panaceatthedisco · 11 months
There's an enby in Padawan!?!??!
Update from about 30 seconds later: of course they're a shape shifter
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Queer Star Wars Characters (Round 1): General Bracket Match 56
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Kantam Sy | Identity: non-binary | Media: The High Republic Phase I
Kantam Sy was the padawan of Yoda. Sensing they weren’t ready to fully commit to the Order, Yoda delayed their knighting. They ran away from the Order for a year- initially to follow a man they fell in love with, but then just to see the galaxy. After rescuing the force sensitive orphan Lula Talisola, they realized that their place was the Jedi Order and returned to it, receiving their knighthood and bringing Lula to the Order. When Lula was old enough, they took her on as their padawan.
During High Republic Adventures’ 2020 run, Lula is part of the Star Hopper, a Jedi academy ship. Kantam is one of the ship’s instructors, but Yoda is the leader of the group. During their missions against the Nihil, they are joined by Zeen Mrala, a force-sensitive girl who is too old to become a Jedi. Despite that, Kantam is happy to welcome them to the Star Hopper and Starlight Beacon and train her as a Jedi auxiliary along with the other masters and padawans. After Yoda suddenly leaves on mysterious business, Kantam and Buck Torban become the main instructors to the padawans of the Star Hopper. 
They are very empathetic and have a lot of good teachings regarding non-attachment and how to balance love and duty. They are close friends with Buck Torban and Cohmac Vitus. 
Audj Seedol | Identity: wlnb | Media: Padawan
Audj Seedol was born to crash landed settlers on the planet Lenahra, which was a macro-organism connecting all native life through the Force. The settlers discovered that by consuming the planet’s Power, they could gain the physical enhancements of Force sensitivity. But this turned the planet against them, putting the settlers under constant threat from predators. Some settlers managed to repair a ship and leave, and those who remained became addicted to the Power, believing it was required for their survival. The adults in that group died young from their use of the power, leaving teenagers like Audj to raise the younglings and create a found family. Her natural charisma and leadership skills led to Audj assuming leadership of the group. This included her brother Casul.
This was the circumstance they were in when Obi-Wan Kenobi, having run away from the temple due to puberty blasting his brain and disrupting his connection to the Force, crashed landed on their planet. Audj was dating Zae-Brii. Audj was assertive and saw Obi-Wan’s suggestion that the taking of the Power was the cause of Lenahra’s aggression towards them as insulting the legacy and culture their parents left for them. But after Audj saw Obi-Wan connecting with the planet and coexisting with the predators that had tormented them her entire life, she realized the error of her ways and realized giving up the Power would be best for her people.
However, at the same time Audj’s uncle had rediscovered the planet. He planned to take all of the Power and kill anyone in his way, including his niece and nephew. Defeating him required Audj to consume the Power one last time, which ruined the possibility of her family coexisting with Lenahra. They left the planet to find a new home somewhere in the galaxy. 
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queeruscant · 1 year
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These Star Wars characters are canonically queer! Links to each character profile will be added as they are posted. List begins under the cut!
Alys Ongwa, aka Crash
Amara Kel, aka Shadow
Amilyn Holdo
Ariole Yu
Audj Seedol
Baako Moradi
Beesar Tal-Apurna
Cassie Cryar
Casul Seedol
Caysin Bog
Chase Wilsorr
Chass na Chadic
Chelli Lona Aphra
Chellwinark Frethylrin
Cinta Kaz
Cohmac Vitus
Conder Kyl
Dec Hansen
Deemus Abrus
Delian Mors
Detta Yao
Domina Tagge
Ela Radodan
Eleodie Maracavanya
Er Dal
Eustacia Okka
Fel Ix
Gen Tri
Gojuni Motts-Danel
Hackrack Bep
Harli Jafan
Howlrunner (Theta Squadron)
Ione Marcy
Jom Lariin
Jordan Smythe
Jordanna Sparkburn
Joy Iya
Just Lucky
Kaeden Larte
Kantam Sy
Keo Venzee
Kho Phon Farrus
Kitrep Soh
Klerin Chekkat
Kor Plouth
Kryys Durango
Lando Calrissian
Lapin Tagge
Larma D'Acy
Lee Skillen
Leox Gyasi
Losha Tarkon
Lula Talisola
Magna Tolvan
Marlowe San Tekka
Matthea Cathley
Monti Calay
Murra Mors
Occo Quentto
Oshi Karmo
Rae Sloane
Raf Thatchburn
Raidah Doon
Reyé Hollis
Ric Farazi
Rooper Nitani
Sana Starros
Sannab Ro
Sinjir Rath Velus
Sky Graf
Sola Naberrie
Svi'no Atchapat
Sylvestri Yarrow
Taka Jamoreesa
Tal Veridian
Tam Posla
Tantagru Motts-Danel
Ty Yorrick
Varko Grey
Vel Sartha
Vellis San Tekka
Vernestra Rwoh
Vi Moradi
Wesson Dove
Wilhuff Tarkin
Wrobie Tyce
Wyl Lark
Yana Ro
Yarli Yren
Yrica Quell
Zeen Mrala
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sigmastolen · 2 years
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[id: black text on a beige background, a passage from padawan by kiersten white:
"Are all Jedi as mad as you?" Zae-Brii asked as they resumed running.
