#zoro x trans fem reader
sexydoffyman · 1 year
can you do a fic where Zoro takes a slim-curvy MTF!reader back to his room on the ship and make out with her in her pink lingerire.
genre: suggestive (smut implied)
A/N: I changed it from him taking you to his room to him taking you to just a random room.🐠
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You were dancing in the bar with the crew. Zoro knew them, so he was sure they were only dancing with you as friends. But why would he care so much? You two weren't dating. Why did he get jealous when anyone else aside from his crew looked at the way your body moved?
He looked at you and then down on the ground. He noticed the reason why he was always so distracted by you. He glanced at the bulge in his pants and then back at you again. You were messing his mind up.
He didn't know if he actually liked you or if he just wanted to hook up.
He stood up and walked up to you, moving to the rhythm of the song. You noticed him and gave him a smile while making your moves more bold. You were messing with him, teasing him.
But he didn't want to jump to conclusions so early on. He just kept moving with the flow of the music. You put your arms over his shoulders. You went closer to him, your bodies now pressed against each other.
Now, his patience snapped. He grabbed you by your waist and pulled you with him. You could only laugh at his reactions. He brought you to a random empty room he found. He slammed the door behind you.
He kissed you. His slow kiss progressed to him hungrily devouring you. He sneaked his hands behind your shirt, taking it off revealing your soft pink bra. He pressed you against the wall of the room and continued kissing your lips.
After a while, he made his way to taking your pants off. Your panties almost staring at him. He found you so adorable. He lifted you up, picking you off the ground by your butt. You wrapped your legs around him.
"You tease~" He blurted out in between his sloppy kisses.
He decided to find out if he actually liked you or just wanted to hook up.
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loganwritesprobably · 3 months
First Meetings with.. (One Piece Edition)
Part two with Zoro, Robin and Luffy Part three with Crocodile, Mihawk and Buggy Part four with Benn, Shanks and Smoker
A tumblr exclusive collection of little reader insert drabbles - these won't be going on my AO3, these are just for the feral people of this wonderful hellscape
Requests are open for x reader things! I will write basically ANY kind of reader - male, female, non-binary, gender neutral, trans, disabled, black, white, latino, asian, neurodivergent, etc
I'll probably do more over time but here's three to start with - Ace, Law and Sanji. Readers are all gender neutral, but for Sanji reader is fem presenting (so he would be nice)
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"Well hey there gorgeous." A voice said behind you, startling you to the point of hitting your hand against the counter in front of you. You were just minding your business, attempting to buy some food for the week, when some random guy had appeared behind you. You had half a mind to turn around and give him a piece of your mind, when the shopkeeper's eyes widened, and whispered his name. Fire Fist Ace. The pirate. "Who do you think you are?" You asked, turning to face him with a scowl. You wouldn't attack him outright, but you were not happy with the look on his face (now that you could see it) and wouldn't let it go. "Your future boyfriend, hopefully." Ace replied, and you scoffed. You turned back to the shopkeeper and bought your groceries, before making to leave the store. Ace followed behind you closely, making no secret of the fact that he was there.
"Are you lost?" You snarked, rolling your eyes at Ace. He was persistent, you'd give him that. "Oh no, just hoping you'll look at me like that again. You're perfect." "You're disgusting." You grumbled, although you'd certainly never been called perfect before, and in another circumstance you wouldn't be mad about it. "Hey, now that's harsh." Ace replied, but he was laughing as he said it, clearly unphased by your displeasure being directed at him. You took off walking again, not walking toward your place since you didn't exactly want to lead him straight to it.
Ace, to his credit, continued to follow you and eventually began to just talk. He seemed to be able to talk forever, uncaring whether or not you were listening - though you were. He was a pirate, pretty high bounty, almost a warlord, he had a little brother who he was stupid proud of, and an even bigger family waiting for him back on his main ship. "While this is all very nice, are you going to leave me be any time soon?" You asked eventually, back on the main street of the town once again. "Are you going to tell me your name?" That was all? You told him your name, utterly exasperate it. "Well, gorgeous, you'll be seeing more of me soon." With that, he took off in the opposite direction of your home, with a swagger in his step, happy he'd gotten what he wanted. You kind of hoped that you would be seeing him again soon - you liked him, reluctantly.
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You weren't even hurt that badly. The guys were gone, and you were managing to stumble home just fine. You had a first aid kit in the kitchen that would be able to patch you up, and then you could go to the doctor when you had the time and had gotten some sleep. It was too late to go see her now.
As you stumbled down the dark street, clutching walls for stability, a man began to approach you. "Fuck off! Not in the mood." You snarled, clutching the broken shard of glass you'd gotten in the fight, a strip of your shirt wrapped around it to protect your hand. "You're injured." The guy stated flatly, and then you'd hit a stalemate. "Duh?" You said, still brandishing the shard in your hand. "I can fix it. I'm a doctor. Don't have to drop the glass, but I'd prefer if you didn't stab me." The supposed doctor drawled. He seemed.. familiar. Something about him just sparked recognition in the back of your mind, and that put you a little on edge. "You're familiar - why?" You questioned, shuffling backward to get a little further away from him while you waited on his answer. "I'm Trafalgar Law. My bounty poster is on the wall you're clutching." The pirate doctor pointed out, nodding toward it. Well, that made sense. Surgeon of death you'd heard him called - so at least that meant he was a doctor right? "Alright. But one wrong move and you'll be needing your own medical care." You threatened, and Law just half nodded. He knelt down in front of you to look at your wound, then pulled some bandages from a pocket in his coat. He wrapped your leg, doing so in complete silence and without hesitation. When he was done, he stood again and grunted as he nodded.
"Should be fine now. It'll hurt to walk still, but less risk of infection." He summarised, stepping around you to continue in the direction he'd been going. "Wait! Why did you do that?" You asked, spinning quickly on your good leg. "You're cute." He said simply, a small smirk on his face. He lifted his hand, said a word you didn't hear, and then in a flash of blue light he was gone.
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You'd bumped into him entirely by chance, and gotten talking. He was a nice guy, he was sweet if a little much when it came to women he saw. You didn't mind - you could see that his intentions were good, for the most part. He offered to pay for a drink for you, since you'd narrowly avoided colliding with him outside of a bar, and you'd accepted. He let you order what you wanted, and he paid, not even blinking. It was second nature to him. He was kind, and offered endless compliments that you withstood with a smile on your face - you weren't quite used to such a bombardment of affection.
He disappeared after an hour or so, but returned the next day. You'd tried to ask where he went, but he danced around the question and asked you on an official date. You'd had a nice enough time the day before, and so you agreed.
He took you to a restaurant, it was classier than you usually allowed yourself to go to with a modest amount of money, but it didn't seem to be any object for him. He told you that he wouldn't compromise on good food, and allowed you to order anything you'd like, with no concerns about how many beri it would set him back. It felt nice not to worry about it for once. You ordered starters, then mains, with drinks flowing easily between you, and then a dessert to share to end the experience. You'd been there for hours, but with the money that you'd spent, no waiter could argue.
The conversation between you was easy and light, he was enraptured by your every word, he couldn't help it. He looked at you as if you'd hung the very stars in the sky. "All I've done is talk. I know almost nothing about you." You said to him, and Sanji laughed awkwardly. "I suppose so. But I'm afraid there's not much to tell." He said, and just as you'd been about to argue, a woman with orange hair came bursting into the restaurant calling his name. You looked at him with wide eyes and stood quickly. "No! She's not-" Sanji said hurriedly. "How much of my money was spent on this date?" Nami demanded, fire in her eyes. "I'm so sorry! I didn't realise you were-" You attempted to say to the woman, hoping she wouldn't direct her frightening anger at you. "Oh you're gorgeous. Well played cook, didn't think you had it in you." She praised, and then bewildered confusion fell over you. "Oh Nami, your praise is a balm on my heart." You rolled your eyes and folded your arms, raising an expectant eyebrow as you stared at Sanji, waiting for an explanation. "I'm a pirate. She's our navigator, and.. treasurer I suppose." He explained, and you sighed. "So you're not staying." "I can't." Sanji agreed, with a sad smile and nod. "But we're not leaving for another few days. So have fun while you can." Nami said, giving you a wink and Sanji a firm punch before turning to leave the restaurant.
Fun. You could do that.
