#zodiac beanie baby
plushfindings · 7 months
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Here we have a Zodiac Ty the dog, tag is damaged but that doesn't bother me since I'm not out here looking for perfection tag or no tag I'm happy to add to my collection, this fella cost a whopping 50p I have 2 Zodiac TYs so far so it's really cool to actually find one and for so cheap! The price of this guy varies online but most beanie babies aren't too pricey they mostly sell for a few quid.
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midcenturymyrtle · 5 months
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sillybeanies · 3 months
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today's beanie: the zodiac dragon
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goobersplat · 5 months
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Ty Beanie Babies Zodiac Monkey
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waterlullaby · 10 months
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in regards to my last post- wow ppl really like magic and scorch!! here are some pictures i took of the rest of the friends i brought on my walk, plus a vulture!
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Beanie Babies Zodiac Collection🌞
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planetbeanie · 2 years
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Chinese Zodiac beanie babies for under $9
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toyclefairy · 1 year
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Zodiac Pig Beane Baby
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myplushcollection · 9 months
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Some of my Christmas gifts this year!
All three Beanie Babies are once I actually already have, but I don't mind having duplicates.
I have been wanting some collector's cards, so this is super exciting! There are also 21 sticker cards, 3 unscratched trivia cards, and 2 checklists for each of the series (I & II). Plus, I've got 2 official boxes to store everything in!
I haven't decided how I'm going to organize the cards (alphabetically, style number, card number). I also want to get pictures of the plushies I have with their corresponding card.
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July 14: Happy Birthday 2008 Zodiac Rat (Beanie Babies)!!!!
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dailybeaniebabies · 2 years
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Zodiac Tiger
Birthday: None Release: Aug. 19th, 2000
Left tag: Born in 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998 Right tag: “You are aggressive and courageous Often candid and sensitive Look to the dog and horse for happiness Beware of the monkey!“
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stalkerofthegods · 10 months
Lady Hestia Deep Dive
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Lady Hestia is a wonderful goddess, she is always there for everyone, I adore Lady Hestia, I do not worship her personally but I know well that she is Amazing.
Herbs • Chaste trees, Rosemary, Parsley, Basil, Sorrel, vanilla, Cinnamon, coriander, Marjoram, Mint, Lemon balm, cloves, clary sage, Allspice, Angelica, Coriander, poppy seed, chamomile, Angelica, Bay, garlic, mint, peppermint, pepper, marjoram, The lavender, the chaste tree, the datura, the California poppy, the goldenrod, the hollyhock, the yarrow, the purple coneflower, all white flowers, Lavender, White roses, angel’s trumpet, goldenrod, hollyhock, and yarrow, pine, Wildflowers & sunflowers, raspberry leaves, sage, pearly everlasting, yellow rose
Animals• pigs, donkeys, one-year-old cows, a Crane. 
Zodiac & scared number  • unknown, I cannot find out what month she was born on, or the day. But I would associate numbers 1, and 6 because she is the oldest and the youngest (and etc, but who even likes my rambles?)
Colors •Gold, yellow, orange, red,  White, Gold, Lavender, light purple, black, silver, and dark red
Crystal•Carnelian, Garnet, Goldstone, Calcite, Topaz, garnet, amethyst, lapis lazuli, green tourmaline, Vanadinite, Quartz, gold, silver, and brass, Amber colored crystals, citrine, clear quartz, sunstone.
Symbols• a kettle, the hearth (fireplace), torch, candle
Jewelry you can wear in their honor• friendship bracelets 
Diety of• the virgin goddess of the home and hearth fire, cooking of meals, and sacrificial food for feasts, architecture, domesticity, family, and the state, and sacrificial flame
Patron of where the families ate and congregated, hospitality, family.
