#polaris starter
piccevo · 10 months
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Crub the final starter
crub are curious and greedy critters found on beaches collecting fish
crab + bubble and it’s a coconut crab
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isjasz · 6 months
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[Day 261]
When the idea is stargazing but neither of them are looking at the stars uh (idk i just wanted to draw stars bc studying for my test has filled my brain with them)💫
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cyberghost-scout · 1 year
Re Done Tag Dump
Scout’s Amusement (rp meme and starter)
Misty Show (aesthetic)
Whispering Shadows (anonymous answered)
Deja Vu (reblog)
Rusted Grave (Outdated)
Ghosty’s Babies (Oberon and Polaris)
Rusted Devil (Unicron the Crab)
Geist's Truth (headcanons)
Go With the Flow (Flow)
The Pillar (Fedelis)
The Queen has Arrived (Delta Queen)
Crackling Gleam (Phantasma)
Magenta Wisp (Ghostwire)
Unknown Shade (Delirium Prime)
Ghostydoodles (The mun’s art)
Through the mirror (Other’s art)
Clear Lemonade (Hint of Lemon)
Stained Knuckles (Violence)
Transparent Citrus (Lemon)
Behind the curtain (PSA)
Disguised Heaven (OOC The Mun)
Mnemosyne (Mutual with Different Name)
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knghtlock · 1 year
she's just. staring at the poll in mild horror. why does everyone want to marry her or hold her hand ? someone wants to KILL her ?
.... she's also sticking her hand out & covering her eyes , a small grin on her lips as the warlock turns away .
" yeah , it sure would suck if someone were t'hold my hand when i'm not looking ! " ( she's not peeking through her fingers , either ! well , maybe just to wink at whoever's approaching . )
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aethon-recs · 1 year
Tomarrymort Intermediate Pack — 16 Longfic Recs
As a follow-up to the Tomarrymort starter pack rec list, I put together a list of Intermediate Reads that are best enjoyed with a bit of context about the ship. If you’ve been reading Tomarrymort for a while, or have read everything in the starter pack, this next set of recs is for you. 
These recs feature a sampling of different authors than the first list, with an emphasis on underrated fic that I think deserve more recognition (hard to define, but for the most part, I tried to find fics with fewer than 2000 kudos). So I hope that even for the readers who’ve been reading Tomarrymort for a long time, there’s something new in here to discover.
This is Part 2 of a 3-part series (see here for Part 1, and Part 3 will be an Advanced reading list that will feature works of a more challenging nature). In the meantime, please enjoy these additional 1.8 million words of wonderful Tomarrymort fic.
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Tomarrymort Intermediate Recs
aurora polaris by @aglassroseneverfades (E, 136k, WIP)
Setting: Post-Canon Premise: If Harry wakes up one day with no memory of his past, upon which he’s greeted by a handsome, doting older man named Gaunt who claims that he and Harry have been in a relationship together for years.  Why I rec it: A haunting psychological horror where the truth slowly creeps up on Harry that his domestic life with his devoted partner Gaunt is not as idyllic as it initially appears. The twisting, unhinged depths of Voldemort’s obsession in this fic are so beautifully portrayed. There were chills that ran down my spine as Harry starts to get his memories back and the mystery of what happened starts to unravel. I love the pacing in this fic — there’s no one big reveal; it’s a slowly unfolding sequence that gets delightfully darker and more fucked-up as the fic progresses.
dawn of a death of a dream by @cindle-writes (E, 66k, WIP)
Setting: Post-Canon Premise: If Tom Riddle appears in London the morning of Voldemort’s defeat, with the last thing he remembers from 1944, and quickly realizes that Harry Potter is the key to all the answers that he’s looking for.  Why I rec it: A light-hearted take on the identity porn trope, full of playful banter and delightfully charged chemistry between Harry and Tom. It’s usually Harry who’s thrown back through time, so it’s fun to see Tom scramble to figure out what’s going on when he’s pulled forward into Harry’s time. It’s also fun to see Harry try every avenue to prove that this mysterious new Tom is the Tom Riddle, even as he ends up hitting dead ends, and subsequently falls so deep into his obsessive tendencies that he refuses to let Tom out of his sight.