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firstdivisiongirl · 5 months
Omg I saw that requests were up again and I wanted to request a super fluffy cutesy transfem reader x Zoro fic :3. Like he can't escape the reader and her severe desire for cuddles and holding. Thank you so much!!!!
-Transfem anon
Hi there. Nice to hear from you again. I hope you are doing well. There is something about fluffy Zoro that is so much fun to write. The reader is pretty neutral, not specifically making them trans fem. This is only because when I was writing it, it just happened like that. Please enjoy though!
Zoro x Reader: Let Go
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Zoro was one who valued alone time.  He enjoyed quiet time to meditate and sleep.  But things changed when he started dating you.  You were…needy.  You always wanted cuddles or just to be held in his arms.  But today, you were much worse than usual.  It was like he couldn’t hide.  Everywhere he went, you just happened to find him.  It was getting on his nerves.
“Why do you want to be held so badly,” he asked, annoyed as he tried to get his workout equipment, “I’m trying to workout.”
You looked up at him with those big puppy dog eyes of yours that he could never resist.  “I’m just upset.  I feel like I don’t know why I’m here and I just want to be comforted.”
His anger from a minute ago subsided.  It was just you having a bad day.  He held you in his arms and said, “you know what your purpose on this ship is?  It’s giving me something I want to hold onto.  Something I never want to let go of.  Someone I want to be there until the end.”
You two stayed like that for hours.  Because neither of you wanted to let go.
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Please do not copy, modify, translate, or repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
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janitorboy-writing · 1 month
Writing gn reader x sanji is sometimes difficult for me because gender is important to sanji. his character and behavior changes around either gender
Below is me rambling about it. Includes swearing and spelling mistakes
I imagine gn reader to be treated the same as sanji treats ace. Sanji would be kind and respectful but zero flirting (or maybe a little depends on if he caught feelings yet or not)
Nonbinary reader would most likely be treated the same way sanji treated ace, no matter how they dress, as long as they've made it clear that they're nonbinary
Now, reader with a nonconforming or even confusing gender expression (i.e. male reader who looks very feminine, fem reader who looks very masculine, or even nonbinary reader who dresses however the fuck they want and doesnt bother to tell anyone what their gender is) would be hilarious to explore. Imagine sanji flirts with male reader thinking he's a woman only to do a double take and be like oh shit sorry bro.
Or for female reader the two like bicker, fight, banter, the usual interactions he has with the male strawhats and then one day during a fight he accidentally touches her chest and he's like oh shit that's a whole ass woman I've been fighting (this probably wouldn't work for plus sized or bigger chested girls)
I think for plus size fem reader he'd realize that when he sees her go out to sleep and take baths with the girls
Bigger chested women would have a different story, mostly depending on their personality. Some could be too serious and intimidating that sanji tones down his flirting. Others could be nice, so nothing changes for Sanji's behavior. He might fantasize about her wearing dresses and looking more feminine.
Nonbinary reader who dresses however the fuck they want and refuses to elaborate on their gender (they have no clue or they simply arent bothered to label themself) would make sanji very confused. One day they'd be bickering and the next sanji would be too shy to do anything because damn they look like a lady right now. Nobody can figure out their gender except luffy, zoro, and Robin. Those three somehow have an understanding of their otherwise complex idea of their gender. Others don't question it and Sanji goes a little insane every day.
Sanji: "What's your gender?"
Reader: "Idk. Idc."
Sanji flips a table
There should be more trans readers out there and even genderfluid bigender and other identities. Sanji is such an interesting character to write when it comes to gender (and other things too, but this whole thing is about gender)
I think there's potential like a flustered and confused male reader, female reader who hates how sanji treats women, nonbinary reader that purposefully tries to mess with the poor cook, etc etc
Sorry I rambled oop. I hope I made sense. If you want to write any of these ideas go crazy I'm not stopping you. Maybe even tag me cause I wanna see it xD
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thus-spoke-lo · 9 months
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Lilly Valley [Jean Kirstein x Reader] by @/shepnicolo
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Dragonly Dreaming [Daemon x Rhaenyra] by @/nyctophilic0vitnir
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5 Times Nanami Apologized to You and Meant It and One Time He Didn’t [Nanami x Fem!Reader] by @/gojo-mochi
Mine Mine Mine [Trans!Gojo x GN!Reader] by @/selfindulgentpixies
The End, The Beginning, and Everything In Between [Nanami x Reader] by @/micamicamicaaa
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My Heart Skips A Beat When I Think of You [Leviathan x Reader] by @/eussstasss
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Wild Blue Yonder [Sanji x OC] by @/leftsidebonfire
Loving You is Easy [Killer x AFAB!Reader] by @/sheerxfiction
Kinky One Piece Headcanons Series [various] by @/quinloki
Fever [Kaku x Reader] by @/zoros-sheath
Zoro and His Partner Wearing Tank Tops [Zoro x Reader] by @/sunshinegat0r
Want More Than the Tip I Ain't Talkin' Bout Guidance [Zoro x F!Reader] by @/zimzalabimmmmm
The Hand That Feeds God [Luffy x Sanji] by @/supernaturallyginger
Sunrises [Scopper x Reader] by @/standfucker
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*note - reader specifications [afab, fem, gn, etc.] were included if clear to me from the post. No reader info =/= gn!reader, just that it may not have been explicitly stated.
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standfucker · 2 years
GN Reader (GN pronouns, no gendered body description):
-Post-Injury Hurt/Comfort Series - Part 2 (SFW) Law, Shanks, Mihawk, Rosinante, Blackbeard
-Post-Injury Hurt/Comfort Series - Monster Trio (SFW) Luffy, Zoro, Sanji
-"Stowing Away to Save Yourself" (SFW) Marco
-"Inuarashi x GN Reader" (SFW) Inuarashi
-"Gremlin Reader Headcanons" (SFW) Straw Hats, Whitebeard Pirates, Heart Pirates, Kid Pirates
-”Finding Out You’re Stronger Than Them - Logia Edition: 'Cold Blooded'" (SFW) Crocodile
-"Engravings" (SFW) Sanji
-”Finding Out You’re Stronger Than Them - Logia Edition” (SFW) Smoker, Ace
-”The Break” (SFW) Kid x Killer x Reader
-”Sunrises” (SFW) Scopper
-part one -part two -part three
-“Reacting to Your SH Scars” (SFW) Monster Trio, Law, Kid, Killer
AFAB Reader (may have GN or fem pronouns, but AFAB body):
-"Rotation" (NSFW) Kid Pirates (Kid, Killer, Heat, Wire) x fem!reader
-"Absolute Zero" (NSFW)*Dark content* Perospero x fem/GN!reader
-"Discovering Your Secret" (SFW) Monster Trio x fem!reader
-"Falling For Zoro" (SFW) Zoro x fem!reader
-"Final Fall" (NSFW) Nekomamushi x GN!Reader
-"Breathe Me In" (NSFW) Smoker x fem!reader
-”More Than Enough” (NSFW) Rosinante x fem!reader
-”Thoughtful” (NSFW) Ace x fem!reader
-”Kid Wants to Watch” (NSFW) Kid x GN!Reader
-“White Out” (NSFW) Whitebeard Pirates (Marco, Ace, Thatch, Izo) x GN!reader
-“Record Scratch” (SFW) Franky x fem!Reader
-“Untitled Drabble” (NSFW) Zoro x fem!reader
Trans Male Reader
-"My Boy" (NSFW) Jinbe
OC Works / Other
Koby & OC Headcanons (SFW) John & GN Reader
"The Fall of Ideals" (NSFW) Maren/AFAB Reader
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By interacting with my work or following me, you are attesting to being over 18!
