#zing answers
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zingtastic · 2 years ago
OHHHH LUPIN AU..... big brain 👀👀👀👀 i love their expressions!!! and ren's looking soooo tasty
THANK YOUUUUU ANON I felt big brain while making the au—I’ve been listening to The Incredible Stories of Arsene Lupin on Spotify and I felt so MOTIVATED
Dude, I was SO proud of Ren’s expression. Idk how I got that smile to look so mischievous but I’m glad I did. Also, if you look closely, he’s wearing makeup~
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sweepingtree · 3 years ago
What is your reaction to our queen kagura being dragged into trashahime fuckery ?
Basically, *LOUD SIGH*.
I don’t think she is necessarily ‘dragged’ into it per se, because she wasn’t explicitly depicted or mentioned (although, isn’t it honestly kinda weird that she isn’t mentioned AT ALL? like, in all materials/releases so far there’s been plenty of references to other minor characters in IY, but it almost seems like, idk, they’re avoiding her because doing so would remind viewers too much of how she had a tangled relationship with Sesshoumaru or something perhaps??? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ), but the cover depiction really boggled my mind. I really don’t understand the thought process behind making Rin wear what was very very very obviously a kimono that resembled Kagura’s (like bruh I know the piss-drinkers are claiming that it doesn’t resemble it at all, but even casual fans and ‘neutrals’ have noticed it and are going “W H A T”) because it’s just so disrespectful to both Rin and Kagura at the same time???
As someone who really loves Rin, I guess I’m just sad about this. She’s really a poor neglected baby who has not been allowed to develop any semblance of a personality, or really any kind of characterisation at all. I haven’t been watching HNY since the first season ended, but we still don’t know anything about adult!Rin or even teenaged!Rin right now at all, right? What do we know about her beyond the fact that she birthed Sesshoumaru’s twins? That she has total of idk, three different kimonos? That she lived with Kaede? That she has some kind of curse put on her? Nothing /:
With this recent nonsense of Takahashi giving her Kagura’s signature kimono design and coloration just makes it more apparent that Rin was never meant to be a Character. She had a role to play as a conduit for Sesshoumaru’s character development, and that’s all she was created for. That’s it, that’s really just it. And she still looks like a child in that cover, like, that cover really just looks like Sesshoumaru and his three daughters to me. And honestly, those piss-drinkers with Rin pfps on twitter with ‘rin-chan’ as their display names should be mad about this if they really love her as much as they claim. But using their brain effectively isn’t their forte, as we have established by now.
Those jokes about how Sesshoumaru missed Kagura so much that he dressed Rin like her and groomed her to be her replacement are funny af but also 🥲🥲🥲 like I said, I'm just sad for Rin. She's been through a lot already in her life and she deserves way better than this.
tldr I’m sad I guess /:
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arcxnumvitae · 2 years ago
Complete momma’s boy (Ven)
@lunarxdaydream || What kind of character shaming sign would you hang on my muses neck?
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epitheterasedgen · 4 years ago
Does Zora ever indulge in acting like a forest cryptid? With the glowing eye marks and her enjoyment of messing with people, I could totally see her trying to make herself seem like one
Oh, ABSOLUTELY. She's already got multiple aliases; several of those are from "mysterious creatures living deep within the forest" that are ALL just her messing around— except for the one that is Yoomtah, when the two of them decided to pull an ELABORATE multi-stage prank on the entire town of Redwood Run together.
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dreamertrilogys · 4 years ago
Trc is seasons 1-5 spn yes this makes castiel henry cheng the short stories are all the meta episodes
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alch3mic · 4 years ago
I was really surprise when i got beast but its a very welcome one! And i never thought that beast will like spicy food
Which makes me wonder if he would like dynamite which is basically deep fried stuffed green chili pepper which can also be dipped in spicy vinegar
oh hell yeah!
beast loves pushing the limits of just how much spice he can take, and his tolerance is already pretty dang high, so he’d absolutely love dynamite.
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silentparalysis · 4 years ago
1) What's your opinion on the bayverse movies? 2)Which bot would be your sleep paralysis demon? 3) Which Blitzwing face do you think is best?(Random, Icy, Hothead)
I'm a feral goblin that actually LIKES those movies, I grew up with em as a kid.
Blitzwing is my sleep paralysis demon sense I've actually had dreams about him being a scary cryptid.
I love all three boys equally. I wanna say Icy cause he's cold and manipulative, but then hothead rolls up all passionate and loud, then random squeezes in giggling sadistically.
