#zalfie fanfic
pseudophan · 5 years
Also if one of them were female this wouldn't even be a discussion
dsfghsjdf literally. when do you see people calling fans out for liking straight couples
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sveen · 7 years
So I’ve been thinking about making this blog into a fanfiction blog. Where I create oneshots and series based on your suggestions. It can be any celebrity, any setting, just a normal story with no famous people or just anything you’d like. So if you have some suggestions about as to what I could write about, please let me know.
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irinagudronchik · 7 years
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Wedding Day Nerves~Zalfie
Here's a zalfie one shot, hope you enjoy: It was Zalfie's wedding day, and everyone was very excited. Zoe and the bridesmaids spent the day together getting ready. They looked stunning in light rosy dresses, and soft curls in their hair. Zoe of course, stole the show, as she was meant to; it was her wedding day after all. Her dress flowed elegantly, and had intricate lace patterns down the torso. Poppy assured her that Alfie would be speechless. Meanwhile, her prediction was a little bit too true. Alfie was so nervous, he could barely speak. Not because he was having doubts; he was more sure of this than of anything else he's ever done. He was just worried that he would mess up, or that he wouldn't measure up to Zoe, since he knew she would look beyond beautiful, as always. Joe was unsure of what he should do, as he wasn't overly adept at dealing with emotions. He struggled for a minute before deciding a comedic approach. "Well of course she'll outdo you mate, she's the front of Zoella beauty after all," Joe joked, throwing in a laugh. Alfie did not look particularly amused. Joe took the hint and sat down. "Okay, okay, look. My sister loves you. I know that for a fact. I've never seen her happier than when she is with you, so that stands for something, Alf. And me, well I think you're a great addition to our family, and my parents love you, so seriously, get out there and marry my sister!" Joe exclaimed, kind of proud that he could muster up a speech. "Alright. I got this. Thanks bro, really," said Alfie. "You got it." So that's exactly what he did. Everything from there went smoothly. Alfie stood waiting for Zoe at the altar, and when she came through the doors and started up the aisle, he started to tear up. How could he have gotten this lucky, to have someone as lovely and gorgeous and kind as Zoe. He made it through just fine, without tripping over his words once. He was truly ecstatic to be joining a family like this one, and as they shared their first dance later that evening, Zoe confirmed that she felt the same about his. "You know, not only am I so happy to have you, but your family are some of the nicest people I've ever known," she said, making the the smile on Alfie's face wider, if that was even possible.
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teddyylou · 8 years
Seven Minute Siege (SMS now cause I’m too lazy to write it every time) Pt 3/15
Tanya’s Story
“What was that?” I whipped my head around in Zoe’s direction, dropping the paintbrush that I was cleaning into the sink, searching her facial expression for any sign of panic or even just a hint of what was happening, but her face was blank as she stared back at me in confusion, trying to figure out what on earth we had just heard.
Even worse, we were outside by ourselves. Anything could be happening to anyone right now and no one would be able to help us. Only the people in our class know that we aren’t in it.
Tears brim at my eyes at the thought. I didn’t like to think about this, bad things could be happening to everyone we love. It sounds irrational, but anything is possible.
‘No!’ I think to myself. ‘You have to be optimistic. You always are.’ After reminding myself of that, I turn back to Zoe, however, the reminder was just about useless as the tension thickens and the thoughts return instantly as I do so.
I think Zoe can sense my distress, or at least see the tears fall onto my cheeks, taking some mascara along for the ride, as she quickly snaps out of her confused trance and replies to my question.
“I don’t know Tan, but it didn’t sound good.” She says. “We should probably get back into class in case they lock down. We don’t want to get locked out do we?”
She quickly unties her apron and drops it on the floor at the foot of the stainless sink, she then begins to turn to go back to class when a thought strikes me and I grab her wrist in an attempt to stop her.
“No, they probably already have,” I tell her.
Our teacher was smart; he would lock down straight away after hearing what we did, in fact, he probably got told to by someone who knows what is happening.
“We don’t want to get in there and have whatever or whoever is in there standing feet away with no escape,” I add.
I think of the path we are standing on; it leads from this courtyard,  right around to the front of the school, it’s a bit of a walk and goes past windows, but they will be closed. We could go for help. I decide to suggest that to my friend.
