#zodiac miraculouses
melissak2802 · 11 months
And if we were to get rid of as many Zodiac Miraculouses as we reasonably can by redistributing the powers as additional to the main ones...
Resistance easily goes to the Turtle. Clout goes to the Cat. Genesis is already a variation of Lucky Charm. An Uproar equivalent with different aesthetic goes to the Bee (making someone's power harmless is conceptually not that far from immobilising and can as well count as Subjugation). Gift goes to the Fox.
Voyage - while earlier concepts of ML suggested a teleportation power for the Cat, it does not fit Destruction so wouldn't work anymore. So the Horse stays.
This way we have remaining: Mouse, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Rooster, Dog.
Result of such a simple operation: no powers lost. System levelled by Cat, Fox, Turtle and Bee having each two functions now within their concept. Five additional Miraculouses less.
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s0ot · 1 year
I have Miraculous Ladybug THOUGHTS. I haven't even touched season five but hoo boy I have certainly Looked At Season 4
Here's my idea for an alternate seasons 2-4
I have loads of thoughts about the Zodiacs and how OP half of them are, so let's forget their powers for now. Cut EVERYTHING about them in Seasons 2-3. Make the only alternate heroes Alya/Nino/briefly Chloé. Fu doesn't know a thing about the Zodiacs.
There's a different Season 3 finale, but the results are similar. The Guardian's location is compromised, the identities of Nino/Alya are revealed, and Marinette becomes the guardian. However. The Fox, Turtle, and Bee- they go bye-bye.
And Ladybug is facing so, much? There's more baddies running around with magic powers, Alya and Nino are getting loads of questions, and all Marinette has to show for it is an empty box?
And as she breaks down to Tikki, asking what she's going to do with a Miracle Box with nothing inside, she doesn't notice the Zodiac Miraculouses revealing themselves for the first time
Ups the stakes a fair amount. 5 baddies and 14 good guys is higher stakes than only 2 (inc. Mayura) vs 17. Also adding in the fact that Marinette knows absolutely fuckall about these Miraculouses and has to learn on her own?? Mmm I wanna make this a story now.
This all started because I really wanted to see a Snake!Alya tbh.
Tell me if anyone's written a fic like this, cos I wanna read it
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star-ocean-peahen · 2 years
A thought about Miraculous that keeps occuring to me but I have no idea if it's happened in canon (probably not, from what I've gathered):
So the Miraculous that the series focuses on are Chinese, right? Did the show ever say why the Chinese set of Miraculous are in France and not China? Because I feel like that tiny detail alone could contain a world of plot if anyone decided to jump on that. How did the Chinese Miraculous end up in a completely different continent? Are there people back there who are looking for them? If so, how far are they willing to go to get them back? Are there European Miraculous, and of so what are they? Where are they? Why aren't they being utilized by the main cast; they hung up in a museum like the Native American Miraculous set? Have they been lost to time for unknown reasons?
Also what if. the Miraculous got treated like artifacts colonizers would take from the places they visited. and the cast for MLB uses kwamis from all around the world, which can go in SO many directions, but honestly what I'd like to see most from that is the kwamis telling their users about what their homes were like in the ancient world and bonding over it. Like Marienette learning some about where part of her family came from, or if Sass was written as being from Egypt and Luka going to town trying to replicate songs his kwami friend listened to thousands of years ago.
And to be clear, I have not watched a single episode of MLB, I just got this when I got curious and read a wiki page on the lore
oh man the idea of all the kwamis being from all over the world has SO much potential and I love it
the Miracle Box the show focuses on is from.......East Asia at least they might have said Tibet but I may be wrong and well......long story short the temple it was housed in was destroyed and all the people working with it except for one kid who was also responsible for the destruction of said temple so he took it to france to preserve it for some unknown reason ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
but really the show's worldbuilding is WAY soft and while I don't have authority on this subject I think they play pretty fast and loose with culture and mythology so you can pretty much do whatever you want with it :/
I totally agree with you on the European Miraculouses thing, if other continents have them why not Europe? And why did Joan of Arc, in the fifteenth century, canonically have the Ladybug Miraculous before the time period where its guardian fled to Europe? MLB doesn't care to answer any of these questions, which means more room for fun theories!
