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kylelowe · 7 months ago
Is the Zacuto MicroBoom worth $165? I like it for my talking head set up.
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stupittmoran · 11 months ago
Some of you people are acting like it's still 1502 and it shows In 1502, after spending eight months exploring the coasts of Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama, Columbus beached in Jamaica at the end of June 1503. There, he and his men were stranded for one year. Since the governor of Hispaniola was not a fan of Columbus, he stopped any efforts to rescue him. At first, the natives were hospitable to Columbus, but his sailors stole from and cheated the natives. Finally, after six months the natives stopped their food supply to Columbus and his men. Columbus had one last trick up his sleeve. Columbus had an astronomy almanac by Abraham Zacuto. He noticed there was a lunar eclipse coming up on February 29, 1504. He met with the tribal leader and told him God was angry with native’s treatment of Columbus. He said his God would put clear sign of his anger in the sky by making the full Moon appear “inflamed with wrath.” His trick worked. When the natives saw the eclipse—on schedule, just as Columbus predicted—they ran from all directions to Columbus’ ships with fresh provisions, begging him to pray to his God for protection. Columbus went to the cabin of his ship to “pray,” timing the eclipse with his hourglass. Totality—the period of time when the moon is completely engulfed in Earth’s shadow—was about to end, so Columbus emerged from his cabin and told them God had forgiven them. Just then the moon started to reappear and the natives were grateful. They continued to care for his men for several more months until he was rescued.
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months ago
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Hispanic Day
Hispanic Day is celebrated every October 12 to mark Christopher Columbus’ first landfall in the Americas. Did you know that Columbus was seeking a direct route to Asia when he discovered the Americas? Spain Hispanic Day, also known as Fiesta Nacional de España or Día de la Hispanidad, is an official holiday in most Hispanic America under different names. All government administrative buildings and offices, banks, and stores are closed for the day. The day shines a light on Spanish identity and heritage — the bond between the old European country and Spanish-speaking Latin America. Learn about the historical significance of this day in Spain.
History of Hispanic Day
Christopher Columbus’ discovery of the Americas significantly changed the continent and Europe, making Spain the first modern superpower and shaping the Americas’ ethnic, cultural, and political landscapes. Columbus’ first voyage to the New World began on the evening of August 3, 1492. He left the harbor of Palos de la Frontera with three ships: Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the Niña, with Christopher Columbus traveling on the first ship.
On October 12, 1492, the crew on the Pinta sighted land and informed Columbus. Then, Columbus and his men landed on an island and were received by the indigenous Arawak people. He later named the island San Salvador, though it was called Guanahani by the locals. He also referred to the indigenous people as Los Indios, creating a generalized term that will be used to describe the indigenous people of North, Central, and South America.
Columbus later continued his voyage, exploring northeast of Cuba and the northern coast of Hispaniola. In December of that year, Columbus founded the settlement of La Navidad in present-day Haiti and left 39 men there, after the permission of the local chief. On March 15, 1493, Columbus arrived in Spain with native prisoners. His discoveries were received with great celebration and quickly spread across Europe.
On September 24, 1493, Columbus set sail for the New World with 17 ships and about 1,500 men. During this voyage, he encountered the islands of Dominica, Maria-Galante, Montserrat, Antigua, the Virgin Islands, and more. In November 1493, he returned to Hispaniola and established a temporary settlement in La Isabela, present-day Dominican Republic.
The Spanish settlers soon introduced the encomienda system, where indigenous people provided labor for the Spaniards in return for food, shelter, and protection. That, along with the introduction of European diseases and the exportation of enslaved locals, led to a drastic reduction in the indigenous population.
Columbus set sail again on May 30, 1498, locating the regions of modern-day Central and South America. In 1499, Columbus was accused of tyranny and corruption. He and his brother were arrested, shipped to Spain, and spent six weeks in jail. The Columbus brothers were later absolved of all charges by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella and got sponsored for their fourth voyage to the New World.