"Judging by my master . . . maybe."
"What would you think, if your own student was doing this?"
"Oh, I'll never have a Padawan as bad as I am." Obi-Wan was certain of that.
end id]
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nerdreadss · 2 years
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narrator vc: he would, in fact, have a padawan just as bad as he was
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aq2003 · 2 years
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i haven't seen anyone post the excerpt onto tumblr yet so here it is (src)
(image description under the cut)
[image 1 id: a photo taken of one of the pages from the padawan novel (transcribed below):
"Oh, I know!" Obi-Wan smiled at the warning, touched that Casul didn't want Obi-Wan getting his hopes up. "I can't form attachments like that, anyway." Couldn't he, though, if he didn't go back? Was that something he would even want? It had always been so forbidden, even thinking about it was like holding his hand right next to a lightsaber blade. He knew some of his friends had dabbled in physical relationships—suspected Siri would have been open to it, had he ever wanted to—but it had always seemed like an obstacle, not a temptation.
"And besides," Obi-Wan said, rushing to change the subject for himself more than anyone, "I would never want to be in a relationship with a leader. Too close to politicians or royalty. I'm sure if I ever fell in love, it would be with someone calm. Peaceful. Easy to get along with."
"So you want someone who doesn't challenge you."
Obi-Wan laughed, then shrugged. "I don't know what I want, if we're being honest."
Casul mirrored his shrug. "Not many choices around here. I don't think love is in my future, either, and I'm fine with that. As long as I have the Power to keep my family safe, that's enough for me. Though I will admit I've been curious about kissing and why Audj and Zae-Brii enjoy it so much. So if you're ever curious, too, let me know."
/end id]
[image 2 id: another photo taken of one of the pages from the padawan novel, continuing the passage (transcribed below)
Obi-Wan blushed. "I will. Let you know, I mean. Not that I will do that, right now, with you. Or anyone." Would he ever get to a point where kissing someone felt like anything less than a betrayal of himself and the Jedi? And if he did get to that point, who would he want to kiss? The Lenahrans were confident and charismatic, which attractive. But he couldn't imagine just...kissing any of them.
Maybe he didn't want to be with any of them but rather to be more like each of them.
Or maybe he wanted to kiss all of them. Not Mem, though, because he had a feeling that would upset her very much.
He wasn't going to kiss any of them, regardless. Everything on Lenahra seemed simple and felt impossibly complicated, and that would doubtless make it all worse.
/end id]
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rhioth · 2 years
"Not many choices around here. I don't think love is in my future, either, and I'm fine with that. As long as I have the Power to keep my family safe, that's enough for me. Though I will admit I've been curious about kissing and why Audj and Zae-Brii enjoy it so much. So if you're ever curious, too, let me know."
Obi-Wan blushed. 'I will. Let you know, I mean. Not that I will do that, right now, with you. Or anyone'. Would he ever get to a point where kissing someone felt like anything less than a betrayal of himself and the Jedi? And if he did get to that point, who would he want to kiss? The Lenahrans were confident and charismatic, which was attractive."
"But he couldn't imagine just... kissing any of them. Maybe he didn't want to be with any of them but rather to be more like each of them. Or maybe he wanted to kiss all of them,"
WE FUCKING KNEWWWWW IT, laughing at all the dude bros rn
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thecathaersis · 2 years
-Ah, wiem!- Obi-Wan uśmiechnął się na tę przestrogę, poruszony tym, że Casul nie chciał, aby Kenobi` popadał w złudną nadzieję. - Z resztą, i tak nie mogę tworzyć takich przywiązań.
Jednak czy byłoby to zabronione, gdyby po prostu nie wrócił? Czy byłoby to coś, czego by kiedykolwiek chciał? Było to zawsze zakazane do tego stopnia, że sama myśl o tym była niczym trzymanie dłoni przy ostrzu miecza świetlnego. Wiedział, że niektórzy z jego przyjaciół babrali się w fizycznych relacjach - podejrzewał, że Siri byłby zawsze otwarty na taką propozycję, gdyby kiedykolwiek padła, jednak byłaby to bardziej przeszkoda, niż pokusa.
- Poza tym, - Obi-Wan dodał, przyspieszając zmianę tematu, dla dobra własnego bardziej niż kogokolwiek innego - Nigdy nie chciałbym być w związku z przywódcą. Zbyt bliski kontakt z politykami i rodzinami królewskimi. Jestem pewien, że jeśli miałbym się kiedykolwiek zakochać, to w kimś opanowanym. Spokojnym. Takim, z którym idzie się łatwo dogadać.
-Zatem chcesz kogoś, kto nie będzie dla Ciebie wyzwaniem?
Obi-Wan zaśmiał się i wzruszył ramionami.
-Szczerze mówiąc, sam nie wiem, czego tak naprawdę chcę.
Casul powtórzył jego ruch ramionami.
