astaldis · 1 year
Of Stinking Sewers and Man-Eating Monsters
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Rating: Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen   Words: 2,810
Relationship: Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach & Yennefer of Vengerberg
Additional Tags: Sewers, ancient abomination, zeugl, terrifying tentacles
Summary: On the run from the Brotherhood of Sorcerers, Yennefer and Cahir travers the ancient elven aqueduct on their way from Gors Velen to Oxenfurt to find the Sandpiper. But not only the monster with the many tentacles is lurking in the sewers.
Yennefer turns around the corner. And freezes. She cannot see much in the near darkness of the sewer but there is some kind of huge, black shadow squatting right in the middle of the tunnel. Another monster. Fuck! As if that tentacle thing a few hours ago was not enough. And now they do not even have a torch. Why on the continent did the Nilfgaardian throw away their only source of light and means to defend themselves? Right, to grab and save her, she cannot really blame him for that, can she now. But still, a torch would have made their journey through the ancient elven aqueduct so much easier. And especially so if the monster from earlier that killed Dermain and almost her too, is not the only one lurking in these godforsaken tunnels.
Standing still as a statue, Yennefer stares at the creature. In the dim light of the air shaft illuminating it from behind, it reminds her of a gigantic toad. The toad-like beast opens its mouth and a fleshy, long tongue emerges. It looks greyish in the twilight, but she is sure it must have some disgustingly slimy, brown-red colour. It is probably sticky as hell, too, and several metres long. The creature moves its tongue from side to side while protruding and retracting it repeatedly with some kind of smacking sound.
“What is it?” Cahir whispers, stopping in his tracks right behind her, so close she can feel his warm breath on her wet skin. Her disgustingly dirty and stinking skin. Good thing he is no less dirty and wet than her.
“Quiet. I think it hasn’t noticed us yet,” Yennefer breathes, taking a cautious step backward.
Unfortunately, her assessment is overly optimistic. With its sensitive tongue the toad has tasted the air, smelled the scent of delicious prey. It is hungry, too. Not many animals of a size bigger than rats stray into the tunnel system that has been its home for many hundred years. And these weird, two-legged beings are the creature’s favourite. Sweet, juicy meat, and lots of it. It has had only a few of them during its very long life, but recently more of these delicacies seem to traverse the main tunnels than ever before. That’s why it has left its usual, darker hunting grounds and come to this place. Here it has sat on watch waiting for many hours. Patiently. As it has been its habit, its nature for all its very long life. But now the time to feast has finally come. With a loud splash, the ancient amphibian starts to move through the foul water. It moves straight toward them, and a lot faster than Yennefer would have imagined possible with its enormous bulk.
"Run!" she exclaims, whipping round.
Continue reading on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46953019
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konfizry · 4 months
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thats right
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any time of day
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think about horse
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Horse Meshi... aaaaa, Horse Meshi!
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put those NPCs on the horse you cowards
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gravehags · 10 months
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i love this stupid game
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inexplicifics · 2 months
Hello Inex 👋
For the WIP List ask game: one (or more) Jaskier/Geralt.
Do you have a favourite wip you're excited about?
Have a snippet of "G/J dare", in which Geralt meets his bard under slightly different circumstances:
Geralt was intending to just have a quiet drink and enjoy having actually been paid in full for the zeugls he cleaned out of the sewers. Unfortunately, he’s in Oxenfurt, and the tavern he picked is infested with bards. There are about a dozen of them, all in a gaggle, and honestly they’re rather amusing to watch. They’re playing some sort of complicated drinking game involving dares; thus far, Geralt has listened to one of the most impressively bawdy songs he’s ever heard (which he will definitely be telling Lambert about this winter), watched a bard absolutely fail to flirt with the barmaid, seen about half of a very unpracticed striptease (the barkeep put a stop to that one), and had to duck out of the way of a bard trying to clamber around the whole room using only the rafters.
As to one I'm particularly excited about - the problem is that I'm excited about all of them, and have neither the hours in the day nor the spoons in the bucket to finish them all immediately!
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seijitheclown · 5 months
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Who is the Bookman waiting at the Campbell Residence?
I'm back with another theory that bugged me for the last two days I need to put it down. This theory here will contain spoilers regarding Chapter 249/251!
So my theory starts with the following information from the panel above (both from Chapter 222). Lucia says "Bookman has woken up" and:
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This scene takes part as Allen was found by Kanda/Johnny, as Allen is on the run for 3 months.
The implication here that it's "just" Bookman. Well, ... which Bookman? As Hoshino confirmed in her last Broadcast Bookman and Lavi are hold hostage for about 4-5 months which will be learn later on, that means around this time of the Story Bookman is still hold hostage by the Noah, same for Lavi.
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And for now we know that Lavi will return but not "the same as before". So he is not dead (now), the referenced Junior is Past!Bookman Junior (PBJ for short). There is only one Junior per Generation, so if one is gone another has to be born or the Clan is in danger.
So... who is it?
It's talked about that "Junior" isn't there anymore to carry on the collected memories but also told this will solve once Allen arrives, the scene takes part right after Cross(!) tells Allen to go to the Residence. Mother holds the other key with the Information regarding Zeugle after Allen tells her Cross appeared and told him about Katherina (and we have a huge hint that Cross is still alive by Mother).