On May 9, 1502, Columbus returned to the Americas with a fleet of 30 ships, but only one made it back to Spain. During this voyage, Columbus explored the coasts of Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. However, he was impeded by a storm and shipwrecked in Jamaica, where they remained stranded for six months. In a desperate attempt to induce the natives to keep providing for him and his men, Columbus used the lunar eclipse of February 29, 1504, to scare them. He accurately predicted the event using Abraham Zacuto’s astronomical charts. On June 28, 1504, he and his men were rescued, and they arrived in Spain on November 7, 1504.
Spain’s National Day today is a celebration of the country’s heritage. The day is an homage to over 400 million people across continents united by a common language, history, and culture. The quintessential Spanish lifestyle is fully displayed – concerts, street shows, dance, people in regional costumes, and excellent food and wine. The National Day of Spain has faced many changes throughout the 20th Century, but many still regard it as one of the most important days in Spanish history.
Hispanic Day timeline
1492 — 1493
The First Voyage
Columbus sets sail in search of Asia, exploring San Salvador in the Bahamas, the northeast coast of Cuba, Hispaniola, and Haiti.
1493 — 1496
The Second Voyage
Columbus returns to the New World, encountering the islands of Dominica, Antigua, Montserrat, and more.
A National Celebration
Under queen regent Maria Christina, Spain officially commemorates the fourth centenary of Columbus’ discovery of the Americas.
Hispanic Day Celebrations
Madrid celebrates the first ‘Día de la Hispanidad.’
Hispanic Day FAQs
Is Hispanic Day a national holiday in Spain?
Yes. It’s also an off day when government offices, banks, and stores are closed.
How does Spain celebrate Spain Hispanic Day?
Solemn acts of tribute to the Spanish National Flag take place in the capital, Madrid, under the king’s supervision. That is followed by the Armed Forces and State Security Forces parade.
What does Spain call Columbus Day?
Spain Hispanic Day, National Day of Spain, and Día de la Fiesta Nacional.
Hispanic Day Activities
Take a trip to Spain: The day’s celebrations usually extend up to a week, giving people an opportunity to travel to the countryside and explore historical places in Spain. Common destinations for this trip include Aragon and Zaragoza. Book your flight early so you don’t miss out on the celebration.
Soak in the art and architecture: Several Spanish historical sites and museums have an Open Doors Day today. From the Baroque and Renaissance to Gothic influences, Spain’s contribution to art and architecture is immense.
Try a Spanish dish: Dishes such as tortilla Española, gazpacho, paella Valenciana, and fideuá are some of the best the Spanish nation has to offer. Check for a nearby Spanish restaurant and indulge your taste buds with these delicious Spanish cuisines.
5 Interesting Facts About Spain
No lyrics: The ‘Marcha Real,’ Spain’s national anthem, is one of four national anthems in the world with no lyrics.
Border with an African country: Spain is the only country in Europe to have a border with Africa through Morocco.
UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Spain has the third-highest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites globally — 47.
Spanish speakers: There are about 440 million native Spanish speakers globally, making it second only to Mandarin Chinese.
The world’s oldest restaurant: El Restaurante Botín in Madrid, opened in 1725, is the oldest restaurant in the world.
Why We Love Hispanic Day
It sparks a revision of history: Spain’s impact on the New World was huge, and dates like this one both shine a light on it and inspire reflection on how the times have changed. It is an excellent opportunity to learn.
Spanish legacy: Aside from the Spanish discovery of the Americas, Spain Hispanic Day also celebrates its impact and influence over the Americas, especially Hispanic America. Learn all about Spain’s legacy today!
Unity: Spain Hispanic Day is also a celebration of Spanish culture and language. It commemorates the shared history between Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries, deepening social, political, and economic ties.