My Lord, Master, My Soul by FletchleyRose (E, 69k, complete)
Setting: Post-Canon Premise: If Voldemort captures Harry after the final battle and decides to break him — not with torture, but with pleasure and softness. Why I rec it: The soft, creepy non-con in here is so memorable and excellent! Voldemort takes a different approach to breaking in his horcrux than what we usually see, and this particular approach leads to such delicious and hot smut scenes between them wherein Harry utterly succumbs to all the softly pleasurable attentions. I can never get enough of darkly twisted captive Harry stories and all the ways that Voldemort keeps Harry isolated and utterly reliant on him. I gasped out loud at the part where Voldemort made it so that Harry can only speak Parseltongue — this exactly the kind of fucked-up content that is so perfect and fitting for this ship.
(never) let me go by @perhaps-sunlight (M, 28k, complete)
Setting: Post-Canon Premise: If Harry returns to Hogwarts after the war for eighth year, and he’s the only person in the castle who can see and talk to the ghost of Tom Riddle.  Why I rec it: This fic completely destroyed me. The story unfolds in such a poignant and haunting way — it feels like the most natural thing for Harry to feel such a strong connection with Tom and fall in love with him as the year progresses. The angst in here is so delicately layered and beautifully portrayed — Harry’s feelings are muddled with a growing hope that Tom doesn’t have to move on to the afterlife and the desperation that he feels when he realizes they’re running out of time — such that the emotional beats will end up resonating for a long time after you’ve finished reading this fic.
One Year In Every Ten by @saintsenara (E, 124k, WIP)
Setting: Post-Canon Premise: If a series of gruesome murders 10 years after the war has Harry and the rest of the Aurors completely stumped, and Harry figures out how to bring Voldemort back from beyond the Veil in exchange for his help in solving the murders.  Why I rec it: This is a spectacular and richly layered murder mystery featuring incredibly complex character dynamics and gorgeously lavish prose. I am blown away at the sophistication of the storytelling here — we get to delve into Voldemort’s past and so many hidden layers of his character, as well as how Harry has been handling the ‘picture-perfect’ life he’s always wanted after the war (in short: not well) — and in between, following all the clues and disparate threads of a mysterious serial killer case that could be its own standalone casefic! One of the most impressively sweeping pieces of writing I’ve seen in this ship, and there isn’t an element of this fic that I don’t absolutely adore.
Perfect Places by @skaelds (NR, 72k, complete)
Setting: Post-Canon Premise: If Voldemort dies in the Final Battle, and then wakes up in a strange house with no one but Harry Potter for company, and there is no way for either of them to get out. Why I rec it: I absolutely love the trapped-in-a-room trope, and how Voldemort and Harry have to work out their differences if they want to have any hope of getting out. I adore that the entire fic is told from Voldemort POV — his arrogance and his malevolence and his rage and the utter force of his emotions are so palpable. The emotional journey in this fic is so intense from beginning to end, as they eventually come around to an understanding about each other and figure out a way out.
Promises, Promises (part 1) / Dreams in the Dark (part 2) by @mosiva (E, 72k, complete)
Setting: Time-Travel (1940s) Premise: If Harry is accidentally thrown back in time to Tom’s 6th year, and then suffers a bout of amnesia from a memory-loss spell and can’t remember anything about Tom Riddle or why he spent all semester trying to avoid him.  Why I rec it: A brilliant fast burn featuring amnesia trope and tons of delicious dubcon. Tom is at his manipulative peak here, as he tries every underhanded technique to first figure out exactly what is going on with that new transfer student Harry Evans, and then when he’s figured it out, doing everything he can to keep Harry within his grasp. I cannot say enough about how hot the smut is throughout this 2-part series — so many layers of dubcon and manipulation that blew me away at every turn.
