#zeena writing
ionlyeatcomfortfood · 7 months
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My Mother and I, Both Disappoinments
Mother, @maiabaia // my writing, photo unknown // A Hopeless Dawn, Frank Bramley // Class of 2013, Mitski // Mutter und Kind, Robert Noir// @inkskinned // BLACKSMITH, Zeena Abbas // unknown // Shameless // On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous, Ocean Vuong
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randomthefox · 2 months
I actually really like the zeti so I feel like talking about how IDW Sonic gets them completely wrong. As it does with every single character.
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As I just confirmed: the zeti NEVER refer to THEMSELVES as "The Deadly Six" in either the Wii U or 3DS versions of Lost World. That is a title that Eggman gave them when introducing them to Sonic, and it's basically just a localization bungle. In Japanese he just calls them "the six Oni." So in English their title, which they do not claim for themselves but have dubbed upon them, should really just be "the six zeti" and frankly I question why the term "zeti" needed to be invented for the English version in the first place. But whatever, I don't mind Zeti. But they don't call THEMSELVES the Deadly Six. I think this is just Ian Flynn's creepy obsession with team names.
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I really don't understand where this characterization for Zavok is coming from. Even if Zavok felt this bizarre sense of identity and pride in their status of being Zeti, who are apparently all about conquering and taking whatever they want (I think Flynn is correct by accident on this one, since just add some sake gourds and that is kind of what Oni are all about in Japanese mythology), he wouldn't try and use his personal feelings about their species to try and motivate his men. Zazz and Zomom don't give a shit about the "pride of the zeti." Zazz just wants wonton violence for its own sake, and Zomom just wants to eat everything and everyone. Zavok is aware of this. He would be using that awareness of his cohorts personal desires to motivate them. You know, like he does IN THE GAME.
When he wants Zeena to go kill Sonic and she blows him off, he doesn't rage and scream at her by going "YOU ARE A ZETI! YOU LIVE FOR DESTRUCTION AND RUIN! GO MANGLE SONIC BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT ZETI SHOULD DO!!" Instead he FLATTERS her, buttering her up until she's happy to saunter off and do as he wishes.
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And he's quietly bemused at how that even worked in the first place.
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Zavok is a good leader. He knows his compatriots and he knows how to motivate them. He doesn't rule through fear and intimidation, he appeals to their base emotions and petty desires. He doesn't need to scream at them, he's just naturally charismatic and authoritative and they listen to him. But when they don't ask how high when he says jump, he knows how to finesse them to get what he wants regardless.
Instead of SCREAMING at Zazz about how he should be conquering, he should be going "now that we're together again, we can give those fools your favorite kind of fight: an unfair one!" Instead of screeching that Zomom should have the pride of the Zeti, he should be telling him "chew your way out of that cage and I'll give you a bigger cake than anything you could beg for from these lowly creatures." Even Eggman knew that.
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That is, if he NEEDED to convince or motivate them AT ALL. Which he really shouldn't need to. They should just be on board with Zavok on sight. I seriously don't understand why he's just yelling at them for no fucking reason.
