darkshrimpemotions · 2 years
I would like to ask you something about the show Supernatural. So, I have almost finished watching Chilling Adventures of Sabrina on Netflix and I wanted to watch something else. Would you recommend watching Supernatural? And is watching Supernatural worth it? Could you tell me your face things about the show and your least favorite things? Thank you :)
Hoo boy friend. This is. A complicated question.
I'll start with the easiest parts to answer and work up to the hard parts.
My favorite things about Supernatural?
The characters. The aesthetics of the early seasons. The way folklore and urban legends are utilized in the early seasons. The music. The way the characters get to grow and evolve so much because you get so many years with them. The little details. The themes of found family, resilience, and hope in the face of impossible odds. The incredible coolness and creativity of some of the ideas the writers came up with over the years. The critiques of religion and religious power structures. The road trip format. The way the show, at its best, is utterly unforgettable writing, editing, sound design, music, acting, and set design. Most of the cast. The fandom experience. The fact that nothing ever stays dead and buried, least of all the show that ended over 2 years ago.
My least favorite things about Supernatural?
The inconsistency in the show's quality from season to season and episode to episode. The way side characters are forgotten, killed off, or treated as unimportant. The way the show was never allowed to fully evolve past its season 1 formula.
The lack of representation. The underlying racism, queerphobia, and xenophobia in the show's premise and execution that were unfortunately typical of network television from the early 2000s but that the show never fully unpacked or addressed in much later seasons. The carelessness with which certain writers handled certain character arcs and themes. The way so much of the creativity ends up being wasted potential. The lack of creativity in the monster design. The utter disrespect of that godforsaken ending.
Would I recommend watching Supernatural?
This is where it gets rough. And I'll just say...it depends.
Do you want a silly little show you can just watch, take at face value, and then forget about when the television is off? If so, Supernatural may not be the show for you. I mean you CAN consume it that way, but doing so practically guarantees you are experiencing the worst possible version of it.
Do you want a multi-layered 15-year fever dream of a metatextual hyperfixation that you can really sink your teeth into, analyze, compare show to scripts to writer and actor comments to fandom takes and get something new and contradictory out of every time you revisit it?
Do you want characters who will become like dear friends and break your heart and mend it too? Do you want an unparalleled media experience that is still ongoing and a fandom that verges on unhinged but mostly in a fun way? Do you want to dive headfirst into a show so insane that none of the actors who worked on it can be normal about it to this day?
Do you want context for some of the best goddamn fanfic you will ever read in your life, and the largest ship on AO3 in terms of sheer number of fics for one pairing, literally more fic for this one pairing than you could read in a single human lifetime?
Then yeah. I would highly recommend watching Supernatural.
Is Supernatural worth it?
Well...that depends. In addition to the questions above, consider...How much mess are you willing to put up with from a piece of media? How much lore external to the actual show are you willing to consume in order to have a full understanding of the story? And how unhinged are you prepared to be over a couple white dudes from Kansas and their grumpy-sweet Midwestern angel? How many friends do you want to make over a TV show? How ready are you to hear your existing friends and family beg you to talk about ANYTHING else for a while?
And depending on how you answered all of those questions
...would you like me to send you the mp4 files for the first several seasons? Because the Netflix version edited a lot of the show's original music, and it sucks.
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hi daise, do you have any post/links about how louis' closet/harry's closet/ larry in general is linked to babygate? And if bbg will end what that would mean for larry? Does that automatically shine light on larry and is that why ending it is difficult? Do you have any posts that discusses all of this?
Hi dear,
I don't think I have anything specifically like that, but I could be forgetting it. You can check my babygate tag, there are a lot of discussion posts in there. Also check my blog on a computer to see all the babygate tags linked on the main page.
I don't personally think anything related to bbg has an impact on Harry and Louis' relationship, in terms of it being a factor on their closet or coming out, or the fact they want their relationship private. It's its own thing, and doesn't have to connect to "Larry" if they were to end bbg at all. It's obviously a delicate situation, but if handled correctly they can steer away from their relationship and focus just on Louis.
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izacore · 2 years
Do you think louis and harry even want to come out right now? Because it doesn't seem on their priority list. :) please answer in public if you do :)
I think they eventually want to be out but right now, they are fed the rhetoric that it would ruin everything for them and everyone involved and that their business would be over and if you listen to something like that for years it's hard to convince yourself that it's not true yk? that's why I wish there was someone out of their bubble who entered their lives and showed them a different perspective, because they deserve so much better.
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finexbright · 2 years
hi soni🥰 I read this post: https://at.tumblr.com/finexbright/soni-i-have-a-feeling-this-is-harrys-last-album/jkj8wonwjqif
And I was wondering do you think there is an actual chance that Harry might CO soon (within 3 years, including this one?)❤️ that theory of yours (in the tags) does make sense to me, because I think usually Harry always says he is working on a new album but this time he has nit done that yet so...
okay so in terms of coming out, i honestly don't know. i think people are just waiting for him to make the big grand announcement while completely disregarding the things he's already said. i just need people to realise that he doesn't need to do the big announcement, because he's already said something along the lines of "i don't feel the need to make a public thing, the people close to me know about it and that's it" like that's not the exact quote but he's literally said that he doesn't care about the public coming out and i'm honestly just. tired of people thinking that the end goal of this is coming out like please stop with that mindset and just let people be.
this isn't directed at you btw this is just my general thoughts on the whole coming out thing
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leeminholinoing · 2 years
Hi Chloe!
