#zonai survey team
pitchblackespresso · 7 months
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Underpants Method
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tenshiharmonia · 1 year
I've finally met Tauro, and by Rauru's ears, he's so adorable and hunky ! So, to celebrate our encounter, here is a little scenario I came up with. It’s mostly an excuse to give him a Zonai boyfriend, but hey, I think he deserves it. :p
Now imagine, the Survey Team is investigating some ruins that were spotted in the snowy mountains of Hebra. As they are inspecting the area, Tauro comes across the entrance of some unknown cave. Listening to his archaeological instinct, it doesn’t take long for the intrepid lad to venture into the mysterious chasm, barely taking the time to warn his teammates about his discovery. (I bet you see where this is all going…) Deep within the cave’s freezing tunnels, the enthusiastic archaeologist ultimately happens upon what is assuredly going to be the most important find of his life : a young Zonai man, trapped in a block of ice.
The event is huge enough for the princess herself to make the trip*. Of course, this is a world of fiction we are talking about, so it’s not long before the frozen lad is freed from his prison, awakening from his icy slumber as if it was just a nap. Unfortunately, the young man can only speak in some antiquated Zonai dialect, so it’s up to Tauro and Zelda - who learnt the language from Rauru and Mineru - to explain the situation to him. Naturally, the poor boy is quite confused, but at least he understands that those people don’t mean him any harm. Still, he is now stranded in a completely unrecognizable world, thousands of years away from home, something Zelda can easily emphasize with. Of course, the princess could try and use her power over time to send him back, but considering how relatively inexperienced she is in the matter, it would be far too risky. They don’t even know how many millennia separate them from the man’s original era. Obviously, he hails from a time predating the founding of Hyrule, as the first king and his sister were the last of their people, but it doesn’t tell them much. What if she wasn’t even powerful enough to allow him such a leap ? Sadly, all they can do for the time being is accommodate their unexpected guest the best they can.
But Zelda has the reconstruction of the kingdom to take care of. Having to head back to Hateno, she entrusts their new friend to Tauro. Mainly because he is the only one who can actually communicate with the Zonai man, but also because she knows what a good-hearted and trustworthy fellow the archaeologist is. It goes without saying, but the big guy is more than happy to oblige. It has always been his dream to meet an actual Zonai, and now it’s coming true ! There are so many questions he’d like to ask the dragon man, but he knows that he has to temper his enthusiasm. The situation must already be difficult enough for the poor lad ; no need to overwhelm him even more. For now, the priority is to make him feel comfortable.
So it’s with great dedication and solicitude that Tauro welcomes this new presence into his life. As the days go by, though, the two men start getting closer and closer. Doing his best to help the displaced Zonai adjust to the present era, Tauro takes it upon himself to teach him the modern Hyrulean language. Meanwhile, the dragon lad repays the favour by sharing anecdotes about the world as it was before he got trapped in ice. But what started out as an arrangement of pure convenience quickly turned into something more intimate. As he travels around Hyrule with the Survey Team, discovering everything this new era has to offer, the unfrozen Zonai finds himself genuinely won over by the archaeologist’s charming temperament. His gentleness, contrasting with his manly physique ; his passionate - and sometimes naive - intelligence ; the curiosity with which he looks at the world… truly, there is something about this man he isn’t indifferent to. At the same time, Tauro himself starts to realize that his interest in the Zonai lad might not be purely scientific. Sure, getting a first-hand account of this civilization that has always fascinated him is a rapturous experience. But the inexplicable warmth he feels inside him when he is in the dragon man’s company definitely goes beyond his usual excitement and reverence for everything Zonai…
Aaand this is pretty much all I’ve got so far. I’m not sure about the direction I’d want their story to take regarding how they’ll act on their feelings at first, but I think you got the idea. So I’ll leave the rest to your imagination for now, although I’d definitely like to write something about their very first time. Think of all the emotions it would arouse in Tauro, to actually get to explore the body of a Zonai… that would certainly make for an interesting scene. Still, before I write anything, I’ll need to flesh my Zonai boy more. I don’t really know what I’d want him to be like for the moment, but there are many delightful possibilities. A short and rather chubby warrior, to contrast with Tauro being a tall and beefy scholar ? A towering giant, like Rauru, leading to the amusing situation of the normally huge archaeologist actually being the shorter one in the relationship ? Really, I’m quite spoilt for choice. And I’m not even talking about his personality…
Anyway, I’ll have to work on the details, but I hope that you had fun reading about my silly little concept. :p Take care, everyone. ^_^
* The way I envision it, this would all happen after the events of the game and Ganondorf’s defeat.
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powdermelonkeg · 6 months
You know what? I should make a TotK-era self-insert anthropologist character with the amount of theories I do.
