#zack addy x jack hodgins
cryptid-moose · 2 years
"I lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship"
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shad0w-ink · 2 years
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Bones Doodle
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shelbgrey · 8 months
Can you do a Zack Addy x gn reader where reader goes to the Jeffersonian to bring him food and eat with him and everyone is confused because they didn't know Zack had a partner please?
Who's got him smiling like that?(Zack Addy)
Paring: Zack Addy x reader.
Summary: while y/n has lunch with their boyfriend Zack, the Jeffersonian tries to figure out what's going on between the two of them.
A/n: sorry this took so long and that it's shorter than my usual content. I hope you enjoy though.
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Seeley, Cam, Temperance, and Angela looked down from the balcony on the second floor of the lab. They leaned against the railing confused as they watched Zack laughing with y/n while they ate the lunch y/n brought.
“gotta be a sibling” Booth said, rubbing his hands together. In his eyes Zack was just a child genius that didn't have time to date.
“all of Dr. Addy's siblings are in New Jersey, but that could be a possibility,” Brennan said, looking at Booth then back down at Zack. Something about seeing Zack laughing like that with this beautiful person made her heart swell with happiness.
“Maybe it's just a friend,” Cam shrugged.
“No. I've never seen him laugh like that, he's definitely in love with whoever that is” Angela smiled. She felt so happy seeing him laugh. She could tell all that mattered to him tight now was y/n.
--------(1st pov)--------
“So, how's work?” I asked, nibbling on the last of my fries.
Zack nodded, munching on his onion rings. “well we found some very interesting set of particulates, something neither me nor Hodgins have seen on a victim before, and the humerus…” he stopped mid sentence.
Even though I never really understood all the science mumbo-jumbo I still like hearing him talk about it. There's something about seeing him get all excited and talk about something he's passionate about.
“no, no, keep going. I love it when you talk Science-y” I said resting my chin on my fist.
“'Science-y' isn't a word… And it's fine” Zack said, putting the rapper his burger came in and his napkin in the brown paper bag. “on another note, how's everything in the animal kingdom?”
I worked at the local animal shelter in town, it was an amazing job and I got work and take care of all kinds of dogs and cats. “well… Now that you mention it…” I started and gave him an innocent look. Zack tilted his head and gave me a warning look. “no! I know that look” he said, pointing his finger at me.
“Aw, but he was so cute”
“we already have two dogs... And a cat, that cat still dislikes me” he mumbled the last part.
“It's a small dog though,” I said, giving him a pouty lip. “it's a weiner dog mix, he'll stay tiny” we already had a black lab and a golden retriever, then on top of that I brought home a white cat home three months ago.
Zack playfully rolled his eyes. He always said he admired my love for all animals and loved how compassionate I was for all of them. Not so much when I keep bringing my ‘work’ home with me as he says.
“just imagine a cute little sausage dog curled up in your lap, helping you read Science stuff for work”
Zack sighed playfully.
“I'll let you name him” I smiled and gave him the puppy eyes he can't refuse. He sighed again. “don't give me the look”
Zack groaned in a very monaton way. “... Fine”
I immediately wrapped my arms around him and kissed his forehead. “thank you babe”
“what are you doing?” Hodgins asked, walking up to the others. He looked over the balcony to see what everyone was staring at. He smiled when he saw y/n and Zack together.
“trying to figure out who's with Addy,” Booth said.
“Oh, that's y/n” Hodgins smiled.
Everyone gave Hodgins a confused look as Hodgins yelled down at the couple “Hi y/n!”
Y/n left Zack's arms and happily waved at Zack's best friend. “hey, Hodgins”
“soo… Who's y/n?” Angela asked Hodgins.
“Zack's partner” Hodgins smiled like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“your telling me Zack… Our little child prodigy is y/n's boyfriend” Booth asked, shocked but at the same time impressed Zack snatched up a beautiful person like y/n.
“trust me I didn't even know y/n existed until Zack tried to seek them in one night when he was still living with me” Hodgins said.
“Well, y/n seems to make him happy,” Cam smiled down at the couple.
“y/n's great… Zack just seems so much happier now”
The team smiled at the couple, Zack and y/n were in there own little world talking about the knew puppy and the case Zack was working on. Hodgins was right, he was so much happier with y/n in his life, he felt more alive and human. He just couldn't help but smile everytime he was in y/n's presents.
