#zodiac jules
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marimuntanya · 10 months ago
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literaryvein-reblogs · 7 months ago
Image Prompts for the Signs
Aries / Taurus / Gemini
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Cancer / Leo / Virgo
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Libra / Scorpio / Sagittarius
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Capricorn / Aquarius / Pisces
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Jules Joseph Lefebvre (French, 1836–1911)
If this prompt inspires you in any way, please tag me, or leave a link in the replies. I would love to read your work!
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coastaldog · 7 months ago
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Jules ✨
I commissioned a friend to design me a dragon fursona years ago and then never did much with him due to mental illness issues but I’ve been developing him again and making more dragon characters recently :3
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blueopinions49 · 2 years ago
(Mis)Understanding Type 4 PT 2
This is a Rant/Informative post on how people misunderstand enneagram 4.  I would suggest checking enneagrammers type 4 section cuz its well written and its probably one of the best ways to clear allot of misunderstanding plus I'll be referencing it allot...like allot. ill go over some common mistypings ive seen around as well as misconceptions and certain nuances people often ignore. 
Every type is and wants to be special its not limited to E4. 
“4’s don’t want to be separate, they’re coming from a place of already being so. 4's are unaware of how to modulate themselves to anything if it contradicts their inner experience.” This often leads for people to not understand how type 4s work and end up mistyping others due to certain believe that wanting to be unique and special is SOLELY a type 4 trait. All enneatypes want to be special and stand out in their own way. Especially when it comes to attachment types because “Often the attachment types get stuck to the idea of being a 4 because they are dealing with a type structure that consciously fighting against the unconscious urge to actually be in sync with others.”
Some Misconceptions 
“Being candid about traumatic experiences (this can be anyone, but less likely a withdrawn type)
Self-deprecation (this is seen most often in 6's and 9's especially if there's 4 in the trifix, also 7w6)
Being artistic (any type can be artistic, 4's just have a specific aesthetic expression need that's tied into their type structure)
Being depressed (depression and/or sadness are emotions/conditions that can be experienced by all types, even bright 7's, and many 4's are not depressed at all)
Being moody/dramatic (4's do tend to be reactive and moody, but so do 6's and 7w8’s)
Being unique or weird (4's individuate constantly, but any type can do unique and strange things, ex. Lady GaGa is a 7, Björk is a 9)
Being overly emotional (all types have emotions, not all types identify with them, but type 6 as the most outwardly emotional type in some cases)
Enduring pain on the inside and having to smile on the outside (this is highly 9ish and not ever 4ish)
Feeling detached from mainstream things (this is true of 4, but any type can be sardonic and biting about "basic" people or mainstream things, type 6 for example can either be the one doing what everyone else is doing or the one who's sarcastically speaking out against it)
Fearing being flawed (4’s feel that the world is shallow and flawed and they are too deep for it, this creates a frustration and fantasy around their superior self-image)”
All of this is taken from the enneagrammers section on enneagram 4 link below. 
Mistyping 4s 
 When it comes to 3s- Two common mistyping when it comes to attachment types are Pearl (ESFP 3w2 so/sx) and Asuka Langley Soryu (ENTJ 3w4 so/sx) Being typed as  4w3 sx/so. Due to their need to stand out HOWEVER their need to stand out and be their BEST SELF Pearl being a Star who is seen as great and love by the public while Asuka being the best EVA Pilot and proving her competency. While a sx 4 would present an image of brokenness and sadness look at Prince Zuko for example (ISFP 4w3 sx/sp) he presents an Image of brokenness and constantly over indulges in anger and melancholy. Also Pearl and Asuka a wtihdrawn type...no. Both of these two are way too expressive to be 4s. Also very clear attachment types. In Asuka’s case we see she searches for love in being the best Eva pilot and creating interpersonal relationships in school while Pearl does this through status and becoming a Star.
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When it Comes to 6s- a common mistyping I see its Mitski (INFP 6w5 sp/sx) Due to the self preservation 6 being on the most reserved side of things and both can complain allot due to both being in the reactive triad however when it comes to separating and differentiating these types is that a 6 is still craving connection (due to being an attachment type) and 4s are a rejection type while sure they want to make connection they might negate it all together. Also 6s are incredibly interested In problem solving and are interested in dissecting an issue while 4s dont really care about problem solving “However, 6's will still display a need for acceptance, a fear of being cast away, and they will emphasize how different/problematic they are as if it's a problem/danger to be put on the table right away. Even when 6's are at their most negative, they still tend to be funny and likeable.”
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When it comes to 7- I typed Jules Vaugh as a 4 in my ENFP characters post and I might go back on that however for a very clear mistyping of a 7 as a 4 is Laurie “Theodore” Lawrence from little woman 2019. In my opinion Laurie is a ISFP 7w6 sx/so rathe than a sp 4w5. The differences between 4 and 7 are a bit more notable even tho both of them are frustration types. 7s tend to be highly positive individuals who are constantly looking for good expiernces and understanding of the world. 4s on the other hadn't complain about what they don't have and focuses on the negative aspects more. 4s are withdrawn types while 7s are positive types. I just dont get how Laurie is a 4 im sorry. I thought his journey was very clear that Amy pushed him to integrate to his 1 while he was wasting his life and talents. it
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 Comes to 9s- This is probably the most continuous out of the previous type you'll notice that most 4s in media are probably mistyped 9s (I myself mistyped Amanda Young From the Saw Franchise as a 4w3 when it makes more sense for her to be a 9w8 sx/sp) But the most common mistypings ive seen in this case is Wanda Maximoff (INFP 9w8 sx/sp) and Camille Preaker (INFP 9w8 sx/sp) Mostly you'll see them typed as 4w5 sp/sx or sx/sp in Wanda’s Case. 4s tend to hate masking their disdain for things and others while 9s tend to present a more calm exterior. In the case of Camille and Wanda both Sx 9s they care about interpersonal relationships and dont have the boundry in interpersonal relationship 4s have. They see themselves as specially unique in comparison to orders. Due to being in the gut type 9s are prone to anger and tend to struggle with this. A thing we see with Wand and Camille struggle with. Both of them go into a haze of sort when it comes to dealing with problem rather than dealing with them like��any assertive type like 4 would. Also it's very clear that both of them are attachment types not frustration types. 
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There are some other mistyping such as 8 vs 4 but I just think that’s plain misunderstanding.
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vonlipvig · 11 months ago
i'm a nerd who loves puzzles and escape rooms of course i love taylor swift
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proxylynn · 1 year ago
Every birthday I could find for every visual novel character I play on this blog (and the other game characters too)
[Okay, so this is every character's B-Day that pops up here. If I couldn't find it, it's hidden really deep. To make this clear, I'll post them in by series. If there's any I missed, please, tell me about it so I can add them.]
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Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack:
Sunny Day Jack - June 15th, 1958 (Gemini) Ian Duff - March 3rd, 1997 (Pisces) Nicholas “Nick” Herrera - January 18th, 1997 (Capricorn) Shaun Durand-Cofer - October 7th, 1997 (Libra) Barry - ???? ("That’s it. He’s just your manager!")
The Groom of Gallagher Mansion:
Elias Declan Gallagher - April 19th (Aries-Taurus (cusp)) Taylor Anthony Potts - August 24th (Virgo)
Bo - ???? Simoun - ????
Br<3ken Colors:
Ace - ???? Angel - ???? Catherine - ???? Delivery Guy/DG - October 31, Scorpio, Chinese zodiac: Rabbit Diana - ???? Gunther - ???? Janne - ???? Jester - ???? Leevi - ???? (Cancer) Mike - ???? Milla - ???? Mimic/Mic - ???? Pearl - ???? Rasmus - August 13, Leo, Chinese zodiac: Ox Richie - ???? Salvador/Sal - ???? Shadowman - ???? Skye - ???? Stalker (Damon) - January 6, Capricorn, chinese zodiac: Rooster Venni - ????
Malachy Doe/Mal - January 1st "Antichrist" - ???? [There are two more characters but they left the project when things went south, so I won't be including them despite having the info]
John Doe - November 35th
Tate Frost - April 28th Vic - ????
House Hunted:
Maison: ???? (planted in the 60s) Heim: ???? Mayor's Assistant (Ivy) - ????
