#zerobaseone added member
soda-bubbled · 2 months
☁️. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ[relationship with zb1]࿐ྂ———͙ – - ˚ · * ˚ ✦
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╭₊˚๑ what's it like with this group?﹕☁️₊˚੭
There's a certain level of bonding that groups formed from survival programs have. It's different from any other type of group and it has bonded these ten together forever. Despite no longer being the youngest member, Haru adjusts quickly. He slips into the role of oldest in the maknae line like he's been doing it his whole life. Despite his quieter nature, he is always joining the maknaes in their little games and teasing the older members, but he is just as likely to help Hanbin rangling them together. Haru was convinced that he would never be able to find a family like the one he made in Japan, but Zerobaseone has proved him wrong time and time again.
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₊✩ˎˊ˗ Hanbin + Haru ➔ HaruBin
Haru thinks Hanbin is easily one of the coolest people he's ever met. Haru has always admired dancers more than anything else and so when he'd looked up Hanbin after the older man's introduction on Boys Planet, he was immediately awestruck. Haru becomes awkward with people easily and this was made very obvious with Hanbin when Haru couldn't be in the same vicinity as him without blushing and stuttering through his sentences. Fans were quick to notice Haru's celebrity crush on Hanbin and fell in love with the two of them.
After the introductions on Boys Planet, Hanbin had felt a tug of empathy towards Haru. How a boy could debut so young was insane to him and then learning that his group had been disbanded on such short notice was awful. They had ended up being placed in the same room for dorming setups and it was an easy way for Hanbin to attempt to start a friendship. It was difficult at first due to Haru's nervousness around him, but through the long journey that was Boys Planet 999, the two ended up becoming a lot closer.
Now, in Zerobaseone, the two are like genuine brothers. Haru almost always goes to Hanbin when he has a problem, even if it's just something as small as needing help opening something. Haru mentioned on a live once that Hanbin really reminded him of one of his old group members and that's why he was so easily drawn to the older.
₊✩ˎˊ˗ Jiwoong + Haru ➔ HaWoong
In order to further his understanding of Korean, Haru would oftentimes watch K-Dramas which lead him down a rabbit-hole until he'd stumbled across Roommates of Poongduck 304. He'd nearly passed out when Jiwoong had been announced on Boys Planet and then came the mortifying realization that he'd have to live with him for the foreseeable future. Similarly to Hanbin, Haru was extremely shy around Jiwoong and it was obvious. He'd hardly be able to look him in the eyes, which Jiwoong found incredibly cute and endearing.
Jiwoong was intrigued by Haru almost immediately because of his past. Jiwoong himself had been in the idol industry for a long time, but here was a kid 5 years younger than him that had years more experience than him. Despite his curiosity, it was clear he wouldn't be able to talk with Haru often as the younger would only be able to get a sentence or two out before he nearly broke down. It was fun to tease the younger, which Jiwoong did often until he felt bad about the way Haru looked like he would explode if his cheeks got any more flushed.
After they debuted, Jiwoong felt it would be best to sit down with Haru so the two could get over Haru's nerves. It was honestly a really good and long conversation with the two of them bonding over their shared bad experiences. It was embarassing for Haru to have to explain that he'd watched all of Jiwoong's dramas and had a slight crush on the older man. Jiwoong was nothing but supportive and understanding, explaining that it didn't make him uncomfortable if that's what Haru was worried about. After this talk, Haru was finally able to be around Jiwoong without feeling like he was going to spontaneously combust.
₊✩ˎˊ˗ Hao + Haru ➔ Ha2
Haru looks at Hao like he hung the stars. He respects Hao so much as an artist and as a person. The two didn't really have an awkward stage and clicked almost instantly. It was easy for them to get along and so Haru ended up going to Hao for a lot of his problems which he felt bad about for a while before Hao told him he was glad to be a person that Haru could trust like that.
Hao thought Haru was adorable. The younger was like a baby duckling who would just follow him around. Especially considering Haru's size, it was just the cutest thing to Hao so he was immediately smitten with him. Haru is genuinely like his son despite only being three years younger than him. If anything, it's even worse in Zerobaseone and Hao babies him constantly. When asked about it, Hao said that there wasn't really a specific reason that he was so drawn to Haru, it was just that the younger seemed like he needed an older brother to be there for him.
Now in Zerobaseone, the two are very close. Haru typically reverts to calling Hao Gege rather than Hyung just out of habit. The call of "Hao-ge?" was a familiar one in the background of variety content and lives. The two are often together as Haru's quieter personality is a good way for Hao to recharge his social battery as an introvert.
₊✩ˎˊ˗ Matthew + Yasuharu ➔ YasuMatt
Matthew was the easiest to approach in Haru's opinion. The man is just walking sunshine and it was hard to be nervous when Matthew always tried to hard to make friends. Matthew was also really curious about Haru's past as a J-Pop idol and constantly asked questions about it, but never pressing too hard when he accidentally asks something a little to personal. Matthew always seems to gravitate towards Haru which the younger doesn't mind. Haru has never really been big on physical affection, but he's quick to accept the hugs Matthew so willingly gives and doesn't question it when the older hangs off of him.
