ansispurins · 4 months
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All of my comics take place in the same universe. Thanks for taking a look and consider giving me a follow here or on my Patreon.
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boxofficebuzzz · 1 year
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(via 4th of july made in America Premium T-Shirt by Harper Nevar)
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8 juillet :
Le 30 juin dernier, le RN caracolait à 34 % des voix dans une élection qui avait vu une forte mobilisation (par rapport aux scores précédents). Ce que l’on n’avait pas vu c’est que ça voulait dire que 66 % des Français étaient contre le RN et les couches populaires qui le soutiennent. On avait oublié leur passivité devant le massacre policier et judiciaire des gilets jaunes et les 58% de Macron en 2022. Alors, c’est vrai que par certains aspects le RN n’est pas très ragoûtant. Mais prétendre que c’est un parti fasciste des sœurs zombres des années 30, est simplement une blague. Du théâtre comme disait Lionel Jospin. Alors on se pose la question : pourquoi Mélenchon, les écolos, les faux cocos, les traîtres génétiques du PS ont encore une fois sauvé le cul de Macron ? En votant tranquillement sans aucun état d’âme pour Darmanin, Borne et la plupart des gangsters qui entouraient Macron. Sans oublier bien sûr l’élection de la limace Hollande.!
C’est qu’en fait, ils sont comme majorité des Français et s’accommodent très bien du néolibéralisme macronien et de son techno-fascisme corrompu. La dégringolade de leur pays ne leur pose aucun problème sérieux.
Le vote du 7 juillet n’a rien à voir avec un « antifascisme » réel, mais plus simplement avec l’envie de continuer comme ça. Quoi que l’on pense de ses capacités et de ses orientations, la très éventuelle arrivée du RN à proximité du pouvoir aurait constitué une rupture et provoqué une crise politique pouvant déboucher sur un changement de direction. En impliquant les couches populaires et en ralentissant l’effondrement. Pour essayer d’extirper la France du marécage belliciste pestilentiel dans lequel l’Occident sous direction américaine s’enfonce. Mais ça, les couches moyennes et ceux qui les représentent ne veulent rien entendre.
« Faut pas pleurer sur le lait renversé camarade. La lutte des classes ça existe et tu es du mauvais côté de l’Histoire, c’est tout. »
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revenant-coining · 1 year
:3 pronouns(in all the purrsons), names, and titles based on my vibes?(the blog I’m asking this with has a lot of terms to hopefully help get the vibes)
here ya go ^^
Names: Maim, Carnage, Cruor, Love, Fond, Yearn, Lover, Gush, Crush, Flush, Heart, Angel, Divine, Celestial, Meo, Feli, Felis, Feles, and Kitti/Kitty
1stpp: (i/me/my/mine/myself)
de/deca/decay/decayn or decayine/decayself
zo/zom/zombie/zombine or zomine/zombieself
di/div/divi/divine/diviself or divineself
i/fe/feli/feline/feliself or felineself
2ndpp: (you/you/your/yours/yourself)
3rdpp: (xe/xim/xis/xis/ximself)
the gore/the gored (one)
the decaying (one)
the rotting (one)
the loving one
the lover
[pronoun] who is lovely
[pronoun] who is love-filled
[pronoun] who is loving
the one with divine kisses
the one who is loved by all
the angel of love
the angel
the angelic (one)
[pronoun] angelicity/your angelicity
the divine (one)
the angelic one
the celestial one
the one from divinity
the astral one/the one who is astral
the one born from the stars
the one born from space
the one from the stars
the one from space
the one that shifts
the [noun] who shifts/the [noun] that shifts the shifting one
the shifting [noun]
[pronoun] who shifts
‘one’ can be replaced with any noun, ‘the one’ can be replaced with any pronoun
@pronoun-arc , @reveningcontent
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benjithefox · 1 year
ok part 2/3 of the resident evil inspired characters i drew during art fight!
once again peoples art fight profiles r linked if they dont have tumblr, on there all their socials can be found!
