#zo junior
bengiyo · 1 year
Hidden Agenda: Zo Experienced The Knowing
I was tagged by @respectthepetty this morning in her post about Zo and how much damage Puen did to him. At the end of the post she mentioned that Zo probably Knew who he was this whole time. I want to talk about the timing of this reveal, what it means for this kind of show, and how I feel about it.
I have admittedly been struggling with this show. I think Dunk is often a little hard for me to read, and I often wish that he hadn’t been given such an internal character to play. However, I think the team may be using that to their advantage to cloud our ability to read Zo. 
Zo began the series in a debate with Joke about how people need to be honest about their feelings before going into a relationship with someone, and he’s been nervous to approach Nita. We’ve also seen him showing dismay about possibly being a bad mentor to Pok, along with his general reticence to Joke’s advances. I think I’ve decided that I’m okay with the show recontextualizing much of what we’ve seen before, but I don’t generally like it. Sure, it rewards those who pay close attention, but there’s too much going on for me to do an extensive rewatch to see those scenes again in a new light. However, I like it for queer reasons. 
What fascinates me about our sudden reread of Zo as a Known Gay (placeholder term I use for everyone; Zo hasn’t identified himself; let me have fun) is we watched Zo go through this during their Chiang Khan trip when he realized Pok was seeing Jeng. At that time I only read Zo as concerned with being read as homophobic by his junior who couldn’t come out to him, but now it’s even sadder because Zo was not only concerned about being seen as homophobic he was also not being seen as a member of the community. 
The constant concern he expresses is that he’ll make people uncomfortable. He’s afraid to approach Nita, and has a huge panic when a not-date doesn’t exactly go over well with her. I thought this was part of his confused feelings for Joke, but it’s also about how Zo doesn’t trust himself in romance because of what Puen did. I feel especially sad for Zo because Puen messed him up so badly that he can’t even pursue an opposite-sex romance with confidence either. I felt like a part of Zo hoped that things would be easier if there wasn’t a gay component to the romance and yet he’s still feeling weird and uncertain.
As for whether Zo suffered The Knowing, I am not sure how far back Zo Knew. I can’t tell from his interactions with his mom, but it’s clear from his scenes with Puen and the matter-of-fact way he describes what happened to Joke that he had put a lot of thought into his feelings for Puen at the time. So, because of the way Puen’s actions continue to impact Zo, he goes on the board.
I'm at least relieved that as @justafriend-ql pointed out in her reblog that confirming that Puen did like him, and it wasn't all in Zo's head, allowed him to finally enjoy a moment with a guy he likes and who clearly likes him.
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xsweetcatastrophe · 5 months
You Broke Me First
Part 17
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Zoe had a smile on her face from the second she got that text from Cillian, all throughout the hot shower she took, picking out clothes, getting dressed, picking up coffee and driving to work.
She picked out a white sleeveless bodysuit with structured shoulders, black pleated dress pants and some mules. She put on her gold bracelets that her grandmother passed down to her when she died (they were in her jewelry box collecting dust) and put on some gold necklaces and earrings. Instead of straightening her hair or putting it in a messy bun like usual, she decided to add some product to it and let it stay wavy, blow drying it upside down and scrunching it so it had volume. Zoe's hair was naturally very wavy and normally she hated it, but she decided to embrace it today.
I look like a lion, she thought to herself as she took one final look in the mirror.
Zoe arrived at work and walked in with her head held high. She walked down the long hallway towards her office, past the cubicles of junior writers that once stared her down. She felt confident, she felt happy, she felt wanted. Cillian had transformed her entire mood. If she knew one blackout night and a sloppy facetime call to him would change everything, she would of done this a long time ago.
She closed her office door, set her bag and coffee down, and sat at her desk. First things first - music. She opened her spotify and shuffled her "liked songs" playlist.
She took out her notebook and opened to the most recent page. She always made a "to do" list for the following day at the end of her day. Since she didn't get anything done on Monday, she wanted to speed through her to do list for Monday and play catch up for today:
schedule Emma Stone interview- get talking points and questions
try and get contact info for wardrobe assistant for Poor Things - check with Casey from accounting?? cousin was a PA on set or something??
follow up with editor for Cill article --- where is it haven't had any feedback in weeks?????
see if can get invite for new PR firm party next month - Jlo should be there with Ben
speaking of ben - see if i can get a contact for jennifer garner, want to do segment for her Pretend Cooking Show and possibly do ina Garten collab -- pitch to Donna first
Zoe didn't get a chance to get started on anything before there was a knock on the door.
"Come in-" Zoe started, but the person had walked in anyway. "Oh, hey Mia"
Mia was one of the junior writers at Zoe's job. She latched onto Zoe as a mentor and always asked her to proofread her articles and, in turn, became somewhat close to Zoe.
Mia closed the door and sat down in the chair across from Zoe.
"Something is going on and you're not telling me" Mia said.
"What do you mean?"
"You seem... happier... well no shit, you're dating a movie star, I bet you jetted off to San Tropez for the weekend and spent it on a yacht" Mia said.
"Mia, you couldn't be more wrong" Zoe said, laughing while reminiscing of her spilling out of the dive bar Sunday night. Not exactly San Tropez.
"Ugh, I hate you so much," Mia said, leaning back into the chair and looking up at the ceiling. "How does it feel to be the envy of every girl ever?"
"Oh, stop it" Zoe said, rolling her eyes.
"Zo, you're dating Tommy Shelby. Girls have wet dreams about being with Tommy Shelby."
"I'm not dating Thomas Shelby" Zoe said, rolling her eyes.
"He still has the haircut. So at least you can pretend" Mia pointed out.
"Do you need help with something?" Zoe said, half jokingly and half serious. She felt uncomfortable talking about her relationship with Cillian, mainly because she still didn't feel comfortable lying about it. She rather avoid the entire topic all together.
"Just tell me one thing, please" Mia said, leaning forward in her chair, elbows on her knees and lowering her voice, "Is the sex good at least? Tell me it's mind blowing"
Couldn't tell ya, Mia, Zoe thought.
"Its... it's indescribable" Zoe settled on. Not exactly a lie, right? You can't describe what you don't remember.
"Ugh, I bet!" Mia said, standing up. "I'll tell you one thing" She continued as she walked towards the office door, "If he ever comes to visit you and I'm alone with him the elevator, i can't make promises I won't keep my hands to myself" She said, sticking her tongue out.
