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cursedcatvibes · 9 months ago
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re2r!zombie leon x survivor reader
word count: 7.2k
summary: Leon turns into a zombie and has to learn to navigate how to live as one, while doing this he comes across you and your group of survivors. What will he do when he eats your now dead boyfriend's brains and falls head over heels in love with you enough to make you become like him?
tags/warnings: 18+ only please. I don’t want any controversy, minors DNI. Smut, Angst? Fluff for a paragraph or two. Descriptions of blood and gore. This could technically be considered a bit of Necrophilia? Implied suicide. Pain kink, Leon kinda takes a few bites out of reader. Slight non-con. Mentions of breeding but it doesn’t happen. AFAB reader, I tried to keep it as gn as possible.
A/N: hii so like i am absolutely awkward when it comes to writing smut to be honest, like it’s a bunch of thoughts that have to go into positions and the dialogue. i’m still a little unsure how to work tumblr and i feel so old. I took very very heavy inspo from warm bodies, one of my personal favorite movies. (I pulled up the script and everything so if you've seen the movie and are like hey.. word for word, bar for bar, YOURE NOT WRONG)
Songs I listened to while writing (just so you can picture some scenes with what songs I was feeling):
Sweet Beliefs - Cyann and Ben
Yamaha - Delta Spirit
Midnight City -M83
Hungry Heart - Bruce Springsteen
happy reading!
Leon was a determined man; he could do mainly anything he set his mind to if he tried, and he did. He would do everything in his power possible to stop the spread of this virus, well, he tried anyway. He knew that he couldn’t do much to begin with, but he always had a small sliver of hope that he could. Stupidly he braved his way forward after the car exploded, promising Claire to meet at the police station. How naive. Is the two words he uses as he thinks back to that same day.
He held his Matilda gun in both hands as he made his way towards the front gate of the R.P.D. He grunted audibly as he shut the gate and then proceeded to lock it. He turned around to face the front of the building in partial awe, a bitter expression souring his face. This is where he was meant to work, to protect and serve the people and yet he never got a chance to properly even start to accomplish that task. 
With a heavy sigh Leon stepped into the building and looked around the main lobby, taking note of the shudder to his right that had a large warning with blood splattered on the floor, he grimaced and walked up to the small computer on the front desk, watching the cameras to see some guy flailing around a small notebook with the promise of a way out inside of it. 
Leon typed away on the computer to find out which room the guy was in and felt his heart sink a bit when he realized it was being blocked off by that same shudder he had saw earlier which was definitely not ideal but if he wanted to help get a cure he had to first escape with as many survivors as possible, so he inhaled sharply and opened the shudder by a lever with shaky hands, his grip on his gun tightening.
The shudder only opened enough for him to crawl under, so he pulled his flashlight out and crawled under while shining the light around, biting his bottom lip anxiously as he stood up from the floor and made his way to the room where the guy was, which unfortunately was behind another shudder. 
Leon holstered his gun quickly and manually forced the shudder open enough to pull the other officer out from, but unfortunately he was too late because the zombies had caught up to the guy on the other side and all the pulling from both ends along with the pressure of the shudder on the guys pelvic area ended up splitting him into two, leaving Leon with the upper half and the zombie with the delicious bottom half. 
He immediately felt sick, just staring at the blood and organs leaking out from the guy's poor body. Yet he forced himself to look away once he grabbed the small notebook from the guy's dead hand. He gasped softly when he saw that he needed to collect three medallions from different statutes and put them into the main statue in the lobby to unlock a secret path. 
Leon quickly pocketed the notebook and stood up, silently disappointed in himself for not saving the guy and making a quiet promise he would find a cure and try to save everyone else. He turned towards the door he entered, only for the door to swing open and a zombie to come barreling through, without hesitation Leon shot the zombie in the head and darted off, his main goal? Get back to the damn shudder that led him to this damn area in the first place.
As he ran, he bumped into two zombies, he panicked and shot one in the head and kicked the other one in the stomach to stagger back enough to fall on the floor. Leon heard a window break and started running towards the shudder, he could see the main lobby light peeking out from beneath the small sliver.
He got down on his hands and knees and started to force the shudder open, fear and adrenaline pumping through his veins. Yet he couldn’t get it open much with just his hands so he pushed his upper body through it and placed his palms flat on the floor, forcing it open enough with his back, almost crying with relief as he crawled through.
That relief was short lived as his leg was grabbed from the earlier zombie and before Leon could try and either shoot it or attempt to squirm away he felt this horrible pain shoot through his leg. A loud scream erupting from his lungs, he scrambled for his gun and shot the zombie, standing up quickly to force the shudder shut. He whimpered in pain as he limped over to the medical beds in the main lobby. 
He could see the blood seeping through his pant leg and when he rolled the fabric up, he almost vomited at the sight of his flesh missing. Apparently while he was crawling and squirming it caused his pant leg to bunch up a bit to expose skin and a bit of his pants fabric was missing from where he was bit. All the hopes of saving everyone and being the help people needed went down the drain. He’d seen enough zombie movies to know he was going to turn within a few hours and this whole thing was pointless and stupid. 
He glanced down at his gun, breathing heavily as he brought it up to his temple. “I won’t become those... Things.” He whispered to no one but himself, tears welling up in his eyes, but he was too chicken shit to kill himself. He burst out into tears and laid back onto the bed, sniffling softly to himself. He failed. For the first time in his life, he failed to protect someone. 
That was the last thing he remembered as a human as his eyes got droopy, fluttering shut every once in a while, before finally shutting, taking his last breath. 
When he awoke, he gasped as he rose up, clenching his hand over his heart, taking no note of the fact his heart was no longer beating anymore. He glanced down at his hands and saw they were paler than usual, he figured it must’ve been a nightmare or maybe he was immune. Otherwise, how did he survive a whole zombie bite? 
He got off the bed and grabbed his gun once more he was able to find a sharp object to use to pry open a door, he carefully stalked through the West Office, pulling his lips into a thin line as he tried to be as quiet as possible but when he stepped onto an empty plastic bottle his head shot up towards the two zombies in the room that roused up from their sleep. Leon fumbled for his gun getting ready to shoot because he was not about to be bitten or eaten alive, only for the zombie sleeping at the police desk to shush him. “Sleeping... Shush.” The zombie grumbled tiredly before going back to sleep. 