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eerna · 8 months
the thematic shift from botw to totk is so weird when u rly think about it bc in botw its all about a failed prophecy; zelda couldnt awaken her powers and the champions couldnt defeat ganon as it was foretold. it was about breaking free from tradition and convention and trying to find other means of defeating this evil (zeldas fascination with sheikah tech for example). i think this theme also aligns with the entirety of the loz franchise as a whole, given how botw did a complete 180° on the zelda formula theyve always had. everything just worked!!!
and then in totk its just like ... we go back in time and use the powers of old to defeat ganon ... ? not to mention that every researcher in the game is fascinated by these ancient texts and architecture. rather than innovators they become historians. youre expected to look for answers in the past rather than learn from naively following prophecies and suffering its consequences.
however i do think totk had a rly interesting premise when they decided to implement time travel. like i absolutely LOVEE everything about the light dragon etc etc but the story in general just did not hit as hard :( i adore this game its so fun and its so beautiful but there is so much room for criticism as well
also sorry for this long ass ask omfg .. but ur post earlier got me going !!
It's ok, I fully support long elaborations based on whatever I went off about! :D
Oh, that's an interesting view of it! I personally didn't think BotW was about forgetting tradition at all? The Sheikah tech is still history, it's still following in the footsteps of those who came before - the prophecy itself is was what led to its discovery in the first place. I interpreted BotW as a story about what happens when people try to imitate the past, I agree, but in the end the point was that they shouldn't let it weight them down, but should still pay respects to it. Hyrule forgot all about its history - who knows what might have happened if that ancient king never got spooked by the Sheikah tech and buried it! If it didn't stay exactly the same as it was 10000 years ago, Ganon might have never influenced it so strongly, and the Calamity might have never have happened! Zelda couldn't escape her history, all the progressive tech in the world couldn't imitate her role, but the only way she was able to realize her destiny was through her own means, on her own time. It wasn't about her rejecting convention, it was about her finding her own spin on it. She was being held back by the shadow of her mother and the expectations of the monarchy, and found a way to channel her inheritance through the wild, and through Link. And that was the theme of the game! Looking back at decades' worth of games, then picking and choosing what to keep and what to give up on! It is so cool!
I think TotK did great to continue this line of thought regarding Zelda's character - she is not a princess-princess she was forced to be 100 years ago, she is a teacher/researcher/engineer-princess, and everyone loves her and looks up to her. She is still a sort-of leader, but she is doing it in her own way, without castles or thrones or holy powers and almost entirely hands-off, letting the people guide her. In my opinion, it treats the researchers the same way it did in BotW, except yes, a new faction has been introduced to the plot that is dedicated to historical research. I don't doubt that the decade leading up to the Calamity also had a bunch of historians running around deciphering old texts and figuring out how stuff worked, we just didn't get to see it and got the finished results instead. Also, it's pretty clear that Zonai tech requires a Zonai to work it (Link can do it because of his right arm), so it's not as widely malleable as Sheikah tech which was able to be used by all inhabitants of Hyrule. And the finale of the game FULLY goes against history even harder than BotW did - yes, Ganondorf CAN be defeated, even if Rauru failed. Yes, Zelda CAN be returned to her original form, even if the transformation is supposed to be permanent according to Zonai history. In fact, the Zelda thing annoys me (no matter how much I love it) because it wasn't set up in a way that carried over any sort of a message or a theme. Impa said she would find a way to turn her back, I was expecting a quest dedicated to it, be it finding ancient texts or a new loophole, and then whoosh she's back through a Sonia-and-Rauru-ex-machina. I would say that TotK can't decide if it wants to break away from its history (by making half the game a completely new, blank slate) or go along with it (by making the other half of the game clearly love what happened before, all the way back to a divine Hyrulean monarchy) which is why it's so jumbled up at times.
Like you said, I love the game, I cry whenever I remember that beautiful finale, but it really dropped the ball when it came to BotW's comprehensiveness. Why did Link fail to catch Zelda in the beginning, but managed in the end? What changed? What is its significance? It's a beautiful scene and makes me so emo, but it rings hollow if I try to find a deeper meaning, and that's basically the game in a nutshell.
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amethyst-halo · 1 year
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ive been kinda zelda brained so i made some more ocs! siblings that research things
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birdbrainrots · 1 year
Kazul at the thyphlo ruins just told me he's the one who discovered them. Like bro are you sure. Are you SURE
I've been walking around here with a torch before someone even turned the lights on and you have the AUDACITY
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So a post I reblogged about no Dark Link in TotK being a missed opportunity got me thinking about how he could've been implemented:
You could find one of those journals in one of the Yiga outposts in the Depths talking about him. Here's how I think it could read:
Spotted the Hero in the Depths today. I attempted to approach while disguised as a member of the Zonai Survey Team.
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Bad idea. I was attacked immediately and viciously without hesitation. I barely escaped with my life!
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That... was not the Hero.
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Was that the Hero's Shadow spoken of in the old legends? It is said the Shadow would mirror the Hero's appearance and fighting skills... I believe it after that encounter.
