tamakiudagawa · 2 years
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ズコット。 苺1パック投入。 小粒の苺。小粒だからこそのフィット感。 いちごショートは正直、ナッペがシロウトさんにはハードル高いし、生クリームもたっぷり必要で、なかなかにクリアしなくちゃいけない課題が多いなぁと思っての着地点がコレ。 技要らずでおいしい。 おもたせに持って行っても、きっと喜んでもらえるはず。 いちごは嫌いじゃなければ、バナナとかでも。 あまり水分の出ない果物なら、いくつか合わせてゴロゴロ入れるのもヨシ。 楽しんでもらえたら幸い。 #cooking_workshop8 #cookingclass #cookinglesson #zuccotto #ellegourmetjp #料理教室 #料理教室千葉 #ズコット #苺のズコット #苺スイーツ #ミモザケーキ #エルグルメ #フードクリエイター部 #宇田川多眞季 https://www.instagram.com/p/CqQazMyv8pG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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scienceofwilderness · 8 months
Zuccotto a Cake for all Occasions
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bonesandstyle · 8 months
Zuccotto a Cake for all Occasions
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bloomlikeapril · 1 year
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Recipe for Cherry, Chocolate, and Pistachio Zuccotto With cherries, chocolate, and pistachios, this panettone 'zuccotto' is sure to deliver an authentic Italian experience - no baking required!
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sugar-seals · 3 months
Zuccotto Cookie: Before His Magic Preservation Project
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Off to finish his medical studies, gather by supporting family and friends! What a nice young lad to add to the story, hopefully things don't mess up more from here...
Mockup Loading Screen:
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vvv Unedited Splash Art Below! vvv
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karol-chan-art · 5 months
So I drew some things like..
An anatomy study over Zuccotto's mermaid form! To better myself in cookie/mermaid anatomy
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Also a small doodle page of just baby Pure Passionfruit(Ft. Pure Vanilla holding them because they were a strong biter when they started teething and PV was the second cookie who could handle holding them)
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Annnnnd finally two fankids from another new rarepair: FrilledMargarine(Frilled Jellyfish x Royal Margarine)
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My hands hurt from drawing so much today :')
Reblogs are appreciated!
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quibbs126 · 1 year
For the fan kid thingy, can I get a velvetgatto? (Affogato x red velvet)
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Finally…after an eternity (about 6 months, which Jesus that’s a long time), he is finished. Zuccotto Cookie
So his name. Zuccotto is basically like an ice cream cake, so a combination of Red Velvet’s cake and Affogato’s ice cream. Also, it’s Italian, like affogato. I vaguely recall the name giving me trouble at first, until I realized cake and ice cream was a valid combination and got this
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So I had his design sketched out like a month ago, and I think I recall telling you all that I couldn’t figure out how to make his design work. I had left the design I made and just went and did something else, and then today I was looking for something to draw and I said “yeah the design looks fine, don’t know why I didn’t like it” and just drew that
But also this means that I don’t remember all the reasons for his design details, most notably the staff
I mean, I know I based it off the staffs some of the Cake Monsters have, specifically the Pomegranate shamans or whatever they were called. I also know originally I was trying to make it a spork, but I couldn’t get it to look good, so I switched to the other staff. But I admit, it looks a bit out of place. I mean, I changed some of the colors at the end to match it, but I think it still looks off. But I’m not going through the effort of making a new one, I remember that staff being a pain
Anyways, so I think I was trying to give Zuccotto a style more befitting a shaman, but also with a more modern twist to emulate Red Velvet. I think I did it well
But one thing that was a real struggle was the colors, because I had no clue what to do for them. In my mind he had a black and red color scheme, and that’s how I had it at first, but I was having difficulty with putting the reds next to each other, and I changed some of the colors at the end to match the staff, and I think it worked out fine in the end
I feel like he looks too similar to Affogato, at least without colors (I felt that when I was drawing the sketch). But maybe I just need to take some time away from him and come back to really know. He probably doesn’t look as similar as I think
Also I’m just realizing that considering he’s not made of a food that contains coffee, he probably shouldn’t have dilated pupils, but like, both Red Velvet and Affogato have some form of them, so shhh
Anyways, so let’s move on to him
So Zuccotto is part of the Cookies of Darkness (assuming they stay for a long time and/or there’s a new group), and he’s some sort of Cake Shaman, summoning Cake Monsters to do his bidding. Though he has a great respect for Cakes and see them as equals. He’s not necessarily a bad guy, but he’s very loyal to the Cookies of Darkness and has no inclination to leave, feeling that normal Cookies have no respect for Cakes
I can imagine him playing cards or chess with the Cake Monsters, or at least the ones with hands
Now one of the other main things I have for him is his relationship with Licorice Cream, a darklico fankid I did some time ago, and whom you can see in the sketch (it’s supposed to be a recreation of that Toy Story meme). Basically my idea is that they’re both part of the CoD and they’re this duo within the group. Zuccotto is the straight man that gets dragged along into Licorice Cream’s antics and tries to stay the voice of reason. I said in my head that they have a dynamic similar to Mule and Sonia from Berserk, but also it’s been a while since I’ve read the chapters with them, and my mind may have branched off from that initial dynamic. But basically it’s “weird girl and normal dude who has no clue what she’s on about”. Actually that’s probably not accurate, I just don’t know how to describe Sonia, so sorry to those who haven’t read Berserk and don’t know what I’m talking about
Zuccotto’s also generally the more mature of the two, despite Licorice Cream being older (Zuccotto’s like a teenager while LC is an adult)
I feel like I should have more, but really those are the only two bits I have on him, I don’t think he’s that complicated. But I might have more to say about him when I redo Licorice Cream, since I have a better idea of what to do with her now, and they are rather close
But yeah, that’s Zuccotto Cookie, hope you like him and that maybe he was worth the wait!
