#zavala got pretty eyes
thefirstknife · 1 year
Sometimes I wish it was easier to know where Guardians are from. Like I know Saint and the Guardian were in parts of Old Russia and Zavala rezzed in a ship in a lake somewhere. But is it ever said where folks like Ikora, Osiris, and Saladin are resurrected at during the Dark Ages?
Unfortunately we don't have that information for most characters. We have it for Saladin, from this idle voice line from D1:
My Ghost woke me on the battlefields of Russia much like yours did.
But it's not super common to know. It sort of makes sense, especially for Dark Ages; being rezed back then in the middle of nowhere in a post-apocalyptic world with no memories or knowledge of what happened... It would be pretty difficult to explain where it happened with any relevant details. The Cosmodrome is fairly easy to figure out, but most other places where Guardians got rezed were probably just very random ruins and other various places that are hard to recognise in the moment and hard to find later, even if the Guardian would like to return to that place.
I do like some other examples of a Guardian's first rez that we have, specifically about big characters. For example, Drifter:
He opened his eyes in the night air and took an even breath. He wasn't sure how long he'd been asleep, but his immediate instinct was to—
He froze. The voice wasn't his.
"You have to run."
The man stood up in the evening light. He looked down at himself and saw that someone had dressed him for his own funeral. He didn't laugh, but he thought it was funny. The voice continued. "Can you hear me? Risen fight for territory in these highlands. We have to move."
Drifter seems to have been rezed in the middle of nowhere basically. His Ghost mentions highlands and then immediately after, Drifter remembers running into tall grass. There was also some sort of vehicle on the way, but outside of that, impossible to tell where that was.
Felwinter is a cool example. He got rezed in a library. This means that he was in ruins of a city which would be easier to identify as a place, but that also depends on the scale of the ruins and possibility to return. It also doesn't help that this location was then immediately bombed by warsats.
Cayde, similar to Drifter, appears to also have been rezed somewhere in the middle of nowhere. If his story is to be believed, immediately upon being rezed, he accidentally ran off a cliff. I like this one because similarly to Drifter's again, it shows just how confusing and terrifying the moment of being rezed can be.
I'd like to see something like this for more characters, even if it's not incredibly specific. But seeing a Guardian's first rez is always special. I'd give anything to see it for a character like Ikora or Osiris. We might still get some information about it in the future!
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haldenlith · 3 months
Finally got around to the Wild Card mission (which had a lovely cutscene). Got inspired to do a fic chronicling the mission with Hal in it, making my boy a bit more of an active participant. I did rewrite with a lot of included dialogue and such, so obviously, spoilers.
Also on AO3.
It really did feel like old times again. Cayde-6, whispering an idea to him in fake hushed tones, pulling him away on some grand adventure he cooked up.
Only this time, apparently Crow was in on it, too. This should be interesting.
“C’mon, kiddo. You’ve been lookin’ a little blue. Well, bluer than usual. Let’s go, kick some bad guy butt, and revel in the victory. You always perked up after a mission or two with yours truly. I know, I know, I have that effect on people.” Cayde paused. “But, you know, kick butt all hushed like. Shh.” Hal rolled his eyes behind his helmet and shrugged. Alright. Fine.
It’d take his mind off of the cracks in Ghost’s shell, if nothing else.
As he was investigating the indicated area, he heard the chatter between the two Hunters over the radio. “Okay, first step of ever successful mission is a codename.” Hal silently wondered if the silly codenames of missions in the past were all Cayde’s idea. He had originally pinned that bit of blame on Zavala, but now he wasn’t so sure. “I’m thinking ‘Operation Finger Guns.’ Think about it.”
“Really?” Crow sounded utterly unconvinced. Hal snorted.
“Such a lack of enthusiasm from a man that unironically used finger guns when debriefing me…”
“HAL. I… we… it was a successful mission! I was being enthusiastic!” Hal had temporarily forgotten comms were open when he made his comment. Cayde brimmed with gleeful laughter.
“Oh that had to be hilarious. Yup. Operation Finger Guns.” An exasperated sigh sounded from Crow.
After a round of investigating and dodging screebs, it seemed it was time to set up camp. Admittedly this was a… less familiar task for Hal. He rarely ever made camp anywhere but his ship, on it, under it, or around it. A Hunter, he most certainly was not. Part of him wondered a bit about their arrangement, really. It sounded like the start of a bad joke, of the “two Hunters and Warlock walk into a bar…” variety. Then again, he wasn’t the average Warlock. Though, it seemed this time his combination of brains and brawn would be put to use for the greatest task yet: … actually setting up the camp, while the other two were… doing something?
It was Hal’s turn to let out an exasperated sigh. Part of this felt like Crow very subtly getting back at him for the small comment earlier. Oh well. He eyed the barrel that would store the Dark Ether.
He couldn’t help but feel like this was… not the greatest of ideas, but he wasn’t the one leading the mission, so he kept his mouth shut as per usual.
A glance was offered to the entirely too small tent. It probably didn’t see much use, honestly, considering how Crow seemed to operate. Hal was pretty sure the man only slept either on his feet for a few spare minutes at a time, leaning against a wall… or when he finally crashed at Hal’s apartment. Thinking of his apartment made his mind wander. The tent was small, and any hanging out in it would require being in very close proximity to the other individual.
It’d been a while since he and Crow had been that close, physically. They’d been so busy prior to Crow jumping into the portal that they hardly saw each other outside of missions. It’d certainly be nice to feel the warmth of Crow’s body pressed up against him aga- “Yo, Cayde to Hal, paging Major Hal. Snap out of it! I don’t know where your brain went, and I don’t wanna know. Let’s get moving. Crow was just saying something something Screebs.” Hal shook his head, shaking out the lurid cobwebs.
“You… weren’t even listening, were you?”
“Sure I was! Something about Screebs, something about corruption, something about we need to shoot them. See? I was listening. Hmm… Screebs. Essence of Screeb. Screeb musk. Eau du Screeb, if you will.”
Hal and Crow recoiled in disgust in near unison. Any frustrated and perverted thoughts Hal might’ve had lingering were completely gone now, replaced with the disgust of “Eau du Screeb”. Not that he imagined any of them were going to smell particularly great at the end of this.
Well, except maybe Cayde. Exos don’t sweat, after all. Hal still wasn’t sure if they were lucky or not on that front.
“Cayde, this is serious.”
“Which is exactly why it needs a stupid name! It helps keep it light! Ugh! I know at least one person appreciates my stupid names, ain’t that right, kiddo?”
Hal was a little too busy shooting the war beast latched onto his arm to respond. This was one of those times that he felt lucky that Striga’s poison didn’t seem to affect him. Perhaps the gun knew not to bite the hand that feeds it. It was a handy little implement, if not hungry. Still, the blue tide of Screebs, with a nice accompaniment of war beasts seemed to be keeping it sated. It was more than enough to dispose of them, however many there were.
A few good shakes of his arms slung off the bit of Screeb juice that had gotten onto his armor. He wondered if the water he saw about this place was actual water, and if he could use it to wash the viscera off later. He only half paid attention to the exchange between Crow and Cayde. Enough to hear that the dark ether was attracting the beasts. So, naturally, going to the heart of it was the next task. How did Crow refer to it? “We’re about to walk into a feeding frenzy.”
Nothing they couldn’t handle.
After dispatching of crazy war beasts and Taken (and having the “alpha” of those beasts rip off a section of his trenchcoat), it was time to regroup back at the little camp “they” set up. Only some Shanks decided to join them. As the trio examined the aftermath, and the missing barrel, Hal couldn’t help but give a sidelong stare at Crow, complete with pursed lips.
Yeah, this was exactly why Hal thought the barrel was a bad idea.
Crow noticed.
“Don’t give me that look.” Cayde snickered off to the side.
“Don’t sweat it. He used to give that look to me all the time. It’s his patented ‘that was a dumb idea, I knew it was a dumb idea, but I let you do it anyway and here we are’ look. Amazing how much he can say with a look.” Cayde wasn’t wrong, not entirely. Crow’s metaphorical feathers ruffled a little.
“I can track it, figure out a likely location, just give me a minute.” Cayde plunked down on one of the little fold out stools.
“Yeah, well, while your calculations are cookin’, pull up a chair. There’s something I’ve gotta talk to you about. Hal, hang tight. Maybe shine the horns on that helmet o’ yours. Nice to see you’re still usin’ it, by the way.” The Warlock sauntered off to the side of the two Hunters, kneeling down and pulling off Nezarec’s Sin, proceeding to do just that. He knew it was in vain, since he figured more guts would be splattered on the metal’s near mirror finish, but… buffing the blue juice off the metal was something to do.
He pretended not to listen. Part of him didn’t want to listen when he heard Cayde open up with, “You know, between us, I think part of me always knew it wasn’t the Traveler that brought me back. I ain’t that special.” Right. The wish. Hal bowed his head down a bit further, focusing harder on the helmet.
He didn’t want to listen, but he was listening.
“That’s not true.” Crow refuted the statement, of course. That Cayde wasn’t that special. Listed off all the people that needed him, though he left Hal off the list. Hal felt him glance back at him. He didn’t need to say it, and Hal didn’t need to see him look his way to know that he did.
“No, that’s the thing. See, I’m not sure they do anymore.” And he didn’t need to look up to feel Cayde’s Light-eyes level on him for a moment, looking past Crow. Hal suddenly wished he’d ignored Cayde’s suggestion of “hanging tight” around them. Still…
He couldn’t deny that Cayde was right. Everyone missed him, deeply, terribly, but did they need him? Old wounds have mended into old scars. Time ticks on. He was mourned, he was loved, but… Hal couldn’t speak for anyone else, but he could speak for himself – he moved on. He was pretty sure everyone else had, too.
“I’ll tell you a secret.” Hearing that from Crow made Hal pause his cleaning of his helmet, amber eyes sliding to watch the two of them from the corner of his eye. “I’m not always so sure I have one either… A purpose. I tell myself I was chosen for a reason, but…” That’s new. Crow… hadn’t mentioned that to him before. It really was a secret. “We all crave meaning, Cayde. That’s just life, no matter who or what gave it to you. Do whatever you want with it.”
It was odd. It felt like the lecture wasn’t just for Cayde, though it most certainly was. There was a nugget of something there Hal, himself, could hold onto. He held up his helmet a moment, inspecting it, before putting it back on and straightening his back. Well, with their chit-chat over, there was little better to do than wait.
He could meditate on the lessons of the day. One: don’t let Crow talk you into storing barrels of dark ether in your camp when ether hungry beasts prowl around. And two: … well… it seems the universe was telling him for a second time to stop with the self-loathing and just live his life.
Well, he’d heard it before, from Ghost, but that was Ghost’s job. The little guy was always there to cheer him on. At this point, Hal partially tuned him out. Not out of malice, but out of habit. He was a noise Hal was accustomed to always hearing, even if that “noise” was true sentiment and encouragement.
Almost instinctively, Hal sent a shard of Stasis singing through the air at a Taken thrall that was approaching the camp.
“We’ve got Taken approaching the camp.”
“I noticed. It’s almost like they knew where we were...”
Hal calmly stood, pulled from his meditation. How long did they let him meditate there? Cayde might not know better, but Crow certainly did. Hal could meditate for hours and hours on end, uninterrupted.
“You’re still mad about the barrel?!”
“I’m not mad, I’m surprised you didn’t realize it was a bad idea sooner.” A soft irritated growl sounded over the comms from Crow.
“Speaking of our stolen barrel, Cayde’s out there tracking it down.”
“And then the Taken appeared.”
“And then the Taken appeared. I spotted them closing in. Apparently, so did you, judging from that shot with the Stasis. Thanks, by the way. You clear the blights, I find the commander of these things. Taken don’t act without a leader.”
Six blights and two Subjugators later, the issue was dealt with.
Hal hated Subjugators. The comms crackled with life again.
“… You sure you’re not mad at me?”
“If I’m mad at you, you’ll know.” Crow winced, remembering the time Hal decked him right in the jaw. Right. Hal’s not the passive aggressive type. He’s the aggressive-aggressive type.
“… So I’m safe to say, ‘hey, come back to camp’ and you won’t try to punch me?”
“Mm, I’ll think about it,” Hal replied teasingly. He returned to find Crow peering off into the distance at the Taken blights as they blinked out of existence. He glanced over at Hal as he approached.