I assume this is just how Flynn wrote Zavok in Archie. And instead of writing the characters authentically to how they're supposed to be from the games, he's just writing them the same way as he did in Archie again. Because IDW is not canon to the games, it's merely Archie 2.0
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richardsletters · 2 years
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“Dear Jodi, 
Hi thank you for the photos. They were cool. Good to hear from you again! Is that you in the pictures? Getting a job as a teacher shouldn't be too bad. When do you go back to school? Say hi to Troy for me. I did get a few letter's from him which I'll answer soon. Hope you can read my writing ok. It's 1 AM. I don't have a desk and my pen is less than stellar. I did visit some cities in Mexico. Never did go to the pyramids. Wish I had though. I wonder if you could climb the pyramids in Egypt. You think? Have you ever been to Israel or do you intend to go someday? What do you think about what is going over there? Your last name is Jewish? Thanx for telling me about the Jewish faith and whether they believe in the devil. I was kinda right then cause I had a jewish lawyer (-> They are some of the best lawyer's around) back in 85 and he told me they didn't believe in the devil. Me + him parted ways cause we couldn't get along the following year. You say that in christianity, the devil punishes the sinner, you think? Maybe there's something to that rolling stones song "Sympathy for the devil" after all. ha The part where it says "what busted you is the nature of my game". ha I alwayas thought that in religions, god was the punisher. You know when god gets pissed (according to the bible) it's bad news. ha Noah's ark, Saddam + Gomora + all that. Ah you an atheist then? I do remember (I think) you telling me this in one of your past letters. You + Troy seem to make a perfect couple. You both very smart. How did you guys meet? Whats a " Bris for the child (?)" mean? Is that like circumcision? Foreskin being cut off? Ouch. :) Yes indeed I know what you mean when you write that your different views on religion from the ones your family has can create problems. Same here. My family is catholic and I'm a satanist :) And also with all the different idologies and mind sets in the world I'm suprised the world isn't a more chaotic place. Have you been watching the news re: The catholics and protestants going at it in Ireland? I've created my own religion.:) Its called "I believe in what I want to believe in." ha I don't follow any one satanic groups preachings. I believe in God- and Satan as being a spirit. a spirit who rebelled against God and has legions of demons all over the worl. Pretty weird concept huh? ha I do know alot of Satanists don't believe in Satan as an actual being or spirit. Nope I don't remember meeting Lavey. It's possible though but I doubt it. Rumor has it he was a big fibber. ha I did meet his daughter Zeena though who had a falling out with him. I did hear about that Ed Gein movie. I doubt I'll ever see it. You gonna go check out From Hell with Johnny Depp? 13 Ghosts looks pretty good. I know Texas Chainsaw Massacre was done with Ed Gein's crimes in mind. You're seen that one? I do have pics on my wall yup here's a drawing of my cell for you. Pretty gruesome huh? ha I've been living in these cells for 16 years now. Ugh! ha Yeah the WTC attack in NY was something else. I saw it happen live on TV. Looked like something straight out of a movie. Your bible story of Ishmael and Isaac was interesting maybe that really is where the feud started eh? I can see them on that game show "The Family Feud". ha That drawing you sent me from the internet was really cool. Thanx. Now if you'll excuse me my love (hope you don't mind me calling you that :) ) I have to retire for the night. Jeeves, Bring me my glass of warm milk. :) I'll end here, hope to hear from you again soon. All my best <3 Own the day, Richard.” 
“PS Don't send polaroids”
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star-critter · 6 months
Any headcannons of the deadly six interacting with eachother also would rough and tumble curl into balls when they sleep or would they just sprawl out
1. Though I'm still delayed on researching the Deadly 6, I do have some headcanons and stuff.
Zazz, Zomon, & Zavok spar from time to time to keep their fighting skills sharp.
Zomon isn't much of a fighter, so sometimes he'll just kinda flop over and pin them both down with just his weight alone and not get up until they surrender.
Occasionally, by the time those two do surrender, Zomon has fallen asleep.
If the Deadly 6 ever get on Mobius again, Zazz will rob a Hot Topic. Zeena will pretend she doesn't care yet tag along with Zazz and drag Zor with them.
I imagine the Deadly 6 all just kind of sleep together in one big pile.
Though he won't admit it, Master Zik's age will eventually catch up with him, and he occasionally gets a little wacky/crazy in the brain.
Zavok, keep your grandpa figure- mentor- whatever under control /silly
Master Zik will wack the others with his stick without hesitation.
Zazz and Zomon both have the habit of randomly bitting onto things.
I don't know if this canon or not, but Zor writes poetry. I headcanon Zeena lightly teases him for it, and that Master Zik is the only one Zor actually let's read it.
2. As for the skunk bros....
I feel like Tumble sprawls out, and Rough curls up into a ball.
Tumble used to curl up as well when he was younger and still had his tail.
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nintendoni-art · 1 year
Oh yeah, there's an OC tournament, isn't there?
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So This is Zori, and I'm gonna do my best to answer some questions about them! Shout out to @bunnymajo who alerted me to this OC questionnaire and @bunniibones who I commissioned a while back for this character that I've colored in!! ✨How did you come up with the OC’s name? 
Got stuck and wrote a bunch of "Z" names, and picked out the one that spoke to me the most. Then double checked to make sure it didn't mean anything terrible in other languages and found out that "Zori"/ "Zouri" was a type of Sandal. Decided to roll with it.
🌼  - How old are they? (Or approximate age range) One Hundred and Eleven years old. [Around 14-16, age range]
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Depends on the continuity I use them in, but in the project they originated from, they do have a small crush on someone. S'just they aren't sure if they're even real...