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trashland-llamas · 6 months
-> Fic Masterlist <- (Fandoms A-G | Fandoms H-Z)
Harry Potter [Original series, FBAWTFT, Marauders]
Soft-Spoken; Theseus Scamander + Reader who struggles with compliments [GN]
Eye of the Storm; Theseus Scamander x Veela!Reader [GN]
Blasted Minotaur; Theseus lulls the reader to sleep with the story of Theseus & the Minotaur [GN]
Nobody’s Fault but my Own; Molly finds a letter Percy wrote to Fred after his death
Dear Freddie; the letter mentioned in Nobody's Fault but my Own
Piss Off; Ron x Draco; Draco only knows how to flirt by pissing the other person off
Marauders Headcanons + some Lily & Regulus sprinkled in
Regulus & his Hufflebuddy [GN]
Dysphoria’s a bitch, huh?; Regulus Black helps to protect other trans students at Hogwarts
Belly Scratches; Headcanons around how Padfoot reacts to belly scratches and how the Marauders lean into it
Pack Animals; Remus is one of the lycanthropy specialists that Enid's parents sent her to
Meow?; Regulus discovers Remus' secret and decides to help in his own way by becoming an animagus himself
Grrrr?; Regulus asks out Remus on a date, revealing that he's the black cat shadowing the Marauders. Sequel to Meow?
Succor; Remus renounces his magic until Regulus shows up with a job proposition
R.A.B; Sirius, after leaving home is surprised to find his brother on the Knight Express
Hermitcraft SMP
Na-Scar; Retired nascar driver! Scar helps train Grian to win a race/bet against Mumbo
How the Stardust Crusader react to y/n being trans
I’m Small: Jotaro discovers that Reader is an age regressor [Male]
Mimicry; Jotaro & Reader have a relationship akin to Wreck It Ralph & Vanellope von Schweetz [GN]
Allergens; Reader finds out Jotaro’s allergic to cats [GN]
Toi, moi, un rendez-vous?; Reader learns French so they can ask Polnareff on a date in his native tongue [GN]
The Artist’s Muse; Y/n discovers what Noriaki spends so much time drawing [Fem]
Kuroko's Basketball
Doge; Kagami's fear of dogs get in the way of y/n's service dog so y/n takes it upon themselves to help him with said fear [GN]
Serpentine; poem about Loki
MCYT Adjacent
I’m Home Again; Dad!Corpse
Rivets; My attempt at making one of those Youtube egos
Obey Me!
Bah Bah Black Sheep; Mc has a nightmare where they're the sheep character in Catherine and die trying to complete the obstacle course. Waking up, they go seek their beloved demon. [GN]
Astronomy themed nicknames Belphegor calls Mc [GN]
One Piece [anime, & live action]
Red Bottoms; Strawhats + whether I think they can successfully walk in heels
Strawhats + reacting to reader cupping their face [GN]
Strip Poker…but w/ Peppers?; Sanji and Zoro compete for y/n's affections over a sinister game of strip poker, suggested by the cook [Fem]
Do You Have a Light?; Sanji & Zoro react to Reader smoking for the first time [GN]
Take It Off; Zoro catches trans! reader over-binding [Male]
Stoic; Reader goes to Sanji for comfort after becoming fed up with Zoro's methods of comforting them [Male]
Could Just Eat You Alive; reader agrees to being Sanji's meal [Fem]
Relaxed, Squishy. Flexed, Hard; Reader asks Sanji while drunk why his muscles are so squishy [GN]
Moth to a Flame; Sanji jumpscares touch-starved reader with touch [Male]
Feel My Heartbeat Beat Beat; Soulmate au where Sanji can sense reader’s heartbeat [GN]
Ohhhhh Waaaaitttteerrrr; Reader is a customer at the Baratie & has to tell Sanji their order turned out wrong [GN]
Vignettes; Vignettes revolving Sanji and Reader's sex life [GN]
Cramps; Reader has PCOS and finally experiences cramps. Not knowing how to deal with them, they confide in Nami [Fem]
Sweet Treat; Where Reader is the type that doesn't want for anything...or where Sanji takes this personally and coaxes them into making a request for the menu [GN]
Nice to Meet Ya; Reader accidentally bumps into Sir Crocodile while buying groceries. Crocodile offers to buy a replacement as an excuse to talk to them more [GN]
Avoidance; Strawhats + s/o who avoids eye contact like the plague
Needy Little Thing; Reader is clingy and wants to cum. Or where Zoro takes care of them. (Fem]
Warm Summer's Day; Ace comes across a sleeping Reader. Thing is it's summer yet they're still using a winter duvet. [GN]
He Loves Me. He Loves Me Not; Sanji not knowing how to court men, accidentally causes some gender dysphoria for y/n [Trans Male]
Ouran High School Host Club
Two Peas in a Pod; Mori-senpai x reader who like him, doesn't talk a lot [GN]
Pineapple…on Pizza? Why?; Oneshot about Jamie trying pineapple pizza [GN]
Resident Evil
Cat Eyed; Reader helps Vendetta! Leon apply his eyeliner [GN]
Tiddies; Reader coerces Leon into letting them play with his tits [GN]
That Girl is Poison; Reader attempts to poison Leon [Fem]
Everyone Grows Old; Reader’s self-conscious about their gray hairs, Leon comforts them [GN]
Food Guarding; Leon adopts dog hybrid! reader who deals with food guarding as a result of previous abusive owners [GN]
Sidemen + Troops
Mrs All American; Hcs bout Reader being an American [GN]
Mom Friend; Reader makes breakfast for the Sidemen crew [GN]
Fruit Gushers; Trans male reader is on their period [Male]
Welcome to Jackass; The bit/scene from Jackass 4.5 where Steve-O tries advertising his condoms by filling them w/ sewage from his RV but insert the Sidemen instead
Scary Dog Privileges; Sidemen's reaction to y/n having scary dog privileges [GN]
Hey, Catch!; Reader has dyspraxia [GN]
I’m Not Angry Anymore; Cal falls asleep to Harry singing
Friendly Neighborhood Poltergeist; a poltergeist starts following Lux around [Fem]
Fat, Funny Friend; Behz consoles reader after finding them broken down after a particularly bad day [Male]
Who Let the Dogs Out; Reader's trying to reel in their dog or where Ethan thinks they're catcalling them
When the Sun loves the Moon; Harry's had a crush on his next door neighbor y/n for a while but has been too much of a chicken to talk to her until Simon encourages him to invite her over [Fem]
Touch Starved Harry
Caregiver; JJ & Simon are Reader's caregivers, Reader's an age regressor [GN]
Why So Sad?; Simon accidentally scares y/n while they're already regressed, making them further regress into headspace and JJ takes care of them. Sequel to Caregivers. [GN]
Absolutely Stunning; Simon tries on lingerie for JJ
Dad; 4x the Sidemen called Josh ‘Dad’
Enthralled; Tobi doesn't let Reader do work related stuff during their movie night [GN]
Stranger Things
Barbie; Y/n beats Munson at his own game of name 3 songs
What’s Wrong with my Speech?; Reader goes w/ Eleven to speech therapy
We Bare Bears
Stuffies; Ice Bear notices y/n’s beloved stuffy finally needs to be replaced [GN]
Pack Animals; Remus is one of the lycanthropy specialists that Enid's parents sent her to
Studyblr?; Tyler finally finds the time to strike up a conversation with a regular, y/n, an infamous studyblr blogger on tumblr
Mother-hen; Reader w/ mother-hen vibes or Logan who slowly warms up to Reader’s attempts to take care of him
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misqnon · 5 months
do u ever get scared that maybe im lying to u about who i am... i wouldnt do that but i feel like if i had an anon that came off anon and revealed themself i would think "is it really u"... im not rly doing myself any favors by planting this idea in ur head but i want to know if u have thought abt it or not
SOMETIMES THAT IS HOW I AM.. not usually with zosan bc theyre not actually enemies.. theyre more like . rivals who argue a lot (and sometimes they try to kill each other for fun). but when its two characters who like.. idk.. killed each others families for example. i am thinking "get revenge.. kill them.. get revenge... revenge...." and revenge is NOT making out . revenge is NOT getting into a relationship..
ive never written any ship .. fanfic. so i dont think i could confidently write hanyagellan. i should though.. i should learn to write multiple characters. actually up until like. last month. i had never read fanfic that wasnt x reader. wait no thats wrong i HAD but it was characters i didnt know and purely bc i was bored. anyways if i am obsessed with fictional characters its usually bc i want to date them. and the ones i dont like like that r just blorbos, and i dont ship them with anyone. my first times actually shipping characters were basically.. me finding out phoenix wright and maya fey dont get together (i thought they were canon for some reason).. and it means its ok to ship wrightworth. and then enjoying satosugu content, a lot. both happened in the past 6 months or so
im actually kind of thinking kidd might have his time to shine in the next arc??? i wont say why but.. anyways heres hoping .