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leonfelipepeni · 1 year ago
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🍀¡Hola familia!. Hoyl 29 de febrero, es un día más en el calendario🗓, debido a un fenómeno astrónomico. Los años con un día más, son conocidos como "Años Bisiestos". Desde la antigüedad, el hombre ha tenido la necesidad de medir el tiempo, para poder organizarse en relación, a los ciclos naturales estacionales. Aunque creemos que el año tiene 365 días, la realidad es que, lo que hace que aumente un día en el calendario, se origina debido al movimiento de traslación en la órbita por la que circula el planeta tierra 🌏 alrededor del Sol ☀ , y que tiene una duración de 365 días con casi 6 horas (1/4 de día). Esto hace que cada 4 años, se le agregue un día más al mes de febrero. Pero, ¿porqué se ajusta en el mes de febrero, y no en otro mes?. Se hace en febrero para poder asegurar que el "Equinoccio de primavera" ocurra, siempre, entre el 20 o 21 de marzo y así no se desfase el calendario🗓. El termino "Bisiesto" proviene del latín "Bis sextus", que complementa la expresión "Bis sextus dies ante calendas Martii" que significa: "Doble sexto día antes de las calendas de Marzo". Curiosamente lo anterior, para los romanos, definía el día 23 de febrero como un día doble, de 48 horas, que era el "sexto día antes de marzo", y al ser doble se convertía en el "bi-sexto día antes de marzo". Existen algunos mitos sobre este día, por ejemplo, los escoceses🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 lo consideran un día de mala suerte, algo parecido al martes 13. Los griegos🇬🇷 consideran que es un mal día para casarse, porque conlleva al fracaso de la pareja. Sin embargo, en Irlanda🇮🇪 se relaciona este día con la fortuna y la buena suerte. En Gran Bretaña, las mujeres podían proponer matrimonio, únicamente los 29 de febrero. Por otro lado, las primeras órdenes de arresto contra las "Brujas de Salem" fueron entregadas un 29 de febrero de 1692. Cristóbal Colón, durante su cuarto y último viaje, permaneció varado por algunos meses en lo que hoy es Jamaica🇯🇲. Esto debido al daño provocado a sus embarcaciones, por las increíbles tormentas🌩 del mar 🌊 caribe, que sumado a la falta de alimentos, provocó una situación que hizo que la relación con los pobladores de la isla se complicara derivando en altercados con ellos. Colón aprovechó que, al conocer de antemano que iba a darse un eclipse lunar el 29 de febrero de 1504, publicado en el "Almanach Perpétuum", de Abraham Zacuto, les profetizara a los jefes de los pobladores de la isla, que Dios les castigaría si no le proporcionaban alimentos a su gente, y que en señal de su enojo, haría que la luna se pintara de rojo. Por cierto, hoy también es el "Día del Soltero" en Irlanda🇮🇪.
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lanewsline · 2 years ago
Posted by Don Rose
Concern Foundation’s 48th Annual Block Party Fundraiser Will Once Again Host Hundreds of Guests on the Paramount Backlot Saturday July 8 to Benefit Cancer Research
A place for entertainment and camaraderie, while never losing focus on the goal to conquer cancer now!
(FEATURED EVENT) On Saturday evening, July 8, 2023, Concern Foundation will host one of LA's most celebrated charity events: its 48th Annual Block Party on the backlot of Paramount Studios Hollywood. The anticipated sold-out event will once again be attended by an estimated 4,000 guests, with the goal of raising $2 million dollars for cancer research.
The theme for this year’s event will be THE LAND BEFORE TIME: THE EXTINCTION OF CANCER. Concern will be honoring the Kallick Family with the Lifetime of Giving Award and saluting Cedars Sinai Cancer for their groundbreaking work focused on conquering cancer.
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The backlot streets will be filled with plenty of musical and interactive entertainment on multiple stages featuring the Tom Nolan Band on the main stage, D' City Sound & Events on the Yabba Dabba DJ Stage presented by the Hirsch Family Foundation and the Vibrato “Grotto” Grill Jazz stage. Throughout the venue, guests will find photo studios, lounges, casino style gaming, and beauty services provided by the Beauty Bus Foundation. One of the highlights of the evening will be the online silent and live auctions sponsored by ZACUTO GROUP that will feature items and packages including one-of-a-kind opportunities, concert and event tickets, restaurants, staycations, golf packages and many other wonderful items donated by friends throughout the community.
Concern is honored to celebrate The Best of LA 2023® on Los Angeles Magazine Street for the 17th year, which will feature lounges, photo booths, food stations, DJ dancing, and much, much more. Los Angeles magazine will once again make a financial contribution to Concern to help further their mission.