"You're a creep, close my door" Zoe said, rolling her eyes.
Before the door could click shut, it swung open again.
"Hi Honey!" Donna said dramatically, walking in.
"Hey Donna" Zoe smiled sweetly.
"Listen, sweetie, about your Cillian article," Donna paused, "I think it's best if we shelf it for the time being."
Zoe was heartbroken. "What???" why? it's with the editors, I was actually going to follow up so I can get it to publishing"
"Actually, I pulled it from the editors last week and it's been with me on my desk all this time" Donna said, looking out the windows behind Zoe's desk.
"What? why?" Zoe asked again.
"I just think... We, the partners feel that with your current 'relationship' status that an article written by you about him wouldn't exactly go over well" she stated.
"So it's a dead interview?" All that work for nothing. She's in a fake relationship because of this interview! well.... not fake feelings... I think.. Zoe thought, started to spiral.
"We are thinking about how to proceed, we might shelf it, or we might re-do the piece with Cynthia conducting the interview instead"
Zoe saw red. "Donna" She started
"Oh Zoe don't start. Enough with this rivalry. You need to bury this" Donna said, walking towards the door. "Again, no decision has been met yet, I just wanted to keep you posted. Lets do lunch later this week sweetie, i'll see you later" She said, leaving just as fast as she arrived.
Zoe sat there in silence, trying to figure out how she felt about those two interactions.
On one hand, she liked that she was the envy of the females, according to Mia. Even though it's technically a contract relationship, the feelings are real... right? right.
As for the piece... that flat out pissed her off. Cynthia and Zoe got hired at the same time, but where Zoe had to show a lengthy portfolio of articles she's done, Cynthia's father "donated" new Mac computers to the entire building. Her heart wasn't in the storytelling part of journalism, she wanted to be close to celebrities and be one. Granted, Zoe was the one who was now dating one..... but Zoe didn't intend for that to happen. Cynthia tries to date everyone she interviews - what if she makes a move on Cillian??? No, she wouldn't. She knew they were in a relationship... right?
Zoe threw her pen on her desk and leaned back in her chair. This day started off so promising, so positive and happy, and now she had a knot in her chest.
Just then, her phone went off, a text.
From Cillian.
Dinner tonight? your place? unless you're sick of me xx
Zoe smiled.
-My to do list got cut in half, i'm leaving here at 4. Gonna stop at the store first, meet at my place at 5? -sounds good love. xx
Okay, that's something to look forward to I guess. Zoe thought. She'll pick up a bottle of wine and relax with her boyfriend.
Her boyfriend.... her"boyfriend"? Her contractually obligated boyfriend?
Cillian. She'll relax with Cillian.
Zoe pulled up to her apartment to Cillian sitting on the front steps. She parked and hopped out of the car carrying the bottle of wine.
"Hey you" Cillian said, standing up and immediately pulling her into a kiss. "You look absolutely beautiful."
"Thank you" Zoe smiled. She looked behind him on the steps and noticed the pizza box. "Pizza night?" She asked.
"Yea, I didn't know what to get last minute, and didn't want to show up empty handed, and I figured it's a safe bet" He said, shrugging his shoulders.
"Of course pizza is a safe bet. Lets go upstairs" She said, silently thanking god that she straightened up her apartment before she left that morning.
They went up the stairs and entered the apartment, placing the pizza and wine on the counter.
Zoe turned around, half expecting Cillian to pounce on her. She knew there was sexual frustration since last night, and she wanted to continue what they started.
But, much to her dismay, Cillian began to get the wine glasses out of the cabinet and uncork wine, pouring Zoe a glass first. He carried the pizza box and his wine to the coffee table, placing them down and sitting on the couch in front of it. He opened the pizza box before yelling back to her "Hey, can you grab napkins for us?"
Hm. okay. a little bit too domesticated for me tonight, but okay, Zoe thought, grabbing some napkins. She kicked off her shoes and sat next to him on the couch, accepting a slice from him.
They made small talk about their day, and Zoe asked how the house hunting went. Cillian's mood suddenly changed.
"It's turning into a nightmare" He said, shaking his head.
Cillian sighed. "because now that she signed the papers, she wants this done, like yesterday. As if she wasn't the one who dragged this out for so long. She wants me out of the house in the next couple of days or else the buyer is gonna walk away. So I need to be out of the house by Thursday"
Zoe stopped chewing. "Cillian... its literally Tuesday"
"Yea, no shit" Cillian huffed. "I found a house, put in an offer, but no way it'll be ready by Thursday. It's fine. I have my assistant looking for an airb&b for me in the meantime, but I have to board Scout, which I don't like"
Zoe had an idea.
"Well... you can stay here" Zoe said.
Cillian looked at her. "I don't know, love, I don't want to be in your way-"
"This sounds like a conversation we had last yesterday, except roles were reversed" Zoe laughed. "But I'm serious. I'm assuming all of your furniture is going to storage, correct?"
Cillian nodded. "They started today actually"
"So pack a bag for a couple of days, bring Scout, and stay here. Stay for as long as you need. I know it's not much, we have ubers here, the streetlight outside flickers all night, the hot water takes a minute to get luke warm, if you want hot you gotta wait about 5 minutes, and the walls are a little thin, but it's not that bad. And you're more than welcome here" Zoe said, standing up and heading into the kitchen.
"Are you allowed to even have pets here?" Cillian said, standing up and following her.
"Yea it's fine, there are dogs here. And this way if the house falls through, you can look for another one and not have to worry about extending the airb&b or finding a new one"
Zoe was drying her hands on the dishtowel when she felt Cillian wrap his arms around her from behind, nuzzling into her neck. "But where would I sleep?" He teased.
Zoe smiled. "Scout and I already claimed the bed. You sir are getting the couch" She teased back.
"mhmmm, and I bet you'll be on the couch with me before you fall asleep" He said, starting to kiss your neck.
Zoe rolled her head to the side, making it easier for him to kiss her neck. He squeezed her tighter in his arms, making Zoe sigh and relax into him. He suddenly stopped and spun her around; she was now facing him, nose to nose, still trapped in his arms.
"Ok," He whispered. "But you gotta let me help out"
"Help with what?" Zoe laughed. "It's not hard to manage a 900 square foot apartment, I assure you"
"I could be a pain, you could end up hating me by the time this is done" He said softly, hands traveling from her back to her hips, right where the hem of her jeans sat.