“No, I want to back to class.” She instantly replies.
I can see the anxious look in her eyes and I bite my lip. I know that going back to class would calm her down in this situation but I still try to persuade her to the safer option.
“I really want to go the other way. I think it is safer. Are you sure you want to go back in there?”
She thinks it over for a second before nodding. I can't help then but to launch myself forward to hugged her tightly before she lets go and puts her hand on my shoulder confidently but also comfortingly.
“Godspeed Tanya.” I almost let out a whimper, as I know what’s coming next, but I take in a breath and calm myself.
This is a bad idea but I know that she will never change her mind.
“Godspeed Zoë,” I reply to her, trying to sound as strong and reassuring as I can, and we go our separate ways.
I quickly walk back past the sink and to the corner of the block, I shouldn’t be doing this, I can’t let her go in there by herself, I should be a good friend, no, a good person, and be brave for ONCE in my life and put my foot down. Come on Tanya.
I put my hand on the brick and turn to face Zoë, but she seems quick and sure in her steps and I chicken out.
She obviously knows what she wants and has a plan. Maybe I need to let her. I swiftly turn the corner and the thought is out of my mind.
I step slow, small steps through the grass that has grown over the infrequently used path. I hear the blinds of the many windows facing out this way and along to the front carpark being pulled down, and the windows being slammed shut and then locked; almost like a Mexican wave of windows.
I regret the choice to wear my baby pink ballet flats today as the grass itches my ankles and the longer blades catch my skirt. However, it does motivate me to move slightly faster. It seems eerily quiet as trudge down the side of the school.
I slow to almost a complete stop. Not even the birds were chirping it was so lifeless. What on earth was going on?  What could possibly have caused this?
Then it is as if my thoughts were heard as I was taken by complete surprise when loud bangs echoed the walls, shaking the very pipes, screwed into the brickwork of our school from their hinges.
I am completely frozen as I listen to the noise; not caring about being in the open as I listen. It’s near. But not near enough that I could be endangered.
It’s distant but definitely in the school. All I can think of is the loudspeaker and how the noise must have come from in or very near to the office, and that the art room we were supposed to be in is at the other end of the short hall to it.
At first, I am almost certain that Zoe is dead; but then again, I didn’t get that far, maybe Zoe wasn’t outside of her definitely locked classroom yet either maybe she was still walking on the same path as I to find a door that is unlocked. I hope she can’t find one and decides to leave with me. I hope that she stays safe.
But she did seem a lot less hesitant than I. OH NO! Zoe could be trapped in there banging on the door, and no one is dumb enough to let her in. I  suddenly grab the wall and lean against it, sinking to the ground at the thought, as more tears fall.
This is all so scary, and I hate it. You hear about these things but never expect them to happen to you. As much as I want to keep going and be the hero, I don’t want to anymore. I want to stay here, right where I am, as I know that I can’t do it. I’m not as strong as Zoë is and she most likely is dead.
I sit silently and cry not even realizing that the gunshots had stopped Until the dead silence was ringing in my ears again, creeping over me, sending shivers through my body.
It was all so sudden. They were there and never ending; then they were gone?
It seemed almost strange and wrong but it made me want to go before it started again, so with my newfound confidence I got up and marched on. For Zoë, I guess.
No there has to be a way she is alive, this just doesn’t happen. I have never lost anyone close to me, Zoe is only eighteen, and she is fine. Just keep walking, Okay Tan.
9.50 AM
I half timidly and cautiously and half confidently step down the ‘path’.
It is such an unreasonable and inappropriate thought to have but I feel as though I am part of an action movie. Maybe I’m a spy, or in Australia in ‘Tomorrow When The War Began’. I almost get into character as I take in my surroundings.
So when the bullet goes flying through the window in front of me, just missing my nose so closely that I felt the wind on my face, I was quick to duck to the ground. Unfortunately, the awesome, amazing badass I was playing was short-lived as I squeezed my eyes shut to listen to the noise, which I now know to be gunshots, all over again.
I open my eyes after a short while when the shots have slowed down, to see that the impact of the few bullets that went through the window moments ago had opened up the blinds on the other side of them to the ground.
I jump up from my spot to inspect the smashed glass. I take on step towards it to look at the tiny shards left on the window sill and the spider web like pattern left in the remaining glass a little closer when a light blue color is unceremoniously slammed hard against it.