So we have an injured Bookman in the twin's old home who was not conscious for quite some time. Bookman Sr. is not injured around that time as Desires just pressures him, Lavi is, but I doubt Lucia would address Lavi as "Bookman-sama" as he is only the apprentice so far, also Lavi is conscious despite being in pain.
You know who is also injured by that time and we all pretty much expect that he is not dead....? Cross. Who was/is suspected to be a Bookman/Bookman Jr even by a lot of people...? Cross. Who has a striking resemblence to Lavi? Also Cross (yes I know some suspect they are related).
Then we have another indicator: Urcampy. It could be that Cross either left Urcampy there (I love the theory both of the Twins have a Golem, but eh) and then we have the information that Cross uses a spell to appear way younger than he is. Another drop of information we got from the recent Broadcast (28.4.24) from Hoshino is that the girl in the panel above is indeed the Lucia we meet in Ch. 251 again and that it has something to do with the Residence. Could it be the same magic Cross uses? But in the opposite direction? To make her appear younger or older depending on how it's needed?
Cross walks upon the lines all the time, he can do as he pleases, he is above the law. He interacts with the Noah casually, Road treats him like an old friend (Vol 27) despite him having not only one but two Innocence (which is, another really interesting information), he has obtained knowledge nobody else has. He can modify Akuma, he uses a Corpse and her Innocence. Why is he not killed despite the fact he knows the true identity of the Earl? He is above the Black Order and Central makes a deal with him, yes he's a good Exorcist, strong and all that. But he doesn't get the "you are a traitor" treatment Allen got, ... what has he going on there?
We don't really know why he cares for Mana, how they met and whatever deal/relationship we have going on (no I don't really go for the Cross = Cyrus theory here). We know by now Cross most likely knew PBJ, but not Past!Allen. As he has no indication on what he looks like aside the age, not even a hair color, personality or anything else aside the information that an Allen is the host and that Mana got told that "Allen" is the key.
This fuels my theory that Master and Apprentice parted, one followed Mana and the other Nea to record their part of history as the both weren't able to engage anymore without trying to kill each other/the Noah side needed to regain anyways after Nea killed them all but the Earl/Road.
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So I am back with this panel. This is a Bookman. But which? I had an tad of an idea that this could be 'our' Bookman in younger years but by now I think I was wrong.
Could this be Cross as his role as Bookman? One side of the face is hidden, just like Cross'. Also while we are at hidden face, I am by now sure that Cross mask is a reference to either the same mark PBJ has, or he has the same mark because he is the Master to even that PBJ. In one of the recent Volumes Allen is asked if Cross has a limited vision because of the mask and Allen denies (it's in Komui's Lounge in either Vol 27 or 28... i can't recall it rn I read too many things the last days) and says Cross has a very good vision and can see well despite the mask.
Another point is that Cross is not named Marian Cross, it's a fake identity. We basically know nothing about him. Other than he has forbidden knowledge, even about the hidden side of the war, something only a Bookman should have.
Does Bookman sr. knows? Well, I am not sure about that. In Ch. 251 it's mentioned that not all of Zeugle know each other, they could be fighting each other in the same war until they reveal they are from the Clan, so.. it's pretty much possible that the Order has basically 3 Bookmen among them.
Desires might address Bookman sr. that he was friends with the former generation of Noah but ... he can't access his Noah memories, therefore Bookman could play pretend and maybe truly doesn't know shit about Nea or he covered his fellow Bookman aka Cross.
.. so yeah. I needed to get this out of my head. I have literally no idea if any of this makes sense or if anybody would agree with me, but I am certain we have a different Bookman here and that the Bookman Clan/Zeugle play a way bigger role than we thought.
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hiddenremnant · 2 months
(core) okay so (dgm spoilers under the cut)
past!lavi / past!allen merge is a go-go, de-aged lavi and past!lavi = cross theory is dead but that's fine honestly, past!lavi becoming part of allen and/or crowned clown is still exceptional
like "bookmen have no need of a heart" takes on a whole new meaning when a bookman apprentice literally is part of allen's heart to keep him from dying lmao
apo hoped crowned clown would destroy allen and neah but past!lavi is the reason allen and neah have both survived, which is ironic considering how much innocence could be a literal enemy in this instance. i wonder if apo knows what's happened to past!lavi.
also "the heart is worried about you" also becomes really interesting if it's about past!lavi, we've been fans of "lavi is the heart" theory for decades so it'd be pretty hilarious if it is lavi, just not the current one lol
nealavi also so real just with past!lavi instead of current!lavi (though hopefully they meet in the future lol)
also makes cross pretty interesting, just who is he then? he's either aligned to the bookman clan like the zeugle are, or he's a third person with the same obscured right eye, scar (on the mask at least) and glasses like past!lavi somehow. i wonder if he grew up with neah and mana in some way considering he remembers them as children?
and then yeah it explains why allen is bookman's solution too if he's merged with the previous junior and bookmen work according to blood, i wonder if bookman knew or just assumed allen and/or neah would be the solution to his "lack of a successor" problems
ANYWAY many thoughts
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allen-san · 5 months
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Attention SPOILS !
Depuis que j'ai vu JR 1, je lui trouve une ressemblance assez frappante avec Apocryphos. Certes le nez n'est pas le même mais les visages changent et Apo peut changer son apparence à loisir je pense. Autre chose, le mot " Zeugle " vient de l'Allemand et veut dire " Témoin ", ce terme correspond à merveille au Clan Bookman, à nouveau Sensei ne laisse rien au hasard ^^
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dukeofdogs · 11 months
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Gwent: The Witcher Card Game | The cards that could’ve been 58/?
