#zero x judge angels
narabea06 · 2 months
Guys I did a thing
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uncannyoceanz · 4 months
Hey! Just wanted to say I really like your art style from what I've seen!
I also saw you were talking about JudgeZero a bit and liked my JudgeZero art and was curious on if you had any hcs about them at all? If not it's okay, i just personally enjoy them a lot
omg tysm! And yes, of course I have headcanons about JudgeZero<33 they’re like my otp now bro❤️🌸
Ship info log:
Ship name: JudgeZero
Characters: Dina Angela Clark (Judge Angels) and Alice Maria Jackson (Zero)
Type: Lesbian/Sapphic (homosexual)
Type of couple: Currently dating
Gender/Sexuality of Judge Angels: Cisgender female (She/her), Pansexual.
Gender/Sexuality of Zero: Demi-girl (She/they), Lesbian.
Headcanons for Judge Angels (Dina Angela Clark) x Zero (Alice Maria Jackson)
Dina is 19 years old, and Zero is 21 years old.
At a party at the pasta house (for some fancy ass event or whatever)- After Dina got her man’s stolen (Helen) by Puppeteer, Zero (nurse Ann’s bestie), saw Dina standing in the middle of the room with a cup of punch all alone, looking upset. Zero got a bit worried about her, and walked over to Dina and asked if she wanted to dance, from there, they started dating💅❤️
Dina likes Zero’s funny, Loud, crazy personality and style, and finds it entertaining and comforting.
Zero likes to call Dina things like: Angel, Judge, Angela, Ms.Clark, Darling, Sweetheart, Love, Princess, and more
Zero = Top💪🏻🖤 / Dina = Bottom🩷🎀 (💀help idk)
Zero finds Dina cute and sweet. Because she is!!!
nurse Ann has never felt so betrayed in her life. But her and Zero are still the bestest of friends!
Nurse Ann is definitely going to beat the shit out of Dina for stealing her bestie 💀
Zero doesn’t really get involved with Angels and Ann’s arguments and fights, but she’ll try to stop it sometimes. Especially when it gets too serious or if she’s around.
They’re both surprisingly good at dancing with each other. Their like…fucking in sync ballerinas that were meant to be together… Zero is like a black swan and Dina is like a white swan bro
In my future au they get married and live a long happy life together<3 also in the future au, Dina wears glasses and longer more ethereal dresses.
Zero isn’t really afraid to take her own risks, but Dina is a bit worried about Zero being so reckless most of the time.
zero is romantic ash ngl
Keep in mind that I don’t have a lot of hcs of them….YET… :)
Zero can pick up Dina easily. And Dina will usually get flustered when she does that.
Zero surprisingly knows a lot about Dina’s fashion style and what she likes to wear, so sometimes she’ll buy (or steal) cute dresses from stores for Dina to wear!
Zero is oddly calm around Dina.
How they met/starting Dating:
There was a party for an event at the Slendermansion one night, everyone was all dressed up, and talking. Judge Angels has had some feelings for her best friend, Bloody Painter for a while now. And she decided to go and ask him out. She had got a cup full of punch, and went over to Helen. However, One of Helen’s best friends, Puppeteer, beat Angels to him. Judge Angels silently watched as Bloody Painter and Puppeteer kissed, she was afraid this would happen. She didn’t even know why she was going to try to tell Helen her feelings about him, when she had already known that Puppeteer and Helen liked each other. Angels felt like she was going to cry, but she just couldn’t, at least not in front of the whole mansion…
Nurse Ann and Zero were talking to each other, as they usually did. They were best friends. It would be hella surprising if it turned out they weren’t lesbian for each other or some shit. Mid sentence, Zero stopped talking, as she looked over her shoulder to see Judge angels standing there alone, looking upset. Zero felt a bit bad for her, even though Nurse Ann and Judge angels were enemies, Zero had to do something. “Hold my drink, Ann.” Zero handed her cup to Nurse Ann, who looked a tad bit confused. But all of that faded away when she realized what in the world Zero was doing. Zero walked over to Judge angels
“Hey! Wanna dance?” Zero asked Judge Angels, putting her hand out. Angels face lit up when she heard those words “Oh, Uh- Sure!” Angels responded, smiling, as she took Zero’s hand. Meanwhile, Nurse Ann was angrily watching as the two danced with each other, She’s never felt so betrayed in her life! That little angelic shit just took her best fucking friend from her? Oh no no no, Ann’s not going to let that happen. She’s not letting anything be taken away from her again.
Anyway, that’s all! I hope you like this :3 I don’t have much headcanons about JudgeZero yet, but I’m sure I’ll make way more in the future, sooooooo!!! Feel free to ask about anything else, you can even ask Creepypastas themselves! ^^ Tysm for asking!!!!
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kimtiny · 15 days
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When I was in Berlin I was drawing creepypasta as splatoon characters and was gonna make illustrations of them all but never did so here's the entire collection of designs finally
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starsareshinning · 2 months
High School AU: What year everyone is in and some Info
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Annalise Lusen Mia: She’s a student nurse that had an opportunity to learn from the nurse working at Proxy High. She took it now she goes to the nurses office whenever she can to learn and help out.
Liu Woods: Moving from Ottawa to Toronto he’s brand new to the district and city. Liu looks like your average loser, but he’s much more. A lot more social.
Helen Otis: Helen was actually sent to jail for attempted murder. He lied and manipulated his way through, pretending he was getting better. He is now back in Proxy High. He has a weird obsession with blood.
Candy Pop: Funky little jester who looks as if he’s ready to catch Pokémon! He was born in New York but now lives in Toronto Canada with a weird man (human Night Terrors) who he avoids by filling up his free time with after school activities.
Nathan Maxwell Lux: Goth guy who’s a hater and can be a bitch. He’s also Candy Pop’s best friend and neighbor, which can suck because Candy Pop is annoying as hell. But they get along. Somehow.
Dina Angela Clark: Dina is known for being a sweetheart, her whole reputation was built upon her sweetness. She helps out whenever and whoever she can. Everyone calls her an Angel. However, just because she is an angel, doesn’t mean she’ll let people walk over her.
Kagekao: School’s one and only plug. I’m not kidding when I say that. Kagekao provides people with drugs and alcohol, though he only provides it to trusted and known people. Ones who won’t snitch. He’s also one of the rich students that attends Proxy High.