🍕  - What is their favorite food?
Smoked/Preserved Fish, but they can be bribed rather easily with baked goods as long as they aren't too sweet.
💼  - What do they do for a living? Chao Guardian and General World Protective Services.
🎹  - Do they have any hobbies? They adore learning about new things to the point where they'll "borrow" objects. They also like people watching while doing scouting work, and pranking said people with their powers/skillset.
🎯  -What do they do best? Surprisingly, Electromagnetic Flight. Due to clarification on their species being unavailable during their creation, since nailed down Zeti lore is nigh impossible to find their fine attunement on electromagnetic fields found in nature, they can just straight up fly. It's like how spiders do it. Side note, now you know that spiders can fly. You're welcome.
🥊  -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do? When it comes to things they love, If they aren't taking a lazy flight during dusk/dawn, they'll actively go out and see if anyone they know needs assistance with anything, and if not, put themselves through self-imposed challenges in order for something to do. When it comes to things they hate, it's being forced into fights. It's not that they hate fighting, that can be part of one of those challenges they give themselves. It's being forced into a fight where they know the thing they're fighting could be weaker than them, because it's not a fair fight. They also aren't huge fans of being forced into hopeless fights, but that doesn't mean they'll back down from said fight.
❤️  - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Another one of those answers that depends on continuity. But generally said memory would be about helping a friend with an important task if it means they follow their dreams. Or hell, making new friends, to begin with.
✂️   - What is one of your OC’s worst memories? Goodness, quite a number of continuity based questions this thing has... But lets see....I suppose in a general sense, it would be ones where despite all their strength or abilities, they're in a situation where they're utterly helpless to do anything.
🧊  - Is their current design the first one? Nope! Original design was far more lanky with more feminine attributes, looked a bit more like Zeena, really.
🍀  - What originally inspired the OC? Several Months of Studying both the Chao systems from SA1/SA2, as well as the A-Life System from NiGHTS. I also needed an antagonist in a thing I was writing. It was literally by sheer chance they turned out to be a Zeti, since when brainstorming, a copy of Lost World was being played nearby.
🌂  - What genre do they belong in? ...Dungeon Crawling Roguelike with Pet Sim Elements? Nah, but for real, they'd do well in either Action or Slice of Life stuff.
💚  - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality? Non-Binary Panromantic
🙌  - How many siblings does your OC have?
Biological? None. Adoptive? ....One. Depending, once more, on continuity used.
🍎  - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
They don't really remember their biological parents, but they do have a good relationship with the gang of violent criminals that have adopted them. It's ok though, they're chao, so they're super adorable violent criminals.
🧠  - What do you like most about the OC? I don't know. Maybe it's the fact that they tap into a part of my psyche that still believes in the inherent goodness found in mankind, maybe it's cause they're really fun to write/draw about, it is a mystery...
✏️  - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Too Much/Not Enough.
💎  - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC? ...
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Don't worry about it.
💀  - Does your OC have any phobias?  They aren't really scared of a lot of things, but being enclosed/trapped does stress them out a little.
🍩  -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival? Zori's worst enemy is their own sense of loyalty and inability to stay down when it's obvious that they're outmatched in a fight.
🎓  - How long have you had the OC?
Oof, I think they're around 5-6 years old... ----
I think that's all I got for right now, but I do suggest ya check them out over at the tourney that @sonic-oc-showdown is holding out rn, and vote for them if ya like!
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wetwaluigi · 2 years
you guys like stat sheets, right...?
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Zavok is the leader of the Deadly Six, having been put into a position of leadership by Master Zik after noticing Zavok's potential. He has a massive build, and is covered in spikes across his upper torso, making physical contact with him a danger in itself. He has an intense power craving, constantly trying to think of ways to gain more of it. This motivates most of his actions, as he is usually trying to gain control of something while dragging the rest of the team along with him. He does, however, at least care for the others and keeps their best interests in mind. As for powers, Zavok shares the ability to control magnetic fields with the rest of the Zeti, as well as heightened speed and strength. He can also breathe fire from his mouth, create solid energy with his fists, and increase his size in certain situations.