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Booth: Can I be frank with you guys?
Brennan: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is going to help.
Zack: Can I still be Zack?
Hodgins: Shhh, let Frank speak.
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cupidmydarling · 1 year
I need more Bones fanfic for literally anyone. There's just not enough. It's outrageous.
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the-creative-lie · 1 year
listen i know theres no demand for it but ive been rewatching bones and i *need* to write for dr zack addy
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just-kalina · 1 year
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vino---delectable · 6 months
Our unintelligent squint (e1 part 2/?)
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Summary: It's y/n's first day at the Jeffersonian. You are being swiftly introduced to everyone!
Character pairings: Zack Addy x reader, Angela x Hodgins, Booth x Brennan
Word Count: 10.8k
Warnings: none
A/n: Hey... Finally got to p2... I hope you can tell me what you think!!!! Again, non of the words belonging to the case, or anything having nothing to do with y/n belongs to me! Enjoy! (If you haven't read the whole story click here. For my masterlist!)
(Y/n's pov)
I woke up a half hour before my alarm rang again… This is going to be a long day. Ick! I know it's not healthy for me to be so anxious. But what reputation will I have if I lose this job? I certainly don't want to wind up serving French fries and mini burgers again. Not if I can help it. Plus, what would my father think? No, I'll have to try my hardest to stick to this job.
I did my hair up with my two front pieces of hair, and pulled the back with a polka dot tie. I decided I'd wear a modest skirt and shirt. I at least thought I looked lovely and sophisticated. I didn't bother to eat breakfast at home. I could easily go to the cafeteria, and besides, it was only 5:30. My breakfast isn't until an hour later.
I took the bus because I didn't want to bother or wake up anyone this early in the morning. After all I'm still working on my driver's license. The ride was bumpy, but I was ok once I put in my music… The byrds, Celine Dion, green day, lynyrd skynyrd, def leopard… (I like everything ok!)
And finally… After me lip syncing the duet of phantom of the opera, I was at the Jeffersonian. I seriously wanted to cry. There's no way I'm ready! I thought as I jumped out of the bus. I started turning around to try to jump back into the bus, but I noticed it was already half way down the road. No, the only option was to go in. So I did!
I walked in with the self consciousness of my shoes squeaking. Everyone smiled at me. Most likely because they have seen me once or twice before with my dad. So I took it as no sign of approval. I walk into a beautiful woman with what I would imagine to be the warmest face I have seen in forever. And since I had no idea where to go, I thought it right that I should talk to her.
"Hello," I started awkwardly, sounding like I originated from Germany, "I'm new here. And I was wondering if you could give me directions. Like how to get a name tag, like the ones I see you and- well, everyone wearing.. And a tour of how the work, y'know, works…" I smile.
"Oh, hi!!! Quick question first. Are you a-," she reads from a card she took from her jacket, "Ms. Y/n y/l/n?" She smiles back.
"yes… Yeah, I was the one hired… Yesterday, actually."
"Well, Dr. Brennan asked me to give this to you if I ran into you, " she handed me my ID card, I took it and she nodded, "I'm Angela, Montenegro… Angela Montenegro."
"It's very nice to meet you!" I perked up.
"And yes, I can give you a quick look at the work place," she gestured with her hands for me to follow her.
She showed me my main working space first. A platform where the remains or artifacts are originally delivered. A room Angela says she mostly works in, where she designs holograms for the Jeffersonian. She showed me a room where all the skeletons are kept. She kept mentioning the numbers of the rooms, but I remembered none of them. "Now, you can call this one Hodgins sanctuary," She showed me a room full of a variety of insects and chemicals. "
"I swear I've seen this exact setting on Harry Potter," I teased.
"yeah, well, we have to be careful when this wizard waves his wand," she jokingly warned.
This guy with bright curly hair and a tolerable, well maintained beard emerges from the room of doom. "Hey Angie, check out what I discov-" he noticed me standing next to her, "you're new… And fresh out of diapers. Ange, we've got to by her some formula!"
I got defensive "I'm fifteen!" I say.
"It's alright, sweetie. He's just like that," Hodgins raises his eyebrows, approving what she said, "you said you discovered something?"
"I- it can wait!" He said , "you should show the kiddo more things… Or something," he turns and goes back into his "lair".
I turn to her in curiosity, " is this hairstyle fine to wear here?"
"Yes. So long as it's up, and won't get mixed into any of the particulates, or remains we find."