Offerings• give her prayer beads that remind you of her that are not Christian (or make one, which is better), wooden beads, Oil Lamps, Seven Day Candles (because they burn for 7 days), LED Candles, A Candle that reminds you of home, White or red candles, Apple juice, cider, Wine, Baked goods, keys to the home (preferably not stolen(looking at Hermes devotees))), Small kitchen antiques/objects,  pottery/cups/bowls, artwork of homey things, a meal, your favorite things, poetry, books, items you made, fall-themed stuff, spring-themed stuff, First/last foods & libations from a meal, Candles/flame, Honey, Pork, Cakes or Cookies made to look like one of Her symbols,), Keeping a candle/hearth fire or lamp constantly burning, Pictures of homes you want to live in one day, pictures of homes you have lived in, Pictures of architecture that you like, Teacups, teaspoons, tea towels, Childhood memories (ex- stuffed toys, baby clothes, old photos), Homegrown herbs, Toys or art of donkeys and pigs, Leaves or blooms from a chaste tree, Tea light candles (real or fake), Your favorite poetry or poetry you have written for Her, Your favorite books, Stories you have written, Art of flames, fire, candles, Garmets that you have made such as clothing, blankets, beanies, Homemade lotions, bath bombs, shower gel, bubble bath (You can ask Her to bless them then use them she probably won't say no), Beeswax products, honey, olive oil, pumpkin pie 
Devotional• Pick up rubbish in communal areas, Offer the first or last bites/portions of food your to her, Cooking/baking for yourself or others, Having a candle lit whenever possible (electric or real), playing a video of a fire place, Volunteerring at homeless or DV shelters, donating to homeless or DV shelters,  Setting healthy boundaries with friends and family, reading about Tea/Coffee magick, Getting involved with your local community, Advocating for policies you believe will better the community Allowing yourself to rest,  Do a chore you've been putting off for a long time, organize to hang out with some loved ones, Veil or bind your hair, Wear something red or orange, Make a devotional playlist for her, make a Pinterest board or a mood board for her, Learn about kitchen witchery, Cook a meal in her name, Clean the House, Put together a puzzle, Eat popcorn and watch a movie, do Knitting, read about knitting, donate yarn and
knitting supply’s, prepare food for family, make the table before eating, garden, Harvest berries, pick flowers, Donate to food charity/drives, Support people who lost their homes to natural disasters, Welcoming others into your home, Keeping the peace (especially in the home), Donations of time & money to Habitat for Humanity, Do little (or big) acts of kindness, If you have a fireplace light it for Her or build Her altar around it, Meditate next to a fire, Read poetry or a book, play a playlist for Her and play it while you clean or cooks, Clean your house/room and keep it nice and tidy, Take a cooking or baking class, Collect recipes and keep a recipe book, Host celebrations at your home, Remember your ancestors and learn more about them, Spend time with your pets, Take care of yourself and your mental and physical health (Your body is a home for you),  Take a hot bath, eat some ice cream, chill at home for a day, Pray to Her( ex- for protection, inspiration, happiness, guidance, and help getting rid of negative entities in the home, peace in the home, good food, an abundance of food, independence), help to start/tending to the hearth, work on having strong family bonds, Open your curtains and let the sunlight warm the room, Make a potful of tea and keep it in a large thermos, Watch movies that make you feel nostalgic and cozy, Say goodnight and good morning to her, Get an electric blanket and feel the warmth connect you to her, Cuddle a stuffed animal, Make a blog/journal filled with cozy homely things, Keep a few locally baked goodies nearby for when you need them, String up fairy lights and use them as your only light source, Whisper prayers and devotional pieces before you go to sleep, Use a Himalayan salt lamp to connect to feeling of a fire, Invest in little things (ex- pillowcases, photos, curtains) that make your room feel welcoming and peaceful, Make a little bottle filled with herbs and crystals and other things that remind you of her, Listen to music that makes your soul happy and your heart content, Take care of yourself (ex- Brush your hair, use a wet cloth on your face), Keep a tealight on you, Clean one small area of your house, Savor a hot drink, Do small, unnoticed acts of kindness, Always greet animals (both big and small), Do anything by candlelight,  Wear colors you associate with her, Practice your patience (both external and internal), Be a listening ear or shoulder to cry on for those who need it, Make compromises when it is healthiest for both parties, always have a lighter or matches, Listen to music that reminds you of her, Spend time tending to your body, Leave a big tip the next time you have a chance, Practice kindness in all areas of your life (including driving), Take a hot bath or shower with no time limit, Decorate a space, Build a fire, Compliment people (both strangers and loloved ones), Donate something (ex-clothes, money, or your time), Look at photos and embrace the happy nostalgia, Wear makeup or jewelry that reminds you of her, Wake up early to see the sunrise - or watch the sunset, Watch/read about acts of kindness to be inspired, wear prayer beads that are for her, go to a high school reunion, do a family reunion, do budgeting in her honor, do meal planning, set healthy boundaries, have a household notebook, do seasonal cleaning, try home remedies,As you light your gas stove, say a prayer to Hestia, Spend quiet quality time at home, Gather your family (including your chosen family) for a festive candlelit meal, Commit to spending more time with children and old people.
Ephithets•Äídios - eternal, Aïdius – See Äídios., Basileia - See Vasíleia, Bulaea - See Voulaia., Chloömorphus – See Khlöómorphos, Daughter of lovely-haired Rǽa, Khlöómorphos - verdan, Polýmorphos - multi-formed, Polyolbus – See Polýolvos, Polýolvos - rich in blessings, Potheinotáti - beloved, Prutaneia – See Prytaneia, Prytanei, Vasíleia - queen, Voulaia - of the council, Prytaneia -”of the Prytanis.” 
Equivalents• Vesta (Roman), loki (Norse), Brigid (Celtic), Hathor (Egyptian)
Signs they are reaching out• having a strong urge to Vail in her honor, seeing her animals and symbols in your dreams, and seeing her imagery a lot, everything at home suddenly going well.
Vows/omans• that she “would be a maiden all her days”
Morals• morally light/pure
Courting• None 
Past lovers/crushes• None
Personality• She avoids drama, and is generous, but her temper is volcanic in nature, she is slow to anger, but when she gets angry her rage is a force of nature. She is modest, tranquil, and industrious
Home• Mount Olympus 
Mortal or immortal • immortal 
Fact• Historically she is supposed to be the first deity offered to in a ritual due to being the goddess of fire, she's the oldest Olympian, She is spat out last by Kronos so she is also the youngest, she shares her seat with Diyonisus, she did not give it up, she receives a share of every sacrifice/prayer to the gods, and she is commonly seen alongside with Hermes, I would recommend putting their alters close together.
