rwpohl · 3 days
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yenidze, zigarettenfabrik dresden
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visionautiks · 7 months
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tyforthevnm · 2 years
My Chemical Romance Interview - August 12, 2003
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My Chemical Romance
The Interviewed: Frank Iero, Matt Pelissier, Ray Toro, Gerard Way, Mikey Way
The Interviewer: Jessica Zietz, with occasional input from Michelle Cavallo
The Date: August 12, 2003
Jessica: Okay, I'm gonna pass this around so you guys can introduce yourself.
Frank: Hi, my name is Frank.
Jessica: And you play?
Frank: Oh, I play guitar and I scream.
Mikey: I'm Mikey and I play bass.
Ray: Hi, I'm Ray and I play guitar.
[Gerard, who's on the phone, waves.]
Matt: I'm Matt and I play drums.
[Gerard approaches]
Mikey: And Gerard sings!
Frank: Hello, what do you do?
Gerard: I sing.
Jessica: Okay, your album was produced by Geoff Rickly, correct?  How did that come about?
Gerard: Basically, he offered to do it for us when he heard a demo that we did.  He really liked it.  I had known him for a couple years, since they first signed to Eyeball.  That's kinda how we hooked up.  I designed a t-shirt for them and we just kinda became friends.  He heard the demo and liked it and he's like, "Can I produce it?" and we were psyched.
Jessica: Cool.  I think he should run for president.
Gerard: [laughing] You think so?
Jessica: I do.  Is he gonna be involved in your next record?
Gerard: Um...probably not, only cause every record, people usually...I'm sure he'll be around, hopefully.  I'm sure he'll be on the road which kinda sucks, but hopefully if he's around we can have him come by as much as possible just to give us input and everything.
Jessica: Your music definitely has a dark tone to it.  Do you try to get on tours with bands that have a different sound so you can expose yourself to all different crowds and scenes?
Gerard: I think generally we end up on tours with different bands because we don't really fit in one place.  I think that's how that happens a lot.  We like to play in front of as many different types of crowds as possible.  We're usually the darkest band, you know what I mean?
Frank: We only tour with bands that we like.
Gerard: Yeah, yeah.
Jessica: That's sort of what I was going to ask next.  Have you done tours with bands whose music you don't like just to kinda get out there and play for a different group of people?
Frank: No, definitely not.  You want to play with bands and experience a tour with a band that you can respect.  If there's a shitty band out there that we really don't like or respect, we're not gonna take a tour with them.
Gerard: Usually, it should be any band's choice.  It's always up to a band if they wanna go out with somebody.  It should not be a problem for any band.
Jessica: Okay, I know that being on tour, all kinds of crazy shit has to happen.  Give us a really crazy/exciting/funny story.
Ray: We don't really have any crazy stories. We don't really do anything.
Jessica: Damn.  I wanted vicarious excitement!
Mikey: Um...we ran out of gas once...and...
Ray: We're really, really boring.
Jessica: Give it a couple years.
Frank: Oh, one time we got held hostage!
Mikey: That was sweet, though.
Jessica: I imagine that'd be a lot of fun.
Mikey: We had a lot of fun.
Jessica: I read that you guys shot a video about a month ago.  What song was it for?
Frank: It was a week ago.
Jessica: Oh.  I'm just making stuff up.
Gerard: We shot a video for "Honey."
Jessica: Which one is that?  See I know your music, but I don't know song titles.
All: First song on the record.
Jessica: Ohhh, okay.  I just never know song titles, but I know track numbers.
Frank: I do that too.  I put a CD on and I don't pay attention to the song names.
Jessica: Yeah.  If you say "Three" or "Seven," I'll know.  Okay.  Being on the road must give you a lot of time to check out new bands or movies or books, ya know, when you're between cities.  Is there anything you can recommend to us, whether it's CDs or movies or books, anything you've fallen in love with?
Frank: Yeah.
Mikey: Absolutely.
Frank: I'm in the middle of The Shining.  And I'm trying to think of new CDs I've heard.  See I'll just listen to Bouncing Souls over and over again.
Ray: Um, I'm reading Perks of Being A Wallflower.
Jessica: That's such a good book.
Ray: It's really Catcher in the Rye-ish.  Very good.  And music...
[All begin talking about The Muse's album.]
Gerard: We've got like half of their new record and that's all I've been listening to.  It's amazing.