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bottlepiecemuses · 3 months
The Snail Is Back On Line And The Broadcast Is Not Lost
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We see many others find out that the D's inherited a will that has been passed down which again fits in the theme of the series.
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holmsister · 3 months
Cringesona being fantasy Italian like Marci and Pattadol being a bit of a gourmet in canon I think it will end up like with Marcella's mom who like. Swore off elf food after a few years living in fantasy Italy. There's a comic about it I think. Patty eats zuccotto and gets tears in her eyes and grabs Lapo's hand like please... promise me we'll eat this at our wedding and not elf cake... no matter what my family says... and Lapo is like OF COURSE HONEY I WILL FIGHT
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dwarfvania · 2 years
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Zuccotto a Cake for all Occasions
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Zuccotto a Cake for all Occasions
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diablademon · 8 months
I did a list of how long time there were between Charlotte siblings births.
This was made with the idea that Big Mom gave birth each and every year from she was 18 to 60 and never skipped a year. But keep in mind that she apparently gave birth 43 times in 42 years. So there was one year she gave birth two times.
First of Cracker and his sisters are only 5 months younger than Opera and his brothers. I read that children only have a chance of surving being premature birth if its been over 6 months. Because its at 6 months lungs and other organs are fully developed. But this is a show where a woman was pregnant for 22 months so everything goes in this world I guess.
Brûlée and Broyé have two different birthdays, twins being born on different dates arent that uncomman, but Broyé would have been born 9 months after Brûlée, 28 days before Nusstorte. Sounds more like Broyé would be apart of a Quadruplets with Nusstorte and his brothes than a twin of Brûlée. Most likely just a mistake on Odas part.
Perospero: March 14th 19 months
Compote: October 15th 12 months
Katakuri, Daifuku, Oven: November 25th 12 months
Mondée, Amande, Hachée, Effilée: December 10th 9 months
Opera, Counter Cadenza, Cabaletta, Gala: September 29th 5 months
Cracker, Custard, Angel: February 28th -
Zuccotto: - -
Brûlée, Broyé: March 6th and December 26th 10 months or 28 days
Nusstorte, Basskarte, Dosmarche: January 23rd 23 months
Noisette: December 15th 12 months
Moscato, Mash, Cornstarch - December 16th -
Compo, Laurin: - -
Mont-d'Or: April 23rd 20 months
Mozart, Marnier: - December 20th -
High-fat, Tablet: - -
Smoothie, Citron, Cinnamon - October 16th -
Saint-Marc, Basans: - -
Melise: - -
Dacquoise: - _
Galette, Poire: October 19th 12 months
Snack, Bavarois: October 29th 9 months
Prim, Paraline: July 22nd -
Kanten, Kato, Montb: - -
Chiboust: - -
Chiffon, Lola: January 27th 22 months
Mobile, Marble, Myukuru, Maple: November 17th -
Brownie: - -
Joconde: - -
Raisin: March 23rd -
Panna: - -
Mascarpone, Joscarpone: February 27th 19 months
Yuen: October 15th 13 months
Newichi, Newji, Newsan, Newshi, Newgo, Nutmeg, Akimeg, Allmeg, Harumeg, Fuyumeg: December 2nd -
Nougat: - -
Pudding: June 25th 7 months
Flampe: February 11th 20 months
Anglais: October 19th -
Wafers: - -
Wiro: - -
De-Chat: - -
Normande:- -
Doice, Dragée: Ferbruary 21st 14 months
Anana: April 17th
526 months total from start of being pregnant with perospero (Added 9 months to before his birth) to her giving birth to Anana. ~381 of those months she was pregnant (total of 31.75 years spent pregnant) and ~145 months (~12 years) between that being not pregnant. 72% of her prime was spent being pregnant. (46% of her entire life)
Other facts: -When Big mom was 24(?) she joined Rocks Pirates. same year she gave birth to Zuccoto. -Rocks got defeated when Big Mom was 30, the year Mont-d'Or was born. -At 35 Year old Big Mom created her own pirate crew, the year when Melise was born. And as it seems her children become officers in her crew when they turn 15 means Perospero, Compote, Katakuri, Daifuku and Oven all joind the crew as officers at the same time.