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ATTENTION YIGA CLAN MEMBERS: If you spot this figure during your patrols, DO NOT APPROACH. This 'Shadow' will viciously attack anything and anyone that dares get near, even the Yiga Clan.
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Beware the Hero's Shadow.
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Glory to Master Kohga.
Dark Link would be patrolling the Depths, and upon spotting you, he will chase you down and attack, similar to the Gloom Hands. But unlike the Gloom Hands, you cannot escape by climbing to high ground and waiting for him to vanish. He will simply teleport up to you.
You can either deal enough damage to him, which will make him leave and reappear elsewhere in the Depths (like how the Yiga flee when defeated), or you can teleport far enough away so he loses track of you. Thankfully, he will not follow you to the Surface.
If he spots you while you're wearing the Dark Link outfit, he will be temporarily confused, giving you very limited time to run away or hide before he figures it out and starts attacking you. Similar to the Lynel Mask.
Also while you're wearing the Dark Link outfit, the Yiga will not ambush you, because they think you're the Hero's Shadow.
Dark Link's number of hearts will match that of the player's, just like in OoT. The stronger you get, the stronger he gets too.
He would also have the smartest enemy AI in the game, besides Ganondorf himself:
He dodges any thrown items or arrows shot at him, which means he cannot be cheesed with bombs. He will simply hop out of the blast radius before it lands. You must fight him in close melee combat.
He will mirror your strikes perfectly if you fight him with a one-handed sword and shield. However, he only wields a sword and shield, meaning you can attack him more easily with a different weapon, like... oh I don't know... a two-handed hammer? 😉
I'm not entirely sure what he'd drop upon defeat... Maybe his sword and shield?
Anyway, those are my thoughts. I'd love to hear other ideas :)
(EDIT: Added more stuff in a reblog!)
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jeldacat · 4 months
Link’s resume in Tears of the Kingdom but the list gets weirder as it goes on:
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- Hero of Hyrule / Hero of the Wild
- Princess Zelda’s appointed knight
- Wielder of the Master Sword
- Volunteer fighter for the Monster Control Crew
- Member of the Zonai Survey Team
- Part time reporter for the Lucky Clover Gazette
- Professor at Hateno School
- General merchant / businessman
- Gerudo archeologist assistant
- Golden-haired savior of Lurelin Village
- Member (and potential vocalist) of the Stable Trotters (or Stable Heroes)
- Member of the Yiga Clan…?
- Official Yiga Blademaster
- Well enthusiast
- Fashion model
- Acorn boy / VIP of Hateno Farms
- Reviver of the cheese recipe
- Master of the underpants method
- A suspicious guy
- A modern guy
- A weirdly handsome dude
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pocketseizure · 11 months
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After years spent investigating the mysterious shrines of East Necula, Dr. Calip has joined the Zonai Survey Team’s efforts to study the Ring Ruins of Kakariko Village. The ancient structures are fascinating, but what has captured Calip’s attention is the chasm in the forest on the hill. While Calip has been gazing into the abyss, however, the leader of the Zonai Survey Team has been gazing at him.
complete at 4,000 words . ( on AO3 ) . illustration by Martina Belli
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r0sequarks · 1 year
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doodles for a tears of the kingdom roleswap au, because those will forever be my jam and i really like the idea of playable zelda. notes/rambling under the cut.
Scavenged Zonai tech instead of Ultrahand (she made it herself??)
idk if the stone stays a necklace or goes on a hand or what
Maybe Zonai glasses? idk
She has an undershirt b/c boobs. Patterned off main padding.
Zonai Survey Team + Hylian Armor (people just give Zelda shit)
Bow of Light - summons freely, acts like Master Sword, powers up with shrines?
Text is readable (Purah: stealing my look! rude!)
And then the general core conceits of Playable TotK Zelda:
Archer - ranged combat focus/optimized
Princess/General - focus on group combat (sages / monster squad / Gerudo Town)
Priestess - Light + Time magic, upgrades
Zonai Researcher - extra knowledge in ruins, can read tet, can do more with scavenging
I need to finish the final boss fight before I decide what entirely Link's role ends up as, but he's sent back in time injured with the broken sword while Zelda is teleported by the Purah Pad away to the Sky Island. IDK if she still has Rauru (or Mineru) as a guide, but even if she does, she's a lot more self sufficient, and scavenges/builds the tech to interface with Zonai devices herself instead of just being given the Ultrahand. I think she still gets the same abilities, but like. She's doing it herself. very stressed out this is fine energy.
Zelda on the sky island is probably more than a little feral researcher. It's her getting used to combat. When we started with the broken master sword, I though the game was going to let you keep it and power it up over time; I'm glad that's not how it went but I do think it would be interesting, so Zelda gets to summon a bow and it levels up over time (probably connected to the shrines system, because Holy Light, but idk how exactly). She can use swords and other weapons, but she definitely defaults more ranged.