“Nice work out there. Not that I expected any different.” Hal lifted a shoulder in a shrug, stowing Striga. “You know, Cayde… has his own way of doing things. I respect that. He might not think he’s special, but… he’s got a special something. The type of heroism that doesn’t typically lead to a line of succession.” Hal canted his head to the side.
“Sounds familiar. Very familiar.” Crow blinked and laughed softly.
“Not flattery. I mean it. You both definitely have something in common. A spark.”
“Yeah, well, I agree to disagree. But you are right in that he has a spark. The kind of spark that attracts people. Makes them loyal to him. Makes Hunters loyal to him. It’s why many still are. It’s why the Vanguard is still incomplete.”
“They could be loyal to you, you know.”
“Loyal to shooting at me.” Crow turned his gaze to Hal. “… You were certainly driven by it, at one point. It’s why you hunted down Uldren.” A low rumble of discontent sounded from Hal as he turned his head, his own fiery gaze away and out into the distance. He crossed his arms of his chest, falling into a spell of brooding.
Silence fell over them for a few uneasy moments.
He finally looked back to Crow when he felt his hand on his arm. “I thought we agreed to leave the guilt about that in the past?”
“… Says the guy insistent on apologizing to the man he killed.”
“Halcyon…” Crow sighed out with a touch of frustration, letting his gaze fall, but it was then followed up a huffed laugh. Even though the expression was hidden by his helmet, a look of bewilderment settled on Hal’s face. Crow looked back up to Hal. “We’ve spent so much time around each other that we’re picking up the other’s bad habits.” Oh? Hal tilted his head to the side. “You’re picking up my sass.”
He supposed Crow wasn’t entirely wrong. He had gotten sassier when he did speak. Hal chalked it up to the general exhaustion of the war. He never considered he picked it up from the sassiest man he knew.
Well, aside from Cayde.
“And what have you picked up from me?” Crow peered at him with an intensity that made him a bit uncomfortable. It was like he could see clean through the helmet.
“… Go back to meditating. I’ll keep watch.” Hal narrowed his eyes at Crow not just dodging the question but ignoring it entirely, but didn’t press the issue. He merely stepped away, slowly, and went back into the tent, returning to his meditations.
He swore he saw Crow smirk.
Hal opened his eyes to see the camp empty. A blue brow arched at this curious situation. He stood and started to examine the area, but was stopped by a voice over the comms. Crow.
“Hey! Cayde found out who stole our barrel of Ether.”
“It was those Shanks! Or possibly some different, unrelated Shanks. Either way, c’mon over! We’re shootin’ Shanks!” Cayde gleefully exclaimed over the comms. Hal perked. Now Shanks… that was something he could get behind using for target practice.
“Sending you our location. Come and meet us… and bring some bullets. You’ll need them, given how often you miss your shots.”
“Oooooh. You gonna take that from this guy, Hal?” Hal sighed, hanging his head. He should’ve been prepared for that. You don’t sass Crow and come out with him not returning fire. Still, he had nothing of his own to fire back with at the moment. The best he could counter with is how often Crow dies, but he had a bad feeling Crow would have something better to counter that with, and he didn’t want to find out. He simply resigned himself to silence and headed to the location.
As expected, Cayde started getting antsy during the stakeout.
“Sit still! Weren’t you the one who suggested this?”
“Y’know, the only thing better than my first ideas… are my second ideas.” Uh oh. “What if we let Hal do what he does best and just unleash hell?” Hal sighed. There it is.
“And let his fire draw out the leader – smart! Sounds like a plan!”
“You were supposed to disagree.”
“Why would he? Admit it. It’s a great plan.” Hal pulled out his bow and knocked an arrow, muttering to himself about the pitfalls of working with two Hunters.
Granted, Cayde’s done this to him before, so it definitely came with a touch of nostalgia. At least this time he wasn’t flying someone else’s ship, using a stolen cloaking device, towards an even bigger ship that obliterated an entire fleet. Ah, back when he didn’t know any better about listening to Cayde.
Not that knowing better stopped him.
Contrary to Crow’s quip, he was actually quite a good shot at least with a bow. The large Shank finally showed itself a few Shanks in.
“Nine! Ten!” Hal arched a brow at Cayde’s outburst.
“Are you keeping count?” Crow echoing his own thoughts, as usual.
“No, no no, just shootin’ things and sayin’ numbers. That’s 12, by the way.”
“Oh okay. As long as you didn’t think this was a competition… because I’m at 13.” Hal sighed as he ducked behind rocks, letting the Heavy Shank’s shots pelt the rock instead of him.
“Oh THAT’s how it’s gonna be?!”
“C’mon, old guard! I dare you to beat me.”
Oh yes, let’s have a competition while he deals with the big guy.
“… I’m at 20.” Hal muttered.
“Doesn’t count. You got a head start. Ha! 16!” The Warlock pursed his lips at Cayde’s response.
“Aww, sore that a man that’s got terrible aim is beating you? 18.” Hal bristled, letting loose an arrow at a cluster of shanks approaching him. How appropriate they explode in fire as his temper flared for a moment.
“25. Exploding shanks. Shoot smarter, Crow.”
“Yeah, kid, I think he’s beating both of us…”
“Doesn’t count. He got a head start.”
“Glad to know you agree.” Hal growled.
“I am adding both of you to the tally if you don’t cut it out!” An arc round from a Tracer Shank pinged off one of the metal horns of his helmet. Laughter howled over the comms in reply. Irritated as Hal was…
This was kind of fun.
Even if they were only getting to play at Shooting Shanks in a Barrel because he was the bait. Speaking of, he’d lost track of the Heavy Shank. Where’d it go? It’s not like something that large could hide any-
A shot landed square in his helmet and knocked him back.
There it is.
He rolled behind cover and disposed of the entourage that came with the Heavy Shank. Then he disposed of the big guy with a handy dandy rocket. He’d already worn it down enough.
Crow and Cayde joined him shortly thereafter to examine the Ether left behind in the wreckage.
“Look at all this raw Ether. Our barrel is still missing, though.” Hal sat down on a rock nearby as the two sifted through the wreckage. Annoying as they were, they were both better trackers than he was. “Well well, got the coordinates this Mega Shank originated from.”
“Sounds like the perfect place to continue our investigation. ‘Operation Boom Pop Wow’ is back on track!”
“What about… Operation ‘Pop-Scorn’?” Hal struggled to suppress a snicker at the terrible pun, standing up.
“Once you pop, the fun don’t stop?” The Warlock added. The three of them had a small chuckle at that addition.
“Now you’re getting it!” Cayde cheerfully exclaimed.
“37, by the way,” Hal stated matter-of-factly. He wasn’t going to let it go. The Hunters exchanged a look before replying, in unison,
“You got a head start.”
Hal chased them back to camp.
Hal sat off to the side, meditating – or pretending to, anyway – while Cayde and Crow talked. Crow, of course, made it a point to apologize, again, for everything he’d done in the past. Cayde, of course, made it a point that it wasn’t necessary. Hal didn’t need deepsight or foresight to see that coming. Though… there was something that sat with him. Something Cayde had said.
“Everybody makes mistakes, kid. And everybody, I mean everybody, pays for ‘em. Don’t you think we’ve both paid enough?”
Hal could only hope Crow listened.
Tracking the source was simple enough with the data Crow had gotten. Everything was going fine. At least, until Crow said the word “Screeb-hole”.
“Screeb-hole! Great. Name.” While Cayde may have appreciated the moniker for the lair, Hal did not. He felt dirty just hearing it. Ugh. A shiver of disgust ran down his spine. Screeb-hole. It was made worse when they found the Screeb-hole.
“Judging by the smell alone… this is our Screeb-hole,” Crow barely managed to gag out. He wasn’t kidding. The smell was… potent. Though, disgusting as they were, Screeb were incredibly satisfying to shoot. The chain reactions were fun to start.
The smell was still awful, though.
When they found the barrel, Crow expressed surprise. “Why’d they drag it in here?”
Because this was clearly a trap. That was the feeling Hal got, anyway. A groan sounded from part of the cave as a strange abomination of a Scorn made his presence known. It was the worst of both worlds, Screeb and Abomination.
And it made baby Screebs. Oh goody.
Though he was battered and bruised with ringing ears by the end of it, he did manage to take the big thing down. Or at least, he thought it was down, observing from a good few paces back as Cayde and Crow approached the corpse. The corpse that proceeded to move and swing at them.
Okay, so maybe it wasn’t dead. Crap. He was running low on Light, and ammo. The resulting explosions shaking the cave foundations apparently gave Crow an idea, as Hal took notice of him examining the shaking stalactites.
“We can cave ‘em in!”
It was a blur after that for Hal. He… might’ve been a little too distracted by watching Cayde and Crow work. And keeping the Screeblings off of him. He’d had quite enough of being blown up for one day. When the fighting was done, he slowly approached, looking over at Crow, and his armor splattered in Screeb gunk.
“… You look good in blue.” Crow looked down, then looked at Hal, giving him a once over. Hal’s own black and gold Seraph issued trench was also covered in Screeb.
“Thanks. So do you,” he replied with a small smirk, and a wink. Cayde brushed past the two of them.
“Yeesh, get a room, you two.” The two Awoken exchanged looks as Cayde nudged a bit of rubble with his foot, just to be sure this time. “Pretty good idea,” he tossed back to Crow with a glance. Crow approached, looking at their handiwork.
“Thanks. I have those sometimes.” Crow might’ve shot a quick look at Hal at the end of the statement, but didn’t say anything else otherwise on the matter.
Hal simply sighed, planting his hands on his hips, looking off to the side.
He lagged behind them when it came to returning to camp. He wanted to at least get the Screeb junk off his helmet. When he arrived, he found Crow holding a new cloak, talking with Cayde.
“I don’t understand.”
“It’s a new cloak. If you’re gonna be the next Hunter Vanguard, you’ll need one.” Hal was thankful he had his helmet on as he grinned from ear to ear. He quickly busied himself with beginning to break down camp off to the side, doing his best to be otherwise invisible. Crow needed to hear it from someone other than him. Besides, he’d say Hal was biased. Which… was a fair point to make. He was biased. He listened to them talk. “This needs to be your choice. If you don’t want it, or you’re not ready, don’t do it.”
“But you’re Hunter Vanguard.” Sometimes the sheer density of Crow’s skull astounded Hal.
“Not anymore! Too much paperwork. What, you want purpose? This is it, kid. Me, I can’t be tied to a desk if I’m gonna find mine. Just… think about it. I dare ya.”
“I will.” Crow meandered off with a stunned look, if not somewhat confused look. “Make sure you celebrate, yeah?” Cayde called out after him. “Take this kid with you when you do, by the way. Lord knows he needs some spice in his life. Warlocks, am I right?” He added. Hal finished up breaking up camp, glancing back to Cayde standing there with his hands on his hips, muttering to himself. He jerked, as if coming back to his senses, looking around. “Well wouldya look at that! You got that done lickity split and without any help! I should’ve brought you along more often, back in the day. Man! Anyway, big fight comin’ up. Let’s get to it.” Hal let Ghost transmat the supplies back now that they were packed up. As he stood up, he felt Cayde lightly nudge him, leaning in to add, “You’re still my favorite, by the way. Just thought you should know. Race you back to the City?”
Hal smiled, shook his head, and followed after Cayde.
Just like old times.
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I imagine that, when the time came for Misraaks to propose to Anthem, Misraaks went to Saint-14 to ask for advice.
Upon arriving, Saint lit up like he always does, and walked in stride to meet the Kell. "Hello, my friend! It's good to see you again!"
Misraaks smiled, and bowed. "Saintkel, I'm glad to see you as well." He stood up. "I hope you're doing well now that Osiris is back on his feet."
"Both of us are better than ever," Saint told him. "But you look... concerned? Is something the matter?"
Nodding, the Kell looked away somewhat shyly. "I... need some advice. On Human customs."
Now, Saint nodded. "Whatever you need, Misraakskel, I will do my best to provide. Is something confusing you?"
"...Yes," Misraaks replied. "Osiris and yourself are very close. You've bonded together eternally, and officially, and I must know... How does one propose to a Human?"
Saint paused for a moment, eyes wide.
"I feel this same connection with Anthem-99, I love him more than anything, and I... I can't imagine being separated from him for very long. I plan to transmit a message asking for his return, as I understand that proposals are supposed to be a surprise. And I would like to make his long journey a pleasant interruption."
With that, Saint walked forward, smiling brightly. "Well, my friend! You have the most important part planned already! At least partly! Next step would be to buy a ring for Anthem, something special with a message you'll never forget, either of you!"