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Zazz serves as the equivalent "guinea pig" of the team, usually being sent out  into battle to gather information instead of being expected to win. He is the tallest of the Six, but his extremely hunched posture makes this hard to notice. His main pleasure is carnage, and he constantly surrounds himself in violence and destruction to entertain himself. He is highly energetic and always ready for action, but he will eventually crack if he goes too long without supervision from Zavok or another one of the Six. Zazz uses magnetokinesis to control and attack with his Moon Mech, but he also can easily fight bare handed using his claws and sharp teeth. His feral instincts also grant him a strong sense of smell and awareness of his surroundings, making him difficult to sneak past.
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Zomom could be considered the brawn of the team, as his doesn't exactly assist in the intellectual side of things. He is extremely heavy and tall, and a very nice pillow. He is constantly trying to satiate his appetite, and will eat practically anything to do so. It is fairly easy to bribe him with food, especially donuts. When not fighting, he likes to lounge around, being seen as lazy by Zavok. He is often made fun of for his appearance and low intelligence(rude). Zomom, despite his size, can move around surprisingly fast- able to create tornados and burrow underground by spinning around his body. He also packs an incredible amount of power in his arms, and virtually unlimited stomach capacity. Occasionally, he will use his magnokinetic abilities to control Ganmen, his square mech thing.
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Zeena gathers and provides information for the team about their enemy, making her a manager of sorts. She is shaped more like a traditional anthro animal than the rest of the Six, having excellent hygiene due to her obsessive fashion sense. She is incredibly vain, always looking for compliments to boost her ego. However, this does not hurt her team skills, as she is by far the best member at following instructions. Her personality kind of resembles that of a stereotypical teenage girl. Zeena mainly fights using her ability to produce plasma cords from her arms, and her skills as a demolitionist. When combined, these two abilities can create a devastating amount of carnage.
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Zor is the spy of the team, using his umbrakinesis to stay undetected. His posture and messy bangs briefly explain his personality, as well as the rose he likes to carry around with him. He always seems to be drained in a way, making negative comments about himself and the things around him, barely caring about anything that happens. He'll follow Zavok's instructions well enough, but does not put much passion into the roles he is given. The one thing Zor is interested in is poetry, usually reading and writing it in his alone time. Zor's ability to control shadows is his main strength, able to use it to create clones as well as sneak around. None of the other Zeti are willing to use the powers Zor does, which are stated to be 'forbidden'. He can also control bats, and transform them into clones as well. His 'magic' proficiency more than makes up for his lack of strength or dedication.
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Master Zik is the founder of the Deadly Six, overseeing Zavok's leadership and training the rest of the Zeti. He is very short, and his entire body is covered in a black robe. He also carries around a walking stick, but he doesn't seem to need it quite yet. Zik is mainly focused on taking care of the Six, enjoying gardening and relaxing in his retirement. Although he's passed on the mantle to Zavok, he still participates in the team's conquests, and is one of the most capable due to his experience. He's definitely the most 'normal' of the Deadly Six, or at least as close as a Zeti can get. During his peak, Zik was considered to be the strongest Zeti, having both incredible control over his magnetokinesis and excellent acrobatic skills. He also has the ability to use psychokinetic powers, allowing him to fly around on his staff and.. move… fruit
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(alright i think thats about it i want to do another one of these about the lost hex but most of it would have to be headcanon)
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The most murder-able tournament 2.0
Vote for who you think will die the easiest!
For characters that dont currently have Propaganda i will write some Propaganda for them and if anyone comes up with anything i will add it. There is a list of characters without submited Propaganda here
The first round will be:
Infinite the jackal vs. Jet the Hawk
Barry the Quokka vs. Silver
E-102 Gamma vs. Zeena
Locke vs. Metal Sonic
Cubot Series bots vs. Molly
Dive the Lemming vs. Omochao
The end vs. Fang the Sniper
Tanaka vs. Elder scruffy
Gerald Robotnik vs. Grounder
Gogobas vs. Larry Lynx
Agent Randell Handle vs. Dr.Robotnik (movies)
The tournament will start tomorrow so be ready!
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diary-of-dr-eggman · 7 months
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AI Prompt: Write an entry in Dr. Eggman’s diary about Zeena.
Dear diary,
Today, I had the unfortunate pleasure of encountering Zeena. I must admit, she is a thorn in my side, with her insufferable attitude and her constant need to make everything about her.