Sunspots by @crowcrowcrowthing (E, 249k, WIP)
Setting: Alternate Universe Premise: If Harry grows up in the muggle world without realizing he has magic, but he suspects there’s a bigger world out there because he’s had recurring dreams featuring Tom’s horcruxes his entire life.  Why I rec it: One of the most unique takes on a book 1 rewrite that I’ve ever seen. First of all, the characters are aged up to college-age, and since Hogwarts starts at 18 here rather than at 11, there’s a lot of character dynamics that are possible to explore with older characters that aren’t possible with 11-year-olds. Secondly, Harry has access to each of Tom’s horcruxes through a magical dreamscape dimension he can access in his sleep, and he has unique and distinct relationships with each of them, including (the main) Voldemort, so there’s a lot of fascinating and multi-faceted Harry and Tom dynamics. Also, the descriptions of magic in this fic are just stunning; it’s clear that a lot of thought went into the magical worldbuilding here that makes you feel as excited and awestruck by the concept of magic as reading the Harry Potter books for the first time.
Tender Reigns Our Night by @noumena-writes (M, 69k, WIP)
Setting: Time-Travel (1940s)  Premise: If Harry is sent back to the 1940s, just after Tom Riddle has graduated from Hogwarts, on a mission to stop Tom becoming Voldemort and imperiling the world of magic. Why I rec it: I love the mutually obsessive chemistry here as Harry and Tom quickly fall into each other’s thrall as their relationship heats up. The writing style is so poetic and beautiful, and I find myself rereading many sentences over again just to fully absorb the impact and beauty of @noumena-writes’ words. Even as Harry becomes increasingly entwined with Tom, he’s never blind to who Tom is, and he’s able to strike back with just as much viciousness — their relationship dynamics are so very intense and suspenseful, and the latest plot twist had me completely floored.
The Incantation of the Oak-Priest by @relic--crown (T, 223k, complete)
Setting: Alternate Universe Premise: If Harry and Tom are pulled into an alternate reality where Voldemort never existed and Harry’s parents are still alive.  Why I rec it: The richness of the magical worldbuilding in this fic blew me away — there’s a whole system of magic explored here that goes deeper and is far more brilliant and sweeping than what is covered in canon. The relationship between Harry and Tom develops in such an organic, lovely way, and it was fascinating to see all the changes in this parallel universe where Harry’s parents live and what Harry’s life could have been like, were there no Voldemort. Also, the plot! This fic was so intricately plotted that it felt like reading multiple books with a complex, epic plot spanning fifth through seventh years at Hogwarts, ending in a grand showdown like in the original book series, but with a surprising twist.
The Sense of Self by SpitFire97 (E, 87k, complete)
Setting: Time-Travel Fix-It Premise: If Harry and Voldemort find themselves trapped in a strange cycle of reincarnations where they visit different points in time in Voldemort’s past.  Why I rec it: A very cool take on a time-travel fix-it. Instead of traveling back to a fixed point in time, Harry and Voldemort are thrown back to various points of Voldemort’s past and relive life through certain people significant to shaping Voldemort into who he eventually becomes. The time travel theory in here is amongst the most complex that I’ve encountered — I love the concept that time is a river where multiple timelines and divergent events end up converging, rather than branching off and creating a bunch of alternate universes. I also love how organically the growing relationship between Voldemort and Harry unfolds as they progress through each cycle and gradually start to develop trust in one another and care and attraction for each other.
