#zeb has no idea if kal survived bahryn
hayesflint · 26 days
Despite getting several doses of truth serums and inhibitors, Zeb did not give the Empire any rebel secrets.
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Although, Thrawn does heavily suspect his best agent is having an affair with the Lasat
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kalluzeb4later · 2 years
Writing Kalluzeb Every Day for a Year - Day 28
Idea: (February Writing Challenge 2023: Day 10 – First Drink)
Zeb didn’t know why he felt so nervous. It was just drinks.
But he was.
It was finally happening, Zeb and Kallus were going to sit down together, alone, and talk for the first time since Bahryn.
No ice moon, no hostile creatures, no truce for the sake of survival, no political barriers, no competition, no…any of what was tangling them before.
This was going to be a defining moment either way it went. He was excited and nervous.
In a way, he was going to meet Kallus again for the first time.
What was Kallus like with people he was on the same side with? What did he like to talk about? What was his sense of humor? What were his interests and his focus outside of missions?
What was his idea of a warrior? Did he think of himself as a warrior? How would he feel if he told him about the prophecy and his part in it? Nah, best not broach that subject.
 He was a strong fighter who valued a fair fight in hand-to-hand combat. He was a commander who didn’t leave everything to his underlings. He took part. He had some sense of honor and responsibility.
Zeb…really wanted to know more, and that was probably what worried him.
He looked up to check the tapcaf entrance just in time to see Kallus come through.
          He looked nervous but he hid it well. Zeb could see it in the way his eyes scanned around checking peoples’ positions and finding gaps/exits and the pinching around his eyebrows.
It was nice to know Zeb wouldn’t be the only one on edge, even if its for a different reason.
Zeb made sure to smile big and waved him over.
Kallus spotted him and the pinching around his eyes relaxed a little. He returned a small smirk (is that all he knows how to do? Does he ever smile? Must be all the imperial training) and strode over to Zeb like he’d been coming here all the time.
“Garazeb,” Kallus greeted and took a seat.
“Just ‘Zeb’ is fine, Kal. Here,” Zeb handed him one of the two drinks sitting in front of him.
Kal took it and without hesitation. It was nice to see the ex-agent trusted him so much.
“Thank you. How are you?”
“I’m good, a little sore from work. They got me working with he mechanics. They say they value my skills but I think they just like to rope as many of the biggest rebels into doing the heavy lifting.”
Kal huffed a laugh. “Glad I wasn’t tapped. Command has decided that they want me in Intelligence.”
“Hey, congrats! You don’t seem to be thrilled.”
“I’m not unhappy just… surprised.” Kal set his drink down. “I didn’t expect to be trusted in that area for quite some time, if ever. I thought once I was done as Fulcrum I’d either be released on my own in the galaxy or simply left to float around doing grunt work.”
“You did good work for us and you came through every time. Why wouldn’t they trust you?”
“Communication was one way. I gave information and received nothing, not even support, and I was fine with that.
I was surprised to even see Bridger come to extract me on the Rebellion’s behalf.”
It was Zeb’s turn to huff a laugh.
“Didn’t know you were so self-sacrificing, is all. You didn’t seem that way in the Empire.”
“That depends on your definition I suppose. I did always try to make sure I faced you lot head on myself, and keep you and the jedi occupied so you didn’t bash my men’s heads in.”
Now that Kal mentioned it Zeb though back to some of their encounters. Agent Kallus always did seem to single Zeb or Kanan out. He thought it was just because they had shared history with Lasan, and when he wasn’t around, Kanan was usually the biggest threat. Zeb thought it was about the glory but now that he thought about it, Kallus took a lot of big hits, being knocked unconscious even, and he kept coming back after them.
It didn’t occur to him he was trying to protect anyone, that he was throwing himself into harms way.
“Because of Onderon.” Zeb stared straight at Kallus who wasn’t looking at him at the moment. Kallus froze, his cup halfway to his lips.
"Yes," he answered quietly.
Zeb’s ears drooped a little as all the puzzle pieces slipped into place.
“So you’ve always been this way… just on the other side of things.”
“I… suppose so. It just makes sense. I’m bigger and well trained than most. And more than I was since Onderon. I can take a hit.”
“Well then, I think you answered your own question of why Command trusts you to be in Intelligence.”
Kallus blushed. “I suppose I have.”
Zeb lifted his cup. “Here’s to trust.”
Kallus smiled and knocked his own cup against Zeb’s.
They both took a long swig, ordered some more drinks, and kept talking long into the night.
(I just love the phrase “meet again for the first time”. It’s an oxymoron that is so poignant and full of potential to me.)
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