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zoe-oneesama · 2 months
What's wrong with fusions?, In my opinion I would love that fusing miraculous would grant a new power, and it is sad that it is not exploiters more that concept
Y'all really should try searching my blog because, once again, I've talked about it before.
The short answer is they're boring. It's so literal by just giving the two Miraculouses powers instead of combining to make a whole new power, which imo would've actually been interesting. And just like the power ups and just like introducing the Zodiac Miraculouses as early as Season 2 (but not using any of them until Season 3), they just introduced too much. Maybe finish the things you've already introduced before adding shit?
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redtippedfox · 8 months
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Accidentally deleted this post when I was trying to edit it but guess I can’t undo that.
All characters in this AU are aged up and are adults
Anyway gonna take this chance to redo this post and upload her updated kwami swaps.
Behold the holy trinity of Kwami swaps part 1
1. Fox! Marinette: Huli Jing, she’s a trickster and her illusions are beautifully dangerous
2. Bee! Marinette: HoneyBee: She’s hella sweet but you don’t wanna piss her off because her sting can hurt
3. Turtle! Marinette: Chelona Jade: Graceful, strong, and powerful she is the protector.
4. Black Cat! Marinette: Lady Noire: Pent up Destruction can be dangerous especially for a rule follower who’s been stuck being perfect
5. Mouse! Marinette: Multimouse: She may be small but she can give you quite a scare when she divides and conquers.
6. Peacock! Marinette: Bleu Celine: A Goddess in human flesh her Sentimonster’s seem like a dream but beware for they are not all they seem.
7. Butterfly! Marinette: Titania: Light as a butterfly, become her champion be blessed by her gift.
These kwami swaps are definitely going to appear in Timey Wimey soon, we’re getting really close to Marinette’s reveal. I’ll also be posting the other half of this which the Chinese zodiac part of the Miracle Box, yep that’s right my girl is pulling a Kwamibuster on the corrupted hero’s but with a twist. Anywho, updated their designs and was just trying to edit the post but accidentally deleted it so whoops.
So cleaned up their designs and thought might as well post more.
The main seven Miraculouses are still my favorite
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Can you think of some better powers for the Miraculous that debuted in season 4?
The whole miracle box needs reworked because they went about it backwards. When developing lore like that, you usually want to start with the magic and then find users for it once the magic system has been worked out to something clear and logical. You should also probably try to base the magic on the culture you're designing your magic around, especially if you're not actually part of the culture in question. Just a thought.
Instead of doing any of that, the Zodic miraculouses appear to have been designed around their eventual holders, which makes for some really nonsense lore like the mess that is the Rooster.
As I discussed at length a little while ago, I would have probably replaced the colored macarons and cheese with the zodiac Miraculous to create more interesting and more limiting powerups. This is very much a personal opinion, but I prefer really strict, limited magic systems because that's when you - and your characters - have to get creative to make things work. If magic is whatever you want, then it can get boring. For example, is anyone actually excited by the idea that Adrien can now cataclysm as many things as he wants in a fight? The scene where he got the power was cute, but really think about what it means. It's no longer going to be a big deal if he hits the wrong target. He can just try again next time, no big deal.
I think the writers really missed the mark on that bit of lore. "Adults" should not have been given unlimited uses. They should have been given more uses, but still needed to recharge.
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jacquesthepigeon · 8 months
100% agree with you that the miraclass sucks. Like, when they were just civilian classmates, they were fine. Very basic because the writers are not great at their job, but serviceable. There was room for more development as part of b-plots in Marinette and Adrien's lives,. And then everyone and their mother started getting miraculouses??
Ruins the the 'chosen one' status of the main characters. For what, some kids that are basically background characters for their level of depth?
There's a reason that lots of the speculation in seasons 1-2 focused on Alya, Nino, and Chloe getting miraculous and forming the hero team, and the rest were just hanging. Five man bands are a popular way of handling main characters because once you start going above that it gets hard as hell to juggle everyone's characters and dynamics to keep them all interesting.