"I could handle you" Zoe responded, which prompted Cillian to raise an eyebrow and smirk.
"Alright love," He said, fingertips gently dipping into her jeans, rubbing the soft flesh of her stomach.
"You wanna play house? Lets play house."
tags: @lau219 @shopgirl6us
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respectthepetty · 1 year
The Rabbit Story = Who won the scholarship?!
During the video (that is is being filmed by Joke's younger brother, and Pok's secret boyfriend, Jeng!), Zo mentioned that THREE YEARS AGO, the debate team won a competition where the prize was a study aboard scholarship to Finland. In the rabbit story in the very beginning, Zo mentioned the girl rabbit leaving the boy rabbit to go on a journey around the world.
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So who is this rabbit story really about?
Option 1 - Wave and Trin (the past)
Wave is Zo's senior. Pat stated Wave adored Zo, so they both expected Wave to easily give into Zo's request, yet Wave was adamant that Joke NOT join the debate team, and it seemed to balance on the fact that Joke is from Public Administration. Also, Wave didn't finish his statement about why Joke wanted to join the club. He said "does he want to join to improve himself or . . ."
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Trin is Joke's senior, and he immediately asked if Zo was Wave's mentee.
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Then, he told Joke to be wary of them.
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Were Trin and Wave close, only for Wave to leave on his study abroad and things fell apart? Did Trin perhaps join the debate team at one point with ulterior motives, and that's why Wave doesn't trust Joke?! Do Trin and Wave see history repeating because they were Zo and Joke?
Option 2 - Nita and Zo (the present)
Because Zo refers to the rabbits by gender, this seems the most obvious. And the debate team is the tribe.
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The core group should be juniors, no? They all met during freshmen year. But when did Nita join the debate club? She did it after the recruitment process ended, so did she join her freshman year? And is that why Zo couldn't give Joke an answer of why he joined the club? Because he joined to get closer to Nita! Or was Zo already a member when Nita joined?
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Nita was dating Joke, but they broke up.
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So did Nita win this scholarship? Did she study abroad, and the rabbit story is obviously about Zo declaring his love for Nita.
Option 3 - Joke and Zo (the future)
Zo hasn't won the scholarship . . . yet.
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But he really wants to.
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It seems unlikely that Zo won the scholarship their freshman year, but the beginning of the rabbit story where Zo talks about the boy rabbit being stuck in a trap until the girl rabbit rescues him sounds very similar to the reason there was bad blood between Zo and Joke their freshman year - Zo offered himself up in the freshy competition in Joke's place.
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Following the rabbit story, Zo is the girl rabbit and Joke is the boy rabbit with his foot stuck in the trap (freshy competition). Joke fell for Zo then, but has been pining after him for years. Now, they will meet again as Joke becomes a member of the tribe (the debate team). However, Zo wants Nita, and I think Zo will get Nita. The rabbit story had the girl rabbit being in a relationship and then breaking up with that person before going on her journey around the world. Will Zo get Nita, win the competition, break up with Nita because his feelings are conflicted, and run away to Finland on the scholarship leaving Joke alone with his feelings?
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The trailer showed us that Joke confesses at some point, but is that confession all part of the role-playing that Joke is using as a guise to get closer to Zo?
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So . . .
Who is the girl rabbit scholarship winner?
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adoremexxs · 1 year
I really enjoy Zohakuten and Rui as a duo and I see absolutely nothing for them together so I decided to write a little something for them. It’s purely platonic and it’s set in the modern universe. TW, mentions of smoking, stress, bullying and also fighting and blood. Enjoy!
Zohakuten had awoken to his older brothers yelling at each other. He already woke up with a headache because of those losers and it made him want to bash his head into the wall.
“KARAKU. STOP PESTERING AIZETSU AND GET READY FOR SCHOOL.” He heard his oldest and msot annoying brother yell. That was Sekido for you. Always yelling and being an absolute pain in the ass.
Zohakuten climbed out of bed, grumbling and rubbing his eyes as he stumbled out into the hallway and try to ignore the crossfire. Urogi and Karaku were pushing his other brother, Aizetsu, around who looked like he was about to cry.
“Oi! You fucking idiots! Quit being assholes and leave Zetsu alone!” He yelled at them and his brothers immediately stopped.
“Morning, Zo.”
“Shut the fuck up, Karaku.”
“Someone’s in a mood~ What’s wrong? Have you started your man period-“ Zohakuten slammed the bathroom door in Karaku’s face and locked it so he could shower and wash his face in peace. After he was all clean and dried off, he brushed his teeth and fixed his unruly and messy hair. Zohakuten didn’t bother for appearances. Everyone at his school kinda excluded him since he was kinda aloof and very introverted…and people were also intimidated by him. So he didn’t exactly have any friends besides his brothers and they aren’t good friends.
He wrapped a towel around him and peaked out the door to see if the coast was clear. Thank God that it was. He went to his room to throw on his uniform. Zohakuten wanted to rub his temples and hit something in frustration because it seemed like he was growing and would need a new pair of shoes. They didn’t exactly have the best living situation and he also got into fights all the time so it didn’t help but put more stress on Sekido’s shoulders. Zohakuten can’t help that everyone wants to test him.
Zohakuten left his room, seeing that Aizetsu and Sekido were in the kitchen, making breakfast.
“Morning, Zohakuten.” Sekido greeted him in his usual grumpy tone, a cup of black coffee in his hand. He was scrambling eggs for them all.
“Good morning, Zoha.” Aizetsu quietly greeted him, watching the bacon sizzle.
“Morning…I think I’m just going to head out.” Zohakuten told the two.
“Without breakfast?!” Sekido looks shocked, furrowing his brows together, “At least take a piece of toast or something.”
“No, thanks,” Zohakuten grabbed his bags, slinging it over his shoulder, “Tell Urogi and Karaku that I said bye.” And he left midway when Sekido was yelling at him. Zohakuten was in his 2nd year of Junior High. He basically considers himself an adult already since he took care of himself after his mother passed away. Their dad was never in the picture. He always felt extreme guilt for their mother passing since she died giving birth to him. Aizetsu would always assure Zohakuten that it wasn’t his fault but whenever him and Sekido would argue, Sekido would use it against him. Zohakuten just shook his head, trying to get the hurtful thoughts out of his head.