14 Days With You:
[REDACTED]/Ren - February 14th (Aquarius) Moth - January 2 (Capricorn) Violet Gacia - June 10 (Gemini) Elanor Creston - July 5 (Cancer) Conan O'Rourke - August 27 (Virgo) Jae-Hyun Kim: September 28 (Libra) Leon Davis - November 30 (Sagittarius) Teodore Alvarado - July 29 (Leo) Olivia Dhawan - ????
Angry Boy Pedro and His Friend:
Pedro - ???? (He does not like to remember his birthday or his childhood in general but they plan to tell his birthday in the game)
My Dear Hatchet Man:
Alan Orion - January 14 Stuart Cassidy/Stu - February 6 Erika Vivián Ramos - May 5 James - August 7 Jules - June 22 Claude - November 11 Carver - ???? (doesn't remember his birthday, so he made his birthday December 15) Stitches - April 4th
Lurking for Love:
Jacob Alden: October 26 Austin Lepley - ????
Apples to Ashes:
Douglas Owens - September 20th Xamira Othman - ????
Your Dearest Boyfriend:
Victor A. Anderson - ???? Lizzy - ???? TK - ????
See Thru: Need a Friend?:
[unkown]/Friend - May 10th Z - ???? Carter - ???? Diane - ????
Liu - ???? Dr. Fischer - ???? Nurse Sara Evans - ????
A Double Sided Mirror:
Charlie - April 8th Charles - ???? (possibly Mother's Day) Cameron - ???? Lein - ???? Jeremy - ???? Stella - ???? Jacob - ???? Lucy - ????
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wintfleur · 11 months ago
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au masterlist - everything for the AU is under #🍂 ͡ ꒱ Juliette Leclerc
ꪆ୧ BASICS .ᐟ
name: Juliette Celeste Leclerc 
Julie (everyone) 
Lettie (family and close friends) 
jules (everyone) 
ette (brothers( 
lilo (her best friends) 
juliebug (mat and quinn) 
birthday and zodiac: November 15th 1999, Scorpio
location: Monte Carlo, Monaco (birthplace, current) 
ꪆ୧ ABOUT  .ᐟ
personality: julie has a complex personality, some say it resembled an onion; you have to pull back the layers before truly understanding her. The media and new people assume that she's cold, and honestly a bitch just because they truly don't know her. But in reality, she's honestly a very sweet person, she is on the quiet side, she's very confident in herself and her beliefs. She is very charming, charismatic, and flirty! When she's around the people she's comfortable with, she can be a little bubbly and giggily (mostly with mat and quinn). She has a very dry humor but it honestly just makes people love her more! Can be very sarcastic at times, is witty 
good traits: determined, loyal, hard-working, honest and loyal, protective of her family and friends, trustful, doesn't take shit from anyone 
bad traits: very self critical, can be too bold, brutal at times, distances herself when she's overwhelmed or emotionally hurt, 
quirks: having a resting bitch face, intense eye contact, spaces out when bored, rolls eyes, smiles sarcastically, 
likes: rain, musicals, going to ballets, trying out new restaurants, ranch life, swimming, buying swimsuits, her yacht, spending time with family, hot tubs, sightseeing, 
dislikes: rude and invasive fans, the paparazzi, stalkers, people who disrespect her family or friends, most f1 media, drive to survive, traffic 
hobbies: singing, running, baking, dancing, riding horses, music, hockey, playing tennis and golf, reading, journaling 
fears: being a failure, dying alone 
strengths: how hard-working she is, she never gives up, confident, tactical and her strategy, how smart and witty she is, her quick thinking 
weaknesses: perfectionism, talking about her feelings, self critical, can have a short fuse at times, 
languages spoken: 100% French, 100% English, 100% Korean, 36% Spanish. 
occupation/profession: f1 driver for redbull, singer, model, actress 
Profession  f1 driver
Team   Red Bull Racing
Debut Australia 2019
Trainer  Gabriel Guerrero
Race engineer   Théo Beaufoy
Manager  Anya DuPont
Assistant  Beatrice Roux
World championships   1 (2022)
Sponsors  Gucci
Hervé Leclerc 
Pascale Leclerc 
Lorenzo Leclerc 
Charles Leclerc 
Arthur Leclerc 
best friends: max verstappen. lando norris, george russell, alex albon, hailee steinfeld, shawn mendes, victoria de angelis, lily rose depp
friends: most of the f1 grid, most of quinn and mat’s teammates, jack and luke hughes, ross lynch, zendaya, tom holland, lewis pullman, and many more 
love interest: Mathew Barzal and Quinn hughes 
pet(s): none yet 
ꪆ୧ MORE .ᐟ
scent: she has a large collection of different fragrances, from brand deals, pr, etc. she prefers aromatic fragrances, so she uses mostly Chanel and Gucci perfumes, her most used one is Chanel number 2, it's one of her signature scents!
outfits: it really depends on what she's doing, if it’s a casual day she likes wearing low waisted jeans, corset vest tops, mini skirts, sweaters, sundresses, it really depends! She loves wearing black, reds, and earth tones! She likes adding fishnets, lace and tights to her outfits, long scarfs, jean or leather jackets, she likes wearing blazers, definitely has an office siren aesthetic! She has a lot of clothes and she's always wanting to try something new, and is definitely known for her fantastic outfits! here's a link to her closet! 
accessories:  she loves accessorizing, she loves anything involving fashion really!! She has a large collection of different types of bags and sunglasses(she loves collecting them), they are definitely her favorite thing + jewelry, to accessorize with. She also has quite a lot of hats, mostly ball caps, beanies and berets. She also really loves utilizing long and thin scarves when she's wearing a short skirt or shorts. She also occasionally will wear a headband, heavily inspired by Blair waldorf. In the colder weather she's almost always rocking ear muffs. She absolutely loves wearing bayonetta glasses, she has so many pairs. Honorable mentions are leg and arm warmers. 
jewelry: she's a silver girl!  She loves rings, she usually has about four on at a time, small ones, chunky ones, one with crystals or gems, any type of rings really.  She loves layering necklaces. She also occasionally wears anklets and waist chains, it really depends on her outfit. With bracelets she wears all different types, charm bracelets, friendship bracelets, cuff bracelets, again it really depends on her outfit. 
makeup: isn't really the biggest fan of makeup, she prefers her bare face! She has her own personal makeup artist who does her makeup for her when she goes to events etc. but when she does do her own makeup, she really only does her eyes and lips! She prefers darker eye makeup, red or nude tones for her lips, sharp eyeliner and highlighter! 
scars: none 
sexuality: bisexual 
Height: 5’7
piercing(s): 1 in each ear, bellybutton
tattoo(s): she has this one on her lower back, and this one on her left arm. She wants to get more! 
face claim: Dua Lipa 
food(s): pasta, sweets, almonds, pomegranates, cherries, steak, macaroons
drink(s): cherry coke, water, redbull, hot chocolate, shirley temples 
color(s): black, reds, earth tones 
animal(s): horses, cats, sloths 
bands and artist: måneskin, rihanna, ciara, lady gaga, gwen stefani, the weekend 
show(s): gossip girl, supernatural, game of thrones, criminal minds 
movie(s): the devil wears prada, scooby doo, mamma mia, lotr, twilight, 
person: her mom and younger brother arthur 
julie was born on a rainy day in monaco, on november 15th, 1999
julie was a very quiet child, her parents worried that she would have trouble making friends so they put her in ballet when she was 5. 
julie was naturally very talented at ballet and she enjoyed it very much
she started karting when she was 6, still also doing ballet
she started equestrian sports when she was 12 and stopped when she was 15. 
julie quit ballet when she was 17, giving karting/driving all her attention. 
she had her debut in in f1, in 2019 for the team mercedes 
It was a fantastic year, she got four wins and 326 points. 
but she left Mercedes after one year, signing with redbull. 
in 2020 she dropped her first single 
she created her youtube channel in 2020, she now has surpassed 10 million followers 
her modeling career started in 2022, and it instantly kicked off, becoming a very successful and sought after model 
ꪆ୧ FUN FACTS  .ᐟ
Juliette drove for Mercedes in her rookie year, she got four wins and 326 points . . . fans of course were not happy that a female was dominating her rookie year, so of course a nasty rumor was created. The rumor that spread like hot fire was that Juliette was having an inappropriate relationship with Toto Wolff.