Matthew was slightly intimidated by Haru at first, especially after learning that he'd previously been an idol for 6 years, but that was quickly shattered when he'd actually spoken to Haru. The younger was quiet, but always kept a level-head and thought about things as logically as he could without hurting other people's feelings. Matthew was quick to pick up on the fact that Haru was constantly worried about being too pushy or mean with how he handled different stages, so Matthew always tried to make sure that the younger was alright when he could.
The two are often labeled the cutest members of Zerobaseone together which makes Haru's ears go red everytime it's brought up. Because of Matthew, Haru is now more accepting of physical contact and doesn't shy away from it. If anything, he's started subtly searching Matthew out for physical affection which makes Matthew happy.
₊✩ˎˊ˗ Taerae + Yasuharu ➔ YasuRae
When Haru had moved into the trainee dorms at WakeOne Entertainment, he was terrified. His Korean was just barely at conversational and it had been barely 8 months since the disbandment of his former group, so he was understandbly on edge in the beginning. It wasn't until his fourth month at the company when he was paired up with Taerae that he finally managed to make a friend. They both joke that they clicked so fast because they have the same MBTI type so there was a level of understanding they had for each other. Haru is forever grateful that he was paired up with Taerae that day because he's sure that there wasn't going to be another chance for him to make such a good friend.
Taerae remembers seeing Haru at WakeOne for the first time and being shocked at how someone that tall could be so cute at the same time. The two of them were basically attached at the hip after their shared monthly examination, inseperable besties that were constantly found together. He's honestly shocked that someone could be almost the exact same person as him, just shyer than him. Taerae is glad that there's at least one other T in the group besides him because they're so different than the Fs in the group.
When Haru's name was called during the final episode, Taerae had felt his knees go weak. There was such a rush of relief in both of them that Haru had basically blacked out during his speech until he found himself collapsing into Taerae's arms on the podium. The two had just held each other as the rest of the newly formed group surrounded them. The multiple angles of the entire thing went just as viral as Hanbin and Hao's moment and fans are glad that these two debuted together.
₊✩ˎˊ˗ Quanrui + Haru ➔ HaRui
Ricky was probably the third most intimidating member in Haru's opinion. Ricky seemed really cool to Haru when Boys Planet had started and so he wasn't really sure how to approach the younger for a while, but he quickly learned that Ricky was actually really cute under his cool, suave facade. After that, Haru was quick to approach Ricky to make friends with him. Haru still thinks Ricky is much cooler than him, but he also understands that Ricky has a much softer side as well and the two get along really well.
Ricky didn't really have an opinion on Haru at first. Other than the fact that the older was in an idol group before, Ricky didn't know much about Haru. Obviously, that changed when Haru sought him out with a shy request to be friends. As the two got to know each other, they realized that they had a shared love for strawberry flavored things. They get along a lot better than they originally thought they would.
In Zerobaseone, they don't have as many interactions as Haru does with other members, but fans cherish the few they do. Ricky often softens his voice when talking with Haru, not out of malice, but just habit and fans think it's the cutest thing ever. The two have started doing more and more things on camera though which makes zeroses happy to see them interacting more often.
₊✩ˎˊ˗ Gyuvin + Haru ➔ HaruVin
Haru was almost immediately smitten with Gyuvin. He can't really even explain it, there was just something so charming about the younger that had him captivated. He had searched Gyuvin out the quickest, deadset on making friends with him. It was easier than expected as Gyuvin seemed just as eager to be friends with him. Despite the fact that Gyuvin is rather sporty and Haru has never done a sport outside of dance, the two get along extremely well.
Gyuvin was fully convinced that Haru was younger than him before his age was announced, completely shocking him. It was something that he still mentions all the time, teasing Haru constantly about it. During Boys Planet, Gyuvin was blown away by Haru's stage presence. He was glad that the older seemed to want to be friends just as bad because it was hard for Gyuvin to approach Haru himself at first.
Now, the two are almost always together and they've made a little trio with Ricky. This is actually how Ricky and Haru started becoming closer on screen. Gyuvin and Haru are also incredibly tactile, Haru more so than Gyuvin. Despit their similar heights, fans have noticed that Haru seems to make himself smaller when he's around Gyuvin. When asked about it, he just said that Gyuvin makes him feel safe.
   ₊✩ˎˊ˗ Gunwook + Haru ➔ HaruWook
Haru, like most other contestants on Boys Planet, was convinced that Gunwook had the bad boy aesthetic down and was pleasantly surprised to find out that the younger was just a big softie. They're basically the same height and so fans find it fun to see the two next to each other just because of their drastic differences in appearance. Haru finds Gunwook unbelievably cute and constantly makes it known. He doens't smother Gunwook, but he comes pretty close to it.
Gunwook was almost equally as intimidated by Haru. The whole thing was rather silly as they both skirted around each other for a while until they realized there was literally no reason for it. They got over it pretty quickly and Gunwook adores Haru now. He likes how the older seems so small despite being a centimeter taller than him, he just overall finds Haru just as cute as Haru finds him.
