#zackary quinto
go-bwah · 2 days
looking forward to not seeing the commercials for the doctor show with zackary quinto as i only associate him with his characters on american horror story
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The new star trek series is just so.... gay???? Spock and Kirk? Space husbands
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stuffgetswatched · 6 years
Star Trek: Beyond
Well next on the list, it’s Star Trek. This film was... it was maybe the best of the new Star Treks, but it wasn’t quite tight enough to make it fantastic on it’s own. More Spoilerific thoughts below.
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This film was at it’s best when it was engaging in the relationship they had developed between existent characters. The duets, especially Spock and Bones, they were fucking fantastic and highlighted why we enjoy their chemistry. Bones himself is basically part of the three main characters, simply due to how well Karl Urban has carried the role. Sulu continued to secretly be the most competent person on the ship and the obvious next captain, Chekov (RIP Anton, you were the best) and his sexual exploits in the background, they were all done fantastic. Obviously Scotty had the most to do on his own, but what I found weird was that Uhura was almost underused? She was there but she wasn’t doing anything massive on her own, like she wasn’t distinct aside from being a part of Spocks little arc. That was kinda disappointing.
I honestly wish more of the film had been spent on those relationships? I had huge hopes with the plot seeming to be ‘shore leave interrupted’, but as we came to realise that the station they were sent to was insanely advanced it dawned on me that it was going to go to the well again with the big stakes explosions destruction. Thankfully they didn’t break the Yorktown, but they certainly broke the old Enterprise.
Why do they have a fetish for blowing crap up in these films. Is it necessary? The mutilation of the ship initially was more than enough for me, then I had to sit and watch them just... crash it again.
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I mean look at that. The film looked incredible, as they always do, that’s the best warp has ever looked. But I honestly didn’t need it to enjoy the film. It’s nice that they do it, but if they could avoid studio shutdown by cutting the CGI budget down by twenty five million then I’ll be more than happy.
All credit to the production crew and Simon Pegg, it did not feel like a production as dogged with issues as it was. Rogue One is a great example of a similar modern film that was butchered before release with rewrites and reworks, but Beyond came out very comprehensive. Up until about... an hour in it was working and functioning perfectly, I was even praising the writing for being surprisingly top notch. Then... is starts to struggle a little bit. The world was defined as a graveyard world, and they tracked the crew by tracking the only bit of a rare Vulcan metal that should be there, around Uhuras neck (sadly her largest plot contribution aside from getting Kirk on the other side of the door). However the graveyard was old enough that it caught the Kelvin. Surely in those centuries, more federation ships, with pre-destruction Vulcan numbers, would exist? I don’t know, niggles appeared at this point and some of the set pieces started to struggle.
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The writing also struggled with the main non crew characters, Krall and Jaylah. Because of the massive focus on the core characters, and the promotion of Bones to equal screen time, these two were sharply curtailed into relatively basic roles. Jaylah started interestingly, but never really came back again in her own - she got a moment to resist the flow of the plot but was easily persuaded to ‘be brave’ which isn’t really how one overcomes deep trauma but okay sure whatever. She had a rivalry, i noticed, with the subcommander of Kralls folks, but that was so sandbagged by time restraints they had to break the battle flow to inform you it existed.
I was shocked that Idris Elba was Krall, mostly because... Krall was so painfully generic. I feel like we’ve done this a hundred times before, and this specific story twice. Villain from the Federations past, a soldier who can’t let a war go, ‘unity makes you weak’, ‘conflict is a part of life so blow up a monument’. It’s kinda painful how often I have seen that plot in relatively one dimensional villains. His subcommander had a line where he was like 'Complete the Mission' and that belonged in a different film that gave the idea that ‘captains do anything for their crew’ more time. It was the only tie in to the attempt to make him make more compelling. Didn’t work.
Neither of those two actors were used to their potential, and Idris Elba was most likely a shocking waste of money that wasn’t needed to be spent. He had nothing to do, nothing to say and no emotion to elicit, speaking in a guttural voice with a heavily covered face. And Paramount wonders why it’s struggling financially!
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This film was sometimes annoying to watch because it had a lot of very good ideas, and it came surprisingly close to being truly great. The cheesy but awesome music killing the enemies should not have worked, but it did. The cinematics were beautiful and the camera work was fine. The heart and soul was in, and details when they were used were used well. But for every great touch was a moment of waste, such as the unintentionally hilarious reverse of the Into Darkness shot of the Enterprise crashing into the sea, but now with the Kelvin surfacing out of the pool. It was held back, especially in the second half.
What else to say. ‘Sulu is Gay now’ was the most understated thing, and I mean... yeah sure. It’s fine, I’m not going to complain about more representation. Fuck anyone who argued it was rubbing it in faces, it was exactly the same level as the Guardians of the Galaxy “the nova core guy has an alien wife and kid” and no-one complained about that. It’s actually sad how easy it is for them to play with inter-species relationships in the film more than same sex ones, I’m glad they are doing it, but you know.
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I think the weird thing I actually got from Beyond is the realization that a film like this without human protagonists couldn’t exist today. People have a hard enough time watching or making films with female or minority protagonists. Imagine if they got one of the thousand Federation vessels without any humans on board and just followed that. Maybe they could be working on the frontier, not the best vessel, not the worst vessel either, just a Defiant level ship trying to keep a minor sector from erupting into internal conflict on the Federation border. An important job, but not a real threat. A thankless task, letting them focus on the extended crew, all those aliens that no-one cared about in the background of other sci fi films. Not played for laughs, not treated as fodder.