Leon’s jaw dropped in awe, why hadn’t they attacked? Why could he understand them now?! All the scenarios ran through his head at once and he could only land on one possible one. With a panicked look on his face, he rushed out and sprinted up to the second-floor bathroom, the zombies lingering in the hallway ignoring him, grunting and groaning out broken English to each other. 
He threw the bathroom door open and walked towards the mirror, finally looking at himself. It finally made sense to him now. It only took one look at himself to clearly see that he too was now a zombie, a hideous creature like the rest of them. Yet he didn’t look busted and beaten up, all his facial features were still intact and none of his skin started rotting, although some joints of his were stiff, assuming the rigor mortis set in for him if he were to be an actual dead corpse, but he wasn't. 
His reality came crashing down on himself and he couldn’t even cry, dead things don’t have emotions anymore.
Upon watching the news for a few days, months, years? He wasn’t sure anymore, everyday blended into one and after a while he stopped caring, he was dead now. He made a few zombie friends, those…people? Helped him adjust to the new life he was forced into fairly quickly. Almost like a family, every zombie was family, it didn't matter if you weren’t related or what you looked like, if you were a walking corpse you qualified as family. 
But if you were human, you were considered bad, an enemy, a meal. He learned that humans managed to build a wall to keep zombies out while they tried to start civilization anew, hoping to repopulate. Though some rebellious teens often snuck out beyond the walls and became a meal or turned into a zombie, or people ransacked through old buildings in hopes of coming across supplies, fortunately for zombies they could sense humans by smell from miles away, just most were lazy and didn’t want to die a whole second time for a worthless meal, unless the humans were in groups. 
Just like your group.
Out ransacking a place for medicine for some members of your community that fell ill and just extra medicine just in general. Leon was rather hungry as he walked with his usual horde of zombies towards the building you and your friends were in. He was quite happy because it smelled delicious. (Having grown accustomed to eating humans at this point.)
It didn’t take long for the horde to break down the door to the room you were in before they started attacking, gun fire ringing through the air, yet if it wasn’t a headshot, it didn’t matter much. Leon made eye contact with you when a zombie in front of him got shot in the head. Once he locked his eyes with you, he was smitten, he hadn’t felt like this since the day he arrived in the city. He felt… determined. He was absolutely fascinated with you enough to spare your life from being taken by him, he watched your beautiful eyes widen before sliding away behind a counter to hide. 
The moment was short lived as some annoying guy shot him, Leon growled and pounced on the guy, ripping him to shreds within seconds, eating the yummy brains he got through hard work, blood all over his mouth, hands, and clothes. As he chewed on some of the guys' brains, he indulged in the memories he got from them, for some reason if you consumed the brains of a human you get to see, experience, and feel all their past memories stored in that part of the brain.
Yet as he silently ate the brain’s he started seeing you in this guys’ memories, your sweet laugh, the soft and tender kisses between you both, even when you guys had sex. Leon’s eyes snapped open at the last part, gasping softly at the stirring in his loins. It wasn’t strong, no. But it was very faint, and for a moment he felt human again. 
It didn’t take a miracle for Leon to figure out he ate your boyfriend, he gulped down the brains in his mouth and pocketed the rest, all while chaos ensued around him, people dying, gunfire, stabbing, crying, shouting. None of it mattered. He could feel the amount of love your boyfriend had for your coursing through his veins as he crawled over to you. 
He saw the look of horror on your face as he spotted you, slowly crawling over to you because your gun had jammed, and you ran out of stuff to defend yourself with. He sat right in front of you and watched as you leaned back with a scared and disgusted look on your face. He frowned slightly and leaned closer, placing his bloodied hand on your cheek, making sure to smear you in your now dead boyfriend's blood.
In a hoarse and cracked voice Leon then spoke up. “S-Safe... Now.” He stuttered out, it had been a while since he had to use that word that he almost forgot it. He wanted to keep you safe, he now claimed you. It didn’t take long for the other zombies to grab the brains and other pieces of human body parts before they got ready to leave, sniffing around to make sure they couldn’t smell any more alive humans. 
He carefully took your hand and placed his bloodied finger over your lips. “Shh... Come.” He muttered softly, it hit him that he hadn’t spoken in full sentences or English in a while now, zombies understood each other by just grunting or groaning, they did speak in broken English sometimes. 
“What?” You whispered in confusion as he helped you up and walked you alongside the pack of zombies. He held onto you tightly with an expressionless face, guiding you along with the group all the way back to the police station, very determined to keep you as his own. He took you to a small space that no one really lingered at. Luckily, he had claimed this space, so no other zombies dared to go back there out of respect for when Leon wanted to be alone. The other zombies didn’t suspect you either, to them; if you smelled like you belonged then they thought you were one of them, plus they’re brainless idiots too, who is gonna know the difference if they don’t have the intelligence to figure it out.
Leon stared at you with uncertainty in his eyes, wondering if it was really the best idea to bring you back here of all places. What he did know was that he was super happy to even have a human in his vicinity, even if well you did attempt to kill him.
“This is... home...” Leon said softly, crouching down in front of you on the floor, trying to figure out how to explain he wasn't going to eat you. He pointed at you and then himself, chomping his teeth a few times. Cringing internally when you looked even more horrified, so he repeated the motion once more. “Not... eat.” He mouthed quietly with a soft expression in his eyes.
“Keep you safe.” He stated firmly, his eyes darting away from your gaze awkwardly. He got up and searched the room for some canned goods he had stored away when he first turned into a zombie. Eating humans disgusted him and he really didn’t wanna try to figure it out, so he tried to eat normal food, but that was never no use. He always spat it out with a disgusted look on his face, it tasted horrible.
He found a large can of fruits, smiling happily as he brought it over to you with a knife. You shakily took both items from his hands, being extremely cautious around him still because you were still unsure. Plus, it’s not like he looked like a model, you were sure that if he wasn’t covered in blood and didn’t have a few pieces of his cheek missing he would be close to a model. 
He was cute in a sense, like a dog almost. But you didn’t trust him, not yet at least. Zombies were the things you were warned about. With a reluctant sigh you stabbed the knife into the top of the can and ended up prying it open. You glanced up at him as you used your fingers as a spoon, catching his eyes dart away nervously. 
You pulled your lips into a thin line before letting out a small chuckle. “I guess you’re not all that bad, Mr. Zombie.” You snorted, watching Leon sit down in front of you. He scratched gently under his chin, a habit he never grew out of even when he was undead. He also learned that if he scratched too hard then his skin would fall off. 