Hellhound (Alaiaorax), Bloedzuiger Ambush (BruceCeasar)
Zeugl (Atanas Lozanski), (Mith.art Marta Polak)
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olberic · 9 months
i wanna hear your law talesofarise thoughts then
ohh this is a can of worms you’re opening rn. im so obsessed with this guy and am always thinking about how the game does him dirty so please share in this with me
(obviously spoilers ahead for tales of arise) (and a few for beyond the dawn)
(and yes im being dead serious about this)
more than anything else or any of the major criticisms you hear about tales of arise, literally my biggest problem with it is how law is treated, both by the other party members and by the writing itself.
so let’s start with why law immediately caught my attention as a character at the beginning: hes a turncoat! he’s a dahnan actively working with the renans! the story bring you straight from calaglia, where that would have been UNTHINKABLE, to show you “hey! not only do dahnans work with the renans, some of them go so far as to prioritize that work over their own family!” which is fascinating! we get thrown into a fight with law, where he clearly uses the same fighting skills as his father, he has calaglian instrumentation in his fight music, and he doesnt show any mercy. all this while knowing hes going to become a party member! because then we learn through the course of that chapter (and a little bit later in the game) that law’s working there under duress, that he watched his comrades be killed in front of him, that he was left alive if he joined with the snake eyes. and he still has nightmares about that. we learn that he DOESNT hate his father, just left on bad terms and couldnt reconcile with his father’s way of being a father. he couldnt stand how overbearing and patronizing zephyr was, and the first thing zephyr does when they reunite is do exactly that! no wonder law was frustrated at him! but then you get to see his absolute loneliness as a dahnan working for the snake eyes. he gets no sympathy from the renans who treat him as other because hes a dahnan, and active dislike from dahnans because hes working with renans. but if his other option was to be killed, then we as the audience have to ask if this was a decision that’s sympathetic. but we do get this conversation:
law: “i never did tell you how i ended ip hanging around with the snake eyes, did i?”
alphen: “not properly. all i know is you had a falling-out with your dad and ran away from home.”
law: “getting to cyslodia almost killed me. once there, though, i actually ended up joining a resistance organization, believe it or not. of course, before long someone ratted us out, and we were ambushed by the snake eyes. i’d never seen such brutality. if i hadn’t surrendered…”
alphen: “law?”
law: “i don't know why they let me live. they made me watch as they butchered my friends right in front of my eyes. i still have nightmares. i hear roars of zeugles as my friends scream, the snow stained red with blood. and all the while those bastards, laughing. i thought that with ganabelt defeated, i’d be able to put it all behind me. turns out that was a little optimistic. i was terrified they would kill me, too. so i wound up betraying the memory of my friends, and getting my old man killed in the process. i wonder if i’m any braver now. what if one day i panic again, and end up running away like always?”
alphen: “and leave us behind? you really think you’d do that?”
law: “i hope not. but who’s to say what i’m really capable of?”
[lies down]
so there’s the whole thing with law trying to free zephyr and fight back against the snake eyes. as a dahnan that’d be a death sentence even if it weren’t coming from a member of the snake eyes. and yes cyslodia’s built on betrayal, but it establishes law as somebody who betrayed his father, who betrayed his people, and who betrayed his pledged loyalty. it also establishes that when push comes to shove, he cant stand by as an observer and enforcer — hes a protector at heart. and it gets proven again and again throughout the game when hes the first one to jump into things that he isnt made to be an observer! as a person hes so fundamentally opposed to what the snake eyes do but still managed to be convinced to work with them for his own well being. we see in beyond the dawn that he experiences deep regret for what he did and for how he was directly responsible for the suffering of other dahnans he sent to the pylons. hell, even when alphen gets him come along with them, theres this little interaction:
law: its not like theres anyone waiting for me in calaglia either. …plenty of ditches along the road. maybe i’ll find one to die in.”
alphen: “how about a fresh start?”
law: “after the kinds of things ive done? i don't know where id even begin.”
so we need to keep in mind that even if he doesnt talk about it, even if he puts on a front, that he a) thinks hes irredeemable, b) feels intense guilt for what hes done, c) still has nightmares about seeing his friends be killed, and d) is living with the knowledge that if it weren’t for his actions, his father would still be alive. (and its important to note that he recognizes it’s not just his own personal loss, he’s well aware how deeply zephyr’s death affects both the party and the crimson crows.)
and here i’ve got to talk about an under appreciated law detail that i love about him so very much: law, the loudmouthed, immature-acting brawler of the party, has the capacity and skills to have been a great snake eye. look — we saw how he acted with zephyr. but in the “stowaway law” skit he says “eh, lets just say i’ve always had a knack for sneaking around since i was little” to explain how he escaped calaglia. hell, for months, as a kid in a brand new realm, he managed to join a resistance cell and avoid getting caught (for a while). when he helps zephyr escape, he uses smoke bombs. when the party is getting tailed by kisara in viscint, hes not only the only person who notices, he manages to fall back, sneak up on HER unaware, and get a blade to her throat! the woman who's supposed to be the best guardsman in the realm! in beyond the dawn, he can sense the party's being followed and calls out nazamil even when she's invisible. and when that zeugle is attacking pharia ranch, law's the first person to be able to track this invisible creature. law’s perceptive, sneaky, unafraid to dirty his hands for the sake of others, and this trait is soooo fucking underutilized in this game…
which probably brings me to why i cant stand tales of arise sometimes. for every incident of law doing this, or showing literally any emotional vulnerability, theres three incidents of the other party members (rinwell) disparaging him. and it pisses me off SO MUCH. its obvious from that first conversation when he joins the party that while he does have a lighthearted nature, hes got a ton of guilt and self-hatred and regret that take precedence, and he’ll put on a joking front to cover that up. because how can he let himself be who is he when he just got his father killed? and this slips out plenty of times in the game — tons of skits have him start to bring up how it felt to lose his father — but every goddamn time he starts to talk about himself, rinwell insults him.