Great food and beverages will be found up and down every street including notable mainstays of the Block Party, such as Vibrato Grill Jazz, The Grill on the Alley, Factor’s Famous Deli, A.O.C., Fogo de Chao, Someone’s In The Kitchen, Dulan’s Soul Food, Nobu Malibu, STK, Porta Via, Maria’s Italian Kitchen, H & H Brazilian Steakhouse, Milagro Tequila, Deutsch Family, and Pink’s Famous Hot Dogs just to name a few. Joining Concern for the first time are Calajo Catering, Brique LA, The Breakfast Club, The Hideaway, Leona’s Sushi House, The Village, Firefly and many more joining every day.
Starting from a simple idea back in the early 70’s that has grown to become a reality with thousands of moving parts is the one thing that sets Concern’s signature Block Party apart from most other organizations in this city.
You can lend your support again this year by being a part of the generation that is making the most significant advancements in eradicating cancer. For more information about the Concern Foundation Block Party, please visit: concernfoundation.org/block-party.html
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momo-de-avis · 1 year ago
Correction: Abraham Zacuto actually managed to leave in 1497, and went to Venice.
But go look into Gracia Nassi, also called La Señora, and born and baptised as a new christian as Beatriz de Luna. She was the richest woman in the early 16th century, a filantropist and businesswoman, and the first one to set up such an impressive network across the globe to help jews escape Spain and Portugal, she founded a whole fucking city for them in the Ottoman Empire. Please read about her. She was the one who left shortly after the pogrom.
Ana I don't get something. In some government sources (not Portuguese tho, so maybe that's why) it says there's only 600 Jewish people in Portugal?? That has to be fake right? Because another sources states there are at least 30,000 Sephardic Jews in Portugal.
It’s definitely closer to 600.
I know it was 600 around 2015, but the number has since risen to 1500 in recent years, according to the bbc.
The link above is in portuguese but it does state what I believe is the source of confusion.
There are 1500 practicing jews in portugal. Since around I believe 2015, there has been a law, same as Spain, that in order to seek forgiveness for the repression and persecution suffered, anyone who can prove sephardic portuguese ancestry can get portuguese citizenship.
So far around 30.000 people have applied for that. That’s where I think the number comes from.
I’m typing this on my phone and was just about to get in the shower but there’s actually very good and obvious reasons (or, they will become obvious) to why the jewish population of portugal is so small. If you want to understand more just let me know
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vormax · 4 years ago
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Совсем нюх потеряли... ... ... Я говорю не про болезнь ковид в прямом смысле слова, а про то что происходит вокруг. Все те, кто могут получить выгоду в новых реалиях- ее получают и если есть возможность сократить расходы - ничто не помешает оптимизации. Большие компании и корпорации, пишут большие лозунги про помощь во время ковид, про перевод на удаленку, про отказ от сокращений и другие благие намерения. Что по факту? По факту просто болтовня. Реструктуризация кредитов - такого не существует. Связаться с кем-то из поддержки какой-нибудь фирмы практически невозможно. Говорят только боты, а г��е настоящие люди - скорее всего сокращены. Выгодный предлог для реализации цифровой революции. Да и зачем крупной компании человеческий ответ? Выгоднее отработанный алгоритм, который пошлёт человека с ненужными вопросами. Вы пытались связаться с фэйсбук? Это почти невозможно. Пайпал в России вообще отключил федеральную горячую линию. Идентификация разработчика в ФБ невозможна до окончания ковид. Пайпал требует пройти обязательную идентификацию даже если она невозможна из-за того же ковид.... .... Если бы люди в коллцентрах были бы на удаленке - они бы отвечали. А так только слышна болтовня цифровых ботов. Такое ощущение что #skynet нас уже захватил и во главе многих крупных компаний людей не осталось..... ... P.S. А зачем фэйсбук постоянно сбрасывает пароли, а потом говорит, что тот или иной пароль уже использовался? Ощущение что Facebook знают все мои пароли. Точно Skynet. .... #covid #covid_19 #selife #zacuto #sachtler #smallhd #cinematography #filmmaker #directorofphotography #camerasetup #filmlife #cinematographer #cinemalens #lensforcinema #lensmanufacture #cameraassistant #camerarig #cameralens #cinemascope #filmphotography #bigcompany #company #facebook #paypal (at Cinematic) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHGYtM-hIV7/?igshid=1mja9mp77ruhc