Gunwook likes to flirt with Haru a lot, liking how easy it is to make the older flustered but being careful to walk the line and not push too hard. On very rare occassions, Haru will flirt back and each time it catches Gunwook off guard, causing the younger to go bright red. Haru saves it for when Gunwook is least expecting it because the less he does it, the more flustered Gunwook gets. Haru really enjoys teasing Gunwook though and finds other silly was to joke around with him.
 ₊✩ˎˊ˗ Yujin + Haru ➔ HaruJin
Haru thinks of Yujin like an actual younger brother and the way he treats him is the same. Since Haru was the youngest member of his last group, there is a level of understanding between the two of them, but sometimes Haru likes to use his position as an older member to tease Yujin when he can. However, Haru also understands that Yujin wants to be treated like an adult sometimes and is quick to pick up on it when their teasing goes too far.
Yujin is honestly surprised at how Haru is so mature yet so childish at the same time. Not a bad sort of childish, just in the sense that you can tell Haru has been in the public eye for a long time and never really had a proper childhood. There are times when Yujin catches him playing with little toys on their sets or things like that and just joins in with him as to make him feel less alone. While Yujin could never understand what it was like to debut so young, he's still a kid himself so he tries his best to be there for his hyung when he can.
Yujin has become a safe space for Haru and they probably have the most interactions on camera. Yujin really helps Haru allow himself to let go of the fact that he's on camera all the time and just enjoy the things around him. They're constantly stealing candies together and things like that. The two of them really are like brothers and Haru has mentioned the fact that if he ever had a brother, he'd want him to be exactly like Yujin.
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zb1-minjun · 5 months
ZB1 10th Member
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Stage Name: Min Jun (민준)
Birth Name: Hyeon Min Jun (현민준)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: December 23, 2006 (12/23/06)
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dog
Height: 175 cm (5’9)
Weight: 68.5 kg (151 lbs)
Blood Type: AB
Representative Emoji: 🐭🐣
Nationality: Korean
- His hometown is Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi, South Korea
- Family: Mother, Father, Older Sister
- He dropped out of school after his 7th grade in order to be a full time trainee
- His current company is Star Empire Entertainment
- Minjun used to be a trainee at TS Entertainment and Media Line Entertainment before joining Star Empire Entertainment
- Minjun’s training period was 4 years before joining Boys Planet
- His role models are BTS’s Jungkook, SHINee’s Taemin, and TVXQ
- His favourite singers are Sam Kim, Eric Nam, Taeyeon, and IU
- His hobbies include singing, listening to music, reading, and video editing
- Minjun has a habit of chewing his nails and spacing out when he’s anxious or bored
- Minjun has an incredibly bad memory sometimes which can really frustrate others around him but also himself
- He says that his brain is already at full capacity because it is filled with song titles and artists
- Minjun wants to learn other languages in the future but currently finds it extremely difficult
- Eating seafood and meat makes him nauseous so he does not eat it often
- He loves spicy food and hates sweet food
- Minjun describes himself as a homebody
- His favourite song is Love Me by Gaho
- He had 1,263,479 votes in the Boys Planet final earning him 9th place
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zerolune · 2 months
↳ ❝ [ For As Long As Forever Permits ] ¡! ❞
₊❏❜ ⋮ ⌒ - Zb1 Coed group AU [MASTERLIST]
↳ ❝ In which, act by act you watch the members of the group Zerobaseone, formed from star planet, fall in love and face the hardships of youth, the idol life and heartbreak- of course. ❞
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: ̗̀➛Main Profiles ! Pt.1 Pt.2
❝ Act 1 - Do you want to go see butterflies? ❞
Yujin × OC
₊❏❜ Other Characters of this act !
Part 2 - who dis?
Part 1 - how do you cook water?
Part 3 - matchmaking company
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sincerelyrki · 6 months
fate works in different ways, sometimes it even comes disguised as a life sized pikachu and a clumsy idol.
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SYNOPSIS ➙ Niki knew that the pikachu’s on stage with them were real people dressed in a costume but that doesn’t mean he can’t get shocked after accidentally revealing one of their identities. his shock quickly changed to amusement as the revealed pikachu could only think of one thing to say as the tension in the room heightened- “pika pika?” it’s not like you could avoid him after humiliating yourself either, you still have all of tour left.
PAIRING ➙ idol!riki x nonidol!fem!reader
WARNINGS + GENRE ➙ smau. fluff. riki is down bad. forced proximity. opposites attract. reader is the leader of a 5 member dance group. angst. friendly fighting. real fighting (js one scene). overprotective riki. jealousy. yn gets in some fights. older reader (a year older). more to be added if necessary.