Mikey: Yeah, it's the best thing ever.
Jessica: [To Matt] Anything for you?
Matt: No.
Matt: I don't read.
Ray: Oh, no no no!  That book you've been reading!
Frank: Tell them about the book!
Jessica: Tell us about the book.
Matt: It's a strange deaths book.  It's kinda like the Darwin Awards.  It's just a book of embarrassing deaths.
Jessica: In the car, we were just talking about making a comic book of ways we'd like to kill each other.
Mikey: So what'd you come up with?
Jessica: She wants to push me off a cliff and have me die on impact.  I wanted her to drive off a bridge and drown.
Michelle: You wanted to strangle me with barbed wire.
Frank: Oooh.
Mikey: You guys are good friends!
Jessica: We love each other!
Michelle: For what, fourteen years?
Mikey: Oh, I know something exciting that happened on the road.  I tried to quit coffee and I had headaches every day.
Frank: That happened today.
Gerard: Yeah, that happened today.  You almost bought coffee.
Jessica: Caffeine withdrawl.
Frank: Did you get the headaches?
Mikey: Yeah, I have a headache, really bad.  I was in a gas station and there was a pot of coffee and I looked at it for about a minute and then my brother [motions at Gerard] got a coffee and he taunted me.
Jessica: You guys are brothers?
Gerard: Yes.
Jessica: You look alike.
Mikey: Really?
Michelle: To a blind person.
Ray: You're the first person who's said that.
Jessica: Well if you changed the hair color.
Matt: We thought he was Travis from Piebald's brother.
Jessica: From the back, I thought you were Tyler. [From Midtown.]
Mikey: Oh, really?
Jessica: And then you turned around and it wasn't Tyler.
Mikey:  Oh, that's okay, cause he's a sweet little dude.
Ray: Were you disappointed that it wasn't Tyler?
Frank: Oh, you got mugged.
Mikey: Yeah, I get mugged every tour.
Frank: That's kind of exciting.
Jessica: That's a fun story.  That's something to tell the grandkids.
Mikey: Yeah, totally.  In Rhode Island, some dudes decided to punch me in the throat and take my cell phone.  There were like ten of them.
Jessica: Are you serious? Those crazy Rhode Islanders.
Frank: And at gunpoint.
Mikey: Oh yeah, I keep forgetting the gun part.  The guy pulled a gun on me.  And he goes, "Give me your money."  And my first reaction was to lie about it like a moron and say I didn't have any money.  So the kid punches me and he goes, "Give me your cell phone."  And then our manager, with his powers of a deduction-
Ray: He's like a street fighter!
Mikey: He goes into the alley with his cell phone, so then they come back and try to mug him.  He pulls out a fucking switchblade and a baseball bat and a machine gun and a bazooka.  And he got my cell phone back.
Jessica: So he doubles as a bodyguard.
Mikey: He does, actually.
Jessica: That's pretty cool.  Aright, so you guys have been a band for what, a year and a half now?
Matt: A year and eight months.
Gerard: Yeah.
[Some crazy old man comes outside and starts bitching.]
Crazy old man: Can you take your meeting somewhere else?  There are people working in these offices.
All: Okay...
[The group relocates elsewhere and notices that 'people working in these offices' is really two men putting up a sign in an otherwise empty plaza.]
Jessica: It's a sign...
Frank: Wow...
Michelle: Nice.
Frank: What an asshole!
Gerard: Fuck, it's hot.
Jessica: Yeah, it really is.  Okay, so you've been a band for about a year and eight months.  You've come pretty far in the short time that you've been a band.  Can you give us a brief synopsis of the past two years, like how it all got started?
Mikey: Basically, we went to this evil magician and we told him to make us rock & roll superstars.  So he took a pint of each of our blood and put it in a cauldron.
Ray: Obviously he fucked up, cause look at us.
Mikey: We're not rock & roll superstars, but we're sweet little dudes.
Frank: It's been really good.  We're really lucky.
Jessica: What was the first song you wrote as a band?
Gerard: "Skylines and Turnstiles."
Jessica: I like that song.  My favorite song on the album is number six; I'm sorry, you know I'm really bad with the titles.
Matt: "Headfirst for Halos."
Jessica: That's the one.  Just cause that's my favorite song, I'm curious as to what the songwriting process was like for it.
Gerard: It started as a joke.  It was really funny.
Ray: We were stoned and we were jamming.