Theoretically with seven damn seasons the crew could've set up all of the class for miraculous if they planned well, but they're barely able to handle two; them setting up like 19 heroes is stupid as fuck.
If I had my way the zodiac would be completely separate from the other seven miraculous. The focus would be on that potential five man band of heroes to oppose the two villains plus some one-off zodiac villains for flavor. Hawkmoth should've been supplanted by the Peacock by like season 2, season 3 at the latest, a newer big bad coming onto the scene as the full team just settled into working well together. But the writers are writing by the seat of their pants ig so fuck that.
God I miss the fandom of seasons 1 and 2. Everyone was so optimistic and not yet bogged down with canon's increasing bullshit.
Yup yup yup
I remember how we were all excited for a bigger bad than HM to show up and then it turned to be his assistant with an almost identical power to his… yeah not a great realization
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dotblogg · 5 months
Miraculous Season 6 Theories Masterpost
This post exists to post any possibilities or theories for Season 6. Future theories will be added later on.
· There is a slight time jump between the beginning of the new school/end of summer during the S5 season finale, and S6 season premiere/beginning. This would explain why the characters are getting redesigns.
· Marinette never told either Alya or Chat Noir that Gabriel was Hawkmoth. This would explain why Ladybug told the public he died as a hero. She would likely like to keep peddling that truth further.
· Ladybug will confront Bunnyx about how much she knows about the Wish, or about how much the Wish affected the timeline.
· Chloe joins Iris again when she returns to Paris.
· Kagami is a Sentimonster.
· Kagami and Adrien were literally made for each other. They were created to be together.
· The Sentimonsters take after their maternal figures.
· Iris returns to the New School, because she might've been searching for a way to get to the Chinese Zodiac miraculouses. Instead of just moving on to a new school.
· Iris is in the foster scare system, and the three women she had were her adoptive mothers who didn't know about each other.
· Iris collected all of Gabriel's information out of revenge for abandoning, and underestimating her.
· Iris wants the role of Ladybug. She wants to be a pseudo guardian, that gives out and uses miraculouses for evil. This would explain why the miraculous team is so big now, because they need more allies.
· Iris/Cerise uses the "Gabriel is Hawkmoth" info to blackmail the Agreste/Graham de Vanily family.
· Iris/Cerise is a more chaotic villain than Hawkmoth was. She will use her powers in and out of costume to manipulate others to help her.
· Iris is underestimated by both Gabriel, and Marinette. Iris in both Chameleon, and Confrontation details that a war is going to happen.
· One of the new miraculous holders will betray Ladybug, and the team, to join or help Iris.
· Felix, or Nathalie tells Adrien everything.
· Adrien finds out about his dad before the public does.
· The fire that burnt Gabriel's personal items in Revelations will be addressed.
· Tomoe used to be an actress that rivaled Emilie. Gabriel tried to sabotage her career. Tomoe mentions in Perfection that Gabriel tried to make her dreams disappear.
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Do you ever think there are too many miraculouses in the show, like I prefer that the show should’ve just stopped at 7
Even though I like some of the Zodiac heroes' designs, I personally think that the show flew a little too close to the sun, because there's just way too many Miraculous to keep up with at this point, especially now that Monarch has most of them.
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snitchesnsneeds · 2 months
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews Episodes 3-25 and 3-26: Heart Hunter and Miracle Queen
So, this is it. Goodbye, Chloe.
You ever think about how weird it is that Miraculous season 3 still uses the season 2 opening despite all the new heroes and kwamis introduced? We got to see 6 more Miraculouses here out of the 12 of the Chinese Zodiac.
So that's where pizzaboy Luka came from! Seems to be a delivery boy more than anything.
Yes! Luka! And hopefully Lukanette!
pfffft Gabriel really busted out the "Our get along shirt"
Yes! Kagami and Adrien having friendly interactions with Marinette!
Andre needs to divorce his garbage heap of a wife. Does he know about the affair?
Yes! Kagami and Adrien spending happy time with eachother!
Yes! Silly Kagami and the three having mischevious antics!