Zelda also gets magic, which is obviously the Time Rune stuff, but I think also it would be cool if she had a light power unarmed attack (similar to but weaker than the Yiga Earthwave you can unlock). I like the idea of a playthrough where you never pick up a sword and you just keep light blasting people and dodging even though it is almost certainly the weaker attack. feral untrained self taught mages are and forever will be my jam.
When Zelda returns to Hyrule proper, I think the reactions are very different, because everyone pretty much agrees she's in charge (even if, perhaps, she doesn't). I also think that, well, people are less worried about Link being missing than they are about Zelda - the Lucky Clover isn't running stories about him, y'know? As such it's driven by what Zelda wants - which is to find Link, even if it''s not what others want.
Zelda as princess I think also plays interestingly into the group combat TotK introduces; I think in her game she acts more as general and they're more common. Not that she can't be on front lines, but it'd be pretty easy to play letting the Sages eat up melee while she's sniping. I also think she gets magic that can heal allies, making them more useful in fights to some extent. This would maybe be very messy in a real game but this is a theory baybee!
Although I think that's probably similarly limited / you don't have to drag people around while climbing mountains. Which, to be clear, she still does. It's been like five years and she's clearly been traveling the world with Link still at her side, there's no way that she's not just as feral an adventurer as he is. She's just better as passing as normal.
The big change in exploration is the various ruins, because she actually knows shit. I like to imagine there's some feature Zelda can use to sort of take notes on basically any Zonai or other ancient shit you find anywhere. She doesn't need to run back to Kakariko Village to translate, she's putting stuff together herself. This is maybe manifested by Zonai glasses/mask, which replaces/augments the Camera feature? And then upgrades to help you better see stuff? idk. [let the purah scope zoom in and out. ideal fix. kthxbai]
as for how Zelda interacts with the world...that's kind of complicated but really interesting. she's the beloved princess, but she is the Princess, and for the other four nations, specifically, Not Their Princess. like the dynamic with the Sages definitely changes. There's probably some themes there to parallel Zelda with Rauru but like that means there are Implications and I need to think more on that than 2am.
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pitchblackespresso · 10 days
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Dondon Origins
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aeriona · 1 year
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*throws him at you but he soars right over your head like a toy plane* Flying Rat Man Lore (real)
Ok so basically this guy was born in ancient Hyrule >10k years ago, but he was was sent forward in time by his mother who was a skilled recaller. Basically like the Master Sword but backwards. This explanation is dumb but let me have this guys sshhhhHhh
Anyways, Savaru was raised by steward constructs on the Great Sky Island, though once he was older (and had access to Ultrahand), he would later travel across islands throughout the entire sky.
During the Upheaval, the cloud barrier was broken and it allowed him to drop down to the surface, something he did on accident after getting punted off a cliff by an Aerocuda (rip bozo).
Nowadays Sav is staying in Kakariko village for the time being, working with the Zonai Survey team to translate old Zonai text and screw around with the ancient technology that had fallen down.
Also he got the magic Zonai hand from the Constructs, who made and embedded it into his body. They fabricated a lot of his other tools and materials as well (and they also helped him medically transition which was pretty awesome of them lmao).
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carrotsnake · 11 months
Botw/Totk headcanon: Sheikah NPCs beyond Kakariko
after impa being the Last of Her Kind for nearly 20 years, we were kind of spoiled with the era of wilds sheikah. still, kakariko is known for it's older population and botw makes a point to let us know paya isn't used to seeing people her age. this post is about asking 'where are they?' and filling in the gaps. being a peaceful farming village it makes sense the younger gens would want to leave as soon as they can for some adventure.
sheikah typically have hair on the grey-to-white scale (granté proves this isn't a requirement), and unlike the past games they have a greater diversity in eye colour. below is a list of hylian npcs that look too young to have greying hair that i hc are either from kakariko, or have some sheikah ancestry.
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from left to right: lecia, letty, mina, her brother mils by proxy, teli, juney, and baumar. i'll go into more detail about each under the cut, comparing them from the 2 games alongside some more headcanons. some of them i haven't found in totk yet, so i'll edit when i do.
pic on the left side is them in botw, totk on the right.
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Mina is a treasure hunter looking for loot with her brother by the exchange ruins outside the great plateau. the siblings also show up in the dlc. they're trying to steal a sheikah heirloom back from the yiga hideout, though they don't know it's purpose - they just wanna sell it. in totk she walks on the path between lakeside stable and lurelin. she says that even treasure hunters deserve some fun once in a while, so we can assume she's takin' it easy. Mils, meanwhile...