Zohakuten and his quadruplet of brothers lived in the rundown part of town. There would be crimes everyday here and Sekido would always stress himself out. Sekido never would admit it out loud about how stressed he got but Zohakuten could smell the cigarette smoke on his older brother. He knows that Sekido smokes to relieve stress but he also knows that it is bad. He tried a cigarette and never wanted to do it again.
The walk to school was pretty long. It was quite the distance and was in a crime free and more kept up with part of town. He walked in and went to his locker to change his shoes. That’s when he noticed him.
A pale student with even paler hair and strange markings on his face and with the prettiest blue eyes. Zohakuten thought he kinda resembles a spider but the student didn’t seem to have any friends. He thought maybe this was his chance…nah, friends are overrated. He doesn’t need any friends! He huffs, slamming his locker shut and walking away from the new student.
He got to math first and that new student just seems to be haunting him because he was in that class! Zohakuten learned his name was Rui. Rui looked weak and fragile to him. Like his Grandpa, Urami before he passed away. Zohakuten couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy watching Rui interact with a popular classmate, Senjuro.
Senjuro was loved by everyone. His brother was a teacher at the high school and everyone just seemed to love him. Senjuro is everything that Zohakuten wished he could be but he was not. He had a stable home life, parents, a good big brother and easily made friends with people.
Rui seemed happy to converse with Senjuro. Zohakuten thought it was funny how weak the two looked together. They had no one to protect them but themselves. It seemed like Rui was actually haunting him and it was literally concerning him to have this new kid in every single one of his classes.
He thought his eyes were pretty, though he was pale and looked like he was going to die any second. Zohakuten didn’t say anything. Lunch came around and Zohakuten never really ate. He didn’t have anyone to sit with so he skipped out on meals so he walked around the hallways. He wasn’t supposed to. He was actually going to head back until he heard shouting.
“Please! Don’t hurt me! I didn’t do anything!”
“Shut up! I don’t even know why you came here, you pathetic piece of trash!”
“Ouch! Please stop!” Zohakuten couldn’t help but let curiousity get the better of him so he went to investigate. Only to see Rui getting kicked by these two kids and them laughing.
“Give us your lunch money. Come on! Or are you so sickly that all of your parent’s money goes to you? Are you that much of a burden?” The other bully laughs, going to stomp on Rui’s face. That was until he got pushed.
“Hey! Who the hell do you- AHHH!” The other kid turned around to defend his friend only to get socked right in the nose.
“How rude of you two.” Zohakuten stood in front of Rui, “Bullying the weak. Truly how pathetic of you, awful, awful villians. You guys deserve nothing in the world.” The kid who got punched in the face was crying, clutching onto his bleeding nose. Rui was so surprised that he was getting help. Usually people just leave him be.
“Hey! How dare you hurt my friend!” The main bully’s friend lunged at Zohakuten again only to get kicked away and tackled to the ground. He didn’t really have much time to react to getting tackled to the ground because Zohakuten kept landing blow to blow to his face until he started crying just like his other friend. He still didn’t stop until Rui had yanked him off.
The two bullies were sobbing down, holding onto their faces.
“Now, you know better than to snitch, right? You just tell the teacher that you two fought each other or something if you know what’s good for you.” Zohakuten threatened them menacingly and the two just nodded and scurried off. Zohakuten grimaced at his knuckles which were bleeding. He was just going to walk off until he felt a tug on the hem of his uniform. He turned around to see Rui holding onto him.
“…Why did you help me?” Rui asks, his face scruffed up a bit and his uniform and hair a mess.
Zohakuten wrinkles his nose at the sight of Rui, “Because you are weak. You are nothing but weak. You can’t defend yourself at all. Be glad I even helped you out.” He rips his uniform away from Rui’s clutches only to get wrapped into a hug.
“Thank you…” Rui had muttered, locking Zohakuten in a tight embrace. He was embarrassed. He wasn’t used to such affection. He also wasn’t used to even having a…friend.
“I’m Rui…Let’s be friends.” Rui pulled away, giving Zohakuten the smallest of smiles and Zohakuten scoffed.
“I’m Zohakuten…and yeah…whatever…”
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lijst van starkid/tcb karakters die ik denk dat de mol zouden kunnen zijn
Owen Carvour (duh)
Xander Lee
Wilbur Cross
Joe Walker Voldemort maar hij zou er wel fucking slecht in zijn
Esther Backpack-Blueglasses
The Old Snatch
Junior Spaceclaw (zou er ook fucking slecht in zijn)
Taz zou de mol niet zijn maar ze zou fucking winnen
Sweet Tooth
Bug (hij is al een insect die zich verstopt onder de mensen HALLO)
Aladdin maar alleen de 'in your reflection' kant
Slippery When Wet Dikrats
General Store Guy
McDoon (Cletus Jones zou in dit geval de eerste afvaller zijn)
Titty Mitty zou finalist zijn
Van Ani weet ik oprecht niet of er een de mol zou zijn
Ghosts of Christmas Present en Future
Emily Cratchit
Infected Charlotte
Sherman Young
Linda Monroe
T'Noy Karaxis
Wiggog Y'Wrath (ik heb van alle LiB geen idee hoe goed ze zouden zij maar oke)
Sylvia (van Forever and Always)
Alice Woodward?
Hidgens, hij zou zo fucking dramatisch doen dar niemand hem verdenkt omdat hij zo obvious is
Paul 23
Peter Spankoffski (Ruth en Richie zouden NIET ver komen, Steph zou als laatste/een-na-laatste afvallen)
Solomon Lauter
Sheila Young
Roman Murray
Sergio Santos
Tatiana Slozhno (zou alle widmblr gays verblinden, we zouden haar zo niet verdenken)
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Almost ten things we know about Joke
He likes Zo and that red drink/tea
He lives alone
He has a grandmother, whom he loves very much
He "works" in a bar playing guitar
He study Public Administration
He has a brother/cousin named Jeng
He doesn't care about what other people think of him
His dad has money and I guess they were close bc they used to eat out together
He will protect his loved ones
And that's pretty much it, like, I love Zo and I know the show is focusing in him and all that, but it makes me very worried how little we know of the other guy. And how much of those things are said to us by other people not much shown.