Wouldn’t that be interesting?
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whathefuckrpg · 7 years
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Quand je comprends pourquoi mon entourage IRL a peur de lire mes RP et de découvrir mon univers.
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righteousdelusions · 2 years
On one hand, the aos star trek movies do kinda sort of miss the point of star trek, specially into darkness. On the other hand, it has this yummy homoeroticism. Who's to say what's right
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universalmovies · 6 years
Zachary Quinto torna a parlare di Star Trek 4
Zachary Quinto torna a parlare di Star Trek 4
In questo ultimo periodo si sta facendo un sacco di rumore intorno al prossimo film di Star Trek. Zackary Quinto, l’attore che ha impersonificato il Sig. Spock nei film del rinato franchise cinematografico, è tornato a parlare di “Star Trek 4” attraverso una recentissima intervista rilasciata su “The Observer“. Queste le sue dichiarazioni: “C’è molta energia intorno a più film. Quali saranno…
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r-ray · 4 years
Thanks @merlinmyrddin for the tag:)
Ten characters from ten fandoms:
What, only ten? Well, no one promised that it will be easy...
0) Merlin (Colin Morgan) from ‘Merlin’, because it’s obvious and I know how to cheat ;)
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Art by AmandaTolleson 
1) Spock (Zackary Quinto) from ‘Star Trek Reboot’ because I’m sapiosexual
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2) Spencer Reid (Matthew Gray Gubler) from ‘Criminal Minds’, same reason
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3) Q (Ben Whishaw) from ‘James Bond’, same reason... Ben Whishaw is the best thing that could have happen with ‘Bond’ franchise, they are blessed. And these british cheekbones should be forbidden on the aircrafts because it’s a weapon. Honestly, what is this with british actors and their cheekbones?!
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4) James McGraw aka Flint (Toby Stephens) from ‘Black Sails’ because his determination wins over seas and horrids of human nature. Also: how to make a proper non-heterosexual male character
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5) Karen Page (Deborah Ann Woll) from ‘Daredevil’ because she’s a fighter, and Deborah Ann Woll is some kind of a goddess
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6) Anne Lister (Suranne Jones) from ‘Gentleman Jack’ because she doesn’t give a damn about stupid social conventions
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7) Joss Carter (Taraji Henson) from ‘Person of Interest’ because she’s manages to be both a BAMF and one of the kindest souls. Also the whole main cast of PoI should be in this list, to be honest, because I’m in love with all of them 
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7) Kara Thrace aka Starbuck’ (Katee Sackhoff) from ‘Battlestar Galactica’ because she’s the most realistic superhero I’ve ever seen. Also I cried when she disappeared in the series ending, and I don’t cry. Ever.
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9) Elizabeth Weir (Torri Higginson) from ‘Stargate Atlantis’ because I’d love to see all diplomats and leaders to be like her. 
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10) Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) from ‘X-Files’ because she’s more or less an iconic fictional female scientist
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Damn, I forgot how much I love them all. Now I want to rewatch it all. Stargate, Battlestar Galactica, Criminal Minds, PoI, X-Files... It would be like 50 seasons in total xD
Feel free to pick up the tag:).
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witchygirl99 · 5 years
23, 28, 55, 56
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
I’ve met a bunch at FanExpo and other conventions! Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, Mark Sheppard (I have pictures with all of them!), Sir Patrick Stewart, the amazing Stan Lee (RIP), Dave Bautista, Zackary Quinto, Nathan Fillion...
28. What type of music do you like?
EDM and indie, mostly. But I grew up on country. Lived my teen years in a punk/emo rock haze, married a man who only listens to either a) gangster rap or b) classic rock - like no earlier than the 90s. And I enjoy a lot of classical music too. I really miss movie soundtracks having their own scores. And I do listen to pop, but only for bits of time until it refreshes a bit.
55. Most used phrase?
“I’m cold.”
56. Most used word?
Thanks anon :)
Get to Know Me Uncomfortably Well
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theaprioriblog · 8 years
Star Trek Beyond
Teil drei der neuen Reihe von Star Trek, kam 2016 in die Kinos und war der erste Teil, der nicht von J.J. Abrahms directed wurde. Für Star Trek Beyond wurde Justin Lin als Regisseur gewählt. Er wurde mit diversen Fast and Furious Verfilmungen bekannt. Der Wechsel des Regisseurs macht den Film nicht schlechter, sondern verleiht ihm einen neuen Blickwinkel.
Die Enterprise befindet sich ungefähr im…
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parksaeroyi · 4 years
wow, zackary quinto was a good actor though hm in heroes was amazing
Sometimes I still think of the eyebrows
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universalmovies · 6 years
Simon Pegg è convinto che Star Trek 4 si farà
Simon Pegg è convinto che Star Trek 4 si farà
E’ di pochissimi giorni fa il nostro articolo in cui riportavamo le dichiarazioni di Zackary Quinto relative al prossimo film di Star Trek, ed ecco che oggi vi riportiamo uno stralcio di una lunghissima intervista che Simon Pegg ha rilasciato su The Quietus. In questa intervista Simon Pegg si dichiara estremamente fiducioso nella possibilità che il nuovo film di Star Trek possa vedere la luce.…
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thinking-----space · 9 years
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Season 2 characters. 
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saphireblueelf · 10 years
If I was to write a blog about Starfleet acadamy with new beigns would anyone follow it??
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