#zhuyin fuhao
linghxr · 1 year
How I'm learning bopomofo (zhuyin fuhao)
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Why am I learning bopomofo?
Maybe around a year ago, I had a dream in which I was in a library/bookstore in Taiwan. I was trying to search their catalog to see if they had a book I wanted in stock. The only option was a bopomofo touchscreen keyboard, and I became quite distressed because I was unable to type anything. This dream inspired me to learn bopomofo, AKA zhuyin fuhao.
Why should you learn bopomofo?
Frankly, the consensus I've seen on blogs and language forums is that you don't need to learn bopomofo/zhuyin fuhao. But I wanted to share my thoughts on what there is to gain from learning it. Consider learning bopomofo if...
You find pinyin unintuitive or are looking for another input method for typing. I learned pinyin very young, so it's second nature for me. But for some learners, it's difficult and may distract them from reading characters. Bopomofo offers an alternative.
You're really interested in Taiwanese culture and want to deepen your understanding of it. My Taiwanese American friend tells me that you can find bopomofo in materials like children's books. I've also seen it used online, such as in it memes by Taiwanese netizens.
You're a total language nerd and think it would be fun. It's been a fun challenge to learn something completely new to me after so many years of learning Chinese. It's forced me to reexamine the language and how pinyin works too!
How I'm learning bopomofo
My method is nothing fancy. First, I wrote down all the symbols my notebook and practiced converting syllables from pinyin to zhuyin fuhao. After that, I added the zhuyin keyboard to my phone and switched to practicing via typing.
As you may or may not know, I'm kind of obsessed with chengyu and try to learn a new one each day. So I practice typing with zhuyin fuhao daily by typing out my new chengyu of the day.
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*Technically you are supposed to type the tone marks too, but I'm lazy and usually don't do that. **Like with the pinyin keyboard, you can also input text by just typing the initials.
The downside of my method is that I fear I'm memorizing positions on the keyboard instead of the actual symbols. If you as me to read something written in zhuyin, I would need some time to decipher it. But I actually tried learning zhuyin previously using flashcards, and it didn't stick at all. So this typing method, while flawed, has worked for me because I've been able to practice consistently—a little bit every day!
I don't think I can write zhuyin out by hand, but I don't have to worry about my bad dream coming true anymore!
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worldindecay · 5 years
Lyrics Zhùyīn Fúhào Limi 我的夜晚是不是你的白天
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puzzlenation · 5 years
A Password Brain Teaser With an Unexpected Snag
In today's blog post, we ponder password security and look at a password brain teaser!
  [Image courtesy of The Next Web.]
One of the curious aspects of being a modern Internet user is figuring out how to manage your passwords. Most sites, whether commercial or recreational, have log-in screens or other account info, and it’s up to you to remember passwords for these numerous accounts.
You could use the same password over and over for everything, but that’s not a terribly safe…
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tiantianxuexi · 7 years
Could the zhuyin fuhao be updated? The ㄖseems to be listed as 蜘蛛 instead of 日 or something. Very cute fuhaos otherwise. Thank you for sharing.
I have no idea what post this is about, y’all gotta include some kind of something. I don’t personally know bopomofo that well so I imagine this is also not an originally me post? ㄖ is a sound symbol for ‘r’, whereas those are both hanzi what’s going on ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
while we’re on the topic: if yr trying to learn 注音符號 (zhuyin fuhao) here are some cute mnemonic worksheets
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levysoft · 6 years
[...] The password is coming from the Zhuyin Fuhao system for transliterating Mandarin. The reason it’s showing up fairly often in a data breach repository is because “ji32k7au4a83" translates to English as “my password.”
ji3 -> 我 -> M
2K7 -> 的 -> Y
au4 -> 密 -> PASS
a83 -> 碼 -> WORD
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risingphoenixpress · 4 years
a familiar taste By Yong-Yu Huang
a familiar taste By Yong-Yu Huang
a familiar taste
for the childhood that could have been
i could have stayed and learned zhuyin fuhao until i could feel the soft cadences under my tongue even in sleep. what should have come to me as easily as singing the ABCs now require thought––and I feel cheated of a birthright.