I need them to give us some background or explanation of him because is not normal how (1) he has a unhealthy dependency of Zo, (2) he doesn't know boundaries, (3) WE DON'T KNOW WHO HE IS OUTSIDE OF HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH ZO.
Another thing that worries me is unlike Zo who has a very complete and big support system (family, friends, seniors, juniors, teachers, colleagues), Joke barely interacts with anyone. He had two conversation with the bar guy; and he does talk with Jeng but at this point Jeng is also more on the Zo side than Joke's because of his relationship with Pok (Zo's junior).
And look, I love characters who are already "complete" in the sense of don't need some big narrative arc or development to add to the story. But Joke is not one of them. He has something going on that affects Zo, even if it something in the background.
Who he is? What motivates him? What does he wants? Why does he get so attached to Zo? Why is he working in the bar? Why does he lives alone? Where are his parents? How does Jeng and the grandma also never interacts?
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stormyoceans · 1 year
did Guy and Podd appear in HA? what about their storyline? did they kiss?
I MEAN..... i can't say they didn't appear in the show because they did......... for around 5 minutes of screentime combined in which they only share 3 scenes together and if you removed their characters from the plot altogether nothing would change ;;;;;;;
to sum it up for you [SPOILERS FOR HIDDEN AGENDA FOR ANYONE WHO HASN'T SEEN IT], wave (podd's character) is zo's (dunk's character) senior in the debate club, while trin (guy's character) owns the bar where joke (joong's character) works as a part-time singer in the evenings. in episode 2, after learning from joke that zo is wave's junior, trin warns him to be careful about people in the debate club, which hints about him and wave having history with each other
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then they barely show up until episode 10, where zo asks wave why he dislikes joke so much and we find out through a flashback that wave and trin did use to be friends. one night, while they were out, wave got drunk and trin helped him back to his room, but when trin tried to take his shirt off wave misinterpreted it and thought trin was taking advantage of him. trin did admit to like wave, but wave said he didn't like trin and punched him, then they punched each other, which caused wave to miss out on the debate club competition. wave has blamed trin for that for years and is now afraid that joke is gonna cost zo the competition too, but zo basically reads him for filth
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today, in the last episode, we got one final scene where wave shows up at trin's bar and they end up drinking together, hinting at a reconciliation, and.. that's it ;;;;;;;;
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so yeah, tl;dr: they do appear very briefly in the show but they hardly have a storyline to begin with, and while there are one-sided (??) feelings involved they're not together, so there's no kiss
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yanderesnjunk · 2 years
The Loan Shark
Lorenzo Diaz
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♡ Morning, Lovely ♡
“Hope you slept well.”
“…something wrong? Say good morning. You know, it’s rude to not greet your house spouse good morning. Especially after that person made you a delicious, well-rounded breakfast.”
“…huh? Who am I? How sleepy are you? It’s me, Lorenzo. Though, I really wish you’d call me Zo.”
That’s right! Be polite to your m̶a̶n̶i̶p̶u̶l̶a̶t̶e̶ m̶a̶n̶s̶p̶l̶a̶i̶n̶ malewife Lorenzo. Just because he’s more lenient with his darling than others doesn’t mean his tolerance is limitless. He worked hard picking out your clothes and making you breakfast. A small thank you would suffice.
He takes time out of his schedule to make you getting ready for your day easier. He still needs to be ready to do his own job. But he loves you so much, he wants to make sure you’re ready. He doesn’t do this for anyone else, so you really should be appreciative. His fashion sense is impeccable, too. So, you’ll always be the best dressed at work. Would you like his help styling your hair (or wig)? He always knows how to frame your face perfectly! He always does a great job. Don’t you want to praise him?
Breakfast is hot and ready! Won’t you sit down and eat with him? He’s going to have a long day without you. Making boring calls to people whose voices aren’t nearly as melodious as yours. Handling monotonous paperwork that lacks any semblance of you. Not being able to cook for or cuddle with you during breaks. Not being able to leave little kisses all over your face. He’ll have to suffer for hours by himself. So, the least you’ll do is eat the breakfast he made for you, right? You’ll thank him, right?
Time for work? He can drive you! You can spend more time together on the ride there. You'll tell him your schedule on the way, won't you? He just wants to know when your lunch break is so he can call you! Your voice is the perfect pick-me-up during a long shift.
What do you mean he can't call you during lunch?
You're going to have lunch with a co-worker?
Who? What's their name? How old are they? Where are you going to eat? Are they your senior or junior? What do they look like? Why haven't you mentioned them before? How do you know you can trust them? What if the food they choose makes you sick? This is a bad idea. You should just eat the lunch he packed for you. You know how hard he worked on it. Do you want his hard work to go to waste? You're not that heartless, right?
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Where does he work? Don't you remember? He's a branch manager at that bank downtown. What bank? Geez, are you still half asleep? What does he do? Oh, it's just boring things. Don't worry your pretty little head about it. You'll fall back asleep if he gives that long explanation.
Huh? What? He isn't dismissing you. It just isn't a very interesting thing to talk about. You have better things to think about. Like what you want for dinner. Do you want French or Thai?
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rosey100 · 6 months
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I kinda want to do this
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I feel like their relationship is mostly Bluey and Jean-Luc as they were separated by their own living situation as children, but then got together years later at college. Zoe and Kenny started dating in their junior years, and by their graduation, Kenny popped the question, and of course, Zo said Yes (while jumping into his arm, flatten a whole cake Ken prepared for the proposal but Zoe bought a new one).