Jason Meyers: Honor student. His parents expect highly of him, and so his own exceptions of himself are high. Though his wish is to be a toymaker, he knows his parents would kill him if he ever said that out loud. Jason gets bullied because he is: British, a born red head, self-centered, and worst of all…he wears a top hat.
Ciara H. Callaghan: In a loving and healthy relationship with Nathan. She’s a confident student, doesn’t let anyone mess with her or someone she care deeply about. Lives with Candy Pop and (human) Night Terrors.
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Alice Marie Jackson (Zero): Alice prefers to go by Zero. Her adopted father is abusive to her so she usually spends her nights at Kagekao’s rich ass mansion. It’s gotten to the point where she can be called a roommate.
Jack Nyras: Most people dislike him because of his personality. Which is sarcastic while also being a smart ass. Group projects with him? You won’t be doing anything. He does all the work. He chooses to do all the work just because he doesn’t trust anyone else. Despite this, he can be caring for some people. He lives with his three siblings and older cousin.
Jonathan Blake (The Puppeteer): He’s sort of a sad little man these days. Found out his girlfriend cheated on him, but he has his best friend Helen Otis. Jon likes instruments and arts! He works as a delivery person. Delivers pizza at night and newspaper in the morning.
Laughing Jack: Schools personal clown. People either hate him or love him, he pulls pranks on anyone, anything, and everyone. No one is safe from him. Not even the teachers! He���s gotten in trouble because of his pranks. Oh and. He’s most likely never going to graduate. So. Have Fun LJ. His childhood best friend who was Issac Grossman turned out to be a serial killer, so that fucked him up a bit. But, he distracts himself with jokes and avoids people who want to question him about it.
Laughing Jill: She is Laughing Jacks twin sister. She’s the better twin. She does pull pranks, however her pranks only targets assholes like school bullies! Sometimes she gets pulled into LJ’s shenanigans. She does ballet after school!
Jane Richardson: She’s in a relationship with Mary. She’s also an honor student! Jane doesn’t mess around with her grades, she does everything on time and completed. She wants to make her parents proud (they already are).
Natalie Oullette: Natalie is known for getting into fights. She’s a sucker breaker through and through. She skips most of her classes and leaves the school when it gets to lunchtime. Her family is a mess which she avoids ever interacting with.
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William Grossman: Will loves crime podcasts, especially the ones that talk about his cousin: Issac Grossman. He works at a hotdog stand at the malls food court, needing money because he’s poor. He gets bullied because he’s poor. It’s not fun.
Jeffery Alan Woods: Liu’s younger brother who helps Liu sneak out of the house occasionally. Jeff is a closeted homosexual who wants to become emo, but unfortunately cannot because of how strict and religious his parents are. He hates going to a new school because he has to make new friends, and that’s a bit difficult to do when you keep moving.
Frankie: He has an alcoholic deadbeat father who uses the money he earns to get more alcohol. And his mother is a junkie that won’t quit doing drugs. So to provide for him and his little sister, he sometimes steals his parents booze and drugs to sell them on the streets. Frankie sometimes works at the mall as well. Part time worker.
Cody Richards: Cody is a science and biology nerd. His adopted father is a famous scientist so he wants to follow his legacy. However he’s also a straight forward guy who will insult anyone who annoys him, even when they’re right in front of him.
Tobias Erin Rogers: Toby’s parents are going through a divorce, which meant he could no longer stayed homeschooled. It was a hard decision, but his mom had to let him go into public school. Toby’s excited to start his first year at Proxy High! (Oh he’s so cooked.)
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Nina Hopkins: Nina runs the biggest gossip blog, she’s been running it since elementary. She knows everyone and everyone knows her. Because her parents are busy she lives with her grandma and her little brother, Chris.
Kate Milens: Kate is sort of a social student! She talks to anyone that she thinks is interesting enough. When she’s not talking she listening to music and sketching on her sketch book. She likes hearing Nina yap about her blog.
Vaughn Pavel Volikov: Or more known as Vine is a very sad and traumatized student. His foster parents sent him into public school. He hates interacting with older men that isn’t Papa Grande (who he finds comfort in). Once he’s at the age of eighteen he inherits his father’s fortune.
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koolaidoverliving · 3 months
these are gonna be all over the place LMFAO just a bunch of random stuff they do in my AU nothing specific
Characters: Jeff, Ben, Sally, Toby, Clockwork, Kate, Nurse Ann, Eyeless Jack, Lulu, Lazari, Liu, Jane, Nina, The Puppeteer, Bloody Painter, Judge Angels, Lucy, Suicide Sadie, Jason, Nathan, Candy Pop, Laughing Jack, Zero, Kagekao, X-Virus
Lazari has terrible pronunciation and grammar. Ben makes fun of her for it while Lulu teaches her better English.
Sally invites the proxies to attend her weekly tea parties. Except for Zero and Kagekao. They're banned.
Nina has a dislike for Clockwork due to her being Jeff's best-friend. She's rather petty towards her — like an annoying high school girl — which Clockwork rolls an eye at.
Over time, Clockwork and Toby help Nina realise how bad Jeff is for her. But right now in the AU, Nina is head over heels for a man who doesn't love her back.
Jeff takes good care of his appearance. He deeply hates how he looks since the incident, so he's always trying new things to make himself look better. For that reason he steals a lot of skincare, accessories and makeup.
Nurse Ann's hair was turned red due to Zalgo's influence. It's nothing significant, just an effect of her reanimation. Her original hair colour is brown.
Liu was somewhat of a delinquent when he was a teenager. He taught his little brother how to jump fences and steal from people at church.
Liu and Jeff have matching rosary necklaces. Jeff can't get himself to wear it anymore. Too much guilt.
Eyeless Jack likes gardening. He has flower pots lined on the window sill and a mini produce garden in front of his cabin. His favourite flower is the snapdragon.
He uses grown herbs to make herbal remedies and perfumes for Lulu.
Toby and Kate steal from Jack's garden. Kate does it unknowingly because Toby lies and tells her they're gifts from Jack.
Kate sometimes collapses in the woods after her Chaser form. When it gets too late and she isn't home, a few proxies go out to look for her.
The Bloody Painter and The Puppeteer are best friends, although Pup tends to be possessive of him.
The Puppeteer is superficially nice. The kind of nice that makes you wonder if there's something worse underneath the surface.
