#zom 100 higurashi
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acey-waceyy123 · 11 months ago
this is how episode 10-12 happened right
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its-just-hyper · 6 months ago
He was so close to a happy beginning why did it have to be a terrible end
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horrorpolls · 3 months ago
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malicious-spectrum · 1 year ago
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Reblogs > Likes! (Especially for art!)
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hug-kiss-marry-kill · 10 months ago
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moldsporr · 1 year ago
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Bryce is EVERYWHERE I can't escape this man
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Round 1 Side A: Poll #6
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Higurashi Kanta:
I could fold this twink in half. I saw him and went crazy. I need him. He's so pathetic and cute and he tries to be tough but he's NOT and I'm gonna have him have my babies
Yomi Hellsmile:
He has such a skinny little waist. He's evil but i would fix him. By breeding him. He thinks he'd be dominant but nooooo I know otherwise
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m0on-shro0m · 8 months ago
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I’m sorry he’s just pretty to me (along with everyone else)
Lil bottom doodles
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termytheantisocialbutterfly · 10 months ago
hey, how come in every anime Higurashi is a depressed little weirdo? like how does this happen
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medea10 · 1 year ago
My Review of Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead
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Ooh yeah, I’ve heard about this one. Prior to the announcement of this anime, I heard Gigguk (from Youtube) mention this manga. And here’s me thinking, this is the same guy that praised Oshi no Ko and Frieren before they got anime adaptations. As for when this got the anime adaptation, Viz Media was excited to release this one that there was even an exclusive screening at Anime Expo.
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Akira Tendou was a bright-eyed optimist going into his new job fresh out of college. Everyone seemed nice. He had great benefits. There was a chance at meeting famous people in this line of work. And there might have been an opening with a love interest at the office. This enjoyment lasted…8 hours, give or take?!
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In reality, this job was hell. Sometimes, you can’t go home for days and work at your desk. The benefits you get…you probably will never use them. The only people you’re in contact with are screaming bosses. And as for that love interest, she’s having an affair with the boss…right in his office. Akira Tendou is so numb to everything now. It’s been three years of this endless hell. Then suddenly…and I do mean really suddenly…
A zombie apocalypse!
Yep, we’re officially in Highschool of the Dead territory. Only difference is that this is with adults, the blood is replaced with vibrant colors, no Matrix boobies, and the author to Zom 100 is still alive here.
Too soon, Medea.
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Tendou watched a zombie movie literally the night before this all happened and thought that if he was living through a zombie apocalypse, he wouldn’t have to go to work anymore. And that’s his first thought here. No more work! He gets a day off! First thing he does, he goes to his crush’s home to reveal that he loves her. There, he sees his boss (now zombie-fied). Tendou gives his resignation followed by shoving him out the window. Then he sees his crush (also zombie-fied) and tells her that he loves her. Then bolts the fuck out of there! Now that Tendou is living in a zombie apocalypse, he’s wondering what he should do with his free time. That’s when he goes to a corner store and gets a notebook to make a bucket list. 100 things to do before becoming a zombie. Hence the title of this anime!
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Tendou is not alone in this. Along the way, he meets up with his old college friend (Ryuuzaki) who is also trying to live his life for the best during the zombie apocalypse. He meets a girl named Mikazuki who has a bucket list of her own. Only hers is the best way to survive. And near episode 8, we are introduced to Beatrix. She’s a German who has had a fascination with Japanese culture. She’s also the token big-breasted girl that slices up the zombies with a blade. It’s an anime involving zombies, OF COURSE THIS GIRL IS GOING TO LOOK LIKE THAT!