I like @jokerislandgirl32 's idea of the Wild kratts kids either dating the ship kids or becoming the next generation of the Wild Kratts chew so
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ohanny · 1 year
hidden agenda episode 2
"basil chicken without the basil, please"
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- i love how this episode starts off strong with zo on a date with joke, not that zo has any idea this is what's happening - "my tongue is always getting me in trouble" ¬‿¬ - you think in five episodes we will get zo thinking this "we can just stay as classmates" was his last chance to run and avoid a life of homosexual bliss? - i love zo's absolute tunnel vision when it comes to this idea of joke helping him get nita and joke is literally looking anywhere else, just asking zo out to eat, "my treat" like dumb dumb, that's a date! - why is it peak zo to be like "basil chicken but no basil, please" - but look at joke widening his horizons! he's totally like "first i will feed you spring rolls, next it will be my dick"
reasons to join the debate team: 1. [NEW]: so p'wave can step on me 2. [⬇] the dumpster fire that is joke-zo-nita 3. [=] actually developing valuable skills
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- but for real, i would also be down bad for nita, girl call me - i love the debate team debating about the pros and cons of letting joke join their crew and it basically being girl: well, he is really hot boy: but has anyone ever heard him talk, let alone debate? - zo is such a dedicated good boy, i can't with him, but he gets so shifty when joke is brought up :D honey, you are being sus as fuck
- HOW does zo not realize he is being flirted with by a man who is so gone on him, he thinks helping the dummy to woo his ex girlfriend is a great idea??? the agenda is not hidden at all
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- i do love a man motivated by a shiny cup - the way zo is like "one day i shall be the debate champion" and joke is basically putting together a mental pinterest board of their wedding. your honour, the man is a simp
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- the episode is not even halfway through and this is the second time joke has conned zo to have a date dinner - if it wasn't 2AM and i wasn't having espresso twitches, i could go on a rant about the significance of joke getting zo - a person clearly stuck in his ways and reluctant to branch out - to try new things
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- oh my dear lord he is practicing his debate stuff and being so cute about it, do not make fun of the poor baby - also what is this place? does he live in a mcmansion? - the random seniors in this show are all unfairly attractive - "look at this guy drinking a soda. in a bar" - someone who knows what's up
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- "is he wave's mentee? be careful of those guys." EXCUSE ME? what is going on here? what is with the ominous music? is the debate club some weird junior branch of the mafia? - i am getting vibes. i am officially shipping this bar owner with p'wave, it is done. new hyper fixation. the head canons are canoning. like i need to know who got their dick sucked and heart broken. - joke and his dedication to get zo to eat new things vol. 3942 - ksjkdfakjf JOONG. i see a shadow of stubble and i am on the floor. - zo: remember how i taught you the gazing technique? use it. joke, a man physically unable to tear his eyes off zo: ... - they are holding hands and joke is freaking out because oh god, he is just a shy bean, isn't he? like he masks his social awkwardness by being big and grumpy and now he is being coached by a man in a 2012 bieber haircut - "i don't think anyone realizes how fast my heart is racing right now" BITCH PLEASE I AM UNDER THE FLOOR OH GOD
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- how is zo and literally everyone else in the bar not in love with this man by now? - he is not singing "choose me, choose me, i'll take good care of you" adlaflkdjf fucking hell (ಥ﹏ಥ)
- yes, zo, go off responsible king! don't drink and drive! give this man a ride instead, he has earned it - joke went from mildly annoyed over being babied to absolutely smitten because zo was worried about him to oh fuck shit nita in a matter of seconds - "are you sulking?" YES HE IS! you broke his tender heart yet again you fucking piece of bieber - i don't know how necessary taking zo's glasses off was for placing the helmet on his head but it was very necessary for my well being - "why were you talking about having a crush?" BECAUSE HE HAS ONE ON YOU
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- zo is such a happy lil hamster driving the bike and joke is probably feeling like a roasted marshmallow at this point. like he 10/10 sniffed the back of zo's neck and downright confessed already but of course the dumb-dumb didn't hear it... the tropes are troping so hard MY HEART - what the fuck they mentioned finland?!?! TORILLA TAVATAAN! - joke is walking like a man on a mission and it is very sexy - the hair curl is swirled, the denim is hugging those thighs, the sleeves are rolled... - they made this so dramatic for no reason like how p'wave is all "he is two seconds late and literally no one else is here yet OFF WITH HIS HEAD!" (like seriously, is this a debate mafia?!) and joke definitely could have squeezed his way into that elevator, none of those girls would have minded one bit like pls - lmfao even nita is like "what's up with you? why are you here?" - oooh, p'wave is definitely up something like he is plotting and that just made him at least 45% hotter in my eyes. older man: ✓ face sculpted to the gods: ✓ possibly evil: 🚩🚩🚩 zo, a person who begged a girl's ex to help him woo her with inside knowledge: hidden agendas are wrong because there should be no secrets when you start a relationship joke, sweating: ... - also joke: spanks that button so hard damn
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joke: but what if i fart a lot zo: this hardly counts as a hidden agenda joke: then what is it? zo: your talk of flatulence has rendered me speechless everyone: all hail joke, our new debate king - nooo HE GOT BUDDY ZONED - oh, good job gay gravity, we had the swoon and we got a man down on his knees like that's a double whammy!
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WAIT WE ARE GETTING A HOT GIRL MAKEOVER MONTAGE NEXT EPISODE oh god those were my favorite bits of america's next top model although i think we all know who's gonna be on top here
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barclaysangel · 2 years
Junior: Z is just a sideways N.
Jake: It’s 2 am, please stop.
Junior: Zo.
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gpfansnl · 2 years
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Achter elke succesvolle man staat een sterke vrouw, zo luidt het alom bekende gezegde. Daar kunnen de meeste Formule 1-coureurs wel over meepraten. Tijdens deze winterstop zetten we de vriendinnen en vrouwen van de 2023-grid voor je op een rijtje, met vandaag: Carola Martinez, de vrouw van Sergio Pérez. Er is vrij weinig bekend over Carola Martinez, aangezien het koppel erg geheimzinnig is over hun privé-leven. Checo vroeg Carola in 2017 ten huwelijk, waarna ze elkaar in 2018 het ja-woord gaven. De twee hebben samen drie kinderen: Sergio junior (5 jaar), Carlota (3 jaar) en Emilio (8 maanden). 📸 IG: carolamtz1
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respectthepetty · 1 year
HA might pull a reverse uno on us and reveal that Zo is doing all this because he has liked Joke all along and wanted Joke to be the one to confess first. Looking forward to me clowning myself 🤡
Anon, you've opened a floodgate.
Even though I cannot believe Zo is that clueless to Joke's feelings for him, I am firmly planted in the "Zo is clueless" garden purely for personal reasons -
I want Zo to feel manipulated. *put a pin in it*
Never trust a Thai trailer, especially a pilot trailer, but in it, Zo was VERY upset.
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I want this.
No. Scratch that.
I need this!
I need Zo to try to manipulate his way into Nita's heart and pull it off. I need him to get the girl, then realize that everything he changed about himself to get her isn't who he really is, and how he went about getting her was completely wrong.