The window breaks the rest of the way as pieces fall into the grass and the blue color is revealed to be the blood soaked cotton of somebody's shirt before they disappear again on the other side of the wall as the person falls to the ground.
My mouth hangs open as I look up and through the window, taking an actual look at the dark classroom for the first time, to see a man, concealed by shadow all except for his outstretched hand, at the door of the classroom aiming his gun straight at me.
I barely have time to process myself dive to the floor before he fires.
‘Good one Agent Burr.’
I wind myself, accidently and the bullets hit a tree but the thoughts come spilling back.
‘This is real, this is quite real, this is very, VERY real, I saw someone die, I almost DIED, people are dying in that hallway, Jim is in a different part of the school, but Zoe isn’t.’
I crawl on my knees for a few feet so that I am past the window and out of sight of anyone if they were to look out of it; a spot famous amongst students who want to skive a lesson.
9.51 AM
I sit there blankly for a while, just letting the world happen in slow motion around me, as I think over everything.
Admittedly not the best use of my time, but it helps me get my head on straight.
People often say that I zone out a lot, or that I’m always in my own world. I never see this as a bad thing. I need to be calm right now.
“No, no please no!” The sound of a male's voice crying out mere meters away from me brings be back to reality.
I jump as I look up to the source of the voice in distress to instead see a body fall out of the window.
I stare wide eyed in horror before noticing quite a similar figure jump out the window and kneel next to it, holding it… Them.
The second boy looks at me, tearstained and bloodstained, and he calls to me.
“Oh Tanya, Please, help me do SOMETHING PLEASE.” He yells before muttering some more no’s and please’s.
It occurs to me that I know this person, really well, Jack Harries.
Then it occurs to me that the blue cotton clad boy on the ground was no other than his twin brother Finn!
I leap up over to them and kneeled down on the other side of Finn wildly as Jack freaked out over his twins state.
Finn was squeezing his eyes shut and puffing out big gulps of air.
“Please Tanya, help me save him!” He pleased with me. “ We need to save him. I can’t live without him!” He wailed and I nod furiously at him while not even caring to hold the tears any longer.
This whole ordeal was unreal and horrible and I didn’t want it to happen. I couldn’t save everyone, I didn’t think I could ever help anyone, but I can save Jack’s brother. I can do it, I know how. I hope.
“Okay, okay.” I breathed while blinking away tears so that I could see properly.
Jack bit his knuckles while he watched me, reciting to his sibling that everything was going to be okay. I thought we could lift Finn but I couldn’t do it by myself and Jack was in no state to help.
I looked at the source of Finn's pain and noticed he was clutching his stomach, which was also the source of the rapidly oozing liquid, currently dying his shirt a deep maroon.
I thought for a second before pulling off my scarf, thanking it for its convenience and wrapping it around Finn’s torso twice and then tying the ends securely at the side.
I was actually helping him! I think.
Finn eased a little as the pressure relieved slightly and his breaths were better and Jack seemed calmer.
“Okay, do you think we could help him to the front of the school?” I ask Jack promptly while remaining calm.
Jack nods through his distress, looking at his injured brother.
“Okay Finny, we are going to l-lift you now.” He stutters to the lad on the ground hearteningly.
Finn grunts in acknowledgment as he concentrates on his breathing, obviously getting worse again.
“Good Job,” I tell him as if it will help him in any way.
We lift him up and carry him by under his shoulders for a few feet before he lets out a scream and we instantly lower him onto the grass once more.
“Nah, Nah mate, I can’t do it.” Says Finn shaking his head, in a raspy, dyspneic voice.
“No, Finn, you can do it. Please, try.”
“I-I’m sorry Ja-ck.” He says between slow, short breaths. I was beginning to worry that Finn was right.
Jack looks to me for any word of advice or encouragement or some other magic tool to save his brother, but as Finn’s words died so did my confidence.
“Please, Tan? Finn?” he said looking at us.
“Please, Jack.” Finn strangled out, coughing blood up onto his hand. He looked at it before looking back to Jack. Noticing the ferocity of the wound in his stomach.
“I’m... sorry.”
“NO! You have nothing to be sorry for. I love you Finny.”