STATUS ➙ STARTED ! HIATUS [march 27, 2024]
TAGLIST ➙ OPEN ! send an ask or comment to be added
FEAT ➙ chuu (soloist). jaehyun (boynextdoor). wonbin (riize). ricky (zerobaseone). yuma (&team)
A/N ➙ i lied this one comes before he loves me not 😝😝 anywaysss
spotify playlist
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| chuu’s chu (plural)
| emflopout
| yn’s dads
| fan accounts aka the holy grail
| one : if you want something to play with get a pikachu
| two : Shit day 😔
| three : girl he doesn’t want you [ written ]
| four : merrily we fall out of line…
| five : 1 2 3 any boys here? ❤️😍😝
| six : cake and candles my brother [ written ]
| seven : take off your sunglasses
| eight : fuck ass tom holland
| nine : reliable car max?
| ten : twenty questions
| eleven : MADE IT TO THE PRIV 💪
| twelve : my pini <3
| thirteen : i think i have a stalker
tba + titles are subject to change
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@ SINCERELYRKI do not plagiarize, translate, copy or repost
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lcv3lies · 1 year
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〝 my love's so young, i’m young, 달콤한 나이
너만 바라볼 순 없어, na-na-na-na 〞
౨ৎㅤㅤ𓈒 ㅤ𝅭ㅤㅤ﹙⟢﹚ㅤׅㅤㅤ⁺ ៹
SYNOPSIS ✶ seol yn, member of NEWJEANS runs a popular fan account for ENHYPEN member sim jaeyun. what happens when yn attracts his fellow member, park sunghoon, who’s had a crush on her after seeing her for the first time in a cafe?
genre 𓇼 ࠬ. strangers to lovers, idol au / idol!verse, smau + irl ! written + social media, newjeans 6th member au, park sunghoon x f!reader, fluff
warnings ıllı swearing, rude humor, kys jokes, probably spelling errors … yn’s faceclaim is sullyoon of nmixx!
featuring 𐚁̸ jang wonyoung of IVE. na jaemin of NCT DREAM. nakamura kazuha & hong eunchae of LE SSERAFIM. ningning of AESPA. sung hanbin of ZEROBASEONE.
release date ꗃ 230621
status 𐀶 in progress
disclaimer ✿⸰ all work is fictional.
… ˖◛⁺⑅ layout heavily inspired by tzyuki & amakumos
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youngluv.com visualization 🕑
﹙★﹚PROFILES !! — oldskirts — enhaha — yn’s pookies
001 — i think i just saw an angel | smau
002 — omg NO the delulu is talking | smau
004 — count ur days , sim jaeyun! | smau
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taglist (open ! cmt or ask to be added , bold can’t b tagged)
@ihrthni @luvhyun3 @urszn @jencthy @l0ve-joy @luvistqrzzz @astrae4 @noiacha @15yroldwholikesrockstars @sanriiolino @haechology @aefolrin @i2lain @whippedforbeomgyu @vivkiz @ocyeanicc @ddazed-lhs @azinwo @sunoo-lvxr @luver4hani @mrowwww @sserafimez @143lele
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〝 oh-oh, oh, oh, oh-oh
쨌든, baby, i’m sorry for my young love 〞
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mins-fins · 10 months
≡;- ꒰ °𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 ꒱
a shen quanrui au
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⟡   ֺ   𓂂 SYNOPSIS ⋆ let's get this, yoon yn is unnoticeable, and he would love for it to remain that way. in a school where 'status' is the only thing that matters, he'd rather be the person in the shadows compared to being the person in the limelight. so why would shen quanrui, the rich, handsome, literal heartthrob shen quanrui ever be interested in him? to him, it seems to all be some elaborate joke, and.. it technically kind of is.
⟡   ֺ   𓂂 PAIRING ⋆ shen quanrui x male!reader
⟡   ֺ   𓂂 GENRE ⋆ high school au, social media au, frenemies (?) to lovers, fluff, very much angst, crack, comedy (i guess?), rich popular kid with a huge ego x quiet kid whose annoyed by his shit
⟡   ֺ   𓂂 WARNINGS ⋆ swearing, kys/kms jokes, bullying, fighting (both verbal and physical), sexual joke, high school hierarchies, literally just high school in general, violence, jokes about mental illness, mentions of smoking, anton of RIIZE as yn's fc, warnings will be added to each chapter!!
⟡   ֺ   𓂂 FEATURING ⋆ zerobaseone members. enhypen (jungwon). tiot (junhyeon). p1harmony (jongseob). maybe some original characters.
⟡   ֺ   𓂂 TAGLIST ⋆ open ^^!! you can send an ask or just comment if you wanna be added :))
⟡   ֺ   𓂂 STATUS ⋆ discontinued.
