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autoacafiles · 7 months ago
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liaswritesrobots · 1 year ago
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If you need a refresher on these characters, here is the wiki page!
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transingthoseformers · 3 months ago
An RiD15 character I want to see again: Zizza. I think she has the makings of a great villain. I actually want to see her as the leader of her own faction of Insecticons.
I like her, her design is cool and I think her power is interesting
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fancy-graphics63 · 8 months ago
Just thinking about it
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Jackée Harry kinda looks like zizza if she was a human
i'm just saying
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swallowtail-ageha · 11 months ago
Te fa'n man e marinar is truly one of the most sentences ever
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blueikeproductions · 18 days ago
So an unexpected lore drop for the Robots in Disguise 2015 cast cropped up.
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The Transformers series has an RPG game, though I have no idea if many actually play of it or even know if it.
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There’s three books so far.
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The third one being the most recent, and a particular surprise that it’s heavily based on Beast Wars, Beast Machines and other series that have included beast characters like both RiDs.
One thing I find funny is the named Maximals are surprisingly small: Optimus Primal, Dinobot, Cheetor, Rattrap, Botanica, Silverbolt and BlackArachnia. The Predacons and Vehicons are much more robust, with Skold from IDW Beast Wars specifically mentioned as a Predacon. Maximal Nyx, as far as I can tell, isn’t mentioned, which is funny because she was treated as IDW BW’s mascot, but was pry the most forgettable character from it. Forgettable to the point she doesn’t appear to be acknowledged here.
What’s most surprising is Beast Machines in general being acknowledged since the struggles between the Maximals and Vehicons aren’t a popular idea to return to. Acknowledging a techno organic Cybertron is almost considered apocryphal to some, but with how increasingly Earth like Cybertron has become in modern stories, perhaps Hasbro is just more accepting of Cybertron’s inevitable evolution into a pseudo organic state.
The book starts out with Cheetor, post Beast Machines, speaking to a human colony on New Earth about the history of the Beast Wars he fought in and other Beast Wars he is aware of such as the events of RotB and RiD01.
Nightshade is listed as a lesser known beast Transformer, and going by the growing apathy towards EarthSpark and it continuing to be a rallying point in grifter spaces, I think that’s gonna remain that way unfortunately. Curiously, as Cheetor is the one that name drops Nightshade, I’m unsure if this is supposed to be the EarthSpark version, or retroactively this is a post BM Maximal version. Going by other chapters that seem to identify characters as belonging to G1/Beast Wars canon, it seems likely this Nightshade is a Maximal rather than a Terran.
Maximal and Predacon biology has never been definitively nailed down before, but this guidebook specifically declares that Maximals and Predacons evolved from Pretender technology and Micromaster technology, something ancillary media suggested before but never set it as hard fact.
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The next story features Simacore as part of a Decepticon think tank led by Shockwave, as they discuss what seems to be the modern versions of “Beast Mode” technologies.
Of particular note is what the animal Decepticons in RiD15 are retroactively labeled as: Hybridizors. Hybridizors are apparently a breed of Transformer that has an animal like Robot Mode that converts into a Vehicle Mode. It seems this evokes Fuzors from Beast Wars: Maximals and Predacons who transform into hybrid mutant animals like Silverbolt’s wolf with eagle wings and claws.
Mechanimals are also referenced, a term that’s cropped up in ancillary media that refers to Cybertron’s native fauna: the difference is it now specifically refers to fauna and Transformers who convert from humanoid Robot Modes to robotic Beast Modes like the Dinobots.
With this in mind, we now have two distinct races that make up the RiD15 Decepticons:
Hybridizors: Guys like Steeljaw, Clampdown, Ped, Bisk, Quilfire, Underbite, Scatterspike, Groundpounder, Simacore, RageByte & Springload. While not specified, presumably this also includes Cyclone & Torpedo Mini-Cons.
Mechanimals: Guys like Scowl, Grimlock, Nightstrike, Chop Shop, Filch, Saberhorn, Glowstrike, Scorponok, Scuzzard, Shadow Raker & Zizza.
The crash of the Alchemore is also an event that occurred in this G1/Beast Wars version of events, further solidifying these characters into the general mythos as accounted by Thunderhowl, based on the Cyberverse version funny enough. Thunderhowl does retroactively fit nicely as an RiD15 character, but his defining role in CV is serving Onyx Prime and getting trapped in alien crystals until the end of the Great War. He’s frankly an odd pick as the narrator of the third part of the book, when he’s not a remarkable character and to better fit with the Beast Machines theme, he could’ve been BM Nightscream or TFP Predaking looking at old data trax about Cybertronian history. Just a thought.
