444namesplus · 10 months
Aabisk Aafuush Aagoosk Aagvam Aalka Aarisk Aaroosk Aaryooth Aashyal Aaskna Aaslel Aattel Ablo Abom Adchin Adfaat Adkot Adzfo Adztser Afsal Alze Apat Apnen Ashuuw Asoodz Astood Asuuh Atchun Athfot Avoth Awiir Awyol Baageep Baliy Banpe Beeyeeg Biiroot Biispthet Birsaad Boim Boleey Bomeer Bumog Chaaseedz Chenoost Choeets Choofpool Choosplu Choothhon Churiis Chutum Daamow Daaspwuun Dafu Dariim Dehot Denshuuts Diikdi Dulook Duraap Durthe Duuskis Duwuut Dzachal Dzeskor Dzetvoots Dziifusp Dziimash Dzinew Dzinle Dziok Dzitsu Dziyeek Dzolhu Dzumuuf Dzuuwiir Dzuvooy Echaan Eedku Eeduug Eedzaav Eedziin Eedzriidz Eeftsit Eegath Eegher Eehadz Eekaz Eekmar Eeliim Eelvot Eereem Eerreet Eeshay Eeskodz Eespfum Eespmuuy Eestuv Eetbol Eethaat Eetsvoop Eeviig Eewesp Eewiin Eewop Eeyniir Efshuuv Ehaach Ekeeg Enshe Epdza Eraw Ernol Eskka Espwuud Estkoop Estoost Etgi Ethwaad Etvu Ezdzo Fabem Fathit Fetloosk Fetuuth Fonos Footaach Fulaaw Gaadzeed Gaeeg Gaez Galhool Ganooch Gashur Gernu Gifiin Gireedz Goonshe Goosku Guullem Harom Hedzaav Heehhen Hiitsez Hitho Hivon Honich Huudzoog Huuvoov Ibiin Ibpoos Idzow Idzvur Ifcha Igho Iibyi Iidfe Iifsham Iihbooch Iimiib Iimzuuch Iindiif Iirchi Iiruush Iiseesh Iishiits Iispaast Iistveedz Iitam Iiwsko Iizer Ikfaag Imaar Intse Iroos Irsu Ishvi Ispaaf Ispha Itke Itsok Ivuh Iwlot Iwooh Iyaach Kistan Kocha Koso Kosooz Kulfal Kuunuuf Laaam Laavspe Laliib Leed Leeskid Lidzi Litthum Lonvi Loofin Loostli Love Luteets Luupoodz Luuspsen Maasvur Mauuch Meeest Menfel Miiskon Miuul Motiits Muley Mutel Nagaan Namuuy Nelso Netoow Nieest Niipees Niitstso Noteek Nuiiy Numof Nutaath Nutsa Nutuud Obdir Odhor Ofaak Oher Olaats Onchur Oodzcho Oofoosp Oogske Oohlut Ookrul Ooliip Oomgeeth Oorloots Ooshoom Oosiiw Ooskchem Oospgum Oostuup Ootat Oowats Opke Opkuud Orme Oskaal Ospnat Ospod Ostpi Othzuusk Otla Otszo Oweeh Owoosh Oynaaz Paadusp Paahin Paapiith Palyu Pamaadz Pattsat Peefash Pelskaach Pemre Pettaaf Piinel Pooruuf Pordo Potseedz Pumvuud Puooy Reldit Riiskweez Riithmur Rimtho Rodzi Ronam Ruspi Saaah Seya Shaavol Sharshu Shetmeesh Shiithtsa Shilaab Shitaay Shital Shuuur Skaadzoof Skaeer Skemtsiits Skenspot Sketsooch Skettseeth Skezoost Skinwi Skiraah Skiuup Skotoog Skuuchskoon Soih Sombu Soozfuur Spaachshen Spaadva Spale Sparvam Speleh Spiispba Spilath Spinyeet Spolspel Spooskaz Spuuspspe Stadiib Stadzar Stanvir Startsot Stasho Statta Stelpin Stenich Stepuudz Stiiskchu Stiivwar Stiiyshuul Stolul Stoorki Stoowshi Stoozew Storuusp Stotda Stusiist Sultse Suroosh Taiik Tantheey Teetsvu Teko Testot Thaaap Thaavesk Thabu Thamva Theetmer Theezthuub Themood Thetey Thewaap Thicha Thiesk Thiiguuy Thildet Thoovoot Thueesh Thungaadz Tiizkil Tolay Tsaatheb Tsataad Tseil Tsiidiil Tsooshvo Tsoostte Tsoshuudz Tsouusp Tsunda Tsuutmor Tumiist Ture Ubker Ugop Ugyiik Ukel Uksi Ulchoom Ulog Ulthir Umsha Unbut Urfat Usyeef Utheef Uthuuy Utiiz Uudbu Uudzchor Uusiisk Uuskiit Uuspeeh Uustel Uuvten Uvab Uwzuusk Uzge Vanwor Veedyet Veeskmil Veroog Viizesh Vimtheesp Vivum Voogdzol Vooshas Voospler Vooyuud Vuudcham Wiban Wiivher Woliith Woovuusp Wufiist Wuupeesk Yaabep Yaafpuul Yaazli Yaiisp Yalar Yelap Yiintuug Yiispdzeesh Yiiwaal Yimdzol Yistal Yolaad Yondon Yooshoor Yoostzi Yootuusk Yotpiif Yuuzew Zecho Ziop Zirchiisk Zirfo Zodzem Zoyam Zurkuum
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enobariasdistrict2 · 2 years
my zechoven/bechoven/zavenbell crackshipping feels have been resurrected after 3 years :p
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twysted-art · 4 years
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OopS! - I made art
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laufire · 5 years
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The 100 + incorrect quotes (64/?)