Zero's last name is The Hero. "Cower before me, humans! It is I: Zero The Hero!"
She is also colourblind (can only see in monochrome) and can't tell the difference between Toby and Cody.
Zero loves politics because of the tension it arises. She tried to run for "president of the mansion". Ben ran against her and he won.
Laughing Jack rarely leaves his box.
Once a month, Toby and Cody "switch places" — changing clothes and pretending to be each other. Cody hates this; Toby finds it funny.
Cody mindlessly lies about little things. It's like filler conversation. He isn't paying attention and just says stuff. "What'd you do this weekend?" "Built a snowman," Cody says, even though it's summer.
Lucy hates The Puppeteer because he's always stealing "dad" (Helen) away from "mom" (Dina). It's one-sided beef.
Dina is a bookworm. She's the type to sit under the shade on a plaid picnic blanket and read a novel while eating freshly picked strawberries.
Sadie is also a bookworm. Except she reads Colleen Hoover books and recommends it to Dina. Dina smiles and nods, knowing she'll never read that.
Jane listens to true-crime podcasts — or rather interviews with past victims. She finds it easier to cope with her trauma knowing she's not in it alone.
Candy Pop has a skill for writing. He had spent a lot of time in libraries, utterly fascinated by human works. Candy Pop writes poetry, novels and plays of his own.
He's pretty childish, too. He likes making friendship bracelets, drawing with chalk, crafting (ugly) dolls, etc.
The kids join in when Candy Pop is absentmindedly drawing on the streets. Lucy finds Candy Pop to be rather embarrassing and talks shit about him to Crystal. "He's playing with crayons and chalk at his big age!" "...No comment."
Nathan is a self-taught tattoo artist. All his piercings and tattoos are done by himself.
Jason and Nathan take care of stray cats that roam around. There isn't a vet at the town, so they try their best to keep both the cats and themselves safe. Candy Pop isn't allowed near these cats because he tries to juggle them.
Jason has a sweet tooth — particularly for biscuits and tea. The amount of sugar he consumes contrasts his bitter personality.
wow... long post. these are just a bunch of random facts!
send an ask if you have any questions!!! :D
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stephaniebrownslover · 5 months
Can I ask about Creepypasta ages headcanons in your main AU??
Okay thank you so much for asking, you guys are literally spoiling me, like I'm having a little heart attack whenever someone asks me something.
I don't want this post just be numbers so I'll give a random fact about main characters' most important birthday day and something about non-human characters, hope you don't mind. It's mostly angst and I'm so sorry about that.
I know most of the ages sound ridiculous but it's really hard to attach them all together :(
Characters' Ages And Facts About Main Characters' Most Important Birthday
Au's ships: TicciWork, NinaKate, MaryJane and Bloody Angel(probably should've said this earlier)
Current year: 2014
Main characters
-Jeff The Killer: 20
Jeff got burned at the age of 15, at his most important birthday. His parents were seeing a therapist while Liu was still in prison, and his therapist made a suggestion to Jeff's parents to organize a birthday party for cheering Jeff up. Jeff can never forget the day he was burned alive because his whole life was shaped by it. That's why he hates his own birthday and attacks if anyone tries to celebrate besides Liu.
- Clockwork: 20
Clockwork's most important birthday is the 18th age. Because that was the first year she wasn't on her own. Jeff, Toby, Nina were close friends of Clockwork at the time and each had their own small-scale celebration. For the first time, Clockwork didn't hate her own birthday. That's how she got into the habit of celebrating other people's birthdays, if she felt good about something stupid like that, the people who cared about her might also deserve to feel good in a stupid way, or something like that.
- Hoodie: 25
According to Brian, the most important birthday is the one he celebrated at the age of 10. His family had taken him to see a theater as a gift, and little Brian was so impressed that he was literally obsessed with theater performances and musicals after that show. Even though 10-year-old Brian is the reason why he is where he is right now, Hoodie never blames him for following his dream.
- Masky: 26
His most important birthday is the 20th, when he started working under Slenderman's orders. The year he realized that his life would be like this and that he would have to spend more than he hoped in this job, that fighting would only cause him to die sooner. Obviously, he didn't care about himself, he'd rather die than live this way, but he didn't want to leave Brian alone.
- Ticci Toby: 19
15th birthday. The last year he celebrated with Lyra and his mother since he was a proxy at the age of 16, he celebrated rest of his birthdays as a proxy. Toby doesn't remember all of his memories, and although most of the time his memories are more like pieces, he knows that two women named Lyra and Connie are worth worlds to him. And every time the fragments of that birthday come in front of him, he feels nothing but happiness.
-Eyeless Jack: 21
↺Actually, if he was still alive, he would have been 34. Because he was 21 when he died during the ritual in 1980.
The most important birthday is the year he received the letter of admission to medical school at the age of 18. He had received this a letter a few days ago, and he and his family had thrown a big party to celebrate it. Although he spent his 19th birthday, his first year of studying med, with his family, the most important thing for him is his 18th age.
-Jane The Killer: 22
21, when Mary proposed to her on her birthday. Jane was in a very emotionally repressed state after all her trauma, and Mary could no longer control her feelings for her. While Jane and her lover Mary were sitting in a fashionable restaurant, Mary proposed to Jane. And when there was a lot of opposition because the age group was generally old due to the cost of the restaurant, Jane kissed her on the lips so as not to discourage Mary. The best birthday of her life.
-X-Virus: 17
7th age. That year, he had gone to the zoo on a school trip and celebrated his birthday with the animals there instead of people. This is the biggest proof that he prefer animals' existence to humans. Of course, he might have been happier if a monkey hadn't stolen his food, but little Cody wasn't mad at the monkey then. And when the monkey saw that Cody was upset later, he gave him some of his food anyway.
-Nina The Killer: 19
16th birthday. She and Jeff hadn't made up yet and it was a day when she was really hurt emotionally by him. Her close friend Kate, who saw this, tried to kill Jeff. Although Nina could hardly stop her, Kate was convinced later and they went to hang out at Kate's special place together. Kate was a really special friend to Nina, and she liked that she knew that Kate opened herself up so much. And when Kate dropped her home in the evening, she found Toby and Clockwork were clumsily trying to celebrate her birthday, she cried because of cuteness.