Which is why it looks like a cat scratched the side of his cheek; it would’ve been a cool scar if it healed. But he was dead... So, nothing could scar... Or heal.
“My name...” He murmured, trying to think back on what his name actually was. It had been so long since he actually heard his name or even said his name that he forgot what it was. You on the other hand perked up a little bit. “You have a name?” You asked, sitting up a little straighter. He nodded and tried to think back on it. “L...” He elongated the first letter of his name because that’s the only thing that came to what little mind he had left. 
“Leonard? Lachlan? Landon? Leroy? Lawrence?” You started listing off different names that started with an L that came to mind, hoping one would stick but he just kind of shook his head before blinking a few times. “Familiar.” He narrowed his eyes before shaking his head, he almost had it but just as soon as he thought he did he lost his train of thought.
You sighed and ran your clean-Ish hand through your hair, eyes roaming over his body before you saw what looked to be an imprint of a wallet in his pocket. Your eyes widened slightly, and Leon noticed your gaze at his pants. He got excited for a moment, thinking you were checking him out or trying to look at his dick. He would gladly show you if you wanted!
He watched with excitement as you moved your hand out to his crotch area, he wasn’t sure if he was prepared! What if you didn’t like what you saw? Could he even have sex? So many questions racked his brain, each making him more excited than the last. Until... Your hand swerved to the left of his pants, aiming for his pocket as you tapped the stiff object. His face dropped in disappointment, but what was he thinking? Why would you even want to think about such an ugly hideous monster in such an intimate way? “Can I?” You nudged your head towards his pocket, and he nodded in slight defeat. 
You took out the wallet and flipped it open, looking at his ID. If you thought he was partially cute before, he was definitely cute now. You had to hide the blush that was threatening to sprout on your cheeks, quickly shaking it off. You redirected your attention where it was supposed to be aimed at. His name. 
“Huh. Leon Scott Kennedy.” You murmured aloud, watching Leon perk up with excitement as his name came back to his brain. “Yes! My name...Leon!” He pointed at himself happily again. He nodded and gently took the wallet from your hands. 
His eyes settled on the ID photo, and he felt a small wave of sadness wash over him, it wasn’t even his fault he turned but he supposed he turned in the least painful way possible, the most unscathed too. Some people had their limbs pulled off their body and some people had been halfway eaten alive because the damn zombie wanted their organs and not the brain. 
Yet he felt this was the closest he had come to crying ever since he turned into a zombie. He had tried everything he could do in his power to cry, and none of it worked at all. It mostly just damped his mood.
But even now he could not get that tear he so desperately wanted to fall from his eye. He shut his wallet and stuffed it into his pants pocket again, looking away from you awkwardly. He was going to say something until he watched you look out the window with your own longing look.
He wanted to comfort you but didn’t know how, plus he definitely didn’t want to be called or considered creepy. So, he turned around and pulled out some of the stashed away brains in his jacket pocket, he popped a big piece into his mouth like it was gum. He was able to divulge in a few new memories that your boyfriend had.
His eyebrows scrunched up as he could see your dad happily welcoming your boyfriend into the family, having a serious conversation while also celebrating your dead mom's anniversary. Then the memory faded out until he came back to reality because you had started talking to him. 
“I want to go home, Leon.” You stated firmly, your gaze still peering out the window for a bit longer before turning around to stare at him. “It’s n-not safe...” He warned you once more that going outside was not a good idea at all and you were stubborn and set on leaving. 
You sighed rather heavily and rubbed your face as you tried to figure how to explain it to him because he was quite literally not the brightest tool in the shed, and it wasn’t even on purpose either. “I get that.” You paused before continuing. “And look… I know that you ‘saved’ my life. And I'm grateful for that. But you walked me into this place. So, I know that you can walk me out again.” You narrowed your eyes at him as you waited for his response, you had a solid argument through and through. Leon knew that but didn’t want to let you go.
His poor brain scrambled for an answer, he didn’t wanna lose you. “H…h… have to wait. They… They’ll notice.” He blurted out as best as he could manage. You weren’t the happiest person on the planet with that answer, but it was better than staying with him permanently. 
“How long?” You questioned, sitting down in front of him as he kept his eyes trained on you. “F.. f.. few days. Th.. they’ll forget. You’ll be o-kay.” Leon tried to reassure you and he sounded quite serious about this. 
You nodded with a firm tight-lipped expression. “Fine. A few days it is then.” You responded quite tiredly. Leon was a bit eager that you bought into his lie, why wouldn’t you? No one else could sway you to believe otherwise since he was a zombie and you believed he knew everything about every zombie in this post-apocalyptic world. 
The next few days consisted of the both of you doing fun things to relieve your boredom, he showed you his fun little trinkets and items he collected during his time as a zombie just so he could feel a little human again and you in turn showed him the fun things humans still did that he forgot about.
But all good things must come to an end when he got distracted roaming around outside the safe place, he took you to find some more food and perhaps a better blanket, it was a big police station, something had to be there. But when he arrived back a while later with the objects, he was shocked to find you missing when he deliberately only went out while you were napping or sleeping so he didn’t have to stress about you running away.
He pursed his lips into a pout before he heard you scream, he immediately dropped the stuff in his hands and rushed off towards the direction of the scream, finding you surrounded by zombies. He panicked and grabbed a fire extinguisher, whacking the other zombies in the head in order to protect you while you stepped out the way to avoid being attacked or injured in some way possible. 
When he was sure he killed the other zombies, he dropped the fire extinguisher and huffed softly, wiping the blood away from his face and hands onto his already bloody clothes. Leon snapped his head up towards your direction with a frown on his face. “You said a few days. It's been a few days, Leon.” You demanded answers, you were feeling restless after all. “I have to go home; I have a family. A family that's on the other side of that giant wall that keeps creatures like you out of it.” You tried your best to explain it to him, but he didn’t want to hear the nonsense. He wanted you.
He took your hand in his own cold and stiff one, tilting his head at you fondly. “S... stay t-together.” He smiled as best as he could manage while guiding you to the parking garage. “We leave.” He tapped his wallet again and then took you over to a hoodless red car that had the keys still in the ignition.