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⟡   ֺ   𓂂 PROFILES ⋆ gyuvin haters | toaster bath
˖ ݁  𓂃 zero ⋆ early dementia
˖ ݁  𓂃 one ⋆ $50
˖ ݁  𓂃 two ⋆ gorgeous men that i wanna punch
˖ ݁  𓂃 three ⋆ STOP!! (being gay)
˖ ݁  𓂃 four ⋆ non-jenos dhmu
˖ ݁  𓂃 five ⋆ the psych ward
˖ ݁  𓂃 six ⋆ defamatory information
˖ ݁  𓂃 seven ⋆ nct from wish
˖ ݁  𓂃 eight ⋆ teen angst
˖ ݁  𓂃 nine ⋆ yeojun's interlude
˖ ݁  𓂃 ten ⋆ as told by a straight man 👍
˖ ݁  𓂃 eleven ⋆ #JUNYNENDGAME
˖ ݁  𓂃 …
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
BLOOMING DAY (s.hanbin)
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sung hanbin x f!reader
. . . ᥫ᭡ . . .
synopsis . . . never in his life hanbin would have expected to be rejected by anyone or anything. so, the day you rejected him with flowers, asking him to pay 12$ for the said rejection, he kind of lost it. alternatively, sung hanbin trying to make you fall in love with him after you broke his heart (and his perfect love record).
featuring . . . zerobaseone members, some kep1er members, some boys planet trainees
genre . . . (sm)au, college au, fluff, my broken sense of humor, mf who just wants to sell flower x mf who can't accept rejection to lovers ig.....
warnings . . . none for the moment, will be added if there's anything!!
status . . . starting on the first of june 2023.
taglist open <3 (if you want me to add you, send an ask so i can make sure i saw it!!) . . . @cherriegyu @kpoprhia @vhshyk @hikyeom @mins-fins @juyomiao @dwcljh @invuwrld @beomibeom @sulkygyu @lycheae @huipinkhair @luvseok1e @haesunflower @big-uwu-stan @harus-simp @zhounauts @jiaant11 @articxari @jebiwon @mashihope @taerrrrrae @ilovechanhee @ahnneyong @seok02 @honghongbri @justemalove @mposkyje @zhanghaoed @ihrtgw @partiallyderived @hanbinzfile @aesthetic-aryavartik @shentlngz @gyujaehyun
. . . ᥫ᭡ . . .
profiles 1 | 2 | 3
teaser . . .
. . . ᥫ᭡ . . .
masterlist . . .
day one
day two
day three
day four
day five
day six
day seven
day eight
day nine
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seunitas · 6 months
𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔴𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔡 𝔟𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥𝔩𝔶 𝔪𝔲𝔫𝔡𝔞𝔫𝔢. ✮ ⠀⠀𓋜 C'EST LA VIE ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ hong seunghan. lee sohee.
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✱⠀𝓢𝒀𝑵𝑶𝑷𝑺𝓘𝑺⠀?! living freely had always been bebé’s motto. she never played by any books; abided any rules, especially not the ones in the kpop industry. it wasn’t her forté. maybe it was the western side of her that didn’t care, but who cares. no actual harm could be done to her, so nothing ever mattered. she lived her carefree life as she sought fit, to hell with all else.
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ O R
. . . 𝓲𝒏 𝒘𝒉𝓲𝒄𝒉. seunghan and sohee meet a part of your life that only very few have interacted with , members of your group , S8INTS , being apart of that bunch. and now they get to relish in that fact.
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article ⋆ attributes © seunitas works
설명 ⸝ PAIRING seunghan x reader x sohee. GENRE smau. friends2lovers. comedy. WARNINGS dark twt jokes. WC 1k
⭒ NOTES. i won’t lie , this book was made on a whim. also to any of my moots from discord who see this , yes some of their bios are from the server lmfao. those texts were too funny i just had to. also , ricky’s character in here is an oc from my friend @soobette , so watch your tongue when speaking on him.
wattpad playlist taglist⠀ ◞ ⭑⠀ ​​ ⠀ ˖𓍢⁩ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀너⠀없이⠀는정⠀​⠀ (​⠀S8INTS​ | RIIZE​⠀)​⠀ 말평⠀범할⠀거야
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ CAPÍTULOS
⠀⠀⠀ ﹙ 001 ﹚⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀﹙ 002 ﹚⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀﹙ 003 ﹚ ⠀⠀⠀ ﹙ 004 ﹚⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀﹙ 005 ﹚⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ﹙ 006 ﹚ ⠀⠀⠀ ﹙ 007 ﹚⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀﹙ 008 ﹚⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀﹙ 009 ﹚ ⠀⠀⠀ ﹙ 010 ﹚⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀﹙ 011 ﹚⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ﹙ 012 ﹚
more chapters TBA.
WITHOUT YOU WOULD ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ᯤ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ BE THOROUGHLY MUNDANE
⭒ NOTES. this is also a non idol au for the riize boys, they’re just regular college teens. along with a few others who will be regular teens and non idols, like some kids from zerobaseone, and even boynextdoor. if you’d like to be added to the taglist just lmk in the comments. inbox, or dms. and i’ll add you !!!