-Kate The Chaser: 20
The first year she spent with Nina as a lover, 20th age. They had become lovers a few months ago, and unlike other proxies, Kate did not remember anything about her past, so she had no memories to miss. Nina had known her since she found Jeff at the age of 15 and was after him. They became close friends when Kate was 17 and Nina was 16, and they started dating when Nina was 19 and Kate was 20. Their relationship began when Kate took pity on Nina and helped her, and Nina helped her during difficult times where Kate tried to expertize in proxy work. The year they became lovers, Nina organized a special day just for the two of them, knowing that she wouldn't want a big party, and Kate's favorite moment was when they watched the sunset with one head phone.
Main supporting characters
-Homicidal Liu: 18
-Sally: 13
↺If she was still alive, she would have been 55 years old. She died in 1972.
-Ben Drowned: 12
↺If he had continued to live, he would have been 32 years old. He died in 1994.
- Puppeteer: 23
↺ If his heart was still beating, he would have been 37 years old. He died in 2000.
-Zero: 24
-Nurse Ann: 27
↺If her heart had been alive, she would have been 33 years old. She died in 2008.
-Bloody Painter: 17
-Judge Angels: 17
-Mary Vaughn: 22
Supporting characters
-Lulu: 16
-Laughing Jack: 214
↺He was produced in 1800.
-Nightmare Ally: 15
↺If she was still human, she would have been 55 years old. She died in 1974.
- Kagekao: 29
↺If he was still a human, he would have been 34 years old. He died in 2009.
-Rouge: 32
-Jason The Toymaker: 134
↺He was produced in 1880.
-Laughing Jill: 114
↺She was produced in 1900.
Background characters
-Slenderman: 2500+(?)
↺It is not known exactly when he was born, some say that there are drawings of him even in ancient Egypt.
- Emra: 25
↺If she was still alive, she would have been 37 years old. She died in 2002.
-Dr. Smiley: 33
-Cat Hunter: 30
-Zalgo: ?
↺It is estimated that his existence endured back even before the earliest times of humanity.
-Weeping Forest: 16
↺If she had not undergone this change, she would have been 56 years old. She died in 1974.
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p1nkm1lkslug · 2 months
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Me holding zero, Jane, Nina, dina and all the fem crp characters)
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sharp-silver4795 · 28 days
Nationality HCs
Idk I just felt like it-
If you have some sort of prejudice towards any country, race, nationality or anything, you can go ahead and get the fuck outta here.
I have it sorted kind of cuz I wanted to make sure I get everyone.
I still haven’t completely planned out who’s in the dungeon yet 🫠
In the Mansion:
Inner Mansion
Toby 🇨🇦
Kate, Rogue, Wilson, Tim, Brian 🇺🇸
Cat Hunter 🇲🇽
X-Virus 🇷🇺
Neon Spike 🇰🇷/ 🇯🇵
Circus Freaks
Jason and Doll maker 🇺🇸
Candy Pop and Cane 🇮🇪
L. Jack and Jill 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
The Rebellion
Jane, Nina, Clockwork, Jeff, Nathan 🇺🇸
Puppeteer 🇨🇦
Eyeless Jack 🇷🇺
Liu 🇨🇳
In the Dungeon:
Zero 🇮🇪
Chess Master 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
Bloody Angel 🇺🇸
Bloody Painter 🇺🇸
Judge Angels 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
Scarecrow 🇮🇹
Ann and Smiley 🇺🇸
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slythepuffle · 7 months
Pastaverse Drabbles
The Pastaverse Drabbles are random headcanons or world-building lore I've made for my version of the Creepypasta universe. Other fandoms I'm in will also get similar types of blurbs. This blurb contains the various groups and classifications of characters that I tend to use in my stories. This is a Part 2, with the Neutral Pastas. Here's Part 1
Freakshow Troupe: Leader: Laughing Jill Members: Candy Pop And Jason Meyer (Jason the Toymaker)
The Puppeteer's Group: Leader: Jonathan Daniel Blake (The Puppeteer) Members: Emra Amelia Aldridge (Emra) and Zachary Gibson (Zachary the Proxy)
"Married Couple" (Assigned name by other Pastas as a joke): Dina Clark (Judge Angels) and Helen Otis (Bloody Painter)
Solos (Loner-Type Pastas):
Jane Richardson (Jane the Killer)
Liu Vicki Woods (Homicidal Liu)
Alice Marie Jackson (Zero)
Natalie Ouellette (Clockwork)
Cody (X-Virus)
Hobo Heart
Ann Lusen Mia (Nurse Ann)
Vine Volikov (The DollMaker)
This may or may not be updated in the later future as I continue making fics or world-building.
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tic-toc-clock77 · 4 months
Present I made for @angelwowings <3
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narabea06 · 6 months
" What? Not used to people treating you like the royalty you are? "
" . . . I'm not royalty, Zero - "
" You are in my eyes though, sweetness. "
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uncannyoceanz · 4 months
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creepypasta-darling · 2 years
OC x Creepypasta + Headcanons - Tattoos and Piercings
They all found out Sacha does piercings and tattoos about a week or two of meeting him. When asked if he could give them some tattoos or piercings, Sacha was glad to do so.
The first one to ask was obviously Jeff. He's always wanted tattoos and piercings from a young age, and having someone around to do so was now his dream come true. Nina would tag along and get some tattoos herself and get her face covered in piercings.
Jeff would get many tattoos, mostly small ones, but he did ask for ones that meant something to him. His favorite would be his tiger tattoo, on his chest. He got it in memorial to his father. Also he would ask for eyebrow piercings, a tongue piercing, and nipple piercings.
The next ones to ask would probably be Jane and Zero. Both wanting tramp stamps of butterflies and roses. They fell in love with the detail work and how it flatters their skin.
Jane would ask for snake bites, and a nose bridge piercing. She would also ask for a nose stud, but wouldn't get it yet.
Kagekao would get a tattoo of his parent's favorite flowers on his upper thigh. He would also get nipple piercings and a nose stud.
EJ would ask Sacha for a simplistic tattoo, but would end up getting a tattoo of a realistic oni on his side. Something that really speaks to him, and something that Kagekao would really like.
Brian and Kate get matching tattoos as soon as they could convince Sacha. They are peace doves on their ankles.
(Kinda nsfw) Cody gets a prince Albert piercing, spider bites, earlobe piercing, helix, rook piercing, and a chest piercing. He keeps asking for more, though, before they are even healed.