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: Viz Media wasted no time assembling together an English dub for this. And several streaming sites got dibs on playing it on a weekly basis including Crunchyroll, Hulu, and even Netflix. And if there weren’t so many damn hiatuses, this anime would have had a spot on Toonami. It will eventually. March 2024 is still better than nothing. I will discuss the several hiatuses that persisted throughout this anime’s run down this review. I’m enjoying hearing both of Tendou’s voice actors getting more roles in the last couple of years. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
JAPANESE CAST: *Tendou is played by Shuuichirou Umeda (known for Izumi on Shikimori Isn’t Just a Cutie)
*Mikazuki is played by Tomori Kusunoki (known for Makima on Chainsaw Man, Neiru on Wonder Egg Priority, LLENN on SAO: GGO, Setsuna on Love Live Nijigasaki, and Misha on Misfit of Demon Academy)
*Ryuuzaki is played by Makoto Furukawa (known for Saitama on One Punch Man, Haru on Fruits Basket 2019, Miyuki on Kaguya-sama, Shorter on Banana Fish, and Shourei on 86)
*Bea is played by Minami Takahashi (known for Lucoa on Miss Kobayashi, Megumi on Food Wars, Grey on Black Clover, and Yamada on Eromanga Sensei)
ENGLISH CAST: *Tendou is played by Zeno Robinson (known for Goh on Pokemon Journeys, Hawks on My Hero Academia, Genya on Demon Slayer, Shuuji on Tokyo Revengers, Tooru on Horimiya, and Garfiel on Re:Zero)
*Mikazuki is played by Abby Trott (known for Nezuko on Demon Slayer, Machi on Hunter x Hunter, and Eleanor on Misfit of Demon Academy)
*Ryuuzaki is played by Xander Mobus (known for Motoyasu on Shield Hero, Ren on Persona 5, Juuzou on Blue Exorcist, Benno on Ascendance of a Bookworm, and Momoshiki on Boruto)
*Bea is played by Laura Post (known for Ragyo on Kill la Kill, Nozomi on Love Live, Isabella on The Promised Neverland, Akari on March Comes in…, Diana on Little Witch Academia, and Macrophage on Cells at Work)
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SHIPPING: Am I sensing something between Tendou and Mikazuki?
No. Focus on surviving the zombie apocalypse first. Once the zombies are eradicated, then I’ll let my mind swirl around in the shipping category.
DELAY, DELAY, DELAY: Is this the new normal? I’m not going to sit here and pretend I know a thing about getting an anime to air because we all know I don’t. But I still raise my eyebrow when currently airing animes take several weeks off at a time. Normally, when an anime is postponed, it is usually because of a sporting event, a giant news story hits, and the subject matter might be difficult if something tragic just occurred. That was something we went along with and accepted. After the Fukushima disaster in 2011, many animes were postponed. Madoka Magica’s final episodes were supposed to air around that time. But due to the sensitive subject matter, it was postponed for three months. Meanwhile, Pokemon was scheduled to air a two-parter, Team Rocket/Team Plasma special around that time as well. It was postponed. And we never heard from it again. Once again, there were special circumstances.
Moving forward to the 2020’s, Covid affected many animes and their airdates. All through the year 2020, nearly every anime was delayed by one week, several weeks, or would just stop airing for the entire season and start over the following anime season. A Certain Scientific Railgun T had to take several weeks off every now and then during the run. Black Clover and Pokemon took a several-week hiatus. And the fifth season of Food Wars aired a couple of episodes, stopped, and aired again three months later. AGAIN, there were special circumstances.
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What the hell happened with Zom 100? I don’t see Covid as a reason and nothing upsetting the Japanese audience. Is this a case where they didn’t finish production on time and the staff was overworked to the point of breaking? Because that’s what it looks to me. I’m not complaining at all. I’m concerned that this is a new normal for staff members for anime. And it’s a shame that this had to happen to the studio and the good people behind it. This is a fairly new studio where this is the only anime to their credit. And suddenly I’m hit with a giant sense of irony with this situation and the first episode.
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ANIME CAMEO: Did you catch the voice actors from Zombieland Saga in episode 6? It wasn’t the characters. It was just their voice actors grunting as zombies. Well, it happened. Rewind and listen closely.