Element• fire 
Curses• a bad family life, food being burnt, having not enough food, being turned away at restaurants, being homeless, your house catching on fire 
Blessings• all domestic happiness and blessings
Roots• Greek mythology….and she was raised in her father's stomach, and at the first years of theogony era.
Friends• all of the gods, but most notably Hermes, but is not friends with Priapus, she dislikes him (he tried to rape her.) 
Parentage• Cronus and Rhea
Siblings• Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, Demeter, Hera 
Pet• she has no pets.
Children • she has no children.
Appearance in astral or gen• she was typically represented wearing a veil and robe. In some images, she held a flowering branch or kettle as well.
Festivals • None, at every feast and meal a liberation was made to her name first and last, but I associate Thanksgiving with her, but her Roman counter part Vesta has 1-15 June of each year, an then another festival celebrated on 8-9 July.  Hestia is also mentioned on 8 June. But a neo-pagan sets aside 26 December – 22 January as a month devoted to Hestia.
Status• Virgin theoi goddess.
What disrespects her turning away people at your home (she is a goddess of hospitality and it was seen as disrespectful to her to do so.)
Planet• unknown 
Her Tarot cards• the Temperance, the fourteenth Major Arcana card.
Remind me of• Hot cocoa, and Thanksgiving. 
Scents/Inscene • Lavender, Rose, spring water,  rain, Pumpkin, Apple pie, cinnamon, fall leaves, Chamomile, Myrrh, Frankincense, Iris, Angelica, Peony, Angelica, iris, Sandalwood 
My opinion • I like her, but I'm scared of her too. (what a shocker!) 
Holy Queen of Sanctity, we hymn you, Hestia, whose abiding realm is Olympus and the middle point of earth and the Delphic laurel tree! You dance around Apollo’s towering temple rejoicing both in the tripod’s mantic voices and when Apollo sounds the seven strings of his golden phorminx and, with you, sings the praises of the feasting gods. We salute you, daughter of Kronos and Rhea, who alone brings firelight to the sacred altars of the gods; Hestia, reward our prayer, grant wealth obtained in honesty; then we shall always, dance around your glistening throne.
For the lost -
Blessed Hestia, the first and the last, and the always flame. May your light burn bright and strong, May your prayers be those of respect and love, May you guide the lost, And give to those who have nothing. I give thanks to you, Hestia, for all that you have done And continue to do.
For people with intrusive thoughts -
I ask Hestia, the kind goddess, to help those who feel down. May they find comfort and peace inside of their homes and inside their own minds. Protect them for their destructive thoughts, and be the safe place they need so much
A prayer for homeles—
In Hestia’s name, may you always have a home and a roof over your head. May you always be comfortable and warm with a full belly. May you always be in good spirits and good company, never knowing the pervading loneliness that envelopes the soul.
Blessed Hestia, Fill this home with your light and bounty, As the day fills it with golden sunshine.
Glorious Hestia, Let your hearth fire warm this house, As night draws her shadowed cloak over it now.
Blessings of the kitchen-
Hestia bless my little kitchen, I love it’s every nook And bless me as I do my work, Wash pots and pans and cook. May the meals that I prepare, Be seasoned from above, With thy blessings and thy grace, But most of all thy love
Links/websites/sources •
ts-witchy-archive, constantly-disheveled, saryoak, eldritchhorror06, https://twelfthremedy.tumblr.com/post/625205765818515456/hestia-offerings/amp, https://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/179727039352/offerings-to-hestiahttps://twelfthremedy.tumblr.com/post/625205765818515456/hestia-offerings/amphttps://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/179727039352/offerings-to-hestiahttps://www.learnreligions.com/hestia-greek-goddess-of-the-hearth-2561993#:~:text=Keep%20a%20candle%20dedicated%20to,prayers%2C%20songs%2C%20or%20hymns.https://www.theoi.com/Ouranios/Hestia.html#:~:text=In%20myth%20Hestia%20was%20the,youngest%20of%20the%20six%20Kronides.https://www.theoi.com/Ouranios/Hestia.htmlhttps://greekmythology.fandom.com/wiki/Hestia#google_vignettehttps://greekmythology.fandom.com/wiki/Hestiahttps://greekgodsandgoddesses.net/goddesses/hestia/https://www.hellenicgods.org/festivals-of-hellenismos---eortai https://hestiasservant.wordpress.com/2018/05/27/honoring-hestia-a-festival-every-day/https://www.elissos.com/the-family-goddess-hestia-mother-of-all-gods/#:~:text=The%20birth%20of%20Hestia%20dates,to%20his%20throne%2C%20his%20children.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhea_(mythology)#:~:text=According%20to%20Hesiod%2C%20Rhea%20had,and%20Zeus%20in%20that%20order.https://www.reddit.com/r/pagan/comments/14sy8cj/is_hestia_reaching_out_to_me/https://mythopedia.com/topics/hestia
http://persephoneandhecate.blogspot.com/2011/06/exploring-archetypes-hestia.html?m=1https://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/170063420188/bedridden-devotion-to-hestiahttps://honeyandhestia.tumblr.com/post/170063420188/bedridden-devotion-to-hestiahttps://www.tumblr.com/heatherwitch/160613514230/hestiavesta https://constantly-disheveled.tumblr.com/post/156636591525/can-a-hearth-fire-just-be-a-candle-that-you-lighthttps://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/169551188078/devotional-activities-for-hestiahttps://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/167758105763/jar-to-help-me-connect-to-hestia-chamomilehttps://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/171225676313/burn-herbs-and-spices-as-an-offering-to-hestia-i https://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/183383795283/what-kind-of-crystals-would-yall-associate-with https://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/171208375440/a-historical-prayer-to-hestiahttps://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/169394109439/i-ask-hestia-the-kind-goddess-to-help-those-who https://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/166938581678/if-youre-still-doing-prayer-requests-may-you-be https://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/178225408393/lady-hestia-goddess-of-comfort-and-warmth-to https://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/183772520921/a-little-kitchen-prayer-for-hestia https://www.hellenicgods.org/festivals-of-hellenismos---eortai
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I use resources, I do not own the info, and most deep dives have UPG (that I use in my work.) And I only take some information from sources. I am 14, this is my hobby, I am learning but I spent many hours and days on this, and I am always open to criticism. I have been doing worship for 5 years. Please know you can use the info, I do not sue, but I will take action if this work is used without permission and not put as a resource if used in any work. without permisson and not put as a resource if used in any work, for the public.