What makes the Hybridizor idea most interesting is the writers of the RPG book consulted with RiD15 staff writers to have Steeljaw and company fit in the RPG gameplay. I’m personally excited, since RiD is my favorite series, and getting new lore related to it by the staff is so cool. My only complaint is I kinda wish they thought of this name back then, as it probably would’ve saved a lot of headaches as to what the RiD15 Decepticons are supposed to be. Despite the show making it clear all the animal dudes are naturally occurring species on Cybertron, a lot of fans tended to view them as augmented experiments of Shockwave’s, similar to the Insecticons and Predacons. This does include the Dinobots, but because RiD also states Dinobots are a common reoccurring mechanimal on Cybertron, with RiD Grimlock, Scowl, Velocirazor and Tricerashot examples of this, it makes FoC Grimlock’s Dinobots retroactively bizarre, as why would Shockwave rebuild Grimlock’s unit into Earth Dinosaurs, when Earth Dinosaurs exist on Cybertron anyway? Works if you squint, my actuator.
Still the specific mention of Beast Mode tech does lean pretty heavily into the fan theory Steeljaw and co could’ve been experiments of Shockwave’s, so it’s now officially plausible even though I’m not personally a fan of that idea. Not everything needs to be Shockwave’s fault, I think we learned that the hard way in IDW.
This retroactive labeling is also interesting as the animal Decepticons came about by Hasbro kinda stumbling on it. They didn’t have a clear idea on what RiD’s theme would be so in play testing, they found kids liked to have the Autobot toys fight monster Decepticon looking toys, so that became the defining characteristic.
If you were to go back and rework it to have these Decepticons be a new breed of savage beast and turbo revving machine, equipped with a gimmick like the Energon Ignitors from Bumblebee or the Activator Mini-Cons RiD did use, I think that might’ve helped smooth things over better.
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t-annhauser · 5 months ago
Tetta, dal lat. tĭtta, capezzolo, al plur. spec. per indicare i seni femminili. "Di origine onomatopeica (riproduce il suono che si fa quando si succhia)." tit, tit, tit (?). Pop, pop, pop (?). Póppa, dal lat. pŭppa, forma pop. per pūpa, bimba, bambola. "puppe a pera, tu c'ha' le puppe a pera" (Francesco Nuti). Poppa è anche la parte posteriore delle navi: indagare su questa curiosa inversione di posizione.
Seno, il termine corretto e per questo noioso, dal lat. sĭnus, propr. la piega concava formata dalla veste, nella quale le donne portavano i loro figlioletti; quindi, per estens., «petto, anima, cavità, insenatura, ecc. L''anima (?). "Spazio o solco mediano, verticalmente disposto." Cleavage. Mammella, dal lat. mammilla, diminutivo di mamma. "Dai ricordi di giovinezza di Francesco De Sanctis: «La mattina, la mamma mi fece mille tenerezze. Si staccava il bambino dal petto, e mi avvicinava, ridendo, la mammella, con l’aria di chi dice: “Ti ricordi?”». Ci si domanda che cosa gli mostrava il padre." (Alberto Savinio, Nuova Enciclopedia, Famiglie). Zinna, molto usato al sud ma di prob. origine longobarda: «merlo di muraglia» e, per similitudine scherz., «prominenza». "Er vino è la zinna dei vecchi", proverbio romano. Zinna Nilli, la cantante.
Zizza, se prosperosa; idem boccia; pircoca se piccola. Il gaddiano poponi, tosc. per meloni. Sisa. Ciascuno degli organi ghiandolari che nella donna secernono il latte: latteria. ecc. ecc.
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fallimentiquotidiani · 3 months ago
Neanche chi non si rizza non t'attizza
Se non si rizza non t'attizza, ma se si rizza è perché pensa già di morderti 'na zizza
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littlemisstfc · 1 year ago
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Y’all are fucking WEAK if you don’t think Zizza is literally one of the most beautiful women in Transformers. ✨
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grantgfan · 5 months ago
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extra more of the decepticons that the genie team faced in season 5
lord zarak
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lunarfeat21 · 1 year ago
*Instantly crashes down onto the floor*
*Runs away like a gremlin*
*waves* Come back at any time!!!
Alright peeps [cracks fingers and knuckles], my overview opinions on Rid2015 ‘Cons:
Love each of their wacky designs, whether animal like or not (vehicons and insecticons included!). There’s a variety among them: bipedal, quarpedal, or to straight up slither like a snake. That right there is diversity! Plus we got some badass femmes!
Whether they be flyers, crawlers, grounders, or troublesome cyclones. Some have fire power, toxins, sub sonics, hypnotics, strength, etc.,
Each has their own way of speaking: rough, noir-like, gamer lingo, militia, posh, normal, or nonsense. More colorful than TF:Prime’s Decepticons (sorry tfp, my beloved), marking them more distinguishable. So much going on that I love about them!
When I checked out to remember their debut, they made me feel in a certain way, some made me laugh, others made me awe-strucked, and a few made me chill to the core when looking back to a particular episode. (Simacore, why the fuck did you (allegedly) murdered your minicons to make essentially zombie clone versions? Yo Steeljaw, why did you slaughter that Sharkticon if the rumors are true? Then where’s the evidence?)
What I don’t like, however, that when I go to tfwiki, didn’t have a list for one-time rogue Decepticons (like Zizza, Hammerstrike, Flich, Vertebreak, etc.) or Starscream’s henchmen on the Decepticon section (though I’m puzzled about RoughEdge and Nightra, but that’s another time).