"A ring?" Misraaks asked.
"Yes, that is the custom here," Saint said. "If you don't know his ring size, we can go ask Banshee for the records of his Exo make, and get the size from there."
Misraaks took out a holopad and began writing down notes. "Thank you, my friend. What else must I do?"
Shrugging, Saint chuckled. "Well, there is plenty more to be done! You have to pick a place to propose at. Decorate it with pretty things and lights, pick a time you will do this, and who you want to be involved!"
The Kell wrote a few more things down, and then nodded. "I think I would like to propose at nighttime, when Anthem and I first met," he said. "Under the seemingly eternal night caused by Quria, we held hands and admitted our truths to one another. But this time, the Traveler will be there to bear witness to our love. It will see us, and know our bond is through more than just ourselves, but through Light."
Saint smiled at this again, nodding. "That is perfect, Misraakskel! Now you just need a location to do it. Perhaps the Tower balcony where you have the best view of the Traveler?"
Misraaks lit up at this, and nodded rapidly. "Yes, my friend! Nothing would be better!"
"Then we must go immediately. Find Zavala, and ask to use his space, and Banshee to get the ring size. Then, we will head to the City jeweler and find something perfect!"
And together, both headed off.
As Saint-14 approached Zavala asking for the permission, Misraaks went to Banshee shyly, clicking his mandibles nervously and chittering softly to calm himself. As he approached, the old Exo perked up and looked at the Kell, eyes wide.
"Did I call ya fer somethin'?" Banshee asked.
Misraaks shook his head. "Not this time," he replied. "I was told to ask you for something to help in... a mission of sorts."
Banshee nodded. "Whatcha got goin' on? Whaterver ya need, I can provide."
"Saintkel tells me I can have you search for Anthem-99's Exo make records, and find his... ring size," Misraaks said.
There, the Exo grinned. "Ah, I getcha." He pulled out a holopad and began scrolling through, typing various things into it. "Make sure ya get'm a nice one. Gold is traditional, but he likes blue I know. Maybe sapphire?" He paused, and pulled up a file all the way at the bottom, just after his own. Zooming in on the hand measurements, he gave a nod. "He's a size seven on the ring finger! Need anything else? Like his di-"
"I know that one very well already," Misraaks interrupted.
Banshee laughed. "Good luck, friend! I'll be watchin' from here." He turned back to the shelves behind his counter, and began fiddling with various things.
There, Misraaks walked off toward Saint, who turned toward him and approached as well.
"What did Banshee say?" Saint asked.
"Size seven ring finger," Misraaks told him. "And he suggested I get a sapphire ring since Anthem likes blue."
The Exo nodded. "Then we will be off to the jeweler!" He grabbed one of the Kell's arms, and rushed him down from the Tower, into the heart of the City itself. Together, both approached a small shop with a giant diamond projected onto the display window, and they entered.
A woman behind the counter, Awoken, looked up, and smiled. "Ah, Misraakskel and Saint-14! How may I help you today?" she asked.
Saint pushed Misraaks forward, listening to the Kell nervously chirping and chittering. "Go ahead," he encouraged.
There, the Kell pushed his hands together, and looked shyly up at the woman. "I umm... I am in need of a ring made from sapphire, with an engraving on its surface, in a size seven."
Nodding, the woman smiled even more now. "Alright! What engraving should be put on it?" she asked.
Misraaks froze.
Saint looked at him plainly. "You didn't think about what to put on it?"
"No, I... I did not..."
Saint laughed now, patting Misraaks's arm. "Ah, my friend. The nerves are taking hold of you. Breathe, and think. What is something that means the world to you AND Anthem?"
Misraaks shrugged. "Well, Crow," he replied. "The boy connected us to one another, and led us to our future. And our House. We are both Kells of each other's hearts, and our House. It would not exist without his efforts."
"Then perhaps a half symbol of the House, and a half symbol of the Hunters?" Saint proposed.
"That's brilliant!!" Misraaks lifted up immediately, and turned to the jeweler. "Please, can you place an engraving of the House on the left, and Hunters on the right? Our children, one of the House, one of the Hunters, and ourselves, one of each as well. It would mean the world for him to see this, since family is everything to us both."
The jeweler nodded, and wrote down some notes. "Alright! I'll get that squared away for you! When do you need it by?"
Saint spoke up now. "Zavala gave us the balcony for a week from now at ten in the night. So I would say by morning that day."
"Ok, not a problem! I'll definitely have it done by then!!" the jeweler said. "That's going to be 50,000 glimmer."
Suddenly the door to the shop busted open, and a voice shouted, "ARE YOU FINALLY DOING IT MISRAAKS?!"
Everyone jumped, and turned around to see none other than Cayde-6 with an excited look on his face, bouncing up and down eagerly with a grin.
"Uhh..." Misraaks hesitated.
Saint walked toward the eager Exo, and chuckled. "He is indeed," he replied. "He's about to purchase the ring, and have it made."
Cayde jumped and then jumped again, and smacked the ceiling with one hand, then landed down giddily, still bouncing. "Ohhhh, my Traveler!! What's it like? Tell me!! How much for it?! I got a stash hidden away I can transmat to put the glimmer down for you!"
Misraaks's eyes widened. "Cayde, friend, that... isn't necessary. I can pay for it with-"
"Nope! You're not paying a damn thing!" Cayde walked to the jeweler, and leaned against the counter slyly. "How much for it?" he asked.
"50,000," she replied, chuckling. "Soon I'll have the entire Vanguard in here!"
Cayde looked at Sundance, and nodded. "Transmat the stash please, my friend!"
"On it!" said Sundance, and she twirled about. Glowing for a moment, she spun briefly, then returned to her normal position, and nodded. "Ok, it's in your vault!"
Standing upright, Cayde thanked his Ghost, then reached into his pack for a card, and slid it over to the jeweler. "There ya go!"
Misraaks nearly choked. "Caydekel, I... I cannot repay you for this!" he said. "You really don't need to-"
"No payment needed! Keep the funds for your House!" Cayde told him. "Whenever you propose, lemme know! I'll drag Magnus along!"
The jeweler swiped the card, and handed it back to Cayde with a nod. "Thank you! And have a great day!"
Cayde nodded back, slipping his card into the pack once more as he turned around smiling wide, and walked out the door without another word.
Shaking his head, Misraaks blinked awkwardly. "I uhh... what just happened?" he asked.
Saint laughed. "Looks like you have your biggest supporter, my friend!" He hugged Misraaks softly. "Everyone knows love in some way, however it may be. When you find the right people, that love becomes greater, and spreads to many more. Yours has done just that."
There, Misraaks smiled, and nodded. "Thank you, my friend." He lifted all arms and hugged Saint back. After a moment, both separated. Misraaks turned to the jeweler once more, and bowed. "Thank you, and I will return in a week for the ring."
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titanicfreija · 10 days
To the Rescue
Thomas peeked into Freija's room to see her in a nest of blankets and pillows piled onto the floor, rather than on the twin bed she usually slept on. The sheet had a brown spot from repeated heat treatments.
She could hardly be seen at the back wall of the nest, covered except for the eye and part of her ear. "Hm."
"What happened?"
"Caiatl beat the fucking shit out of me for being stupid on the field," she sighed. She tried to sound casual.
It wouldn't have worked even if she wasn't sitting in a nest of every soft item in the apartment and then some. "I know you're trying to make it sound like no big deal, but…" he gestured at the nest. "You've been acting off."
The tears started and she wiped them away with an irritated grunt. "I'm gonna cry, just warning you."
"That's a thing you do, yeah," he said. "So… what kind of shit are we talking about having beaten out?"
"How bad was it?"
The tears came again and she rolled, pulling several of the blankets on top of her. "It was… pretty… fucking bad…. 'cos first I felt like I couldn't fight back, and then she told me to fight back specifically so she could make it so I couldn't… and… fuck... And I hate being beaten to death, I fucking hate it." She bit back the sobs. "My arms…. She knelt on me so she could break my upper arm under her foot."
Thomas sucked his teeth and knelt next to the nest, leaning some weight on it as a proxy hug. "Oh my God," he whispered. "Holy shit. Freija. That's fucked."
"Sunny let her do it," she whimpered, "I mean she wasn't there but she gave permission for Caiatl to kick my ass like that," The high, quavering voice was hardly audible under the nest. "She said Caiatl lied and said she wouldn't be that bad but I don't believe her."
"What the fuck…"
The whole nest shook as she wept pitifully. 
"What the fuck," he said again. 
"I don't want to tell anyone, I don't want the trouble on anyone, and I even know why she did it, and it's all fucked, and I'll be okay, but I'm going to do this until I feel like not doing it."
"Have you eaten?" Thomas asked, already familiar with this kind of retreat. "You need to eat," he said, looking around the room to see no evidence of food. And she'd been in here nearly a week. "Freija," he moaned. "Why didn't you say anything?"
"I just told you," she said bitterly. "But then you asked and I couldn't stop myself."
"Where's Sunny?"
"Here." The sparkling Ghost emerged from under the blanket with Freija, pressed to the back of her neck. Her light flickered, then stopped. 
"What the fuck?" he asked almost casually, gesturing at Freija with an open hand. 
"I… I fucked up," the Ghost admitted bitterly. "Really bad. I didn't… it's… it's… really simple but it's not…"
Freija's tears almost hid under the angry rattle. "Caiatl is fucked up over Sunny's death, and then Sunny and her both got mad at me for the same reason, being stupid on the field, which almost got me really fucked. So Sunny gave her permission to kick the shit out of me a little bit, and I guess she didn't see how fucked up Caiatl is, because I fucking saw it, but so she got too into it and had a great fucking time making me suffer for trying to go easy on some of the random soldiers without running."
Thomas opened his mouth but Sunny flashed aggressively at him and he stopped. 
Freija whimpered, moving slightly. "I really did fuck up, I really did kinda deserve to get checked harder than I did at the time, but… she's… fuck. She was… I can't say… I would have done the same. Really."
"Caiatl made her say it," whimpered Sunny. "I tried to talk to her about it, she keeps saying that Freija will never do it again–"
"She's not wrong," Freija interrupted bitterly.
"And that she's not sorry."
"I didn't deserve it and I know that," she said. "I deserved maybe a tenth of that. It's okay."
"It's not okay," Thomas said gently. "I think you should tell Zavala but if you don't want to, I'm not going to force it. But you need to eat. Probably shower. I know I try and leave your modesty, but I can help if you want."
"Mod–oh. The naked thing. You're so weird." She unburied her head. 
"I have no idea what I could do to help except run the water," he admitted. "Sit outside and make sure you don't drown."
"I'll be fine," Freija lied, tucking herself back under the blankets. "When this kills me, Sunny can get me back up and maybe I'll feel better."
"Actually, dying of despair and waking up sucks. A lot," Thomas said, gently removing one layer at a time. "Come on. Food. Bath after. Don't you guys have a hot spring you found in the wild? Will you show me that?"
"Please?" Sunny pleaded softly. "Please? He's always so kind to us. We can build him a new desk when you feel better."
The Titan remained still as Thomas continued pulling pillow after blanket after pillow off her. "Where did you even get all these?"
"Bought 'em," she huffed. "I tried to pull the mattress off to hide under but it wasn't right either. I need the soft."
Sunny blinked at him pleadingly, and Thomas went to get an earpiece for her to whisper. 
"Can you think of anything that actually feels bad?" He asked. "Physically or mentally? Thoughts that happen over and over again? Stomach heavy?"
Freija grunted as if struck and Thomas frowned. "It'll join the others," she whispered, as if to herself. "It'll be fine. Just another fucking beating. Fuck I hate being beaten."
He finally found her under the blankets, a little smelly but clean overall. Hair needed washing, but that was normal for her when she was in these states. "Come on, Titan. Back on your feet."
Watching Freija move was a study in Titan. Thomas had not told her this joke but it amused him every time he thought about it because he found himself using entirely wrong words for her because he knew her personally. She and Sunny and he would call a lot of her nervous moving around 'squirming', but the sight was not a squirm at all. 
Shifting was a much sturdier motion than squirming. More person moved at once, and more determinedly. Freija couldn't help this in the slightest. 
Thus was the Titan shifting around the kitchen uneasily, like a wall that couldn't decide where to be. 
He was going to make them breakfast when she gave up, but he was going to let them give up before he got involved. 
"Thank you," Sunny whispered. "Thank you, thank you so much, thank you."
He waited for her to talk. 