[Caption: stills from Echo and Shaw’s scene in s05e11, when she finally accepts him as part of the group. In them Echo says “Shaw, I’m proud of you. But I’m also worried we’re verging onto what I call Feelings Territory. So let’s just stare into the distance in silence.”.]
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zecho-bnha · 6 years
Zee Chow
-First name: Zee
Last name: Chow
- - -
• Quirk: Mime
• When she gives a max-width smile, it forces the target she is facing to mirror her movements, almost like possession.    
• Target is fully conscious and can still speak    
• She can force them to use their quirk, but only if she knows how it works.
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convxction · 5 years
"C'mon, be honest with me now. Since this little bridal celebration's rolled around again, is there anyone you've been interested in seeing wearing one of those wedding dresses? Or maybe a potential groom in a suit might have your eye instead?" Don't mind him just nudging Chrom's arm as he asks.
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“Huh? What prompted this question?...someone?” he tilted his head, thinking about what he was asked, “I...am not that interested? Well, I wouldn’t mind seeing Robin again in a bride dress.” now he squints back at Zech, “and you?” 
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cma-medieval-art · 3 years
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Hours of Charles the Noble, King of Navarre (1361-1425): fol. 267v, Text, Master of the Brussels Initials and Associates, c. 1405, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art
This precious volume was obviously highly prized by its owner, the French-born King of Navarre, who had his coat of arms painted on no less than twenty folios. Rather than directly commissioning this manuscript from a specific workshop, it seems that Charles the Noble acquired his book of hours -- perhaps ready-made for the luxury market -- while on a trip to Paris in 1404-05. A collaborative effort, six painting styles are evidenced within the pages of this codex, those of two Italians, two Frenchmen, and two Netherlanders. The painter who was responsible for the planning and decoration of the book, and who produced seventeen of the large miniatures, was a Bolognese artist known as the Master of the Brussels Initials. His principal assistant, responsible for most of the borders, was a Florentine who signed his name "Zecho" da Firenze on folio 208 verso. Size: Codex: 20.3 x 15.7 x 7 cm (8 x 6 3/16 x 2 3/4 in.) Medium: ink, tempera, and gold on vellum
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“scbezo! scheoz! chezo! zecho! binezo! skendozo!”
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just-dva-mainthings · 6 years
Little Boost!
I recently made a new blog dedicated to Boku No Hero Academia/ My hero Academia content. If you wanna chat with me about the show or OC’s please hit me up over at @zecho-bnha -- I’ll be posting a lot of my art over here too since its mostly OC’s. Thanks!
I’ve got huge plans for this blog and another that i’m sharing with a friend of mine. But that’s a secret.