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lvcky-g1rl-syndr0me · 3 months
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han taesan, 19, member of boynextdoor, him and y/n met at the hybe building as they both started training around the same time, he’s been friends with y/n the longest and sees her as a little sister :,) (SO CUTE), hes very well aware of her crush on riki and so whenever he sees him around the building he giggles bc he’s reminded of y/n
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myung jaehyun, 20, also a member of boynextdoor, him and y/n met through taesan, but when they first met she thought he was jungkook from far away, he also sees her as a little sister and is ALSO aware of her crush on riki💀, one time he thought yunjin was cute and y/n had to tell him she’s gay and he’s still embarrassed abt it
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kim jongseob, 18, member of p1harmony, him and y/n kinda just met randomly?? she dmed p1hs twt and was like “hey jongseob😎” and he replied and they became friends, chaotic duo, other then taesan she’s the closest with jongseob, you can occasionally find him and y/n on eachother twts and priv accts acting a fucking fool LMFAOOO
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han yujin, 17, member of zerobaseone, the youngest of y/ns other friend group, met him through jaehyun/hanbin bc jaehyun mcs mcountdown with hanbin and jaehyun was like omg i have this friend who’s close to yujins age we should introduce them kinda like how parents do with their kids when they find out one of their friends has a kid their age and now y/n and yujin are friends, even more chaotic duo, he hates that he’s the youngest in literally every group he’s in pretty much but he deals with it
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© lvcky-g1rl-syndr0me, 2024. do not copy, translate or upload any of my works without my permission.
(🩷) MIDNIGHT FICTION TAGLIST! @nctislifue @akuspic @pkjay
(dm me/comment under the midnight fiction masterlist to be added!)
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ttokilino · 3 days
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first-love-minho hc [HERE]
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hello! i go by lyn and im a writer for stray kids here! i am an 18+ ONLY blog, whether my writings are soft or including sexual/suggestive content.
i take requests through asks, as well as writing what comes to mind upon free will. you are welcome to leave kind messages or feedback, but hostility and conflict is not welcome on this page.
i WILL write about all stray kids members, however predominantly lee minho, han jisung, yang jeongin and kim seungmin. i do fluff concepts as well as horror and smut, and welcome all interested to request to be added to a tag list for posts regarding all, specific stories and specific members!
i WILL NOT write about non consensual stories, or any that involve any extremist kinks such as scat, piss and i will not write about feet. sorry (not sorry). i also will not write anything hateful/ harming towards any member as well as any idol.
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i go by lyn,
i own a chatbot,
i am an adult (18+),
i ult lee minho as well as ode (xdinary heroes) and hanbin (zerobaseone),
i only write for stray kids (now),
i am a predebut stay,
im a dancer,
i use GMT timezome,
i work and study,
i love interacting with followers!
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soda-bubbled · 2 months
☁️. . . ⇢ ˗ˏ'[peach eyes and blue skies]࿐ྂ———͙ – -˚ · * ˚ ✦
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୨୧⸝⸝﹕who is haru friends with?﹐⊂✦⊃ ‹𝟹
Haru doesn't have many friends outside of Zerobaseone, mainly due to the fact that he doesn't have a lot of time to talk with other idols because of how busy they are. He does try his best, but sometimes his shy nature overrides the want to make friends and he doesn't end up talking to many people.
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₊✩ˎˊ˗ Moshi Moshi! ★ Brothers!
Haru first met his former group when he was 11 years old, the oldest member being 19 at the time. The five of them are genuinely a family and the four of them have been there for Haru through pretty much everything. From each argument with his parents when they'd randomly reach out to him and try to convince him to come home to a more stable life to just growing up. He will forever be their youngest brother.
When the announcement of their disbandment had finally gotten back to them, they really only had each other to lean on. It was never made public, but fans were quick to understand that their disbandment was to give funds to Jupiter Entertainment's newer girl group that was already leagues popular than they were. The five of them ended up moving in together in a small house in Enoshima, a coastal town neighboring Tokyo, where the rest of the group still lives while Haru is in Korea.
The older four were content in leaving the spotlight of idol life, but Haru was dissatisfied with how his career had ended and wanted to go further with things. It took a lot of convincing from the others for him to finally agree to try his luck in the Korean idol industry. He auditioned to a multitude of different companies before he finally was accepted into WakeOne Entertainment. Haru was understandably nervous about the move, but his group were extremely supportive and promised that they'd talk all the time.
When Haru was announced as the last member of Zerobaseone, the four of them were the loudest one's cheering. All of them cried at the sight of their little brother getting a second chance.
Haru doesn't talk about them very often as he mentioned that they mostly wanted to stay out of the public eye for a while, but he's talked about how they'd met Zerobaseone during the Japan FanCon and that he was glad both of his families got along so well.
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₊✩ˎˊ˗ Boynextdoor 03z
The first member of Boynextdoor that Haru met was Jaehyun because of Hanbin doing his MC job, and soon after that he was also introduced to Sungho and Riwoo. The four of them are still new friends and so there's still a bit of awkwardness around them, but Haru really wants to get closer with them
Haru has mentioned that he really likes Boynextdoor's concepts and songs and that he's really excited to get closer to them. They've filmed a bunch of tiktoks together and it's clear to fans that the four of them have a blossoming friendship and are excited to see them get closer as well.
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₊✩ˎˊ˗ NCT Wish
Another friendship that is newer. Haru ran into them on complete accident in a restaurant and they all immediately clicked together. They had added Haru to a new group chat with the six of them and they talk basically every day. Haru really appreciates the fact that he's close with fellow Japanese idols because he gets homesick a lot and it's easier when he's able to speak with NCT Wish.