"I really did give her permission but she said she wasn't going to really hurt her or anything. I think Freija was right and she just got carried away. I don't think she thought it would bother her, but I don't know how she came to that conclusion. She's probably seen it so many times and she probably doesn't understand the differences, and…. I know. I'm making excuses. I messed up. Really bad."
Thomas couldn't reply without disturbing Freija, so he didn't, and instead studied the motions some more. 
She didn't know what to do with her hands. They traveled from her head to her torso to each other and back again. Her eyes would drift off and stop seeing for several seconds at a time, but she did good in coming back to the kitchen. It wasn't as bad as he'd seen, but still…
"I don't know if I want to tell. I feel like I should but I don't know what we could want from that."
Thomas didn't either. Nothing good could come of it. Consequences were bad, nothing was worse, and worst of all, the higher ups could retaliate to keep things quiet– and if anyone tried, she would have a hammer in hand in moments.
He frowned at the table and pretended not to have been watching when the Titan finally turned from the fridge and fell against the wall with her hands on her head. 
"It's okay," he said, and he got up to make toast. 
"What the fuck," she whimpered. 
"It's okay," he repeated. "Do you want a hug? Your blanket?"
"I need a blanket that's the size and density of a mattress, or a blanket that is actually armor or both," she complained. 
"That is actually not an unusual desire, and believe it or not, we can probably even find you a blanket either weighted with denser materials or an armored one." He glanced down at her to see that she wasn't listening, but decided to give her the background noise to come back to. "This kind of thing in particular was made for horses, a kind of animal from ancient times humans used to ride, and evolved to be for fast cover under fire."
"Why the fuck did she have to do that?" she whimpered to herself, but then she rubbed her face with her hand. "Because she was freaking the fuck out," she sighed, taking the plate and cup of water from her friend. "If there was anything that could convince me my temper was a problem." She groaned and shoved the toast into her mouth so aggressively that Thomas worried she'd choke.
"So you really think it wasn't… malicious?" Thomas asked. "Like really and truly, you don't think she was trying to hurt you for the sake of hurting you?"
Freija shook her head. "I know she was hurting me for the sake of hurting me. I think she was doing it for reasons that she didn't know about, and it wasn't entirely about me. She did wanna kick me around a little. She also wanted to break someone's arms because her friend died not long ago and apparently the Hive aren't cutting it."
Thomas flinched. 
"She won't say she's sorry," Sunny mumbled. "She knows she did too much, but…" 
"She wants the actual intended kicking around part to stick and she thinks I can't tell the difference between punishment and torture. I'm not sure she can either."
"There's a lot of people that can't," Thomas said, finishing his own toast. "So you're okay?"
Freija giggled hysterically for a full minute. "Oh fuck no. I'm not. I'll never be okay. But this latest damage is falling in with the rest. And…" she drifted off and curled into a ball. "I'll. Get. Over… the …." She stopped and put her head on her knees, covering it with her hands.
"Betrayal," Sunny whispered to Thomas. "I don't know what to do!"
He would recommend not giving permission to your friends to beat up your other friends without them knowing, but it was a little late for that.
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thedrownedman · 1 year
So, I wrote a little something a while ago about Destiny 2.
“So what’s it gonna be, kid? Me, or them?”
Drifter knew the answer as soon as the guardian looked at him. THE Guardian, capital G. She smirked at him without humor, matching his expression, and sadly shook her head.
“Sorry, Drifter,” she said in her Scandinavian lilt. “I like you, but I do not trust you.”
Drifter sighed. Of course she’d side with the Vanguard. No one had logged more strike hours, more Cabal leadership taken out, or lost engrams found. Besides, she was a Titan, cut from the same cloth as Zavala and Sloane. The self-styled Fylla Skorrisdottir she called herself, one part of the most glorious and celebrated fireteam in the City. ‘Skorrisdottir,’ after one a’ them dead Iron Lords. Her armored frame stood nearly a foot taller than him, arms crossed, her body encased in shimmering dark-blue armor of clearly Awoken make. Drifter liked her better in his Gambit duds, of course. He realized the fact she rarely wore them should have tipped him off to her allegiance.
She noticed him looking her over, and arched an eyebrow. “More to say? I almost hoped you’d be angry.”
Drifter smiled at her in his easy, winning way, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes. “Oh I’m not angry,” he said, with a gesture as to wave the idea away. “Just, disappointed is all. I thought we were tight, you and me.”
The Titan shook her head again, more resigned than sad. “As I said, I cannot trust you.” She had been tricked before, too often, and was tired of being used as a pawn. “For your own sake, I hope what they’re saying about you isn’t true. One shred of proof that it isn’t true, and I would be honored to stand beside you. But you keep too many secrets.”
Drifter laughed, hard-edged and humorless. “That’s what you’re worried about? You think your pal Zavala ain’t got any secrets? Or hell, Osiris? Mara?” He leaned in, grinning. “They’ve got secrets like you wouldn’t imagine.”
“But I know where they stand. You play like a gameshow host, but I don’t know what you stand for.” Fylla leaned away from him, with a look on her face like his breath smelled like Cabal underarmor. “Or what you stand against.”
“I stand against the darkness, sister!” Drifter cried, spreading his arms to gesture at the room around them, and by extension the City. “You’ve seen what’s out there. You know what’s comin’! You tellin’ me you’d rather sit and wait for ‘em?”
The Titan shook her head again, dismissing him. “Then what are you doing? What is Gambit for, practice?” Drifter grimaced as she continued. “Keeping secrets is one thing, Drifter. But what they say about you, what they say you are up to… frankly, it scares me. And the Vanguard have always been up front with me.”
Drifter couldn’t help but laugh. “I scare ya? Hell, I’ve seen you and your pals walk unflinching through Taken fire, shooting your guns made outta the bones of a wish-dragon. And you’re saying you’re afraid of little ol’ Drifter?” He leaned in again, the picture of innocence, smiling sweetly. Fylla opened her mouth to speak, but he cut her off.
“Don’t worry your pretty little head about it then,” he said, turning away and pretending to look busy. “I get it: ya got principles. A duty,” he practically spat. “I admire that, stickin’ to your guns.” He turned back and sized her up, his eyes unreadable. “You won’t mind then that I’m stickin’ to mine.”
Again, Fylla opened her mouth, and evidently thought better of it. She gave him a wry smile, and a different expression that Drifter hated: pity. “I will see you in Gambit, yeah?” She said finally, before turning to walk away. The Drifter watched her go, her heavy footfalls muffled by thick dust.
Then she broke into a short sprint, hopped, and flew away, speeding just above the ground and out of sight.
Drifter snorted. Titans. “As long as you play it right, snitch!” he called after her.
Some time later, while reviewing his latest performance data, the Drifter heard the telltale sounds of footsteps approaching his Annex. He turned in time to see a shiny blue Exo come bounding around the corner, yellow eyes glowing in the dim light of the bank behind him. “Ay yo, Drifter!” said the figure, his voice metallic and modulated.
Ah, now this one Drifter liked. Pariah-1, this one called himself. Chose the name because it sounded cool, just like the Drifter. The second part of the Fireteam of Godslayers, an Exo Hunter just like the late Cayde-6. Even blue, too.
Pariah-1 looked as excitable as ever as he approached, a handful of glowing Prime Synths in his outstretched hand, but Drifter knew he’d been going through something of a hard time. Everyone in the City mourned the loss of the well-known Hunter Vanguard, but (it seemed to the Drifter) no one took it harder than the Hunters. Cayde had been something of a father figure to most, if not all, of the wayward explorers, and Pariah-1 looked up to no one more. He had seen Cayde as a mentor and friend, and gave him a much-needed feeling of belonging after waking up alone in Old Russia those years ago. Pariah-1 had just as many epic feats to his name as Fylla, perhaps even more, but she was a Titan, and reveled in stand-up, knock-down drag-out fights, and Pariah-1 was more inclined to explore, poking around abandoned places and whittling down his enemies with guile and ambush. Without Cayde, Pariah-1 threw himself into his work more than ever, sometimes being absent from the City for months at a time. Despite all that, Drifter noted, he’d always show up for some Gambit.
The Exo handed off some bounties, picked a few more, and spread some gossip about useless teammates and close calls. The conversation moved on to current events, and Drifter figured it was time to ask the question.
“So what’s it gonna be, kid? Me, or them?”
Pariah-1 glanced around the chamber, his robotic brow furrowed. “Has Fylla come through here yet?”
“Nope,” Drifter lied. Pariah-1 was a good kid, a good Hunter, but he made few decisions on his own. Drifter didn’t want them coming to any kind of consensus. Drifter hated that word.
“I’m with you.” The Exo’s yellow eyes burned in the darkness. “I know the stakes. Besides, I can’t just turn my back on a fellow Guardian!” He threw an arm around the Drifter, who matched the gesture good-naturedly.
“Now that’s what I like to hear! You and me, we’re thick as thieves.” He produced a jade coin from nowhere and tucked it into Pariah-1’s vest, then patted the spot a few times. “You’ll see,” he said, the two of them admiring the soft glow of the Motes of Dark suspended in their bank. “Just trust in ol’ Drifter, and we’ll make this place right as rain.”
He glanced sidelong at Pariah-1, who was staring hard into the bank. Exo faces were hard to read, but this one had ‘righteous fury’ written all over it.
“They investigated me too, you know,” said Pariah-1 after a moment. He made a noise in his non-throat like a scoff. “Me and Fylla both. Said it was suspicious, the way Cayde died with us there.” The Exo glowered even more, turning to look at the Drifter. “Suspicious! Us! They wasted who knows how much time and energy making sure we didn’t murder our friend!”
Drifter smiled softly, knowingly. “Oh, I know. They sure got a strange way of rewarding service, don’t they.”
Pariah-1 looked at the ground. “I just don’t know where their loyalties lie. One minute they’re declaring this a new golden age, gonna take humanity to the stars. The next, they chastise like schoolteachers and refuse to bring justice to those who deserve it.” His hand idly went to the big hand cannon on his hip, one Drifter had seen before only in nightmares. Pariah-1 looked up at the Drifter and smirked, patting the gun. “Guess I got the justice now, huh?”
The Drifter eyed the gun, but looked back up to the Exo’s face. “Glad to have you on my side, brother.”
“Anytime, Drifter.”
They stood for a moment, then Pariah-1 stuck out his hand. Drifter grinned and took it, shaking it firmly. “See you on the Derelict,” he said, in his comfortable drawl.
Pariah-1 nodded and began to saunter away. Then he broke into a short sprint, slid halfway out the door, and leapt high into the air. He was still jumping as he disappeared around the corner.
Drifter smirked to himself. Hunters.
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xivu-arath · 1 year
scrolling through my fic document reminded me that my "a horrible goose was rezzed by a ghost" wip was pretty good! I'd like to get back to it some day
Zavala inspects Odile’s new Guardian, who inspects him right back. “This,” Commander Zavala says, “is a very poor joke.”
She disagrees. This would be an amazing joke, if it was one. She plans to use it for the setup of a bunch of them now – “So a Hunter, a Ghost and a goose walk into a bar” – but! That’s not the point!
“That’s because it isn’t one,” she says, trying not to look down at her Guardian. People take eye contact seriously, which is a little unfair when all you have is one big optic.
Zavala pauses, softens. She’d appreciate it if she wasn’t being serious. “I understand that it is Ghosts who have the bleakest duty out of all of us. No one in the Tower underestimates the lengths you go to for all our sakes. But the fact remains that this kind of stunt is unacceptable. Passing off wildlife as a Lightbearer? Surely you know better.”
“It’s not a stunt! It just happened!” she says, shell flaring outward. Zavala’s frown deepens, but Targe bails her out unexpectedly, swooping down for a quick scan.
“It is a Guardian. Somehow. The Light patterns are odd.”
“Understandably, since this is a bird.” The look he turns on her is worse than the stern frown, somehow.  “How did this happen, exactly?”
“It just did,” she insists. “I felt that this had to be the one and then – bam!”
“But,” he says heavily. “This is a goose.”
“One set of bones looks like every other, especially stuck in a dried up lake. And – and the Light caught, so it had to be right.”
“Nevertheless,” Zavala says.
“I didn’t do anything wrong!”
Her Guardian steps closer, bored with a conversation happening literally over their head.
“You’re saying you can communicate?”
“Picking up on biorhythms is simple enough! And I’ve downloaded every file on avian body language I could find.
“Geese,” she says with as much dignity as she can muster, “guarded Rome. Thousands of years ago! There’s a precedent.”