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solar-serpent · 1 year
10 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 𝓪𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓼𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓹𝓽. 3
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Hello, lovers! Welcome to the third edition of "10 messages about your soulmate" PAC. If you are new on this side of the internet, you can check the former editions here: (x) (x)
Is the concept of soulmates too ambiguous to you? It's fine, hon. Just think of your future spouse or next romantic partner before choosing your pile.
Each pile includes a list of messages channeled through Tarot and my intuition about your destinated person, such as their looks, job, hobbies, personality traits, zodiac sign, goals, etc.
English is not my mother language, so please bear with me.
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Pile 1 → Pile 2
Pile 3 → Pile 4
✨Pile 1✨
This person has bushy eyebrows. I swear it's what stands out the most to me along with their big eyes. Honestly, they're too cute looking regardless of their gender. They usually remind others of small animals like a hamster, puppy, koala, etc. Their hair could be blond or light brown, plus it's straight and abundant yet messy. Is bed hair still a thing? Nevertheless, this person rocks that style. They have this homey/cozy energy. They like wearing flannel t-shirts and caps/beanies. They're as cool and calm as a baby born in Autumn. They're also classy and have prominent feminine energy.
They have a mean or judgemental look that people fear to see a second time. Not only are their expressions vivid, but also they are a perfectionist and loner. They're stubborn and don't trust others easily, but they don't talk about that at all. They don't address what they like or not for people to know. They're not secretive per se, they're diplomat and won't say/do anything on purpose to stir trouble. You could tell they`re cunning at first glance. They're a loyal friend/lover and I believe they would be the type to tell you a white lie or keep the truth from you so you don't get hurt. They're thoughtful and clever and someone whose love only belongs to one. They’re not into polyamorous relationships.
Lucky you pile 1, this person won't keep you in the dark about their intentions towards you. They don't like to beat around the bush in general, so you won't have any reason to fear their rejection. On a date, they would sit by your side and grab your hand while gazing at your eyes. You might get all hot and flustered and like you're playing on a scene from a romcom, but your lover is just like that... Looks kind of standoffish on the outside, but they're passionate on the inside. More importantly,  they are a gentleman (or an honorable lady) and patient, so they won't push any sexual interaction on you if you haven't given them a sign you want more from them than a chaste kiss.
"Poison in the heart," I heard. Well, this person has been played in the past. Really bad breakups or betrayals they went through, so they became suspicious and now rather takes their time building a connection before they can think of formalizing a relationship with anyone. Yup, this is your slow and no care in the world person. I know it might sound contradictory to the previous message. If it's obvious that they like you and you them, why not step up the game? Well, they would like to know you better to jump into a relationship with a stranger. They no longer compromise their heart and time without a guarantee and if you try to pressure them by any chance, they could see it like a red flag and would take their distance as measurement.
This is someone who has reached success in life because of their congruence. They're decisive and commit only to what they know they can handle and see through the end. They're both feared and respected because of that. Nobody wants to mess with your person. They're too serious in their work field and someone who rarely makes mistakes. I think they're sort of misunderstood because of this controlling trait of them. They're kind hearted and like to share good stuff with their fellas, but most people would assume they're full of themselves and would ignore them. It saddens them to know how badly they are perceived at times. They would try extra hard to make people like them.
Aww, this person is a softie at heart. They naturally have a tempered character and they were the shy kid at school, but to avoid being a target for bullies or trampled by ill intentioned people, they had to learn to bark back and call people out on their shit. They're a believer of justice, so you would not receive criticism or a scolding from them if you haven't stepped on their boundaries or misbehaved. They're really sweet and would try to please you as much as possible. They're a sensitive person too; you might find that they're too fixed on their ideas and be on the defensive about things that would puzzle you. They might not take jokes lightly, so be careful of hurting their pride.