Jason touched up his neck tattoo, and has a teddybear on his back left shoulder.
Sally already has her earlobes pierced, but asked Sacha to clean them for her. GENTLY. (It was hard for her to let him do so.)
Dina would absolutely get corset piercings. You cannot convince me otherwise.
The ones who take the longest to get a tattoo or piercing would be Zachary, LJ, BEN, and Tim.
Zachary would get a small tattoo of of a pawprint.
LJ would probably get his earlobes pierced.
BEN would get his Helix pierced.
Tim would get a tattoo of a hornet in memorium to his friends.
They all love their piercings and tattoos. They would pay however much it was for Sacha to do so, and it would strengthen their friendships with him. During the piercings, they would talk about missions, what their lives were before Slenderman, what they would do afterwards. Anything to strike up a conversation with Sacha. After they get their piercings and tattoos they find an appreciation for the art.
Some people (ahem, Jeff and Nina) would want to watch Sacha do the rest of the mansion. They even ask if they could get training on how to do that sort of stuff. That, however, hasn't been promised.
I hope these were good!
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1-800-cr33py · 2 years
What are some other lesser known/newer pastas you enjoy?
Judge Angels, NickVanill, The Puppeteer, Zachary the Proxy, Emma the Proxy, Lifeless Lucy (i would raise her right, I’d be a good mom to her :<), Zero, and surprisingly Clockwork, Nathan ofc <3
Yall sleep on Clockwork
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stephaniebrownslover · 4 months
It was really a bad entrance but WHO CARES???
I came to place 'cause I want to learn Creepypasta's close friends/friends in your main AU, really I don't know why I feel so curious for this..
Have a good day/night sweet person <333333
Omg I'm about to cry. Amazing writer???? You guys really want to give me a heart attack. I got so excited whenever someone asks me something and you can't even guess what I feel when someone says they like my writing.
I think you asked this because of that relationship chart but I also want to assume you read some of my posts because I always end them with saying "long ass post" lol
And my AU is mostly a BFF universe and lol don't worry you're not making me tired or something and I'm more than happy to write for your request!!
Ps: If you guys need elaboration on any of this friendships, let me know so that I can make a short post about it!
Also I want to apologize for the delay but I had no energy or motivation because of my upcoming finals. I wanted to write for the other 13 normal friends but I didn't want to postpone this request more. So I apologize for lack of writing!
It may seem short but actually this is almost my longest work for this AU
Frindships in my main AU
Year: 2014
Close friends
Toby and (Eyeless) Jack: In general, it can be said that they have a close relationship. If Toby is still conscious when he is injured, he refuses to go to another medic that is not Jack, and although it is actually a bit dangerous situation, Jack likes it. Jack generally listens to Toby's conversation about the newest topic of his interest and asks him what he is curious about. Toby often visits Jack's cabin because he really likes his company and knows that Jack is very lonely and doesn't want that. Jack shouldn't be alone unless he it is necessary. And Toby is volunteered for this. Despite the occasional arguments, they have a really friendly and close friendship relation.
Jeff and (Eyeless) Jack: They have a one-sided close friendship, mostly in the form of Jeff seeing Jack as a close friend to himself. Of course, they're friends, and they hang out and talk together sometimes, but if it's up to Jack, Jeff is just an annoying friend to him. Jeff, on the other hand, considers Jack as one of his closest friends. Despite the fact that he made fun of him countless times. However, Jeff never makes fun of Jack's past because he knows his limits and truly respects the eyeless demon.
Ben and Jeff: Close friends that causes a terrible headache. Together they are determined to make everyone else crazy, and everyone hates their relationship. They constantly play games, make fun of each other and others, talk about silly topics and do a ton of other stupid things. Actually, even though Jeff is 20 years old and Ben is 12 years old, Ben generally has a mixation of adult and child mentality, and they can get along because Jeff's own mind is normally like that. Even though it sometimes doesn't seem like it from the outside, they really value each other as friends. Still, it's better if they're not friends.
Sally and Ben: Sally was a pretty angry ghost at first, and that's why, unlike Ben, she was acting younger than her own age, 13. When Ben came to the mansion, she refused to talk to him because she did not want the attention to shift from herself. However, Ben did not give up on his goal to talk to her, and eventually Sally overcame her hatred for him. They're pretty good friends now, and even though Ben is the younger one, he's being incredibly protective of Sally in general. When Ben sees something nice, he takes it and gives it to Sally, and Sally makes gifts for him with her own hands. It's a relationship that Slenderman approves of because he thinks it's good for Sally.
Ann and Dina: Actually, they don't really have a friendship at all. Dina hates Ann, and Ann believes that they are the closest friends. And she thinks that the reason Dina attacks her every chance she sees is because of a big mistake Ann made, and since Dina has a forgiving mindset anyway, Ann doesn't mind dealing with her. The reason Ann believes this was because Dina, who thought Ann was still alive when she came back to life, tried to help, but when Dina found out that she was a zombie, she hated Ann because of her hatred towards supernatural things. Ann thinks that she is someone from her previous life that she does not remember, except for medical information.
Jane and Liu: Jane actually never hated Liu. She even felt sorry for him. Moreover, since she thought that the right to revenge belonged most to Liu, but she still wanted it for herself, they made a deal. The first person who found Jeff was going to kill him. Their relationship, which began when Liu visited Jane in the hospital and told her what had happened, was strengthened by their desire for revenge and eventually turned into a real friendship. Liu is a writer known by an anonymous name, and Jane is a secret agent working for the government. Since they both want to stay hidden from the public eye, they can easily understand each other, this is their common denominator. In fact, Liu is one of Jane's few friends.
Tim and Brian: They don't have exactly a friendship anymore like they used to. It's more that they have a relationship like two lonely souls who understand each other in endless suffering and do their best to alleviate this pain, with understanding each other. Even though too many events have come between them to allow them to be friends again, they have managed to overcome it. It's just that their new life doesn't allow them to have fun the way they used to. However, this does not mean they are completely unhappy, they feel peace from each other's partnership, and Tim, in particular, is ready to sacrifice everything for his last remaining friend Brian. They understand each other better than anyone since they are on of the few of the proxies who still have their memory.