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...joined the zonai survey team, and moans about what tough work it is. he walks through pagos woods to the zonai ruins. he joined in the hopes it would lead him to treasure, but he hasn't had his lucky break yet. most hylians travel from stable to inn and can be assumed not to have a proper home due to the lasting effects of the calamity. this is my bias but i like to think he's talking about kakariko when he mentions home. let him grow some pumpkins and wrangle cuccos. he wishes to live a quiet life.
i find it sweet him and mina are both in faron. maybe they decided to split up and cover more ground? with mina off sunbathing and sipping mimosas in lurelin, mils got the short end of the stick again.
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'i hope you die': lazy, cliché, unrealistic. 'i hope your favourite botw npc gets mushroomed and bowlcutted': it's scary, it's possible, it's happening to me right now. such was the fate of our poor resident shield-surfer bro from botw. known for many hit quotes such as 'let's go bamboo! yahoo!', 'shield surfing is like, totally radical, dude', and my favourite:
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in botw he rides his horse on the path between serenne and snowfield stable. in totk he's part of the fashion tour-group that run around hateno village. maybe he went to hebra to show his 'wicked' surfing moves to selmie and she said 'kid, if i let you out on the slopes you'll die. sorry'. his world was completely shattered beneath him like a broken shield, so he turned to cravats and puffy short shorts to cope.
his name is similar to the hills of baumer above deya village ruins. maybe he's a descendent of the few survivors. i wonder what his ancestors are thinking now, watching what he does with the gift of life.
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Teli walks between fort hateno and hateno village. He sells ancient guardian parts and even mentions he trades them with Robbie. he has a high opinion of himself and tells you he's known across hyrule for his 'roguish good looks.' in totk he's one of the men in the 'Gourmets gone missing' Penn quest that gave himself food-poisoning by riverside stable. after which he scares away some cuccos and makes you wrangle them for a sidequest. just L after L for this dashing rogue.
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Juney, now famous for her rupee grinding sand seal minigame, i instantly recognised as the epic divorce woman from rito village. her attitude is just as surly as ever but they gave her a soft side. i like that every minigame location could not be further from hateno. you'll find that school someday queen.
she was a newly wed mad at her husband, jogo, for choosing a cold place for their honeymoon. he begs you to give him flint to cook some baked apples for her to save their already failing marriage.
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in totk they're not together, jogo inhabits a cabin in tabantha village ruins with another woman. he didn't give her enough baked apples.
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Letty walks along the path between lakeside stable and lurelin. she gives you cooking tips and that's pretty much it. i'm pretty sure i've met her as a yiga disguise more often than i've seen the real her. if anyone has found her in totk, please let me know.
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Lecia is a new character in totk. she's with the research team and plays a part in the foothill stable Penn quest. she kind of looks like a grown up Koko. maybe a distant relative? but maybe she's not sheikah. maybe the sight of all those pasty naked man nips traumatised her so bad she got marie-antoinette syndrome from the shock. i haven't seen her since.
thank you if you read to the end. to clarify i'm working on some fic stuff and that entails finding npcs across the overworld to give some more lore. it's a sheikah focused fic so i needed some characters other than the kakariko residents. it's also just fun fleshing out random npcs to make the world feel more lived in. again, i'm missing some details like what mina does before you save lurelin, so i'll edit this post in the future.
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powdermelonkeg · 1 year
I am missing literally one thing for my TotK Linksona to feel complete and that is an outfit that fits his vibe. So far, none of the ones I've bought match him.
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fioreofthemarch · 1 year
Finding Her - final chapter
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Link makes notes, takes photos and keeps time on his quest across Hyrule, in the hopes of finding Zelda and staying sane until he does. [ Previous | First | AO3 ] with artwork by @nocturnalfandomartist at the end!
A photograph of Hyrule Castle seated on a rocky mesa of petrified Gloom. Where once malice and corruption rose high into the air, there is nothing but clear skies. 
A photograph of the rolling meadows of Hyrule Field, with Lookout Landing approaching just over the next hill. Ahead of the camera walks a woman wearing traditional garb, her short golden hair still a little damp.
A photograph of a group of Sheikah, young and old, at the gates of Lookout Landing as they greet the golden-haired woman. Their arms are outstretched towards her, tears in their eyes. 
A photograph of the five Sages of Hyrule, crowded around the woman as they draw her into a group embrace. The woman has her back to the camera as a young Gerudo vai hugs her tightly. 
The same picture as above, only now the woman has turned to the photographer. She smiles, surrounded by her friends and allies. Despite the weariness on her face, she radiates warmth and contentment. She is finally home. 
Caption: Thank you Rauru and Sonia. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you tha
Welcome to the Purah Pad!— Home Screen —
 Today’s Purah Pointer: [Placeholder - Robbie can you please add something? Do NOT call me if you can’t think of anything.]
> Camera (Scanner) 
Scanner sub-function selected. Please place text to be scanned in view of the Purah Pad camera.Scanning…Processing…
Scanned text uploaded. Eight (8) documents have been added to the Purah Pad.