They love food and sweets. They could eat countless chocolate bars within one week, but they like homemade food and lunch that are made by the two of you the most. They probably think cooking is fun and making stuff together is way more meaningful to one person waiting at their seat for the other to finish cooking. This person is husband/wife material, to be honest. They would want to share their belongings and space with you. You would meet in a time where they've matured and are getting close to settling down for good. This person can allow themselves to do it because they're doing well financially. They're not rich, but they live a good life and still will after marriage.
They could still be shy but it doesn't look like it because they seem too serious or a person of few words. They have a versatile character that would allow them to be whoever they want. They’re a chameleon as they could play the role of a soldier or a teacher/preacher anytime; the former an action orientated archetype and the later a measured and reflexive one. I believe this person could be a fixed sign (Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus). They care a lot about their reputation so they tend to act decently and politely in the eyes of the public. He fears to be “found out”. I don’t speak about his flaws, but his dirty laundry and the past they are ashamed of.
This person possesses multiple interests and hobbies, yet not many people know about that or even associate them with the word “fun”? He’s mostly known for being politically correct, the bigger person, the adult. His apparently flawless character could raise suspicion on people, but little do they know the person behind the mask—the child who fears to be deemed “immature”, laughed at for their interests or criticized by who they are. Cruelty didn’t turn them into a bad person, but someone who believes in justice and equity. I’m only afraid that those trust issues aren’t easy to get rid of and they rather be a loner than open up to the wrong people again.
They’re very lucky. I swear the hard challenges they had to overcome in their youth were rewarded with a healthy environment in the present. As within, so without, then no real surprise here. They are one of the best people you would ever meet, so even the people who initially did not like them would turn around and grow to appreciate them. They have good friends and colleagues that wouldn't allow them to shut themselves in at home. They try to act like a hermit at times, but it never goes their way. They’re also admired for their good performance at work. They remind me of a K-Drama’s main character (they probably have heard the same remark about his personality before and they wholeheartedly hate the comparison), since some might develop a crush on them because they’re hard working and have a nice personality.
I’m glad you’ve made it so far! I hope this reading was to your liking and I would love to read your thoughts if you want to share them on the replies.
I can give you a “10 messages of your soul mate” reading for a reasonable price, so feel free to contact me for more info.
I do accept tips or donations through this link.
✨Pile 2✨
I won’t use neutral pronouns for this person because I’m positive it’s a woman. If you’re not into women, it might not be your pile, darling. Right back to the point: your soulmate has a strong and intimidating energy. Upon first glance, she looks like a stern and no nonsense woman; I won’t lie, she is, but she’s also such a great inspiration for her close ones. She has a fierce spirit and is highly competent and competitive within her field. She’s bold, quick witted, and she fears no rival. She’s so confident yet I wouldn’t call her cocky. She doesn’t like to overthink or do unnecessary things, she just follows her heart and it has secured every victory of hers.  
I think she could be an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) as she cherishes stability, compromise, and wholeness. She also knows how to manifest money and run a successful business. She likes math, physics, and scientist careers. Concrete knowledge in general. Although I suspect she could actually be a teacher or lawyer. Either way, she wouldn’t conform with a small position that only guarantees a mediocre salary. She intends to climb her way to the top. Where others see a treacherous path, she sees a field where to plant her seeds. She’s visionary and has a positive outlook on life. 
She’s a small and slender woman. She’s actually very cute, but it’s easily overlooked the moment she frowns or smirks. She pulls some hilarious expressions as if she was a cartoon character. Her friends love to pay attention to her face when she’s speaking passionately about something; she might as well be dramatic and chaotic enough to quote cliche dialogues from the TV like, “I’ll have my revenge!” (she said, shaking her fist at the sky). Some people might misunderstand her and believe that she’s a cranky woman for how serious she usually seems, but her peers know better… She's a child at heart, but she got fed up with people belittling her for her appearance (and gender), so she pretends to be a baddie but soon would loosen up in front of the people that show genuine respect to her.      
She has short legs, thus mini skirts look like normal skirts on her, but she doesn’t give a damn about it. Her style is similar to cottage core, but I don't think that is her intention. She probably grew up in the countryside or a place where the summer reigned all year around as her clothes tend to be simple, loose, and almost gender neutral, except for the skirts and dresses. I also don’t see clothes with great brand names nor t-shirts with band logos imprinted on them. She likes to wear colors as white, blue, brown, yellow and green. You won’t catch her wearing bright colors but darker ones either. If she had an emo phase, it was left behind years ago. Given her line of work, she also needs to wear more serious and/or semi-formal clothes.
She got frizzed dark haired. I think she’s worn her hair shoulder-length almost all of her life, but you might meet her when it’s some inches longer falling on her upper back. Even if she’s not the friendliest (believe me, it’s only because she’s shy and a bit clumsy when it comes to social interactions), she likes people a lot. She enjoys being surrounded by groups and watching people. She likes the noise, the merry environment, the laughter of the crowd, and people acting carefree. She likes going to the theater and circus for these reasons. I believe that’s how she would like to act herself, but a strong sense of responsibility or guilt (for enjoying herself too much? Sounds like religious trauma to me) will prevent it.