Ooh, the ballpit pool as well! The three of them are so cute and fun together. Now all we need is Luka and we'll have the superior love square! One that's actually a square as well!
Kagami might have feelings for Marinette too?! Whoopee!
Marinette with her hair down is peak.
The Evil Egg that Eats Everyone
So the ice cream guy isn't really polyamorous, but just concerned about having too many flavors? I mean, peppermint and orange kinda sounds like toothpaste and orange juice, but searching it up there are people who think otherwise,
Marinette letting Adrien and Kagami be happy together. Yippee!
Master Fu's monologue really went back to normal halfway through, huh?
Steals your girlfriend
And there it is. Honestly it's less of a jape and more of a downward spiral. Chloe wants to help in deakumatizing her parents, Ladybug broke her own rules by bringing back Ryuko when Hawkmoth knows her identity as much as Queen Bee's, and paralysis being a better fit for this fight than Logias. Girl felt abandoned by her crush, and Hawkmoth only manipulated her in person because he couldn't do it with an akuma, as well as it giving her the special treatment she craved.
And the superior ships fall into place.
The bees actually stinging people wasn't in the budget?
Now that's what I call a hive mind!
Oooh, and the moth's back as well!
I'm glad the water voices aren't back. Oh yeah. A lot of stuff's coming back. This really is a season finale!
Love me a good boss rush!
Again with the baldness.
And yet, Ladybug tries to get Chloe back on her side. What an angel.
Pfft she's really putting on everything
And there's Chloe's villain meltdown. Ladybug didn't even tell her she couldn't be Queen Bee anymore. Chloe broke ties with Ladybug on her own.
Why and how are they in love again? One's a karen and the other's a pushover.
mmmm, crumbs of Julerose.
And so we get Lukanette and Adrigami. They should've stuck with these ships and abandoned the love square, but no. Not even for one measly episode.
It's been said a bajillion times before, but it's weird how Miraculous says a grown adult terrorist with too much beef with two 14-year-olds can be redeemed but a 14-year-old with blatant issues is irredeemable and the scum of the earth. Admittedly this wasn't as bad as expected. I know the first two episodes of season 4 are going to make this look like paradise. So much disrespect. I'm probably going to watch the two specials in this season, and move on to rereading that fic I decided I still love and take a long hiatus to review a different Franime series. One I've known for much longer, and feel much fonder about as well.
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gamerknight7310 · 2 months
Hero Lineup My Way (Remade)
This post is self-explanatory as I match the miraculouses with who I think they fit best. I have made a few changes from last time, but overall most of them are the same. Remember these are my opinions and I hope y'all enjoy yourselves.
Ladybug: Adrien
Cat: Chloe
Five Elements
Fox: Nathaniel
Bee: Kagami
Turtle: Socqueline
Chinese Zodiac
Mouse: Sabrina
Ox: Juleka
Tiger: Nino
Rabbit: Luka
Dragon: Aurore
Snake: Alix
Horse: Max
Goat: Marinette
Monkey: Kim
Rooster: Alya
Dog: Marc
Pig: Zoe
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kari-go · 7 months
Hi Kari, First off Happy Late Thanksgiving Secondly I saw this post and I like to ask how would you design a box that fits Canon (the show). I also like to know who let Astruc & whoever else design theirs cause to me it feels too much, whether it was how many miraculouses there were or the power system itself or a mix of both.
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Something like this. This is a really old concept but it's actually how I came up with my layer system.
The first layer would be formatted either after Life and Death or Day and Night.
The second layer would be formatted after the four/five elements or the four directions: Water, Fire, Earth, Air, and Aether or South, North, West, and East.
The third layer would be after astrology like Greek zodiacs.
I think It's mostly just the power system. The ladybug and cat are supposed to be the strongest but definitely aren't. Like, the goat is basically just better Lucky Charm what the hell (I hate the show's goat so much you have no idea). The only thing that the ladybug has going for now is Miraculous Ladybug. Also, the rooster is kinda dumb. And the peacock, I despise it. And the goat, fuck the goat.