1. BATTLE IN THE SKIES: A SPECIAL LUCKY CLOVER GAZETTE REPORTby Penn of Rito Village (Guest Correspondent)
26th Satorember 104AC 
The citizens of Hyrule were treated to an extraordinary sight yesterday after what appeared to be an enormous, demonic dragon emerged from the ruins of Hyrule Castle.
It was approximately midday when what is being dubbed the ‘Demon Dragon’ appeared. Eyewitness accounts state that a second entity, which some have called the ‘Light Dragon’, was also spotted and appeared to confront the Demon Dragon, however this has not been verified. 
About an hour after the Demon Dragon appeared, there was a colossal explosion in the skies that caused several grassfires on Hyrule Field. These were swiftly contained by brave volunteers of the Zonai Survey Team who happened to be in the area. The Gazette can confirm there were no ground casualties.
Earlier this week, the swordsman Link and the Sages of Hyrule departed Lookout Landing to mount an assault on the Demon King Ganondorf. The outcome of that battle is not yet known, and investigations continue as to whether this mission has any links to the Demon Dragon. 
More to come. 
2. A letter, with a stamp that reads ‘Rito Courier Certified’
Forgive the chicken scratch, I don’t write a lot of letters. 
I heard the Princess is back. Good for her. Knew she wouldn’t abandon us. Good job dealing with the Demon King too -- you saved all our tailfeathers there. 
Tulin’s back with us now. Just writing to say thank you. He’s got a long way to go, but I can tell that hanging out with some responsible adults has put him on the right track. Though sometimes I wish he’d never learned about this Sage business. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve heard ‘Would a Sage have to do his chores, Dad?’ Ridiculous. 
If either you or the Princess need a holiday, Rito Village welcomes you. I’d sure like to hear the story of the battle against Ganondorf from someone other than a cocky teenager. Let’s just hope that’s the last of Hyrule’s troubles for now. We all enjoy a good fight, now and then, but a broken wing never really heals if you know what I mean.
Fly well, Teba, Elder of Rito Village 
3. A pamphlet advertisement printed on paper that smells of fireproof elixir
YunoboCo is the author of this pamphlet for the purpose of copyright. © YunoboCo 104AC
Link! Zelda! 
Look at this! Isn’t it great!? We got it back from the Lucky Clover Gazette just today. Took a bit of negotiating with Traysi to let us use her printers, but we got it done. I can’t believe Mine-Cart Land is gonna open for real — it’s all thanks to you or we’d all be Demon King lunch!
The other Sages said you’d gone back to Hateno to rest. They’ve all got fire ants in their pants wanting to get back to rebuilding, but I say we’ve all deserved a break. How many people can say they saved the world twice? 
Anyway, let us know next time you’re in Eldin. Slergo and Offrak have been asking about you every day. Dinner’s on us!
4. A letter written in silver ink on lily white paper, in cursive that borderlines on unreadable 
The 8th Day of Octoroktober, 104 After Calamity 
Princes Zelda Bosphoramus Hyrule 5 Wildflower Crossing, Hateno Village Necluda, Hyrule 
The Reception Celebration of the Wedding of Their MajestiesKing Sidon and Queen Yona of the Zora 
By command of the King, the Advisor Muzu is directed to invite
Princess Zelda Bosphoramus Hyrule And Sir Link, Knight-Captain of the Hyrule Royal Guard
to be present at Zora’s Domain on the 3rd day of Naydrember, 104AC
Dear Princess Zelda, 
I hope your recovery in Hateno with Sir Link has been restorative. As Winter draws closer and the days shorter, time of respite is often best spent with close companions. 
My dear Sidon has told me all of what happened to you in the ancient past, and I must extend my deepest sympathies for the hardships you have endured. I cannot even begin to imagine them. I must also express my gratitude that Sidon has returned to us. While he is so humble as to pass all credit for the victory against the Demon King to Sir Link and his fellow Sages, to those in Zora’s Domain he is a hero.  
It would give us great joy if you could join us in a month’s time for I do so wish to meet you. However, I will understand completely if you choose to remain in the quiet solace of home. 
Sincerely, Queen Yona of Zora’s Domain
5. An informal letter, written in an assured hand 
Did you also get an invite to Sidon and Yona’s wedding? Or second wedding? I’ve never even been to Zora’s Domain. You will have to tell me what to wear. Is it cold? Is there really water everywhere? Not that I have a problem with that. 
So your sabbatical with Link has been just ‘good’? I get the sense you’re holding back details. If you don’t want to put anything in writing, you can call me using the Purah Pad. I could tell, Zelda, that when Link brought you to Lookout Landing after our battle with the Demon King, he couldn’t wait to whisk you away again. And what’s this about leaving Hateno next week? So soon!