Leon wanted to drive but he wasn’t very sure in his abilities and as if you read his mind you spoke up. “I'll drive.” You exclaimed cheerfully, hopping into the driver’s seat while he got into the passengers. He took the parking garage keycard out from his wallet that he often used to go out and explore carefree and handed it to you, which you gladly accepted. 
It had been a few hours since you and Leon left the police station, a clear destination in mind for you. That same wall you referenced earlier. You could’ve gotten there before midnight, but it had started raining and the heater in the car crapped out. “Dammit it, I’m freezing...” You grumbled in slight frustration, but Leon wasn’t cold at all. Corpses don’t get cold, which is an added bonus sometimes.
You glanced around and realized you were in a neighborhood close to home, well not super close but close enough to finish driving the rest of the way there.
“Full disclosure, I am exhausted beyond, and I want to warm up before I catch hypothermia. I’m not a corpse you know.” You teased, smiling a bit as you informed Leon of what was about to happen. He nodded and gave you a thumbs up.
You were still a little uneasy around him, but he was growing on you. You pulled over into a random driveway and hopped out the car, shivering as the cold wind paired with the rain blew harshly against your skin. Leon followed right behind you, albeit a bit slow but he still followed along.
As you approached the door you silently hoped it was unlocked, because who the hell would lock their door after being evacuated in a zombie apocalypse? 
Unfortunately, it was locked, and you seriously considered busting the door down, you took a step back but stayed beneath the awning of the front porch, rubbing your hands up and down your upper arms to warm yourself while searching for a window that wasn’t boarded up to break into.
Leon on the other hand was confused why you didn’t just open the door considering he got there a little after you did. “What's... wrong?” He questioned, staring at you with his usual cute look of curiosity.
Your eyes darted back towards his own and you purse your lips tightly as you explained that the door was locked. “It’s locked, I can’t get in it and I’m searching for a window-” Before you could even finish your sentence Leon slammed into the front door and it swung open. You were stunned. Could he always do that? If so, why hadn’t zombies come in bigger hordes to storm the wall keeping the rest of humanity alive.
Leon turned towards you when he opened (broke) the door for the two of you, but mainly you. It’s like he was expecting some praise for helping you out. He was a good zombie after all! 
With a small smile on your face, you patted his head. “Thanks Lee.” You crooned, the nickname easily slipping past your lips as both of you sauntered inside the house while Leon closed the door behind the both of you once inside.
You desperately rubbed your hands together for a shred of warmth, Leon took note of this and frowned. He wanted to help you warm up but how? His brain (what was left due to deterioration) searched for an answer and came up with one possibility but didn’t know if you were going to want to do that. After all, he was let down earlier with the whole wallet situation.
“Let’s go upstairs, I’m dying to get out of these clothes and under a blanket.” You emphasized your point by tugging on your soaked shirt. Leon being Leon let his eyes roam over your body, admiring the way it clung to your skin before noticing you were walking away towards the stairs. “O-Okay.” He murmured, tailing after you like a puppy.
Once you reached upstairs you asked Leon to make sure no other zombies were in any of the rooms, you survived this far. No way in hell were you going to die in such a pathetic way. It's the first rule of the apocalypse, be cautious and also know your route to escape if you do encounter a zombie. You can thank Zombieland for that warning, it did amuse you in some odd way.
Watching some guy who was surviving a zombie apocalypse thinking it would never happen but never say never. It felt like some sick joke that sometimes didn’t feel real until you encountered a zombie, then it felt a little too real.
Speaking of zombies, here comes the cutie who waddled back with a shake of his head. “No zombie!” He exclaimed, pointing to a room at the end of the hall. "Bed.” He said simply, putting his hand on your lower back to guide you inside the room. You didn’t protest it at all, hell you would sleep on a rooftop if it provided you with good enough shelter along with a decent bed at this rate.
After a quick check of the mattress to discover it hadn’t rotted much, and a bedsheet was over it so it added a decent layer of protection as well, you sat on the edge of the bed while Leon sat on the floor like usual, wanting to make sure you were comfortable.
“I’m gonna get undressed. Don’t look.” You ordered firmly, hoping he would understand. You smiled when he nodded and turned your back to him while he turned his head away long enough for you to see he did before he turned right back towards you.
Leon wasn’t an idiot; he knew very well what he was doing. He was once human too after all, plus he would feel stupid if he let this rare moment slip away from his grasp, it had been too long since he saw actual decent tits and ass, most of the other zombies who were women were all rotting and very unappealing to him. He’s sure you would look so beautiful if you looked like him. 
You on the other hand were completely oblivious to Leon’s plan or the fact he was ogling you like you were his next most delicious meal, and in a way... You kind of were. 
Nonetheless you stripped down to just a bra and panties before curling back into the bed and under the blanket, shivering quietly while hugging your legs for warmth still. It was so silent between the both of you. So silent you could hear your teeth chattering echo throughout the room.
Leon sat on the floor awkwardly, wondering what to do with his newfound feelings. You never banished him from the bed, nor were you shying away from him when he touched you recently. Maybe this time he could get what he wanted from you, right? He would have to eventually.
A very confident Leon rose up from the floor, you watching with furrowed brows in confusion. Was he going to leave the room? But to your surprise he curled up in bed with you, his cold dead hands sliding around your waist to cuddle you from behind, you instantly stiffened up from multiple things, the fact he was cold, and his hands were resting on your belly and the fact he was so close to you like this. But after a few moments you relaxed and leaned back into his touch.
Leon felt like he was over the moon when you reacted positively at his touch, he could smell your scent, your musk and if he had a consistent blood flow, he was sure it would’ve all rushed down to his penis. Luckily for him he could make his body stiffen up in places or even all over in general. Lord knows how many times he escaped second death by doing this neat party trick when humans tried killing the groups of zombies he was in. He never left unscathed though and caught a bullet in his shoulder once. But it never bothered him because he didn’t feel it. It did piss him off though. 
He was so tempted to take a small bite of your sweet supple flesh; he had been suppressing his desires for so long now it was becoming unbearable. “Such a temptress...” He thought to himself, rubbing his hand up and down your waist gently, easing you up to his touch in small doses. 
You were feeling pretty sleepy but a part of you was getting a little turned on, you hadn’t had sex in a while even while your boyfriend was alive so any touch from a male was enough to set you off, even if unfortunately, that male was a zombie. But it was different somehow, he was gentle. Plus, he was cute so that definitely didn’t hurt either.