Matt: And we thought it was obnoxious and funny.  We were just like, "Oh my god, this is so stupid."   And Gerard's like, "No!  This is great!"
Gerard: Yeah; it was brilliant.  So I put really dark lyrics to it and it worked.
Jessica: That's what I like about it.  Cause the music is all upbeat and it sounds like it would be a happy song and then the lyrics are all dark and contrast with it.
Ray: We want to do that for the next album.
Frank: Yeah, we'll do that.
Jessica: So how do you think your music has progressed since writing your first song?  Has it changed?
Gerard: Oh yeah.  The heavy songs we used to write are a lot heavier.
Ray: Frank's been using his high E string too!
Frank: Yeah!  I never knew what that was for until like last month.
Gerard: The heavy songs we used to do are now a little more metal.  And then the different types of songs we do, like "Headfirst" or something like that, we're just starting to get into that now.  That stuff's really exciting because it sounds like us, but we're trying new things.  We're experimenting a little bit and taking risks, basically.  So that's what the new stuff's like.
Jessica: So when was the last time you guys wrote a new song?
Ray and Gerard: Last week.
Frank: This is our first day on tour since like two months ago, so we've been writing a ton of shit.
Jessica: Is anybody in the band doing side projects, any other music or clothing?
Mikey: A clothing line?!
Jessica: I don't know, it seems as if all these bands are starting clothing lines all of a sudden.
Gerard: Nah, we don't do any shit like that.  I'm running a "Dungeons and Dragons" game, though.  That's my side project.
Jessica: So when are you guys gonna record again?
Gerard: Hopefully January.  Hopefully the record will be out in like May.
Jessica: And my last question...you guys are one of my favorite bands.  If you were interviewing your favorite band, what would you want to know?
["Um"s and "Hmm"s all around.]
Mikey: I can't think of a specific band, that's the thing.
Frank: She said your favorite band. So what's your favorite band?
Mikey: Morrissey.  Hmm, what do I want to know from that guy?
Gerard: [To Frank] I think I know what yours would be.
Frank: Oh, go, go, answer for me!
Gerard: [Laughing] Why are you such a prick; why'd you like go get a sandwich when you could have talked to me?
Mikey: That's so sad.
Ray: I'd probably ask Randy Rhoads how it felt dying in a plane crash.
Mikey: He wouldn't answer because he's dead.  I'd probably ask Morrissey how it feels to be a sweet little dude.
Frank: He might show you too.
Frank: I don't know.  I don't really know.  That's a good one though.  We've never been asked that.
Thanks to Brian Bumbery, Molly, Eddie, and of course, My Chemical Romance.  For more on this fantastic band, visit http://www.mychemicalromance.com
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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International Women’s Day
Mother, sisters, wives, girlfriends, and fiancees…what would we ever do without them? Nobody can honestly say we don’t owe an enormous amount to the women in our lives, from the mothers who made us chicken soup when we were sick as children, to the sisters who helped us decide what to wear on our first date, to the wives who somehow manage to juggle both a career and a family, never missing a beat. Women’s Day is all about celebrating these incredible people and showing them how much we love, respect and value them.
This holiday is perhaps especially important in parts of the world where women are still forced to deal with shocking inequality on a daily basis and is meant to raise awareness of the challenges and struggles faced by these women. Women’s Day celebrates women’s history, highlighting key events, milestones, and achievements, and aims to further promote and raise awareness of women’s rights and to achieve equal opportunity status in all walks of life.
History of International Women’s Day
It may come as a rather sad surprise that International Women’s Day was first celebrated on February 28th, 1909 in New York. Two years later, German socialist Luise Zietz proposed that the holiday become an annually observed one that would celebrate various women’s issues, such as suffrage, so as to promote equal rights for women. The first few International Women’s Days were celebrated in a quite different fashion than they are nowadays, with hundreds of demonstrations taking place in Europe. During these demonstrations, women demanded they finally be given both the right to vote and to hold public office.
Employment sex discrimination was also an important issue. In 1917, the International Women’s Day demonstrations in Saint Petersburg, Russia, helped initiate the February Revolution, when women marched through the city demanding an end to World War I. This shocked even Leon Trotsky, who, much like other Russian leaders of the day, did not expect the Women’s Day protests to cause that much of a stir. Until 1977, Women’s Day was celebrated mainly in socialist countries. It was only after the United Nations General Assembly’s decision to proclaim March 8th International Women’s Day that the holiday gained worldwide popularity.
