moonlingsmodding · 5 years
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FE Fates Promotion Textures Patch Redux Release
It's been awhile since I posted to tumblr but I'm back with a new release. I've recently taken over the retexture project and I'm rebuilding it from the ground up. features will include:
Removed ported models until better methods are developed.
Remade old textures to be a higher quality.
Added dirty/damaged textures when a unit takes enough hits.
I plan on making at least 1 texture each day or 5 textures a week, releasing new beta builds every Sunday.
Github page - https://github.com/VelouriasMoon/FE-Fates-Promotion-Textures-Patch-Redux
GameBanana Page - https://gamebanana.com/skins/173870
Follow develpoment or get tech support on the FE modding discord here: https://discord.gg/ePGj3BX
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moonlingsmodding · 5 years
We’ll you’re kinda right, each character has their own palette byte assigned to them, however the the textures are not black and white. instead there are 9 textures for each class model and a character uses those, depending on their assigned palette.
Currently there’s no really a good way to force units to always use their unique model other than what the new update gave us, both methods will break other things in the game.
If you are interested in modding 3 houses, fates, or the other 3ds FE you can drop by our server discord server, https://discord.gg/C29hYvh.
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Lysithea Master Class Palette Fixing
Lysithea gains a pretty cool White and Purple colour palette after the time skip however this model only effects her Mage and Warlock classes. I wasn’t too happy with the red and white colours she has when in the Gremory class so I fixed it.
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moonlingsmodding · 5 years
Dark Relics that Glow
What's better than a unique look for Dark Hero Relics? adding glow effects to them as well. Another thing missing from the other dark relics was that signature glow while in the hands of a crest bearer. I'm personally not a fan of the whole blade glow and for dark relics it would cover up my new texture. So instead I only have the aura and crest stone glow.
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moonlingsmodding · 5 years
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Lysithea Cipher Warlock
After seeing the new Cipher art for Lysithea I had to make it. Even tho the card is for the warlock class I like to imagine this is what a Dark Mage Lysithea looks like.
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moonlingsmodding · 5 years
Quick little update for those of you that want to use the mod
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Dark Hero Relics Redesign
Edit: Download is now Available on Github Here
At the End of the Golden Deer path you run into dark versions of each Hero Relic, And while the Dark Sword of the Creator has a unique model and texture, the other Relics just use the normal models.
Luckily the game has null model slots where new models can be asigned, so I decided to give them that little extra polish to make them stand out
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moonlingsmodding · 5 years
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Dark Hero Relics Redesign
Edit: Download is now Available on Github Here
At the End of the Golden Deer path you run into dark versions of each Hero Relic, And while the Dark Sword of the Creator has a unique model and texture, the other Relics just use the normal models.
Luckily the game has null model slots where new models can be asigned, so I decided to give them that little extra polish to make them stand out
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moonlingsmodding · 5 years
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Byleth Design Changes Part 2
The Enlightened One model was easily the worst of the two Byleth models so this was next on my list of textures to fix
You can view part 1 of my redesign Here
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moonlingsmodding · 5 years
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Byleth Design Changes
I've seen people complain about some of the design choices and thought I would throw in my own ldeas. Clothes have been added to the Hands, Arms, Legs, Midriff. The leggins still keep their unique design but are more covering.
Her hair colours have also been changed, pre timeskip now matched Jeralt while the post timeskip now matches Sothis.
Jeralt version hair texture was made by @deathchaos25
Edit: View part 2 Here
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moonlingsmodding · 5 years
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Lysithea Master Class Palette Fixing
Lysithea gains a pretty cool White and Purple colour palette after the time skip however this model only effects her Mage and Warlock classes. I wasn't too happy with the red and white colours she has when in the Gremory class so I fixed it.
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moonlingsmodding · 5 years
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Reclass your Wolf and Keep Her Hood
Velouria losses her hood when reclassing and since this model is unique to her I decided to add it back. Because of how models work in fates I had to make an custom accessory model. The hood adds some unique detail to her fairly simple palette.
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moonlingsmodding · 5 years
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Requests still open, but since Moonling and I have our concerns for the future of this project, I decided to write down some ground rules on requests. These are subject to change, but please do keep this in mind. These rules retroactively affect previous requests as well, so apologies if we avoid/decline affected requests. These ground rules are also easily available on the Roadmap doc, which I haven’t linked here since I’m afraid of it getting trolled if it goes too public, but is linked in the 3DSFE Hacking Discord.
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moonlingsmodding · 5 years
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Morgan's Fell Manakete
It kinda annoyed me that Morgan reused Nowi's body and dragon form. So naturaly I had to give her a new colour. Keeping in theme of Morgans Fell blood I used Grima's colours as a base. I also used Tiki for a base becuase her body better matches more than Nah or Nowi.
I also learned that other Spell effects can be set for the Manaketes attack. And since this works on a per Manakete bases, characters can each have their own effects. So staying in the Grima theme I used Grima's Truth for Morgan's attack.
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moonlingsmodding · 5 years
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Delthea's Enchanting Nightmare
So after a full day of corrupted dlc, invisible model, and reformatting my sd card I finally got my SoV retexture done and working.
The texture itself only took an hour to make but 3 day to get it to work ingame.
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moonlingsmodding · 5 years
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The Required Retexture
It would seem that everyone who makes retextures for Fates tries their hand at a Nohrian version of Azura.
My version is based off her appearance in Warriors. The veil itself was ported from Warriors and rigged to Nyx's.
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moonlingsmodding · 5 years
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Awakening Project is a Go
It took a while to figure out but I've learned how to make new textures for Awakening. So naturally the next step is to make a patch for Awakening.
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I’ve made a few new textures for Awakening so I’ll include a download to a preview build of all the textures I’ve made.
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(Nowi now gets a shirt too)
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And a new model for Morgan’s Dark Flier and Tactician classes 
Download Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kiDt2uRxiPfnvQ1f56980dIQ4iKCL6y3
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moonlingsmodding · 5 years
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The Dark Flier that Could have Been
This is a custom model made from Awakenings Dark Flier and Tactician to be Morgan's Dark Flier outfit from Heroes.
Unfortunately making models for Awakening at this point is impossible so it can only be used in fates right now.
Please ignore Kana's tail it's for something else.
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moonlingsmodding · 5 years
Version 3.2.5 Update
Download Link
This update was made exclusively by me so you won’t see any new texture made by @mathcat7. However all bugs found in the last version have been patched.
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In addition new textures there is also some updated ones
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I’ve also fixed the problem with Nyx’s veil being solid instead of translucent
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