“I love... you... Jack.” He replied as his eyes drooped.
I felt rude for interrupting this moment that should be private between the two boys, but at the same time, I knew Jack needed someone there.
Finn’s eyes flutter shut, and Jack’s final please return.
“No, no, NO, Finn? FINN!” Jack screams out, trying to reach his voice out to his brother.
He breaks down after this, shaking his brother's shoulders in an attempt to wake him while screaming and crying for his twin. I run to his side and he hugs me. Sobbing into my shoulder.
I begin to sob to as I hear the sound of sirens really close by.
“Come on Jack, we need to go,” I tell him. “We will get the police. They can help Finn.” I sob while trying to pull Jack to his feet.
“NO! NO!” He cries while struggling out of my grip down to his brother.
“Please Jack, we can help him!” I beg while attempting to keep him standing.
His hands fall to his side and he sniffs up a big sob while nodding.
I reach down and pull him back to his feet while practically dragging him to the front of the school.
9.52 AM
Police rush over to us when they see us, separating us and bringing us to different vans. I just cry as a blanket is placed around me and all I can do is mutter Finn's name to them.
No one takes notice before one man with a thick brown mustache and a shiny ‘chief’ badge asks me what happened.
I compose myself before telling him all about Zoë and the loudspeaker. How it sounded like there was more than one person invading the office. He nods before looking at the school and instructs some of his men to take position outside of the glass doors to the office.
“I know it might be hard right now and you may want to rest but is there anything else you know.”
I nod quickly and alert him about Finn’s body as I can see that Jack is still an emotional wreck over at another one of the numerous help vans.
Two official-looking people look between themselves then run in the direction that Jack and I came from and I begin to take in everything around me.
As well as the vans, there are at least a dozen cop cars, more ambulances and even two news trucks.
There are piles of blankets to give out and stations set for water. People are spreading around the perimeter of the block with all of the sieged classrooms in it. It seems that the people have only gotten to this wing.
I hear a man say that there haven’t been any other progressions for the moment so to hold fire.
The hallway appears to be silent from where I was sitting but on the call of the chief the men surrounding the door to the office storm into it as the others wait for activity from inside the actual school.
9.53 AM
They run in and guns go off and that is all that seems to be happening in this world anymore. Then it all goes silent once more and I think that we have lost.
The thought is short lived however as the men reappear through the door in an adrenal rush back onto the front lawn of the school.
At first, I find them to be alone but then two extremely tall boys run out behind them looking frantic and shaken. They get taken to the same van that I was at so I head over to see that they are okay.
“What is your name son?” says the nice chief from before to the brunette as the other boy is hugging tightly into him.
“Uh, this is Phil and I’m Dan.”
“Wait! Dan and Phil?” I say confused before noticing that I had said it out loud, disrupting the conversation.
I wasn’t sure if it was appropriate and I had never really hung out with them much anyway as we were in different friend circles, except for a few people but we sometimes gossiped over Fall Out Boy and Muse in the library together. Not many people know about my music taste and they can’t believe that I know about the bands that I do.
I run to them, wrapping my own blanket around them.
“Tanya!” Phil says, looking up from Dan’s neck.
“Hello.” I laugh and he blushes.
“Where were you guys?” Dan asks.
I decide to spare him the gory sad details about Finn as they just got out of the building. But I tell them of how I left Zoë and found Jack.
“Wow, that must have been so scary.” Exclaims Dan.
“Are you kidding? You two were basically in a hostage situation!” I say as I hug them both before realizing that they probably didn’t want that, but they hug back gleefully.
We separate when I hear someone’s voice. Not just anyone’s voice.
“Tanya? Oh my god you are okay!” Cries Jim!
I run and jump into his arms. We hold each other close.
I can’t begin to describe how happy I am to see him and know that he his safe.
He puts me down and looks pointedly at me.
“Umm, where is Zoë?” he looks around. “Is she not here?” he questions and I burst into tears for the millionth time today.
I recount everything that happened and he stops me with a hug.
“Hey it’s okay, I’m sure she is fine!” he soothed, stroking my hair.
We are forced apart when the doors slam open and about thirty students run past us.
Jim grabs my wrist and pulls me out of the way over to Dan and Phil who are handing out blankets and water already and after a brief hello, we are helping too.