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ENDING: Just like the end of Highschool of the Dead, this crew goes to familiar territory by stopping in on Tendou’s family. My guess is that there’s going to be a big zombie showdown featuring Tendou, his friends and family, and the townspeople versus the zombies. Will that be the end of the season? Moving right along, they make it to Tendou’s home village. The good news is that his parents are safe as well as some of the villagers. There are even some city folks that escaped the hell going on in bigger cities. The bad news is there are some disgustos in that city folk crowd that have their own ideas for surviving the zombie apocalypse. If Tendou’s list was full of childish dreams and Mikazuki’s list is full of realistic goals, these guys…um…well, there are dark forces that work inside them.
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And while the zombies are trapped inside a tunnel away from the surviving humans, one person here doesn’t have that much time left. That person is Tendou’s father. Tendou and his father have never seen eye-to-eye. Will they be able to say their peace before the worst happens? Let’s wait another couple of weeks and months to find out this answer.
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CHRISTMAS DAY 2023: Okay, I watched my annual anime movie this year. This year it was Suzume. Ate cookies. Opened presents. Jammed out to some tunes. And crashed. Am I missing anything? Oh wow, Zom 100 came back for a three-episode finale!
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Tendou and the gang were getting along with many in the village. Tendou got to know some of the city girls who traveled to the village for safety. Mikazuki got along with the elders of the village as she helped them with some of their ailments. Bea learned a lot about the area. And Ryuuzaki got a little girl traumatized by the recent pandemic to smile for the first time in a while. I’ll be honest, when I saw this little girl with her dog I kept thinking if she was going to go with Tendou and the rest and be that gang’s Alice and Zeke like in Highschool of the Dead. Again, I will keep mentioning that. All of this peace is about to be shattered by those disgustos I mentioned prior to the three-month hiatus. There are four of them; one divorcee, one anal-retentive chick, one forever fat bastard virgin, and the obviously voiced by Nobuhiko Okamoto psychopath. The final guy I mentioned (named Higurashi) actually knew Tendou and Ryuuzaki as they all went to the same college.
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Higurashi and the others have their chaos book. They removed the barriers blocking the zombies from entering the village and set everything around it on fire. The four main characters were dealing with each of the chaos agents on their own. Ryuuzaki, Bea, and Mikazuki were able to get past the chaos people. Unfortunately, two of those people wound up dying. One by the zombies and the other got electrocuted. The forever fat bastard virgin was still around by episode 12’s end. As for Higurashi, he brought the zombies to Tendou and told him he yearns to watch him become a zombie. This guy was so amped on wanting to fuck things up that he threatened to have Tendou’s ailing father eaten by the zombies.
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Tendou does another impulsive thing. You’ve seen him do crazy shit the last 11 episodes, why stop now?! Tendou turned into a zombie courtesy of one of the hideaways who was a make-up stylist and tricked Higurashi. Unfortunately, things do not end well for Higurashi as he is bitten. Before time was up, Tendou was able to get through to him when learning what he really wanted to do. To be fair, any one of us could have wound up like this guy. Introverts have such the hardest times adapting to “normal” society. And I guess Higurashi envied Tendou and Ryuuzaki during college because they had friends and he was alone. Surprisingly, back then Tendou did make an effort to reach out to Higurashi, but dude ran away from them. Tendou and Higurashi do have this sweet moment before he’s turned into a zombie. Higurashi though ends up drowning in the river as he was turning into a zombie.
Tendou, his friends, and the survivors of the village survived just barely. They went to a suspension bridge that was unfortunately missing. But then, this old guy the group met prior to making it to the village made a collapsible bridge for everyone to get across and prevent the zombies from trailing them. In the aftermath, everyone was able to rebuild the village after that night from hell. Now as for Tendou’s father. I thought for months that this guy got bitten by a zombie. And as I’m watching the final 3 episodes I’m thinking, if he got bitten, it’s taking him a long time to turn into a zombie. But then it sounded like he might have a terminal illness.
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Turns out dude has hemorrhoids.