You guess the only plus of the whole situation was the fact Leon wasn’t breathing super loud in your ear like a fat pig. That’s what your now dead ex(?) boyfriend did, and it was a major turn off because it sounded like he was dying every time he was moaning or even came. 
Not a word was spoken between the two of you as Leon’s hand drifted lower to cup your inner thigh, the two of you looking down at his hand on your body. He whimpered softly at the warmth between your thighs. “M-May I?” He pleaded; he can’t remember the last time he was this nervous. Oh wait, yes he can. The first time he met you and a few hours earlier when you pulled that little stunt of disappearing on him. He thought he lost you forever. 
Not this time. 
Not ever again. 
You gulped quietly and looked over your shoulder at him nodding slightly, breathing out a soft yes. 
Leon was happy, he felt a warmth within himself in his chest area, well maybe if he had a beating heart it would feel way better, but he can’t get greedy now. Not after he worked this hard to get to this moment.
It had been a while since he had sex, things with his ex-girlfriend weren’t so great before he came to Raccoon city. He silently apologized if he was a bit rusty. Though as soon as his hand slipped beneath your panties, and he heard your soft gasp when his fingertip brushed against your clit it's like all his knowledge on how to please a woman came back to him.
He tightened his grip on your waist with one hand while the other dipped down to collect the slick leaking from your hole, using it as lubricant to swipe at your clit as best as he could, hoping to pleasure you. He figured he was doing a good job when you pressed your face into the pillow to muffle a moan.
That wouldn’t do at all!
Leon removed his hands from you and sat up, pouting a bit as his ego inflated from the soft whine of confusion left you. “I wanna..” He paused and looked down into your eyes. “So pretty...” He thought to himself. 
“Sound.” He pointed at your mouth; it took a second for it to click but once it did you nodded. “Right, yes. Sorry.” You blushed at his comment, for a zombie he seemed sure of exactly what he wanted. Even if he wasn’t good at it verbally.
Leon smiled and climbed on top of you, running his knuckle against your cheekbone with a delighted expression. You nuzzled against the gesture, a small part of you was calling yourself a freak for even enjoying this and the bigger part was you telling that other part to shut the fuck up.
Your hands came up to cup his face, being mindful of the piece of flesh missing from his cheek, he appreciated the gesture, but he couldn’t care less if you touched the wound. He rested his weight on his forearms to grind his cock against the wet spot on the gusset of your panties. A soft moan left your lips and if you weren’t so scared of getting bit you would’ve kissed him, but you didn’t want to tease him and him end up biting you.
You were so eager and desperate though that you yourself disregarded foreplay because you were definitely wet enough. You helped Leon strip down to nothing, admiring his toned body, ghosting your fingertip over the bullet wound too. He was embarrassed and shied away from your wandering eyes.
“You’re so handsome, Leon.” You confessed, watching his eyes go wide with his head snapping back towards you with a hint of vulnerability beneath them. “Really?” He tilted his head at you while you discarded your bra and panties somewhere in the room. 
When you met his eyes, you leaned forward to kiss his cheek, nodding while dragging your fingers through his soft but slightly matted hair, trying to ignore the fact you might’ve tugged a bit too hard that some strands actually fell out. It was just another reminder that you were literally about to have sex with a whole zombie.
Leon cleared his throat as best as he could while positioning himself between your legs to rub his cockhead between your folds. Low moans escaped both of you before he slowly pushed himself past the tight muscle that relaxed with ease. Leon swore he was in heaven, that he died for a second time and that heaven was you.
So warm and wet. Is literally all he could think of.
You on the other hand couldn’t get over how good it was, but that lingering guilt still bubbled at the back of your mind. You shoved those thoughts down and wrapped your arms behind his neck tugging him closer towards your body.
Slowly he started to thrust into you, he tried to be gentle, but each thrust was hard and rough. Punched out gasps and moans filling the room each time his hips met yours. “D-Do you like...?” He asked quietly, burying his face into your neck, holding his desire to bite you at bay. He had to remind himself it wasn’t a good moment. But seeing your bouncing tits and flesh so close to his face was his breaking point.
“Y-yes... I love it–AHH!” You screamed at the end of your remark, feeling tears well up in your eyes at the pain of being bit. 
Leon cursed himself for doing it, but he could only hold his primal desires at bay for so long. “What the fuck did you do! G-Get off of me!” You shrieked, trying to fight away from his grasp but he was much stronger than you. Immediately pinning your wrists down to the mattress with one hand, shaking his head as he continued pounding into you.
“I'm s-sorry!” He apologized profusely but his hips never slowed down. “Accident...” He whimpered coyly as you kept struggling. 
You felt like an idiot, who in their right mind would trust a zombie after all? You. You did and now you were reaping the consequences. 
As much as you hated to admit it, the blood loss and the blood around Leon’s mouth was making you dizzy with pleasure. It didn’t take long for your struggling to cease; you knew you would ‘die’ from blood loss but the adrenaline in your body was fighting while blood gushed out from the bite on your neck.
Leon let go of your wrists shakily to test if you would harm him but when you didn’t and you just laid there looking up at him with a hazy look in your eyes, he felt like he was on top of the world. In one swift movement he put your ankles over his shoulders, putting you into a mating press damn near with how feral he was fucking you.
The lewd squelching sound of your pussy was enough to send him over the edge, but he can’t cum, he lost that ability the day he died. He was upset he didn’t meet you earlier, he’s so sure that you would look so perfect with his child in your belly.
“You’re going to be just like me...” Leon hummed, concern brewing in your belly when he started getting easier to understand. Was this really it? You weakly protested against the idea when his thumb pressed against your clit to get you to have one final orgasm. 
He tilted his head to the side to lick up your calf all the way up to your ankle, suckling on the area he wanted to bite. Without much thought he sank his teeth in your leg, right where he was bit. What was more romantic than having matching bite marks?
You jolted from the pain mixed with pleasure, weakly crying out Leon’s name. “L-Leon... Stop it...” You pawed at his back as your back arched off the bed, feeling the life slowly draining out your body the faster your heart pumped out blood from such a stimulating touch, your body temperature lowering to almost eerily match his own.
He could feel your gummy walls squeezing the non-existent life out his cock and he threw his head back in pleasure, groaning loudly as he doubled down on his efforts, he could tell you were close. 