It isn’t until everyone begins to cheer that I notice who the people are.
It’s my art class who escaped and I search frantically before almost having a stroke upon the realization that Zoë isn’t amongst them. She didn’t get back.
9.54 AM
I search for Connor as he is her best friend but he isn’t there either. He must still be in there too.
“Jim we have to go find Zoë!” I call out to him.
“Tan we can’t” the shooting is still going on.” He coaxes as I walk toward the doors.
He grabs my wrist as a policeman opens the door slowly and fires seconds after. I turn to him.
“Now we can.”
I drag him along as we shove past the police officers flooding the scene trying to stop the many other students trying to enter as well. But as more people come from there parts of the school, the police are outnumbered and we slip through.
I’m almost positive that Dan and Phil are on our tail. And we are almost at the end of the hall when a familiar female breaks out of a group of police and lets out a piercing scream.
I almost fall after seeing Zoë alive and well, well actually not well at all as she collapses to the floor feet away from us.
No, no more. Please tell me it has stopped. No more death.
There is the shit show out of the way for now.
Actually to make up for last week I’ll post one more 
the next one will be on Sunday
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fiddle-styx · 6 years
for those fanfic questions: 1, 6, 43 and 45 ❤ (I really had to hold myself back from choosing even more questions xD)
Thank you so much for asking, hon!! I enjoyed answering these so much (you are free to ask as many as you like, I’m more than happy to answer all of your questions). Some of them I definitely had to think about for a while, contemplate the good old days, but it was really so fun to do! So thank you again!!
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?
It’s hard to say which one exactly, but the one that I really got involved in and started writing for was probably Percy Jackson. My origins are just very badly written works on Wattpad that way too many people found to be good content. Trust me, they’re terrible. I have no idea why anyone read them.
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
Oh dear. All the fandoms I’ve been involved in huh? Here we go.1. Solangelo2. Harry and Ginny3. Troyler4. Zalfie5. Phan6. Larry7. Lashton8. AHHH CHOOSING FOR BTS IS SO HARD (so like jikook and taegi)9. Jicheol10. Markson11. ChanbaekI mean I could probably go on but we better leave it there. Ugh looking back on me being such a young-in wow.
43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you?
I would have to say that one of my biggest inspirations is Mil, (@taehyungs-sidehoeee or variations of it before they deleted their blog). They were kind of the reason that I got Tumblr in the first place and I’ve always been such a big fan of their work and everything that they do. I had the honour to get to know them afterwards and they never stopped inspiring and motivating me.
They taught me so much, even though they would deny it like mad, about being a writer and blog owner and just about life in general. They are, and will always be, a big part of my Tumblr and Taegi journey, and I wish them the bestest life could give to them.
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic?
No I have so many. There’s so many that had made me laugh or cry or just insanley happy. But in this moment right now, it would have to be an amazing fic I found a few months back, and am so incredibly in love with. It’s called Up We Go by @oh-hey-tae and the details are here:
Up We Go by Oh_Hey_Tae“If you’re a witch that works with plants, then why are all of yours dead? That can’t be good for business.”The room dims again, and Jimin lifts a hand to flip off the ceiling. Taehyung knows he’s sad and that’s why the shop darkens and he shouldn’t find it funny—but he can’t help it. Because this is ridiculous. The good kind of ridiculous. The amazing kind.(Or: Taehyung has a green thumb, Jimin runs a magical store, and Yoongi can kind of see dead people.)
I’ve read it a billion times and will never ever ever ever get tired of it. It is an utter masterpiece which has such a big piece of my heart.
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Excerpt from SillyNate’s Collab Month - Don’t Drop The Coconut! Zalfie VS Janya VS Natigail
“Let me be in charge,” Abbs says suddenly with a firm voice and I hear the snickers from our friends then. However, I’m not about to question her with that tone so I obey and fall silent as she moves herself down to her knees.
Somebody wolf whistles, I’m not sure whom and I want to remind Abbs that this is going on the Internet and this position looks compromising at best.
Abbs doesn’t seem to care or she’s forgotten but the she moves back up, the coconut now nestles against her boobs.
“Put your mouth on it,” she says and I chuckle while someone breaks down laughing. Abbs’ cheeks are red and she turns to face the camera for the first time.
“I know this is full of innuendos but this is strategic I promise.”