Look, I know hemorrhoids are painful but…yeah, I have nothing to follow up on that. But if it gets so bad that it could be life-threatening, it might be difficult for a doctor to do anything when you’re in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. But, it did spark some ideas for what else to write in Tendou’s bucket list. Next stop for the crew…I guess northern Japan or Hokkaido.
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Oh shit, I forgot to mention the shit. Ryuuzaki jumped in the cesspool of shit. He was covered in shit for an entire episode.
Despite the long waits in between episodes, this was a very good story. I’m just really concerned if a season two comes will the audience be subjected to long waits and will the crew be subjected to horrible working conditions? Again, seeing the irony! I think it was that first episode that seemed to strike a chord with a lot of viewers. I think at one point or another, we all find ourselves in a situation much like Tendou. I know it doesn’t have to be a job, but let’s face it, we’ve all had those jobs that tried to break us to the point of no return and you really do wish that some sort of apocalypse hits so you don’t have to go into work the next day. I really hope the anime studios kinda take a hint from this. Looking at you OLM, MAPPA, and BUG FILMS!
While I’m still on the topic of the first episode, I’m not going to lie, I honestly thought the whole zombie apocalypse was going to be a dream of Tendou’s. I can’t be the only person who thought this. He falls asleep watching a zombie movie, wakes up in total chaos, we’re treated to a splish-splash of every color on the spectrum, and Tendou is doing stunts like knock his boss out a several-story window and climbing drain-pipes. I will get a lot of push-back from manga readers for my out-loud comments here, but that’s what I originally thought. With that said, I really hope that this isn’t the intended ending for this story.
Now then, would I happily welcome a second season? Yes. Believe it or not, the several-month hiatus didn’t impact how I felt about this anime. Sometimes it does, but not here. When it returned on Christmas, it almost felt like not much time has passed since the last installment. And just because of this sloppy roll out, it doesn’t necessarily mean that any future seasons will be affected the same way the first season did. It will if the studio doesn’t take a freakin’ lesson from the anime they just put out. It seems like a couple of new characters are introduced after where this season leaves off. So, I’m looking forward to a second season. Thankfully, the manga is still in publication and the creator is alive and well. Sorry, after what happened to the creator of Highschool of the Dead, I am not taking any chances.
Enough from me! Zombie-show fans, you know who you are and we know your fandom isn’t dying off any time soon. Probably check this one out. It’s on Netflix, Hulu, and Crunchyroll, so you have your pick of sites to watch it on. Starting March 30th, 2024, the show will also air on Toonami. And if live-action is more of your thing, Netflix has got that adaptation too.
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stalkerkyoko · 9 months ago
Man fuck this neet
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mourning-city · 21 days ago
Fanfiction Requests:
Please be specific about the request, as well as what season/event you want the oneshot/drabble to be set in. 
I will do fluff and angst. I will do NSFW speech (jokes, but also think hellaverse/Chainsaw man), but NO SPICE/SMUT
Characters cannonly 14 and below will only be platonic. 
Characters that are 16+ can be requested for romantic.