im not fucking joking! ive played this game twice through. i copy down every skit and conversation that law’s involved in for the entire game. law can’t get a fucking SENTENCE out about who he is as a person without rinwell insulting him. the game tries to play this off as banter when its ALWAYS one sided. rinwell gets to have her emotional scenes with other characters without law jumping in. hell, if she starts to be serious with him, he listens! but heaven forbid he get the same respect in turn! and its not just her. shionne never hears him out (and hell, i love shionne the most, but i really dont like that part of her) and its clear she doesnt see much past his front. kisara and dohalim both see him as totally immature.
“but zad,” you say, “law IS immature.” yeah! of course he is! hes 16 and hes never been allowed to have a childhood! hes been involved with the crimson crows since the day he was born! he escapes calaglia as a kid! hes had time to join a resistance cell and end up working with the snake eyes all by the time he’s 16!!! he says it himself, traveling with the party is the first time hes been allowed to be himself. he wears silly wolf decorations because he thinks they look cool and he doesnt have anywhere else to put them. he playfights with alphen. he lets himself have fun in fights. he (unsuccessfully) flirts. he eats good food and learns to cook. hes got immature taste because hes a teenager. i know i sure was the same! he makes ill-timed jokes because he hasnt been able to be a normal part of friendly conversation before. he has a hard time reading other people because he’s only had people patronize him or suspect him until now.
but the fact is that for all his silliness and immaturity, he is more than that. hes sneaky and traumatized and guilt-ridden and has such a big heart that the first things he does when finding himself is to protect others. (hell, he even says “if im not training, its easy for me to get anxious.” ) and it frequently feel like the writers forget his backstory and motivations and treat him solely as comic relief and as a tool to develop other characters (rinwell).
the most egregious example of this is the almeidrea incident, which i can hardly watch. law’s a character who joins the party and immediately gets revenge on the guy who killed his father (which is still an awesome scene), realizes that doesnt bring him back or undo law’s complicity, then stews with that knowledge and doesnt tell anybody. i love a good revenge plot, but i can see where he comes from when he says “killing the person who wronged you doesnt undo what they did”. but what really and utterly kills me is that all of that is a throwaway line used to develop rinwell’s story. time and time again in this game law’s completely disregarded and im honestly so fucking sick of it 😭 the most we get is this line:
alphen: “law left home because of how much he hated his father. i think law spent a lot of time thinking about how they never got to make things right. and if i had to guess, killing ganabelt didn't make any of those feelings go away.”
and the handful of good scenes (law’s pep talk to alphen when shionne’s kidnapped, law’s conversation with the traitor dahnan and the informants)
so yeah. i dont have a conclusion to this. i adore that law’s a traitor and hes sneaky and hes competent and fights like his dad and wears a silly wolf decoration and lives with unimaginable guilt and has nightmares and has favourite foods and flirts badly and likes being a farmer. im just like cheering for this guy and supporting him unconditionally because the game itself sure won’t.
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heroesxdemons · 9 months
Fishing up demons!?
Talka Pond Road, a popular fishing spot for travelers, had an unexpected guest wading through it's murky depths. It wasn't a pesky zeugle but it was something a bit...out of this world!
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"Weeeeee~!" The youthful demon, Beebz, had shapeshifted into her octo-form and was having a blast diving through the lake with childish glee...unfortunately for her, she didn't realize that this particular lake was a popular fishing spot...so imagine her surprise when a stray fish hook caught the edge of her scuba-mask, threatening to pull it off!
With a startled yelp, the panicking demon began to thrash wildly, putting up a fight that'd put even boss fishes to shame! "What the heck!? Not cool! Not cool!"
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hanzajesthanza · 2 years
appreciation for sapkowski's geralt
i wrote a long post for r/wiedzmin sooo i'm also going to post it here (feel free to comment on both platforms if you use reddit):
in the midst of everything that's going on with h*nry c*vill and li*m h*msworth, i want to foster some love for the original geralt of rivia, who first emerged in publication in december 1986, way before any netflix show used the name or any actor called himself “geralt.”
because to me, there's only one original, real geralt, and that is the geralt of the books. no one is geralt, except geralt himself.
so, reblog and comment (or leave in the tags) any favorite scenes, moments, qualities, or character development from geralt, or about his relations with other characters in the series, that you appreciate from the book series. and please keep it sapkowski's canon-only, if you can (the books, the short stories, even the non-canon something ends, something begins).