Read the new and final chapter here
Read the story from the beginning here
Read the series form the beginning here
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chocolvte · 7 years
Would anyone be interested in a fanfic about Dab Howlter, Evan Pancakes, and Daisy Deyes from the Zalfie Sims series?
I’m not sure, but I have ideas if people would be interested. It would be a bit different than the actual Sims series, but here’s what I’m thinking.
Dab, Evan, and Daisy are all a bit older now, around fifteen years old maybe? I haven’t really decided yet.
Dab Howlter has grown up to be an incredible artist, obviously; he’s the kind of kid who hears, “so, could you draw me?” like a hundred times a day, but he never minds. Friends with everyone, popular, but still able to fly under the radar, and attractive in the most unassuming way. He grew up to have dark curls that flop onto his forehead and the same blue-green eyes as his dad. He never managed to stop being a C student, but that’s ok because his best friend is the smartest kid in school.
Evan Pancakes is very aware that his life is a cliche. He’s the nerd who studies physics trivia for fun, gets shoved up against lockers by the football players, the teacher’s pet. His hair is shorter than Dab’s, shaved close to his head (he has incredible bone structure which lets him pull it off, but he doesn’t know that) and wears glasses (you know that snapchat filter? those retro, gold framed aviators? yeah those) also he has these cute lil freckles on his nose. His mom is the classic nosy neighbor lady (every neighborhood needs one) and his dad is that guy in a bar, he works construction, only watches sports and the news. Oh, yeah, and he also has a crush on his best friend.
Daisy is the rich kid. Gorgeous as hell (blonde curls, green eyes), has an iconic fashion sense, and nice af, but in like seventh grade she got caught making out underneath the bleachers with Alexander Goth (what? he was cute back then) which was, like, a big deal in seventh grade. It started out with just a few catcalls and teasing slaps to her ass as she left classrooms until everyone started bullying her. Daisy was a real Emo Teen™ for all of eighth grade until she and Dab had art together and then she, Dab, and Evan were inseparable. A few people are still dicks to her, but the boys always stick up for her.
Obviously Devan will be real and hey maybe Daisy and Alexander can get together eventually? I was just wondering if anyone would actually be down for this lmao.
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forevermoreale · 8 years
So I decided to write a joe sugg fan fiction on wattpad and I hope you really like it and don't forget to tell me your comments💕
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pseudophan · 8 years
but if you change the names, will they know it's fanfic???
yeah no you could do that as well. i considered it but in the end i was like meh fuck it. i know my friend wrote zalfie fanfic (lol) and just switched out the names though (hello guro if ur stalking me) so that works as well
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concetina · 8 years
zalfie fanfics make me wettt
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chenford24-7 · 8 years
I was just scrolling through some zalfie tumblr pages when I came across many things about the fanfic Dear Zoe. I can't find it on Wattpad anymore though? (Excuse my English, I know it's rubbish hahah)
Your English is fine. I have no idea I don't really read them. I don't know if maybe you can google it to see if you can find it that way?
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More than Enough~Zalfie
    Well here is the prompt you guys liked the most. It’s just short and sweet, but I like it a lot, so I hope you do as well. If you do, please like and follow so you can see anything I might write in the future! Enjoy!