I need him to develop feelings for Joke along the way and not know what to do with them. I need him to want to break up with Nita and run to Joke, only to then learn that Joke AND HIS FRIENDS have been playing him this entire time, but why?
I need him to be conflicted.
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It's not She's All That because there is no bet, but it IS She's All That because Joke is playing the long con, when he could've just confessed DAY ONE, but about what?
I need Zo to think he is being a hypocrite. He used Nita's ex to get the girl, and Joke used his friends to get to him. But unlike Zo, who I want to feel guilt, how long would Joke have kept it up if not found it, and what would Joke own up to?!
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In my head, Zo will eventually own up to his lies because Zo is honest.
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but Joke? Nah.
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We got several kisses in the trailer that ZO INITIATES, but episode two showed us that Joke has whole scenarios playing out in his head, so are these kisses really happening or what Joke wants to happen?
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It matters because Joke is in love with some dream version of Zo rather than confronting the real Zo right in front of him, and Zo MUST be clueless in order for this work.
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This all hinges on Zo not being aware of Joke's feelings, and Joke not confessing them BEFORE Zo stumbles across some version of the truth that makes Joke look worse *take those pins out*.
If Zo is also playing his own game, good for him. But I am personally praying that some of the pilot trailer trickles through, and the boys are going to have to evaluate how "Hidden Agendas" hurt the ones they love.
Because Director Tee has already shown this is his specialty.
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And I want the scholarship to be the tipping point.
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Joke seems to be working class, yet magically wants to join the debate team. Zo wants that study aboard scholarship. It'd be hard to think you're not being used as a pawn in someone's game to get a scholarship that you've always wanted mostly if that person never confesses to the real reason why they played all these games to get close to you.
Wave and Trin have beef for a reason.
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How easy would it be to convince their juniors that history is repeating?
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Very easy if we start with the premise that Zo is clueless to Joke's feelings for him, and instead believes that Joke is doing all of this - joining the debate team, asking the best debater to tutor him, throwing the best debater off his game by flirting with him, and getting into his head - to win a scholarship.
Putting on my clown makeup now.
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kirillklipblog · 1 month
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keynewssuriname · 4 months
Junioren wielrenner Jaїr Nortan verovert zilver in Frans-Guyana
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Jaїr Nortan heeft een sterke indruk gemaakt tijdens deelname met een Surinaams team aan de Grand Prix Cycliste De L' Ouest (8-10 juni) in Frans-Guyana. De 17-jarige wielrijder wist in de U-19 categorie zilver te pakken en eindigde overall het evenement ook als de hoogst gerangschikte Surinamer. De jongeling finishte na 3 zware wedstrijddagen, bestaande uit 4 etappes (3 wegwedstrijden en 1 tijdrit), in het algemeen klassement op de 28e plaats. Landgenoot Moses Rickets sloot af als 32e. De overige Surinaamse wielrenners Jeörgen Adelaar, Xavi Wadilie en Ruben Vismale hebben jammer genoeg het avontuur niet kunnen afmaken, waardoor ze geen rangschikking kregen. Van de 73 wielrenners die vanaf de openingsetappe aan de start verschenen, maakten 43 het geheel af. Aanvankelijk zou Jorryn Simson ook deel uitmaken van Team Suriname. Hij trok zichzelf terug vanwege ontevredenheid. Naar verluidt kon de Surinaamse Wielren Unie (SWU) niet aan bepaalde eisen van de wielrijder voldoen. Simson zegt desgevraagd deze kwestie binnenskamers met de organisatie te zullen oplossen. Eerder had Dimitri Madamsir ook afgezien van een uitnodiging van de wielerorganisatie. Hij koos ervoor met zijn Franse team VCM Belova, waarmee hij in het buurland traint, te rijden. Ondanks deze tegenvallers ging de trein verder. Progressie Uitgaande van recente prestaties is bij Nortan duidelijk een stijgende lijn te zien. De jongeling laat zich niet afschrikken door ervaren wielrijders. Onbevreesd stapt hij op zijn doel af. “Ik vind dat ik goed heb gepresteerd en mijn uiterste best heb gedaan”, zegt Nortan trots. Hij kende weliswaar geen goede start tijdens de eerste etappe vanuit Paramaribo richting Albina. Naar zijn zeggen was etappe 1 een uitdaging. Met name dat gedeelte bij Moengo verliep volgens hem moeizaam. Een deel van het weggedeelte is vlak en was het moeilijker voor hem om de hoge snelheden aan te houden. “Ik was na die eerste wedstrijd overall zeer laag gepositioneerd en dat heb ik later gecorrigeerd door ervoor te zorgen dat ik altijd in de voorste groep van de race was. Nadat de jeugdige de kracht van het overige deelnemersveld doorhad, was ik er zeker van dat ik het zou kunnen doen.” Na dag 1 stond hij in de U-19 categorie overall op de 9e plaats. Na etappe 2 klom hij naar de 2e plaats, die niet meer uit handen werd gegeven. Zijn doelstelling was de eerste plek bij de juniors te veroveren en overall zo hoog mogelijk te eindigen. Ondanks dat hij naar Surinaamse maatstaven een mooie prestatie wist neer te zetten is Nortan niet tevreden. “Ik ben toch 2e geworden.” Deze prestatie is echter een motivatie om sterker te worden. “Het heeft mij ook laten zien dat opgeven je nergens gaat brengen.” Naar zeggen van de jongeling heeft de training in Suriname en juiste mindset geleid tot dit resultaat. Hij is daarnaast ook de sponsoren, die hebben geholpen met voeding en coachingstaf dankbaar. Zonder de genoemde factoren had hij deze prestatie niet kunnen neerzetten. Vanuit Albina werd de oversteek gedaan naar Frans-Guyana. Naar zeggen