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^ Belongs to @werewolfsongs
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^ Belongs to its-all-about-tyme
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^ Belongs to fangs-of-wolf
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^ Belongs to zombre
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^ Belongs to @sharktoraptor (i have never drawn a fish to well before)
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^ Belongs to tyraneilis
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^ Belongs to @k4ss3tt0
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^ Belongs to cents
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beadyeyes · 2 years
Ese zombre ocupalypso
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oaresearchpaper · 6 months
Microbial Biopesticides: Controlling Xanthomonas citri in Cashew
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The cashew tree (Anacardium occidentale L.) occupies an important place in the world because of its cashew nut. However, its cultivation is confronted with bacteriosis, a bacterial disease caused by Xanthomonas citri pv. Mangiferaeindicae. This disease is one of the main causes of the low yield per hectare of cashew nuts, which fluctuates between 350 and 500 kg/ha. In view of this, it is wise to find ways of controlling this disease. It is in this context the objective of this work was to produce bio-formulations based on bacteria isolated from the rhizosphere of cashew trees, in order to evaluate their effectiveness on the growth of the agent responsible for cashew bacteriosis (Xanthomonas citri pv. Mangiferaeindicae). Thus, two liquid formulations were made from Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus subtilis isolated from the rhizosphere of cashew. Stability, in vitro antagonism and biocontrol tests against Xanthomonas citri pv. Mangiferaeindicae were performed. The results obtained showed an inhibition of the Xanthomonas citri pv. Mangiferaeindicae bacterium with inhibition zones of 8.13 ± 2.1 and 25.20 ± 3.9 mm in diameter respectively for the products formulated with Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas fluorescens. In biocontrol tests, both formulated products showed their ability to protect cashew plants against bacterial blight with reduction rates of 80.95 ± 2.3 % and 73.80 ± 5.2% for the Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus subtilis formulations, respectively. These two formulations of bacterial, once tested in cashew plantations, could be used in the biological control of cashew bacterial blight in Côte d’Ivoire.
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Food security is defined as access to safe and sufficient food for all. Meeting the food demand of a rapidly growing world population is becoming a major challenge for humanity. To meet the food needs of the population, agricultural productivity will have to be increased in a sustainable manner worldwide (Kumar et al., 2012). However, insect pests and plant pathogens (fungi, bacteria or viruses) contribute to the decline in agricultural productivity, which can be as high as 70%. Indeed, plants as well as harvested and stored products are subjected to attacks by many pathogens (Popp et al., 2013). This is the case for cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) in Côte d'Ivoire.Cashew, a crop that plays an important role in the Ivorian economy because of its cashew nut, is a particular strategic and income-generating resource for farmers in the North, South, Centre and East of the country (Soro, 2012). However, despite the economic and nutritional importance of cashew, its cultivation is subjected to several phytopathological problems that compromise the quality and quantity of cashew yield (Silué et al., 2017). Bacterial blight is a bacterial disease of cashew caused by Xanthomonas citri pv. Mangiferaeindicae. This disease manifests itself by oily angular spots on the leaves surrounded or not by a halo-chlorotic. It attacks all the vital organs of the plant with high severity (Zombre et al., 2017). In Benin, a work of Afouda et al. (2013) revealed average severities of 32.96%. This high severity of bacterial blight could lead to a decrease in cashew nut yield. Also, Soro et al. (2017) found evidence of bacterial blight in cashew orchards in Côte d'Ivoire with relative incidences of 15%. To control this disease, producers resort to the use of chemical pesticides (Camara et al., 2015).
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This strategy can be effective, but the repeated use of these chemicals generates harmful consequences for the environment and the health of the user. Indeed, these products favour the resistance mechanism in pathogens and the ecological imbalance due to the broad spectrum of action of most synthetic compounds. This would lead to the destruction of pests, but also of other populations in the ecosystem and can also cause serious health problems due to pesticide residues in foodstuffs (Kouassi, 2012). In order to mitigate the adverse effects of chemical pesticides, biological control agents are emerging as promising alternatives for the management of crop pathogens. Among these biological agents, microbial biopesticides (bacteria, fungi, viruses) are the most appropriate. Indeed, they offer advantages of higher selectivity and lower toxicity compared to conventional chemical pesticides (MacGregor et al., 2006). Recent studies have shown their importance in disease biocontrol (Pérez-Garcia et al., 2011). However, the formulation of microbial biopesticides is a key element in the design of control strategies for plant and crop diseases caused by plant pathogens (Nam et al., 2018).
During this decade, numerous works in greenhouse and field trials have shown the potential value of rhizosphere bacteria, including Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus subtilis as biological control agents for plant pathogens (Akram, 2008). A work of Koua (2020) showed that B. subtilis strains isolated from the rhizosphere of cocoa trees in Côte d'Ivoire would be effective bioinoculants in the control of cocoa diseases in greenhouses such as swollen shoot. It would therefore be interesting to find a stable bacterial biopesticide formulation suitable for the control of bacterial diseases of cashew trees and thus find a sustainable solution to the problem posed by synthetic products in Côte d'Ivoire. The general objective of this work is to evaluate the efficacy of a formulation of bacterial biocontrol agents based on bacteria (P. fluorescens and Bacillus subtilis) isolated from the rhizosphere of cashew trees against Xanthomonas citri pv. Mangiferaeindicae.