He wasn’t wrong though, you were so close to reaching your sweet release, the bedsheet and mattress soaked with your bodily fluids. Blood and your arousal forever staining the sheets. “P-Please my Goddess...” He squeaked out, leaning down to lick at your neck, lapping up the blood oozing out. 
Your body was getting weaker and weaker, eyes fluttering shut longer than they were open as you slowly died beneath him, yet right before you took your last final breaths as a human you came violently around his cock, feeling utterly spent and satisfied as you drifted into an unconscious state.
Leon sat up straight, staring down at your lifeless body with a small amount of concern. He had never turned someone into a zombie before, so he wasn’t sure if he actually killed you or not. He pulled his cock out of your hole, admiring the creamy white ring around the base of it.
He ran his fingertips over the bite mark on your leg, sighing in content, his eyes drifting up your body to admire your glistening folds. He glanced around nervously before leaning down to lap at your cunt, moaning softly at the taste. "Gosh..." He could definitely eat you up.
He whimpered in frustration when you didn't stir awake after a few hours (minutes), placing small kisses on your belly with a pout, wrapping his arms around your waist while he laid on top of you, covering your naked bodies with the blanket. 
He kept your hand outside the blanket, staring intensely at it. 
“Please move. Please move.” He thought anxiously, finally after what felt like eternity, he saw your fingers twitch and he felt relieved. He smiled fondly at the sight, kissing your sternum with a dopey grin.
You were going to be with him for eternity. <3
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lipglossanon · 4 months ago
Day 20
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Kink: Choking
Pairing: Zombie!Leon S. Kennedy x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, RE2R AU, choking (although it’s really not the focus in this fic 🫣), rough sex, noncon, vaginal fingering, unprotected sex, creampie
not proofread ✍️ this is the second version of this fic; I’ll post my original idea at a later date
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You made it to the Raccoon City police station without having to fend off any of the shambling monsters loitering the streets. Sneaking around as a teenager really paid off for your older self.  It’s rainy and cold and fucking awful outside, but the eerie stillness pervading the interior of the station isn’t much better. 
Afraid to call out in case something inhuman answers, you slowly make your way around the lobby. Looking up in the goddess statues face, despair creeps into your mind. You have a pocket knife and a flashlight, nothing to really help you against anything except a dark room. 
Hours pass as you meander the halls; you’ve seen things scuttling across the ceilings in random hallways (the ones you leave as quietly as you came) and you think you’ve heard the sounds of gunshots and yells, but you’re honestly too terrified to check. 
You know someone else is here; doors that were locked now wide open and that odd ass pedestal in the lobby is slowly filling up with medallions. Waiting whoever it is out hasn’t worked so far, so you keep circling the same rooms, hoping they’ll run into you. 
The sound of rumbling gears has you turning back around to go to the lobby, but by the time you get there, it’s empty again. However, the mechanism that used those medallions has been activated and now there’s a new area unlocked. You tiptoe down the stairs and stop dead in your tracks. There’s a young police officer lying slumped against the desk. 
“H-hello?” You walk up to him and push his arm, making his head loll to the side where you can see some nasty bite mark. 
“Holy fuck,” you yank your hand away and quickly step back. 
His eyes flutter open and he locks his blue gaze onto you. 
“D’you have first aid?” He slurs out, wincing as he raises up. 
“No,” you suck your bottom lip into your mouth. “I don’t have anything, sorry.”
He squints and hisses in pain, “I think I dropped one out there,” he raises his hand and points to the open entryway behind you. “Would you mind?”
Nodding, you retrace your steps and sure enough, there’s a health spray lying on its side. Grabbing it up, you return and hand it over to the officer. He sprays himself and the bite looks better but doesn’t fully heal him. 
“It’ll be fine,” he waves off your concerned look. “The name’s Leon.”
You introduce yourself before gesturing to his uniform, “Do you know what happened?”
Slowly climbing to his feet, he sits on the edge of the desk with a tired groan. 
“No, it’s my first day. Everything was like this when I got here,” he runs the pads of his fingers over the marks in his neck. 
“Damn,” you sigh out, exhausted already. “Well, do you want to stick together?”
He nods, “It would be safer.”
So you team up with the rookie cop and you both descend deeper into the bowels of the RPD. A strange woman appears at the end of one of many metal walkways, gun jumping between you and the officer. 
“You two with me,” she orders. “Toss your weapons over the ledge.”
Having nothing to defend yourself with, you hold your hands up, casting your eyes over to Leon to see what he’ll do. The rookie eases his pistol from the holster and tosses it over the side, face grimacing as you all listen to it bounce and rattle its way down to the bottom. 
“Move it,” she waves her gun forward, making the pair of you walk first with her behind. 
She guides you further and further down, taking hidden paths and stairways until she leads you both into a lab room. Right before she ducks out and shuts the door, she injects Leon with something from a syringe. He hisses and slaps a hand over the spot. 
While he tries the door, you turn and take in the room itself. It hosts a bed in the center and a table on the side with one wall being a huge mirror (which you can safely bet is two way). 
“What do you want?” Leon calls out, hand cupping his neck. 
“To run an experiment of course,” her voice bleeds through a speaker above the door. “You’ll feel the effects rather quickly.”
You step a little further away from him, knees hitting the edge of the bed and knocking you off balance. Sitting down harshly, the bed shifts under your weight, frame squeaking lightly. 
“What’s going to happen?” Your voice shakes with nerves. 
“Copulation and its effects on a human’s changing nervous system,” she intones almost sounding bored. “I wouldn’t dawdle too long or you might not enjoy yourself at all.”
Fear spikes your heart rate and your gaze shoots over to Leon. He’s wincing in pain again with his bite mark reopened, blood dripping from the wound. 
“I don’t feel right,” he murmurs, lurching over to the bed. 
You go to move but he practically collapses on top of you, pinning you down onto the antiseptic smelling sheets. 
“Get off of me,” you grunt, trying to push at Leon’s shoulders but to no avail. 
“It’s hot,” he groans in your ear, rocking his hips down into yours. “So hungry.”
“One moment,” the woman’s voice crackles to life again right before she enters the room. 
She’s carrying a weird contraption in her hand and you realize it’s a muzzle of sorts as soon as she snaps it in place around Leon’s mouth. 
“That should help keep the experiment moving,” she nods to herself and quickly leaves. 
Still trying to push him off, Leon snarls down at you, hands coming up to grip your throat.