Zavala sighs, but she knows she’s got him.
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ahungeringknife · 1 year
365: March 26
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It was a beautiful day in the Tower and Eric had a knife in her hand. The sun was shining, a few birds had flown up this high to hang around the courtyard and they scattered as Eric walked towards the vaults. She could hear his voice from here and didn't even hide her progress from the inner Wall across the busy courtyard. Guardians appearing at the LZ looking over the City and quickly moved out of the way for others coming and going. She didn't notice the other Guardians.
Jefferson was standing chatting with some other Guardians, maybe his own friends, by the vaults. He only noticed her when she got close, "Oh, hey Eric," he said in that way where he was not happy to see her. He was never happy to see her. He saw her as direct competition for his boyfriend's attention. Luckily that wouldn't be a problem anymore.
Faster than the Warlock could even figure what she was doing Eric reached up and stabbed him in the meat of his shoulder. He yelled out as she used the leverage to drag him to his knees. "Woah! What the hell-" Eric glared at Jefferson's friend and he stopped trying to stop her.
Eric turned back to Jefferson who was now on his knees. "What the fuck, bitch?" Jefferson gasped and tried to shove her off, blood ran freely from his shoulder and down the front of his coat.
"You know what," Eric said quietly and twisted her knife in his clavicle. Now Guardians did look when Jefferson shouted. "I'm tired of seeing you around, Jefferson," she hissed.
"You crazy bitch what is the matter with you-" he cried out as she twisted the knife more and then her anger got the better of her. One of Jefferson's friends finally tried to grab her and she pulled the knife out of Jefferson's shoulder and plunged it into his ear.
Then she turned on his friends who had their hands on her, trying to pull her away. A side arm was in her hand like she'd always held it and she emptied two bursts into the Guardians' torsos. Not to kill them like she had Jefferson but just to stop them. She wasn't done with this guy. More Guardians were starting to come around now hearing gun discharge.
Jefferson's Ghost came out from his robe and floated at Eric's eye level. "Bring him back," she told the Ghost.
"You're just going to kill him again-
Eric grabbed the Ghost. It was Guardian taboo to grab another Guardian's Ghost, especially by the core like Eric had Jefferson's. "I said. Bring him back," she said softly to the Ghost who she'd never bothered to learn the name of. The Ghost trembled in her hand and nodded with their eye. She let it go and Jefferson was brought back standing, the knife that had been in his ear clattering to the ground.
This time Eric shoved the gun up under his chin and met his 'pretty' brown eyes with her own golden ones that told him she wanted to kill him again. "This is your only warning, Jefferson," she said in a quiet, dangerous way. "Stay the fuck away from my EXO. I find you around Savant anymore I'll kill you. I'll kill everyone with you. I might even kill your worthless Ghost," she said looking him dead in the eye.
"But Savant's my-
"He's not your anything anymore. Get me? Don't let me catch you thinking otherwise," and she removed the gun from his chin. Then on second thought, for good measure, she shot him in the knee making him cry out. Then she holstered her gun and headed for the Hall of the Vanguard already knowing she was about to get a talking to. The Guardians who'd been watching parted around her.
Cayde had already been alerted and actually met her half way. "Hey kiddo, what shit in your breakfast?" he asked and despite what had just happened draped an arm around her shoulders. Ikora and Zavala were looking at her unkindly but Cayde's arm around her kept them from saying anything and she knew it.
"A Warlock," she said and didn't look at Ikora or Zavala.
"Yeah, they do that," Cayde said with as much a smile as EXOs could manage. "Let's go talk about it, huh?" and walked her away from the table to somewhere a bit more private.
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farmergilesofham · 2 years
I kind of love just how Camp and TV show-ey the Lightfall expansion is thus far - now granted, I've only played the first 3 missions, but cut me some slack I do have other things to be doing.
It's just- the recap we get from Zavala at the start, and pretty much all of NeoMuna having that particular 80s vibe to it, and Nimbus being simultaneously the most endearingly awkward and goofy-ahh character all comes together so well
The Strand supers, with all my 3 minutes of playing them, are cool as fuck. They play really nicely, and it's going to take me a while to calm down enough to determine whether I prefer this or the original concept of a slow-moving machine gunner for Titans.
I've seen, like, one alleyway and a train station on NeoMuna thus far but my god have I missed safe areas from which you jump down to get in on the action
Lookin' at you, Titan (moon of Saturn)
Also, the weapons are baller. I had a feeling we'd be getting something cool off the back of that new exotic, and so we have.
My one gripe, if any, is that Tormentors aren't particularly threatening so far. Maybe there's a mission that will put the fear of Jod in me, but thus far the "fear-inspiring miniboss" enemy got clapped with 10 hits from a sword, no more than a yellow-bar Ogre.
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raetoria · 2 years
Destiny Light and Dark Thoughts
Alright I finally have to sit down and write this post out because it has been rattling around my brain like a pinball for weeks.  Let’s talk about Destiny 2, specifically about the Light and the Darkness.  Keep in mind that this is written during the Season of Plunder, so who knows how Lightfall and specifically Strand are going to affect this.  Also, for obvious reasons of needing to talk about the expansions and story this post has spoilers.  You have been warned.  That being said, I also can’t be asked to go back into the game to dig up specific lore instances or replay missions so a lot of this is off my memory.  Excuse any mistakes 
Okay so, throughout the game, we have interacted with various forces on the side of the Light and Darkness.  However, recently we have started seeing a clear separation of the forces vs the paracausal powers.  The clearest examples are the guardians.  Guardians in the lore are capable of evil using the Light and good using the Darkness. Similarly, the Lucent Hive have used the Light and they are super not our friends (though my personal belief is that Savathun will end up our ally but that’s a completely different post). The forces of the Darkness and the Light have guardians, Eliksni, Cabal, Hive, and plenty others on both sides.  To me, this indicates that the real “Final Shape” is a combination of the Light and the Darkness. Which leads me to the main point of this post.  What do Light and Darkness represent?
To me, Light represents the future and mind whereas the Darkness represents the past and emotion. Let’s start with the Darkness.  Stasis is pretty easy to see.  It quite literally freezes and halts.  It prevents things from moving forward.  However, beyond firing snowballs around, it also has a few other lore implications.  It is noted that guardians using stasis have great difficulty controlling their emotions. See the trials armor (or maybe weapons) for an example.  There are several other Stasis related lore entries that show strong emotions are difficult to control.  I think there’s a few about the crucible being especially bloody?  The other two great examples though are nightmares and Riven. The nightmares on the Moon during Shadowkeep (we will get to Eris) and in Season of the Haunted use emotional manipulation tactics to hurt the characters.  They are attempting to keep Crow, Zavala, and Caiatl stuck in their shame, grief, and rage.  It is not until the characters learn to move forward that the nightmares are purified into their Light versions.  Back in Forsaken, we also got to see a similar effect on Uldren Sov.  Riven manipulated him via visions of Mara Sov and his desire to get her appreciation into doing exactly what Riven needed. There’s this great effect that I especially like if you look back at the cutscenes where there is darkness physically obscuring his eyes.  The past is literally blinding him to the present.
So, Darkness is definitely linked to emotions and not moving forward, but there are even stronger links to the past.  In the Season of the Lost, we see Savathun use the power of the Darkness to return Crow’s memories to him.  Then, look at the entirety of Witch Queen.  Mars is transformed by the darkness to reveal a glimpse into its past during the golden age.  Deepsight is described as looking into the past of objects and places.  The entire Enclave works on invoking the memory of weapons, the device literally remembers the weapons into existence.   We also use Deepsight to discover both the history of Savathun and the Hive.  If you look at her Throne World, the Darkness areas (the swampy sections) are old and rotting.  Rhulk’s pyramid is both a museum to his past conquests and a sinking ship.  It is literally stuck in the swamp of the past.  
With the Darkness being about the past and emotions then, it is fascinating to see how it affects some of the characters.  Starting with the “Dark Vanguard” of Elsie Bray, Eris Morn, and the Drifter, we can see how the Darkness gives them power based on their past.  Elsie is mired in the history of her family, not to mention the repeated failures in other timelines.  Eris was quite literally haunted by her past until we came along.  Drifter is a bit harder to see since we do not have as much lore about him as the others, but he saw some truly dark stuff as noted in the A Man with No Name lore book.  More recently, he is actively being hunted by figures from his past (kinda? I think?  Frankly not entirely sure what is going on with the Dredgen Yor and Golden Gun Man storyline).  For each of them, their Darkness powers are fueled by their experiences, their past.
With that, let’s take a look at one of my favorite characters, Eramis.  Love me a good sympathetic character.  Her entire goal was to create a new home for the Eliksni, a new Riis.  She lost everything during the Whirlwind and had to struggle to get to the point of being Kell of House Salvation.  When the Darkness reached out with a promise of past greatness, of course she took it.  She is not really evil in the way other enemies are.  She just wanted a home and was willing to do whatever it took to get it.  It is fitting then, that at the end of Beyond Light she was frozen by her own Stasis powers.  She couldn’t let go of her ideals even as they were consuming her.  Season of Plunder reinforces this.  Chapter Eight – Herealways in the Between Stolen Stars books hammers home that, even though she knows she will not be the one to create a new Riis, she cannot bring herself to join House Light.  She is, as an agent of Darkness, trapped by her trauma in the past.  
So that’s the Darkness, it is all about the past, memory, and emotion.  What about the Light?  Well, this is a bit harder actually.  We have a lot of information about the Darkness because frankly, the Darkness talks to us more often.  The Traveler and the Light most of the time is a big “I dunno.”  However, I think this is part of the point.  The Light focuses on the future, rebirth, and the logical mind.  The best example of this is the guardians.  When we are raised, our memories are wiped clean.  As noted in the Warmind expansion (and especially by Ana Bray), a guardian looking into their past is a major taboo.  The whole point is that we have been given a second chance and the opportunity to forge a new path forward that we define, unhampered by the past.  Queue Vault of Glass “Guardians make their own fate.”  However, this sharp disconnect from the past is actually what gets Crow into trouble.  He is given that second chance by the Light, but those around him only know him for his actions as Uldren.  It takes him many seasons to realize that he can be a new person in spite of the past, and that his actions now define him much more than anything that came before.  It is why I personally think the Traveler takes such special interest in him, going so far as to give him the reforged Hawkmoon.  Crow has to create a new identity for himself.  
In terms of the Light being linked to Logic, we can turn to the Golden Age for evidence there.  When the Traveler arrived in Sol, it sparked an age of great technological and philosophical development, accelerating humanity forward at a breakneck pace.  From the sparse lore we have, Riis experienced something similar, before the Whirlwind.  There is probably a lot more here, but frankly I do not know where to look for it and it is just kinda scattered within the worldbuilding we see in various destinations.  
I want to conclude this section on the Light with Mithrax.  He is a fascinating character and the House of Light is maybe the best representation of what the Light really represents.  As revealed in the Season of Plunder, Mithrax led a bloody and brutal life before his shift. But in the Light, he has been reborn. Now, as the Kell of House Light, he has forged a never-before-seen alliance with the Last City, found a safe place for the Eliksni, and has been able to return to the Great Machine.  He is, like Crow, a perfect example of what it means to walk in the Light.  He left his past behind and is focusing on his actions in the now.  This culminates in the duel with Eramis at the end of the Season of Plunder.  He chooses mercy, a second chance even for an enemy.  The past does not matter, when the future is what is important.
But wait!  Mithrax not dealing with his past is what causes Eido to almost die in the first place!  Lakshmi focused solely on the future and it almost caused a catastrophe!  Yes!  Exactly! This is the point.  Leveraging only one side causes problems.  Just like the Darkness obscures, the Light can blind. This is why I think the Final Shape is going to be about Light and Darkness together.  You need to have both an understanding of the past and a path to the future to succeed.  Eramis says it at the end of Between Stolen Stars.  Whatever the new Riis is, it lies with Eido.  Eido, a scribe tasked with preserving the past and a member of House Light, the house looking to the future.  She represents what could be.  Already, Destiny has demonstrated that the guardians need to leverage both Light and Darkness to succeed.  So why should we not also consider the philosophies they represent?  Sometimes we need to listen to our emotions, and other times we need to approach situations logically.  The past matters, but so does the future.  As the Unveiling lore book says, neither the Gardener nor the Winnower ever win – they just keep playing.  If you made it to the bottom of the post congratulations, you have officially earned yourself a pat on the back and a cookie.  Take a breather, that was a ridiculous number of words!  I am really excited to see how Strand is going to fit into all of this.  A guardian created Darkness power?  It’s literally molding the Darkness through a perspective of Light!  Who knows what that will look like!  See you all on Neptune in Lightfall!  Now this Warlock is heading back to the grind to try and finish out the weapon patterns.