Their friendship isn't public yet, but they talk about filming content with each other often and they hope that they're able to do a few challenges with each other soon.
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₊✩ˎˊ˗ Keita (Evnne)
These two weren't extremely close on Boys Planet, but they were friends. They've gotten much closer after their respective debuts and talk all the time about whatever is going on in their hectic schedules. Similarly to NCT Wish, Haru finds solace in Keita which is returned. They constantly go to each other when they're homesick, no matter what time of day.
This friendship also isn't public, but fans of both groups have correctly assumed that they are friends behind the scenes and are glad that they have each other. Fans are vocal about their hopes that one day they'll see these two in a show together.
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zb1-minjun · 5 months
Hello! This is gonna be a new blog dedicated to my oc Minjun who is the 10th member of ZB1.
Surprisingly haven’t seen one made yet…
I have a few things planned out but if anyone wants to request anything please feel free to do so!
Hopefully I can have some things out soon!
-Chelsey :)
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huipinkhair · 1 year
Introverts - Zhang Hao x Reader
Zhang Hao x gn!reader
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Synopsis - Zhang Hao was made the student council vice president against his will, when all he wanted was to get through high school quietly. He found himself drawn to the shy member of a student-made band, and has been crushing on them for months. He knows he needs to get his shit together before they graduate and go their separate ways, but doesn’t know if he can break out of his shell in time, or even bother at all.
Featuring - some zerobaseone members, some boys planet trainees, Choi Yujin of Kep1er, Hui of Pentagon
Genre - high school au, smau, two introverts who don’t know how to handle feelings, fluff, bit of angst? maybe
Warnings - cursing, jokes around death/crimes Kms/kys, my stupid humour idk - more added if needed
Profiles - Y/N's Support Group | Student Council & Co.
Tag list - @hwangsm1le @zerobaseonefics @mins-fins @kpoprhia @haesunflower @big-uwu-stan @harus-simp @seungminiesgf @cherriegyu
Teaser 1 - Twitter Timeline | Teaser 2 - in the GC’s
Chapters -
1 - Image of a jackass
2 - What the fuck do I do
3 - Hao did it go?
4 - Party Time People (Not confident on this one pls be nice)
4.5 - The Monday After
5 - Stressing and Sweating
6 - What’re you so smiley about?
7 - That’s what prom dates do, right?
Final - Look at me, Y/N~
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zerolune · 2 months
↳ ❝ [For As Long As Forever Permits ] ¡! ❞
₊❏❜ ⋮ ⌒ Part 1 - How do you cook water?
: ̗̀➛Masterlist
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: ̗̀➛Author notes... reliving those glorious days of igcse 😍😍
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aectpen · 8 months
synopsis: 𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐥
pairing: Zhang Hao of ZB1 and fem!oc
status: ongoing
chapter 10: she knows
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as he had promised, hao secured a front-row ticket to the concert for rina. he chose to deliver it discreetly during her shift at the convenience store, which happened to be at its busiest. whenever these two met in even mildly crowded environments, their behavior became unbelievably suspicious. one might assume that the ticket he was passing to her was a bag of cocaine.
as Rina sat, waiting for the concert to start, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. the only other time she had attended a fan event featuring him was when she didn't realize they were acquainted. now, with that knowledge in mind, she felt somewhat awkward sitting with a group of people who were enthusiastically gushing about seeing jebewon. When it came to him, her excitement made her feel a bit jittery.
"hey! do you bias zhang hao?" the girl next to her asked, holding out a zhang hao banner.
"no!" rina replied promptly. her nervousness made her feel as though almost everyone was onto them, even though in reality, only haemin and his fellow group members were privy to their relationship.
the girl gave her a quizzical look. "i just assumed he was your bias since you have his photocard." 
rina hesitated for a moment, then scratched the back of her neck. "oh, yeah, i guess i do like him, yeah." she accepted the banner with a slight smile.
once zerobaseone took the stage, rina tried not to seem too excited. she knew dating an idol wasn't easy, and that there's always a possibility of someone connecting the dots. but 30 seconds in she realized she was about as relevant as an needle in a haystack. and decided to enjoy herself.
several of the group members, including hao, made their way over to her side of the stage to engage with the audience. rina couldn't help but smile and wave with the same enthusiasm as the people around her. she knew that once he had his phone in hand, she wouldn't hear the end of it from him.
hao scanned the area, searching for his girlfriend as he mentally tallied the seats, committing the number on her ticket to memory. when he reached her seat, he immediately noticed the expression on her face. she gazed back at him with a look that clearly conveyed, "i know you were searching for me, you're not slick."
hao playfully formed hearts for the crowd while keeping unbroken eye contact with rina, even adding a few winks for good measure.
"am i dreaming, or is he looking directly at me?" the girl next to her nudged and whispered.
"yeah, totally!" rina laughed.