“Get off!” You rasp out, throat tightening under his hands. 
He growls and you see his eyes go milky right in front of you. 
You cough violently and he squeezes your neck harder. 
“The virus should be in full effect now. It’s been modified for other purposes,” the woman supplies through the speaker. “It will be interesting to see what biological imperatives it chooses to follow.”
Tears stream from the corners of your eyes and down your temples, you claw and scratch and punch at any part of Leon you can reach. Your vision starts to tunnel and you have the epiphany that you’re going to die here under some asshole you don’t even know. 
It’s not until you’re groggily coming to that you realize you must have blacked out. The palm of a hand is roughly rubbing your clit, fingers sliding in and out of your drippy hole. 
“S-stop,” your teeth chatter, feeling cold at the same time you realize you’re completely nude. 
A growling sound from the rookie is your only reply, his fingers fucking into your cunt even harder. Your pussy feels used and puffy, like he’s been doing this for a lot longer than it seems. 
“You’re awake, excellent. The other subject has been prepping you for some time,” her monologue only confirms your suspicions. “Now, he’ll move along to the next phase.”
Having a good idea what that is, you’re still unable to really get your motor functions under control so Leon is easily able to cage in your body as he ruts his cock into your wet pussy. Hissing through your clenched teeth, pleasure and disgust make your walls flutter and grip onto his cock. 
“Chemistry seems very compatible. This should ensure positive results,” she says through the speaker, but it sounds more like she’s talking to herself.  
You glare up at Leon, hating that you’re so out of sorts you can’t even fend him off, body weak and tired. You also hate, with every fiber of your being, the arousal coating his thick cock as he humps your pussy feverishly. His tip brushes against the spongy spot at the front of your cunt and it has your body humming in pleasure. 
With every thrust, his pelvis presses and grinds against your swollen clit. It’s enough to make your toes curl, more slick gushing out around his pistoning cock. It also doesn’t help he’s been playing with your pussy as you were dead to the world, ramping up your arousal even further. You’re going to cum all over this undead cop’s dick and there’s nothing you can do about it. 
Despair wars with the need to climax, making your head ache more than it already does. Leon shifts his hips, rutting deeper than before and you’re moaning loudly. Your hips buck up into his, helping him fuck you harder and faster. His hands move up to squeeze your sore neck and you whimper, clit throbbing and pussy clenching around his cock. 
He squeezes your neck a bit rougher just as he grinds against your pudgy bud and it sets off fireworks in your brain. Eyes rolling back in your head, you cum all over his fat cock. He growls above you, but doesn’t stop thrusting into you. 
Your orgasm spins out into a second one as he keeps the same pace, cock bullying into your squelching cunt. He speeds up when your walls squeeze and pulse around his dick, snarling like a rabid dog until he hilts himself into your pussy. Hating how much you like it, Leon shoots his load into your soft fluttering walls, letting your hole milk rope after rope of his thick spend. 
This whole experience is like a bad dream you’d love to wake up from and never look back. 
“Excellent. That’s a promising start,” the woman interrupts your maudlin thoughts. 
“Please,” you turn your head to the mirrored wall. “Let me go.”
She scoffs, “Why? We’ve only just begun.”
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localkiss · 11 months ago
Zombie Leon would eat pussy so sloppily. I said it.
He would probably nibble on the clit like candy 😭 and lightly bite into your thighs. Letting out soft whines and moans as he tastes your blood and skin.
"Promise, I won't bite hard baby. Please let me, it's so hard to hold back, please," he snarls mid sentence. His eyes stare up at you pitifully as he pants into your thighs. Drool dripping down from the openings of his mouth.
I think he's a bit of a freak :33 licking and slobbering all over you. Like you're not a dog, zombified Leon!!
tw: gore / zombie shtuff 4 the pic ! Plus mentions of bodily fluids!
"I'm sorry, you just look so delicious baby. Please don't hate me, please," he sobs as he takes a small bite out of your thigh. Almost throwing up as his human side tries to force it out, knowing it's human flesh. But the zombified part of his brain wants and needs more. He needs you.
Leon's so afraid of waking up and finding himself feasting on your supple body. So he stays up when you sleep and has you restrain him to the bed in the day, so he can rest peacefully.
Leon then makes it up to you by eating you out like it's his last meal. It very well could be though, if you think about it. Pussy as his last meal. Wow. What a way to go, doing his favorite thing to his favorite person.
Thrusting his tongue into your quivering hole and coming back up to suckle on your clit. Slobbering all over your folds. Panting and groaning as he dives deeper and deeper, making sure every drop of your cum doesn't go to waste.
His dick still works, surprisingly. Leon doesn't even stop fucking you, even if he came already. It feels too good to even stop. Like it's a remedy for the pain he feels from the virus slowly turning his flesh into mush.
Maybe if you turn into a zombie like him, you guys can chew each other apart. Have matching shaped marks into your thighs. <3
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livfordoodles · 5 months ago
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rentalsurgeon · 8 months ago
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low effort leon burger eat up ppl
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n64retro · 19 days ago
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Resident Evil 2 Capcom PlayStation, Nintendo 64, Dreamcast 1998, 1999
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kod23pm · 10 months ago
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If I were a zombie..
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horvival · 6 months ago
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Resident Evil 2 (1998)
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re2 lethan AU comics
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egophiliac · 11 months ago
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my absolute delight at seeing that the riderboys DO in fact have special magical girl transformation sequences --
(now if they really wanted to commit they would go full sailor moon with the ribbons and bubbles and sparkles, hint hint toei)
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cursedcatvibes · 8 months ago
zombie leon drabble to keep my lovely’s fed while i try to get over writers block!
After you transformed into a zombie you now had to navigate life newly, which Leon thought was absolutely adorable and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
You were his perfect zombie goddess, he would move the heaven and earth for you if he could!
Obviously you were upset about the whole situation, sobbing ugly and loudly while Leon laid on top of you in confusion. Why weren’t you happy? You should be grateful he did this for you.
But you couldn’t bring yourself to hate him, not after all he had done for you.
So now he teaches you how to hunt down humans, which parts to eat all of so they don’t transform into zombies and even how to keep yourself occupied during the nights.
If you can’t sleep anymore what could you really do?
Now you both have holed up inside the house where he first turned you. Making that place your very own home, it wasn’t a lot but to you both as zombies it was very good!
Plus, you both would have sex every night now. Duh, how else could you pass time by during the sleepless and dull nights?