    Zoe and Alfie were getting ready to go out for a really nice dinner. It was Saturday night, and they had set aside this time to spend with each other, just the two of them, which they didn't do much anymore,since both of them were really busy with their success on YouTube. Because of how grateful they are for what they have achieved, both together and apart, it was decided that they should celebrate their relationship, and the amazing work that they put in to what they do.     Alfie went downstairs, since he was done getting ready, and he sat playing with Nala while he waited for Zoe. She called for him, to ask if he could come help with her necklace. When he walked into the room, he stopped in his tracks. Zoe looked stunning, and he couldn't believe how lucky he was to have someone so incredible.     "You look absolutely gorgeous love," he told her exactly what he was thinking.     "Oh stop," she responded,blushing slightly under her makeup.     "No I'm serious. I look kind of rubbish next to you now, don't I? You are just so beautiful, you know that? I feel like I don't try hard enough."     "That is ridiculous Alfie. I am the happiest I have ever been in any relationship, even my brother says so, and he's been around for any of the boyfriends I had growing up. You are more than enough for me, and I think you look quite handsome too. Now, would you please clip my necklace for me so we can go get some food, I'm hungry!"     Alfie was stunned, and he was a bit at a loss for words, so he just silently helped his girlfriend, and when she turned around to look up at him, all he could do was smile. Then he bent down and kissed her softly, the gratitude evident on his face.     When they reached the restaurant they thought they should reflect back on some recent events. Alfie had committed so well to his daily vlogging, and Zoe had explored some new things on her channel, talking about lots of important issues and challenges that her viewers may be facing as they go through school. Alfie had put out some awesome new merch that he had been working so hard on, and Zoe had released her new beauty range, and a lifestyle range. They had a lot to be proud of, and now Alfie felt a lot better about being good enough for Zoe. He respected her even more after the things she had said, and how quick she was to set him straight.   "A toast to you;the best girlfriend I could ask for," he raised his glass.   "How about a toast to us; the cutest couple the Internet has ever seen."   "Deal," he smiled brightly once again, as they clinked their glasses, making the night even more perfect.
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dinosaurfeet · 8 years
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I just posted "Happy Endings" for my story "Trouble & Temptation // A YouTuber Story". http://my.w.tt/UiNb/3as6bw5tfB
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50shadesofdeyes · 8 years
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Tired of Waiting (Zalfie Oneshot)
Pairing: Zalfie
Words: 1585
Type: Angst, Fluff, Fighting, Cuddles, Making Up
Summary: It’s a typical night with Zoe waiting on Alfie’s return home after he was at the office for far too long, expect it’s not.
The office building hummed with silence as Alfie locked his office door behind him. Vlogging camera in his pocket next to his keys and phone after just finishing up a clip. It was late, all the shops he called for take away had been closing. When he reached the outside the cold brittle air hit his face, causing him to stutter. The sky wasn’t quite pitch black, more of a dark navy blue with an absence of stars and only a barely there moon.  Alfie sighed as he made his track home, hungry and cold.
Just like every night Zoe was waiting up for Alfie. He still wasn’t home and it was far too late for herself, but she wanted to see him more today than the barely five minutes they had this morning. It had been a change if you will since Alfie started spending more and more time at his office. It wasn’t what Zoe thought would happen once he rented that place. She had figured maybe five days a week for like seven hours. But that wasn’t it. It was more like seven days a week nine hours. Zoe huffed out a little as she rolled over after clicking her phone shut as staring at it didn’t yield any new message for Alfie. The clock struck 11:00 and Zoe closed her eyes for a moment, thinking of everything that been happening with them. From her missing events to him going on so many spur of the moment trips. The strain was there. Not to say that they weren’t still in love, no that was far from being over, but it was getting harder and harder to love someone that was hardly ever home. She opened her eyes and threw her blanket off of here, opting that tonight she had had enough. She was going to bed with only a semi conversation this morning. She was tired of it.
Alfie finally made it home now with his food in hand knowing Zoe had texted at six stating she had already ate. He turned the handle on the front door and opened it, entering into the warmth of the home. He shut the door softly behind him knowing Zoe would complain if he woke her up from her ‘nap’ on the couch just as she was every night. He went into the living room and was meet with nothing, no Nala, no Zoe. That was a change, Zoe always waited for him to come home so they could hang out for a bit. He just shrugged his shoulders and went to the table and sat down and ate whilst playing on his phone.
Zoe made herself comfortable in the large bed, rolling over to see a not there Alfie. She was tired. This wasn’t fair this wasn’t how it was supposed to be. They had bought this house so they could be together. A house with two offices, one for him, one for her.  It wasn’t supposed to be where she had to skype call him to let him see her and their dog that missed him due to him hardly seeing the two. She knew she wouldn’t sleep, still far too worried about where Alfie was or if he was safe. As the minutes ticked by and no Alfie came up stairs, she grew angry. She was tired of this.
After finishing his meal Alfie headed up stairs. His footsteps sounded throughout the house only muffled slightly by the carpet. The door to the bedroom was closed, most likely because Zoe was in bed. He slowly opened the door and saw Zoe facing away from him, sleeping soundly with her eyes fluttered closed. Nala at her feet, sleeping soundly. He smiled a little bit and made his way to the bathroom to change into pjs, giving his two girls a kiss on the way.