its mentioned one time in sabaody i think. that they have killed innocent civilians. and when i was rereading i was like "WOAH WAIT WHAT???? THE GUYS I FELL IN LOVE WITH ARE JUST REGULAR MURDERERS??" it was . a shocking moment. for sure. i filtered it out the first time bc i didnt really know kidd that well at the time. but NOW.. now... its different. ok wait i found the image
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it doesnt change how much i like them but it is kinda a wake up call.. like thats right.. theyre... bad guys...
maybe marineford traumatized oda /j. like he had to go a while without his perverted cook and hot ladies and when he got them back he had the sanji reaction. maybe sanji is just his self insert. his reaction to being able to draw women again is sniffing them and bleeding out because of them
i have had a few moments where i really liked (mackenyu) zoro. when he smiled, once, i was like WOW ??? HELLO??? I LOVE U ... and then it was Gone.. i just need the silly guy to be silly. either way his action scenes are fantastic like. huge kudos to mackenyu for that. "zoro’s characterization seems to be one of the major criticisms ive seen across the board so maybe they’ll lighten him up for season 2." I HOPE SO!!! its not like hes doing an awful job or anything, im just sad abt the way the character has gone. make him smile a little more and joke around a little more and i will be happy as a clam or whatever that saying is. also excited for whatever the zoro saying fuck scene is.. i dont really notice cussing most of the time in media so i hope it doesnt slip past me
i heard koby's actor is trans?? i was very happy to hear that. excited for whenever we see him again in water 7 and hes all grown up. assuming the show goes for long enough to reach that point
actually i Did draw a fem sanji that i am willing to share bc its not too bad,, here u go. not like i did anything crazy with the design. its just sanji with boobs and longer hair.. and no facial hair. and also theres no obligation to do anything back. bc i was gonna draw fem sanji anyways. im only showing u bc i like u /p >:) otherwise it would never see the light of day
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"luffy trying to pronounce the name of someone he doesnt care about be like" im so flattered to be compared to luffy HAHA even if its about his awful ability to remember names
"once i tried to see if there was some kind of website or plug in or tool to put in your email address and find any accounts linked to it so i could delete them but i didnt really find what i was looking for which is crazy." ive never thought to do that, but the fact there was nothing is so??? like dont other people have this issue?? idk if i have any really crazy websites i was on.. its more like the stuff i did when i had those accounts is crazy LOL
"blissful ignorance" fr. best to just ignore ur problems
"BUT I REMEMBERED THAT RUMIKO AT ONE POINT MENTIONED LIKING USAGI DROP AND I WAS LIKE. its so jover you guys" NOO THATS SO BAD... mangaka's please stop ruining ur characters and stories.. please........
"the nyan cat creator is actually here on tumblr lmao" THATS SO COOL.. time to see if they talk about it at all..
"also the vocaloid oliver voices puppycat in bee and puppycat! and a vocaloid song actually mde it into a MARVEL MOVIE??" I HEARD ABT THAT AND LIKE?? MARVEL... MARVEL... THE BIGGEST MOVIE FRANCHISE.. YEAH.... THATS INSANE..
"i could link my vocaloid megaplaylist but its. long." u should anyways .. if ur comfortable. the playlist i used most often to listen to music.. for years.. is 83 hours long. and it was just every single thing i liked. so. just letting u know the extent of how Not Picky i am
"i had one of the most fun times of my life lmao. i was JAMMIN." it sounds like a lot of fun!!! i hope kikuo comes back... so i can go see them... as. an actual fan next time .
"i think 90% of what oda says should be ignored LMAO. MY STORY NOW!! half joking. maybe a little more than half." Exactly!!! exactly!!! although i think his choice to not have any romance was a very good one so i will thank him for that.
"when the live action cast talks about how much they respect him and how cool meeting and talking to him was i almost feel bad bc he seems like a kind and goofy guy a lot of the time, but oof, man really needs to evaluate his biases…" I KNOW,, ME TOO. i saw uh.. iñaki ? meet him . and like.. man.. he seemed so happy. i love the guy. but it is tainted by my knowledge of who oda is.
i do also sometimes purposely bury posts.. im sorry u have to deal with the knowledge that i might see the things u dont want people to see .. also i will go ham spamming u since i have permission now. (im overhyping myself. i will probably spam a normal amount)
i actually resisted tiktok extremely well until like . 2022? maybe? and now ...i am addicted. im not actually but i AM on there a lot.
i think i was like 11? maybe? when i saw the impel down scene with iva . and i was still in denial about being trans for a while after that (i dont know what was going on in my child brain bc i came out as genderfluid 3 times at 11 12 and 13 i think. (i forgot each time. yeah.) and yet i was still like "nah im not trans.. thats not possible") and actually i made a fursona (without admitting it was a fursona. it was just an animal and i said "actually this is me...") and i made THEM genderfluid.. and while making it i was like . "no.. me?? im not genderfluid... but u can be. ur allowed to be ." anyways just a big tangent to say iva thank u for helping me accept myself it was a very long and confusing process but finally... i have a vague understanding of who i am...
i don't think oda would answer me but he HAS said multiple times that he reads every single letter he gets (thats been approved by.. idk.. his manager or something?). imagine being immortalized in sbs though.. i think it would be funnier to be trans and not ask a question involving it at all and when ur question gets answered u can come out and say "whats up suckers actually this was me. i bet u wish u were me huh." . idk, i will do anything to get back at transphobes...
"and iva is apparently based not only on dr frankenfurter but also a drag queen he knew irl?" i heard. i heard that the voice actor for iva IS the person iva is based on . and that he was arrested actually... for .. posting "indecent images" online. i thought that meant nudes but apparently he was just trying to show he has tattoos. on his lower half. and then he had to step down as a voice actor
'sometimes i think about how bon clay’s jacket just says "OKAMA” on the back and it can. sometimes be considered a slur?' i go back and forth a lot on how i feel abt the use of okama in one piece. like on one hand yeah,, queer people do use their own slurs. but sometimes its too much... like.. sometimes i feel weirdly targeted by it. i think part of that is probably bc ive had slurs used against me as slurs but. anyways he doesnt have to use it in EVERY SENTENCE describing a queer person.. right.. like we do have just regular descriptors besides "queer".. but then i have other times I'm like hell yeah!!! queer people!!!!! and i love that they use that word. idk. consistency is not my strong suit.
"2gether we can remember the fishman royal family LMAO." perfect. a team effort.
i dont remember exactly what noah is supposed to be , theyre a little vague about it (probably on purpose) but i do remember them talking about the dawn of the world quite a bit. the poneglyph in the fishman island arc is i think an apology to joy boy. and roger is involved bc he could hear the voices of the neptunians, like luffy can
the only layer of ur comic i understand is the horses sadly... once again my lack of knowledge rears its ugly head..
"i can see him doing this but only to zoro. to piss him off." either zoro wouldnt notice or he would and it would definitely turn into another fight. wait those are just the only two possible courses of action..
"usopp’s in on it probably" thank u. i feel like this was for me. even if it wasn't. thank u.
u can be.. uh.... judge of sanji... no maybe not.. that just reminds me of vinsmoke judge..
i have never understood powerscaling. i have a very slight understanding of what it is but. like. i dont know how thats fun.. for people... i have always enjoyed stories more when theyre focused on characters and settings rather than action. i love a good fight but it is nowhere near my priority. part of the reason i love dressrosa so much is cuz they have that stupid (/lh) moment where everyone starts working together to push back the birdcage. makes me cry every time.
anyways yeah i do think zoro is meant to be stronger. i think its kinda lame cuz the sanji and zoro rivalry, where theyre constantly on equal levels but hate to admit it, is fun. but at the same time i dont think i would mind if zoro was declared second in command and therefore became the stronger one. perhaps thats just my zoro bias showing though. making zoro 1 cm taller is VERY funny .. u know he would use that against sanji.. with the way he constantly lorded over people (sanji especially) that he was the first person to get to sabaody
"its the crack cocaine" this may be controversial.. but i would think that would STUNT their growth /lh. big mom as a child was like the same size as her parents. but with the proportions of a child. and once again i am faced with the question of . do huge characters come out normal sized and then just have insane growth spurts.. or.. the other, scary option: they come out huge. but their parents r usually normal sized... imagining that is terrifying
i like to try to form my own opinions and theories bc i think its fun but.. some ppl are just way smarter than me at reading characters. how do they do that!! the fact u were reading character analysis as a kid is impressive tho bc i was definitely in my "characters are only either evil or good" stage for a loooonnggg time.