If a character you want is not on this list, feel free to go ahead and submit a request for them, as well as an alternative that is on the list just in case
☆Fandoms and Characters I write for listed below☆
My Hero Academia
Shota Aizawa
FatGum/Taishiro Toyomitsu
Hawks/Keigo Takami
Mirio Togata
Tamaki Amajiki
Deku/Izuku Midoriya 
Eijiro Kirishima
Mina Ashido
Kyoka Jiro
Tsuyu Asui
Hanta Sero
Mezu Shoji
Hitoshi Shinso
Shoyo Hinata
Yu Nishinoya
Asahi Azumane 
Koushi Sugawara
Daichi Sawamura 
Keishin Ukai
Kenma Kozume
Yaku Morisuke 
Tetsuro Kuro
Keiji Akaashi
Takanobu Aone
No Guns Life
Juzo Inui
Chainsaw Man
Aki Hayakawa
Angel Devil
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
Magi: The Adventures of Sinbad
Helluva Boss
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Eddie Munson
Gareth Emerson 
Hunter X Hunter
Gon Freecss
Kurapika Kurta
Leorio Paradinight
Killua Zoldyck
Illumi Zoldyck
Chrollo Lucifer
Ging Freecss
K project
Misaki Yata
Mikoto Suoh
Yashiro Isana
The Case Study of Vanitas
The Great Pretender
Makoto Edamura
Laurent Theirry
Vinland Saga
Shiro Ogami
Soul Eater
Soul Evans
Black Star
Death the kid/Kid
Demon Slayer
Tanjiro Kamado
Inosuke Hashibira
Genya Shinazugawa
Giyu Tomioka
Kyōjurō Rengoku
Tengen Uzui
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead
Akira Tendo
Kenichiro Ryuzaki
Higurashi Kanta
Shizuka Mikazuki
Wind Breaker:
Jo Togame
Haruka Sakura
Hajime Umemiya
Hayato Suō
Kyōtarō Sugishita
Akihiko Nirei
Death Note
L Lawliet
Light Yagami
Touta Matsuda
Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon
{List will be updated/added on to through out time}
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its-just-hyper · 6 months ago
If no one else is gonna be severely mentally ill about this man I guess it’s gotta be me
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animesavior · 9 months ago
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Clark: “Kara said you wanted to bring back the best of Krypton. The technology, the scientific advancements.” Krypton: “How do you think we made those advancements? War was the engine which fuel the empire. This was my Krypton.” -          My Adventures with Superman (Season 2, Ep. 06)
“No…I couldn’t…I don’t remember. Kal-El, Clark, what do I do now?” -          Kara Zor-El
The Toonami Trending Rundown for June 22-23, 2024. Among some of the night’s highlights, Clark meets Kara’s father Brainiac, and they both learn Brainiac’s vicious imperial intentions, while Kanta Higurashi unleashes his grudge against Akira and Kencho by attacking the village.
During Toonami Rewind on Friday, #ToonamiRewind trended in the US on Twitter alongside Sailor Moon. The following day on modern Toonami, #Toonami would trend in the USA alongside My Adventures with Superman and Zom 100. Superman also saw a character trend in Brainiac. Meanwhile on Tumblr, DC Comics would trend along with Demon Slayer.
This week’s feature was a new bumper ID titled Dual Rebirth. You can check it out below.
Tune in next week for the penultimate episode of Zom 100 season 1, among other great moments. Not much else to say this week, so until next time, be sure to register to vote for this year’s elections if you’re eligible and haven’t already, congratulations to the Florida Panthers for winning their first ever Stanley Cup in their 30 years of existence, and stay cool out there.
Legend: The shows listed are ordered based on their appearance on the schedule. Show trends are listed in bold. The number next to the listed trend represents the highest it trended on the list (not counting the promoted trend), judging only by the images placed in the rundown. For the Twitter tweet counts, the listed number of tweets are also sorely based on the highest number shown based on the images on the rundown.
Toonami Rewind Trends
United States Trends:
#ToonamiRewind [#15]
#SailorMoon [#14]
Tweet Counts:
#ToonamiRewind [1,585 tweets]
#SailorMoon [2,092 tweets]
Toonami Trends
United States Trends:
#Toonami [#4]
#MyAdventuresWithSuperman [#2]
Brainiac (From My Adventures with Superman) [#27]
#Zom100 [#8]
Tweet Counts:
#Toonami [3,599 tweets]
#MyAdventuresWithSuperman [3,646 tweets]
Brainiac (From My Adventures with Superman) [1,064 tweets]
#Zom100 [1,539 tweets]
#OnePiece [36.6k tweets]
Tumblr Trends:
#dc comics [#9]
#demon slayer [#1]
Special thanks to @Kisuru and others I forgot to mention for spotting some of the trends on this list.
If you wish to send me a tip for the work on the trending rundown, donations can be sent to PayPal.Me/DanielLimjoco.
Only Toonami on [adult swim] on Cartoon Network.
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deadmanscity-writing · 1 year ago
Requests for fanfiction: OPEN
About Fanfiction:
Please be specific about the request, as well as what season/event you want the oneshot/drabble to be set in.