Source : Microbial Biopesticides: Controlling Xanthomonas citri in Cashew | InformativeBD
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jakarnould · 8 months
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999moreyears · 2 years
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rough drawing offf mme !
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downthetubes · 4 years
In Memoriam: Comics Writer, Editor and TV Script Writer Si Spencer
In Memoriam: Comics Writer, Editor and TV Script Writer Si Spencer
Artist Dix and writer Si Spencer at the Lakes International Comic Art Festival in 2015 Much deserved tributes aplenty have poured in for comic creator, comic editor, TV writer and author Si Spencer, whose sudden passing was announced by his family earlier this week. He was just 56 and his most recent work, the supernatural series “The Returners: Heartswood” drawn by artist Nicolo Assirelli is…
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View On WordPress
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guvermint · 4 years
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ansispurins · 5 months
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I'm finally posting my comics online for free on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ansispurins thanks for taking a look.
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boxofficebuzzz · 1 year
(via The Undying Appeal of Zombie Movies: From White Zombie to Army of the Dead)
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Witcher of the night (Sneakpeak)
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Characters: Geralt of Rivia x small!naive reader who came from modern day earth and is now living in the dimension of the Witcher.
A/N: I’M TRYING. I DON’T KNOW HOW THIS WILL LOOK LIKE BECAUSE I JUST WANTED TO WRITE FOR GERALT AND TRY IT SINCE I SUCK AT MEDIEVAL THEME. So, here I am. Trying to mix Medieval, magic and modern era. (It’s just a test because maybe y’all won’t like it) I’m not yet done with it and still writing their dialogues and the ones below will be considered a part for the first chapter. 
This won’t be connected to the series. The plot will be all mine. However, the monsters, characters and places won’t be. 
"Legolas?" your voice croaked out loud, voice turning small when you've received only a grimace that wouldn't be considered as a fake smile, much to your dismay. Your scrutinizing eyes noticed something different from one of the Lord of the Rings character and it was the maturity of his face, "--a middle aged Legolas! Help me! Use your arrow thingy--"
"---Oh, a sword would suffice."
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"Why, who is this adorable, small grimy lady here in the middle of the night?"
"---You came here for Geralt, I suppose? One of your..midnight sashays with him?"
"First and foremost, you ruined his nap and now he can be as grumpy as an--an Alghoul! An amputated Alghoul!"
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"So, it's basically a zombie!"
"A zom--what? please do enlighten me, Geralt as to what a Zombre is when I can see with my own splendiferous eyes that the monster you've killed is an Alghoul--"
"---Z O M B I E. Zombie."
"A zombie. Alright. I understood you but not entirely, dirty maiden. Geralt--"
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Tags by Alphabetical Order:
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Tags N-Z:
⭐️ Nightxwave: a nighttime aesthetic tag
⭐️ Nostalgiccore: (nostalgic core) a regression/dreamer aesthetic tag for nostalgic things
⭐️ Oceanxcore: an ocean/marine/beach tag for regressors
⭐️ Ohanaxcore: a regression tag for family type vibes, Lilo and Stitch things, friendship vibes and anything that has to do with kindness and togetherness
⭐️ Petxfood: a food tag for pet regressors/dreamers
⭐️ Petxpositivity: a positivity tag for pet regressors/dreamers
⭐️ Petxspace: a tag for a pet regression headspace
⭐️ Petzcore: a regression petcore/pet aesthetic tag
⭐️ Primaryxcore: a regression primarycore/primary colors aesthetic tag
⭐️ Princessxcore: a princess age regression aesthetic tag
