bisexuallsokka · 2 years
during the spymaster sokka au era of zukka nation i considered writing a fic of my own for it but i only wrote the reunion and was like ah that was cathartic. well got that out of my system.
but i would’ve done it where sokka and zuko were either newly engaged or just recently married and zuko would think that sokka was dead for like. three whole weeks. i would’ve really dragged out the angst. and then when sokka comes back to him zuko doesn’t know it’s him and thinks he is part of the attack but then sokka is like “sunshine it’s me!” and zuko stops because
Only Sokka calls him that. Sokka, who first adopted the nickname when he would find Zuko in the mornings hours after the sunrise and give a sarcastic “Good morning, sunshine,” as he still struggled to fully wake up.
Sokka, whose sarcasm turned soft and his smile fond every time he would show up in the palace for a surprise visit and say, “Did you miss me, sunshine?”
Sokka, who had loved when Zuko had started signing his letters as “Your sunshine, Zuko.”
Sokka, who responded to Zuko’s confession a year earlier with the brightest smile and an “I love you, too.”
Sokka, whose bloody betrothal necklace is still on top of the ripped open package on Zuko’s desk.
and everyone and everything stops as zuko realizes sokka is alive and he’s here and he’s fucking alive and then
The dam breaks. Zuko surges forward and collapses in Sokka’s arms, trusting in him to catch him, always trusting him, knowing Sokka will always catch him. He does, his arms wrapping around Zuko tightly, holding him upright before giving up and letting them both sink to their knees, not letting go for a moment.
A voice in the back of Zuko’s head is reminding him what breathing is, but he can’t pay it much attention, all he can think of is Sokka, Sokka’s hands, Sokka’s hair, Sokka’s scent, Sokka. It takes him a few moments to realize that his chest isn’t tight from just the hug but because of the sobs that are escaping him, his face wet and his breath rattling as he inhales. Sokka is rubbing his back, murmuring something in his ear, but Zuko can’t hear him over his sobs.
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chiliger · 2 years
5 and 14!!!
5. Anything you haven’t drawn yet but want to?
Omg so many things... To name a couple: My original comics, first and foremost. Far too many ideas, so I gotta prioritize, but I'm nearly done polishing the plot for one of them. I still think about a short animatic of Yue, after surviving the siege, to part of the song "Champagne Problems."
14. How has your art changed over the years?
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I found this old progress tracker and figured it was high time to add an update on it.
However! It skips a crucial part of my art development: My awkward kiddie weeb phase circa 2009-2011.
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erisenyo · 2 years
Ohhh this was tough to pick! I'll go with this bit from their shopping date:
“What’s this?” Zuko asks, holding up a deceptively simple-looking circle of thin, stamped leather. “An armband? This is nice?”
“…Let’s do one thing at a time and save armbands for later,” Sokka suggests, doing a double take at the raised-eyebrow look the shopkeeper gives him over Zuko’s shoulder as Zuko shrugs and goes back to the basket.
“My son works for a wholesaler in Zhou,” she says, lips twitching.
“Ah,” Sokka says—it’s a frequent stop for Southern trading vessels, even before the end of the war—as he waves away Zuko’s questioning look and goes back to looking through the basket again with a new purpose in mind.
I am unable to resist teasing a proposal between the two of them but not actually writing it, as it turns out, and I really liked the idea of using that in particular to show the boys' relationship progression here and to orient the reader into this post-canon moment where they're together but also still figuring it out, to some degree.
(I also just love the detail of armbands for the SWT as a sign of commitment, from the novels)
Both Sokka and Zuko's attention is caught by something proposal related in the story (Sokka here with the armband, Zuko with the jewelry making to anyone who has read some of the other stories set in this AU). But neither of them directly references it or brings it up to the other, and Sokka outright redirects the conversation. There's a readiness that isn't there for either of them yet for that conversation, even though they feel very sure and happy with each other--which makes sense, since they're probably 18/19ish here (I don't feel like doing the math) and both still heavily involved in their individual post-canon rebuilding efforts and functionally in a long-distance relationship.
And there's still a level of unfamiliarity with the details of each other's cultures, too, in the fact that Zuko doesn't know about armbands (where this vendor whose son would interact with Southern traders does). I wanted to show the ways they're still learning and sharing with each other, and also suggest their tendency to get very caught up in each other and the giddiness of being back together. Plus, it felt like something Zuko wasn't likely to get in a Fire Lord briefing ahead of some formal visit South, and that no one else would think to tell him.
For this Fanfic Directors cut ask game!
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haroldtea · 1 year
OHH 'nonchalant'??
wheeheeee from rdtas again:
“Oh, so me winning the points for the cooking is boring?” Sokka asks, examining his nails with faux nonchalance. He gets a pillow to the face within the next breath, revealing a wide grin as it slides off.
“Yes, actually,” Zuko says, crossing his arms but allowing the very corners of his mouth to tick up. “Very boring. Snoozefest.”
“Uh-huh,” Sokka hums. “And I suppose it’ll be more exciting if you win the cuddle points, then.”
send me a word, if it’s in my wip document i’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in!