She’s goal-oriented and has achieved great things from an early age. She is not dependent on her parents and she rarely seeks the advice of others. This woman has the strength of an Amazonan and the blessing of the skies, but even people like her carry great pain in their heart. She could've had some addictions in the past or she would still smoke when you meet her. She used drugs as a way to escape from haunting memories and the feeling she does not fit it anywhere. She thinks it’s too difficult to be accepted with people opposing her or judging her for her choices. She has the limiting belief that everything that nothing comes free and there’s always a high price to pay for obtaining what you want.
She might look like someone who only cares about her career, money and nothing else. She’s envied/hated for being an overachiever, her independence and the fact she doesn't have to worry about building a family nor saving money for the sake of others. Don’t let yourself be fooled by that illusion; your soulmate longs to have a cozy place to go everyday after work, full of laughter and the smell of a warm meal waiting for her—their loved ones present to greet her with a smile. She might not be sure whether she wants a family of her own blood or a group of friends (siblings of the soul) to receive her at places she could call “my other home”. She’s only sure that she wants love and valuable relationships.
She could have an air moon (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra). For those who don’t know what it entails, well, she basically is quick to detach from her emotions and keep moving. She can daydream all she wants about her desired life, but she would keep it down and make no attempt to pursue it if it means failure… failure within the emotional world is equal to crippling pain. It might result in distancing herself from the people she loves. She knows how to pretend that nothing is bothering her and respond that she is fine if you ever ask her about how she feels. The intention is not to lie to people, but to herself. She really needs to believe her white little whites, otherwise she is afraid that she could fall into despair. She might come off as aloof or a fool who doesn’t see the gravity of her own situation.
She might come from a small family and she might not get along with her parents. Her group of friends is also small and they’re people around her age. She won't talk much about them to you. Not because she wouldn’t trust you, but she is a firm believer that worlds should keep separated. She doesn't want to hang out with her friends and you; everyone should have their turn. Her love language entails providing quality time and entertainment to her loved ones. She is not well-off, but she is doing well in life and loves to treat their loved ones from time to time. You and her could have the tradition to take turns to treat each other so no one could feel guilty or taken advantage of.
She’s very popular among her colleagues for thinking outside the box and coming up with innovative solutions to problems others deemed as impossible to solve. Both at university and her current workplace she is admired and people like her unbothered personality. This person doesn't like drama and often she is too caught up in her head to care about the hottest news. She might not be interested in being a life example or the guide of others, but people still come to her for advice. She’s been idealized a lot during his life by people who do not know how to get their shit together. People really want to know what’s her secret to  do well in life, but they are unaware that she´s far from perfect and she does not appreciate the idea of fitting the status quo so well.
I’m glad you’ve made it so far! I hope this reading was to your liking and I would love to read your thoughts if you want to share them on the replies. I can give you a “10 messages of your soul mate” reading for a reasonable price, so feel free to contact me for more info. I do accept tips or donations through this link.
✨Pile 3✨
This person is really young or they’re younger than you, but I wouldn't call them immature at all. They’re such a worrywart! They overthink a lot and they don't like being alone for long or free of distractions as their mind will go wandering treacherous paths. They have golden retriever vibes but they also display the image of a puppy with no owner… and believe me when I say that they want to belong somewhere and to someone. They’re a hopeless romantic and so passionate about love and partnerships. They’re a sensitive soul, the type you would want to protect at all cost from this world’s cruelty. I’m not saying that they are a pushover, but they surely have this “tragic” beauty that would pull you in and turn accommodating for your soulmate’s sake. Just don't romantice their image so much, otherwise you would receive a shock the moment you face your person’s shadow. This person is not as innocent as they seem.
Your soulmate is fair-haired. They could have strawberry blond, chestnut or light brown hair color. Their eyes`s color could be green or gray-ish. Their appearance also reminds me of a young Jim Carry since they’re both long with slim limbs, have a similar hairstyle with a line parting their hair and they usually wear bright colors and bold patterns. I saw the glimpse of a person wearing a striped sweater with autumn colors such as yellow, orange, and black. They also had a necklace of shells. This person is fashionable and their clothes are usually trendy.
This person has a lot going on in their life. They are HSP which stands for a Highly Sensitive Person. Go google it, it’s a real condition usually present in neurodivergents. They are spiritual and sort of a modern philosopher. They`re open minded and have a profound outlook on how things work in this world. They get sad whenever they think of how people have forgotten about the important things like working as a community, unconditional love, happiness beyond slavery and protecting what’s unarguably sacred like nature, animals, and family. They want all of that for themselves, but they have long made peace with the idea they might not achieve all their goals in this lifetime. 
They also seem to be closely connected to a past life where their role was of a healer, teacher or mediator and they are aware of this information. They feel attracted to old civilizations, mainly the Egyptian. The sight of the ankh cross and furniture made of gold no fail to leave them speechless. They couldn't tell you why. They probably have one or two stelliums in their natal chart and Pisces, Leo, Libra and Aquarius are their prominent signs. I’m getting that they are a morning person and they like to go hiking or to spend time in nature where they will meditate, do yoga and/or relax with a book.         