Which was false, Toto was like a father figure to Juliette but the fans didn’t care, booing her and trending hate for her on Twitter.
Juliette drove for Redbull for the next season, and is still driving for Redbull.
Juliette is known for being one of the most influential drivers on the grid, for the wide range of her career.
Juliette has dropped a few albums, some singles and ep’s, she’s a model, an ambassador for Gucci, and she has a YouTube channel with over 10 million subscribers, where she posts all different kinds of content, she’s walked on runways.
The interviewers love her (besides a few) a lot of fans say she’s like seb with how she has the habit of flirting with the female interviewers.
She is quite the flirt, confident with herself
She’s a party girl, in a club or on a yacht, she loves her parties !!
A lot of people assume she’s a bitch because of her resting face, her confidence and the way she doesn’t take any shit, but she’s genuinely a sweetheart.
Besides Lewis she is the driver that has the most celebrity friends
No one is surviving eye contact with her, in the words of lando “she has a really strong gaze, very alluring — like a siren yeah”
The amount of dating rumors Lando and Juliette have is insane, but they are simply just best friends !!!
She loves swimming, she loves visiting tropical places
Everyone swears she’s a mermaid/siren for her love of the water
She has stated many times that her favorite sport besides f1 is hockey.
She has been seen coming to many hockey games, even having many friends that are hockey players.  (Trevor Zegras, Cole caufield and more)
She loves baking
She owns several houses all over the world
She is a major passenger princess
She hates coffee
She definitely loves going out and partying, but she also loves staying in.
She was such a daddy’s girl
She talks to her mom every single day
She loves and I mean loves running
No matter how hungover she is, she’s always having her morning run.
She loves and I mean loves horses !!
Her dream is to retire, buy her own ranch and just get a ton of horses to take care of and love, maybe her own vineyard.
Her most prized possession is her yacht . . .  That’s crazy to say omg.
She has kept all of her relationships a secret!
She loves doing collaborations
A character she’s most like is Blair waldorf
She’s a very strong woman, but sometimes things really get to her and she just needs space.
She has a bad habit of distancing herself from others when she’s hurt or upset
She’s been to 3 met galas
She will kick anyone’s ass in golf
‘The princess of Monaco’
She is very open about her crush on leighton meester
She’s a switch
She has a great relationship with everyone on the grid !
Her and Pierre have a love hate relationship
She has such a flirty personality, she loves making people flustered.
She’s a fantastic driver, and won’t let anyone tell her different just because she’s a girl.
She has said her grid son is ollie bearman
Yuki loves her sm! They are such a underrated duo
She loves hockey, but she’s a terrible skater
She hates drive to survive, they like to make her and max look like the villain.
She secretly can’t stand one driver on the grid.
She loves sleep sm
She’s genuinely such a family girl
She was the troublemaker of her family
She hates cold feet
Her brother’s friends have always had a crush on her and she loved teasing them about it.
She keeps her music taste a secret from the public
Lewis will always have her back no matter what, she’s his grid kid.
The public goes crazy for post race Juliette
She loves her team, she’s extremely close to all of them !!
She alternates from black to red hair a lot, but her hair is very healthy !!!
Doesn’t go anywhere without a pair of sunglasses
Macaroons are the way to her heart
A lot of people get surprised by how friendly she is
She loves game of thrones
She is not a lightweight
Is a really good dancer !! Did ballet for a long time
Low waisted pants are her best friend.
The only one who can rock Jorts
Always has red or black nails
She’s a silver girly
her instagram is @/JulietteLeclerc
Has a private Instagram ‘@/lettiesworld’
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°. — taglist ( @cixrosie @toasttt11 @lovings4turn )
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( so this is the introduction to juliette !! I really hope you guys like her, omg I’m so excited for this AU !!! I didn’t mention Mat and Quinn because they will have their own profile !!! Oh I’m so excited, please let me know what you guys think !!! )
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phelia · 6 months ago
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S had a dream, so when they could not fulfill it, they did the impossible for it. but don’t you dare ask them how they got there… unless you want to die. remember, the end justifies the means.
age: 25
zodiac sign: gemini [06/18]
mbti: intp.
likes: the stars and space.
dislikes: people, the beach.
comes from: Florida, United States.
if female, Simone has wavy chestnut brown hair, falling to her shoulders. black eyes and a nose piercing.
if male, Simon has short wavy hair above the tip of the ears. black eyes and a nose piercing.
if non-binary, Sage uses their hair on a small bun, but sometimes use in its natural wavy short hair. black eyes and a nose piercing.
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D belonged to one of the biggest bands in the world. after their tragic breakup, D began taking not-so-good decisions along the way, getting a spot in Palm Tree. hope no one realizes who they really are!
age: 30
zodiac sign: pisces [03/07]
mbti: enfj.
likes: music, playing the guitar.
dislikes: screaming fans, stalkers.
comes from: London, England.
if female, Darcy has straight blond hair, just below the shoulders. luminous blue eyes, freckles on the nose. lip piercing.
if male, Daniel has a middle-part hairstyle, short to the tip of the ears. magnetic blue eyes, and freckles on the nose. lip piercing.
if non-binary, Dee has short straight hair above the shoulders. striking blue eyes and freckles on the nose. lip piercing.
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M is someone everyone should be scared of. no one really knows what they have done to end up there, but they do know they shouldn’t mess with them… until the escape plan comes to life.
age: 28
zodiac sign: virgo [09/14]
mbti: intj.
likes: football, cats.
dislikes: people who call football “soccer”.
comes from: Buenos Aires, Argentina.
if female, Merlina has black curly hair, falling through her back to the waist, but she always uses it in a long ponytail. big brown eyes, with long lashes, and round red lips.
if male, Miguel has medium-long curly hair, falling to the shoulders, but he always uses it in a ponytail. big brown eyes, and a charming smile.
if non-binary, Mal has pretty long curly hair, falling a few inches after the shoulders, but they always use it in a pony tail. big brown eyes, round lips, and marked dimples.
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F always claims that they are in for something they didn’t commit. but after years of being locked up, no one believes them… and sometimes, F doesn’t even believe they are innocent either.
age: 26
zodiac sign: libra [10/02]
mbti: infp.
likes: puppies, and romance novels.
dislikes: people who claim they are guilty.
comes from: Seattle, United States.
if female, Fawn has wavy ginger hair, falling just below her shoulders. with a freckled face, passionate green eyes, and gentle smile.
if male, Felix has very short military haircut (used to be a curly ginger). with a freckled face, lustful green eyes, and a kind smile.
if non-binary, Fall has a bob haircut accompanied with a blue ribbon. with a freckled face, greedy green eyes, and a tender smile.
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Officer Rodriguez loves you. and he can’t hide it even if he thinks he does. he is hopelessly in love and he would do anything… although that might cost him his job.
age: 32
zodiac sign: taurus [05/15]
mbti: enfj.
likes: MC.
dislikes: lies.
comes from: New Mexico, United States.
you don’t know Officer Rodriguez’s name. but he always looks the same. tanned and strong body, enchanting hazel eyes, and an enamored smile.