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after the concert was over, rina waited around the venue lobby scrolling though her phone. she wanted to leave when the area cleared up.
"rina?" she recognized that voice instantly. 
"hey," she forced a smile, still feeling a bit miffed about being brushed off earlier. 
"i didn't see you. you must've been far back," haemin chuckled. 
"no, actually, i was far front," she replied, mustering another smile. rina waited for haemin to introduce the friend she had brought along. 
"oh, this is hyemi. hyemi, meet rina," haemin introduced the two.
"nice to meet you! i’m going to the bathroom," hyemi excused herself, leaving them alone. 
"so," haemin began, her tone tinged with a hint of bitterness, "are you sticking around to be with him?" 
rina sensed the tension and decided not to delve into this topic. "i'm just waiting for it to get less crowded, that's all. why do you ask?" 
"nothing, i just assumed you might be staying back to be with him," haemin replied just as hyemi rejoined them. 
rina fell silent, not wanting to discuss her relationship with Haemin present.
"it's okay; she knows," haemin assured, putting her arm around hyemi.
 "she knows what?" rina knew for a fact she couldn't mean what she thought she meant.
"about you and zhang hao." haemin whispered
rina felt tears welling up in her eyes. if you had told her just a few months ago that she would be in this situation, she would have thought you were crazy. she couldn't fathom why haemin would disclose this to someone, especially someone she couldn't tell from a can of paint. the secrecy of dating an idol was challenging on its own, but having people she couldn't trust aware of it made the situation a thousand times more difficult to conceal. haemin's actions now confirmed her initial hesitation to reveal her friendship with hao.
"i don't understand," her voice just barely above a whisper.
"your secret is safe with me." hyemi winked.
unable to handle the information, she simply walked away from them. who knew such a  short interaction would cause such stress.
"rina!" haemin called after her. 
she turned back, her expression still visibly annoyed. 
"goodbye!" hyemi chimed in this time.
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later that night, rina craved solitude as she wallowed in her own sorrows. her best friend had betrayed her trust, and it was difficult to comprehend. she couldn't believe she had ever felt guilty about not confiding in haemin about the fact that "strawberry" was, in fact, zhang hao. She had hoped for a typical relationship with him, but now she'd have to be even more discreet.
[facetime] haohao
before accepting the call, rina swiftly wiped away her tears and patted her face.
"hey, baby!" he exclaimed with a wide, beaming smile.
"so, we're using pet names now?" rina chuckled.
 her lighthearted tone couldn't conceal her true condition from hao. 
"what's wrong?" he observed her puffy eyes and hoarse voice.
"nothing's wrong, baby."
"i won't stop asking," he persisted.
"it's just haemin, it's nothing." she shrugged. "she's just been pissing me off lately. let's talk about something else."
"okay, okay. how about we talk about you jumping up and down with a zhang hao banner." hao looked up as if he was recalling something.
"um, no! you  must have me mistaken with somebody else." she shook her head. "i think i saw you making heart eyes at this one girl in the crowd, though. if i remember correctly. "
"you got me there. there was this really hot girl in the crowd and had to stop and stare." he pursed his lips.
rina laughed at his whole bit. "now i do admit i kinda liked this dude named zhang hao. he is talented, cute,  and thoughtful. i just couldn't resist."
"what are you smiling at?" someone called out from behind hao's phone. they swiped his phone and ran away while hao chased them.
"hey! give me my phone!" he shouted, trailing close behind the culprit. the person must have locked themselves in a room.
the person revealed themself to be gunwook with taerae and yujin. 
"hi rina!" yujin waved with a grin.
"so this is hao's girlfriend." taerae emphasized the word girlfriend with a playful tone.
"you are way out of his league." gunwook laughed.
"well nice to meet you too." rina gave an air handshake. rina was amused by the cries in the background from hao begging for his phone back. "i think you guys should give his phone back, he might die."
once he got his phone back he showered her with apologies. "i am so sorry you had to endure that, those little brats."
"i think they're adorable." she poked out her bottom lip.
"traitor!" he crossed his arms.
the two continued their friendly banter throughout the night, drifting off to the sound of each other's breathing. by the night's end, rina had completely pushed her encounter with haemin and hyemi out of her mind. hao had a way of reminding her that they were the only ones who truly mattered in their relationship. despite the potential risks, she had no intention of letting fear of others discovering their relationship come between them.
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i0134 · 1 year
( about me + request guidelines )
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nova | bengali | 08z ૮ 6teen !? 🍜 👩‍🚀 🫧 🌱ㅤ。 𖠵
enha (destinyz) :: zb1 (shimkongz)  :: bnd (gongfourz) !!
NETWORKS ! . . . @k-labels @en-web @bndhrs @k-neighborhood @k-films
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only for enhypen, boynextdoor, zerobaseone and riize !
will only write genres related to fluff, angst, (no smut pls)
no member x member or poly.
slow updates cuz school n studies :(
plz understand I'm a human so there will be some errors and delays but I'll try to get better ^^
back to navigation ! ⋆ ࣪
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prompt lists for drabbles will be added soon °.
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