u commiting hard vs me having commitment issues. who would win. thank u for excusing sanuso its the only sanji ship i actually like. I'm picky too and. sometimes i just hate a ship for no particular reason. i have tried to analyze myself but i cant figure it out
"i will do you one better and give u a link to the SBS + a translator who looked at the question." THATS PERFECT THANK U
i dont think i can meet oda halfway....
idk if this is popular or not but the reasoning ive seen behind trans zoro is that he took kuinas sword after she died, which is like. a metaphor for leaving behind his pre transition self. n i like that connection a lot. but also zoro as a transmasc is just fun..
also a while ago?? u reacted to zoro not hurting uhh the bird lady on punk hazard. i saw that when i was looking through ur liveblogging.. tags. and i wanted to say that. that made me really angry too LOL . like i expected better from u.. ur supposed to be the one who gives equal treatment no matter what. but then. partially for my own sanity. i started thinking that maybe he didnt actually hurt her not bc shes a lady,,, but because he doesnt like to hurt weak people. he has had a lot of moments where he's shown to protect weak people specifically, regardless of gender.
these comments.. helped me see the light (i hope theyre readable)
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if oda does make him into the type of guy who protects women for being women. i might go insane. he had that moment in skypeia where robin got hurt and he was like "shes a woman" as if that makes any difference how strong she is or how easy an opponent should go on her. and wait i see ur point about the characters not acting like their own established .. character... i see it..
if ur interested here are my thoughts from the punk hazard moment. upon reread. i didnt remember it happened because i wiped it from my brain so my anger was just as intense as the first time LOL
tw for violent language and cussing
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ok huge tangent aside
that summary from the zosan fic is so good. they r both trans . hell yeah.
i havent seen the matilda movie!! i havent read the books either. i do see ppl talk abt them a lot though and i have been meaning to give it a try. i like danny devito. i love theatre!! havent really seen many shows . especially not high production ones. but i was in theatre in middle and high school. thats Right im a theatre kid. except i was part of the backstage crew and never wanted to do acting.. no one talks about crew it makes me sad
i love trans family frobin and chopper. zoro is also definitely choppers big brother. i disagree with the popular headcanon of him being choppers dad. they r brothers.
i do not have any favorite creators tbh. im very non commital so i will usually only have videos i like or art i like or . yeah . i do have a few recurring one piece artists i reblog though? i think? (all on tumblr.. i dont really use social media). so let me get those for u,,,
huyandere (shuggy my beloved)
and honestly i think thats it? i was mostly using tumblr for kpop content until very recently so i dont have much that is. one piece centered.. most of my interests are very different from each otherr,,,
never know how to end asks so here is how i feel about law
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i feel like i am not popular enough for that to happen but . but
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okay yea thats valid. i dont think ive actually come across any enemies ships like that…i mean im sure i HAVE but i dont think i have shipped any?? well. well no thats not true. but. i was 14 and also stupid
my favorite characters are almost always characters i have a fictional crush on AND one of the half of my favorite ship…this probably says something about me but im choosing to ignore it. i dont know a lot about ace attorney but do phoenix and miles not have some sort of rivalry as well?? or do they become buddies by the end
someone told me they think kidd is gonna be king of the pirates?? did i say that before. i dont know why they think this but that in combination with u thinking he’ll get more screentime is. compelling
JDFBDSKS WOOPS !! its ok…luffy will reform them,..sometimes i think oda writes a character being terrible and then if it was long enough ago we just forget about it and pretend its ok. like.remember how franky beat the SHIT out of usopp AND robbed him and that was never really addressed aside from a few lines and he just joined the crew and has been a happy goofy guy since. i do. i MEAN ZORO ALSO WAS JUST MURDERING PPL FOR BOUNTIES BEFORE HE JOINED THE CREW and then luffy was like hey. stop that. and so he did and we dont talk about it much LMAO
I KNOW SANJI GOTTA BE HIS SELF INSERT. im sure he inserts himself in many of the characters but sanji hardcore. this video  talks a lot about it. including how oda’s signature has sanji’s eyebrow swirl. also i think that is why sanji sucks so much and i want to beat him to death with hammers . who said that
YEA MACKENYU IS LIKE. SO PRETTY. HI MACKENYU,..HI. i think what bothered me most is that (esp pre ts) zoro was a very angry and loud character. he laughs loudly, he yells when he’s mad, he gets those big silly angry faces oda draws all the time. he’s quieter post ts but when he gets mad he still gets Loud yanno. zoro is boisterous. but opla zoro is always talking at Edgy Cool Boy Mumble. for reference the fuck is about buggy. which is so funny
koby’s actor IS trans!! i really like the casting they’ve gone with. For doing their races right, first of all, and also for things like giving koby’s role to a trans actor even though they didnt “have to”. and also i will now HC koby as trans thank u matt owens. i doubt they’ll get to water 7 (i think they might like. finish alabasta. and thats it. personally) but i mean WHO KNOWS. 
thank you for showing me!!  :D 
i think there were SOME options but they either required an account or cost money or didnt do the whole job so i kinda gave up. it is weird bc that seems like a very useful tool in this day and age
here…here is my vocaloid megaplaylist…it…pretty much is just every vocaloid song i liked. there’s a couple vocaloid-adjacent songs in there too. enjoy
i actually really like making playlists for ppl (vocaloid or otherwise) so if u ever want a more. condensed playlist of something. let me know!
kikuo is already doing more stuff in the u.s. so i bet he will come back!! i hope he does i spent like $50 on his merch so like I FUNDED IT
inaki meeting oda WAS very sweet imo…some people have said it seemed fake/forced but i didnt get that vibe at all. and oda does seem like a nice and funny person like. in real life. but again I KNOW WHAT U FUCKING THINK IN UR BRAIN…nuance and al that i guess.
i literally reblogged a nsfw comic the other day (it was a joke comic, but still) and i was like i will bury this. and queue it for 1 am. i am so safe. AND NOW I DO NOT FEEL SAFE!! im joking i dont care that much. but tumblr why
how did you…how did u forget u were gendrfluid 3 times…actually. actually im REALLY bad about putting a label on my gender so i cant talk. i used to say “girl with a little agender on the side” or something and then went by demigirl kinda for a while? and then people would ask my gender and i’d be like “idk its whatever man” and my friends would go “i thought u were a demigirl?” and id be like OH FUCK OH YEA but now its evolved and i still dont have a name for it. im one of those ‘no labels’ people now but only bc i dont feel like looking into it more. lazy moment. and labels feel too definitive. 
u should do that actually. a couple of his sbs people have gotten pretty popular for frequent comments i think. also I DIDNT KNOW THAT ABOUT IVA VA??? WHAT THE FUCK
PFFT dont worry about not understanding the comic its fairly niche. the song lyrics are from this song (very explicit btw. also a bop imo) and the “lipsync for your life” bit is a reference to rupauls drag race when the queens have to perform to a song to not get eliminated. and i like to imagine iva put sanji through many a gay time
“wait those are the only two possible courses of action..” I USE THAT SAME PHRASE A LOT AND ACCIDENTALLY DO THAT SAME THING EVERY TIME LMAO
fuck…but it would work so well with my gavel…damn it…im uh uh…magistrate of sanji, (i literally googled judge synonyms for this. and also it made me think about that one vocaloid song where kaito is a judge)
i rlly dont care about powerscaling and i have never looked into it and never will. i actually really do like cool fights but in anime they always get dragged out SOO long and then im just pissed cause i care more about the plot and characters. i prefer the idea of them being perfectly matched for multiple reasons but i guess we’ll never know…probably. idk im still waiting on that death pact thing to come back
u make a good point. about the cocaine. maybe it has to do with haki/willpower. tbh i can see that. the powerful guys are always taller. i think oda just wants them to be intimidating but if we want an in canon explanation…its cause theyre so damn AMBITIOUS !!
