wake up.
Sokka, whose sarcasm turned soft and his smile fond every time he would show up in the palace for a surprise visit and say, “Did you miss me, sunshine?”
Sokka, who had loved when Zuko had started signing his letters as “Your sunshine, Zuko.”
Sokka, who responded to Zuko’s confession a year earlier with the brightest smile and an “I love you, too.”
Sokka, whose bloody betrothal necklace is still on top of the ripped open package on Zuko’s desk.
and everyone and everything stops as zuko realizes sokka is alive and he’s here and he’s fucking alive and then
The dam breaks. Zuko surges forward and collapses in Sokka’s arms, trusting in him to catch him, always trusting him, knowing Sokka will always catch him. He does, his arms wrapping around Zuko tightly, holding him upright before giving up and letting them both sink to their knees, not letting go for a moment.
A voice in the back of Zuko’s head is reminding him what breathing is, but he can’t pay it much attention, all he can think of is Sokka, Sokka’s hands, Sokka’s hair, Sokka’s scent, Sokka. It takes him a few moments to realize that his chest isn’t tight from just the hug but because of the sobs that are escaping him, his face wet and his breath rattling as he inhales. Sokka is rubbing his back, murmuring something in his ear, but Zuko can’t hear him over his sobs.
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zo1nkss · 1 year
forgot that tumblr is unlike other platforms in that my posts can get sudden bursts of notes at literally any time amd it made my morning to wake up to a bunch of rlly lovely notes from both Zukka nation and also from twt/reddit refugees.
Thanks for being here and making me have a sudden boost of seretonin first thing, that was amazing 💙
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ao3feed-zukka · 2 years
To the Moon and Back
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/iQvb19B
by colourmornings
Five years after the 100 Year War, Yue wakes up.
Trapped in the Fire Nation until winter passes, Yue learns to adjust to the new world and her new life, with the help of new and familiar faces along the way.
Words: 1366, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Yue (Avatar), Suki (Avatar), Sokka (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar)
Relationships: Suki/Yue (Avatar), Sokka/Zuko (Avatar), Sokka & Yue (Avatar), Yue & Zuko (Avatar)
Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Yue Is Alive, Bisexual Suki (Avatar), Bisexual Yue (Avatar), the zukka is more of a background thing but they're in there i promise, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Comfort, Ambassador Sokka (Avatar), Fire Nation (Avatar), Grief/Mourning
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/iQvb19B
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kiki-strike · 11 months
OUGH i def think zuko would be too prideful to wake anyone up, with the whole Weakness Bad thing he (n kinda the whole fire nation) has goin on. oof i gotta love sad and alone zuko fhshdhf (also zukka agenda all you want hehehe)
YEAH he wouldn't take a free meal when he was starving to death of course he's not going to seek out emotional support... potion of being sad and alone in the dark (until sokka gets up to go pee and trips over wet cat firebender blending into the wall)
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ao3feedzukka-blog · 2 years
To the Moon and Back
https://archiveofourown.org/works/45189367 by colourmornings Five years after the 100 Year War, Yue wakes up. Trapped in the Fire Nation until winter passes, Yue learns to adjust to the new world and her new life, with the help of new and familiar faces along the way. Words: 1366, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F Characters: Yue (Avatar), Suki (Avatar), Sokka (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar) Relationships: Suki/Yue (Avatar), Sokka/Zuko (Avatar), Sokka & Yue (Avatar), Yue & Zuko (Avatar) Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Yue Is Alive, Bisexual Suki (Avatar), Bisexual Yue (Avatar), the zukka is more of a background thing but they're in there i promise, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Comfort, Ambassador Sokka (Avatar), Fire Nation (Avatar), Grief/Mourning February 19, 2023 at 10:12PM
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