I was in the middle of a very important project when she burst into my lab, demanding my attention. Apparently, she had a "fashion emergency" and needed my help picking out an outfit for her latest social media post.
I tried to explain to her that I was busy, but she wouldn't take no for an answer. So, I begrudgingly went along with her demands, hoping to get her out of my hair as soon as possible.
We spent what felt like hours going through her wardrobe, trying on different outfits and taking endless selfies. I couldn't believe I was wasting my time like this, but Zeena seemed so pleased with herself that I couldn't bring myself to tell her how I really felt.
Finally, we settled on an outfit that she deemed "perfect," and she skipped off to post it on social media. I was left alone in my lab, feeling exhausted and frustrated.
Note to self: avoid Zeena at all costs in the future.
Evilly yours,
Dr. Eggman
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sonicprim3d · 1 year
shermphibia replied:
👁️👁️ zavok you say .. ? (I write a zavok)
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It's not exactly as if Eggman made an infinite amount of Phantom Ruby copies of Zeena after all-
Also Sonic absolutely beats on Zavok, even if he's an illusion, as if he's ready to kill him
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randomthefox · 2 months
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Eggman:"I cannot. BELIEVE. You just fucking did that."
Eggman doesn't look SCARED here x3 he's not worried and afraid of retribution from the Zeti, even though he knows that's what's about to come. He is ANGRY at Sonic for sticking his dick in the vacuum and fucking everything up, and now he's going to have to deal with it.
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if Ian flynn wrote this fucking scene Eggman would be trembling and cowering as he says this or something
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so Zeena, Zik, and Zor are actually in the background and fully animated during this scene. It's just kind of hard to see them since they're still shadowed out and in the back.
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Oh wait... no. Sonic starts facing the badniks down with focused determination. And even starts fighting back against them, appearing to have no trouble while doing so whatsoever.
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And he only starts running away from it because he's concerned about Tails' safety and prioritizes protecting him instead of preserving himself?
it's almost like IDW Sonic fucking blows ass and the Pontaff games get Sonic's characterization correct, or something.
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richardsletters · 2 years
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"Greetings, got your letter. Ah you thought I went on vacation uh? Well I guess I did. Started in 85 and still going strong. ha yeah, sometimes moving into a new cell gets a bit of time to get used to. There's 3 building here that house death row inmates. I'd never been to one, and to other 2... yes to cells do differ. somewhat. I used to go out. not anymore. Yes, I’m in a sinlge man cell. Glad you liked the drawings. I know of Nicolas Claux. Good artist. I'm not as good as him. He’s supposed to get paroled someday. Yes, just pu my name + number on any money order you send. Thanx. Much appreciated. Don't send chich pages anymore. Unless the chix are not naked then it's cool. Showing breasts is cool I think. Same thing with pictures. Send only 10 at a time. Even in the summer it's cold here. No air conditioner here. In Texas, on death row, You can buy your own fan. I hear it gets hot there. I guess you could say theyre getting the guys ready for a much hotter place haha 15 minutes eh? I saw commercials for it. Deniro sure makes alot of movies eh? Lost your job eh? Yeah unemployment is on the rise. I hear they pump oxygen into the casino's. That true? Yep NG is here. I'd seen him sometimes. His lawyer is SF is the some one I got. Nope, don't know how you can get in touch with him as I don't know his booking #. You might try calling CDC info in Sacramento but then you would need his birthdate. Lavey? Well, don't really now what to say. He said he met me. I don't recall. Could of been at a party. I did meet his daughter Zeena in L.A though. I'd heard Lavey lied about alot of things. There's a list of his alleged lies on a website. He and Zeena had a falling out.He died sometime in the mounth of Oct a few years back. I'll end here. Take it E/Z and write soon
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villains4hire · 1 year
is there a muse that you wish gets more attention? / which muse is the trickiest to get into character for? / which muse is the most fun to write for?
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//Hm, as much as I love Ash for most conditions and is highly sought out? I wish she got more open ships (For Void Verse, not 'Always Been You') like my other characters, especially Vaggie who got a lot/approached for out the gate- someone with a similar body-type if not less thick than her then sharing traits of 'why' people like Vaggie? I guess it hits a little close to home, as I was in a similar mental state of being child-like for various reasons/or how and why but I won't get into personal baggage, but in the past half decade? More or less became better adjusted and mature, so I can't really blame people either for not even wanting to ship with her future variant when she's better, as it's not, something commonly seen? So I don't take it personally, even if it stings a little at times for a few reasons I've gotten. As it's mostly just bc of how weird they got with her in canon rather than me writing her how she should've been probably going that route. As I want to be open of how they handled Ash rather than hide it, etc, as more probably would be willing then? I can't in good mind do that tho.