They have been jailed or they are afraid of ending up in jail one day because of their rebellious streak. Perhaps I am being too literal and I should describe their crippling terror of living a life of restriction instead. I believe your soul has more than one reason to feel threatened or insecure living in our modern society. They could belong to a minority such as the LGBTQ collective or ethnicity, are an anti-system activist, vegan, plus their family do not approve of their life choices. They are an unruly brat in the eyes of their relatives, yet they are admired and applauded by others. They have a decent amount of followers on social media and people like to hear your soulmate speak about their thoughts on multiple topics. They were born to communicate and entertain.
Please don’t freak out but I heard the word “brother”, so you could be introduced to them by a sibling or cousin. I also suspect you could feel like your soulmate feels like family to you. Not a brother/sister, but perhaps like a classmate or someone whose presence was always there until they really entered your reality and you can imagine them no longer being there. The connection you’ll share with this person would be strong and life changing. I don`t think it’s your future spouse, though. I’m getting “love of youth” vibes from this pile, but they will bring you resources for personal growth and so much inspiration. If you are a writer or artist, you will write poetry about this lover and dedicate your favorite songs to them. For some, it’s the first person you will fall in love with. They will ignite a fire in your heart no other succeeded to do.
This person is an old soul and to prove it they could own many vintage objects. They probably have a collection of music players from different decades, but I see a cassette player they are really fond of. It makes them feel cool and transports them to the past whenever they get to use it. They are a bit dramatic and melancholic. They have a creative soul and feel a strong attachment to music, so they play some instruments not to be the best musician but as a way of escapism. They have a neat appearance and an almost angelic aura that blends with a hard to ignore sex appeal, which ends up intimidating or making people feel guilty about having naughty thoughts about them.
It’s interesting how their peers have divided opinions on their personality. Some perceive them as too serious, adult-like, even their savior or teacher, while others see them as a wounded bird, delicate, and someone in need of saving. They are only facets of their rich and complex personality. Your soulmate is quite intuitive and emotional connection is something that comes easy to them, which makes them quite influential. They have many cult leader’s personality traits if you ask me, but they appreciate their privacy too much to even think of raising a cult on their own. They are a tactile person, yet they are also gentle and thoughtful in their approach to others, so their touch is taken as comforting and non threatening.
They like to walk barefoot and wear loose clothes or be in their undies when they are at home. After you two get closer and you are alone, you might get surprised at them taking their shirt off and going outside to sunbathe out of nowhere. It’s not an invitation to follow them for some exhibitsionist fun, but it’s them chilling and showing you that they are comfortable around you. I know it sounds a bit weird, but your soulmate is both a bit uninhibited and unaware of some social etiquettes. They probably think “nudity” is nothing to be ashamed of, and while they do have a point, they’re also forgetting people could have a hard time separating the idea of nudity from sexual intercourses. Fortunately they are not this… “socially clumsy” all time and they have never had a problem by exhibiting their body at the wrong time and place.  
They don't smile often, but they look relaxed all time rather than grumpy. They have a peaceful expression on their face, and there could be an inner joke between friends about them having a Monalisa smile or something along those lines. Your soulmate could be a foreigner or their parents are immigrants, but I sense this person has the doors open overseas, hinting that they have relatives or friends in other countries willing to receive them anytime. This person is a free spirit but they love people so much to go on a long journey and neglect their relationships as a consequence. They are too shy to admit that they love their peers deeply and they almost see it as a weakness how difficult to depart from their loved ones is for them.   
I’m glad you’ve made it so far! I hope this reading was to your liking and I would love to read your thoughts if you want to share them on the replies. I can give you a “10 messages of your soul mate” reading for a reasonable price, so feel free to contact me for more info. I do accept tips or donations through this link.
✨Pile 4✨
Why do they remind me a bit of Aquaman? I’ve been staring at the cards for three minutes straight and I can't shake the mental image off. Not saying they are the carbon copy of Jason Momoa, but  they look like a fierce warrior from the depths of the ocean. Even if they don`t go to gym, they are well built and not only do they look strong physically, but also mentally! They have dark brown wavy hair whose tips reach their shoulders. Their eyebrows are long and thin, their eyes big and alert, possess a medium size nose and small lips. They could wear a piercing and that's all. This person is not big on jewelry and they rather wear modest clothes of neutral colors. I think they know what they are doing… This person is hot and naturally elegant. Any tweak to their image would make them gain too much attention or admirers they have no time to deal with.
They are ambitious, goal-oriented, natural manifestor, and really smart. Maybe not intellectual or booksmart, more like street smart. They are sharp, overconfident, and quick to make decisions. They are a bit distrustful as well, but they always end up following their heart. Your person is productive and ready to lose themselves in tons of work, so most people assume they are antisocial and have an overbearing personality, which is not the truth! Your soulmate has a tempered and calm personality. Their deep and clear voice grasps the attention of anyone on earshots as it’s both soothing and shocking. It does not match their rough appearance.
They seem to work in the audiovisual or communication field. I’m getting that they have to spend a lot of time in front of screens and analyzing information. They could be a filmmaker, screenwriter, journalist, advertising executive, graphic designer, architect or engineer. They have devoted their life to their job so they have only a few friends and they are the type to date a person for years but also stay single for long periods, since they don`t like to waste their free time on flighty things such as casual dating. They are a bit of a loner and feel like most people misunderstand their outlook on life, taking them as a rigid and blunt person that can only come up with extremist solutions.