I will do fluff, angst. No spice/smut.
Characters canonly 14 and below will only be platonic.
Characters that are 15+ will only be platonic/romantic.
If a character you are wanting is not on this list feel free to go ahead and submit a request for them, as well as an alternate that is on the list just in case.
How to submit a request is either through the "Requests/Asks" or DM/PM
Fandoms/characters I write for under the cut
My Hero academia
Tamaki Amajiki
Mirio Togata
Shota Aizawa
Hitoshi Shinso
Deku/Izuku Midoriya
Hanta Sero
Mezu Shoji
Tsuyu Asui
Kyoka Jiro
Mina Ashido
Eijiro Kirishima
Shoyo Hinata
Kenma Kozume
Testurou Kuro
Coach Ukai
Koushi Sagawara
Yū Nishinoya
Asahi Azumane
Keiji Akaashi
Yaku Morisuke
No Guns Life
Juzo Inui
Magi: the labyrinth of magic
Magi: The Adventures of Sinbad
Mystras Leoxses
Helluva boss
Stranger things (specify season)
Robin Buckley
Gareth Emerson
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Hunter X Hunter
Gon Freecs
Killua Zoldyck
Illumi Zoldyck
Chrollo Lucifer
K Project
Misaki Yata
Mikoto Suoh
Yashiro Isana
Oshi no ko
Aqua/Aquamarine Hoshino
The Case Study of Vanitas
The Great Pretender
Makoto Edamura
Laurent Theirry
Vinland saga
Canute (season one and two)
Thofinn (season one and two)
BNA: brand new animal
Shirou Ogami
Soul Eater
Black Star
Death the Kid
Demon Slayer
Tanjiro Kamado Inosuke Hashibira Genya Shinazugawa Giyu Tomioka Kyōjurō Rengoku Tengen Uzui
Hotaru Haganezuka
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead
Akira Tendo Kenichiro Ryuzaki Higurashi Kanta Shizuka Mikazuki
Wind Breaker
Jo Togame Haruka Sakura Hajime Umemiya Hayato Suō Kyōtarō Sugishita Akihiko Nirei
Death Note
L Lawliet Light Yagami Touta Matsuda
Delicious in Dungeon/Dungeon Meshi
Namari Laios Marcille Shenshi Chilchuck Kabru
Jujutsu Kaisen
Gojo Satoru
Geto Sugurh
Kento Nanami
Megumi Fushiguro
Nabara Kugisaki
Yuji Itadori
Maki Zenin
Toge Inunaki
Yuta Okkostu
Ino Takuma
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someawesomeamvs · 1 year ago
Warning: Violence, potential spoilers
Title: AAA
Editor: SonsofKorhal9
Song: The Anthem
Artist: Good Charlotte
Anime: Didn't I Say To Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?!, Ao no Exorcist, Zombieland Saga, Kekkai Sensen, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni series, Death Note, Fuuka, One Punch Man, Futurama (cartoon), Tokyo Revengers, The Saga of Tanya the Evil, The Eminence in Shadow, Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead, Fly Me to the Moon, Engage Kiss, Kore wa Zombie desu-ka!?, KonoSuba, Spy X Family, Chronos Ruler, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha series, K-On!, Noragami, Captain Tsubasa, Parasyte, To aru Majutsu no Index, Re: Creators, To aru Kagaku no Railgun, Ni no Kuni (game), ERASED, Charlotte, Rascal Does Not Dream of a Dreaming Girl (film), Shinobi no Ittoki, The Cat Returns (film), The Disastrous Life of Saiki K, Persona 5, A Destructive God Sits Next To Me, In/Spectre, Dropkick on My Devil!, Danganronpa 3: Zetsubou-hen, The Demon Girl Next Door, Kurokami the Animation, Hayate the Combat Butler, Chainsaw Man, Akira (film), Lycoris Recoil, Fate series, Kanon, Okko's Inn, Gintama
Category: Comedy
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