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jaanii · 2 years
min min as one of my favorite writers with a writing style i dream of, i would love to hear about your writing process! also any tips and tricks you may have for writing beautiful things 🧡
kath you did not just say that whdkdnsosnskd i need you to know that i am actually giggling and kicking my feet and smiling like a twelve year old girl tyty
um god my writing process it’s usually very stressful but i tend to have an idea for something and then quickly opening a google doc and writing down everything from that idea so i don’t lose it even if it’s just one scene and then later i’ll loosely plot out points on things i wanna do and the direction i wanna go in but i never fully make an outline bc i don’t like to be constricted to an outline past min made (i never trust that bitch) i just follow like loosely connected points and then just. kind of. write. i alos never stick to one scene i’ll be in the middle of writing something and then skip a couple lines and write whatever is in my head it’s v chaotic actually but i think it works for me :) and um. writing beautiful things (can’t believe you just said that to me 😳😳😳) well my first language is naturally very poetic so i do have that just like always in mind but i’m also naturally a person who describes things in my head and who overanalyzes things so i mostly take inspiration from poetry and songs and just um. myself ;) to write something that would connect to a reader and be seen as pretty :))
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dickpuncher420 · 2 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAU i hope you have a great day!!! 🧡
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yayee-prsp · 2 years
14 and 26?? 👀
14. Favorite motifs
answered!! eyes, hands and wings!!
26. What's a piece that got wildly different interpretation from what you intended
hmm usually my arts are pretty straight forward things so there aren't interpretation... but the gaang holding blahajs.... that one.... people keep saying i drew eren. so i suppose it's that one
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drive · 6 months
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ash-and-starlight · 3 months
it’s been more than a month but i finally remembered that @chiptrillino tagged me in the last line challenge so here u go!
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carefully drawing every single gray hair on their beards to distract myself from the fact that i intend to draw Several Sceneries
tagging hmmm @erisenyo @marriedzukka @chitsangenthusiast @faux-fires if u feel so inclined u3u
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luzho · 11 months
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"you're not gonna believe this aang: did you know lee from the tea shop likes puns too?!"
"but i thought you didn't like him:/...?" "ahh... so that's where you're off to everyday, huh...". based on this pun found in @chitsangenthusiast's puns tag (hehe thanks kath :P this is like the second time i find a pun there!)
and i realized half way, but this works like a sorta prequel to the original puns comics from over a year ago! basically at this point, all my comics happen in an alternate universe where everything stays the same but sprinkled with anachronisms, such as sneakers and einstein :3
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chiptrillino · 5 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like). 
got tagged by @ranilla-bean with these huge eyes and expectation of sharing something specific, which i now pretend to completely forget what it was! also i forgot that i should share one thing but i already prepped 6 different ones soo... uhhh
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(ID in ALT text)
tagging with absolutely no pressure, but if you would like to do! @ssreeder @chitsangenthusiast @petricorah @paramouradrift @blu3berrydraws and uh. -pointing at whom this perhaps could be crossing on the dash!- no seriously, tag me, i am noisy and curious!
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petricorah · 1 year
wip game!
rules: share a few lines or a snippet that sums up the main relationship(s) in your wip
i was tagged by @ash-and-starlight (thank you!) and you can see her version here~
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ids in alt text. tagging @chitsangenthusiast @longhairsokka @yayee-prsp and @bisexuallsokka if they want to participate!
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erisenyo · 2 years
6, 12, and 16 for the ask game!!
6. Favorite title you used
I really like Oh, The Way Your Makeup Stains My Pillowcase. I feel like it fits the fic really well, both as a title and that bit of the song itself, and it was very much a case of the story idea emerging alongside the title which is usually not the case for me.
(As anyone who has been the recipient of my panicked about-to-post-what-do-I-call-it DMs would know lol)
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
This is a gooood question. How do we define a WIP haha? Currently, I have...
A gift for @demondarakna planned that I need to draft out
An outline for a fic that @ash-and-starlight inspired me to write about Zuko visiting the Southern Water Tribe for the first time as Sokka's boyfriend that I'm really excited for
A post-canon masquerade AU that's in the ideas stage that is a gift for @callmesinpai for being very good a guessing
The outline of a betrothal armbands fic I'd love to flesh out
A pure fluff smut modern AU roommates idea that is mostly outlined
A proposal fic set in my Burning Bright verse that I've got the bones of
A fun smutty Fandom Trumps Hate fill involving the secret horniness of bureaucratic administration when the right person is running all the meetings
My 'the man who loves the moon' idea for Sokka and Yue that I'd love to find the time to finally write
And one persistent idea that's slowly getting fleshed out, a modern AU enemies-to-lovers story where Zuko and Sokka fall in love in one night in a Waffle House lol
Which is...quite a bit now that I look at it...
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
I get pretty free form on these pretty fast, but post common is "Post Canon" (7 fics this year) and "Canon Compliant" (usually with a references to the comics not existing to me, 6 fics).
But those are more boring, so after that its "Established Relationship" (6 fics, I do like to write the boys in love and still flirting with each other) and some reference to Sokka's job (Detective Sokka, Kyoshi Sokka, Sokka trying to figure the job thing out, 4 fics)
For this AO3 Wrapped ask game!
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haroldtea · 2 years
!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY i hope it's a, lovely one for you!!! 🧡 🧡 🧡
omg thank you beloved kath!!!! 🤍🤍🤍🤍
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colorofneurosis · 3 months
Last Line Challenge
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tagged by @erisenyo🌿 (i salute you for still poking this hibernating bear) so here have a lounging Eddie covered in a mass of Very Unfinished Lines.
(We'll fix him up don't worry)
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you like).
tagging : @sparklyslug (yeah you know it) @carbonbased000 @jamiethegardener55 @flieslikeamoron @chitsangenthusiast @wingedquill @artbean and/or anyone who feels like sharing any kind of line (snort) (double snort) (ok she done bye)
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3cosmicfrogs · 10 months
Last line tag game!!
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like).
tagged by @frodo-of-the-nine-fingers
not a writer but i do draw. since yall have been SO lovely in welcoming me to Triangle Corner, here's a spoiler for my next 3zun art:
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Tagging @chitsangenthusiast and anyone else who wants to join (i have very few mdzs moots pls i just started going here)
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