Now back to the regular content whoops! ^^
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444names · 2 years
theological demons + countries of the world
Abrau Aevia Afria Afrithis Afronggio Agalan Agapus Agarbar Agasion Agove Aguan Aintinas Alganjal Algina Aligo Alphus Ameje Amejes Amigi Ampon Ampubatius Anaagas Anamdus Andian Andral Angalphon Angrobanos Anstarus Anticron Antin Aphom Apulomer Aratu Aravac Arbiax Arincerin Armala Arthem Asbethima Ascara Asmoda Assamdur Assio Assya Astan Aussia Austan Azeth Azimei Babolly Badongo Baelias Bagademuel Bakar Balakabia Balala Balphann Bandhan Bangombia Bangory Bapar Baphieles Barax Barbia Barempo Batoyola Beheme Behenia Beheus Bekabi Bekasta Belegine Belestri Belge Belimon Bellocor Benad Benegrosia Benis Berbarith Berbia Berini Berocon Berus Boloch Bonia Botis Braka Bublinad Bundoria Buraberes Burax Bureal Burgi Burgone Burkel Burmejes Buros Cabia Calva Camal Cambou Camdusate Camdusia Canachavre Candiguan Carcaitts Cenyany Chadempul Chassia Chieth Chilaru Chimosia Chiura Chosotes Cifric Cifrine Cifrit Citrax Cladya Conia Cordemuer Cosia Cosnia Cotanzou Croavia Cronongri Crontucim Cublivin Cubuellory Cubunin Cubus Culome Cusovill Cypro Czecel D'Ivoinuay D'Ivoir Decel Dembabiani Demya Denaminnia Dentic Djikim Dombiasyas Domin Dzoatoly Ebarshabia Ecualadia Eleshax Elphakee Eminadrax Equelile Estes Eswaits Ethilarit Fason Finaka Flanshar Flaron Flawi Flaysia Foche Foranda Forgeninla Foricandi Forigo Forim Fornes Foron Forpha Frabo Fraxas Fural Furmar Gaapuloven Gabraie Gadomina Gakku Gakkumbi Gamarity Ganciferal Gannoldont Gasakissau Geosial Ghade Ghanka Gharee Gosei Grammolay Grela Grelet Guand Guansha Guati Guaym Gussim Habel Haiti Haleria Hamen Hasio Haston Haurax Havre Heronglana Holil Hunes Ifria Indra Ipelan Ipelas Ipeli Iposia Irabiax Iragan Irand Irepus Ireso Israitts Itanth Japarkey Japhego Japhel Japubue Jikinti Jikis Jorith Joros Jorphe Jorrand Kabarocedi Kabno Kaboutia Kalaum Kavitempon Kenes Kentic Kinceres Kinemones Kingoron Kirax Koria Koronissya Kostorg Kraganggia Krocra Landhand Laosh Latanta Leban Leblil Lechoskee Lefar Legongan Lerbie Lericaland Liasuan Liech Lielemenes Lishym Lithis Luccus Luchie Luxemocon Luxezu Macri Malang Malasades Malastrity Malbagon Malbel Malech Malesihena Malista Mallan Mallu Malphax Manamara Maraingas Maram Marbainlay Marbehet Maria Maroba Maron Mauriboro Maurmur Maurun Mepala Michus Molak Moloves Monzamate Murgo Muria Murme Muruflan Nades Nambia Nepaijibar Nephulanzu Nethom Netnabwe Nevados Nevia Nigiophou Nigolawi Nigovia Nithoshax Noroavy Norsovoir Onglassia Orcalauria Oreman Ority Ornia Oroneus Oshakshya Palan Palas Palphe Palta Pandres Paphassaka Pares Parico Perea Perenines Peria Perin Phellem Phimaraim Phion Pitzephos Polapul Porax Porni Priax Prung Qathia Raingonada Rakeychul Rambia Ratine Ricaamy Ricary Rotichuth Runamas Rusoin Rustortu Rwanias Rwazil Sagamei Sakabi Sakas Salan Salavy Samboru Sania Sauda Sauri Seelambie Serbun Seyakee Shanya Shedeces Shempo Sherocedi Sheth Shmas Shyalom Siechius Sieshaas Siheus Sinamdus Sitrab Slomarbas Slomerium Slomordög Solacros Somenia Somorth Spanka Spazil Stangand Statoloco Stenes Suali Suanzou Sudia Surgone Surithio Surth Surunia Syrgos Tajikincel Talauragus Tanaapubus Tanos Thaalaroon Thedi Thelan Thena Timan Timbiqua Tobaagar Tobael Togoron Tomorta Tonia Tunion Turazim Tuvac Tuval Ugalavina Uganit Ugathil Ukrabno Ukroce Unionabies Uzbeeliat Uzbelia Vadomenn Vadonegium Vapal Vaphenegon Vesites Vielphasta Viesia Xapuadava Yembiqua Yemodandra Yemodia Yemon Yeqonoces Yethuloma Yetnaasura Zamephoma Zecho Zileria Zimiria
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laufire · 6 years
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The 100 + incorrect quotes (51/?)
[Caption: stills of Echo and Shaw in s05e09. Echo says “Hey I don’t wanna ruin our enmity but like I really wanna tap that ass.” and Shawn replies “Ruin it.”]