⭐️ Princexcore: a prince age regression aesthetic tag
⭐️ Punkre: (punk regression) a punk regression aesthetic tag
⭐️ Puppyxspace: a tag for a puppy regression headspace
⭐️ Pxt: a tag for pet regressors
⭐️ Quietcore: an agere tag that focuses on peaceful silence and calmness centered around quiet activities
⭐️ Rainbowxcore: a regression rainbowcore/rainbow aesthetic tag
⭐️ Regressionroom: a tag for rooms dedicated towards age regression (or plans/items for regression rooms)
⭐️ Royalxcore: an age regression aesthetic tag for princes, princesses, princets, and other royalty
⭐️ Savorycore: a regression tag for savory foods
⭐️ Selfcarecore: a regression tag for selfcare-related/dreamer aesthetics
⭐️ Selfxcare: a selfcare tag for regressors/dreamers
⭐️ Sibbyspace: a sibling space tag for regressors, dreamers, and carers
⭐️ Sisspace: a sister space tag for regressors, dreamers, and carers
⭐️ Sleepyre: (sleepy regression) a regression tag for bedtime aesthetics
⭐️ Smallmood: an age regression tag for moodboards
⭐️ Softre: (soft regression) a regression aesthetic tag for soft, fuzzy, fluffy things
⭐️ Softxgoth: tags for soft goth/kawaii goth regression aesthetic. (Kuromi, pink, black, and white etc)
⭐️ Springreg: (spring regression) a spring aesthetic tag for age and pet regressors
⭐️ Spookyre: (spooky regression) a tag for spooky/goth/alternative regression
⭐️ Stelcore: (pastel core) a regression/dreamer aesthetic tag for light or pastel colors
⭐️ Stimreg: (stim regression/self-stimulation regression) a stim tag for regressors
⭐️ Stuffiecore: an age regression aesthetic tag for stuffies/plushies/stuffed animals
⭐️ Summercore: a tag for regression sunny/summer aesthetic
⭐️ Sunnyxcore: a tag for regression sunny/summer aesthetic
⭐️ Sweetre: (sweet regression) a regression tag for sweet foods
⭐️ Swxtch: a tag for regressors who are also carers; a tag for sfw, non-k!nk, switches/flips
⭐️ Teddyxcore: a regression tag for a teddycore/warm, brown, teddy bear aesthetic
⭐️ Teeniesceenie: a scene regression aesthetic tag
⭐️ Valentinesxday: a Valentine’s Day tag for regressors/dreamers
⭐️ Vampre: (vampire regression) a tag for vampire regressors and vampire-related regression posts
⭐️ Vampxbaby: a tag for vampire baby regressors
⭐️ Vampxboy: a tag for vampire boys
⭐️ Vampxcarer: a tag for vampire carers
⭐️ Vampxdaddy: a tag for vampire daddies
⭐️ Vampxgirl: a tag for vampire girls
⭐️ Vampxkid: a tag for vampire kid/child regressors
⭐️ Vampxmommy: a tag for vampire mommies
⭐️ Vampxteen: a tag for vampire teen regressors
⭐️ Vampxtot: a tag for vampire tot/toddler regressors
⭐️ Warmxcore: an age regression tag for honeycore/warm, honey, yellow, brown, and teddy bear aesthetics
⭐️ Werereg: (were regression)!a tag for were regressors and were-creature-related regression posts
⭐️ Werexbaby: a tag for were baby regressors
⭐️ Werexboy: a tag for were boys
⭐️ Werexcarer: a tag for were carers
⭐️ Werexdaddy: a tag for were daddies
⭐️ Werexgirl: a tag for were girls
⭐️ Werexkid: a tag for were kid/child regressors
⭐️ Werexmommy: a tag for were mommies
⭐️ Werexteen: a tag for were teen regressors
⭐️ Werextot: a tag for were tot/toddler regressors
⭐️ Winterre: (winter regression) a wintery age and pet regression aesthetic tag
⭐️ Wishreg: (wish regression) a tag to record and share your age regression wishes
⭐️ Witchzcore: an aesthetic tag for witch regression
⭐️ Witchzregression: a tag for posts related to regressing as a witch
⭐️ Wolfxspace: a tag for a wolf regression headspace
⭐️ Zombre: (zombie regression) a tag for zombie regressors and zombie-related regression posts
⭐️ Zombxbaby: a tag for zombie baby regressors
⭐️ Zombxboy: a tag for zombie boys
⭐️ Zombxcarer: a tag for zombie carers
⭐️ Zombxdaddy: a tag for zombie daddies
⭐️ Zombxgirl: a tag for zombie girls
⭐️ Zombxkid: a tag for zombie kid/child regressors
⭐️ Zombxmommy: a tag for zombie mommies
⭐️ Zombxteen: a tag for zombie teen regressors
⭐️ Zombxtot: a tag for zombie tot/toddler regressors
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beadyeyes · 2 years
Zombre opocolypse
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