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snowseasonmademe · 2 months ago
I wanna know is who is your ultimate celeb husband because it seems like you have a lot of sides and not a main one😂
this is a great question :) let’s break everyone into boyfriends and husbands and then pick the top one for each.
everyone is starting at a 20/20 bc they all meet the base requirements for each category
the points given and taken are based off of vibes, zodiac signs, their looks, and what i know of them and their personalities.
enjoy ;)
husbands (requirements: be 12+ years older than me, be fine, be from any other country than the u.s., be black, have tattoos)
lewis 🥇 (39/20) - im gonna be extremely nice and disregard the dog video i just saw. +5 points for the tats .and he’s hot for a shorty so +1 for that. very good style +3. +2 bc he’s an earth sign but -1 cause cap men are just horrible. but +3 for his accent (it’s questionable sometimes, he may or may not be american sometimes idk). he’s the goat so +6.
damson (35/ 20) - phenomenal actor +5. sexy ass accent +3. funny +2. +2 points for having good music taste. +3 points bc he’s a fellow earth sign.
skepta (18/20) - okay so he’s a rapper and lord knows they aren’t faithful so automatic -12 for that. adding back +3 for the tats. he’s my favorite uk rapper so +4 for that. great style +2 more. i also really like his voice to +1.
virgil (14/20) - yall know a love a water sign but he’s had a history of infidelity so the water sign points cancel out. so -12 for that. but +3 for the tats. the marriage and kids ruin my daydreams so -3 more for that. very great player/captain so +4. +2 bc he has a fine pair of legs in him.
boyfriends (requirements: be 2-5 years older than me, be fine, be an athlete)
aurélien🥇 (43/20) - my first french boyfriend. +4 for being the first in addition to the +5 for being french. body is *chef’s fucking kiss* delectable +5. is the oldest +2. loves american more than i do +1. can play the piano +1. -1 bc his style is a bit off sometimes. adding the 2 back for having a good dog (that he doesn’t eat off of). family man +4.
jude (41/20) - my first ever soccer bf +5. godly body +3. i like his accent +3. carries his team +4. gives us content +1. momma’s boy -2 (no shade but that usually doesn’t end well). on that same notes, family man +3. cancer +2. likes to kiss and hug +2 lol.
jules (36/20) - my second french boyfriend. +5 for being french. +3 for his perfect chest. +4 for the impeccable style. his nose is really cute so +1 for that. pretty eyes +2. actually gives us content +1.
ibou (34/20) - most recent addition to my french bfs. +5 for being french. i love his teeth +3. juicy legs +4. funny +2. serious about his faith and i think it’s really cute +1. gemini tax -1.
klay (31/20) - although he is 15 years older than me he didn’t have tats so he’s here and not there. also he just doesn’t give me husband, yk? my favorite basketball player of all time +5. funny +3. can be an air head sometimes -1. but weirdly smart +2. thinks aquarius is a water sign -1. can drive a boat +3.
levi (30/20) - has tats +3. sassy -2. always gives boyfriend unintentionally all the time +4. i like his accent +3. (i think i need to watch more chelsea games y’all bc i feel like i should have more for him). his name is absolutely top tier +2. (100% moanable)
note: this took me absolutely way to damn long omggg. but let me say i didn’t expect lewis to win the husbands honestly, i thought it would be damson. and i didn’t think levi would rank so low. i need to get more into him fr. let me know where i should take away or add any points and feel free to do this in the comments or on your blogs with your husbands and boyfriends 💋.
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anqelified · 7 months ago
⠀ ⠀ ♰ ㅤ⠀ ⠀( 줄리엣⠀ ) ...
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★ — &. ABOUT ›   
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ birth name: Lee Jae-Hwa ( 이재화 )
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ english name: Juliette Lee ( 이줄리엣 )
name meaning: The name Juliette is a girl's name of French origin meaning "little Julia". The name Juliette is derived from the classic name Juliet. The name Juliet is thought to be a form of the name Julius, which was a Roman family name.
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ nicknames: juliet ( everyone ), julie + jae ( close friends + nct ), hwa ( family + dreamies ), irl angel + sm’s angel + girlfriend ( fans ), korea’s little sister ( fans + korean public )
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ date of birth: October 31st, 2001 ( aged 23 )
zodiac sign: Scorpio
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ place of birth: Seoul, South Korea
hometown: Beverly Hills, California, U.S.A
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ nationality: Korean-American
ethnicity: Korean
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ physical details:
height: 5'7" (170cm )
weight: 97lbs (44kg )
blood type: A
hair color: brown - black - blonde
eye color: brown
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ gender & sexuality:
cisgender female - she/her
sexual orientation: not labeled
relationship status: not disclosed
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ languages: Korean ( 100% - Seoul Dialect ), English ( 95% - American ), Japanese ( 90% ), Mandarin ( 90% )
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ claims:
facial claim: lee chaein ( purple kiss ), shin yuna ( itzy ), other female idols/celebrities
speaking claim: park jiwon ( fromis_9 - Korean & English ), minatozaki sana ( twice - Japanese ), ning yizhuo ( æspa - Mandarin )
vocal claim: park jiwon ( fromis_9 ), ning yizhuo ( æspa )
rapping claim: park sooyoung ( red velvet )
dance claim: kang seulgi ( red velvet ), kim chungha
acting claim: kim hyeyoon, roh jeongeui
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★ — &. CAREER ›   
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ stage name: Juliette ( Jule-ee-ett )
backstory: she chose Juliette as her stage name since it is her English name. though many people pointed out it was also a SHINee song and eventually called her the Juliette.
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ agency: SM Entertainment ( 2012 - Present )
training period: 4 years~
idol debut date: August 25th, 2016
idol debut age: 15
acting debut age: 18
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ representative color: licorice ( #1B1212 )
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ representative emoji: 🐈‍⬛ / 🕷️
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ fandom name: capulets — in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Juliet was born into the House of Capulet. Given that her fandom would be her “home”, Capulets was eventually brought up to lean in the Shakespearian concept— as a solo artist.
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ known for: being sm’s angel, korea’s little sister, shinee’s juliette, being an all-rounder idol, having too many friends 🥲, her halloween birthday and sm’s halloween party, wildin’ after turning 18/21, always with the dreamies or aespa, high-pitched laugh, an idol-butterfly or social butterfly, always yapping 24/7, granddaughter of the ▇▇▇▇ company, being a supposed chaebol, being a flirtatious person in general, love octagon between the dreamies
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ signature:
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★ — &. PERSONAL ›   
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ mbti: ENTJ ( Commander ) — a personality type with the Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging traits. they are decisive people who love momentum and accomplishment. they gather information to construct their creative visions but rarely hesitate for long before acting on them.
strengths: efficient, energetic, self-confident, strong-willed, strategic thinkers, charismatic and inspiring
weaknesses: stubborn, dominant, intolerant, impatient, arrogant, poor handling of emotions, cold and ruthless
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ likes: white noise, rain falling on the window, choreographing, non-scheduled days, classical music, indie games, the persona franchise, affection, handholding, her bf(s), karaoke, anime— kimi ni todoke, nana, a slient voice—, true crime . . .
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ dislikes: loud noises, super crowded environments, affection, feeling weak/overworked, mentions of her family, thunderstorms, horror games, anything creepypasta, racism & xenophobia, the dark . . .
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ phobias: atychiphobia ( fear of failure ), nosocomephobia ( fear of hospitals ), nyctophobia ( fear of the dark ), tonitrophobia ( fear of thunder ), lockiophobia ( fear of childbirth )
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ favorites:
colors: white, light pink & black
season: winter
animals: penguins, arctic foxes
number: 0
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ immediate family: born into a rich and busy household, juliette had barely any time to spend with her parents and was sent to the united states early on with her aunt. although she did develop a resentment towards her parents, they support her from the sidelines. though she has a sibling, she doesn’t speak to him most of the time or rarely sees him due to her work and his position in the family business. barely any family photos are shown by the idol, which is the most secretive part about her.
father: kang sanghoon — born 1970 ( aged 54 ) in busan, south korea. works under the ▇▇▇▇ branch.
mother: lee naeun — born 1972 ( aged 52 ) in gwangju, south korea. works as the ▇▇▇▇ vice president.
brother: lee joo-won — born 1999 ( aged 25 ) in busan, south korea.
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satureja13 · 2 years ago
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Underwater Love 🔱
A dramedy - and slices of life from the Boys. About music and magic, friendship and love.