International Women’s Day Timeline
1848 Seneca Falls Convention
The first convention held in the United States in support of Women’s Rights, this New York meeting, held in July, signaled the beginning of the Women’s Suffrage Movement.
February 28, 1909 First Women’s Day in the United States
National Women’s Day begins in the United States, prompted by a growing movement toward women’s rights. It’s organized by the Socialist Party of America and celebrated on a Sunday so working women can participate.
1910 International Conference of Working Women in Copenhagen
The idea for an international day acknowledging women is brought forth by Clara Zetkin, a German political leader. This suggestion is approved by more than 100 women from 17 different countries.
1911 First International Women’s Day Observed
More than 1 million women and men throughout Austria, Switzerland, Germany and Denmark, attend various rallies.
1913 Russian Women Celebrate
Just prior to the outbreak of World War I, Russians celebrate International Women’s Day. It is agreed to celebrate annually on March 8 (by the Gregorian Calendar).
1917 Russian Women’s Day Leads to Women’s Right to Vote
Feminist demonstrations in Russia are part of a chain of events that lead to the abdication of the Czar and the Russian Revolution, ultimately resulting in the right to vote for women.
1918 Some Women in England Gain Right to Vote
Women in England over the age of 30 with property qualifications receive the right to vote (men qualify beginning at ages 19-21).
1920 American Women Earn Right to Vote
After many attempts, the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution is finally passed.
1928 England Adopts Equal Voting Rights
English women earn the same access to voting as men.
1945 United Nations Recognizes Equality
The Charger of the UN becomes the first international agreement to state equality between women and men.
1975 United Nations First Acknowledges International Women’s Day
IWD is first celebrated by the UN.
1977 UN General Assembly Adopts Women’s Day Resolution
The UN calls Member States to observe a “United Nations Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace” on any day of their choosing throughout the year.
2001 Women’s Day Goes Online
In need of a reboot after having lost momentum over the last decades of the 20th century, the International Women’s Day Movement launches online. The website helps with women’s campaigns and leads out in raising money for charities that impact equality for women.
How to celebrate International Women’s Day
There are many ways that you can go about celebrating this holiday, but all of them have a similar goal: to raise awareness about the struggles of women the world over and honor their achievements. Of course, not all achievements are huge, worldwide game-changers like women finally obtaining the right to vote—there are all sorts of other, smaller feats that women you know manage on an everyday basis that you may not pay too much attention to until you try calming 2 crying toddlers, making dinner and explaining the particulars of a newly-acquired client to your boss over the phone at the same time. This may sound ridiculously hard to pull off, but this is something thousands of women pull off every day, something that should be deeply appreciated and something that nobody should take for granted. Grand gestures aren’t necessarily required to show appreciation, either—sometimes a simple “thank you, I have no idea how you do it” is enough to lift an overworked woman’s spirits.
International Women’s Day Is Also About Women’s Rights
If you’d like to do something more, though, there is a virtually endless amount of things you can do to help improve women’s lives the world. You can attend one of the 1000+ events organized globally where you can learn about what women’s lives are like in different countries and make a donation to the event you attend. Reading books is also a great way of broadening your horizons, and biographies of women like fearless Somalian women’s rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali will definitely open your eyes and inspire you to see women’s lives and problems completely differently.
It’s no secret that women’s rights have evolved greatly. However, things could still be a lot better! People such as Malala Yousafzai, a young activist for female education in Pakistan. Her story, I am Malala, describes her fight for education as a woman in Pakistan, and the dramatic consequences of her activism. Targeted by a Taliban’s assassination, Malala was shot in 2012. She was transported to different hospitals before being rushed to the UK, where she was treated and survived her injuries. Her autobiography is an eye-opening shockwave that will make you aware of the struggles that many women continue to face. Nowadays, Malala is a student at the world famous University of Oxford in the UK!
Broadening your horizon on Women’s Day to understand the differences between countries and how women are treated in the world can offer a new appreciation for women. Let Malala’s story inspire you to attend events or support more initiatives to help women. Why not keep your eyes open for books like Malala’s autobiography that share the experience of women in different cultures?