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miracleandplagueau · 1 year
MNP ✦ Wonders ✦ Part 1 -- Categories, types, powers
Time to talk about actual Wonder's properties and how different they are from the canon miraculouses, which despite being described as "magical", always seemed to lack that ""miraculous"" effect that we're told about constantly.
By the way, It's definitely going to be a longer post :)
There is a total of 19 Wonders, with only 8 being fully introduced or seen in the MnP. Those 19 Wonders have been separated into two boxes: Motherbox and Zodiac box, with the latter's fate not being fully known. It's heavily suspected by the current Guardian that all Wonders from the Zodiac box have been destroyed (with a single exception).
Motherbox has been considered the root, the foudation of the balance for centuries, even longer than that as It contains Wonders of great power that are directly connected to elemenets of the world. Let me explain. Within the box, there are Wonders of Balance and Wuxing Wonders; all of which have their very own purpose deeply rooted in the world's peaceful existence.
All 7 Wonders within the Motherbox can also be grouped into insect-type (Bee, Butterfly, Ladybug), feline-type (Fox, Cat) and exotic-type (Peacock, Turtle). This is most often used to describe similarities in hero forms.
Both Wonders are the most powerful artifacts ever known to mankind. They're the ones keeping everything in order and must exist simultaneously or else risk everything falling apart. Additional properties include of not being able to be separated; you cannot take one Wonder and leave the other in the box. Again, they have to be active, idle, created or destroyed at the same time. One cannot exist without the other and that is a solid fact.
☯ The Yang Wonder - Ladybugs are known for their luck symbolism. In the Wonder's case, It not only brings fortune, but order, balance, miracles and most importantly - creation.
The Kwami is Tikki - duty-bound insect kwami. Using her raw power would spread overwhelmingly good fortune across the land. While It sounds good at first, it's definitely something of a monkey paw situation with twists at every turn. Besides, every single person with very contradicting wishes would turn this into a massive cataclysm.
The weapon is a yoyo. It's capable of catching akumas and purifying them.
Ladybug's power is Lucky Charm. It creates an object that If used correctly, can provide a direct solution to one's problem or immediate defeat of the foe.
Additional skill that the user holds is the Purification/restoration spell. It was invented by the Guardians many decades ago to fix the damages coming from massive battles and only Tikki was able to use it to its full extend.
☯ The Yin Wonder - Black cats have been regarded as the "darker side of the moon" for a very long time. If they weren't the messengers of misfortune and bad news, they were considered witches' apprentices. Harbringers of discord, chaos, misfortune and darkness, destroying everything in their path.
Plagg is the Kwami of destruction. His raw power will cause mass destruction and in contrast to tikki, misfortune.
User's weapon is the stick that allows for extension when needed. Both his and Ladybug's weapons can catch, store and release akumas in context of the show.
Black Cat's power is Cataclysm. Once used on an item, It will "bring misfortune", in most cases it being destruction of the item. In case of using it on a living being, It will kill them almost immediately.
Wuxing is a Chinese art form that introduces us to a scheme of 5 elements: fire, metal, earth, wood and water. All of those elements are assigned to the Secondary Wonders.
火 Fire Wuxing - Fox - Despite the resemblance in type, Fox Wonder is actually closer connected to Yang Wonder - Ladybug. It's the second phase within the scheme and often associated with red colors, strength, dynamism and creativity - which is almost directly connected to its power of illussion creation.
Trixx is the Kwami of Fire. Using their raw power will result in strong, believable illusions of solid objects, buildings, people all over the world that cannot be easily destroyed or recognized as fake.
Fox's weapon is a flute. It's sturdy, allowing it to serve a similar purpose to cat's stick. It can create little balls of energy to attack the foe with.
The granted power is Illusion. User may create a single illusion of any size (reasonably) that is hard to distiguish from reality and not easy to break.
Additionally, If potion of Evolution (see below) is consumed, It grants the user the ability to turn the energy blasts into fireballs until the user detransforms.