Their independence and stubbornness are what have taken them farther in life. They think that working in groups is a hassle as they always end up doing all the work, the reason being whether their collaborators sucked or they couldn't let go of control and ended up wrapping everything up on their own. The path they chose to follow was solitary, but it made them become aware of their abilities and individual value. There’s a great chance this person works independently or has two jobs at the same time; one being a project of theirs. They are quite innovative and their ideas are well received by the eccentric and visionary, although they wouldn't say they fit in those groups.
Your soulmate has a strong will and honorable character, but hides their shy side behind a stoic face. You would learn that they are more of an introverted/shy person after you have your first argument. They could decrease the quality time you spend together to prioritize their work or being more closed off and evasive than usual, so the moment you call them out on their shit, they won't be able to argue back. No gaslighting or making stupid excuses, they would shut their mouth while listening to your explanation on why things are not working out for you two. You intimidate your soulmate whenever you get mad at them, and they would feel ashamed after realizing something they did got you to throw a fit. However, it's the only way to make them open their eyes to the issues within their relationship. They seem to forget at times that relationships also require discipline, nourishment, and commitment.  
They like to feel efficient by fixing problems and they would try to compensation you and make things smooth again between you two after learning they fucked up. Your soulmate is not problematic per se, but their life’s circumstances are troubling for a serious relationship. They are used to living and doing everything by themselves, so they can come off as selfish and disinterested in engaging in activities with others. This person is also older than you. I sense the energy of someone in their 30s (meaning you will meet them when they are that age and you are still in your 20s), so their perspective could clash with yours because of generational beliefs, maturity or family customs. I’m hearing that they would have to split their schedule for this relationship to work out. Apparently, they would have to travel a lot because of work and their free time is scarce, so they would have to give it all to you.
You have a solar relationship. I’m not sure whether I came up with this term by myself or I read it somewhere else, but I would define a “solar relationship” like a bond between two children; genuine, carefree, spontaneous and very emotional. A nasty argument broke off between your soulmate and you in the morning, but I assure you when you two meet again during the evening, you would have forgotten everything that happened earlier and fuse in an embrace. You felt sadder than angry for not being on good terms with your partner during the day. Neither of you want to give up on the warmth, playfulness and sincerity this relationship would bring you. That's why addressing an issue and fixing it might not be so terrible now as it was for both of you in past relationships.
I wouldn't say your soulmate has many exes, but there were plenty of people crushing on them in the past. They went on an actual date with some and others were just silent admirers of theirs, but they never took a moment to consider upgrading any relationship they had as they would do with yours. They would see you as someone who’s really sweet, untroubled, and magnetic. They can't help but want to get closer to you even if you are already in a relationship. They would feel greedy and won't understand where the feeling comes from or its meaning. They could even feel like a psycho for having such thoughts, until they realize they’ve started thinking of sharing the rest of their life with someone like you. Your soulmate would be able to see all your light and value as being mesmerized by your existence.
Your soulmate cares a lot about appearance so they get easily embarrassed when they feel exposed or like you`re drawing too much attention to the both of you. They rarely abandon the role of the adult, which makes me think that this person could be Capricorn or Cancer sun. Aqurius, Libra and Scorpio are also prominent signs in their natal chart. They`re known for being analytical but mostly fair to people. Even if they are a workaholic themselves, they are pretty aware of people's needs and the reasoning behind their shitty attitudes at work. They will empathize with people and feel a lot of compassion for humanity. They don`t let on that they worry about their closed ones and feel overjoyed the few moments they can meet them. Given their achievements and character, they are the pride of their parents and some of their friends.
They are a bit prudish therefore judgmental of the trends and quirks of people. It's like they never were young, but were born feeling old. They feel comfortable taking new responsibilities and having people admire them for their hard work. They feel attracted to their own idea of innocence. They might not think children are, as they see innocence holding hands with stillness and fragility. That's why they have a soft spot for animals and women. Regardless of your soulmate`s gender, they feel sick to their stomach everytime they get news about animals being mistreated and women being assaulted and killed in the daylight. This person thinks a lot about this world`s cruelty and feel impotent that they cannot do anything to make a real chance.
I’m glad you’ve made it so far! I hope this reading was to your liking and I would love to read your thoughts if you want to share them on the replies. I can give you a “10 messages of your soul mate” reading for a reasonable price, so feel free to contact me for more info. I do accept tips or donations through this link.
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sillybeanies · 6 months
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today's beanie: the zodiac horse 🐎
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queenlua · 1 year
on the one hand: my system for filing paperwork should probably be more sophisticated than “the really important stuff goes under the horse zodiac beanie baby”
on the other hand: whenever i put it under the beanie baby i NEVER fail to find it later.  whenever i put it in a goddamn folder somewhere it disappears instantly into the aether.  sooooo
(also the horse is hella cute)
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ace-up-your-sleeve · 1 month
if any of the one w options gets picked ill run another poll
rupert and optimus are probably coming anyways bc they are small loll
pics and links under the cut :3
links to beanie and furby collections:
the creatures in order:
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