These steep woods and lofty cliffs by Rimeme (M, 76k, complete)
Setting: Canon Divergence – Book 6 Premise: If Harry runs away to America after Sirius’s death and disguises himself in the Muggle world for many years before getting discovered by MACUSA and offered a job with the magical government. Years later, he is recruited back to Britain to work for the Ministry, under none other than Undersecretary Thomas Gaunt himself.  Why I rec it: A thoroughly enjoyable read from beginning to end — I devoured this fic in one sitting. Harry makes an extremely rational decision here — why not run off from the war if Voldemort is trying to kill everyone you love? But then, when he comes back undercover 15 years later, things don’t quite seem to add up. Britain doesn’t seem like it’s been taken over by a genocidal Dark Lord, but there’s something nefarious simmering under the surface. Voldemort as a very rational Undersecretary Thomas Gaunt is a delight here, with his seemingly very reasonable focus on progressing wizarding society. It was fun to follow along as Harry slowly starts to put the pieces together, and I love how relentlessly Voldemort pursues and seduces Harry in this fic, until he's utterly unable to resist his attraction to a Voldemort who seems to have turned over a new leaf.
These Violent Delights by @heirofdragons (M, 55k, WIP)
Setting: Time Travel (1940s) Premise: If Harry, Ron, and Hermione accidentally find themselves thrown back in time to the late 1940s, four years after Tom has graduated Hogwarts and is working at Borgin and Burkes.  Why I rec it: A highly entertaining time travel fic with Harry stumbling back in time to find Tom Riddle in the full dregs of his Retail Hell years post-Hogwarts. Their chemistry is delightfully charming as they prod at each other and do everything to get under each other’s skin (including attempted murder), while growing undeniably attracted to each other. They simply can’t stay away from each other, despite Harry knowing who Tom turns out to be, and Tom knowing that Harry is the one who destroys all his Horcruxes and ends up defeating him in the future.
Three Turns Should Do It by @vdoshu (M, 284k, WIP)
Setting: Time Travel (1940s) Premise: If Harry gets thrown back in time after an accident with the Time Turner in 3rd year, and ends up as a disembodied voice in Tom’s head from the time that Tom is 11. Why I rec it: I absolutely love Tom growing up alongside Harry who is a kind of caretaker presence in his mind, helping make his days a little bit less lonely and helping him navigate the unfortunate circumstances he’s thrown in. This is probably the most extensively researched WW2 era story I’ve ever read; at times I felt like I was learning more detailed history about everyday life during WW2 than I’ve ever read out of a history book. This fic does an amazing job of fleshing out the pivotal events of Tom’s Hogwarts years and showcasing Tom’s humanity, and the bond of mutual trust and love that he and Harry build over the years is so beautifully portrayed. It also does a great job of exploring the question of predestination and whether anyone has the power to change the fate that lies in store for them.
Til Death Do Us Part by @duplicitywrites (M, 117k, complete)
Setting: Voldemort Wins AU Premise: If Harry gets captured by Voldemort and held as his captive, in a world where Voldemort had won the war sometime before Harry was born, and Harry has been fighting against Voldemort his entire adult life. Why I rec it: The emotions that this fic evokes are so moving and heartfelt. The evolution from Harry as Voldemort’s prisoner to Harry as Voldemort’s trusted advisor unfolds in such a beautiful, unrushed way. Harry is in his early 30s when he’s captured, so he’s older than what we typically see in fics where he’s Voldemort’s prisoner, and his maturity and composure really shine through as he starts working together with Voldemort and trying to exert his influence to improve the fate of the wizarding world. He eventually breaks through Voldemort’s shell, and helps Voldemort to grow in so many ways as the story progresses — particularly in his understanding of love and acceptance of death as a part of life.
With a resolute heart by Act_Naturally (M, 84k, WIP)
Setting: Same-Age AU Premise: If Harry and Tom attend Hogwarts together and are selected as Hogwarts Champions for an AU version of the Triwizard Tournament that is structured more like the Hunger Games tournament.  Why I rec it: This is a skillfully-written generation mashup featuring an incredibly suspenseful and high-intrigue setting. There’s a dark overhang of dread and anxiety that permeates every character interaction and training session, as we’re informed that most of the champions (8 from each of the 3 schools) will not make it out of the Tournament alive. Yet the chemistry between Harry and Tom builds and builds despite the life-or-death stakes — Harry is immediately attracted to Tom, and Tom admires Harry’s resourcefulness — even while they each realize they may be the death of the other.