i’ll start:
what i love about geralt is that he holds complexity as an inversion of the trope of the hero. he feels very real to me — he just wants to be left alone, to do his job, but he also gets lonely and he’s overall a sensitive and emotional character underneath the black leather and silver-studded surface. while he’s practical-minded (like in bounds of reason and a shard of ice being annoyed that eyck takes money for hunting monsters because it hurts his business, or demanding that he gets the right amount of agreed-upon pay for the zeugl contract), he also is compelled to do what is “right” (like in the lesser evil, the last wish, or something more intervening with renfri in the marketplace, saving yennefer from the djinn, deciding to go back to cintra to get ciri after all)
i love how he’s always so conflicted, hesitant, and troubled. he often overthinks things, and makes decisions that often don’t benefit him personally, but are either selfless or good-natured. i don’t think he’s a grouch or unfriendly — i think he responds quite reasonably to the world and situations around him (like in baptism of fire, he’s pretty whiney and upset for the majority of the book, but his daughter is literally missing and his broken arm and leg are barely healed, of course he’s distraught.)
he’s complex and yet he’s also simple, as dandelion writes, “straightforward as a halberd shaft.” he doesn’t scheme or plan, which is refreshing in a world of shady sorcerers and spies. he’s straightforward with his feelings and intentions. he loves his family and friends, and that's his real motivation throughout the series.
my favorite scenes for and with him are probably (in chronological order):
the voice of reason iv, where he speaks with iola about his past, his origins at kaer morhen, and his life as a witcher, how he was initially filled with certainty that the world needed him.
the voice of reason v, where he speaks with dandelion about his troubles as a witcher and finding work.
the last wish, when he falls in love with yennefer at the end and thinks about how beautiful she is, how he knew she would become everything. how he regrets scrutinizing her and hurting her with his eyes, vowing to never think like that about her again. how he saves her life with no ulterior motive — the fact that yennefer hears the wish and says that he’s condemned himself to her… they both have such low self-esteem, they’re both traumatized and troubled in their own ways, from their own trainings, but he, as one vulnerable person, reached out to another, equally vulnerable person, implying ‘let’s not tear each other down, let’s try to heal together.’
eternal flame, when he tears his brand new, twenty-two crown jacket, trying to mend it in vain by the fountain. and when he can’t kill dudu, and when he softly laughs at the end, agreeing to go with dandelion & dudu, dainty, and “chapelle” to the passiflora.
sword of destiny. i love how selfless he becomes once ciri enters the picture, and he didn’t even initially know who she was. he doesn’t bemoan his fate as a witcher, burdening a child with his troubles. he acts so kindly and appropriately towards her, entertaining her, protecting her…
something more. all of something more, but especially when he finds ciri, dropping to his knees and holding her so tightly 🥺 promising they’ll be together forever.
blood of elves ch. 1, when he wakes ciri from her nightmare and covers her with the sheepskin, reassuring her.
blood of elves ch. 3, when he instructs ciri to give up her sword, they fight a disagreement, and he makes an impossible leap to catch her.
blood of elves ch. 5, when he swears to philippa that if any harm comes to ciri, he’ll… and then immediately passes out from loss of blood.
time of contempt ch 3, when yennefer wouldn’t let him wear his “pretentious” headband, and he’s messing with his hair and whining about it.
time of contempt ch. 5, when his voice breaks telling dandelion that ciri needs him, that she cannot be left alone.
baptism of fire ch. 1 and 4 & tower of the swallow ch. 3 and 5, every time his knee badly pains him.
baptism of fire ch. 5, when he has fish soup with his newly formed company and grumbles about how they're "a team of heroes, a fellowship of idiots, united by a common goal which none of them understand."
baptism of fire ch. 7, when he speaks with milva, and then speaks with regis, refusing to go through ysgith upon learning that milva is pregnant and after talking to her she decided to keep the pregnancy. he says that he thought he was ready to go to ciri at any cost, but this is too high a cost. he’s not willing to risk milva and put her in danger for himself, her child for his child. like, his company became another family to him, forged in the fire of war.
baptism of fire ch. 7, when he and cahir hold the jaruga bridge together!
tower of the swallow ch. 5, when he mistakes angoulême for ciri, goes hot and cold at the same time, tries to calm himself with axii, and it doesn’t work! and then cooperates, “only for her sake.” because even if she’s not ciri, he recognizes she’s a young girl who needs to be rescued and brought into a family, very much like ciri.
tower of the swallow ch. 5, when he speaks with fulko artevelde and cleverly denounces and dissects authoritarianism as a governmental philosophy. it’s such a good dialogue!
tower of the swallow ch. 6, when he apologizes to cahir for losing his temper and his mind in the mine, and also for accusing him of being a traitor.
tower of the swallow ch. 7, when he finds out that his company is in danger and immediately demands to leave and ride to them.
lady of the lake ch. 2, when he calls regis his friend in the caves underneath mount gorgon.
lady of the lake ch. 3, when he and dandelion part ways and he “gasps audibly” upon hearing dandelion wants to stay in beauclair.