"Uhuh, gotcha. And my clothes?" I bit my lip anxiously.
"you can wear most things; jeans, top, skirt, blouse… For you to get approval, you should wear something modest."
"Good," I say, "because that's all I have."
We walk near the bones room where I see the one face I recognized when i first wanted to work here a year ago. The one who initiated the interview with me. Now he was walking fast over to us. And given how tall he was, he could walk faster than most people I've known.
"Ms. y/l/n. I was wondering if I could speak to you right now?" He said when he reached us.
"Uhrm, yes, Mr. Addy? Um, yeah… I seriously have nothing going on right now so…" I look around awkwardly.
He takes me by the arm, and drags me to the other side of the lab. Angela was so curious as to why he was being so secretive, based on her staring in our direction. I think I was more so curious than she was.
"Look. You have got to follow my lead, words and every move," He definitely could tell that my eyes were screaming the word "what", at him. He tried to elaborate.
" You know nothing about the names of bones, " he said.
"Yes that's true. But I know what they are and where they go when I look at-" I started.
"But the names are important to know in this line of work," Mr. Addy interrupted, "What's going to happen when Dr. Brennan asks you to hand her a tray with a femur on it?"
"A whater?" I raised an eyebrow.
He sighs, "This is going to be a long day," He looks me in the eyes in silence, I just twittle my thumbs as he does so, "Just do what I tell you to. Because if you get fired, I will most likely lose certain privileges, and eventually get fired. So, won't you, since you're already working just under me, do all I ask of you… Pay attention!" I just nod. Not really knowing how else to respond.
Dr. Brennan walks through the door. I recognized her because she always works with my father, occasionally visiting my house. Me and Zack's conversation ends. He hands me a dark blue lab coat with a rough texture, and smoothly gestures with his hands for me to attach my ID to it. We join Dr. Brennan along with everyone else. She always appeared so grumpy to me, like, to the point where she says jump and I ask how high. So, I assumed it was best l should follow with them.
We all walk in a group. While I was still pinning my ID to my coat while simultaneously walking up the stairs, I hear Hodgins saying, "The pond is not only warm and teeming with microbes, which accelerated decomposition, but it houses black carp and coy which fed on the body." We all walk up to this grossly muddied skeleton. It was interesting to me, because I had never, in person , seen a skeleton like this before. Thank goodness I'm only assisting for now!
"Can I, as the only normal person in the room," Angela said, "Say EW?" I looked to her wondering why she didn't see me as normal. I thought I was normal.
"I got three larval stages," Hodgins continued, "Of trichoptera, chironimidae…" I've heard of these flying insects before, I thought, I must've read them in a book.
"As we cut to the chase," She clearly didn't want to be explained anything today.
"The body was in the pond one winter and two summers," he said quickly.
"Spring before last," Dr. Brennan said.
Hodgins smirked, quickly changing topic, "You really think I'm Lesty?"
Temperance looked to Angela with furrowed brows and gaping mouth, in confusion of his sentence.
"The book," Angela explained.
"No, no, no," Dr. Brennan says shaking her head, "you're not in the book."
"Sure he is! we all are," Zack said, amused.
"No none of you are in the book. Those are fictitious characters based on…" As she tries to defend herself Hodgins almost rudely interrupts her to show her bone scans on a computer. I believe it to be the ribcage, maybe.
"I found some small bone fragments in the silt," He said.
"We're out of the book now, we're back in real life," Angela said to Dr. Brennan.
"I guess rana temporaria," Hodgins said.
"frog bones…" How does this woman get frog bones from what he just said? I wondered.
"Also some tiny gold links," Hodgins monitor points where, "Those from a fine chain."
"Point of clarification," began Zack, talking about the book again, "I'm not a virgin. Nowhere near in fact," I looked beside me at his smirking face in awe. How could you be so confident in that? Again, I'm wondering too much.
"Who you captured perfectly was booth," Angela started, touching Dr. Brennan's hand slightly in excitement, "Buttoned down but buckets of sexual confidence which, uahh, I for one would love to tap," She says with a slightly mischievous smile.
"It's not right to discuss tapping asses in front of a soaker," Zack said, looked toward the body.
"You could also say it's not right to discuss your virginity level here as well," I smiled at him, "It also might make those who have never … Oh, what's the term, "" done it"" feel a little bit pressured. "
"You mean- you're saying you've never?" He looks me straight into my eyes. I simply look everywhere but his eyes, "I seem to be forgetting that, some girls at 15 prefer not to."