Follow them 🧭 to wacky places 🧭 going on dramatic adventures   and 🧭 having weird encounters
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Chapters: 1-6 📔 7-12 📔 13-16 📔 17-22 📔 23-29
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The Boys
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Saiwa 🔸 Kiyoshi 🔸 Vlad 🔸 Jeb 🔸 Ji Ho 🔸 Jack
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🪷 Heights and Zodiac 🪷 Group Dynamics 🪷 Roles (below the cut in the linked post)
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🗂️ The Resistance 🗂️ The Council
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In chronological order: 🫛 Saiwa and Jack 🫛 Vlad and Jack 🫛 Saiwa and Vlad 🫛 Kiyoshi and Jeb 🫛 Saiwa and Ji Ho 🫛 Ji Ho and Jack 🫛 Ji Ho and Jeb 🫛 Ji Ho and Kiyoshi 🫛 Vlad and Kiyoshi 🫛 Vlad and Jeb 🫛 Saiwa and Kiyoshi 🫛 Jack and Jeb
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(not updated yet) ❤️‍🔥 Ji Ho and Vlad (and Luci) ❤️‍🔥 Saiwa and Jeb ❤️‍🔥 Jack and Kiyoshi ❤️‍🔥 Noxee and Greg ❤️‍🔥 Leander and Wesley (and Vlad) ❤️‍🔥 Francine Spencer (Jeb's Grandmother) and Jules Rico
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The Stables - a spin off about their Horses (and Goats)
There are stories woven around how the Boys found their horses: 🐎 Kiri and Kiyoshi 🐎 Diablo and Vlad 🐎 Yang Mal and Ji Ho 🐎 Lunatic and Jack 🐎 Tyalindo and Saiwa 🐎 Valerian and Jeb
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Old Chapter list Old Loose Collections
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All our other stories below the cut
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(all my stories are without poses, cc, mods and proper english Ö.ö)
chronological  -   The Family Business   - latest saving sims, hunting things. The Callahans. chronological  -   Lost in Space   - latest alien cat lenny’s only joy is his vacuum bot, but it vanished in a malfunctioning transporter...
chronological  -   Zombie Detective   - latest a zombie wakes up in a pile of trash and shuffles back to humanity
chronological  -   Rosa’s Garden   - latest Grandmother asks Rosa to look after the haunted family farm
chronological-   The Gang Doctor   - latest a doctor treating gang members to pay the treatment for his chronical ill sister
chronological  -   Owen’s Farm   - latest the daily life at a moisture farm - with droids!
chronological  -   Sixam Away Team   - latest  the team on their search for lost crew members in the jungle of selvadorada
chronological  -   Love hurts   - latest teen werewolf logan loves his boss, the vampire giga, but...
chronological  -   Strangerville   - latest dutiful soldier kang and the warily trailerpark goofer gianna are investigating the strange things happening in strangerville
chronological  -   Bacalao Bay   - latest the pirates of bacalao bay
chronolocical  -  Meteorite Crash Scene  - latest the sixam away team examines a meteorite crash at granite falls
chronological  -   Magic Realm  - latest about my magical sims
chronological  -   Underwater Love   - latest Dreams of a Mermaid. Ji Ho’s dream of him, Vlad, Jack and Giga as Teenagers.
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mazeofyeni · 8 months ago
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╰ ︰ ( JULES MASTERLIST ) ─── ❛ get to know all about enhypen’s only girl member julianna hayashi † go back to main menu ?! ~ 💋
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─── 𓏵ྀིྀི 𓈒 𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎 💒 𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐇𝐄 ?
BIRTH NAME: juliana hayashi
NICKNAMES: jules, anna, julie, annie
BIRTHDAY: september 14, 2004
BIRTH PLACE: beverly hills , california
FAMILY: hayashi ali ( mother ), hayashi riku ( father ), hayashi arata ( older brother ), hayashi aiko ( older sister ), quinn hayashi ( younger sister )
LANGUAGES SPOKEN : english ( fluent ), japanese ( fluent ), korean ( fluent )
♡⃝ 𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ... ❤︎ ྀི ݁𓂅˚۪
HEIGHT: 170cm ( 5'8" )
FACE CLAIM: rei ( ive )
VOICE CLAIM: rei ( ive )
DANCE CLAIM: iroh ( illit )
RAP CLAIM: rei ( ive )
PIERCINGS lobe , upper lobe, industrial
TATTOOS pink flowers ( left shoulder — her favorite flowers ), purple star ( middle finger — matching with her sister )
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✦ׄ ⸝⸝ 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘. ₊ 🍒 ᤺ . . .
MBTI : infj
MBTI TYPE: a personality type with the introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging traits. they tend to approach life with deep thoughtfulness and imagination. their inner vision, personal values, and a quiet, principled version of humanism guide them in all things.
POSITIVE TRAITS: compassionate, empathetic, logical
NEGATIVE TRAITS: sensitive, reserved, perfectionist
2͟0͟0͟0 : 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘 ¡ 🌘 ▌█
STAGE NAME : jules
AGENCY: be:lift ( 2019 — present )
GROUP : enhypen
DEBUT DATE : november 30, 2020
OCCUPATION(S) : idol, dancer, actor
TRAINING PERIOD: a year and 4 months
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both her parents come from really wealthy families , her dads family owns a bunch of pharmaceutical companies going back to the late 40's and her dad became the heir when she before she was born.
her mothers family owns banks all around east asia, her mother actually met her father when she moved to america to run the us branch of the companies.
both her older brother and sister are pharmacists, she and her younger sister both choose different paths , her sister is in school studying to be a lawyer.
before training to be an idol she was a swimmer , that's where she got the nickname little mermaid , she competed in many competitions including korea and japan.
she quit swimming after she hurt her shoulder after getting in an accident, she was cleared to swim again , but by then she was set on being an idol.
she and her younger sister were the only ones born with western names , because they were both born in america her older siblings were born in japan , growing up she visited japan a lot due to her grandparents still living there.
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vanityrift · 2 months ago
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               UNLOCKING   ELEANOR   "NORY"   MADDOX   ꗃ
₊   ☆   ゚   INCOMING   TEXT:     omg   hv   u   met   ELEANOR   “NORY”   MADDOX   of   the   NARIZA  BOIS   yet   ?   they’re   one   of   the   crew’s   street   racers   n   actually   go   by   HEAVEN.   the   twenty   five   y/o   is   typically   seen   hanging   arnd   nariza  auto.   allegedly   they’re   frm   new  orleans,  la   n   hv   been   w/   the   crew   for   THREE   YEARS.   wtvr.   just   watch   out   for   them,   k   ?   ttyl   !
               OVERVIEW    ꗃ    AESTHETICS.
a  pair  of  headphones  rattling  from  the  volume.  the  wall  between  you  &  yourself.  abundant  arrogance.  an  eat  before  your  are  eaten  mentality.  shaking  hands  as  you  hold  the  wheel.  t  he  lingering  smell  of  rose  petals.  holes  down  the  length  of  your  tights.  the  resounding  buzz  of  busted  car  speakers.  all  the  loyalty  of  a  junkyard  dog,  biting  the  hand  that  feeds.
               OVERVIEW    ꗃ    STATISTICS.
full  name:  eleanor  leighton  maddox.  /  nickname(s):  nory  [preferred].  /  alias:  heaven.  /  birthdate:  october  19,  1982  (  25).  /  birthplace:  new  orleans,  louisiana.  /  zodiac  signs:  libra  sun,  scorpio  moon,  virgo  rising.  /  gender  +  pronouns:  cis  woman  +  she&her.  /  orientation:  bisexual. faceclaim:  mikey  madison.  /  height:  5ft,  3in.  /  hair  color:  black  (box  -  dyed  frequently).  /  hair  style:  straight  down  her  back,  almost  never  styled.  /  eye  color:  brown.  /  tattoos  +  piercings:  yes,  see  pinterest.  /  scars:  plenty,  but  a  noticeable  one  across  her  sternum  &  in  her  hairline  from  her  worst  car  accident. education  level:  high  school  graduate.  /  occupation:  fully  committed  to  street  racing  (&  a  part  time  nuisance  around  nariza  auto).  /  crew:  nariza  boys  -  joined  3  yrs  ago.  /  residence:  apartment  near  nariza  auto. positive  traits:  decisive,  loyal,  tenacious.  /  negative  traits:  crestfallen,  impetuous,  pugnacious.  /  sociability:  moderate  to  low  (tends  to  stick  with  her  crew).  /  emotional  stability:  low.  /  character  study:  buffy  (buffy  the  vampire  slayer),  satine  (moulin  rouge),  somehow  jules  +  maddy  (euphoria),  cassie  (promising  young  woman),  sailor  mars  (sailor  moon),  summer  (500  days  of  summer),  natalie  (yellowjackets),  kat  (10  things  i  hate  about  you),  jenny  (gossip  girl),  jj  (outerbanks).
               HEADCANONS    ꗃ    (   CLIPPED   )   INTERVIEW.
tell   the   story   behind   your   alias.