lady of the lake ch. 9… when he and yennefer finally find ciri again, and he greets her “ciri,” he answered, with a lump in his throat, “i’m glad to see you again.” him not feeling anger, grief, or hatred… just fatigue and with a great need to be done with it all. when he looks towards the corridor that ciri came out of, “as if expecting someone else to come from there. ciri shook her head. he understood,” like, he didn’t forget about his hanza, he didn’t forget about cahir and angoulême, even though he probably already sensed they had died… he still was hoping that they would survive. him not interrupting yennefer and ciri’s hug until a long time had passed, recognizing and respecting their mother-daughter bond, not being jealous of yennefer but encouraging their love. and as they descend down the marble staircase, he instructs ciri, still a father to her after all this time and after all these trials, with yennefer behind them, him telling her that everything is just a symbol, and commenting on her swordplay, saying “calmly,” “stick close to me,” and that if ciri ever tries to deflect a crossbow bolt with her sword like that again, she’ll get a spanking 😭
lady of the lake ch. 12… you know why. ψ but to be more specific:"very well," said the witcher, walking towards the exit. "but this is the last time! dammit, it really is the last time!" and "stop," he wanted to cry," where are you going? it’s enough that i always piss into the wind."
season of storms epilogue, when “he” speaks with nimue on her way to aretuza. he says that even more than a hundred years after his death, that geralt of rivia would be happy, if people remembered him, if they remembered the name of his horse. yes, he would be happy… if only he could know it. then they discuss how witchers will always be needed, for evil always will lurk in the darkness. and he reassures her to follow her destiny, which she does, and because of this, ciri follows her destiny at stygga castle!
his very specific aesthetics: his white hair, his weird eyes or as angoulême rhymes, "oczy dziwoczy!", his "hideous smile" and "hideous squint," his angular features, large nose, his (tower of the swallow ch. 7) torn ear and lost medallion, his sword over his right shoulder (and silver sword kept on roach), his black leather gloves and jacket "bristling with silver spikes," and his silly leather headband!
a complex character, a tragic hero, and really, just a normal man trying to survive, do the right thing, and protect his loved ones in a world of war and contempt.
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Witcher Monster MAYhem 2023 approaches!
Anyone can participate.
Any media form is allowed (art, fic, gifs, music, whatever).
You can participate however much or as little as you want, no pressure to complete all the prompts.
You can post your work anywhere on the internet, Tumblr, Ao3, etc.
Tag potential triggers and NSFW accordingly.
If you want to be counted as an official participant and have the chance to be featured on the blog, post your content on tumblr during the month of May. You can still use the prompt list after May ends.
Don't worry if you cannot post your creation on the day of the prompt, as long as it's during May, it counts.
To make it easier for you to fill all 31 prompts, here are some special rules:
You can use just one prompt of the day or combine prompts of the same day (but this counts just as one fill) or you can combine prompts of different days. (If you combine, for example, 2. vampire, 4. cruel claws, 8. full moon, this counts as 3 prompt fills.)
For every new work that you have created for the event, you can post one old work of yours that fits a prompt. They count like new works! (Please tag old works with #old)
You may combine a prompt with a fill for another event!
I can’t guarantee that every single work will be featured but I’ll try to reblog as many as I can.
To increase your chances of being featured here, tag your post with the event name and the prompt of the day that you used.
example 1: #witchermonstermayhem2023, #witchermonstermayhemday1, #too many toes
example 2: #witchermonstermayhem2023, #alt. breathing fire #old
You can also @ the blog, @witchermonstermayhem
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!
Please reblog and tag your friends who might be interested in the event. Thank you!
Have fun with the prompts! (see below)
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And here the prompts as text:
WitcherMonsterMAYhem 2023 Prompts:
1. Too many toes | myriapod | centipede
2. Fearsome fangs | striga | vampire
3. Wicked wings | dragon | wyvern
4. Cruel claws |  gruesome gashes | scar
5. Nefarious necrophages | ghoul | cemetaur
6. Terrifying tentacles | zeugl | kraken
7. Vicious venom | basilisk | paralysed
8. Haunting howls | werewolf | full moon
9. Something wicked in the water | bubbles | drowner
10. Eery eyes | bloodshot | glowing in the dark
11. Hairy horror | yeti | berserker
12. Searing stings | sharp spikes | puncture wound
13. Shimmering scales | mermaid | mesmerised
14. Scary scratching | nasty noises | reverberating roar
15. Clever camouflage | ambush predator | eyehead
16. Creepy chittering | insectoid | metamorphosis
17. Terrible talons | griffin | chernabog
18. Horrible horns | unicorn | impaled
19. Acid attack | archespore | ants
20. Ghastly ghost | hell hound | nightwraith
21. Ancient abomination | leshen | crones
22. Sexy sirens | succubus | seduction
23. Smelly swamps | kikimore | will-o'-the-wisp
24. Treacherous trap | sand monster | grabbed
25. Menacing maw | swallowed | selkiemore
26. Towering trolls | nasty nekkers | grim giants
27. Duplicitous doppler | despicable doppelgänger | shapeshifting 
28. Rare reptiloid | ferocious fish | absurd amphibian
29. Deadly demon | possessed | diabolic djinn
30. Beautiful bruxa | bloodsucking | black bat
31. Cave creature | barbegazi | knocker
Alternative Prompts (alt.)
If there’s a prompt above you don’t feel inspired or comfortable doing, you can switch it out with any one of these alternatives!
Breathing fire
Scent of sulfur
Blood-curdling cry
Forked tongue
Turned to stone
Silver sword
Don't kill it!
I hate monsters
Toss a coin
Monster friend
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moonlight-at-dawn · 10 months
I'm just gonna post this one here straight up. It'll make it to AO3 eventually, but it's short so hey.
Shionne freaks out when a bug lands on her, and Alphen is Suffering.