Nina and Clockwork: They have a pretty good relationship that started with Clockwork helping Nina out of pity, and then developed with Nina not letting Clockwork go because of her dream of having a girlfriend for the first time. Their relationship is quite intimate and sincere. They really care about each other, and although Clockwork has trained Nina in self-defense, she still instinctively tries to protect Nina in every dangerous situation. They are both each other's first girlfriends as people who have only been bullied by other girls before, and therefore there is a special bond between them. Even though Nina sometimes bores Clockwork with her excessive energy, the bond between them is too strong to be deconstructed by such things.
Nina and Toby: Nina actually met Toby through Clockwork and immediately felt close to him. On the other hand, although Toby was quite cold to her at first despite Clockwork's words to be nice, Nina managed to melt the ice of Toby's heart over time. They definitely have a very chaotic relationship, and when the two of them get together, it becomes a complete nightmare for other people. Especially during the manic periods when Toby's energy is high. Nevertheless, Nina, who knows that this period is dangerous, and tries to distract them both with activities that will not harm Toby. Toby then brings her random beautiful items he found from the forest as a thank you. Nina has a growing collection of fancy stones.
Kate and Toby: Since Toby is the first person who doesn't act like a monster to Kate, Toby is the person Kate feels closest to as a friend. In fact, they have a twin siblings style relationship more than a friend relationship, they hate each other, but actually care about each other quite a lot. Toby is constantly makes fun of Kate, and Kate, who knows that he doesn't feel pain, responds in a way that is not physically extreme. They constantly do arm wrestling tournament challenges and something like this. Kate definitely doesn't let anyone hurt Toby but herself, and Toby is trying to help Kate communicate more people by introducing her to his friends.
Toby and Clockwork: In addition to being two lovers who care about each other more than anything, they are also each other's first friends, and they met even before everything. Both lovers and best friends. From time to time, they may be jealous of each other from others, and then they can make a top 10 celebrity list that they would like to date together. Toby always puts Clockwork at the top of this list, and Clockwork also says that she's not a celebrity, but actually she finds it very stupid and cute. They spend time together in a friendly way, except for romantic affairs, because they are not only lovers, but also friends to death.
Toby and Cody: Although Cody is only 17 years old, he is mentally able to adapt to Toby, who is 19 years old wonderfully. Cody's intense love of science combined with Toby's endless curiosity are not very pleasant things, but Cody incredibly enjoys teaching him. Cody is happy that he has finally found someone who listens to what others consider impossible nonsense and really tries to understand, even if Toby does stupid things. And Toby is happy that he can show off to everyone what a smart friend he has. Also, when Cody first arrived, Slenderman gave Toby the task of observing Cody. They have more of a two stupid brother-style relationship.
Cody and Ann: Although it's a relationship that seems surprising, there's a solid foundation of respect between the two of them. Ann found Cody annoying at first, but later decided to keep him with her because his being so curious evoked strange feelings in her. She thinks that these feelings belong to her previous life, and she thinks that a child with whom she feels close can help her remember her past. At the same time, Cody is Ann's assistant, and Ann taught him important medical knowledge. Cody and Ann understand each other and know how to respect the other person's boundaries. Besides, it's nice to have a silent partner once in a while.
Zero and Dina: Although they are two people who met through Helen and Puppeteer and their personalities are quite opposite to each other, they usually get along well. In fact, they can almost be called better friends than Helen and Jonathan. One of Dina's few friends is surprisingly Zero, even if their personalities don't match up much. Zero is constantly chasing after Dina and dragging her from there to there. Dina, on the other hand, enjoys it because Zero is the person who cares about her the most after her lover Helen. Even though they do the activities that Dina likes from time to time, they usually do Zero's suggestions since Dina fits into almost every plan. Zero is an extremely rip-roaring person, and Dina is usually a calm person, but they get along well.
Zero and Clockwork: It could literally be the most dangerous and crazy relationship in the world. When the two of them get together, something definitely goes wrong for someone. Even Toby and Nina are afraid of the relationship of those two. They tried kissing once before when they were drunk. Even if it doesn't look like it, they both really care about each other. Although their personalities are compatible, no one knows how two such difficult people met and Clockwork and Zero are determined to keep it a private secret between them. They are also among the few people who know each other's real names, and despite this, they use the names they want to be called because of their respect for each other. Truly a terribly chaotic friendship.
Helen and Jonathan: Although others sometimes wonder how they put up with each other, they mostly get along, and that's reason enough for them to be close friends. Helen hasn't been able to get along with anyone except Dina since high school, and Puppeteer is a good exception for him. Even though Jonathan takes incredible pleasure in annoying him. They've even introduced other friends who are the most important to each other, and every now and then the four of them hang out together. Although the two of them have big arguments from time to time, usually the cause of this argument, Jonathan, somehow manages to make amends to Helen. He is lucky that Helen doesn't hold a grudge against his friends.
Rouge and Kate: Although they have a strange relationship, more like Rouge acting like a mother to Kate, Kate prefers to characterize their relationship dynamics as friends. Rouge, on the other hand, puts Kate in the place of her own daughter and acts overprotective and maternal towards her at every chance. Even though such familial love bothers Kate because that makes her feel confused, she knows that Rouge has no bad intentions, so Kate cares and respects her. Also, it makes her feel better to know that Rouge acts like a mother not only to her, but also to Toby. She knows Rouge's real name, but prefers to call her Rouge instead of Heather unless they are alone.
Rouge and Toby: Similarly, Rouge also puts Toby in the place of her own unborn child, and of course Toby likes that she is ready to kick everyone's ass, including Tim, to protect him. It's nice to know that he has his own bodyguard, he just wishes Rouge wouldn't angrily take him to Ann when he's injured since he's old enough to make his own irresponsible decisions. He likens Rouge's attitude to the style of the woman named Connie in the memoir fragments in a way that he doesn't remember exactly why, and in a strange way, a feeling of both love and emptiness occurs in him. However, Toby has a lot of respect and love for Rouge.
Zero and Kagekao: They have a relationship that no one knows why they are friends, but everyone understands why they are friends. They both like a sense of fun that pushes the boundaries to the fullest, and sometimes they go hunting victims together. Since Zero and Kagekao's fashion sense is similar, they also get along better than others in this regard. Both of them are extremely annoying to each other and death threats are flying around, but they definitely wouldn't try to kill the other. After all, they are two cool friends with similar personalities to each other, and no one can be better than them. 