                      ❝  think  it  started  as  some  kinda  shitty  pick  up  line.  someone  breezin'  by,  askin'  when  a  little  slice  of  heaven  walked  in.  ❞     nory  scoffs,   though  it's  not  like  she  hasn't  committed  it  to  memory.     ❝  then  they  see  my  necklace  and  they're  like,  ah  shit,   that  works.  here  i  am.  ❞     in  a  way  that's  almost  instinctual,  her  hand  raises  to  press  against  the  cross  that's  dangling  from  her  necklace.  she  may  not  be  devout  any  longer,  but  she  was  here.  &  after  her  accident—  that's  a  miracle  within  itself.     ❝  should've  heard  the  shit  they  said  when  i  got  of  the  hospital.  like  it  was  heaven's  second  -  comin'.  ❞
have   you   found   a   ‘family'   within   your   crew?   (if   not,   would   you   ever   consider   swapping?)
                      ❝  i  mean—   yeah.  they're  the  closest  thing  i've  got  to  it.  ❞     the  answer  is  followed  by  a  long  pause,  brow  arching  to  ask  the  question  before  she  can  voice  it.     ❝  —is  this  gettin'  back  to  them  ?  ❞  another  pause,   just  as  she's  waved  on  to  proceed  with  the  answer.     ❝  i  came  up  on  the  crew  right  after  i  got  to  miami.  and  i  was  fuckin'  lost,  i  mean–   dad  had  just  died  &  i  had  no  one.  like–  who  would've  thought  ?  little  stop  light  race  turned  into  like,  a  whole  thing.  ❞
               HEADCANONS    ꗃ    BEGINNINGS.
enter  -  eleanor  maddox.
the  loyal  daughter  of  a  new  orleans  mechanic  ;  so  loyal  that  she  followed  him  like  a  shadow  around  the  questionable  -  at  -  best  auto  shop.  no  questions  asked,  they  would  fix  whatever  car  rolled  into  their  bays.
the  passion  for  cars  began  with  an  innocent  &  lingering  curiosity  about  what  her  dad  did  each  day.  asking  the  other  mechanics  questions  helped  bring  her  out  of  her  shell,  but  it  presented  a  problem:  people  would  often  quip  on  how  cute  it  was  that  she  followed  her  father's  footsteps,  but  nory  knew  she  didn't  want  to  be  cute  about  this—  she  wanted  to  be  the  best.  so  she  committed  to  it  !  visiting  the  shop  after  school  everyday,  she  kept  a  small  journal  to  make  note  of  the  common  issues  &  their  quick  fixes.  the  first  time  she  heard  this  isn't  how  you're  supposed  to  do  it,  but  it  works,  her  eyes  may  have  formed  into  hearts.
summer  rolls  around  &  one  of  the  younger  mechanics  at  her  dad's  shop  wheels  in  a  1992  mustang.  people  gripe  at  him,  asking  if  he's  really  going  to  'botch  that  beauty',  but  he  just  grins—  and  13  year  old  nory  is  enamored  by  the  thought.  she  keeps  up  with  her  understudy  work,  learning  all  the  correct  ways  to  fix  a  car.  but  she  also  kept  a  watchful  eye  on  this  side  project,  fascinated  by  the  way  he  bent  all  elements  of  the  car  into  something  more.
begin  -  for  the  love  of  cars.
at  sixteen,  her  mother's  well  -  loved  1991  honda  civic  si  fell  into  her  hands.  more  than  anything  in  the  world,  nory  wanted  to  take  the  car  apart  &  reassemble  it,  piece  by  piece—  but  that  earned  a  swift  NO  from  her  father  &  other  workers  at  the  shop.  (  "daily  cars  should  be  left  alone,  especially  when  they  belong  to  a  16  year  old."  –or  whatever  they  said.  )  she  listened  ...  for  the  most  part.  all  the  inner  workings  of  the  honda  were  left  alone,  but  they  couldn't  stop  her  from  customizing  the  interior.  it  began  with  a  set  of  seat  covers,  then  it  was  the  shifter,  then  her  interior  handles.  it  moved  onto  things  like  an  upgraded  stereo  system  &  custom  headlights.  her  mother  was  baffled  by  the  amount  of  time  she  wanted  to  spend  in  that  'old  hunk  of  metal'—  though  it  was  expressed  with  a  certain  air  of  fondness.  she  had  watched  nory  grow  up  in  the  backseat,  after  all.  per  her  mothers  instances,  the  car  was  fully  stocked:  small   pouches   and   bins   for   everything   to   find   a   home,   and   a   small   survival   kit   (   per   her   mother’s   insistence   -   ‘if   you’re   going   to   spend   all   that   time   in   there,   you   have   to   be   prepared’   ).
the  longer  she  sat  behind  the  wheel,  the  more  interested  she  became  in  making  the  car  better.  still  met  with  firm  no's  on  toying  with  the  honda,  she  began  saving  up  her  money.  a  part  time  job  at  the  auto  shop  &  another  at  a  cafe  in  the  city.  it  took  some  time,  but  at  19  years  old,  nory  finally  purchased  a  1999  subaru  impreza  from  one  of  the  men  at  the  shop.
this  car  was  her  dream  come  true.  entirely  hers  too,  so  no  one  could  stop  her  now.  her  father  liked  to  pretend  it  was  a  hassle,  but  he  never  denied  staying  late  in  the  shop  to  help  her  with  the  car.  it  was  undoubtedly  nory's  most  prized  possession.
end  -  a  study  in  loss.
soon  after  they  declared  the  project  car  finished,  tragedy  struck.   in  2002,   her  parents  set  off  on  what  was  meant  to  be  a  week  long  trip  in  celebration  of  their  anniversary.   true  to  himself,   her  dad  had  pitched  a  romantic  roadtrip  &  nominated  nory  to  fill  in  for  him  at  work.   just  two  days  into  her  drive,   nory's  phone  lit  up  with  an  unknown  number.   the  north  carolina  police  department  came  through  the  other  line,  informing  her  that  her  parents  had  been  in  an  accident.   a  13  car  pile-up  on  the  interstate.
one  call   —   &  nory's  life  changed  forever.   after  the  loss  of  her  parents,  coming  back  to  her  childhood  home  felt  suffocating.  there  were  too  many  loose  ends  to  tie-up,  too  many  closets  to  go  through,  to  many  things  to  get  rid  of—  so  she  removed  herself  from  the  equation.  sold  everything  (including  her  honda),  packed  her  favorite  memories  into  the  subaru,  &  got  the  hell  out  of  dodge.
               HEADCANONS    ꗃ    MISCELLANEOUS.
restart   -   arriving   in   miami   &   finding   a   family. 
nory  ventured  along  to  gulf  for  several  weeks,   looking  for  a  promising  job  and  somewhere  that  could  feel  like  home.   pent  up  emotions  came  with  the  avoidance  of  her  grief  &  the  only  outlet  she  had  was  driving.   traffic  light  races,  to  be  exact.  cocky  challengers  spotting  a  well  modded  car  &  wounded  egos  when  they  realized  they  had  been  bested.   racing  was  fun,  she  felt  the  excitement  in  her  veins,  a  spark  she  thought  that  she  had  lost.   she  heard  whispers  of  a  booming  car  scene  in  miami,   so  that's  exactly  where  she  set  her  sights.
it  was  exactly  as  people  described  it;   a  lively  city  with  an  underground  car  world  to  compete  with  the  best.   she  managed  to  score  a  job  within  a  small  auto  shop,   always  leaving  an  ear  out  for  talk  of  car  meets.   she  attended  all  of  them,   standing  proudly  with  her  subaru.   it  left  an  impression,   but  no  one  ever  followed  up  on  her  racing  abilities.
when  news  broke  of  the  nariza  bois  splitting  off  from  their  original  crew,  a  lot  of  people  turned  their  noses  up  at  them–   but  nory  saw  an  opportunity.   (  they'd  have  to  want  to  get  their  numbers  up,   right?  )   and  it  worked  !   she  managed  to  land  herself  a  place  as  a  racer  after  winning  an  unofficial  race  against  one  of  the  bois.   the  auto  shop  was  a  bonus  to  her,  full  of  creativity  &  a  hum  of  excitement.
pause   -   FEB 2006.