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thoughtleaderglobal-blog · 6 years ago
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Storytelling with @basecampexplorer on Svalbard inspired by our work in Masai Mara last year meeting with the Masai guides Sharing their experience travelling far North to Svalbard and talking about the global story and how what happens to the climate far North affects the South. We can learn so much from these meetings between people. Here is a collection of behind the scenes from our 9 day production on magical Svalbard. Now we are deep in the editing suite. #svalbard #spitsbergen #basecamp #explorer #masai #masaimara #story #storytelling #northsouth #sonyfs7 #zacuto #easyrig #travel #sustainable #eco #ecotourism #life #future #climate (ved Longyearbyen) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoeQSj_g0yu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1t55zv546v04o
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myvideobag · 7 years ago
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Follow @effenofilms ・・・ The EffenoFilms filmmaking Arsenal! #WhatsInMyBag #myvideobag #Filmmaking #ursaminipro #zacuto #corebattery #tascam. #vmount #rokinon #tokina #peakdesign #neewer #imorden #rode #egodisk #greycard #mattebox #neewer #zdrive #chicago #independentfilmmaker #ThisIsMyPassion #filmmakersworld (at Chicago, Illinois)
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shesadp · 7 years ago
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Every frame! #831visionflims #imjustheretogetheshots #africanamericandp #femaledp #ladyops #sonyfs54kraw #zacuto #atomosshogun #fullsailuniversity #pavingmyownlane #monfrotto #setlife #goaldigger #visionbuilder #dplakishahughes #ICUGOD #lakishahughes #dji #blackops #djiphantom4 #dronelife #filmschool #pelicanprofessional #nailpolishandcameras #photographer #awardwinningdp #celebrity #nailpolishandgear #tiltamax #tilta #soc
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ohheyclyde · 5 years ago
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#setlife #c300mkii #smallhd #zacuto #brighttangerine https://www.instagram.com/p/B9srfLdAFPV/?igshid=1n8kj6lbjeirn
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terywilson · 7 years ago
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#BTS shot of me running a wireless audio setup and DP'g. #DaddysHome short film written by @ebonynmayo Starring @iamdesibanks & @jayfifty Photo Credit: || @lvcthenetwork #BlackmagicCinemaCamera #Sigma #Zacuto #RODElinkFilmmaker #TascamDr40 #WomenInFilm
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gliklofhameln · 3 years ago
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Three kabbalistic treatises: Ma‘ayan Gannim (The Spring of the Gardens), Menahem Azariah of Fano; Sefer ha-Kavvanot (Book of Intentions), Moses Zacuto; and Kabbalistic Discourse, Israel Isaiah Norzi [Italy: 17th century]
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macrofi · 5 years ago
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Production shoot at Realpage today. Prepping a truck walk and talk shot. @filmerj @jeffreyatracy #atomos #atomosshogun #panasonic #eva #Schoeps #schoepsmicrophones #woodencamera #zacuto #sachtler #westcottlighting (at RealPage, Inc.) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5LI14KnUpy/?igshid=wx0qwuxcca8z
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douglasbrianmiller · 7 years ago
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Back in the studio today. #sonyprousa #fs7 #sonyfs7 #fs5 #sonyfs5 #sonya7sii #videoproduction #cameraporn #director #dırectorofphotography #cinematographer #cinematography #cameraoperator #sachtler #panasonic #tilta #zacuto #setlife #onset #coreswx (at BP Studios)
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ryanchengck · 6 years ago
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Exhaust. #blackmagicpocketcinemacamera #bmpcc4k #zacuto #zacutogratical #zacutorecoil #zeisslenses #brokenanchordesign https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxhm_ZuBCMZ/?igshid=1i1uexwlrb4d1
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