I find Big Moms pirates to be very interesting and I want to know more how the development happend. When did tottoland become a candy fantasy land? Did she have to wait untill her children ate devil fruits for that to happen? Or did Streusen turn things into food? Did she leave Rocks pirate to give birth or gave birth at the ship and then left back to tottoland to leave her newborns there? Katakuri and his brothers was apparently born on a ship, but such infomation isnt mentiond for Perospero or Compote. Katakuris flashback showed him and his sibling to grow up in a city, so Big Mom didnt keep them with her.
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Zuccotto a Cake for all Occasions
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quinloki · 9 months
Katakuri - Drinking
Reader style - Afab they/them Time slot - Business Hours Client Name - @mewiyev CW: None, really - little dash of angst, sweet ending though, since I imagine I'm going to bury this poor man in angst for the next event >.>
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“Thank you.” You state as Katakuri pours sake into a small cup for you.
The quiet bartender of the The Club has become a drinking partner of yours, in a manner of speaking. He doesn’t drink while he’s at work, at least not during business hours, but he does come out from behind the bar to sit with you while you drink.
Quietly filling your sake cup.
Nodding with every soft thank you offer.
Sometimes the two of you talk. About life. About work. Your conversations nip at the edges of being too personal, talking about family briefly, vaguely, almost secretly.
Your family wants you to marry a Charlotte.
The Charlotte family wants you to marry Zuccotto.
You wish not to marry at all, exhausted by the stresses involved before it had even begun. You wished to bring the fortunes of your family up on your own. With your own wit and connections. You could do it, you were certain, especially if your family put the effort into supporting you that they were into driving the idea of marriage.
If there was one Charlotte you’d be willing to cave to… well, he’d need his mother’s blessing.
“Thank you.” You say again as the sweet liquid fills the small cup.
Which would mean he’d have to request his mother’s forgiveness.
Which would mean he’d have to stop working where he was happiest.
Which would mean you’d no longer have these moments. Quiet. Fragile. So close, and so far apart. Separated by what brings you both joy, shattered by what causes you both distress. You couldn’t even begin to imply your feelings toward him, to influence his decisions for your own desires would be cruel.
And so, it was business. Strictly, and nothing more. It is the quiet moments. The sweet scent of sake, the sweet scent that drifts off Katakuri, the softness of the moments between work and family. Between business and family.
Little moments of-.
“It is,” he begins, voice soft and almost unsure. “My pleasure.”
The sad smile on your lips is bitter for only a moment, eyes lost in the shiver of the liquid in your cup before you manage to look over and see the softest tint of pink against his warm cheeks. The sweetest smile to cross lips that only you got to see so freely.
You drain the small cup carefully, holding it out toward him, finding it harder to face him with the pace of your heart in your chest.
“… mine too.” You manage in a voice quiet enough to fall to the ground.
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sugar-seals · 6 months
Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if our sea cookies had a fandom but... I forgot about the fandom projections and Twinkitus. ✨️
Don't worry too much about the Italian Cake Nerd. We'll get to him later.
Black Lava belongs to @rawdough !!
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karol-chan-art · 11 months
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I tried out a doodle style for funsies with Pastel Caviar Flakes, not sure if this doodle style will continue but hey, it's nice.
I tried out with Pastel Caviar Flakes doing a vocal warm up stream before a big concert! She only started streaming recently so she doesn't have many viewers, would you watch her streams? :>
Oh! And here's the head icons in Pastel Caviar Flakes' profile and her friends head icons too!
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Reblogs are appreciated!
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