i try my best to fashion a replacement with sweating fingers and a cottony tongue, but I am no artisan, no…
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vietpublish · 6 years
ji32k7au4a83 là một mật khẩu dễ nhận biết
ji32k7au4a83 là một mật khẩu dễ nhận biết
Mật khẩu ji32k7au4a83 có thể trông khá an toàn nhờ các chữ cái và số dường như ngẫu nhiên. Nhưng thật đáng ngạc nhiên, mật khẩu chính xác đó đã xuất hiện trong 141 lần vi phạm dữ liệu, như được phân loại bởi trang web Im I pwned và phát hiện bởi Gizmodo. Nó dẫn đến một câu hỏi rõ ràng: làm thế nào nhiều người sử dụng một mật khẩu này?
Robert Ou, một kỹ sư phần cứng và phần mềm, phát hiện đầu tiên chuỗi ký tự thú vị này và thách thức mọi người tìm hiểu tại sao ji32k7au4a83 lại được sử dụng phổ biến đến vậy. Người dùng internet Đài Loan đã nhanh chóng giải mã câu trả lời. Họ lưu ý rằng trên một bàn phím Đài Loan có bố cục Zhuyin Fuhao, chuỗi đánh vần là 我 的, hoặc khăn wǒ de mìmǎ, nghĩa là My Password trong tiếng Quan Thoại. 
Trong khi ji32k7au4a83 (mật khẩu mật khẩu của tôi) đã xuất hiện trong 141 lần vi phạm dữ liệu, au4a83 (có nghĩa là mật khẩu) đã hiển thị 1.495 lần. Bài học ở đây là ngay cả khi bạn sử dụng bàn phím tùy chỉnh tạo ra các chuỗi chữ cái và số có thể làm bí ẩn nhiều người nói tiếng Anh, sử dụng một cái gì đó tương đương với mật khẩu của mật khẩu vì mật khẩu của bạn vẫn là một ý tưởng tồi. Ai đó ngoài kia sẽ biết chính xác những gì bạn đang cố gắng làm.
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Here’s part two of the Bopomofo / Zhuyin Fuhao series. Watch if you want to know how to form whole wrods using Zhuyin Fuhao with initials, finals, and tones.
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chimalpahin · 10 years
Notes about how to handle bopomofo (zhuyin fuhao) on the Web. 
I hope to see more integration of Zhuyin into Chinese languages, get that literacy rate up :)
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quick-nip · 10 years
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handy pinyin-bopomofo chart with some articulation detail thrown in. I am realizing that learning bopomofo may not have been all that wise since I’ll probably only use it for typing, but eh it was satisfying. Also systems of phonetization (is that a word?) are so cooool. Can use learning stuff from Taiwan now I guess.
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thatmodernmuslim-blog · 13 years
Zhuyin Fuhao or Pinyin?
One of the more common concerns for beginners of Mandarin Chinese is whether they should learn Hanyu Pinyin or Zhuyin Fuhao. Of course, an equally common response to this concern is "If you're more interesting in mainland China, you should learn Pinyin, and if you're interested in Taiwan, you should learn Zhuyin." I think it's important to say now, that if you are learning Chinese, you shouldn't use either of these when chatting with someone online seeing as it would be confusing for anyone reading it (even with context). You should try to use characters from the beginning, even if all you know how to write is 你好,我是…….
While it is a good idea to learn one phonetic system for each respective place since that is what the people there will know, I think it is better for a beginner to start with Zhuyin. This system forces the learner to learn the tones because they are necessary for texting or typing in Zhuyin. Pinyin, on the other hand, only needs the basic sound and no tones at all which, not only can it be confusing because two characters of different tones may be placed next to each other, but also takes longer to find the right character.
That's just my two cents on that. I'm no language expert, but this approach has helped me tremendously with my pronunciation.
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chimalpahin · 10 years
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Taiwanese sign, Zhuyin/Bopomofo transcribing hangul
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tiantianxuexi · 10 years
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found this while digging around~ cute cute. 
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