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piccevo · 1 year ago
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he is mainly relevant in one of the 2 versions and is a polar opposite of his sister
also no one ask but yes the thorns are sharp
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 6 months ago
by Dexter Van Zile
I recently witnessed something I haven't seen in a long time. On Friday, August 16, 2024, a group of pro-Hamas activists packed up their signs and went home in the face of spirited and non-violent opposition from a coalition of pro-American Iranians and American Jews.
The last time I saw anything like that happen was in 2006 or 2007, when I led a crowd of Israel supporters in chants in order to silence a heckler standing on the sidewalk near the town common in Amherst, Massachusetts. The ridicule was enough to prompt him and his fellow anti-Israel activists to walk away, as we cheered their departure. It was glorious.
On August 16, 2024, the pro-Hamas activists conducted their retreat from Lexington in two stages.
First, they walked away from the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and Pleasant Street, where they have been protesting on an intermittent basis since October 7. Then, after they retreated a couple of hundred feet down Mass. Ave. (while tenacious, but peaceful, pro-Israel protesters followed them), the Hamas supporters packed up their signs and withdrew altogether, leaving an Iranian-born American citizen to conduct a solitary rear-guard action. Once the pro-Israel protesters took pity on the police officers charged with keeping the peace and got ready to leave, the pro-Hamas supporter also left — clearly a little bit worse for wear.
The pro-Hamas folks did not abandon the site of their weekly standout because they were outnumbered. The two groups were evenly matched. In fact, the pro-Hamasniks may have even enjoyed a slight numerical advantage over the pro-Israel folks who challenged them. Nevertheless, it was the anti-Israel folks who retreated.
The pro-Israel activists, who had coalesced around a core of Iranian human rights activists associated with From Boston to Iran, used a very simple message to break the resolve of the pro-Hamas activists: "You are on the side of rapists and murderers."
The pro-Hamas protesters tried countering with the lie that Israel is committing a "genocide" in Gaza, but it didn't work on the pro-Israel folks who just kept repeating their message: If you're pro-Hamas, you're siding with rapists and murderers. They offered this message in chants and individual conversations.
The pro-Israel folks didn't bother reminding their opponents that Hamas attacks civilians while hiding behind civilians, thereby making civilian casualties inevitable. They didn't waste their breath reminding the pro-Hamas folks that Arab and Muslim leaders have killed millions of Arab and Muslim civilians without much comment from the progressive left in the United States. The pro-Israel folks knew these facts — but didn't waste their time repeating them on the streets of Lexington. They just kept repeating the central truth of the conflict in Gaza: Hamas is a bunch of rapists and murderers, and many leftists and anti-democratic radicals in the US have taken their side.
Most importantly, our strategy worked.
By repeating the simple truth of what's happening in the Middle East, a gathering of pro-Israel Jews and Iranians stripped a gathering of pro-Hamas protesters of the moral superiority in which they have wrapped themselves since October 7. By sticking to the "Hamas is a bunch of rapists and murderers" message, pro-Israel activists reminded any self-proclaimed progressives who joined the Hamas supporters, that the October 7 massacre was not performed to "liberate" the Palestinians — but to build a social order in the Middle East in which terror and violence is the dominant culture, as opposed to peace, tolerance, and full rights for all religions, genders, and minorities.
It is no accident that Iranians who oppose the theocratic leadership in Tehran have become a powerful force of anti-Hamas activism in the United States. Having to deal with the rapists and murderers who oppress their friends and relatives, Iranian human rights activists understand that the violence against moderate Muslims, non-Muslims, and women in Iran has a common root with the violence of the October 7 massacre. They know that the violence perpetrated against Iranian and Israeli women is justified by radical Islamism, a supremacist ideology that privileges the rights of Muslim men over non-Muslims and women.
Although leftists should know this as well — many don't, and they need to be reminded repeatedly, and publicly, of the true nature of the radical Islamist movement they help support. One day, they will be the target of the Islamist oppression endured by Iranians and Israelis and when it happens, they won't be allowed to say no one told them.