水 Water Wuxing - Peacock - Through their graceful movements, peacock is associated with stillness and cold. It's also representative of wisdom, intelligence and wielding great power that is capable of flooding the lands. It's closely related to Yin - Black Cat with its relation to winter and death of matter due to its position in the scheme (inwards and downwards).
Duusu is the Kwami of water. Usage of teir power without a user will result in a mass derealization and removing the ability to tell what is real or not. It's similar to Trixx's power, however It doesn't create anything and simply affects one's mind.
The weapon is a handfan. The feathers are solid and can be pulled out to be thrown at the enemy. They regenerate when the fan is closed.
Peacock's power is Concealment. The user is able to trick the foe's mind regarding their location, position or attacks. It's like an illusion, but from the inside.
If potion of Evolution (see below) is consumed, the user can create water attacks or control nearby sources.
木 Wood Wuxing - Butterfly - While the name might not speak to you at first, Wood element is a lesser character of Yang. It's often associated with strength, cooperation and generosity, which aligns well with the Wonder's power - lending strength to others. Additonally, in Chinese medicince it can be connected to feelings of both anger and patience - resilence in achieving one's goal.
Nooroo is the Kwami of Wood. Using their raw power will result in mass mind-control of people, turning them into loyal followers - specifically targetting those influenced by intense emotions.
User's weapon is a ribbon wand. The length of the wand itself depends on the user's preference - it can be a small handle or a full cane. The ribbon is extendable.
Butterfly's power is Transmission. The user is able to transfer a part of their strength to person of their choice whereas It's important that the person is feeling an intense emotion: whether positive or negative.
If potion of Evolution (see below) is consumed, the user is able to extend their own power (OR the person they've used Transmission on power) by taking up various attributes of different wood types. For example, they can become as sturdy as bamboo or as flexible as Ash.
金 Metal Wuxing - Turtle - Hard and resilent, patient and strong - those are attriubtes of the Turtle. It's representant of wiseness, self-reliance and transformation. The emotions connected to Metal Wuxing are grief and courage.
Wayzz is the Kwami of Metal. Using the power without a user will result in very durable shield elements or straight up shields being created in the nearest proximity
User's weapon is a shield. The size can vary.
Turtle's power is Construction - to create a hexagonal construction of extreme durability which is usually meant to serve as a shield. It can be either a bubble, a wall or a box.
If potion of Evolution (see below) is consumed, it allows the user to create smaller, less durable metal shields or items, but at the same time allow them to bend them however they want even after creation.
土 Earth Wuxing - Bee - Deeply connected to the plants and life on earth, Earth Wonder balances between both Yin and Yang. It doesn't create nor does it destroy. It keeps a perfect balance as all things should be and helps life thrive. The attributes are hard-work, throughfulness, stability, but also stubborness, ambition and worry. Additionally, It's not connected to any specific season - instead, It's almost representant of the period where seasons change.
Pollen is the Kwami of Earth. Using the power without a user will result in paralyzation of many many people in the nearby radius.
User's weapon is a spinning top/spinner. It's very similar to Ladybug's yoyo
Bee's power is Subjection. It paralyzes the person touched by it until the user detransforms. If the spinner is present, the user can use it to apply te venom directly. If the spinner is not nearby, one can use their hand to apply it.
If potion of Evolution (see below) is consumed, the user can fertelize the ground below them and allow supportive plants to sprout to help them in defensive position. Will only work when person is on the ground.
Wonders kept within the Zodiac box weren't directly connected to any aspect of life, but still provided great support to the other Wonders. Their powers were very utility-based and provided assistance in ways that secondary or balancing wonders couldn't. Worth noting, the Chinese Zodiac was created by using the Wonders as a blueprint, as a way to honor them despite not being as groundbreakingly powerful as those from the Motherbox.
Curretly, there is only one Zodiac Wonder left - The Rabbit Wonder. As to why it survived, I cannot tell due to spoilers, but It wil be revealed eventually.
☁ Rabbit Wonder - The only known surviving Zodiac Wonder, its whereabouts are currently unknown.
Rabbit's Kwami is Tuzin
The user's weapon is an umbrella.
Rabbit's power is Burrow. It allows the user to create portals wherever, jump into them and jump out on the other side. It can be used to transport people, items or just move quickly.