Zoe’s eyes remained closed even after hearing the door open to the bedroom. Alfie was here. And she was still mad. She felt a kiss on her head as she assumed he headed to the restroom to change into his pjs. She was mad and pissed and sad and lonely, something a ten minute talk and cuddle won’t fix. Alfie returned a moment later and the bed dripped down as he sat. She heard the Vlogging camera turn on, adding fuel to her ever burning fire of anger. He talked for a minute or so and then said good bye. Zoe wasn’t angry that Alfie worked hard or that he cared for his fans as much as he did, she was mad that he didn’t seem to understand the affects it had.  She opened her eyes to see Alfie setting down his camera on the side table. She sat up to reflex his position. She was tired of not telling Alfie the facts: she was tried.
Alfie turned around to see Zoe sat up with her arms crossed at her chest. He smiled at her but then met her gaze, seeing the flat line of her mouth.  Alfie was confused but didn’t pay much mind as to why Zoe was pouting and being angry, after all it was late and he might have woken her up. Zoe on the other hand was angry and was ending that tonight. She wasn’t going to be one of those girlfriends who just waited for the five minutes they may get to see each other. She refused to be that any longer.
“Hi little one.” He said all smiley, reaching out and grabbing her hands, well trying to. Zoe shook her head and stood up, tired of it.
“We need to talk.” Zoe said flatly while standing a distance away from the bed. Alfie stood too, wanting to know why Zoe was now glowing with red anger. He opened his mouth to do so, but Zoe cut him off. “I’m tired of waiting Alfie.” She was cold and to the point, but she didn’t stop, not even when Alfie looked confused. “I’m tired of never seeing you. I’m tired of praying that you don’t leave on a nothing fucking trip to God knows where to meet fans, but right now it wouldn’t be that much of a difference, would it? I’m tired of waiting to eat dinner at 11 something at night, “I’m tired of waking up and you not being here. I’m tired of having to talk to you through a screen because you are gone. I’m tired of waiting. I’M TIRED. ALRIGHT!” Alfie was taken back as her voice steadily rose to loud and broken. He saw the tears down her cheeks but as he moved to got to her he was cut off by her anger coated words. “No Alfie, this isn’t something you can hug or kiss away. You can’t just say you’re sorry and it’ll be alright. That’s not how THIS is going to work. Alfie are blind or do you just not care? I’m thinking it’s a little bit of both. You know we didn’t move into this house to be able to see each other for maybe an hour a day. That isn’t what was supposed to happen. I’m tired of never seeing you. I’m tired of being the one waiting for you to get home so I get one goddamn hour with you. Don’t you see this isn’t working!?! We aren’t okay right now. A normal relationship isn’t skyping someone you live with because you’re at your office “working”. God Chai or Morgan get to see you more than me or Nala get to and WE ARE THE ONES THAT LIVE WITH YOU!” Her voice is entirely broken and her eyes so blurred with tears. Alfie stood shell shocked. He hadn’t seen until she pointed it out. He hadn’t seen the strain, hadn’t felt the pain. Then again, he wasn’t the one getting hurt. Suddenly he moved, limbs working again. Working their way towards Zoe.  Then he had his arms full of her, and her arms full of him. Hugging and clinging and gripping and pulling.  Her tears staining his shirt while his dripped into her hair, although neither cared. They hugged for an eternity, long past the tears had stopped and the anger had vanished.
“I love you Zoe. I love you so so so so much, yeah?” Alfie said looking into Zoe’s eyes as he held her face so she would met his gaze. They both looked tired and broken to the other, both with tight cheeks from dried tears. “I promise you I will always love you. How about tomorrow we work out a plan yeah? So that we have days where there is no work, not leaving each other. Us days. Does that sound alright? I never ever want you to feel left out of my life. I love you too much for that.” He whispered, swiping his thumb across her cheeks. She nodded slightly and crafted a small smile onto her face, seeing it soon reflect on Alfie’s. He leaned in, connecting their lips together. Smiling into the kiss. It was soft and sweet, short but blissful. They soon disconnected lips and laid in bed, leaving Nala with them. They cuddled and talked about their days. They talked about memories and the future. They soon fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms, falling asleep to the hum of the waking city around them. It was late and they were tired, but they were happy.
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