I heard you're from Beligum, that's so cool! I'm from the Netherlands. Do you speak Dutch or Vlaams? :)
hi! unfortunately I do not. I can read Vlaams but that's about it.
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meyhew · 2 years
Hello! You said:
i know everyone’s said it already but this really is IT huh. like this is his moment it’s finally happening he’s finally utterly confident in who he is and what he wants to do and in his ability to do it. he’s moved on from a lonely, barren desert to a lively, landscape—setting fire to his past and stepping into the future he knows is brighter. his resilience and perseverance is paying off and id be sobbing if i wasn’t busy beaming because of how proud i am
What do you mean by 'Who he is' do you mean he is finally comfy in his sexuality? Or his image?
i was referring to his artistry! we know louis has always loved that punky, indie genre and it seems like he's finally confident in... everything... to create that sort of music without being too concerned with how it might be received or whatever else. i think he's always been confident in his sexuality. whether something about his image is about to change, i dont know, but it's so obvious that he feels very very very comfortable in his skin now
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izacore · 2 years
hi, do you know why userkant deactivated?
She just felt like leaving the fandom and tumblr was the right thing to do for her and her peace of mind 🥰
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darkshrimpemotions · 2 years
Hi thank you so much for answering me! And I would Love to have those mp4 files, if possible. Thank you SO SO much❤️💙🫂
In your messages! Enjoy! Feel free to come yell about the show any time!
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finexbright · 2 years
I saw your analysis of BTM and I have a few questions. Do you think Louis realized (by touring) that the LGBTQ+ community and his fans accept him for who he is? Because the song BTM comes off as Louis being afraid/ashamed of coming out gay/being gay or Louis being afraid of people's reaction to him coming out (the hate he might get). Do yout think that?
Also, I feel like Louis isn't ashamed or afraid to come out as gay/be gay maybe in 2010 when everything was new to him but since 2011-present I don't think so. So do you think this song might be about his 2010 self?.......sorry if this question is weird or stupid....
Thank you :)
hiya, sorry for the extremely late response 🙈
i was recently thinking about how bigger than me can be reflective of his pre-fame vs post-fame time as well. the songs travels through this theme of being told that he would change and him having difficulty accepting that, him being adamant that no, i will not change and then it culminates with him accepting that, hey i did change and it was for the better, not like what i was told, and changing is a natural course of things and i'm okay with it.
i think when he was first put in the band, he was told that his fame would affect him adversely and that he would succumb to it and become an antagonistic person in his own life. also, knowing how harshly he was closeted and how he was literally made to tone down his flamboyance, there was an adverse, just not because of him, this change was made to and within him.
back in 2010, there was no question of coming out or whatever because louis just was queer. like it was just a part of him and i don't think he'd anticipated that that part would be taken away from him and that was definitely a price he didn't think he'd pay, and will be paying for as long as he has. however over time that changed, he got saddled with this closet and that held him back.
now, i think he has accepted that change for it is and has just decided not to let it affect him negatively. like, he does acknowledge that he has changed, but now he knows better, has a better grip on himself and can steer and direct that change to affect him in a positive light.
bigger than me also reads as a song of him being told he'd change and him being adamant that no it won't and then coming to this settled level of acceptance that yes, i have changed, but not in the way you predicted, i have changed and it has been for the better.
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leeminholinoing · 3 years
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queensgaybeach1d · 5 years
Hi honey🌻someone just tried to convince me that 1d fans are all teenage girls.And while there's absolutely nothing wrong with that,I know for a fact that 1d's fan base stretches far and wide.I'm sorry if this is a bit much,and you totally do not have to do this,but could you direct me to some posts that show the diversity in 1d's fanbase? I'm sorry if this is stupid, but I feel the need to CONVINCE this person that that's not true.This person isn't terrible, they're just misinformed. Love you!
Hi love,
I do not really have a huge masterpost about that, but I sure know larrie blogs on tumblr who are not teenagers. Starting with me, I’m not a teenager ;) Bulletprooflarry, tellmethisisnotlove, bromanceshmomance, WhenHazzametLou, wellingtonkiss, The-love-laws, pianolouis, beanielarrie, youcancallmeathief, ziamswitchcraft, tommogaylinson,things-larry-cant, evenasyoungastheyare, boufantgirl, thatsactuallystarlight, 28nachos, 1dhq, domestic-harry, larryfeeels, elkoanonloveslarry,whattarush, punkdaddylouis, lyingchimera1d, coldpalace, timotheechaamet, bananastagram, allwaswell16, lululawrence, ificouldflymp3.
There are absolutely more adults than this post of mine. These are just some I saw on tumblr. This fandom consists out of tons of people who aren’t adults, look on twitter for example tons of people are there 30+ and it’s okay, because our fandom is different from other fandoms because of that. 1D is timeless, you can love them even when you’re 80 years old. Plus all those ‘12-years-old people’ aren’t staying 12 years forever. In my honest opinion I think there are more adult in this fandom than teens. But that’s just my opinion. 
Thank you for the ask and it wasn’t much, love you too!!
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