van Nortan bestond het parcours voor etappe 2 en 3 meer uit heuvelachtig terrein. Hij erkent dat het moeilijk was, omdat er op een hoog tempo werd gereden, maar vond het goed omdat het zijn stijl van fietsen is. Hij zorgde ervoor altijd voorin van het peloton te zijn. “Dat heeft ook gemaakt dat ik overall kon stijgen.” Naar zijn zeggen kon hij voor 70% meerijden met de beste renners, want ze reden heel hard. Met meer training en ervaring wordt het veel makkelijker, gelooft Nortan. Nortan zegt desgevraagd dat team Suriname haar best heeft gedaan. Hij is echter wel teleurgesteld dat de overige lokale wielrijders de 3-daagse ontmoeting niet hebben kunnen afmaken. Volgens hem hebben de wielrenners uren getraind om zich richting deze ontmoeting voor te bereiden. De jongeling durft ondanks bovengenoemd resultaat te stellen dat Suriname in de toekomst de overige landen problemen zal geven. Opluchting “We zijn blij dat Nortan een prijs heeft kunnen behalen”, zegt SWU-voorzitter Earl van Wilgen desgevraagd tegenover Keynews. Hij is verder opgelucht dat het evenement erop zit. “De druk, stress voor organiseren en tegenslagen waren soms gewoon te veel.” De organisatie van het eerste deel (etappe 1) vanuit Paramaribo naar Albina lag in handen van de SWU. Bij de oversteek naar Frans-Guyana namen de Fransen de rest voor hun rekening. Qua organisatie was van Wilgen redelijk tevreden. Hij erkent dat de SWU niet over de nodige financiële middelen beschikt “om zaken soepel te laten verlopen. Het was passen en meten”, aldus de voorman. Ten aanzien van het team zegt de bestuurder dat gezien hun vermogen ze gedaan hebben wat ze konden. “De race was op een hoog niveau”, benadrukt hij. Om een beeld van het sterk bezet veld te geven verwijst van Wilgen naar deelnamen van Caribisch wegkampioen uit Guadeloupe, Damien Urcel, Edwin Nubul (kampioen van Martinique) en Briton John (kampioen van Guyana). “Als je naar de gemiddelde snelheid van de eerste etappe kijkt was dat 43.4 km per uur in de tegenwind. Dan weet je dat het hoog was.” Vanuit Martinique waren er 12 renners en Guadeloupe had er 5. Traditioneel zijn deze eilanden altijd ijzersterk. Pech Suriname had naar zijn inziens bij de openingsetappe een slechte dag. Toen een groep van 30 in de kopgroep wegreed waren er geen lokale wielrenners erbij. Van team Suriname kwam Xavi Wadilie als eerst binnen op plek 37, gevolgd door Adelaar (42), Vismale (47), Rickets (56) en Nortan (58). Etappe 2 ging over een afstand van ruim 160 km. Het was de langste dag. Volgens de SWU-topman deden de Surinamers ondanks het heuvelachtig gebied het heel goed. “Ze waren in de grote groep op minieme achterstand van de koplopers.” Jammer genoeg ging de ketting van Adelaar na ruim 60 km stuk. Vismale viel vervolgens uit met krampen en Rickets kreeg te maken met een lekke band, maar finishte wel op plek 38. De ervaren wielrijder liep echter door zijn lekke band een grote achterstand op. Wadilie en Nortan eindigden respectievelijk als nummer 28 en 33. Op de 2e dag werd ook het onderdeel tijdrit afgewerkt. Rickets finishte als nummer 5 overall. Wadilie volgde op 33 en Nortan op 45. Bij de slotetappe ging het er heel hard aan toe. Wadilie moest vanwege krampen op den duur opgegeven. Van Wilgen vermoedt dat de renner een dag eerder veel energie erin had gestopt. Daarnaast gaf de fiets van Wadilie problemen. Ondanks de tegenslagen sprong de wielrijder, nadat met een technisch team geprobeerd was het probleem aan zijn fiets te verhelpen, weer op de fiets. Hij haalde het peloton, maar op een gegeven moment kreeg hij weer last van krampen en moest Wadilie stoppen. Rickets en Nortan gingen door en finishten respectievelijk als 20 en 21. Groei Van Wilgen denkt dat de groei van de wielrensport in Suriname meer ligt in de kwantiteit van het aantal renners en beschikbare financiële middelen. Het materiaal waarover de lokale wielrijders beschikken is daarnaast minder. Naar zeggen van de SWU-topman is dit steeds een uitdaging bij deelname aan internationale wedstrijden. “We maken het beste wat we hebben. De middelen zijn minder. SWU heeft niet het budget dat de Fransen hebben, maar we zijn eruit gekomen.” De voorman benadrukt verder dat de lokale wielrijders vaker op dit niveau moeten fietsen. Read the full article
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voetbalshirtkopen · 4 months
Joselu heeft zichzelf al twaalf jaar niet verloren
Joselu heeft zijn liefde voor Real Madrid nooit verborgen gehouden en kuste de goedkope voetbalshirts toen hij terugkeerde naar het team. Joselu kwam bij Real Madrid met het laagste salaris, maar hij hielp het team met zijn beste prestatie door te gaan naar de finale van de UEFA Champions League. Real Madrid beschikt over jonge spelers Vinicius Junior en Rodrigo, maar de ploeg kent ook veel topveteranen.
Real Madrid versloeg FC Bayern München in de halve finales van de UEFA Champions League en Joselu was een van de helden die het team vooruit hielp. Het doelpunt van Vinicius Junior kreeg applaus van de fans, en het doelpunt van Joselu schokte ook de fans. Joselu houdt er niet van om met jonge spelers te concurreren om bekendheid, hij concentreert zich alleen op de wedstrijden van Real Madrid. Hij keek vaak naar het Real Madrid voetbalshirt en besefte dat alles dit seizoen geen droom was. Toen Joselu Real Madrid voor het eerst verliet, kon hij zich niet eens voorstellen dat hij de kans zou krijgen om terug te keren naar La Liga. Hij heeft te veel transfers en de status van leenspeler meegemaakt, en hij is zichzelf de afgelopen twaalf jaar niet kwijtgeraakt. Joselu houdt zich bezig met voetbal en heeft geen last van wisselen van team. Hij past zich voortdurend aan aan de omgeving van het nieuwe team, en hij past zich ook aan de tactiek van de nieuwe hoofdtrainer aan.
Nu Karim Benzema Real Madrid in de zomertransferperiode van 2023 verlaat, is Joselu de beste kandidaat geworden voor het centrumtekort van het team. Toen Joselu het nieuws van de uitnodiging van Real Madrid ontving, was hij zo blij als een kind dat snoep kreeg. Twaalf jaar is voor veel fans erg snel, maar voor Joselu is het erg lang. Het zijn deze lange ervaringen die Joselu nog beter maken, en hij bewees zichzelf ook in de halve finales van de UEFA Champions League.
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