Water lapped gently against the wall of the basin as Alphen soaked his sore muscles. He reveled in the sensations, both the fatigue of a good day’s work, and the heat of the water working to relax him. There was no point in using up magical energy on a healing when a nice bath would often do the trick. His head lolled back over the edge and he breathed in deep the steam coming up from around him. He hummed in contentment, eyes gently closed, arms out to either side to hook elbows on the basin to keep him from sinking down.
A piercing scream broke the peaceful moment.
“Shionne!” he gasped, leaping out of the tub and slipping on tiled floor, barely keeping his balance. He grabbed his sword from where it hung on the bedroom wall and barrelled out to the kitchen where the scream had come from. “Shionne, what is it!?”
She had her gun out, and he looked to where the barrel was pointed, seeing… Nothing? It was aimed very deliberately at the ground, but he wasn’t sure he saw the threat. “Sh-Shionne…?” he gasped, asking again, hoping for some kind of answer.
When she looked up from her rifle, her eyes were wide and teary, and she let the gun disappear back into its astral pocket. “Alphen…!” she cried out in a voice that reminded him of painful moments. Her hand wiped subconsciously at her arm, and a tear rolled down her cheek. “It, it landed on me, Alphen…!”
“A bug! A big, hideous bug! Some kind of beetle! It was so big, and heavy, and it landed right on me! I thought my heart was going to explode! I swatted at it, but it got away! I never thought I’d miss the thorns, but I never had to deal with bugs like that before!”
She sounded so distraught, crying, and he stood there, soaking wet and naked, dripping bathwater on the kitchen floor, sword in hand. He didn’t know what to do or to say.
Did he hug her? No, that would get her wet, and she’d be angry.
Did he laugh? No, absolutely not, that would get him shot.
What was the right answer?
“I’m… sorry?” he tendered, bewildered.
“Find it and kill it!”
“Can, can I just, put it outside where it belongs, if I find it?”
“Fine, just so long as it’s gone!”
“Alright. But, uh, Shionne?”
“Can I… get dressed first?”
She looked up from her hands that covered her face and took in the sight of him like that. A tear still rolling down her cheek, she suddenly burst into laughter, covering her face again. “I’m sorry, Alphen! I didn’t realize, I didn’t mean to scare you like that…! Go, go finish up your bath, and maybe we’ll be lucky and that damn thing will have left on its own by the time you get back.”
He sighed with relief and nodded, grinning at her. “Thanks. I’ll try not to take too long.”
“And I’ll try not to scream and shoot at any more insects. At least, ones that aren’t zeugles.”
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merthemspolls · 2 years
Weird Little Guy Contest
Hhhello this post is going to list all the weird funtime guys who are entering my poll : ) feel free to vote if you want to look at some guys
Will only post this intro post onto my main, so check on this new blog to take part in the poll.
Each wacky guy has been through a careful, deliberate selection process to ensure highest quality. Any questions on this rigorous process can be directed to my inbox.
Sticking to games for this, but may broaden the scope if I do more of these.
It is okay if you don't know these guys. Vote for the one that speaks to you from the picture.
Guys are as follows:
Bowser Jr. (Super Mario)
Burgerpants (Undertale)
Chris (Until Dawn)
Wizzro (Hyrule Warriors)
Beedle (The Legend of Zelda)
Johnny (The Witcher III: Wild Hunt)
Zeugl (The Witcher)
Cicero (Skyrim)
Morgana (Persona 5)
Plague Knight (Shovel Knight)
Blobert Blaubelaire (Monster Prom)
Time Eater (Slay the Spire)
Sir Daniel Fortesque (MediEvil)
Ramon Salazar (Resident Evil 4)
Niftu Cal (Mass Effect 2)
Alexandria Hypatia - SPECIFICALLY as Grim Alex (Dishonored 2)
Cruelcumber (Dragon Quest)
Psyduck (Pokémon)
Pietro (Animal Crossing)
F.A.N.G. (Street Fighter)
Globox (Rayman)
Orbulon (WarioWare)
Marx (Kirby)
Olimar (Pikmin)
If you have a favourite guy, they will need you in their corner in the coming days. Check back soon if you'd like to vote!
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inexplicifics · 22 days
Hi! The eldritch trio fic was lovely! The blend of humour with the seriousness of them being isolated from their brothers on top of the regular witcher isolation must’ve been a difficult line to toe, but I think it turned out great! I smiled at Volthere’s mischief even as my heart ached for the older three.
I was just wondering if you had any idea on what made their batches of mutagens so special? Did each of the three get different mutagens, or did they just react differently to them?
Playing the game, we know that succubi have harvestable mutagens, but did the mages find a way to create an ifrit mutagen? Did they subjugate an ifrit in order to do so? The book Elemental Empires in the game say that ifrits, dao, and marides all share the classification of “genie” with d’jinni, so I imagine that they would be nearly, if not totally impossible to kill, making wishes or full subjugation the only options I can think of, especially considering I don't think witchers would generally hunt them anyways, since they’re both intelligent and generally uninterested in humans unless angered.
Off the top of my head, I can think of both zeugls and kayrans for a monster with tentacles, but other than a genie again, I can’t think of anything particularly easily that would channel the Power that well. Maybe this is just an oversight on my part, but nothing readily comes to mind.