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d23cozy · 7 years
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cma-medieval-art · 3 years
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Hours of Charles the Noble, King of Navarre (1361-1425), fol. 292v, St. Leonard, Master of the Brussels Initials and Associates, c. 1405, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art
This precious volume was obviously highly prized by its owner, the French-born King of Navarre, who had his coat of arms painted on no less than twenty folios. Rather than directly commissioning this manuscript from a specific workshop, it seems that Charles the Noble acquired his book of hours -- perhaps ready-made for the luxury market -- while on a trip to Paris in 1404-05. A collaborative effort, six painting styles are evidenced within the pages of this codex, those of two Italians, two Frenchmen, and two Netherlanders. The painter who was responsible for the planning and decoration of the book, and who produced seventeen of the large miniatures, was a Bolognese artist known as the Master of the Brussels Initials. His principal assistant, responsible for most of the borders, was a Florentine who signed his name "Zecho" da Firenze on folio 208 verso. Size: Codex: 20.3 x 15.7 x 7 cm (8 x 6 3/16 x 2 3/4 in.) Medium: ink, tempera, and gold on vellum
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mojobeatnik · 8 years
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2017.02.02(THU) public space四次元 presents 『絶頂天-zecho-ten-』 ~aus Legal + Octopoulpe JAPAN/South Korea tour 2017~
@public space四次元
open19:00/start19:30 adv1,500/door2,000(共に+1drink order)
《BAND》 aus Legal (FRANCE) Octopoulpe(FRANCE) Mojo Beatnik Fester Decay DUSK
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askunderfeelsblog · 8 years
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and more echo
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laufire · 6 years
i don’t see zechoraven, but i very much appreciate and can relate to your dedication to polyshipping.
I think I like ot3(+)s so much because of the exponential possibility of conflict lmao. Navigating the extra difficulties, each character’s priorities… I usually end up shipping them when I find the canon dynamics between 3+ characters already fascinating, but also simply when I like two ships for one character and I want to see them interact (which is why I love polyships that at least start in V form, as in, one character is with/has feelings for two people, and how that evolves -maybe to a triad, maybe not. Idk, I dig it xD).
Some of current fave t100 polyships, because why not:
Anything involving Bellamy/Emori/Murphy/Raven, simply because they’re my faves and I love them :P. In canon I’d pick Emori/Murphy/Raven (memoven? memoraven?) because we’ve gotten tons of good material, but rn I’m really into Bellamy/Emori/Murphy (…. mellemori?) because I ended up including a short-lived subplot in one of my WIPs and it has ~potential IMO. 
Bellamy/Raven/Shaw (zavenbell lol). Mostly due to my Raven-stanning, but I started to write a fic about a week ago and I can really get behind this. The funniest thing is that so far canon hasn’t contradicted it (partly because I kept details of how Shaw ended up on their side ~vague enough), and I even guessed right that a) Diyoza would love to get rid of McCreary and b) that Echo would see killing Shaw as the best move against Eligius. Now, if the show follows through and makes half of the self-indulgent shit I’ve written so far canon, I’ll explode xD.
Bellamy/Miller/Raven. Or more like, Bellamy/Miller + Bellamy/Raven (Miller is Very Gay and I’ve barely seen him interact with Raven -I don’t even remember if they ever talk with each other tbh-, so I’m not as into their dynamic as I might be otherwise. There’s also a fic in my drafs including them. Because. 
Bellamy/Raven/Wells. Again, more as a V ship with Bellamy/Raven + Bellamy/Wells, because we never saw how Raven/Wells could’ve played. I guess the right writer could persuade me. I have another WIP that deals with the Braven+Wellamy situation. At this point, just assume I have a WIP for almost anything with this fandom, paired with a mix of perfectionism and adhd issues that makes it really hard to follow through ¬¬
Bellamy/Echo/Raven. But with certain caveats because… well, I am very aware of the fact that, if I stanned Echo instead of Raven, I would at the very least dislike them (and Echo/Raven), and that makes me feel like a bit of a hypocrite lol. Alas, I can be into it. 
Murphy/Raven/Shaw (zurven, fight me). Blame this post by @murphystartedthefire -the idea of Shaw crushing on both of them is hilarious, okay. 
Echo/Raven/Shaw. The idea occurred to me last week, but I forgot until I saw that gifset xD. This is one of those cases where I just dig a high stakes conflict between 3 people and go with it. But seriously, the looks between them when Shaw found out she was after him were HIGH KEY HILARIOUS OKAY. That’s basically my whole reason for shipping them lol. But just imagine how awkward it must’ve been after Raven left? Both of them throwing hyper-vigilant stares to the other across the room, suspicious glances as they catalog the room for possible weapons, Shaw trying to keep at least three people between them at all times… LMAO.
And I honestly could get behind any Space Seven arrangement (including the fact that they obviously had group sex at some point, my girl Raven was NOT celibate for 6 years that’s ridiculous), because they’re my favourite dynamic in the show right now.
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