i was reading character analysis as a kid but i also thought characters could only be one or the other for way too long. bisexuality of man or whatever
what other ships do i like…i like zosan. obviously. i like dofuwani for similar reasons but I WAS LIED TO AND SHIPPED IT BEFORE I MET THEM AND THOUGHT THEY INTERACTED WAY MORE..OH WELL. i like nami/vivi and kaya/usopp!! and frobin!! buggy and shanks can be cute too. but i dont really CARE much about any of them except zosan. any luffy ship be gone from my sight for aroace reasons. wait add hannyagellan
im ngl hannyagellan is like a funny joke ship to me but if it becomes one of those crack ships u acciddentally get attached to im gonna be so mad (i wont be mad itll be really funny)
ive never heard that but i like that interpretation. god. i think about kuina a lot. i miss her. this is so stupid but i was listening to “slipping through my fingers” by abba and makin amvs in my head of zoro losing kuina and shit…embrassing. and also made me emo. 
hm…im torn on the punk hazard stuff. to me it def felt like a woman thing esp after that comment about robin in skypiea. i think it goes against zoro’s character esp considering UHH KUINA but its yet another symptom of oda’s own biases bleeding into the work. but i would have to watch it again and consider it being a weakness thing. though i feel like he’s had weak men challenge him before that he didnt make a big deal out of not fighting. or maybe i just feel like if it was a guy he wouldnt hesitate as much…im blanking on evidence
2 OUT OF 3 OF MY ROOMATES IN COLEGE WERE ON TECH CREW HAHAHA  they told me about it and made me appreciate it!! i love theatre a lot. i want to go see more. thats the only one ive ever seen and its bc it was for a school trip. my favorite musical ever is cabaret and i watched it all on youtube in several parts jdfnvkfjn (the 1990’s run with alan cumming) i could have been a theatre kid if i was less shy i think.
I AGREE ZORO IS CHOPPERS BROTHER. THANK U. although if we’re talking crew dynamics overall i do not think robin is a mother. she is 100% a cool aunt. and actually not that responsible when it comes to wrangling luffy and crew. franky’s a dad but he’s not THEIR dad. he’s just a dad coded guy who they’re friends with. jinbei gives grandfather even though hes only in his 40’s. brook is weird uncle. nami is a mom. sanji is also a mom. zoro is a big brother and usopp and luffy and chopper are little brothers. 
i made my irl friend get on tungle and she also uses it for kpop purposes lmao. i know very little about kpop but she likes ateez…my other friend likes stray kids…i had a friend who liked shinee and i liked one of their songs…i like a few bts songs…but i will never join that fandom (sorry mack if ur reading this)
i think in terms of like one piece videos i like melonteee, totally not mark, mugiwara no goofy (for laughs) and also these two guys who just shitpost and its really funny
one piece artists,,,so many. wellfine is a big one…i love when ppl draw sanji with a hooked nose and lots of body hair. bluechanas…demonzoro…chvvy…that translation blog i linked earlier. i actually have a lot more but i realized a lot of them are just zosan and i didnt want to subject you to . all that 🧍LMAO. WAIT I FORGOT ONE. THEMETALHIRO. THEIR COMICS ARE SO FUNNY ALL THE TIME
i feel the need to ask a one piece question but i cant think of one rn. uh. uh. do u have any questions. or discussions to start. its ok if u dont!!
also p.s. there is never any pressure to watch any of the videos i link it is more for a sourcing purpose unless u actively want to watch them
I HAVE THAT EXACT IMAGE SAVED IN MY CAMERA ROLL LMAO. to end off here are some of my best (worst) sanji images
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0 notes
sexydoffyman · 1 year
requests nsfw alphabet
male reader - M
female reader - F
gender neutral reader - GN
Monkey D. Luffy
Roronoa Zoro
Portgas D. Ace
Nico Robin
Vivi Nefertari
Donquixote Rosinante
Benn Beckmann
Lucky Roux
Charlotte Katakuri
Vinsmoke Yonji
Sir Crocodile
Trafalgar D. Water Law
Kuzan Aokiji
Donquixote Doflamingo
Dracule Mihawk
262 notes · View notes
tsunderedoctor · 3 years
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***these are not in alphabetical order, rather in order of how they once appeared on my other masterlists, these also have trigger warnings, I tried wording them the best I could to show what they are, read at your own discretion***
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Getting Comfort from Luffy/Zoro/Franky After Getting a Bad Grade
Zoro/Sanji/Usopp/Shanks Helping a Depressed S/O Who Won’t Shower
Luffy/Law/Jinbei (platonic) Helping Reader with Abusive Parents
Ace/Sabo/Luffy with S/O Who Was Hit
Ace/Sabo/Luffy Taking Care of S/O With COVID
Luffy/Marco With People Pleasing S/O
Luffy/Law With Lonely S/O
Luffy/Sanji/Denjiro With Giving Up S/O
Luffy/Sanji/Nami Celebrating S/O’s Birthday
Sanji/Luffy/Doflamingo/Cora-san With An S/O Feeling Left Out
Luffy/Sanji/Robin/Nami With An S/O Who Won’t Eat
Zoro and Katakuri Comforting A Sad S/O
Zoro Comforting Overwhelmed S/O
Zoro and Ace Standing Up for Trans!Male S/O
Zoro and Law Comforting An S/O With A Sick Friend
Sanji and Cora-san Comforting An S/O Having Body Dysmorphia 
Sanji and Shanks Comforting An S/O Who Isn’t Accepted By Their Parents
Marco/Sanji/Shanks With Insecure S/O About Their Size
Law/Sanji/Ace With An S/O Who Found Out They Have A Brain Tumor
Sanji With An S/O Who Was Sexually Abused By An Ex
Marco/Sanji/Shanks With An Upbeat S/O Who Snaps
Monster Trio x Reader Comfort
Killer Comforting S/O Who Thought About Self Harm
Law Comforting Depressed S/O
Marco/Law/Sabo Comforting S/O Who Did Their Best And Got A Bad Grade
Marco/Law/Katakuri With An S/O Who Bites Nails
Marco and Law Comforting A Numb Feeling S/O
Law and Ace With An S/O Who Doesn’t Open Up
Doflamingo/Law/Mihawk Comforting An S/O Who Feels Rejected By Their Family
Crocodile with Male!S/O Who Is Having Body Dysmorphia
Doflamingo Comforting S/O Who Has Cancer 
Soft Moment With Doflamingo
Shanks Comforting S/O Who Had A Panic Attack
Shanks Comforting Lonely S/O
Shanks Realizing S/O Isn’t Feeling Their Best
Benn and Marco Comforting S/O Who lost A Loved One
Denjiro Comforting S/O Who Has COVID
Cora-san Comforting Crying S/O
Marco Comforting Male!S/O
Marco Comforting S/O Who Hates Shots
Marco Comforting S/O With CPTSD
Marco Accepts Male!S/O’s Confession
Marco Comforting Upbeat S/O Who Breaks Down
Marco/Ace (poly) Comforting Depressed S/O
Ace Comforting S/O After He Lost The Bachelorette Show
Yamato and Ace Comforting S/O Who Is Stressed About School
Sabo Comforting An S/O Who Overworks
Thatch Cheering On Hinted-Fem!S/O During Impromtu Speech
Law/Killer/Sanji Comforting S/O Who Lost Family Members
Zoro and Law Comforting S/O With CPTSD
Killer Comforting S/O Who Has Seasonal Depression
Kid/Law/Ace/Killer Comforting S/O Who Doesn’t Like To Reach Out For Help
Kid and Law Comforting S/O Who’s Friend Thinks They Are Talking About Them
Zoro Reacting To Allergic Reaction from S/O
Sanji and Ace Comforting High Reader
Sanji, Law, Nami/Robin Comforting S/O With ED
Sanji, Ace, and Zoro Reacting to S/O with abusive family
Ace and Nami (Platonic) Comforting S/O Who Self Harms
Mihawk and Zoro Comforting S/O Who Struggled With Narcissistic Abuse
Law and Ace Comforting an S/O With Narcotic Addiction 
Zoro/Cora-san/Usopp Comforting S/O After A Breakup
Ace and Marco Caring for Depressed Chronical Pain S/O
Smoker and Katakuri with an S/O who was Harassed
Law with an S/O who survived CSA/CPA
Law with an S/O who has social anxiety
Law with a touch starved S/O
Law, Sanji, and Zoro Comforting S/O
Sanji Comforting Fem! S/O
Law/Zoro/Benn/Smoker Comforting an S/O Who Cries In Front of Them For The First Time
Marco and Law Comforting S/O With Abusive Uncle
Law/Shanks/Bartolomeo With An S/O Who Wants to Self-Harm
Shanks Comforting A Trans!Masc S/O
Killer Comforting S/O Who Hates Their New Weight
Katakuri/Marco/Law Comforting An S/O
Law and Sanji Comforting Sad Reader
Law Hugging S/O
Law/Ace/Luffy Comforting Reader Whose Friend Committed Suicide 
Crocodile/Doflamingo/Katakuri with Reader Who is Aggressive 
Katakuri and Sanji Comforting an S/O During a Mass Shooting
Robin/Killer/Sanji/Hancock Comforting an S/O Who is Scared of Men
Killer Comforting an S/O Who had Friends Talk About Them
Law and Marco Comforting an S/O with a Tobacco Addiction 
Katakuri Comforting an S/O with a Migraine 
Law Comforting an S/O Who Lost A Friend