Not to mention that weird amardillo commando Stockade, I don't really see why he had any substance to the show, yet again some episodes are side quests (like s2 & 3 in Prime). I genuinely don't like him at all...
That’s my opinion on Rid2015 Decepticons, and I hope I did justice to this!
 (After this, I’ll group the Decepticons based on personalities and that’s gonna be fun!)
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myinfinitystory · 1 year ago
maaaa una mezza zizza quando??? ✨
Non credo avrai la fortuna di uscire con me/diventare il mio ragazzo
Quindi per il momento non se ne parla . .
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transingthoseformers · 9 months ago
For my Insecticons as the main villains thing here are my ideas for the cons and their roles. BM Megatron: Zizza Generals: Glowstrike, Antagony, Saberhorn, Sky-Shadow, and Ransack Diagnostic Drone who would be an actual Cybertronian here: Shutterbug
Ooo makes sense, with Zizza in our spotlight
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sinapsimagazine · 5 months ago
PAOLO ZIZZA: “TANTO ENTUSIASMO, VOGLIAMO MIGLIORARCI”   La pausa è alle spalle, inizia la stagione 2024/2025 delle orchette. La Pallanuoto Trieste di serie A1 femminile si è riunita nella tradizionale cornice dello Stabilimento Balneare Ausonia per l’avvio della preparazione. Nel mirino della squadra sponsorizzata Samer & Co. Shipping c’è l’importante trasferta in Ungheria per il preliminare di…
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autoacafiles · 5 months ago
hey sorry for asking alot but i was wonding
what's on scratch's head, i can't tell weather it's a beanie like or a knight like shape
aslo why is zizza related to bumblebee here?
I didn't base Scratch's head on anything specifically. Just thought "this guy shouldn't just be Razorpaw" and made a head that looked a bit catlike and went "perfect." Though now that I look at it, I can see a holomatter form having a beanie.
As for Zizza being Bumblebee's younger sister... honestly, I just felt like that lol
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dolcicapriccibiancavilla · 8 months ago
L'opera dei pupi
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Le origini dell'opera dei pupi siciliani risalgono al XIX secolo, quando in Sicilia iniziò asvilupparsi una forma di teatro popolare molto particolare: l'opera dei pupi. L'opera dei pupi è un'arte che combina teatro, musica e marionette e rappresenta unaforma di spettacolo unica nel suo genere. Le marionette utilizzate sono solitamente realizzate in legno, intagliate e dipinte a mano, e rappresentano personaggi tratti dall'epica cavalleresca e dai poemi medievali, come l'Orlando Furioso e l'Orlando Innamorato. L'opera dei pupi nacque principalmente a Palermo e Catania, diventando una tradizione teatrale che ha radici antiche. Palermo vantava una delle tradizioni più note, grazie al maestro Giuseppe Bova, che nel 1813 aprì un teatro dedicato esclusivamente a questa forma d'arte. Da allora, l'opera dei pupi si è sviluppata e diffusa in tutta Palermo e nelle zone circostanti, diventando un'emblematica espressione della cultura siciliana. A Catania, invece, l'opera dei pupi prese piede grazie a Gaetano Greco e alla sua famiglia, che negli anni '70 del XIX secolo fondarono il teatro dei "Pupi di Zizza". Questo teatro diventò un centro importante per gli appassionati delle marionette, sia per i siciliani che per i numerosi turisti che visitavano la città. Le rappresentazioni dell'opera dei pupi sono caratterizzate da una trama avvincente e da combattimenti mozzafiato tra i cavalieri delle diverse fazioni, che si scontrano in duelli spettacolari. Le marionette sono animate da burattinai che, con maestria e abilità, danno vita ai personaggi sul palcoscenico. Nell'opera dei pupi siciliani si può percepire l'influenza della cultura araba, che penetrò in Sicilia durante il periodo della dominazione normanna. Il termine "pupi" deriva infatti dal termine arabo "babu", che significa "portatore d'acqua". Questa parola venne associata ai burattinai siciliani, che portavano i loro pupazzi in giro per le piazze, esibendosi per guadagnarsi da vivere. Nonostante la concorrenza della televisione e degli altri moderni mezzi di intrattenimento, l'opera dei pupi riesce ancora ad attirare nuovi appassionati, grazie anche all'impegno degli insegnanti e degli artisti che si dedicano a preservare e tramandare questa tradizione secolare. In Sicilia, sono ancora presenti numerosi teatri che ospitano spettacoli di opera dei pupi, offrendo agli spettatori un'esperienza unica e coinvolgente. L'opera dei pupi siciliani, sia a Palermo che a Catania, è un tesoro culturale che merita di essere valorizzato e conosciuto. Questa forma di teatro popolare rappresenta non solo una tradizione artistica, ma anche un modo per preservare la memoria storica dell'isola e per trasmettere ai giovani i valori della nostra cultura. Read the full article
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