//Then maybe just Zeena I want to give more attention for anyone recent.
//I would say the trickiest to get into character for is the lack of character for the following: Vaggie, Stella, Grunty. Why? Because they have no real characterization other than surface personalities. Then Grunty more or less is an overpowered character that rhymes and can't really make friends that easily, let alone have interactions not confined to plots, schemes and then traversing her worlds or just silliness. Anything I have trouble with is pretty much moving forward while trying to maintain some sort of energy, image for a canon character. An oc is easy, a canon character with little to nothing on them is not, esp if you want to keep a certain energy to them when characterizing them.
As Ash for example, you could probably question why I'm so lax with altering her/adding things to her? Well, Olan intended for there to be more animal aliens and her race was clearly lizard/snake ppl things fed to a giant snake god creature, then Fox's race was intended to a dog alien race. Then the potential for her Invictus, personality, proper motivations stated and the fact that Olan was more or less held by the neck? Ash while not as characterized, has so much in canon or what could be implied/done for a backstory/recharacterization that maintains her feeling to work with rather than me just creating canon that matches the themes, universe, humor or comedic feeling such as with Vaggie or Stella, to whom I get compliments on for both p frequently, but Vaggie has been someone I've had to try and really break in bc of that reason. She's a blank slate basically which will change, but for now yeah.
Then here's the following I have the most fun with: Ash, Betilla, Vaggie, Zeena, Chalice, Lapis, Madeline, Julie, and Scarlet. Hm, I wonder what's similar between all these characters other than Chalice being a literal cup? Short cute/hot bastard in some way or another or Gremlin or a combo of both at some point. Or a jackass milf, granted Betilla is both my most wicked but also most good character with the karmic personification thing.
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beevean · 2 years
I think Surge is a much needed female villain for the Sonic franchise. The execution could probably be better, but at least she isn't Zeena.
Merlina is right there, we could give Merlina more love :P
Surge's gender is genuinely irrelevant to me. I would love more female villains, absolutely, but I'm not making excuses for her lacking writing, and I especially hate when her fans think that she gets unfairly criticized just because she's a girl 🙄 my dude, my pal, aside from the fact that you clearly weren't there when Silver used to be dragged into the mud.. there is a reason the most common criticism for her is "she's just Scourge", and not just in the sense that she's not original: that kind of obnoxious personality is insufferable whether it comes from a male or a female character.
I do appreciate, at least, that while I call her #girlboss, in the story proper her gender has no impact on her, you could genderswap her and nothing would change. Considering that some writers still think that being a woman is the most important part of being a woman, this kind of gender blindness is good.
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galionne-speeding · 2 years
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Handwritting headcanons because I have nothing else to post about go brrrrrr
Zazz: Didn't know how to read/write until very recently, which is visible through his handwriting.
Zeena: Clean and rounded.
Zik: Writes very quickly. Every letter is a single stroke.
Zomom: Round handwriting, tends to be a bit slow to write.
Zavok: Similarly to Zik, every letter is one stroke. They also tend to be in all caps.
Zor: Unnecessarily fancy. Lots of flourishing and extras.
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tartyfart · 2 years
Abigail Child has been at the forefront of experimental writing and media since the 1980s, having completed more than thirty film/video works & installations, and written 6 books. An acknowledged pioneer in montage, Child addresses the interplay between sound and image, to make, in the words of LA Weekly: “brilliant exciting work…a vibrant political filmmaking that’s attentive to form.”   Her films rewrite narrative, creating the cult classics PERILS, MAYHEM and COVERT ACTION (1984-87). Other productions borrow documentary to poetically envision public space including B/Side (1996) and SURF AND TURF (2011). Child’s re-constructed home movie THE FUTURE IS BEHIND YOU (2004) served as inspiration for UNBOUND: Scenes from the life of Mary Shelley shot as imaginary home movies. In recent years, Child has expanded her vertical montage to multiple-screen installation with MIRRORWORLDS and THE MILKY WAY. ACTS AND INTERMISSIONS, the second in her trilogy on Women and Ideology, circling around the life of Emma Goldman and a history of protests, premiered at The Museum of Modern Art’s Doc Fortnight in February 2017.