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In my Destiny lore, Lily was a very shy but kind to other people and is always positive with her emotions in dark times. She suffered from an anxiety disorder, due to her past life that was affecting her and she's one of the Guardians to remember her past life.
Lily's hair and eyes were originally brown (her hair) and blue (her eyes) in her past life until something caused her to feel pain from grief, causing her to have Darkness powers in her to make her hair and eyes turned red. The experience was so bad that she was killed and murdered. Lily also remembered her old name before she became a Guardian thousands of years later by her Ghost, Rosetta, on December 26th, Year 8 (2022 in current years).
For a while, Lily was roommates with Ikora until their relationship bloomed quickly. And thanks to the Traveler's Blessing... They started to fall in love and for some reason, Lily gave birth to their daughter Twila Belle on June 14th, Year 10 (2024).
During the events of the Final Shape, Lily kept having visions of the Lotus Flower and dreams of Cayde... as she entered the Traveler and encountered Prismatic, her hair turned pink, as her both Light and Darkness merged into one in harmony. Later, she finally met Cayde for the first time and became close friends and found Crow, then later Ikora. When Ikora hugged Cayde, Lily was very happy to see that Ikora was reunited with Cayde, although she didn't experience his death. She heard stories about him through the people she met, but Ikora told her everything about him to Lily.
As for Zavala, he's like a father figure to Lily, as she likes to listen to her Commander's commands. Although, he was very polite to her, Lily tried her best not to curse around him, as he didn't like her curse like a sailor, as this happened to Amanda before when she was alive. Though, Zavala thought of Lily as a second daughter to her after Amanda, but after she sacrificed herself, he promised that he won't lose Lily as well. Not even what happened to his wife and son. Zavala is also like a grandfather to Twila Belle, as he was pretty close to Lily's daughter, including Saint-14 and Osiris, since they're the best Gay Grandpas to Twila Belle too. Also, Lily likes to call Zavala: "Papa Z!"
As for Crow, she doesn't see him as the murderer, Uldren Sov, but just a different person and as a Guardian. When Lily first heard about other Guardians bullied and killing him repeatedly, Lily went towards those Guardian bullies and kicked their asses, and boy... She was pissed! Crow was a bit confused, but he appreciates Lily for saving him. She even reported those bullies to the Vanguard too so they got cleaning duties at the Hanger. And yes, she even gave Crow a high five and a hug!
As for Cayde... Oh boy... Like her relationship with Ikora, her relationship with Cayde was blossomed too in friendship style, which appreciated Ikora. Both of them will be geeking out like crazy and share some interests. They even like to tease each other too. And of course, hugs too. Cayde would be a great uncle to Ikora and Lily's daughter, Twila Belle. And oh man, he even ships both Lily and Ikora as a great couple! What a gentleman! 🩷
The adventure continues... When I finish playing The Final Shape campaign, I'll add more to this later. Hope you guys enjoy this! 😊
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simping-overload · 3 years
Full Fluff Aplabet with Zavala!
A = Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Honestly lounging around the house with you is good enough for him, just reading some books, cuddling, cooking, and doing domestic stuff is what he lives for, going on walks around the city and stargazing too
B = Body - what is their favorite part of their s/o’s body?
Your hands, don't matter if they're big, small, soft, or rough(etc), he fuckin loves them
C = Cuddle - how would they cuddle their s/o?
Due to his habit of burying himself in his work, cuddles sadly aren’t very common, and you’ll have to drag his ass away from work to get cuddles sometimes(he won’t complain tho) Not against most positions, but he likes it when your lying on his chest or when your chest to chest with arms & legs wrapped around each other and his face tucked in your neck. expect some kisses while cuddling too
D = Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
in a time where they aren’t at war or in battles at every second. Living in a semi-seclude home so he can finally relax with some peace
E = Everything - You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…)
'You are my light'
F = Family - Do they want one? If they do when?
He's indifferent about having a family. It's not like he's against it, he just thinks he wouldn't have the ability to be there for the child due to him being commander
G = Gifts - How do they feel about gift giving?
Finds it very adorable and intimate. Will give you gifts every so often
H = Hand Holding - How/when would they hold their s/os hands?
He likes holding your hand a lot, holding your hand under the table during meetings(even when he's talking), while y'all are going on walks throughout the city, grabbing your hand if either of you is ever feeling anxious, overwhelmed, etc. Holds your hand a lot when your cuddling, it helps him sleep
I = Injury - how would they act if their s/o got hurt?
Worried as shit, will relieve you of your duties until you are fully healed, don't try to argue him with this, you won't win
J = Jealousy - Do they get Jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
It takes a lot to get him jealous, but if he does he'll probably call you over with one of the nicknames he has for you so the person flirting can get the hint
K = Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Yeah, I'd say he's a good kisser, the first kiss was a slow one, happened after you two been separated for a few days and he missed you severally
M = Marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would marriage be like?
Not really no.
N = Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
Honey, Darling, Dear, Dearest, My Love
O = On Cloud Nine - What are they like in love? Is it obvious to others? How do they express their feelings?
Due to him being the stoic person he is, those who don't know him personally can't tell he's in love, but those who are his friends(ikora, cayde, shaxx, etc)tease him relentlessly about it. Shaxx gives him advice on flirting and date ideas. When you're around he's not as focused on his work and more so on you if your talking, he finds you very distracting. He's also more laid-back and relaxed.
P = PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag about their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He's not against PDA, so he'll give you the usually getting kiss in front of others no problem, just when you try and turn it into multiple kisses he gets very flustered. He won't brag about you, since you've already made a name for yourself
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about their s/o? Do they remember every little detail they mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?).
He's very observant so he remembers most if not all things you mentioned liking. It comes in handy when he's getting you a gift for a special occasion
R = Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He's not overly romantic, but romantic enough to have you realize it. He'd do a lot a make you happy, he'll get you gifts that reminded him of you or ones that you said you liked, there's a lot of stargazing at fellwinters peaks and cuddling.
S = Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
It probably depends on what your goals are but since you managed to get with him they are probably good(in his eyes) so id say he'd be supportive and helpful. He gives good advice.
T = Thrill - How long did it take for them to get together?
Probably a couple of months, since it'll take him a bit to come to terms with it and ask you out since he has a busy schedule
U = Understanding - How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
It takes a bit but over time he'll start to understand how you express your emotions, how you handle certain situations etc, but he'll become understanding over time.
V = Value - How important is this relationship to them? What is it worth in comparison to other things in their life?
It is very important to him, while yes being the commander is also very important but he would put you over his duties if he needed to.
W = Warrior - how do they feel about their s/o fighting? Would they fight for them, besides them etc?
Not against you fighting if you're a guardian, it becomes iffy if you're civi, but if you insist he'll help train you on some techniques when he can. He would both fight for you and beside you, no questions asked
X = X-Ray - how well can they read their s/o?
Pretty well once he's adjusted to your personality
Y = Yearning = How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He's been alone for some time so it's not hard as most, it'll just involve him burying him in his work again but Ikora and others are there to help while your gone
Z = Zen - what makes them feel calm?
Being hugged, he doesn't know why but feeling protected instead of doing the protecting is a very nice change for him.
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haldenlith · 2 years
Ramen Mix-up
Just a silly scene in my head. Enjoy.
Hal and Crow sat down at the ramen stall.
“Yeah, Hal’s worst enemy is also gravity, Crow. So, don’t feel too bad.” Crow snickered, leaning on the counter. Hal swatted at Ghost.
“I’d rather you not tell people about that, okay?”
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, Crow just stood there and wondered how Ogres fire from their eyes... and promptly died to their eye laser.” Crow blinked, whipping his head around to glare at Glint.
“Logging your new sensitivity to past battles.”
“Oh my... This? Again?!”
Hal shook his head, smiling, and turned his attention to the cook that walked up to the counter.
“The usual for you boys?” Hal gave a nod. Ghost chirped.
“Sorry about the commotion. I can imagine it doesn’t help your business.” The cook chuckled, waving a hand.
“It’s fine. You’re both actually fairly tame. Some Hunters that come through are pretty rowdy.” He turned, grabbing them their drinks, before heading off to cook. Hal turned his attention back to Crow, who was still arguing with Glint.
“No, we are not starting the “unlogging versus anti-logging” thing again. Anti-logging is NOT A THING, and unlogging IS a thing, and you need to do it with that last entry!”
“... Anti-logging.” Crow took a deep breath, letting out in a very exasperated sigh. Hal chuckled softly, only to get a small glare out of Crow.
“ANYWAY, other than falling backwards off of cliffs, how have you been? We haven’t seen much of each other lately, outside of being on comms during ops, and that... doesn’t exactly count.”
“Zavala working you to the bone, huh?”
“Not... really,” Crow muttered. Hal gave Crow’s shoulder a light punch.
“Don’t overdo it. You’re doing fine.” He paused, pouting a little. “... I do kind of miss your jokes, though.” Oh, he missed something, huh? Crow smirked and set his chin in an upturned palm.
“Hmm, so you miss me when I’m not on comms, huh?” Hal stiffened, a small blush beginning to bloom on his cheeks.
“That’s... that’s not what I said!”
“I don’t know, that’s what it sounded like.” Hal got more flustered at Crow’s teasing insistence, before spying Ikora walking up to her usual spot by the balcony. There was his out, for now.
“Th-there’s Ikora, I need to talk to her,” Hal stammered out before running off to talk to Ikora. Glint bobbed up and down, turning to watch Hal leave.
“Aaaand there he goes. You’re awful, Crow.” The man snorted in reply to his Ghost.
“It’s fine. If he had a problem, I’m pretty sure he’d have punched me. Besides... it’s...” He paused. “It’s kind of cute,” he muttered. “Anyway, he’ll be back. He never abandons food.” Glint chirped.
“... Logging your crush on The Guardian.”
“Glint...” Crow growled.
“I’m kidding. Oh, there’s your food!” Crow turned to see the cook coming to set a bowl down in front of Crow. He then left to grab the other.
“You know, I’m starving. I’m not waiting.” Glint floated close to the bowl, examining the ramen.
“Crow... I don’t think that’s yours.”
“Of course it is. The guy set it in front of me. I think he’d know which bowl is which.”
“I don’t know, I see extra meat and eggs. Hal always orders-” Crow didn’t let Glint finish, going ahead and taking a bite after blowing on it a bit. “... extra meat and eggs.” Glint floated up close to Crow’s face. “And he orders it extra extra spicy.”
“Glint, it’s fine. I’m pretty sure it’s mine. I don’t taste any spice to it any... way.” The burn was delayed, but it was there, and quickly spread like a blaze in his mouth. “It’s... It’s fine. It’s FINE. It doesn’t hurt that bad.”
“... I don’t want to say I told you so, buuuuut...” Crow was starting to feel the burn go down his throat, and breathing in only made it worse.
“Oh, oh... oh god. Oh, it’s getting worse.” The cook came back with the other bowl, pausing and noticing Crow’s... pained reaction, quickly realizing he mixed the bowls up.
“Oh, I’m so sorry! Let me get you some milk!”
“Thank you,” Crow wheezed out, quickly guzzling down the milk as soon as it arrived. He slammed the glass down, staring incredulously down at the ramen bowl. “How does he eat this?!” He quickly swapped the bowls to what they should have been. Crow sighed, slumping a bit. “... My lips and mouth are still burning. Not as bad, but...” He shook his head. About that time, Hal returned, his fluster now gone, and he perked at the sight of food.
“Ah, that was fast!” He dug in, humming happily with content, initially unaware of Crow staring at him. Hal was... completely unfazed. When Hal did notice, he paused, cocking his head to the side, blinking quizzically... with some noodles still in his mouth.
“... You’re terrifying. I... I don’t know how you’re eating that,” he said, shaking his head and tucking into his own bowl, which was thankfully considerably less spicy. Hal slurped up his mouthful.
“... The bowls got mixed up, didn’t they?” Crow grunted with his own mouthful, nodding a bit. “... Wuss.” Hal earned a loud bit of humming and grunting in protest as Crow finished his mouthful of ramen.
“No, NO, that, that right there,” he pointed to Hal’s bowl of ramen before continuing, “THAT is a chemical weapon. We should be throwing that at the Hive. It’ll probably melt them on the spot.”