Jeff and Nina: Actually, Nina was madly in love with Jeff, but she eventually cooled off from him because of Jeff's bad attitude to her, and they never spoke until Jeff made amends by apologizing on the anniversary of Liu's death. Although Jeff doesn't remember that night, he gets along better with Nina because he's trying to be a less terrible person, and Nina appreciates his effort. Now they have a relationship more like brother and sister, and Jeff is protective of Nina against others, which Nina really likes. The common desire of both of them is that Nina's new girlfriend Kate tries to kill Jeff less. Although they don't usually hang out when Kate is with them, they meet up from time to time and spend time doing random things.
Total: 20
Jeff and Clockwork
Liu and (Eyeless) Jack
Kate and Clockwork
Lulu and Dina
Lulu and Jeff
Nina and Jane
Nina and Liu
Dina and Jonathan
Mary and Liu
(Laughing) Jack and Jill
(Laughing) Jack and Kagekao
Rouge and Brian
Zero and Jonathan
Total: 13
Sum of all: 33
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brayneworms · 1 year
closest to heaven that i'll ever be.
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featuring. angel devil x gn!reader.
synopsis: angel's first time with you.
word count. 2.1k
content. smut, MDNI I CHECK, loss of virginity, crying, consent checks, d/s tones, sub!angel + dom!reader, gender neutral reader, guided masturbation, pet names (little love), we fuckin with gloves on, aftercare (it's brief but it's there), lmk if i missed anything.
notes. this originally had kobeni and aki in too but angel's part got way longer, so i'll post them separately :3 reqs are open btw so go ahead and req anything, just check my rules first ty.
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"This is stupid."
Angel stares at you balefully; beyond the light flush adorning his pale face, he looks distinctly unruffled, no change from his usual apathetic demeanour. He sits cross-legged on your bed, arms folded, shoulders stooped. You pause in drawing the blind, tilting your head.
"What is?"
He throws you an irritable look. "This. The—this whole set-up. Why pretend when we both know the truth?"
You pull the blinds to, cutting the view of your bedroom off from wandering eyes below. The room stays lit with rosy lamps and projected stars, filtering through Angel's auburn hair. "And what truth is that?"
Angel scowls. "I can't touch you. So. What's the point."
"There's more to sex than that," you say matter-of-factly, secretly delighting in the way it makes Angel's blush darken. He rolls his pretty eyes, hands twisting in his lap. What little sunlight that isn't trapped by the blinds illuminates off his hair like gilt.
"Even so," he mutters. "It won't feel the same. It won't be... good. For me, or for you."
"How can you possibly know that, little love?"
His brows knit at the nickname, and it is a little much, but it feels right in any case, and you like the way it ghosts off your tongue, like the way it makes Angel's eyes droop. Still, his reaction invokes an interest in you, and you perk your head up.
"Have you tried? Before?" you inquire, moving back over to the bed. You sit, crossing your legs, keeping a safe distance—but Angel retracts himself all the same, recoiling back away from you and tucking his hands out of sight. You suppose it must be instinct by now, after so many years living in a body undesigned for love.
"So what if I haven't," Angel mumbles. "Doesn't take a genius to figure it out."
"Humans have a saying—don't knock it 'till you try it."
"Humans are weird," Angel says flatly.
"Even me?"
"Especially you. This is tiring me out..."
You whap him on the shoulder. "Nono, stay awake! Okay, let me—okay. Just tell me, 'cause it's the only thing that matters... do you want to?"
Angel stiffens; behind him, his wings curl into each other protectively, the feathers ruffling as though offended. "W-what?"
"Like, just tell me." You fidget, slightly awkward. "I won't judge, obviously. You've heard more than enough embarrassing shit from me from the bottom of a bottle. So... have you? Thought about it?"
"About what?" Angel stares at you like you've grown a second head, but the flush on his face is darker than ever, wine-red and brilliant against the parchment print of his skin.
"Fucking me," you say bluntly, knowing there's zero point beating around the bush with Angel. He sputters, body tense like he's about to spring off the bed. "Or touching me. Or me touching you. Have you thought about it? Do you want it?"
"I—I..." Angel's mouth works soundlessly for a few moments, eyes wide and more awake than you've ever seen him. Then, unexpectedly, his whole form droops; you feel cold water wash over you, followed immediately by panic. "What's it matter? Like I said earlier, I can't... you can't... just stop making me think about it."
"Humans," you say quietly, "are more resilient than you give 'em credit for. 'Specially me. Cleverer, too, I think, 'cause back in whatever century some genius fucker came up with an invention that changed the world forever. Wanna know what it was?"
Angel stares at you, bewildered. "Uh..."
From the waistband of your sweats, you draw out a pair of gloves. They're on the thinner side, just shy of sheer, black. Expensive, woven from fine cotton. More than you'd ever spend on yourself. But for Angel, you can indulge, you suppose.
"Gloves," Angel deadpans.
"Gloves!" you repeat cheerily. "'Cause, yeah, maybe I can't touch you with my hands. But I... thought... I could touch you with yours."
Angel blinks rapidly. "I—I don't understand."
"Can I show you?" you ask quietly, and he makes a choked noise in the back of his throat, small and needy. After a few tense moments, he lifts a shoulder in a would-be careless shrug.
"Do as you please," he mutters. "Humans are so stubborn..."
You giggle and sit back, spine pressed against the headboard, and cock your legs out so they're straight before parting them. Angel looks quickly away, face aflame, but you pat the space between your thighs encouragingly. "Sit here? If that's okay. It'll make it more comfy."
Angel regards you warily. "You're eager to die, huh?"
Behind the petulance is worry, the sort he's never been good at dressing up, the sort he loathes that he has in the first place. You tilt your head, gaze soft, you hope.
"Nothing's going to happen. I"m all covered up, see?" You wave your arms quickly down your body, clothes from throat to toe. "Just have your head against my chest and it'll be fine."
Angel chews at his lip for a moment, torn between, you think, spurning you for your idiocy and accepting human touch for the first time in God-knows-when. Eventually, you suppose, his selfish side wins out; he turns around stiffly and lowers himself to lay against you. His hair splays out against the comfy spun cotton of your hoodie, and you wonder if he can hear your heartbeat. You can feel the tension in his shoulders through your clothes and skin.
"There you go." Your voice slides into an unintentional low murmur, and Angel shivers against you, wings beating at your ankles. "You comfy?"