Child is the principal director, cinematographer and editor on her films. Cultural displacements, mostly urban ones, have been at the heart of her concerns. Her work involves intimate collaborations, with poets: Monica de la Torre (To and No Fro), Gary Sullivan (Mirror World), Nada Gordon (Ligatures) and Adeena Karasick (Salomé) as well as with notable downtown composers including John Zorn (The Future Is Behind You), Ikue Mori (B/side, 8 Million), Zeena Parkins (Unbound, Mayhem), Christian Marclay (Mayhem, Surface Noise) and Andrea Parkins (Vis A Vis and Acts and Intermissions). Child is currently working on the last film in the trilogy "The Andriod Project" (wt).
Her films, compulsive visual and aural legerdemain, have been widely awarded and shown internationally. Child has been honored with a Rome Prize Fellowship (09-10), as well as a John Simon Guggenheim, Radcliffe Institute and Fulbright Fellowships. She is winner of the Stan Brakhage Award, and grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, New York State Council on the Arts, New York Foundation for the Arts, Jerome Foundation, LEF Foundation, Mass Arts Council, and Art Matters. Child's film and media works have been exhibited worldwide, in venues including The Museum of Modern Art, New York; the Whitney Biennial Exhibitions (1989+1997); Centre George Pompidou, Paris; Rotterdam International Film Festival; New York Film Festival; CAPC Musée, Bordeaux; Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid; Pacific Film Archives, Berkeley; and festivals in Oberhausen, Locarno, Berlin, Toronto, Brazil, Mexico City and Seoul, among many others. Her work is in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art New York and Centre Pompidou among others. Harvard University Cinematheque has created an “Abigail Child Collection” which will preserve and exhibit her films. 
Child is also a writer with more that 5 books and numerous chapbooks. Her critical study, THIS IS CALLED MOVING: A Critical Poetics of Film (2005) is the only critical book written by an active American artist/filmmaker in over two decades. Her book of poetry MOUTH TO MOUTH came out in 2016, courtesy of Eoagh Press and was honored with a Lambda Prize in 2017. Child is Emeritus Professor of Media at Tufts University, the SMFA, and lives and works in New York City. 
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aceduchessdragoness · 8 months
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Uploaded on Instagram by [@]zeenaaqel on Jan 25, 2024 EST.
[id: Image desctiption. 1st image is a screenshot from X by Zeena Aqel [@]ZeenaAqel that says:
210 bipatrisan members of Congress write a letter to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, expressing their "disgust" at South Africa's genocide suit against Israel [@]Qudsn_en
[underneath is an image of the letter they wrote]
Image 2 is a larger image of the letter the members wrote, which says:
Congress of the United States
Washington, DC 20515
January 23, 2024
The Honorable Antony J. Blinken
Secretary of State
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520
Dear Secretary Blinken,
                South Africa has filed a grossly unfounded case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), accusing Israel of genocide and asking the court to order Israel to immediately halt its military efforts in Gaza. We want you to express our disgust as this filing, which perpetrates false and dangerous allegations against the Jewish state.
                We share the administration’s position that Israel has the right to defend itself against Hamas terror and appreciate the strong statement of National Security Council spokesman John Kirby that the South African application is “meritless, counterproductive, and completely without any basis in fact whatsoever.”
                South Africa’s accusation of genocide against Israel exposes how far Israel’s enemies will go in their attempts to demonize the Jewish state. While barely acknowledging the Hamas terrorists who gleefully massacred, raped, and kidnapped innocent civilians on October 7, South Africa makes grossly unfounded and defamatory charges against Israel on the world stage, abusing the judicial process in order to delegitimize the democratic State of Israel. Charging the Jewish state with genocide for defending itself against Hamas terror is particularly cynical given that the term “genocide” was coined following the murder of six million Jews in the Holocaust.
                We vigorously denounce South Africa’s deeply hostile stance towards Israel and thoroughly reject its charge of genocide. We urge you to continue to do the same, to offer Israel all appropriate support in opposing the South African application to the ICJ, and to encourage our allies to join us in speaking out against this unfounded attack on Israel, particularly at the United Nations and in other intergovernmental organizations. /id]
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