“I don’t know, I seem perfectly fine. Seems to me that you just... couldn’t handle the heat.” Crow slapped the counter.
“You know what? Give me that damn bowl back. I just... was caught off guard.”
“I mean, I don’t want to melt you, since this apparently a weapon.” Hal grinned ear to ear.
Ghost and Glint looked at each other, shaking their shells. These two...
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To Someone Special (Ethan Ramsey x f!MC)
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notes: happy holidays! please take the time to celebrate with your family and friends. 2020 was an egregious year, but let’s thank god for letting us survive through the whole COVID pandemic. let’s pray for everyone to get through this. 
anyways, here is my christmas present to you all, wrapped with some angst and fluff! ethan’s ex-girlfriend from his med school days who cheated on him with another ‘friend’ (and no, it’s not tobias :)) makes an appearance hehe. forgive me if there are any spelling mistakes and grammar errors, and as always enjoy! (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥
(i felt like this was similar to @jamespotterthefirst ‘s fic ‘Fake Husband/Wife’, so i asked permission to write this, and she gave me it. shoutout to bree!)
summary: On Christmas, 10 years ago, he gave his heart to a girl. The very next day, she gave it away. This Christmas, to save him from tears, Ethan will give it to someone special.
pairing(s): dr. ethan ramsey x f!mc (dr. abigail ‘abby’ chacko) || mentions of past dr. ethan ramsey x dr. aubrie zavala
warning(s): angst (mentions of cheating) and fluff (mentions of proposal)
word count: 1999
** i suggest you listen to ‘last christmas’ by wham! :) **
‘The most wonderful time of the year.’
If it were years ago, Ethan would chuckle at the preposterousness of this statement. 
To everyone else, the Christmas season is full of jubilation, nostalgia and generosity. Giving and donating had become a peculiarity of the days neighboring the observed holiday, street-corners crowded with Santas ringing golden bells. 
Houses twinkled with multi-colored and pulsing lights, bouncing off the crystalline white snow. Inside the houses, trees glimmered with more colorful lights and various decorative ornaments. Christmas colors added sumptuousness. Classic poinsettias are tied, and candy canes add some idiosyncrasy, dangling from the mouths of exhilarated children. Joyful music and golden bells can be heard from everyone’s car.
To the senior doctor, it’s dissimilar. Christmas means more work to do at the hospital. Emergency rooms are filled with injured patients who were looking forward to blithesome moments with their friends and family. The roads are slick with shiny ice, vehicles slipping across the road to hit the one next to it or a broad tree. And the mistletoe. On one occasion, he had to escape an elderly grandmother with wrinkly skin and gray hair, who was convinced that he was Bob Dylan. Yet he wasn’t even an accurate replica and they didn’t sound the same.
Seeing other interns and derisory people kiss under the mistletoe makes him turn away with disgust. He cordially hated PDA. Well, that is, until he met her.
When Ethan met Abigail, however, he felt some sort of attraction to her, something he couldn’t escape from, no matter how hard he tried. Her compassion, her wit, her charm, her intelligence, her everything. 
It felt like some sort of grip she had, her usual chocolate aroma, big brown eyes, wavy hair, and her milky skin all holding on to him like a police officer would do to a criminal. And it’s addicting.
But now, looking at his Rookie from across their luxurious bedroom, getting ready for the Christmas Gala hosted by Bloom Edenbrook Hospital, he started to look forward to the breathless moments under the mistletoe. On second thought, why does he need to kiss Abby under the mistletoe when he can kiss her anywhere? They are officially dating, after all.
He wanted to satisfy her and hear her singing goofily along with the carols in their cars. He wanted to see her tastefully decorate their penthouse with stockings, ornaments, a garland. He wanted to see her making sticky toffee pudding and her longtime favorite gulab jamuns, even if he claims he doesn’t like sugar. She, in return, would constantly mock him, prompting him of the day when he focused his eyes on the delicious chocolate bar in the vending machine at the hospital. He wanted it all with her.
Abby was adorning a long sleeve crimson velvet dress, strikingly showing some cleavage. She wore a generous split from her right thigh down, parading her creamy legs. She looked divine. She looked like heaven. The red gown made her look scandalous. 
She cleared her throat, smirking at him staring at her. “Are you finished?”
“You look...” The more conventional doctor was at a loss of words, looking at her up and down. He started from her soiled velvet heels, moving up to her wavy cafe hair.
Abby flashed him a sly grin. “Why, thank you, Doctor. You don’t look too bad yourself.”
Indeed he doesn’t. Ethan sported a matching outfit, a suit with a red velvet coat black shirt and a crimson bowtie.
“I can’t wait to come back after this gala. You’re making me lose my patience.”
She chortled, lovely music to his ears. “Then what are you waiting for? Let’s go!”
The gala invited all the hospitals in Boston, including Mass Kenmore. It was being held at The Seaport World Trade Center, one of the largest venues in the city. Ethan and Abby arrived at the front of the venue, walking towards the entrance. Inside, a waiter took them to the very front table, the one where their seats were reserved.
They were recognized as the ‘rich couple’ and the ‘power couple’ of Edenbrook. It was no surprise that some of the doctors decided to gossip about them, stating how they match and look excellent together. Some women were jealous, and Abby could feel covetous eyes burning behind her back. The male doctors were also envious of Ethan, that he got to be with the young graceful doctor. In return, Ethan winded his protecting arm tighter around her slim waist, a clear mark that she is his. Only his. 
The front table additionally included Naveen, Harper, Tanaka, and Tobias Carrick. When Ethan and Tobias faced encountered other at the front table, the Mass Kenmore doctor somehow took his hand out, waiting for the famous diagnostician to shake it. Ethan was stupefied at first, but then he remembered what Tobias did for them, saving his Rookie from the maitotoxin. After a rare moment Ethan shook it, sending the latter a faint smile, to which he returned. Abby beamed at their interaction, glad that they finally cleared the air that had been surrounding them for more than a decade.
Naveen greeted both of them with a hearty hug, and Harper sent both of them a pleasant smile. The Chacko looked around the decorated room to discover her friends, all relaxing at a table. When she spotted them, she gave them a huge wave, to which they imitated back. It relaxed her to have Ethan and her friends in the same room, forgetting about the upcoming discussions with the money-eating scumbags who only care about wealth and not for the wellbeing of their patients.
Tobias and Ethan sat between Abby, and all the seats were filled except for one.
As if interpreting her thoughts, Tobias sought a confused question. “Are we expecting someone else at our table?”
“I believe we are,” Naveen answered.
The young doctor wanted to talk to her friends for a little while. Otherwise, everyone was roaming around, mingling with people.
Ethan seemed to detect this because he leaned in to whisper to her ear. “If you want to hang out with your friends, you can go ahead. It’s understandable, if you’re bored, as am I. Besides, I’ll just talk to Tobias.”
Abby sent him a grateful smile, not only for excusing her, but because he wanted to talk to his old (former?) friend. She was genuinely happy that their relationship is getting better and better.
In return, she bestowed him a kiss on his cheek and went to the table across the room, where her colleagues are. 
Her friends said the usual. Bryce and Kyra are dating, and they adopted a puppy after moving in together. Sienna doesn’t think she will move on from Danny, and that her heart will always belong to him, but the enormous pain had subsided. Elijah and Phoebe went on another date which had gone really well. Jackie’s debt is under control, and she said that she felt at peace and tranquility. 
After she had finished socializing, she looked back to her reserved table, where she saw a woman, a rather charming one, probably in her 30s. She had raven hair and porcelain skin, and was assuming a royal blue dress with an elegant split across her left thigh, displaying her beautiful legs. Standing next to her boyfriend. Being too touchy with her man. Abby was ordinarily not the type to be jealous, but looking at the woman made herself feel ugly.
Her eyes went to Ethan, who had a horrified look on his face. They moved to Tobias who had a similar expression. Naveen and Harper both had uncomfortable looks.
The latter captured her eye and came up to her.
Abby was confused, so she decided to convey this confusion to Carrick. “Is everything alright at our table? Is that woman the last person to occupy the empty seat?”
Carrick sighed deeply. “She... is Dr. Aubrie Zavala. Another famous diagnostician... She is also Ethan’s ex-girlfriend.”
That’s when she glanced back at their table and saw both of them arguing.
Tobias must have noted this because he replied, “Ethan and Aubrie are both arguing now. Back in Hopkins, she cheated on with another med student named Dillan, I think. And it was at Christmas. Now Aubrie wants him back.”
The cacophonous racket heard in the auditorium drained away from the ears of the young doctor, and the sounds of warning bells replaced it. 
What the hell am I supposed to do to grab her butt off the table?
Suddenly, an idea popped into her head. She examined her bag and found a fake diamond ring. Her mother gave this to her; she saw this at the store and found it pretty. Abigail always kept it in her bag, a reminder that her mom loves her. It looks real, so this can work. The Chacko placed the ring on her left ring finger. Tobias, knowing what Abby was about to do, gave her a wink. She smiled back and walked over to their table.
“Babe? What’s wrong?” Abby asked innocently. Ethan’s oceanic eyes widened as he saw the mischievous gleam in her coffee eyes. 
The woman, who was now dubbed Aubrie, turned around to look at her with a grim expression. 
“Babe?” Aubrie threatened lowly, “Who the hell do you think you are, calling my Ethan ‘babe’?” Oh, this girl has it coming.
Abby offered her a fierce smile, showing off her properly ‘engagement’ ring. “Well, I’m pretty sure I called my fiancée babe, right Ethan?” 
Instantly, Ethan understood. She wanted to play as his wife-to-be now, did she? Well, that can be easily arranged, Ethan smirks, deciding to play along.
“Well, you see, Dr. Zavala, you do remember how I love hearing the opera, don’t you? I took Abby to one of my favorite operas named Carmen, and I proposed to her there. She cried happy tears and said ‘yes’.”
Aubrie’s furious face slowly drained of color, as she realized they are engaged. She now has to live with the regrets from the past. Her violent hands started to shake a little as she realized who she was arguing with the whole time.
“Wait, are you Dr. Abigail Chacko? One of the youngest doctors in America, Sister of the famous surgeon Sebastian Chacko, the youngest member of Edenbrook’s diagnostic team, and the person who cured Dr. Naveen Banerji?” Zavala asked slowly, her shrill voice starting to grow tense.
Abby, on the other hand, was having too much fun with this. “Bingo! You got it right!”
Right away, when she said that, Aubrie reluctantly left the whole table, stomping on the way like a teenager. Naveen and Harper both had amusing smiles on their faces, Tobias tried not to choke on his wine, and Ethan had the biggest smirk ever. 
Abby took off her fake ring and placed it in her bag. At once, Ethan gave her a sounding kiss on her plump lips, not minding anyone any attention. 
“How did you know I had a pretty rough time here?” Ethan asked curiously. 
She smiled triumphantly. “Well, I saw all of your uncomfortable faces at the table when Aubrie was here. Tobias saw me and gave me an explanation to what was happening. I’m so sorry you had to go through that during your med school days.”
Ramsey gently stroked her smooth and delicate cheek. “It’s fine. Besides, I got an even better woman right here.” 
Tobias cleared her throat. “I’m sorry, but can you please just continue this later at home? I’m tryna drink some good wine here.”
Everyone snorted, but Ethan’s mind went back to the actual engagement ring he bought for her at their penthouse, stored inside one of his worn-out shoes. He was actually planning to propose to her tomorrow, on Christmas Day. 
Taking her to one of my favorite operas named Carmen, proposing to her there.
Oh, he can’t wait for this chaotic day to be over.
notes: if you’ve made it this far, thank you!
 tags:@missmiimiie @aylamwrites @starrystarrytrouble @udishaman @caseyvalentineramsey @queencarb @choicesstan1 @newcolonies @arcticrivers @angela8756 @takemyopenheart @rookie-ramsey @ohchoices @ohvamsey @ohramsey @natureblooms24 @drariellevalentine @maurine07 @lucy-268 @thanialis @drakewalkerfantasy​ 
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titanicfreija · 2 years
Now I'm pestering Sunny!
Spoilers, end of lightfall
"Why are you two looking at me like that?"
Sunny drifted into the Ghost Club nook to see both her friends' eyes flickering as they whispered to one another. This One had a new shell, a gimmicky quicksilver one that grew a mohawk when he was excited. Harmony had an older one on, a sphere with an arching pattern on it.
"We heard!" cried Harmony. "Are you okay?!"