Supporting a Woman on International Women’s Day
Have you ever stopped to consider what it means to be a woman? Aside from the biological definition, there is a lot that goes into defining, feeling, experiencing and celebrating womanhood on Women’s Day. No, it doesn’t have to be a philosophical debate about what makes a woman who she is! But in a day and age where gender issues and gender roles are being questioned, it’s only fair to broaden your perception of what a woman can be and do. The first and most important thing you need to remember is that women are sick of hearing about gender stereotypes. Therefore, Women’s Day is a day to be embraced with an open mind. Question your assumptions about what people can and can’t do based on gender. Why not support a female friend to follow her dreams?
Spend International Women’s Day With Women Who Don’t Let Conventions Define Them
What makes her a woman? Women, such as Anne Lister, have chosen to define their womanhood on their own terms. During the 19th century in England, Anne Lister, also nicknamed Gentleman Jack, took part in activities that were otherwise reserved to men and also ran typically men’s businesses. She also chose to marry another woman, and lived with her, despite not receiving any legal recognition. Gentleman Jack cultivated her free spirit without compromising, which her autobiography, Gentleman Jack, reveals.
Another autobiography that enhances the definition of being a woman is Trans, a Memoir, by Juliet Jacques. Jacques describes what it means to be a woman throughout the transitioning process. On International Women’s Day, show your full support by celebrating and embracing different perceptions of what it means to be a woman.
Spend A Day In Her Shoes On International Women’s Day
Challenges exist in different shapes. It’s something Nicole Byers, the bubbly “Nailed It” presenter on Netflix knows well. Her podcast, Why Won’t You Date Me, describes with humor her quest for love and the modern expectations that society has for women. The sweet dreams of childhood are nothing like the harsh reality, like the podcast Stuff Mom Never Told You explains. Spend the day listening to the stories of everyday women, who could be your sister, your mother, or your wife.
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worldtopnews99 · 3 days
Big Rock Chiropractic, Physiotherapy & Massage
Experience Comprehensive Wellness at Big Rock Chiropractic, Physiotherapy & Massage
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At Big Rock Chiropractic, Physiotherapy & Massage, we believe in empowering our patients to achieve optimal health and well-being. Located in Okotoks, AB, our clinic is led by the dedicated Dr. Caitlin Zietz, who brings a wealth of experience and a patient-centered approach to healthcare. We offer a diverse range of services, including Chiropractor care, physiotherapy, massage therapy, and custom orthotics, designed to alleviate pain, enhance mobility, and support your overall health.
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Choosing the right healthcare provider is crucial for your recovery and well-being. Here are several reasons why Big Rock Chiropractic stands out:
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Services Offered
Chiropractic Care
Our chiropractic services focus on diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal disorders, particularly those related to the spine. Dr. Caitlin Zietz utilizes safe and effective techniques to alleviate pain, restore mobility, and improve overall health.
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Our physiotherapy services are designed to help you regain strength, improve mobility, and recover from injuries. We use evidence-based techniques to ensure optimal recovery, empowering you to lead an active lifestyle.
Massage Therapy
Whether you are seeking relaxation or relief from muscle tension, our massage therapy services are tailored to meet your needs. Our therapists are trained in various modalities to provide the best care possible.
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At Big Rock Chiropractic, we are committed to providing exceptional care and supporting our patients on their journey to health. Our welcoming environment and compassionate staff ensure you feel comfortable and valued throughout your treatment.
Ready to take the first step towards a pain-free life? Contact us today at Big Rock Chiropractic to learn more about our services or to book your appointment. Let us help you achieve your health goals and experience the best in chiropractic care, also offering physiotherapy, massage therapy, and orthotics.