I suppose I understand. You and I have our kingdoms to take care of. It is nothing less than our duty to do as much as we can. Heroines, I don’t think I’ve ever had a holiday. Even going to Lanayru is ‘official business’ as Chief of the Gerudo. But I will get to see you, and we can talk and laugh and drink all evening. Until then, sister. 
(Or you can simply call me! I want to hear everything, Zelda. Even if he proposes. ESPECIALLY if he proposes). 
Yours, Riju
6. A typed letter, on paper with a watermark of a Sheikah eye 
Princess Zelda and Champion Link Lookout Landing Central Hyrule
Princess, Champion--
Thank you for your latest report from Lookout Landing on the rebuilding efforts post-Upheaval. I trust that Purah isn’t working you too hard and that Josha is proving a very dedicated assistant. I know that Impa’s instruction was for you to rest as long as you need, however I disagree. On the contrary, I believe that engagement and activity is the best way to stay invigorated. It worked for me after all.  
I’m pleased to report that the manufacture of a second Purah Pad is nearly complete. I’ll need to finish the work at my lab in Akkala, so will be returning there. You’re welcome to visit any time. I suggest doing so before Dincember. Once Winter starts in Akkala, it really settles in. 
Speaking of Akkala, Granté visited last week and wishes to relay that the house Link purchased from the Hudson Construction Company is complete. He also said something about not knowing if you wanted plants or children’s toys in the house and that he ended up purchasing both. I suggest you liaise with him directly on that matter. 
Regards, Robbie 
7. A hastily scrawled note bearing the mark of the red Yiga eye
To the scoundrel who calls himself Link,
You have slighted us for the last time! Master Kohga will have his vengeance. 
Already our forces gather weapons of ultimate death beyond your comprehension! Just last month, we debuted the HOVERDOOM MK.4!   
Your day of reckoning approaches. As soon as we find his excellency , you will know true fear! So just let us know if you have seen him… if you want to live!!
Damn it, why am I even writing this note? I’ll just leave it in our hideout in Karusa Valley. Link will never get in there… 
8. A carefully and neatly written note, on lined paper 
Zelda, Hyrule’s adored Princess 
I am dictating this note to Josha, as my construct arms cannot grasp a writing quill. I had intended to create an attachment to allow this, however it was not to be. 
It is my request that you gather the Sages to Lookout Landing, where Link and I have built a new balloon ship. Link may no longer have my brother's arm to aid him, but his strength and endurance have proven invaluable in this endeavour. With this ship I intend to bring everyone to the Temple of Time on the Great Sky Island. It will be my gift to them as Sages, and then I must depart. 
There are words I must say before then that I fear will fail me if I try to convey them to you in person. However, you mean a great deal to me, so I have written them down instead. 
Zelda, my dear friend. You had no obligation to aid my people, yet you sacrificed everything to do so. When I thought all was lost against the Demon King, your faith and hope for the future gave me the will to continue. It was your bravery in the face of annihilation and your vigilance over many millennia that turned the tides in our favour and allowed us to finally end the war. Hyrule will be forever in your debt and this act will be your legend. 
I am merely grateful to have survived to your era, to have met your friends and allies (whose wedding feast I was honoured to attend), and to have seen that Hyrule will be under the care of those who are not only wise, but courageous and kind. One such Hyrulean sits at my side now, helping me write you this letter. 
As a final note – during your absence, I saw firsthand just how deeply Link cares for you. When you described him to me, I pictured a brave Knight of course, but the Link I met was more than that. He overflowed with tenacity, even in his darkest moments, and while the past half-year has been difficult, I don’t think he ever truly gave up hope of seeing you again. You are to him as the sky to the stars and the ocean to the waves; whatever you dream of he will dedicate himself to its fruition. I will leave you content in the knowledge that together, you will guide Hyrule to new beginnings and greater futures. 
We will be ready to travel to the Great Sky Island in three days. I hope you will join us on the journey.
— Mineru 
Log date: 14:00. 11th month, 12th day 104ACLocation: Akkala Beach, AkkalaWeather: Calm 
Well, it is done. I have read every log, viewed every photo and listened to every recording on this Purah Pad. It is quite the account; the valiant quest of Link, a Knight of Hyrule, to awaken the Sages, defeat the Demon King, and reunite with his beloved Princess Zelda. 
With me. 
I scarcely know where to begin. I can hardly believe I am here at all. Yet, I am here, thanks to Link and the Sages, and Queen Sonia and King Rauru… All of them devoted themselves to Hyrule’s salvation, for which I will always be grateful. Link tells me I was of aid in the final battle, and while it is true that my power was able to restore the Master Sword, a blade is only as strong as its wielder. 
So is this it then? Is this true peace, after all this time? I myself have been restless, falling from memory to memory. I cannot shake Rauru and Sonia from my mind. They were the ones who gave me my life back after all, or so Mineru theorised before she left us. It feels like only yesterday that I was dining with them all in their grand palace. I keep expecting to find Rauru in his hall talking with his constituents, or Sonia out in a garden tending the flowers, or Mineru lost in a book within her vast library. I wish we could be together, but I take solace that they can now rest. I will honour them by protecting the Kingdom that fate has passed to my care – it seems the least I can do. 