She knew it was going to be brought up, but she didn't expect enthusiasm. "Which part did you hear?"
"The Witness possessed you! And you opened the door to the veil!"
"Oh. I'm fine, I actually don't remember anything," Sunny admitted. "I had to ask the others what happened." Sunny specifically didn't mention how badly that was being handled, which of course meant at least one of them would ask. "It's actually really weird to know you were involved in something like that and not remember anything. I told Freija I didn't feel well, I remember that. Everything got fuzzy and I remember hearing Osiris's voice, but that was it. And then I woke up in Nimbus's hands. Or. Came to? Started forming memories?"
"Oh, wow," whispered This One. "Nothing?"
"Not a thing. They said it was bright, and I know I was.... Used. To bridge the link. But aside from feeling... For lack of a better word, sick, I don't remember anything. I even felt better when we left."
Harmony bobbed in place enthusiastically. "We heard your guardian was going to shoot you."
"How?" sighed Sunny. "Who snitched?"
"I overheard her telling her friend at the ramen shop. She sounded casual about it, I was horrified."
Sunny spun her petals and her body in place, whirling in frustration before she pulled her pieces back in. "I'm glad she can fake it in normal day life," she huffed. "She can't stand to mention it at home, gets surly and curled up on the sofa. She's singeing a silhouette into the back."
"Oh? Not taking it well?" This One asked.
"Understatement of the decade," sighed Sunny. "I have sympathy, but I'm tired of it, now. She's more upset than I am. She's currently more upset than I was when I first learned about it. I didn't remember that part either, and she didn't want to tell me for days, and when she did tell me, she started screaming, and she's had nightmares and just it's been a hard time."
"Yours wasn't nice and traumatized, yet," realized Harmony with a gasp. "Kelly's first real good one was finding the hatchlings of the family she killed, scared her back into the Tower for ages, and she never got as enthusiastic in the field as she was before. It's pretty much inevitable.
"Marco hasn't had his, yet," admitted This One. "Hopefully it'll take a while yet. He's... Safe? In the crucible."
The three giggled at the irony.
"I held it off a few years," sighed Sunny. "It could have been a worse subject, but this is still exhausting."
"How affectionate have you been?" This One asked. "Tried doing the opposite?"
"I go back and forth. She gets angry and I don't know she wouldn't throw me, but when she's sad, she'll grab me to hold, or I'll find a way to press on her somewhere. I never know what to do. I got Zavala and Caiatl to talk to her." Sunny groaned in frustration. "I just want to help."
"Tried leaving her alone for a while? Letting her be up and around without you?" Harmony offered. "Sometimes Kelly needs space."
"I really don't want to talk about it anymore. How's yours? Both of them have gotten into this strand business, haven't they?"
"Oh up to their ears," Harmony agreed. "Kelly spent a week straight undoing herself, of course, but she got there. She loves the suspension." Harmony altered her voice to cackle maniacally and say, "Dance, puppets!" in imitation of her guardian.
This One's mohawk spiked taller than usual. "Marco is big on it, too. It's nasty. He barely knows how to do anything except use the suspension from his barricade, but that's all he needed, apparently."
"Oh surely he got the bolas?"
"Yeah, those, too." This One shuddered in his shell, rattling lightly. "I don't like it, it's worse than Stasis."
"What?!" Cried Harmony.
"Yeah, what?" Echoed Sunny. "Stasis haunts me to this day, strand is way better, and I still didn't like strand."
"I don't see why, I feel like my core is tangled in a net every time he looks at it funny," This One complained.
"'cos you're a control freak," Harmony pointed out. "Or at least, you like to make sure things are the way they are. I can't explain it, either way, you won't go with the flow."
"No, I won't," agreed This One. "Marco has been doing very well with it. It just feels weird!"
"I wonder if Arc and Strand are opposing like Solar and Stasis?" Harmony mused aloud.
"I'm not gonna argue my own point, but I'm gonna make you defend that one," Sunny said. "How?"
"How what? Arc and Strand opposing or Solar and Stasis?"
"Solar and Stasis! How!"
"Aside from the obvious theming, you have the force of energy at the source as opposed to the complete halt of all things, freezing in place and removing all energy. Including most potential energy! Why not! As for arc and strand, we have the force of deliberation and balance and maintenance as opposed to energy best manipulated by letting it go."
"You made that up for the theme," Sunny argued. "Osiris already said, the Light is life and death and material, where Darkness is psychic, non-material. There's no opposite, no response, it's just a fifth kind of power to manipulate, one dictated by a force I find uncomfortable. Freija isn't much for the non-material anyway."
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a-heart-in-spades · 3 years
It has been a slow day. Usually Cayde would be thankful to have a breather, but it's been a long, long time since he was able to leave the Tower, and the lack of excitement was driving him up the walls.
He just wanted to finish setting the scout routes in Europa and burn some energy in the shooting range. He's thinking maybe he could join one or two Crucible matches when he heard her. Not the nuisance herself, she has finally learnt to not stomp her boots like a Titan, but it was the whispering of the staff coming from the hallways, the way some moved from their working stations to get a clear view of the event that was surely about to happen.
Last time she gave him a report, he had -very kindly- pointed out some mistakes she had made during her scouting and ways she could improve. Ikora firmly believed the kid had big potential; Cayde would admit that at least she had eyes and a brain smart enough to distinguish enemies and guns from a distance. Beggard can't be choosers, and in this time of need they would take-in anything vaguely Guardian shaped. But she thought she was the hottest shit, refused to take any advice and actually questioned his experience. He spent 20 minutes sorely pointing out how terribly bad her combat approach was. She ran out of counter-arguments pretty quickly.
By the end he thought he had taught her some well deserved humility, but before she walked away she had muttered: "At least I can get out of this Tower." And she left to enjoy adventures in the Wilds while Cayde was stuck on a job as exciting as watching paint dry.
His hunter's instincts reacted just in time to catch a heavy folder flying to his head. He frowned and looked at Ayla, who was smiling like the cat that got the cream, and he could almost hear alarm noises going off in his head.
"What did you do this time, Hunter?" He asked.
"Why don't you read the report, since I spent oh so long writing it. I even highlighted the important details."
He began to read. The font was minuscule. Everything was highlighted bright yellow. His optics hurt. Then his ego took a hit when he saw what she had done.
"You found the Metropolitan Museum of Art collection?" Cayde didn't realise he had said it out-loud until he saw Ikora had stopped reading her own Warlock reports and began to focus on this conversation. No one has been able to find the hidden bunker in centuries.
"How many pieces?" The Voidwalker asked. She looked almost in awe. Cayde wanted to punch something.
"All of them. The entire collection. Almost in perfect condition too." Ayla said, her smile almost solemn. "We found the remains of people guarding the door of the bunker. Historians who spent their last moments making sure art and history will be preserved." She had to had practised this speech.
"Paintings of Rubens, Dali, Vermeer. Monet!" Her Ghost puffed like a proud chicken, unable to hide his excitement, which made people around them start whispering with the same energy. "Records said The Water Lilies were destroyed when the Collapse hit. But they are there!"
"I'm just glad we found the bunker before something damaged it." Ayla admitted, and passed two more folders to Ikora and Zavala so they could read the full report. He couldn't help but notice their texts were legible. She took the time to print three versions in full colour. If he weren't so annoyed, he'd be somewhat impressed by her pettiness.
But her fake modesty was getting to his nerves.
"This is- excellent work, Guardian." Zavala finally said. He smiled. Not a Vanguard Commander smile: a Zavala one. A genuine, warm, real smile for the most insufferable hunter that has ever walked in the Traveller's light.
Ayla smiled back, but when she looked at Cayde her expression sharpened. She's gloating, and he wanted nothing more than to bring her down to earth and make it clear she still got a lot to learn. But he couldn't. She accomplished something objectively great, and he fucking couldn't.
"Good job." He muttered.
"WHAT? I couldn't catch that."
Cayde felt the edge of the table bent a little with how hard he's grabbing it.
"I said: Not bad, rookie."
His refusal to give her a proper praise just made Ayla smirk grow bigger. She didn't say anything back, just turned around to the group of four Warlocks that had been waiting to report back to Ikora and overheard the commotion, and started answering their questions.
Zavala and Ikora started to set groups to retrieve all the pieces of art, to talk about the exhibitions and events they would organize, of how much this could improve the moral of the City. And Cayde kept sulking alone.
Well, if anything at least he could brag that a Hunter did it.
"Good job." He muttered.
"WHAT? I couldn't catch that."
I adore this because that level of rivalry is just unf. The tension, the snark, the all of it!
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The Wolf's Howl Ch.2
She followed the hunter Vanguard out of the Hangar, and took the time to look at everything. He was patient with her and let her look and inspect anything she wanted. Together Cayde and her Ghost answered any question she had.
"Zavala's in his office right now. We can go to him in a minute. First, let's head to Ikora. She's the Warlock Vanguard, and one of the greatest Crucible players to ever be rezzed." Cayde told her.
"What's the Crucible?" The Guardian asked.
"It's run by this former Warlord called Lord Shaxx. It's where Guardians duel on the field to gain practice with their light and weapons." Ghost explained.
"Do you die?"
"Yes, but that's what Ghosts are for, right kid? It's pretty fun, especially when you've got glimmer on the line, just to raise the stakes." Said Cayde.
They entered the Bazaar, and the Guardian caught eyes with a dark-skinned woman who turned around as they walked in. She had on purple robes and wore a kind smile on her face as the two approached.
"A new light?" She asked with a kind voice.
Cayde nodded. "The kid just got brought in. I'm showing her around."
"You have a wonderful view from right here." The Guardian stated.
"It is beautiful isn't it?" She said before asking, "Have you picked a class yet?"
"A class?"
She sighed. "Cayde didn't tell you the classes?"
Cayde averted his gaze from Ikora's sheepishly as the Guardian shook her head.
"There's Hunter, Cayde's class, Warlock, my class, and Titan, Zavala's class. Hunter specializes in stealth and athletics. Warlocks have their knowledge, and Titans have their strength." Ikora quickly explained.
"Shown from the fighting you did, I think you would make either a good TItan or hunter." Ghost added.
The Guardian thought for a moment. She wasn't quite sure what she was good at yet. She hadn't been around for long enough to find out.
"If I pick now can I change it? If I find it's not the right class for me?"
Ikora nodded. "Of course."
"I think I'll learn the ways of the hunter. For now anyway. I'll see if that sticks."
Cayde pumped his fist in the air. "Yessssss!"
The Guardian smiled.
"You had better go meet Commander Zavala now." Then Ikora reminded, "And Cayde, don't forget to teach her about her subclasses and such. Since she's chosen hunter she's your responsibility."
Cayde gave a fun little salute and then the Guardian and he headed out of the Bazaar. On the way he explained the solar, void, and arc subclasses, what they did, etc. The Guardian payed attention to every detail.
On the way down the elevator that led to Commander Zavala's office Cayde asked, "You know, I've been calling you kid all this time. You picked out a name for yourself yet?"
"Pick out a name?"
"Yeah. Guardians don't remember anything from their past life, not even their name, unless you've got something to go by like a name engraved on your headstone or something."
"Um," A single thing crossed her mind the second he had mentioned name. Thera. It just . . . clicked. That was it. That was her name. And she knew it. "My name's Thera."
"Huh, Thera. What's it mean?" He asked.
Thera shrugged. "I don't know. It's just my name. I know it is."
They got off the elevator and headed down the hallway. Cayde knocked on the double doors emblazoned with the Vanguard symbol and a deep voice answered from the other side.
"Come in."
The doors opened and leaning over a desk was an Awoken man. He looked up to see Cayde and Thera, then straightened.
"Got a newbie here for ya. Thought she might need to meet the Titan Vanguard, even though she is a hunter. Thera, meet Commander Zavala."
He walked around the desk and gave her hand a shake. "Has Cayde been showing you the ropes, as he puts it?"
"Yes, sir." She wasn't sure why, but she felt she should address him with formality. Perhaps it was the way he carried himself? The way he spoke maybe?
"Good. He'll take you to get you settled in one of the rooms here in the Tower. Armor will be given to you sometime tomorrow morning, and your training will begin then. For now, enjoy your tour around the Tower, and if you need anything at all, feel free to get ahold of either Cayde, Ikora, or me." He told her with a simple smile.
She nodded and smiled back.
"I have work to go back to, so Cayde, show her around the rest of the Tower then take her to find one of the apartments here. And don't get her into trouble on her first day."
"No promises Commander."
And with that, they left to tour the Tower.
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