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p0tasiu · 2 months ago
Nu stiu de cate ori mai pot sa ma culc la 6 si sa ma trezesc la 13 pana cand doar nu ma mai trezesc deloc chat
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ncdtgrsy · 4 months ago
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golge-gezgin · 1 year ago
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Yol yoktur, sen yürürsen yol olur…
( Bab'Aziz )
[ Tokat, Zile, 05.11.2023 ]
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just-miru · 8 months ago
Ace in Romanian is as(s)
yeah, i'm an ass :3
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vladdocs · 2 years ago
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Centrul de Studii asupra Orientului Mijlociu și a Mediteranei (UBB Cluj) și Facultatea de Istorie şi Filosofie | Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai vă invită la conferința DE CE A ATACAT VLAD ȚEPES IMPERIUL OTOMAN? SAU, NU A FĂCUT-O? susținută de ADRIAN GHEORGHE (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität din München) conferința va avea loc luni, 15 mai 2023, ora 18.00, în format hibrid: participare fizică: Aula Ferdinand, Str. Napoca, Nr. 11 (fosta locație a Institutului de Istorie), Et. 1 online via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81839471952... Meeting ID: 818 3947 1952 Passcode: 922984 Adrian Gheorghe este doctor în osmanistică și cercetător în cadrul Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität din München. Cercetările sale sunt centrate în special pe istoria militară și socio-militară timpurie a Imperiului Otoman (sec. XIV-XVI), relațiile dintre Țările Române și lumea otomană/musulmană, Balcanii și Asia Mică în perioada medievală, numismatică islamică. Este membru în echipa proiectului internațional CORPUS DRACULIANUM. Documentele și cronicile relative la viața și domnia voievodului Vlad Țepes, care reunește întreaga bază documentară publicată și nepublicată a izvoarelor de orice gen de la și despre Vlad III Țepes Drăculea, din perioada 1437-1650 (numeroase scurte prezentări tematice din cadrul proiectului pot fi găsite pe canalul YouTube dedicat acestuia: https://www.youtube.com/@CorpusDraculianum/featured)
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in-tenebris-et-in-solitudine · 10 months ago
Më ka bërë të vuaj telefoni, Dhe jo nuk guxoj ta hap. Ajo luan, ndoshta sjam sjam i pari, Që këtë lojë te saj e vuaj gjatë.
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ceabu · 2 years ago
faygo is actually really popular in the city i'm from. but my partner got some apple pie flavored one from a shady corner store, took a sip, then realized there were chunks in it and it had expired like several months before. moral of the story, check those expire dates on ya juice, clowns. LOL
Oh my God that's awful lmao aaaaa always check the expiration dates on stuff !!!!!
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yeniyeniseyler · 2 months ago
Yeni gazete "Nefes" 19 Aralık’ta çıkıyor! (Özel Haber)
Sözcü Gazetesi‘nin kuruluşundan itibaren 17 yıl genel yayın yönetmenliğini yapan Metin Yılmaz; Ekim ayında Sözcü’den istifa etmiş ve ardından da Sözcü Grubu’nun kadrosunda pek çok ayrılık yaşanmıştı. Metin Yılmaz’ın Sözcü ve Korkusuz gazetelerinden ayrılanlarla birlikte; imtiyaz sahipliğini ise Sözcü’nün avukatlarından İsmail Yılmaz’ın üstleneceği “Nefes” ismiyle yeni bir gazete hazırlığında…
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yenerajans · 3 months ago
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Zile Kons Gazino İş İlanları 0545 884 33 20 Emin Yener
Zile Bölgesinde Yüksek Yevmiye Konaklama Ve Servis İmkanı İle Kons İş İlanları 0850 466 36 46 Emin Yener Zile Gazino İş İlanları, Zile Gazino Menajeri, Zile Bayan İş İlanları, Zile Solist İş İlanları, Zile Oryantel İş İlanları, Zile Dansçı İş İlanları, Zile İş İlanları, Pavyon İş İlanları,
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mayoneziyerim · 4 months ago
bizim evin kapisi da han kapisi gibi he herkes zile basiyor
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melaniem54 · 5 months ago
Review:  Composed at Randy’s (a Diner Days story) by Zile Elliven 
Rating:4.5🌈 Zile Elliven is one of those terrific authors who I so admire their writing. I was really happy to see a new release from Elliven that also came with a new multi-author series to explore as well.  Composed at Randy’s by Zile Elliven is among the eleven books of the new Diner Days series, centered around a LGBTQIA friendly diner.  The covers are colorful and an absolute delight as…
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golge-gezgin · 1 year ago
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Yolumu kaybedip dolanıyorum.
Bulamadığımı arıyorum,
Aramadığımı buluyorum.
( Rabindranath Tagore )
[ Tokat, Zile, Zile Kalesi, 05.11.2023 ]
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