Many of the properties that Zodiac Wonders once provided can be artificially replicated by the use of potions and extracts. Only the skilled Guardians are able to do so and effects will not be as strong as the original artifact provided, but they can still be of use. Examples of the concept will be listed below.
▲ Jubiliation - Once the power of Pig Wonder, now can serve as an essence with calming and un-stressing effects. Master Fu uses it quite often. ▲ Evolution - Dragon's power was once able to use three out of 5 elements of Wuxing. Now, the replication extract may allow the Wuxing wonders' users to use that element in a fight as additional skill/ability. ▲ Elation - Tiger's power that provided the user with ability to gather and release a massive blast/punch of energy. Consumption of the potion will allow the Wonder user to do the same one time - similarly to their "main" power" which will not initiate the countdown to detransofrmation nor will it exhaust the kwami. ▲ Determination - Once the snake's power to give the heroes more time to defeat the foe. Now using a dose of the extract will reset the countdown. ▲ Pretension - Similarly to Jubilation power, Rooster essense can improve your focus on execution of a skill, even outside of the fight. (ex. studying. sewing, playing the piano)
Other potions I didn't think of yet nor can I really think of any use
✦ Additional notes:
Motherbox Wonders are indestructible, literally. The only thing that can possibly damage or remove them completely is their very own power. The obvious example would be Black Cat's Cataclysm and you're completely correct, but a Kwami would be able to destroy it on their own or other holders (Getting a little creative here: ex. If the Turtle user was to crush one of the Wonders, they'd likely successfully damage it.
However, just attempting to destroy it (usually in disguse form) can often trigger a defense mechanism. It heavily depends on the type of Wonder, but It usually ranges from blinding flash of light to illusion of destruction where It pulls itself apart before putting itself back together once the user calls for it.
Most cases of Kwami using their powers without a user need to be fixed with the purifying spell of Ladybug.
I might update this post If I ever think of something new :)
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mymiraclebox · 6 months
Miracle Boxes - The True Generation
These are the second iteration of the Miracle Boxes, and the generation that lasted the longest, stretching out for several thousand years. The Miraculouses within these boxes are very similar to the generation before, save for many kwamis of the Mage Box being divided out among the other boxes of the world, and the Mage Box being hidden away as the Secret Box.
During this time kwamis were free to chose their own holders, and spent more time out in the world than in their Miracle Boxes. Guardians were protectors of kwamis in their dormant state, but were not wardens of them. Kwamis would often travel far from their boxes and across the world, acting as protectors where they felt they were needed.
Secret Box - Hidden Panda Crow Unicorn
Successor Box - Central Asia Ladybug Black Cat Qilin Frog Bee Butterfly Fox Peacock Swan Turtle
Island Box - Oceania Wolf Platypus Pterosaur Tuatara Binturong Blackbuck Coral Kangaroo Komodo Thylacine
Zodiac Box - East Asia Dragon Cobra Rabbit Dog Goat Horse Monkey Mouse Ox Pig Rooster Tiger
Perennial Box - North America Thunderbird Bear Beaver Cougar Deer Goose Otter Owl Rattlesnake Raven Salmon Woodpecker
Central Box - Central America Firefly Raccoon Feathered Serpent Spider Axolotl Bison Coyote Eagle Falcon Parrot Shark
Tropical Box - South America Grim Snail Crocodile Dolphin Flamingo Jaguar Jellyfish Llama Locust Moth
Jungle Box - Southern Africa Dinosaur Penguin Elephant Gorilla Okapi Jackal Ray Rhinoceros Squirrel Zebra
Desert Box - Northern Africa Griffin Dragonfly Camel Chameleon Cheetah Giraffe Hippopotamus Hyena Ostrich Secretarybird
Constellation Box - Southern Europe Kelpie Aurochs Ant Crab Dove Gecko Hedgehog Ibex Lion Mouflon Scorpion Seahorse
Arctic Box - Northern Europe Phoenix Lynx Moose Narwhal Octopus Polar Bear Seal Sheep Stoat Wolverine
Mountain Box - South Asia Yeti Red Panda Bat Elk Pangolin Quail Scarab Snow Leopard Tortoise Vulture
The True Generation came to an end with the start of the Miraculous War, with the rise of what became known as the Order of the Guardians.
