asweetjane · 4 months
Napunila sam 30 godina. Trideset.
Želim da budu zdravi oni koje volim.
Želim da imam dobar odnos sa svojom decom. Da se smejemo, i da se oni osećaju voljeno.
Želim da nađem dobar posao.
Želim da odem na Kubu jednog dana.
Želim da se osećam opuštenije.
Želim da putujem svuda sa mužem. Želim da blejimo u dnevnoj sobi i gledamo serije.
Želim da doktoriram.
Želim da volim više sebe.
Želim da pročitam još mnogo dobrih knjiga.
Želim da upoznam još dobrih prijatelja.
Želim da živim.
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kiechan · 20 days
Zelim and Jemma, soo cute!
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mikeshouts · 1 year
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Zelim Guardian Unmanned Rescue Vessel Presents The Future Of Sea Search And Rescue
Thumbs for life-saving tech 👍🏻
Follow us for more Tech Culture and Lifestyle Stuff.
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n3v3r-n3v3rland · 1 year
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diathadevil · 1 year
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"Fakir teaches you how to properly squat"
I don't know why I made this at 8 AM instead of sleeping honestly.
All I know is that the Slavic wolf in me won and this needed to exist.
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citaatii · 10 months
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sto mislite jesu li mujo i haso ikada istrazili tijela jedno drugoga
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milka-savic51 · 8 months
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myriadfrogs · 8 months
i really want to go out for a walk but cant bc its fucking exam season and i have to stay inside and studyyy
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brok3nknif3 · 8 months
You had me..actually you still have me..but you chose your life without me and I can’t go on..i miss you..
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
jel ti mene uhodis opet ili sta
Jesam, sori. Neću više. :'(
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n3v3r-n3v3rland · 1 year
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diathadevil · 1 year
WELP since the Joker Out tickets in Novi Sad were sold out, I decided to give in and buy the tickets for Let 3′s Belgrade concert in October for me and another friend. 👀👀👀
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citaatii · 8 months
Navikneš se na samoću, pa strahuješ od
svake blizine...🕊
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wrong-side-0f-reality · 5 months
zivot se stvarno uvijek pobrine za to da uvijek imam samo jednu blisku prijateljicu. cim se s nekim jako zblizim nekog drugog moram izgubit. sta bi me stvarno ubilo da imam dvije ful bliske osobe
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sugartitty · 1 year
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