her  may  2006  car  accident  -  the  scariest  moment  of  nory's  life.  it  left  her  subaru  wrapped  around  the  support  beam  of  one  of  the  bridges.  a  race  that  her  crew  members  urged  her  to  skip  out  on  because  the  opponent  was  known  to  drive  dirty—  but  almost  entirely  the  result  of  her  own  far  too  cocky  driving  &  oil  spill  just  off  of  the  stack.  in  the  words  of  astonished  emts,  it  was  a  miracle  that  she  came  out  in  one  piece.  nory  considers  the  statement  to  be  questionable  at  best.  since  she  started,  she's  lived  &  breathed  racing–  now  her  hands  won't  stop  shaking  when  she  gets  behind  the  wheel.
notable  mention  that  she  tried  EVERYTHING  possible  to  recover  the  subaru  after  the  crash  </3   that  was  her  favorite  vehicle  &  last  project  she  got  to  do  with  her  dad  …   the  car  all  but  broke  in  two  so  there  was  really  no  recovering  it  :'(   so  then  she  found  the  porsche,  also  near  the  point  of  no  return,  and  poured  a  lot  of  time  into  it  while  she  was  still  too  nervous  to  be  behind  the  wheel  again
she  is  BACK  IN  ACTION  w  racing  now!!!   but  it  is  noticeably  less  frequent  &  her  driving  is  less  assertive.  i  think  the  first  time  she  drifted  after  the  accident  she  drove  to  a  parking  lot  and  cried  FAJOSDIFJA  but  she's  warming  up  to  it  …  probably  practicing  w  one  the  the  bois  <3
always  butting  her  way  in  beneath  a  car's  hood  at  nariza  auto.  the  mechanics  either  love  her  or  hate  her  &  i  doubt  there's  much  in  between.
drove  absolutely  insane  before  her  accident,  but  has  very  notably  calmed  down  since  recovering.  might  be  causing  her  to  lose  a  handful  of  times  which  is  shocking  for  her  prev  winning  streak  </3
likes  to  fight.  it  might  be  her  love  language  somehow.  if  she's  arguing  with  u  then  u  know  that  she  cares  4  real
comes  with  a  very  very  very  poorly  masked  nola  accent
has  a  theory  that  she  is  #cursed  when  it  comes  to  driving  (given  her  parents  &  her  own  accident)  but  is  so  addicted  to  the  adrenaline  that  it  brings  that  she  is  willing  to  ignore  it
btw it so shows that nory was raised in an auto shop full of middle aged men FAJSDOIF
               EXTRAS    ꗃ    WANTED.
connection  ideas  tag   +   pinterest  section.
connection  ideas  page.
existing  connections  page   -   i  loveeee  piecing  together  dynamics  based  on  their  relationship  w/  other  character  so  pls  let  me  know  if  u  see  opportunity  here
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rusticjpg · 1 month ago
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//  (  pinar  deniz  .  cis  woman  .  she/her  )  ⸻  damla  yalçınkaya  ,  a  thirty  year  old  ,  has  survived  another  day  in  red  creek  where  they  have  lived  for  her  whole  life  (  give  or  take  a  couple  years  )  .  the  lazarus  is  known  for  being  industrious  and  reticent  and  is  often  associated  with  thunderstorm  that  brews  between  furrowed  brows,  and  the  expectation  of  order  posthaste;  a  slow,  suffocating  march  through  thoughts  in  a  prescribed  journal,  reluctant  reprieve  from  the  crack  of  a  racket  slamming  against  acrylic  ;  sunbeams  navigating  through  dense  woods,  trails  of  light  peeking  out  from  between  tree  branches  .  in  a  small  town  where  they  work  as  landscaper  at  deer  lake  word  travels  fast  .  it’s  hard  to  keep  a  secret  ,  and  it  looks  like  the  boogeyman  knows  that  [  INTENSE  SCRIBBLING  ]  .
(  🌲  )    ⸻   statistics
fetching  data  …  damla  asena  yalçınkaya
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birthdate  +  place  ―  9  january  1994  +  red  creek,  mi
sibling(s)  ―  aras  yalçınkaya  (  older  brother,  owner  of  their  family  restaurant  lakeside  grill  ),  alara  yalçınkaya  (  younger  sister,  part-time  performer  ),  tba  (  youngest  sibling  )
cousin(s)  ―  selin  yalçınkaya,  taylan  yalçınkaya
child  ―  a  4  year  old  named  defne  sloan
current  residence  ―  cozy  little  house  on  norwood  street!!!  there's  a  few  flower  beds  full  of  tulips,  daises,  and  lavender  in  her  front  yard.  has  an  up  carl-'n-ellie-style  mailbox  with  her  and  her  daughter's  handprints  (  her's  in  green,  defne's  in  pink  ).  has  a  lil  fenced-in  garden  in  her  backyard  too  …  small  herb  patch  by  the  kitchen  door  ...  lil  bird-feeder  hanging  off  a  big  tree  'n  a  wooden  bench  underneath  it  ...  Yeth
been  back  in  town  for?  ―  a  year
sexual  orientation  ―  heterosexual
height  ―  5'9"
eyes  ―  green.  she's  got  faint  frown  lines  from  an  ever-present  little  scowl  she  sports,  furrowed  brows  and  all
hair  ―  chest-length  dark  brown,  always  styled  with  loose  waves
miscellaneous  features  ―  got  her  lobes  pierced  on  both  ears  &  a  single  helix  on  her  left  ear,  a  shitty  stick  'n  poke  of  the  word  'ace'  on  her  middle  finger  that  she  got  during  her  years  at  college
spoken  languages  ―  english,  turkish
education  ―  high  school  diploma  
zodiac  ―  capricorn  sun,  scorpio  moon,  virgo  rising
character  inspo(s)  ―  challenger's  tashi  duncan,  the  hunger  games'  katniss  everdeen,  yellowjackets'  shauna  shipman,  euphoria's  jules  vaughn  but  ONLY  specifically  in  that  one  monologue  where  she's  talking  about  the  ocean  ...  that's  damla  with  trees,  tlou's  joel  miller
label  ―  plastered  ‘the  lazarus’  on  her  because  tennis  has  been  her  whole  life  until  now,  and  losing  it  felt  like  losing  a  whole  chunk  of  herself.  and  now  she’s  learning  how  to  rebuild  it  …  resurrect  it  in  a  way  …  find  a  meaning  to  life  outside  of  rankings  and  medals  and  headlines  and  sponsorships  and  ad  campaigns  and  and  and 
(  🌲  )    ⸻   history
fetching  data  ...  trigger  warning  for  mentions  of  postpartum  depression
damla  lives  the  same  way  she's  born:  a  byproduct  of  her  parents'  all-consuming  love  for  her  older  brother.  where  aras  came  into  the  world  quietly,  she  cried  through  the  night,  an  ever-present  frown  on  her  face  (as  if  she  already  knew  she'd  spend  the  rest  of  her  life  trying  to  catch  up).  from  the  very  beginning,  her  existence  seemed  defined  by  the  shape  of  his—that  quiet  brilliance  and  good  nature.  it  wasn’t  his  fault.  aras  couldn’t  help  but  be  the  strong  oak  tree:  sturdy,  protective,  and  dependable,  casting  a  shade  so  deep  and  wide  it  left  little  room  for  anyone  else  to  grow.
damla,  by  contrast,  was  a  creature  of  the  undergrowth,  scrappy  and  strange,  more  at  home  among  the  bugs  at  deer  lake  than  the  polished  world  of  their  parents'  expectations-  of  the  family  restaurant,  lakeside  grill.  she  lived  at  the  edges,  a  creature  of  shadows  and  stillness  who  befriended  the  small  and  overlooked,  content  to  be  the  girl  who  checked  out  every  other  book  from  the  library  only  to  return  them  with  grass-stains.  her  intelligence  wasn't  the  kind  that  came  like  sunlight  breaking  through  clouds,  clear  and  undeniable.  every  inch  of  it  had  to  be  earned  through  late  nights  spent  gnawing  on  the  back  of  her  pencil  in  frustration.  and  yet,  she  adored  her  older  brother  in  the  way  only  a  younger  sibling  can:  fully,  painfully,  and  without  hesitation.
she'd  come  to  know  the  plight  of  an  older  sibling  very  soon.  alara  came  like  a  breath  of  fresh  air  that  stirred  up  everything  in  its  path.  if  damla  had  learned  to  grow  in  the  shadow  of  her  older  brother,  alara  was  the  wildflower  pushing  through  cracks  in  the  sidewalk—impossible  to  ignore,  impossible  to  keep  down.  she  watched  her  younger  sister  with  a  mixture  of  awe  and  frustration,  alara's  laughter  like  a  breeze  that  blew  through  everything,  stirring  up  what  damla  had  so  carefully  kept  still.  where  damla’s  calm  was  a  shield,  alara’s  energy  was  a  force  that  rattled  the  walls.  the  two  butted  heads,  the  contrast  of  their  personalities  creating  a  chasm  of  frustration  between  them.  and  yet,  damla  couldn't  help  but  carry  her  younger  sister  in  the  way  only  an  older  sibling  can:  fiercely,  protectively,  and  without  a  second  thought,  even  when  it  hurt.