The Mage Generation of Miracle Boxes
The Order Generation of Miracle Boxes [TBA]
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zoe-oneesama · 1 year
I know it's not really the right chapter for me to be asking this but:
I get you keeping a third of the secondary heroes since their powers really click with the personalities, but what made you decide to keep Max as the horse and change everybody else? I feel like out of the ones you kept he's the one that fits the least-
To start, I assigned Max the Horse Miraculous back before I was planning on having all the Miraculouses in the field. At that point, the only "extras" beyond the main 5 I was going to have were Luka/Viperion, Kagami/Ryuko, and Max/Pegasus.
This three way kwami swap wouldn't really work, because the Snake was pivotal in defeating Desperada, which as an akuma after Jagged Stone and guitarists, it made the most sense for the center character to be Luka. While other Miraculouses could've finished off Ikari Gozen, I knew it had to be Kagami's debut episode, and I knew Max would be the hero in "Robostus" to deal with Markov. While Kagami probably could've used the horse (since Marigold had Venom to stop Ikari Gozen), I had a set way for Max to deal with Markov as Pegasus, so everything just slid into the three keeping their Miraculouses.
Maybe I could've thought a little longer to make it work, but at the time, the idea of Kagami and Max having a kwami swap never even crossed my mind, and if it did, I probably would've dismissed it because then it would've left Luka as the only one not to swap (besides Adrien). Personally, I would've felt off balanced. I especially didn't even consider swapping out the Snake, Dragon, or Horse for one of the zodiacs that, at the time, I had no intention of using. Idk why but it's like a wall was there preventing me from even thinking in that direction.
By the time I decided to add the rest of the zodiac, I had JUST FINISHED "ROBOSTUS". So kinda too little too late lol.
I'm not sure what Miraculous I'd give him if I had absolute free range. Maybe the snake, ignoring how essential it was in "Desperada". "StarTrain" did try to imply that the user of the Horse Miraculous needed a good grasp on geography, which is "why" it's suited for someone smart like Max:
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But then it also implied that Max messed it up lol.
I think they kinda dropped that idea once other people started using it (like, how would Monarch even know the exact longitude and latitude of his akuma victims to use Voyage to teleport his akumas?).
I do kinda want to draw the Kept Their Canon Miraculous Club kids in each other's Miraculouses though. That is a six way kwami swap (seven if I add in poor Alix).
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redtippedfox · 7 months
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All characters in this AU are aged up and adults
Well we can all guess who won the Poll! Here’s the new version of Celine Titania! I cleaned her up a bit and now she’s all ready to go! Now Celine Titania looks immobile and vulnerable but she isn’t, in fact she has more knives and sharp objects to stab you with than Titania does.
Also she has sharp long nails so be very careful when trying to attack, she can fight back. Just like Titania’s and Bleu Celines dress her bottom part can be torn off for combat. She can strangle you with her see through shawl and her shoes hurt when kicked with. She always has her fan covering her mouth as she speaks to her senticreatures or her champions, it also hides the mouth that knows all secrets of the future.
Also her roses are definitely a symbolism.
I’m gonna be honest, this was a small doodle that turned into something really pretty, I was a bit upset that Celine Titania’s original design had no Chinese aspect to it because I could never figure out how to design something that added both parts of both Miraculouses. But I took OG Celine Titania’s colors and mixed it with this doodle. I really like it and am FINALLY satisfied with it.
Not all Miraculous designs are going to be Chinese themed unless they are unified with the peacock and butterfly and we will definitely be seeing more main seven unifications since I’ve decided that those should just be the main Miraculouses Marinette uses instead of using the Chinese zodiac ones(Because we still have the power ups and that just is too much designing man). Don’t worry the rabbit, mouse, dragon, and snake will be seen and used but only those ones.
Anyway I’m home for Christmas break so chapter 4 will be updated soon!
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