Mihawk/Shanks/Robin Comforting S/O Who Was Sexually Assulted
Smoker, Shanks, Benn and Whitebeard Comforting Reader With Self-Hatred Thoughts
Kuzan, Cora-san, Law and Killer with a Mute Reader
Ace, Katakuri, and Shanks comforting S/O who is depressed
Ace/Sabo/Luffy/Zoro comforting S/O who is fighting with parents
Law/Katakuri/Benn/Marco comforting platonic reader
Zoro/Sanji/Law Comforting S/O who is Dissociating 
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fleet-admiral-hiba · 3 years
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With a powerful child
Kuzan with his little daughter
Proposing to their partner
With their kids who has cuts on their hands
With a vice-admiral ranked partner
Akainu with his baby daughter
With their bullied kids who ran away
KIzaru & Sakazuki meeting their daughter's partner
Being blue balled by their younger kid
Seeing their kids with their clothes on
With their kid's family friends creatures
With their daughter who breaks down
With blind daughter
Catching their kids in the act
Partner's pregnancy reaction
Seeing their children pointing a gun at their head
Spending time with their newborn
Sakazuki & Borsalino: just a normal day
KIzaru,Kuzan,Sakazukl: 10,16,17
At their wedding
Helping their insomniac child
Dealing with their kidnapped child
Embracing their newborn baby
With their metalhead so
With a sick child
Having softer moments
Spotting a creeper spying their wife in the sauna
Esper so
Hearing their child first words
Doing stupid things with their so
Playing with their kids
Punishing their kids
Reacting to their daughter falling in love with Ace
With a mute daughter
Bastille with his so
Bastille dating Sengoku's daughter
Garp holding his grandchild
Sengoku & goat holding his grandchild
Young Sengoku declaration of love
Sentomaru dating
Kumadori pre-dating
Charlotte Velvet arc:
-part 1
-part 2
-part 3
- part 4
-during NM
-bounty after NMI
-late birthday party
Perospero thanking Pudding
Katakuri with fem!reader who packs a punch
Katakuri : 16,17,18,19
Katakuri: 13,15
Katakuri reacting to his pregnant wife
Perospero, Katakuri and Compote babysitting
Perospero & Katakuri: 5,6
Pudding twin brother being abused
Oven: 13,15
Daifuku: 13,15
Big Mom: 1,4,9,14
Smoothie having a son
Charlotte girls in a relationship
Finding an orphan on their voyages
Reacting to a trans sibling coming out
With a crybaby sister
Which Charlotte is the most loyal?
With a vicious reader
With a gen z reader
Gossiping behind the reader's back
Reacting to serial killer reader
Sanji with fem!reader who packs a punch
Zoro with a so who smokes
Zoro arguing with his stubborn so
Zoro with a quirky so
Page One
Kaido: 1,4,9,14
Yandere Shanks x fem!reader
reacting to the NMI
Kid with fem!reader who packs a punch
Kid: 16,17,18,19
Law with fem!reader who packs a punch
Law with a so who smokes
Law arguing with his stubborn so
Law with quirky so
Law: 16,17,18,19
Doflamingo: 1,4,9,14
Sun Pirates go back to Fish-man Island
442 notes · View notes
sashi-ya · 3 years
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Hello babes! So... Here we are with a new event! Can't believe this is actually to celebrate 1K followers milestone! I'm so grateful to all of you, I love you so so much!. So, after voting the winner is a new version of the well known Spicy Week: 🔥 Spicy Week ² 🔥
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⚠ 18+ Event. Explicit NSFW. Minors DNI ⚠
In order to be able to write for all of your requests I'm gonna be dividing the event into rounds. Each round will have 6 characters to request for. The total amount of requests per character will be 3. I'll be uploading here the amount of remaining places for each one. Please be kind to make a single request per person so everybody can have the opportunity ♥ ~
There are new kinks, all sorted by type (under the cut) + Gender of reader + Type of relationship + Characteristics for reader from the list or any you wish + AUs you can chose to include or not. [Please, when requesting don't forget to include at least a kink and reader's gender. If you wish to include another prompt/kink you can also do it ]
In case the request includes HCs, you can ask up to 3 characters and will NOT count in the 3 spaces (pls be kind not to ask for them if you already asked for an OS).
In case you chose a threesome that includes two of the characters from the same round, only one of them will be taking the place. You can chose another character too in this situations, for example if you want a threesome with Law + Kid + Reader it's totally ok as long as it has one of the characters of the round included.
Example of a request: Law with public sex and orgasm control. Romantic + Chubby Fem reader + hospital Au.
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- First round will be open from Tue 9/14 to Fri 9/17-
Portgas D. Ace 4/4
Trafalgar D. Water Law 6/6
Roronoa Zoro 3/3
Sabo 3/3
Sanji 3/3
Monkey D. Luffy 4/4
Second round will include: Marco, Eustass Kidd, Killer, Shanks, Corasan, Izo, Pay Pay.
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Genders: You can include more, here are just some of them.
F! Reader
M! Reader
GN! Reader
FtM trans! Reader
MtF trans! Reader
Any pronouns you would like me to use ♥
Some bodies characteristics: you can or cannot include them, they are just specific ones to give you an example.
Skinny, chubby, big breasts, small breasts, small dick, large dick, freckles, amputees, etc.
Character x gender! reader
Orgy / Gang bang
Type of relationship & Sex:
Romantic (in a relationship/not)
Slow sex &/or Rough sex
Make up sex
First time
Virtual / sexting
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. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : Kinks under the Cut! ♥ : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
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Masturbation (give/recieve)
Deepthroat/face fuck
Face sitting
JOI (jerk off instruccions)
Double penetration (DP)
Ass play:
Bondage light / heavy
Dildos; Plugs; Vibrators; Strapon
Dom/sub dynamics
Pet play
Forced orgasm
Orgasm control
Orgasm denial
Switching roles
Glory hole
Name calling
“Non-con” : All with previous consent and full enjoyment of the participating parts
Rape play
Kidnapping (play)
Sleep play / somnophilia
Incest (Not writing for ASL)
Public sex
Getting caught
Using DF powers for sex
Hybrid form (Zoan users)
Swapping fluids
Blood play
Watersports / omorashi
Cream pie
Period sex
Touch & Stimulation:
Nipple play
Breath play / Choking
Foot play
Sensation play
Scents/sweat play
Food play
Shower sex
Ice play
Wax play
Knife play
Misc. Kinks:
Impregnation – Breeding
Medical play
Police/marine play
Hair pulling
Light pain
Heavy pain
Nipple clamps
We do not kink shame in here, so please if you don't like some from the list above, just ignore it ♥
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Some AUs:
One Piece / canon AU
Hospital AU
Modern AU
Uni/college (not high school because this is a 18+ event)
Mafia AU
Civilizations AU
Angel/demon / gods / divinity AU
Dystopian / End of the world/ Zombie apocalypse / pandemics AU
Business AU
Halloween AU
Dessert island (canon/modern) AU
Harem AU
Prison AU
Merpeople AU
Roommates AU
Vampires/warewolf AU
Soulmates AU
Space AU
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missallsundaes · 3 years
Kinktober 2021 — Masterlist
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Lingerie — Sanji (Sanji wearing women’s lingerie for f!reader)
Losing a Bet — Marco w gn!reader
Voyeurism — Nico Robin feat. Misuse of DF powers
Exhibitionism — Doflamingo w F!reader
Caught Masturbating — Law (Law’s the one Caught)
Cock Warming — Marco w trans!M!Reader
Edging — Sabo w F!Reader
Praise kink — Ace (words of affirmation)
Shower sex — Zoro w/F!Reader
Shibari —Ace
Size difference — Sir Crocodile w F!Reader
Impregnated — Marco w/Wife!Reader
Asphyxiation — Rob Lucci
Strip tease — Boa Hancock w afab!Reader
Imprisonment — Buggy The Clown (in Impel Down)
Toys — Eustass Kid (toys he made himself)
Fem Dom — Killer w F!Reader, Praising Killer for Being a Good Boy
Squirting — Eustass Kid w/ F!Reader
Morning Sex — Ace (on a chilly morning)
Begging — Sanji sub!sanji begging for gratification
Mutual Masturbation — X Drake w m!reader
Pegging — Sabo
Dirty Talk — Barto (Dom!Reader dirty talking Barto and making him flustered)
Humiliation — Law w M!Reader, Law in a position of Power
Abuse of Power — Sabo
Food Play — Sanji
Jealousy — Buggy the Clown feat. A very possessive Buggy
Breeding Kink — Smoker
Drunken Sex — Zoro w F!Reader, liquid Courage.