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emmatriarchy · 3 months
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@enrogued plotted starter from Lorna
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Lorna was alone at the X-Factor HQ, watching the news, discovering the Genoshan catastrophe at the same time as the rest of the world. Her heart sank when she saw that the casualties included Magneto - a mutant with powers so similar to hers that it made her question if her mother had an affair, and maybe Arnold Dane wasn't her biological father.
Those had been idle thoughts, rarely entertained except when the master of magnetism appeared on the television.
The phone ringing didn't register at first, but when it did register, she picked it up so fast she almost dropped it.
"X-Factor, Polaris speaking." She introduced herself formally, by her codename, awaiting for the person calling to introduced themselves back. "How can I help you?"
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new-squidbese-fattoon · 3 months
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It seems like Agent 4 had found a more effective way to deal with the Salmonids before they had any chance to launch any more attacks that would result in a Big Run. Granted that effective way was just following in The Captain's footsteps and eating any and every Salmonid she came across, thus making Four fat enough to outright bury the entirety of the Ruins of Ark Polaris between just a few of her fat rolls... But hey, just like The Captain's plan to deal with the Fuzzy Octarians before they caused trouble, Agent 4's plan to deal with the Salmonids was definitely going to work out in the long run-
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pokemoncryptids · 4 months
Polaris would want to know about Typhlosion
Reminder that the information I give on these pokemon is based on folklore and legends I know, not facts. I am not a professor.
Typhlosion - The Six of Cups
These pokemon symbolise loyalty, love and companionship until death do you part. On the other hand they can be used to symbolise stubborness, pining and something not being the way it was.
Typholsion are starter pokemon for a reason. It is said that a typhosion will protect you so feircely because of how you protected it when it was defenseless (a cyndaquil) because of this, it is bad luck for a typholsion not to have a trainer, and it is said that after it's trainer dies, a typholsion internal flame will dim, and may take month's to years to get back to what it was before. Many typholsion never recover.
I hope you enjoyed that M-y Friend.
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csamhp · 9 months
Hello and Welcome to the social media account for the Chroma Sanctuary and Museum for Hisuian Pokemon (also known as CSAMHP)!
My name is Skie Tiergan (Xe/Xem), and I am the social media manager :) I will be updating on the sanctuaries progress, and later the sanctuaries pokemon, occasionally posting pokemon photos, and sorting through any questions and donations that we receive!
If you do come and visit the Sanctuary when it is done, you may see me around with my pokemon listed here.
Laine, a female starly and my partner pokemon
Squeakers, a male noibat and a silly little guy
Margo, a female chatot and my service pokemon, she speaks for me
and Murex, a male hisuian oshawott who was gifted to me by my boss, Polaris. He was raised to be a starter mon, so he wouldn't adjust well to sanctuary living.
Thank you for reading, and we at CSAMHP hope you enjoy your time here!
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lunaerosa · 10 months
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— A FRESH START !! please like this post if you'd like a starter !! multis, please specify who you'd like it for — &&. if you want a specific verse ( team polaris bianca or main story bianca ) you can specify which in the replies, otherwise i'll pick what fits best !!
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prof-polaris · 2 months
Violet??? Polaris?? what's going on? what?
[Audio Recording Translated From: Japanese, To: {Language Corrupted}]
["Huh? Uh- wow that's early for a bug in one of Fox's projects, this whole starter message is scrambled..."
"Maybe it's an issue with the settings...? Let me check those first before- ah mother fuck. He set the language to something different. Little shit. Hah. Never heard of Hisuian before, must be some coding language thing and-"
"Oh. Message is gone. Must not have been that important then? I hope..."]