As for Geralt, he didn't seem to exhibit any traits I’d see as genie-like, but the enhanced everything seemed like it might be a higher vampire trait? Though again, I don't know how you’d really harvest mutagens from a body that is forever recovering, though maybe it wouldn’t be a higher vampire like Regis, but one of those who may be labelled as higher or lesser depending on the specimen and the bestiary like a katakan?
I probably overthought this, especially considering it was just a sweet and smutty story, but it was odd hyper fixation time, and today that means a bestiary deep-dive, apparently. Of course, the mutagens may well have come from your bestiary, rather than either the books or the games, which would also be cool, or they could’ve been so top-secret that not even you learned what the mages used, but it seemed fun to speculate:)
I'm genuinely not sure what got put into the Terror Trio's mutagens. Higher vampire seems plausible for Geralt, yes, and something fire-based for Gweld - possibly succubus, possibly ifrit, who knows? - and for Eskel I think it wasn't so much what was in the mutagens as a really interesting conduit moment at a really bad time, plus whatever the mages put into the Grasses. I don't think they were expecting tentacles. I don't think anyone was expecting tentacles.
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seijitheclown · 5 months
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As I just hate it to sit on my hands regardings this... I vented on twitter already but here are a few thoughts on the current chapter (251).
Spoilers ahead, I only use old panels if referencing to something. Also i can't read japanese I only got bits here and there and I'm waiting on my copy from animate to get crushed by the chapter irl.
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First of all I just came back to this panel not even 2 weeks ago as I was redrawing panels and I only then noticed this is Bookman. I was certain it is our Bookman but right now I am not sure if its truly him or someone else (but I am sure it's someone from Zeugle/Zoogle however you spell it, I would favor "Zeugle" btw as "Zeuge" is "Witness" in german, that would kinda make sense with the role of the clan in the history).
As we learn past!Allen and Bookman Jr. aren't the same person, nope. And the coat here is super similar to the one Bookman Jr. wears it even could be him just with beard, though I doubt that somehow.
What I am sure about is that we all fell for the fact we all tought the person in the flashback panels is ... past!Allen and we all thought the guy with the glasses is him. But it was Bookman Jr. all along. All the HCs we (and I mean ME) had are null and void as surprise surpise our PastA boy is someone completely different. I don't think the person asking Nea to use him is Allen. It's Junior.
Why? Because there are two key scenes Allen can remember and it's these two (both Volume 27) :
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Being hold by someone who clearly 'loved' or 'cared' for him. With the current knowledge this is Allen who is embraced by Junior.
Then the second memory he still has is this one:
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Which is Nea asking him what's his name is.
These are the true key elements from Allen's past with Nea/Junior we got until now, if I didn't miss a moment; as the other are clearly Junior/Nea and not Past!Allen/Nea.
To be honest I think by now that Past!Allen was indeed a random street rat with no manners, no future and nobody whom cared for him, exactly the person Mother described as she asked Cross if he would have prefered someone like that over the child he had found as host. Nea most likely found him and kind of befriended him ..? Something between them happened that Allen decided "Yes I want to host your memories" and I stay with my HC that pastA shared the same mindset as Red: he's nothing worth and better off dead/aka if his life can be of use he would go for it and if that means offering himself to keep Nea alive somehow then it's that.
And the scene between Junior/Allen .. I think it's Junior trying to protect Allen from Aprocryphos. I suspect it was him who killed Junior ... at one point he got Allen and infused him with Innocence. I think with the emotions Red still felt back then/the fact Allen remembers this as one of his ealiest memories means that he had a bond with Junior, something quite deep. There still could be the possibility that Allen forgot everything by himself because he was in denial, Amnesia after traumatic events is a thing... though we know Apocryphos likes to mess with memories.
Another thing: I don't think Bookman Jr. is Cross. Yes, Cross' mask has the same marking as Junior's scar, but why should the Bookman say the body was never to be found because ... the current Bookman knows Cross and he would have recognized his old apprentice, why should the Noah reference that and why should Bookman react to that at all? Sweating like they got his weak point as they target Lavi? And Cross would have known Allen as they have traveled together, at least partially. Also the others from Zeugle clearly implied that they were rescued last minute by Lavi being born, Cross is pretty much alive (or is he...? ) and their blood bond would have told them.
A very wild theory that came to my mind is that past!Junior = Lavi. Apocryphos fucked up Allen, why not Junior as well? Could be that - whatever happened - BOTH were regressed. I mean we don't know what's under Lavi's eyepatch and we know Bookman have a thing going on with blood/being related to each other. (Heck Lucia looks like Junior with a Haircut but she also looks similar to Allen ???)
I could be wrong with everything and I usually don't share any theories but damn I have so much about this in my head and I have to digest the fact we didn't get a crumb right about pastA not even what he looked like and my whole ass epos fic and the character I built up is just 100% wrong and urgh. I had started on two more fics last year I will completely scrap. Not to mention the Cosplay and the Fandoll I made of him... sigh, I don't think I will continue doing the Fanon Variant as Cosplay, about the doll... he's still a Character in my AU and he is my absolute fav among the dolls, it hurts my soul. I feel like my non existent fave got killed off.
This is more vent than anything else, just ignore me.
If you read this far, here is the two sketches I did yesterday after trying to digest the first impression:
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Partially done without reference and during a super messed up day.
So eh. Do with this whatever you want I don't actually expect someone to even read this. I'm not truly in for discussing stuff I just want to scream into the void.
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