Belly Bulging — Charlotte Katakuri w/F!Reader
Yandere — Shanks
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dxvilmanlev · 3 years
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This is my One Piece Blog
When requesting please leave please and thank you <3
I do NOT do match ups anymore bc anxiety heh
I will write sfw, nsfw, comfort, yandere, angst, headcannons, drabbles
I will write for gn, fem, male, trans fem and trans male! everyone is welcome here<3
My NSFW list of things i’m willing to write
will not write darker themes [cnc, noncon, incest, etc.] or omegaverse, Scat/piss, pregnancy (i will write parenting tho), abusive relationships, cheating, suggestive or romantic relationship with underage characters, age play, daddy/mommy kinks, lactation kink
I may dabble in some noncon & abuse for yandere requests or commissions but ONLY for yandere requests and commissions
I don’t write self harm or suicide but I will write comfort for those topics
i may take awhile to see requests so please be patient
I have a right to refuse requests
I do write cannon characters x reader and i include poly relationships
I only write character x character randomly when I can’t get a ship out of my head or if stated in the event
charaters i DO write for: Zoro, Luffy, Nami, Robin, Usopp, Franky, Sanji, Jinbei, Eustass kid, Killer, Heat, Wire, Trafalgar Law, Penguin, Shachi, Ace, Marco, Rayleigh, Crocodile, Smoker, Koby, Shanks, Boa Hancock, Mihawk, Buggy, Perona, Jewelry Bonney, Doflamingo, Corazon, Whitebeard, Thatch, Izou, Sabo, Mr. 3, Bartolomeo, Bellemere, Garp, Roger, Aokiji, Borsalino, Fujitora, Katakuri, Kin’emon, Kanjuro, Kaido, King, Yamato (tho i haven’t seen wano yet and the one piece wiki is my best friend so keep that in mind)
Will write for just no smut: Bepo, Nekomamushi, Pedro
^ Possibly some others i might have missed but most likely if they aren’t on this list i either haven’t met them or don’t know enough about them to write about them if you aren’t sure about some characters you can always ask if i’ll write for them! <3
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neonain · 3 years
This blog has been discontinued
{Master List}
{One Piece x Readers}
•Hello Juliet {Thief! Reader x Thief! Sabo}
•Whats worth the sea {Reader x Law}
•This is farewell for now {Reader x Sanji}
•Straw hats finding out your secret gender
•May the strongest be King! {Reader x Luffy,Law,Kid}
•Reach the highest peak {Reader x Kid}
•Duet {Reader x Luffy}
•More than gold {Reader x Corazon} (one) (two)
•Who will serve who {Reader x Law}
•Strawhats reacting to GN reader who is always spooked by jumpscares
•Not Official Parent Y/N with their 3 idiots of a son
•Deceased Father Reader with Nico Robin
•"GASTLIGHTING HAH!" Fem!Reader!Eustasa Kid x Killer
•Secret Captain! Reader
•Immortal! reader x Immortal! Doflamingo
•Assasin! Reader x Trafalgar Law
{One Piece Ships}
•Will you have a drink with me? {Law x Luffy}
•Strawhats+Supernova Captains+Whitebeard Pirates celebrating Dia De Los Muertos
{Not Mine, reblogging}
•Headcanons {Top! Reader x Zoro, Sanji, Kid, Law}
•One-Shot {Law x M! Reader x Luffy}
•Charlotte Family Reacting to Trans Sibling
•Strawhats reacting to ex-admiral marine reader
•A bottle a day {Kid x GN Reader}
•Captain's Orders {Kid x GN Reader}
•Soulmate Swap {Kid x GN Reader}
•Kid and Killer being save by their S/O just in time
•How Kid reacts to his S/O going away for a bit
•I don't gamble {Kid x Reader}
•Headcanons {Sanji, Luffy, Killer x GN! Reader w/ arachnophobia}
•Luffy x GN Reader
•Ace, Marco & Shanks reacting to supposedly dead GN Reader who saved their life in battle
•GN Reader x Perona HCs
•GN Reader x Hancock HCs
•Bartolomeo, Kid, Zoro & Killer reacting to GN Reader calling them <Pretty Boy>
•GN Reader x Baby 5
•Boa with a S/O who could heal their scar/slave-brand
•Eustass Kid x GN Reader
•Friends? Friends. Eustass Kid x Reader
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missallsundaes · 3 years
Hello, I’m beginning set up for Kinktober 2021!
I’ve made my prompt list and some kinktober specific rules! Please see both below the cut, I will keep this list updated and show which slots have been filled as they have been requested.
Kinktober Rules:
1. Please only limit yourself to 2-3 requests at maximum! Because there are only 31 prompts I want everyone to get a chance. Obviously the anonymous system means I wont know if you are cheating this but please be fair to others.
2. I will only be filling 3 prompts per character, so for example if 2 people ask for Zoro, I would have 1 request left available for someone else. This is bc I don’t want to write too many for one character.
3. I will only be filling one prompt PER ask. Send separate ones if you want more than one request, but as previously mentioned please leave room for others. This also means you couldn’t combine multiple since I will be doing one per day.
4. However— if you wanted for example, Lingerie with a femdom element, format your request like “Can I have prompt 1. Lingerie where Sanji is being dom’d and treated by f!reader” or similar. I don’t mind more details in a request in conjunction!
5. Be respectful to myself and other requesters! ❤️ Love you
Lingerie — Sanji (Sanji wearing women's lingerie for f!reader)
Losing a Bet — Marco w gn!reader
Voyeurism — Nico Robin feat. Misuse of DF powers
Exhibitionism — Doflamingo w F!reader
Caught Masturbating — Law (Law's the one Caught)
Cock Warming — Marco w trans!M!Reader
Edging — Sabo w F!Reader
Praise kink — Ace (words of affirmation)
Shower sex — Zoro w/F!Reader
Shibari —Ace
Size difference — Sir Crocodile w F!Reader
Impregnated — Marco w/Wife!Reader
Asphyxiation — Rob Lucci
Strip tease — Boa Hancock w afab!Reader
Imprisonment — Buggy The Clown (in Impel Down)
Toys — Eustass Kid (toys he made himself)
Fem Dom — Killer w F!Reader, Praising Killer for Being a Good Boy
Squirting — Eustass Kid w shy F!Reader
Morning Sex — Ace (on a chilly morning)
Begging — Sanji sub!sanji begging for gratification
Mutual Masturbation — X Drake w m!reader
Pegging — Sabo
Dirty Talk — Barto (Dom!Reader dirty talking Barto and making him flustered)
Humiliation — Law w M!Reader, Law in a position of Power
Abuse of Power — Sabo
Food Play — Sanji
Jealousy — Buggy the Clown feat. A very possessive Buggy
Breeding Kink — Smoker
Drunken Sex — Zoro w F!Reader, liquid Courage.
Belly Bulging — Charlotte Katakuri w/F!Reader
Yandere — Shanks
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