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piccevo · 6 months
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cribs evo not much to say about thi one
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edgymuses · 1 year
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while i write bios and just figure things out, starter call! (muse list & rules) below is the muse name and fandom they belong to:
rachel grey-summers
hope summers
illyana rasputin
danielle moonstar
alison blaire (dazzler)
luna maximoff
megan gwynn (pixie)
jimmy hudson (wolverine)
anya corazon (arana + spider-girl)
lorna dane (polaris)
karen starr (kara zor-l + power girl)
grace choi
violet paige (mother panic)
scandal savage
louise lincoln (killer frost ii)
june moone (enchantress)
harper row (bluebird)
leslie willis (livewire)
artemis of bana-mighdall (artemis)
siobhan smythe (silver banshee)
nyssa raatko (nyssa al ghul)
cassandra cain (black bat)
oroku karai (karai)
cassie hack
eli (liquid snake)
emma emmerich (ee)
mei ling
reiji kido
eikichi mishina
jun kurosu
lei wulong (super cop) primary / bio & verse page
julia chang primary / bio & verse page
jun kazama secondary / bio & verse page
kazumi mishima
rebecca chambers
heather mason
red sonja
kylie griffin
cammy white
ken masters
jareth the goblin king
frankie stein
toralei stripe
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wingspiked · 5 months
Things to do-
Reply to the ask where Robin’s boothill has his tongue down Sundays throat, reply to Nev’s Aven with more gay angst, write gem a peak homosexual starter, and finally make a promo-
palette cleanse it all by sicking argenti on his husband ( polaris’ yeehaw) and dak’s Aven
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Oh i am in LOVE! Andromeda has been visiting the shelter daycare and Mx. Bela (@belamew) yesterday, and to my surprise she did not only adopt Hazel, the Sprigatio-Litten-Hybrid in my name, but also two very very sweet little birds!
[A photo is attached. There are three Pokémon in the center, not unlike they are sometimes presented as choice for starter Pokémon.
To the left is a rowlet. It is a little on the smaller side. Notably, it's bowtie is a flower! It is looking directly into the camera. Next to it sits a Swablu. It is completely yellow and it's wings are a dark grey, almost looking like a cloud in a thunderstorm. It seems to be snoozing. To the right is a the mentioned Sprigatito. It looks not very unusual, but it's fur has a slightly yellow tint to it. It is curiously looking at something to the side]
This Swablu is apparently an electric type! Mx. Bela is not quite sure what species the father is, but there aren't many possibilities. As far as i know, the Swablu line could have only bred with a Kilowattrel for this to happen? Theoretically there is also the Oricorio species, but they rarely interact with Altaria, and even more rarely breed hybrids. This will be interesting. And it's time for me to go catch a Fletchling to compare! We don't have Wattrel here, and as long as i don't know who the father is, it's not sensible to go chase one down. I'm very excited regardless.
As for the Rowlet, all i know is that "it's weird", so lets see where it takes us. Mx. Bela said she's the father is not of the Decidueye line. So we either have a big surprise waiting for us, or we have a subtle hybrid on our hands! Many people know that Pokémon don't often form hybrids, but grass types are an exception! If bred from two different species, they commonly exhibit genetic mixtures that are rarely recognised as hybridisation by amateurs but lead to unexpected behaviour and capabilities! Oh i'm already rambling again.
Also, to Mx. Bela! They have arrived safely and are all quite active! I think Hazel might be a little bit hot in our usual daycare, but that was expected. I've taken her to a cooler room right after taking this photo. She and Polaris already get along! 🍌
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achampionswings · 2 years
Starter for @schedarouge
Coleane was currently taking a break from guarding Team Star's Polaris Squad's gate, and decided to take some time to visit some of the other squads, and let her leaves feel the sunlight.
She decided to start with the Schedar Squad, let herself warm up a bit with their fire. She swooped down from her flight across the East Province, and landed outside its gate.
"Coleane of the Polaris Squad! I'm here to visit!" she said, with a smile on her snout.
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