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Γυναίκες: Ψωμι και τριαντάφυλλα
Με την ευκαιρία της Διεθνούς Ημέρας της Γυναίκας-8 Μαρτίου ΓΥΝΑΙΚΕΣ : «ΨΩΜΙ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΙΑΝΤΑΦΥΛΛΑ»- 1908 -2012 Η ιστορία του γυναικείου κινήματος ξεκίνησε το 1910 στη Διάσκεψη των Σοσιαλιστών Γυναικών στην Κοπεγχάγη όπου δυο Γερμανίδες οι Luise Zietz και Clara Zetkin, εμπνευσμένες από τις Αμερικανίδες συναδέλφους τους, πρότειναν την κήρυξη μιας ημέρας αφιερωμένης στη γυναίκα, αποτίνοντας […] Γυναίκες:…
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thoughtfullyblogger · 7 months
Γυναίκες: Ψωμι και τριαντάφυλλα
Με την ευκαιρία της Διεθνούς Ημέρας της Γυναίκας-8 Μαρτίου ΓΥΝΑΙΚΕΣ : «ΨΩΜΙ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΙΑΝΤΑΦΥΛΛΑ»- 1908 -2012 Η ιστορία του γυναικείου κινήματος ξεκίνησε το 1910 στη Διάσκεψη των Σοσιαλιστών Γυναικών στην Κοπεγχάγη όπου δυο Γερμανίδες οι Luise Zietz και Clara Zetkin, εμπνευσμένες από τις Αμερικανίδες συναδέλφους τους, πρότειναν την κήρυξη μιας ημέρας αφιερωμένης στη γυναίκα, αποτίνοντας […] Γυναίκες:…
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greekblogs · 7 months
Γυναίκες: Ψωμι και τριαντάφυλλα
Με την ευκαιρία της Διεθνούς Ημέρας της Γυναίκας-8 Μαρτίου ΓΥΝΑΙΚΕΣ : «ΨΩΜΙ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΙΑΝΤΑΦΥΛΛΑ»- 1908 -2012 Η ιστορία του γυναικείου κινήματος ξεκίνησε το 1910 στη Διάσκεψη των Σοσιαλιστών Γυναικών στην Κοπεγχάγη όπου δυο Γερμανίδες οι Luise Zietz και Clara Zetkin, εμπνευσμένες από τις Αμερικανίδες συναδέλφους τους, πρότειναν την κήρυξη μιας ημέρας αφιερωμένης στη γυναίκα, αποτίνοντας […] Γυναίκες:…
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Γυναίκες: Ψωμι και τριαντάφυλλα
Με την ευκαιρία της Διεθνούς Ημέρας της Γυναίκας-8 Μαρτίου ΓΥΝΑΙΚΕΣ : «ΨΩΜΙ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΙΑΝΤΑΦΥΛΛΑ»- 1908 -2012 Η ιστορία του γυναικείου κινήματος ξεκίνησε το 1910 στη Διάσκεψη των Σοσιαλιστών Γυναικών στην Κοπεγχάγη όπου δυο Γερμανίδες οι Luise Zietz και Clara Zetkin, εμπνευσμένες από τις Αμερικανίδες συναδέλφους τους, πρότειναν την κήρυξη μιας ημέρας αφιερωμένης στη γυναίκα, αποτίνοντας […] Γυναίκες:…
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jdgo51 · 2 years
Running the Race
By Anna Zietz (North Dakota, USA)
"Let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us."
"Running is one of my favorite activities. I feel free and unstoppable when I’m running, and I love the rush of adrenaline. After a run I feel like I just accomplished something huge. Even so, there are some days I don’t feel up to it. Finding the motivation to run can be hard, even though I’m always glad when I do it.
Our faith life can be like that too. We are called to pray daily and to follow God’s will for us, but saying yes to these things isn’t always easy. Sometimes it’s hard to wake up early to spend time with God or to release our control and follow God’s plan for us.
However, as Christians we are called to pray daily and to follow God’s plan for our lives. Hebrews 12:1 encourages us to run God’s race with perseverance. The race set before us spans our entire lives and requires us to say yes over and over — praying, showing compassion, going to church, and following God’s plan for us.
I challenge you to say yes to God — whatever that looks like for you. We can give thanks to God for every opportunity to run the race before us." Say "yes" to all things from God. He has a plan and knows best always. Whether its struggles or joyous occasions, He will walk through them at your sides. Run the race God has prepared for you and run it well.
"Dear Lord, forgive us for the times we don’t say yes to you. Give us the courage and strength to say yes more often. Amen. "
Hebrews 12:1-3
"1 So then, with endurance, let’s also run the race that is laid out in front of us, since we have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us. Let’s throw off any extra baggage, get rid of the sin that trips us up, 2 and fix our eyes on Jesus, faith’s pioneer and perfecter. He endured the cross, ignoring the shame, for the sake of the joy that was laid out in front of him, and sat down at the right side of God’s throne. 3 Think about the one who endured such opposition from sinners so that you won’t be discouraged and you won’t give up." He had His own race and the path was filled with pain and other challenges. He even gave His life up for us. He covered our multiple sins with His own blood. Our path has not and will never be that hard. He has it all under control. Just say , "Yes!" Bless you all! Joe
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topgoprovideos-blog · 5 years
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Congratulations to Kauai’s Sebastian Zietz, aka winning the Vans Triple Crown o… Congratulations to Kauai's Sebastian Zietz, aka @seabassz,for profitable the Vans Triple Crown of Browsing! #GoPro #VTCS #Pipeline #Hawaii #surf #browsing #HERO3
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carharttme · 3 years
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rabbitcruiser · 7 months
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International Women’s Day
Mother, sisters, wives, girlfriends, and fiancees…what would we ever do without them? Nobody can honestly say we don’t owe an enormous amount to the women in our lives, from the mothers who made us chicken soup when we were sick as children, to the sisters who helped us decide what to wear on our first date, to the wives who somehow manage to juggle both a career and a family, never missing a beat. Women’s Day is all about celebrating these incredible people and showing them how much we love, respect and value them.