Since that fateful day of the defeat of the Demon King, Link and I have attempted to rest. However, I believe it is in neither of our natures. We spent some time in Hateno, the first two days of which we did little more than sleep. During that time, Link clung to me day and night, protesting the second I was out of his grasp, as though to pin me to the earthly realms lest I float up into the sky again. Then, once it became clear I was back for good, neither of us could bear lazing about. The more he told me of his quest to find me, the more I wanted to see all of our friends and allies again. The more I told him of my journey in the past, the more he wanted to show me the Zonai relics he had found. We were back on the road within a week, and have just come from Lookout Landing to visit Akkala and see our new house. 
In quiet moments I have been reading the extensive field notes that Link has kept on this Purah Pad. I cannot describe the feelings they provoke in me. I am constantly struck by the tremendous efforts of all those in Hyrule. Their headstrong Princess set another Calamity upon them, and never did they despair, only banding together to vanquish Ganondorf once and for all. And Link… he suffered so greatly when he learned what happened to me. I’ve felt compelled to apologise for it, and often. When I was lost in the past I ached to return home, but I accepted my sacrifice as necessary. I never thought what sacrifice really meant. To lose yourself is one thing; but to be lost to all those who love you? Such consequence didn't occur to me at the time. 
He does love me, doesn't he? It overwhelms me to read his words, they tremble with it. Yet somehow I never knew. I was so foolish as to never even tell him myself. All that time together, before the Calamity, before the Upheaval, and we never said such simple words. We took for granted that which felt obvious but could be so much richer if confessed. We’ve remedied that now, many times over. And I do love him, more than anything, and I want the life he dreamed of for us. Certainly, we have already begun, first with the house in Akkala, and lately with much practice at the necessary steps towards a family of our own. (I do hope no one but Link ever reads this.)
To that point, this will be my only entry into this particular Purah Pad. It is no longer mine. Through every hardship and triumph of the past half year, this little device has been Link’s constant companion. So I entrust it to him now, to continue recording our story and the story of Hyrule. I pray it will be a good one, though perhaps with a little less excitement than what has occurred thus far.
By the Goddess’ Grace,
A photograph of Link, resting underneath the shade of a palm tree on Akkala Beach. He wears his ancient Zonai tunic – a makeshift beach outfit – and has his hair loose. His eyes are closed and he appears to be taking in the warmth of the sun, and the cool of the ocean breeze. 
Caption: I better wake him up, the sleepyhead...
Log date: 14:30. 11th month, 12th day 104ACLocation: Akkala Beach, AkkalaWeather: Calm
A lot has happened. Plenty to write. This Purah Pad has given me a voice I didn’t know I had. Think I’ll start with an account of how we defeated the Demon King (or Demon Dragon) for that Lucky Clover Gazette column Penn mentioned… 
But not now. Not for a long while. 
Zelda’s here. We’re both here. It’s a sunny Autumn day and we have a home to go back to, one that’s up on a hill, overlooking the sea. I’ll make her dinner; a meat and rice bowl maybe, with ginger and Hyrule herb? Then tomorrow we’re back on the road – the whole Kingdom is ours to explore. I’m up for anything – somewhere new to find, someone new to meet, a new puzzle, a new enemy, a new fight. I can face it all, face anything, with her or without. But it doesn’t matter, not right now. She's here, in my arms, watching me type this. Better not write too long. Fate gave us back the time we nearly lost. I’m going to make the most of it. 
Until next you hear from me, 
A photograph of Link and Zelda, together on the shore of Akkala Beach, the sun shining above. Link laughs and blushes as Zelda snaps the photo – still smitten, even after all this time. 
Caption: Home and heart, heart and home. 
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artwork by the wonderful @nocturnalfandomartist
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sidonisms · 1 year
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Some renders of my BotW girls in TotK!!
Explanation for each under the cut!!
The tremors from the Ring Ruins falling onto Kakariko village shook the mountains and caused a cave-in where Nashi and Keaton were living. The villagers managed to dig them out and bring them to safety but by the time Nashi went back up to clear out the rubble in her home monsters had already moved in and taken it over, leaving them homeless. For the first time in years, the hermit was forced to live in the village
Even though there were ancient relics literally falling from the sky, Nashi had zero interest in helping the Zonai survey team and constantly refused Paya. She wanted to just stay inside and wallow in her misery but Paya ended up sending Tauro to ask her and not being used to talking to someone that attractive (and shirtless), she ended up getting volunteered to help
The sludge falling at Zora's Domain and Bazz getting sick from it was the first time Pichi actually felt like things might not turn out okay even if she kept smiling. Her boundless optimism was nearly shattered
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