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tinknevertalks · 4 years ago
3 characters: Samantha Carter!! (your icon and also I love the tag squishy for her face lol), Helen Magnus (similar and also i swear i’m gonna read the dancing story soon i promise!)....and probably Nikola lol. He follows Helen, I can’t help it! Oh also Lin from your one story. Awesome OC
XD Yaay! Four characters! And yeah, Nikola follows Helen everywhere. XD
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zingtastic · 2 years ago
also PLS!! tell us any headcanons of akeshu dynamic 😋 and maybe what your ren's personality is? 🤭
Okay okay um lemme think
They’re definitely super shallow before the third semester—and yes I do think they got together before Akechi’s betrayal—but Akechi was like super sweet and flirty. The tables definitely turned after they reunited. Ren is SUCH a flirt oh my god and it totally rubs off on Akechi after they start to get used to each other again. They are so smug and I think Goro actually initiates most of their intimate moments ;)
In my eyes, Ren is like the complete opposite of the toxically masculine man. He’s super comfortable with his sexuality (I hc him as bi, of course). He definitely plays around with his gender identity, not really giving a shit about clothes and gender norms. He’s confident yet shy at times and a total sweetheart. He’s the type of man who stops to pet every cat he sees. He picks flowers and makes coffee every morning for his Honey (Goro). He is the perfect person.
And Akechi loves him so, so much.
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percival-queen · 5 years ago
A box is left on Percy's desk. There's only a single lighting bolt shape on the top. Once opened, it SPEWS out flour right in her face! There's a note in the box after the prank is over. "Zora said to give this to you! April Fool's, Fuzz Lady! c:" - YZ
The moment Percy unsuspectingly opens the box, a PUFF of white smoke comes at her! Luckily, she closes her eyes instinctively, but as the fog settles and she blinks, the powdery substance is still left on her face.
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She sounds like a very loud kitten as the sneeze creates even more of a fog. Pulling out the note and reading it through teary eyes, Percy only cocks her head in even more confusion.
This must be payback for the posters.
...But who is “YZ?”
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mixedmediahmm · 5 years ago
Tsum Tsum Zing is serotonin in one cute package. I will pet him.
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Yeah, you have a point. Go ahead.
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goldbricker-ramsey · 5 years ago
Ramsey gets NAILED in the face with an egg by Zora, and then Yoomtah turns over a WHOLE BAG OF FLOUR on his head from behind him. They both high five and cackle before running off! "LATER, RAT--"
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“Uuurgghhhh.... pbbtht—”
Okay. In hindsight? Maybe targeting two Zora’s today wasn’t his BEST idea.
...And who the hell was that?
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epitheterasedgen · 5 years ago
Ok wait could I request yoomtah and zora hcs for my chaotic little heart I love their dynamic
“Hey, hey, Zora, wanna help me skin these squirrels?” “Wai?” “For fun!” “...Well awright!”
They watch the WEIRDEST stuff together. Any surreal anime, show, or self-produced youtube webshow, they’ve seen it
When Zora feels down, Yoomtah hot-wires the first expensive car she sees and drags her along for a joyride to cheer her up
Zora paints Yoomtah’s nails for her every few weeks. If she sees any neon or sparkly nail polish while she’s out, she snags it for her. (Literally, just... grabs it and runs)
The only reason Zora is technologically able is because Yoomtah teaches her how to do EVERYTHING
Sometimes if it’s late and Yoomtah’s bored and Zora can’t sleep, they have ~Girl Crime Niiiiights!!!~
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imaginefe · 5 years ago
plot twist, Rio is a DEVIANT who gets of on h*lding h*nds with Saias. nothing else
damn so i dont actually have a choking kink?
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heoneyology · 6 years ago
zing I’m…. gonna cry…. I just figured you were busy because you’re such a busy bee but I always always always make sure i’m checking up on you!!!! I miss you a ton!! and I love you so much!!!!! BUT YES HERE ARE MANY MORE YEARS TO HAPPINESS AND FRIENDSHIP YOU’RE SUCH A WONDERFUL AMAZING PERSON AND FRIEND!!
also that’s slightly embarrassing since you’ve known my writing since I was like 16 kalj;dfjsdkjfsfkl;ajdkf gOOD TO KNOW IT’S DEVELOPED LMFAO
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gemcraft · 6 years ago
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sorry i should have clarified that i meant that i’m the only mage in the city who poses a threat
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