This holiday is perhaps especially important in parts of the world where women are still forced to deal with shocking inequality on a daily basis and is meant to raise awareness of the challenges and struggles faced by these women. Women’s Day celebrates women’s history, highlighting key events, milestones, and achievements, and aims to further promote and raise awareness of women’s rights and to achieve equal opportunity status in all walks of life.
History of International Women’s Day
It may come as a rather sad surprise that International Women’s Day was first celebrated on February 28th, 1909 in New York. Two years later, German socialist Luise Zietz proposed that the holiday become an annually observed one that would celebrate various women’s issues, such as suffrage, so as to promote equal rights for women. The first few International Women’s Days were celebrated in a quite different fashion than they are nowadays, with hundreds of demonstrations taking place in Europe. During these demonstrations, women demanded they finally be given both the right to vote and to hold public office.
Employment sex discrimination was also an important issue. In 1917, the International Women’s Day demonstrations in Saint Petersburg, Russia, helped initiate the February Revolution, when women marched through the city demanding an end to World War I. This shocked even Leon Trotsky, who, much like other Russian leaders of the day, did not expect the Women’s Day protests to cause that much of a stir. Until 1977, Women’s Day was celebrated mainly in socialist countries. It was only after the United Nations General Assembly’s decision to proclaim March 8th International Women’s Day that the holiday gained worldwide popularity.
International Women’s Day Timeline
1848 Seneca Falls Convention
The first convention held in the United States in support of Women’s Rights, this New York meeting, held in July, signaled the beginning of the Women’s Suffrage Movement.
February 28, 1909 First Women’s Day in the United States
National Women’s Day begins in the United States, prompted by a growing movement toward women’s rights. It’s organized by the Socialist Party of America and celebrated on a Sunday so working women can participate.
1910 International Conference of Working Women in Copenhagen
The idea for an international day acknowledging women is brought forth by Clara Zetkin, a German political leader. This suggestion is approved by more than 100 women from 17 different countries.
1911 First International Women’s Day Observed
More than 1 million women and men throughout Austria, Switzerland, Germany and Denmark, attend various rallies.
1913 Russian Women Celebrate
Just prior to the outbreak of World War I, Russians celebrate International Women’s Day. It is agreed to celebrate annually on March 8 (by the Gregorian Calendar).
1917 Russian Women’s Day Leads to Women’s Right to Vote
Feminist demonstrations in Russia are part of a chain of events that lead to the abdication of the Czar and the Russian Revolution, ultimately resulting in the right to vote for women.
1918 Some Women in England Gain Right to Vote
Women in England over the age of 30 with property qualifications receive the right to vote (men qualify beginning at ages 19-21).
1920 American Women Earn Right to Vote
After many attempts, the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution is finally passed.
1928 England Adopts Equal Voting Rights
English women earn the same access to voting as men.
1945 United Nations Recognizes Equality
The Charger of the UN becomes the first international agreement to state equality between women and men.
1975 United Nations First Acknowledges International Women’s Day
IWD is first celebrated by the UN.
1977 UN General Assembly Adopts Women’s Day Resolution
The UN calls Member States to observe a “United Nations Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace” on any day of their choosing throughout the year.
2001 Women’s Day Goes Online
In need of a reboot after having lost momentum over the last decades of the 20th century, the International Women’s Day Movement launches online. The website helps with women’s campaigns and leads out in raising money for charities that impact equality for women.