[  youngest  yalçınkaya  sibling  loading!!!!!!!!!  BRING  THEM  TO  US  ]
the  one  thing  that  was  ever  wholly  hers  came  on  a  lazy  summer  afternoon  in  the  form  of  a  pick-up  game  of  tennis  against  her  older  brother.  it  wasn’t  a  grand  gesture,  but  a  soft  suggestion,  like  a  tree  offering  its  branch  to  a  wayward  vine,  inviting  it  to  grow  in  its  own  direction.  damla  was  10  when  she  played  her  first  game  against  him,  12  when  she  realized  she  was  good,  and  15  when  the  yalçınkaya  name  became  synonymous  with  the  promise  of  power  in  the  michigan  circuit  —  her  first  brush  with  sunlight  and  the  subsequent  realization  that  she'd  do  anything  to  keep  it.
16  saw  her  whisked  away  to  a  prestigious  tennis  academy  where  she  worked  herself  to  the  bone,  enough  for  everyone  to  wonder  just  when  she’d  go  pro.  but  18  came  and  subsequently,  princeton  university.  she  got  scouted  to  play  the  sport  for  them  but  her  heart  was  elsewhere  —  among  books  once  more,  among  her  environmental  studies  classes.  
the  conversations  didn’t  cease,  even  as  she  entered  her  sophomore  year  of  college.  it  was  then  that  she  met  high-powered  and  absolutely  slimy  27-year-old  businessman  named  damien  sloan,  at  a  high-profile  tournament  he  had  sponsored.  he  pursued  her  relentlessly  (think  flowers,  advice,  and  lots  of  promises  about  turning  her  into  the  next  sharapova).  she  wasn’t  interested  at  first—too  busy,  honestly—but  eventually,  his  connections  and  the  glamorous  life  he  offered  won  her  over.  they  started  dating  during  her  junior  year,  and  with  his  encouragement,  she  left  school  to  go  pro.  from  20  to  25,  damla’s  career  skyrocketed.  she  cracked  the  top  50  globally,  and  damien,  now  her  manager,  helped  craft  her  image  as  the  “small-town  girl  with  big  dreams,”  scoring  her  tons  of  sponsorships.
just  as  fast  as  he  had  helped  her  career  skyrocket,  he  managed  to  throw  a  wrench  into  things  when  she  falls  pregnant.  she’s  at  the  absolute  height  of  her  career  then,  but  she  had  the  kid  anyways,  a  baby  girl  she  named  defne!  much  to  damien's  chagrin,  by  the  way.  he  pressured  her  to  return  to  tennis  quickly  to  maintain  all  of  her  sponsorship  deals  despite  how  she  was  struggling  with  post-partum.  but  nevermind  damien!  damla  loves  tennis  and  she  wants  this!  and  when  damla  puts  her  mind  to  something,  it's  only  a  matter  of  time.
in  this  case?  it's  eleven  months  after  giving  birth  that  she's  back  on  the  court  again.  her  performance  is  shaky,  but  it  gets  better  with  time.  that  is  until  she  sustained  a  particularly  bad  shoulder  injury  at  27.  it  forced  her  to  step  away  indefinitely  to  recover,  which  she  worked  tirelessly  to  try  to  do  but,  a  year  later  and  it  became  clear  that,  even  if  she  did,  it  wouldn't  be  near  the  previous  level  of  performance.  her  sponsors  withdrew,  and  she  officially  announced  her  retirement  shortly  after.  by  then,  her  marriage  had  all  but  crumbled.  a  messy,  messy  divorce  ensued  but  she  walked  away  with  full  custody  of  her  daughter  and  a  significant  settlement.  
at  29,  she  returns  to  her  small  hometown  with  her  daughter  in  tow.  mainly  because  her  dad  seems  to  be  in  a  bad  way,  health-wise  (despite  his  insistence  against  the  notion).  it’s  a  good  thing  she  does  too,  because  the  year  she’s  spent  at  home  turned  out  to  be  his  very  last.  in  the  wake  of  his  death,  she  took  up  a  landscaping  job  for  the  very  woods  she  used  to  roam.  when  she’s  not  doing  that,  she’s  teaching  peewee  tennis. 
(  🌲  )    ⸻   persona
fetching  data   ...   industrious,   pragmatic,   loyal,   spiteful,   misanthropic,   blunt,   judgmental
brutally  honest  &  independent  to  a  fault!  she  does  not  tolerate  inefficiency  and  runs  that  damn  lake  like  it's  the  navy  SNJJDNSKS.  okay  no  but  seriously,  she  presents  herself  as  very  tough  as  nails,  no-nonsense  kind  of  gal  because  she  is!  very  much  a  "if  you  want  something  done  right,  you  have  to  do  it  yourself"  kind  of  girl.  maybe  it  comes  with  the  territory  of  being  2nd  oldest  of  4/eldest  daughter  but  yeah  ..  highly  practical,  PROTECTIVE,  very  determined,  and  incredibly  dependable  in  a  pinch.  like  yeah  she's  gonna  bail  you  out  but  the  lecture  you'll  get  on  the  way  back  home  (and  for  the  rest  of  your  life)  will  honestly  be  a  worse  fate
keeps  to  herself  and  likes  it  that  way.  or  she's  learned  to,  over  the  years.  she  does  Not  sugarcoat  her  personality,  including  her  very  dry  humor  and  smart  mouth  that  people  do  not  usually  take  kindly  to
has  had  a  temperamental  streak  in  the  past,  during  games  especially.  there  are  an  endless  amount  of  clips  of  her  smashing  the  FUCK  out  of  a  racket  and  getting  into  verbal  fights  with  the  umpire  and/or  her  opponents.  flipping  them  off,  etc,  very  classy  stuff.  but  now  when  she's  feeling  like  that,  she  just  touches  grass  literally  or  makes  another  appointment  with  her  therapist.  we  love  a  self-regulated  queen  (she's  trying  to  be  better  for  her  daughter)
luuuuuvs  nature  &  anything  outdoorsy  but  she's  partial  to  hiking,  camping,  and  gardening.  i  think  i  can  see  her  woodworking  too.  anyway,  the  first  thing  she  did  with  her  divorce  money  was  take  defne  on  a  roadtrip  to  see  all  the  national  parks  yup  yup  yup
(  🌲  )    ⸻   plots
childhood  friends/enemies/first  loves/etc!  people  she  knows  through  her  family  (her  siblings  +  her  cousins  too!),  her  family’s  restaurant,  school,  tennis,  etc  
she  attended  many  a  gala/charity  ball/insert  other  ways  of  naming  hoity-toity  events  here  when  she  was  married  to  damien,  so  it’d  be  cool  to  have  plots  with  people  she  may  have  met  there!  
give  me  someone  who  absolutely  cannot  stand  damla  
deer  lake  frequenters
babysitters  for  her  daughter  
neighbors  on  norwood  street  
tennis  fans!  
anything  and  everything  truly  
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prettyplumbobs · 11 months ago
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jules sterling. born in game on a monday morning at 6:48 am faves: tofu dog 🌱🌭, classical music 🎼 and the color black zodiac sign: capricorn ♑
╰┈➤ ambitious: (random) 💪🎯
╰┈➤ schmoozer: (inherited from both parents) 🤝😊
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