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lipglossanon · 9 months ago
great minds think alike, literally 😭 i just read the story and it was perfect! but i would still love to see your take on it too!
Howdy ♠️ anon! 👋
Oh nice!! I’m glad you read it! 💜 I thought it was cute! ☺️
Haha I’m 99% positive I’ll do one for promptober 😉
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ultimateanna · 3 months ago
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Resident Evil - Cards (Teppen)
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rentalsurgeon · 8 months ago
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mershark leon…. UGGGHHH i’m thinking abt him
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beeeeandpuppycat · 5 months ago
i just want your heart.
a zombie leon. barely able to speak. or think. but one thing he knows is he loves you.
leon x femreader
part 1.
hell broke loose. more then the goverment could hide. from weird behaviour to people munching down on skin. the apocalypse had started . population down 74% . leon being in that percentage. skull half broken . mouth ripped off along with an arm . undertsatement to say he was barely reqonizable . the end of the world isnt like the movies. Groups and gangs etc wasn't happening. No. What was happening was Cannibalism from lack of resources . Murders crime with the end near no one was gonna follow the law. Most people even drove into insanity- running round with knives as if they could just respawn.
Which is why you're here.
Running across the street, not from zombies, no. From people with a knife trying to gut your insides for a meal - breath warm against your skin and your shoes slamming against the floor with every step
You panted loosing your breath as you ran sharp round a corner. Fuck was up with people? Human nature was taking over. And -... actually maybe its not the best time to be thinking . Running into a dark alleyway covered in mostly moss. The streetlight dimly lighting the scenery. Into the only thing you saw was a plain. Stone wall- the moss covering it making it just slightly too slippery to climb . Eyes down at the floor as a bead of sweat dripped down your forehead
You mumbled barely above a whisper. You're cornered. A shiver going down your spine and heart beating out your chest to the point you practically felt like you were gonna vomit"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck"
Eyes stared down at the floor trying to think of something to do. What? Kill a fucking maniac with nothing but your already bruises fist ? Hey you might be going insane but not that fucking insane.. -
Eyes slammed shut head down thinking of anything to save your ass in the situations as steps came forward. Into they stopped? Into the only thing you heard was screams. And surprisingly not yours..?
Eyes opening again turning your head round to see your hero. .- a rotting corpse- the undead looking down at you with a wide stare
The one person you thought would survive this is standing in front of you. Arm looking as if it's gonna fall out with that half ripped out jaw . The glare wasn't scary. No. Gentle wide eyes looking up. Well- one eye. The other rolled up into his skull only showing the white which had a slight tint of yellow looking up as if just as surprised to see you.
You stammered screaming in horror as you backed up against a wall looking at your once best friend you loved so dearly .his back slumped as he limped forward to you . A hand covered in slimy blood moving up the side of your face quietly. Looking as if wanting to talk but failing . Drool coming out his mouth and a slight babble being the max he could sound out along with a creepy grumpy like whine A clear look of frustration at his face when you shouted.
Confusing. Watching this bloody mess not run up like any other zombie to try and eat you. Instead taking gentle steps forward . His arm up to his mouth using it to pull his gloves tighter on his hand . Now standing Infront of you- his head tilted down and a hand gently placed on your shoulder.
"shit Leon.."
"Not gonna eat me?"
You whispered- almost jokingly.As much as this whole situation is both unrealistic and terrifying . It felt nice . The touch of someone you've missed more then anyone. his head up tilting again. As if saying "you want me to?". Weird how you understood what he was trying to say. Quickly shaking your head before you your hands balled to fist against his chest softly pushing him away much to his dismay. taking a few steps back. as much as you like him it's rather hard to trust someone covered in blood
"... what an entrance huh?"..
You mumbled before he lazily nodded. Leaning his back against a wall eyes staring at the floor quietly . His hand moves up in an attempt to push his jaw so it wouldn't fall off in an almost annoyed manner.. Considering most his body was decomposing. "Funny" you thought watching the once tough man struggle. A soft giggle escaping your lips and the first smile in months at your lips. His eyes- well one eye rolling in an annoyed . Yet playful manner. Almost forgetting about the current apocalypse happening .You could soon hear steps coming around surrounding you. leons rough hand snatched yours in the moment suddenly rushing you to whichever building was closes. Rushing you into an almost moldy looking hotel. The lights at the front dimly on and the walls looking as if they were gonna break down any second. hand gripping yours softly . Somehow.. the most adrenaline you've felt in these past months. a few floor boards collapsing under your feet . As his head turned round looking at you . I mean. He did just save you from a bunch of insane people hes clearly concerned..-. even as a zombie his heart hasn't quite rotted yet.
"I'm fine..-but.. we should go find somewhere safe.."
You reassured him. - tho it looked like he half believed you with all the scars and ripped clothes on you. His rough palm moved pushing against yours softly before gently interlocking your fingers. He's worried for you . Clearly- as he dragged you along with him like some kind of puppy
"I know how to walk- nevermind.."
You cut yourself off as he ignored you. Of course he did.. Rolling your eyes at him in a frustrated manner while you moved to walk beside him. Looking for any room that looked somewhat clean to stay the night.- an orange almost blueish light coming through the windows leaving a purple like hue at his face - his eyelashes more apparent as they softly fluttered. Looking over at you in confusion clearly noticing you staring at him.
You mumbled. Your eyes quickly darted away in embarrassment. While your cheeks flushed pink and your heart beating even faster than earlier .before your chin was suddenly pulled to the right much to your confusion turned to look over at him - meanwhile his head was turned away in a flustered manner avoiding any eye contact. You could barely hear his breath getting deeper not necessarily knowing what to say. As if he even could - he thought as a zombie all these feelings would disappear. But clearly not. Clearly he enjoys the attention he hasn't had in months
I'm gonna leave the first part of this here :33. I know it's a shit end for the first part but I couldn't think of any other way.
I had to come up with a whole new story line, since I originally thought patrick would win so I was thinking of more highschooly hidden love yk? . But I kinda like this ver!!^^
Next part will come out soon !(Hopefully)
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zombiedeers · 7 days ago
It turns out the people WOULD like to see some Mayhem shipkids !! So I'm here to deliver on that lolol
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Here's a couple to start with that I finished just today !
If anyone has any questions about either of these two little fellas, feel free to toss them in my inbox !!
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