How to celebrate International Women’s Day
There are many ways that you can go about celebrating this holiday, but all of them have a similar goal: to raise awareness about the struggles of women the world over and honor their achievements. Of course, not all achievements are huge, worldwide game-changers like women finally obtaining the right to vote—there are all sorts of other, smaller feats that women you know manage on an everyday basis that you may not pay too much attention to until you try calming 2 crying toddlers, making dinner and explaining the particulars of a newly-acquired client to your boss over the phone at the same time. This may sound ridiculously hard to pull off, but this is something thousands of women pull off every day, something that should be deeply appreciated and something that nobody should take for granted. Grand gestures aren’t necessarily required to show appreciation, either—sometimes a simple “thank you, I have no idea how you do it” is enough to lift an overworked woman’s spirits.
International Women’s Day Is Also About Women’s Rights
If you’d like to do something more, though, there is a virtually endless amount of things you can do to help improve women’s lives the world. You can attend one of the 1000+ events organized globally where you can learn about what women’s lives are like in different countries and make a donation to the event you attend. Reading books is also a great way of broadening your horizons, and biographies of women like fearless Somalian women’s rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali will definitely open your eyes and inspire you to see women’s lives and problems completely differently.
It’s no secret that women’s rights have evolved greatly. However, things could still be a lot better! People such as Malala Yousafzai, a young activist for female education in Pakistan. Her story, I am Malala, describes her fight for education as a woman in Pakistan, and the dramatic consequences of her activism. Targeted by a Taliban’s assassination, Malala was shot in 2012. She was transported to different hospitals before being rushed to the UK, where she was treated and survived her injuries. Her autobiography is an eye-opening shockwave that will make you aware of the struggles that many women continue to face. Nowadays, Malala is a student at the world famous University of Oxford in the UK!
Broadening your horizon on Women’s Day to understand the differences between countries and how women are treated in the world can offer a new appreciation for women. Let Malala’s story inspire you to attend events or support more initiatives to help women. Why not keep your eyes open for books like Malala’s autobiography that share the experience of women in different cultures?
Supporting a Woman on International Women’s Day
Have you ever stopped to consider what it means to be a woman? Aside from the biological definition, there is a lot that goes into defining, feeling, experiencing and celebrating womanhood on Women’s Day. No, it doesn’t have to be a philosophical debate about what makes a woman who she is! But in a day and age where gender issues and gender roles are being questioned, it’s only fair to broaden your perception of what a woman can be and do. The first and most important thing you need to remember is that women are sick of hearing about gender stereotypes. Therefore, Women’s Day is a day to be embraced with an open mind. Question your assumptions about what people can and can’t do based on gender. Why not support a female friend to follow her dreams?
Spend International Women’s Day With Women Who Don’t Let Conventions Define Them
What makes her a woman? Women, such as Anne Lister, have chosen to define their womanhood on their own terms. During the 19th century in England, Anne Lister, also nicknamed Gentleman Jack, took part in activities that were otherwise reserved to men and also ran typically men’s businesses. She also chose to marry another woman, and lived with her, despite not receiving any legal recognition. Gentleman Jack cultivated her free spirit without compromising, which her autobiography, Gentleman Jack, reveals.
Another autobiography that enhances the definition of being a woman is Trans, a Memoir, by Juliet Jacques. Jacques describes what it means to be a woman throughout the transitioning process. On International Women’s Day, show your full support by celebrating and embracing different perceptions of what it means to be a woman.
Spend A Day In Her Shoes On International Women’s Day
Challenges exist in different shapes. It’s something Nicole Byers, the bubbly “Nailed It” presenter on Netflix knows well. Her podcast, Why Won’t You Date Me, describes with humor her quest for love and the modern expectations that society has for women. The sweet dreams of childhood are nothing like the harsh reality, like the podcast Stuff Mom Never Told You explains. Spend the day listening to the stories of everyday women, who could be your sister, your mother, or your wife.
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majoraggression · 4 years
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total-food-service · 3 years
GRUBBRR Announces Strategic Samsung Partnership for All-in-One Kiosk
GRUBBRR Announces Strategic Samsung Partnership for All-in-One Kiosk
GRUBBRR, the emerging leader in self-ordering kiosk technology, recently announced a strategic partnership with Samsung Electronics America, Inc. to provide the most advanced software solution on the market, powering the Samsung Kiosk, the company’s new all-in-one kiosk solution as it enters the self-ordering kiosk industry. With the integrated GRUBBRR software, the Samsung Kiosk comes ready to…
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hostevie · 7 years
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