-Tu nie ma zbyt wielkiego wyboru. Nie sądzę, że przyszłość przyniesie mi miłość, z resztą, już to zaakceptowałem. Dopóki posiadam siłę pozwalającą mi na utrzymanie mojej rodziny bezpiecznej, jestem spełniony. Jednak przyznam, że zaciekawiło mnie całowanie oraz czemu Audj i Zae-Brii tak to lubią. Jeśli kiedykolwiek najdzie Cię taka sama ciekawość, daj mi znać. Obi-Wan się zarumienił.
-Zrobię to. Znaczy, dam Ci znać. Nie, że teraz to zrobię z tobą. Czy z kimkolwiek.
Czy kiedykolwiek całowanie kogoś nie skończyłoby się poczuciem zdrady samego siebie i Jedi? A jeśli już miałoby do tego dojść, to kogo chciałby pocałować? Lenahransi byli pewni siebie i charyzmatyczni, co było atrakcyjne. Jednak nie mógł sobie wyobrazić... całowanie kogokolwiek z nich.
Może nie chciał być z żadnym z nich, lecz raczej jak każdy z nich.
A może chciał pocałować ich wszystkich. Z wyjątkiem Mem, gdyż czuł, że bardzo by ją to zdenerwowało.
Bez względu na wszystko, nie zamierzał ich całować. Wszystko na Lenahrze wydawało się proste i jednocześnie sprawiało wrażenie niemożliwie skomplikowanego, co bez żadnych wątpliwości, pogorszyłoby to wszystko.
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' - [zmiana bo wkurwiło mnie powtórzenie imienia]
Tekst źródłowy: Padawan, Kiersten White
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queeruscant · 1 year
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These Star Wars characters are canonically non-binary! Links to each character profile will be added as they are posted.
Eleodie Maracavanya
Gen Tri
Kantam Sy
Keo Venzee
Kho Phon Farrus
Lapin Tagge
Occo Quentto
Sky Graf
Taka Jamoreesa
Yarli Yren
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Queer Star Wars Characters (Round 1): General Bracket Match 55
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Zae-Brii | Identity: alien non-binary/nblw | Media: Padawan
Zae-Brii was born to crash landed settlers on the planet Lenahra, which was a macro-organism connecting all native life through the Force. The settlers discovered that by consuming the planet’s Power, they could gain the physical enhancements of Force sensitivity. But this turned the planet against them, putting the settlers under constant threat from predators. Some settlers managed to repair a ship and leave, and those who remained became addicted to the Power, believing it was required for their survival. The adults in that group died young from their use of the power, leaving teenagers like Zae-Brii to raise the younglings and create a found family.
This was the circumstance they were in when Obi-Wan Kenobi, having run away from the temple due to puberty blasting his brain and disrupting his connection to the Force, crashed landed on their planet. Zae-Brii was a changeling, and due to the skills required to copy people’s faces was very emotionally intelligent. She was dating Audj Seedol, the group’s leader. She became the closest to Obi-Wan, and when he realized how their taking of the Power hurt Lenahra, she wanted the group to at least consider that there was another way to live.
When Audj’s uncle Leogrib rediscovered the planet thanks to Obi-Wan, she helped Obi-Wan infiltrate his mining ship to discover that his true intentions were to take the Power for himself and kill anyone in the way. The group planned to live in harmony with Lenahra, but Audj had to consume the Power one last time to defeat Leogrib, and so the group had to leave the planet and find a new home somewhere in the wider galaxy.
Irei | Identity: wlw | Media: Jedi Battle Scars
Irei was a mildly force-sensitive Nikto living in the time of the Empire. She fell in love with Chellwinark Frethylin, a Keshri training to be an Imperial analyst. She tried to convince Fret to defect, but Fret thought that she could better protect her by trying to improve the Empire from the inside and manipulating Imperial surveillance to protect Irei. Technologically minded, Irei worked on a device called the Shroud, which would protect the user from electronic surveillance and sensors. However, Fret’s manipulation backfired, and the Empire burned down Irei’s family shop. Fret believed Irei had been killed. Years later, Irei was actually captured by the Empire and Fret found discussion regardings plans for the Shroud being in the hands of the Empire. She surrendered herself to the crew of the Mantis and convinced them to attack an Imperial installation to obtain the plans. The plans turned out to be Irei herself, and Cal and Merrin helped her escape. Fret’s girlfriend turning out to be alive again really put a damper on Fret and Merrin’s burgeoning relationship. Irei’s technological know-how helped Cal and company defeat the industrialist that had supported Fret but was now betraying her to the Empire and the Sixth Brother. Battle Scars isn’t really Irei’s story, so we don’t get to see the details, but after some quality time together she forgives Fret and the two of them plan to go into hiding. Merrin doesn’t join them, and presumably Irei and Fret get back together without her.
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queeruscant · 1 year
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These Star Wars characters are canonically queer during the Galactic Republic era! Links to each character profile will be added as they are posted.
Audj Seedol
Cassie Cryar
Casul Seedol
Gojuni Motts-Danel
Harli Jafan
Ione Marcy
Sannab Ro
Sola Naberrie
Tantagru Motts-Danel
Wilhuff Tarkin
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