He nods, barely perceptible. Not seeing his face clearly is a little frustrating.
"Can you tell me?" you say, gentler than usual. "Just, you know. So I'm sure."
Angel huffs. "If I wasn't, I'd put my hand under your shirt and kill you. Even though that would mean a lot of paperwork, I'd do it."
"Okay, okay. So, um—can I? Touch you?"
Angel squirms. "I—I guess. If you're going to, then fine."
"No, little love. Tell me." You lower your head, putting your lips as close to his ear as you dare; it's still enough for your hot breath to stroke over the sensitive skin there, judging by the shiver that racks through Angel's body as you murmur. "I mean really tell me. Tell me where you want to touch yourself, where you want me to touch you."
"I—hn." His voice is starting to get a little strangled the further out of his comfort zone you prod him. "Why do you have to say such stupid things?"
"'Cause I like you," you admit, a little stiltedly. "I wanna... make you feel good. So. If you want to stop, we can stop."
"I—I didn't say that," Angel mutters. "I... you're close."
"I am." A pause. "Is that okay?"
He fidgets. "Yeah, I guess. It's fine." He pauses, then sighs. "I mean, it's nice. If that's what you wanna hear."
"Only if it's the truth," you say.
"It is, okay?" Angel sighs. "Okay. I... want... I want you to... touch me."
"Okay," you say, a touch too eagerly. "Okay, little love, can do. Where?"
"I—God." Angel buries his face in his hands; you can see the backs of his ears poking through the waterfall of tawny hair, singing scarlet. "Anywhere. Everywhere. I—hn."
You can feel your heartbeat in your throat, palms clammy through the gloves. You lift one hand up and cup his face, feeling the thin line of his jaw, the warmth of his blanket of hair. Angel tilts into the touch unthinkingly, and you swear stars explode over your eyes.
When your other hand comes to rest at his hipbone, just over the jut of his waistband, Angel jolts.
"Here?" you ask, and he nods. You slide your hand over his stomach; his warmth is dulled by the fabric of the glove, but it's closer than you've ever gotten. You can feel everything that matters; the contraction of his muscles as he breathes in and out, the inclination his body has towards your touch, the xylophone of his ribcage singing with each quick breath he takes.
Your hand travels up, slowly, marking a railroad up the pale skin, smoothing over his sternum, ghosting over a nipple. At the contact, Angel gasps, back tensing against your chest as he arches into the touch. You feel him pebble through the cotton, and he squirms, twists his face to hide in your shoulder.
"There?" you whisper, and he gasps out,
"Yes. I—yes. More, there, more—"
He's so sensitive. You suppose it comes from a lifetime of never being touched. You can't imagine how lonely it is. You would've gone insane a long time ago. Your fingers circle over his nipple and then the other, 'till he keens, brows knitted together, mouth open in a small 'o', 'till the fabric of his trousers becomes noticeably strained.
"How about here?" you ask, fingers ghosting at his belt.
"You can't," Angel grits out. "It won't—with the glove, it'll h-hurt."
"I know, I know," you coax soothingly. "It's okay. You wanna touch yourself? I'll watch. It's okay."
Too far gone, you think, to argue like he usually might, Angel gets his hands out from fisting the bedsheets and shakily paws at his belt. There's the pop of a button and the sigh of a zipper, a 'V' of pale skin shrouded with wisps of auburn hair before he's pulling the fabric clumsily down to his ankles, boxers and all. You feel your breath stick in your throat like glass at the sight of him.
His whole body is trembling as he takes himself in his hand; the first experimental stroke has a shuddering breath tumbling out of him, the next a pitchy moan, so ethereal that it makes your skin raise in goosebumps. Angel collapses back into your chest, sweat sticking his hair at the temples, spine squirming against his rutting hand. His long legs twitch against yours, one tangling around like a snake, hooking your ankles together like holding hands.
It's so achingly sweet you could cry. When your hand wraps around his, forcefully slowing his pace, he whimpers out a broken-sounding noise, and your heart flutters.
He's so perfect. So gorgeous. It's a crime you can't touch him for real.
But for now—this will do. This will more than do.
Angel turns big eyes towards you, round as pennies, brighter than ever with fervour and the beginnings of tears dampening his long lashes.
"Is this okay?" you ask, and Angel nods like his life depends on it.
"Yeah," he gasps. "Yes. Want you to—h-hah..."
"What?" you ask, picking up the pace again. Angel writhes, free hand flying up to grip at the fabric of your sweatpants. "Want me to what, little love?"
Your thumb swipes hard over his tip, and Angel makes a high noise like a piano with its strings cut. "O-oh, oh, please, please I'm so close, I'm so—I can't, I feel so—hah!"
"It's alright," you assure him, heart thudding. The whole display has heat surging in your lower abdomen, but you can't think about that, it's about him, your Angel, it's only about him and tears break over his lashline and trickle down his cheeks as he gets closer to his peak, breathing becoming strained and ragged, and he's hot against you, filling you with a burning heat.
"I can't," Angel says wetly. "Hn, hnn, help me? Please, just—do something, I can't—"
Wordlessly, you push your free hand under his shirt again, circle his nipple before taking it between your fingers and tweaking, and Angel's whole body locks up; his back curves, wings twitching almost independently of the rest of his body, legs kicking at the mattress, and he sobs out as he comes, a pitchy wheezing broken sound that's going to live under your bones for the rest of your life.
He collapses back against you, totally spent. You do him the quiet mercy of tucking him away and pulling his slacks back up, buttoning them about his waist as he makes a face of discomfort. You run a tissue over his hands and stomach, mopping up his spend quickly before nudging a bottle of water against his lips. They're full and rosy as they lazily take the nozzle in, sucking absently like a drunkard going back for another swig.
"Was that okay?" you mutter, and Angel scoffs tiredly.
"Mmmn." He turns on his side, digging his face into your stomach. "It was... nice. I'm too tired to return the favour, though."
Fondness beats through you like a heartbeat, slow and syrupy. "It's okay. There's always next time."
Angel's wings flutter in tandem with his eyelids. "Mm," he agrees with a low hum of exhaustion. "Next time."
He's dead to the world within the next few minutes, breathing against your abdomen; as he sleeps, or dreams, or whatever it is devils do, his wings cocoon the both of you, like he's trying to keep you safe even in sleep.
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