"Or," I continued , "Some girls, regardless of age, have a few morals." I was low-key angry now.
"Ms. y/l/n," Hearing Dr. Brennan mentioning my name made me turn my head quickly to her, "I am very glad you were available to work with us, but arguing in such a manner should be permitted while you are working," I quickly shut my mouth and meekly nodded, "Anyways, I can't bounce back and forth between my book and real life. Since we're stuck in real life, let's just forget the book." She directed.
"I haven't analyzed whatever it was the victim was holding in her hand," Hodgins looks to the bone scans on the computer, "But it looks like cellulose."
"Paper?" Angela inquired.
"mm, possibly," said Hodgins.
"I found microscopic grit embedded in the skull fragments. I need you to identify those too," Dr. Brennan says to Hodgins, To Zack, She orders, "Remove the remaining tissue, I'll debreed the skull fragments myself, reassemble it so Angela can put a face on our victim."
"Good," Angela is relieved, "I prefer holograms, they don't stink."
Hodgins and Angela begin to walk away. All that's left is me. Yay. "And you, Ms. y/l/n. I will have you thoroughly look around the dirt before it gets removed. Most importantly , I would prefer you to specifically focus on the areas surrounding the phalanges, to see if anything is missed. But be careful of whatever it is the victim is holding in her hands. Understood?"
She looks at me with eyebrows raised. I just smile like an idiot and look to Zack, who is just as freaked out as I am. It takes him a second to contemplate, but he then lifts his hand and wriggle all his fingers. Ahh, now I understand, I thought, I got this!
"Of course, Dr. Brennan, I will get right on that." In a hurry I run to the bodies side, trying my hardest to examine the fi- phalanges! Barely hearing what is being said behind me…
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queen-of-the-lab-447 · 8 months
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How it feels looking at other tv options that aren’t #bones
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pineapple-coffee · 11 months
Zack had an unrequited love with Hodgins for years. Hodgins had a crush on Zack, but didn’t have the guts to act upon it. Hodgins got over his crush on Zack and fell madly in love with Angela. Zack never got over his love for Hodgins, but accepts that his romantic love will go unrequited.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk
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number-0-iz · 1 year
I made a Bones discord server so if you want to join, let me know!
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cryptid-moose · 2 years
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i am normal about them
Layout by @/ritelli_draws
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2frosty4you · 1 year
Knife In The Frame | Prologue
| Ao3 | Wattpad | Masterlist |
pairing: Zack Addy x Fem Reader words: 406
warnings/notes: uhhh well see you cut open a dead body and take out some organs, not described in detail, blood, death, stealing organs, sewing a body back up, me trying to use correct terminology for body parts/areas, flesh
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Chapter 0 | Prologue.
The woman's hand dug itself into the incision into the limp, rigid body. She moved her hand around for a while, seemingly searching for something within its warmth dwindling depths. Finally her hand curled around her golden prize, now pulling it out. Cutting the pieces of tissue away from the liver and dropping it onto the tray which sat beside her and the corpse.
Her hands dripped blood onto the skin of the corpse, her fingers digging themselves back into the depths of the chest. Now taking out the heart and placing it into a separate box.
Wiping her gloves hands on a towel she closed the lid of the beautifully carved box. Closing its golden latch, then standing in her small kitchen and walking across cold tiles. Opening up her fridge she pushed away some butter and condiments and placed the box into the space. The light above her head flickered and swayed as the yellow light made the old fridge look more rotten. She grimaced but turned back to the table.
With a hum she took the liver and wrapped it in bunches of newspapers, carefully wrapping it as if it were a Christmas gift for a loved one.
Placing it up top of the heart box she smiled, a small one at best but a smile nevertheless.
She let her fingers run over the skin of the corpse, running them over the incision into the chest cavity she grabbed a bowed needle, the somber sound of her stereo in the background as she pushed floss into the needle's eye, cutting a large piece of floss from the roll then pushing the point of the needle into the flesh of the body. Threading this needle into the other flabby piece of flesh she pulled and tied a knot at the end of the floss.
Sewing this large incision into the thoracic cavity closed she pressed her fingers against the cooling flesh, humming softly with the music and tearing off her gloves, replacing them with another pair as she buttoned up the body's shirt and propped it upright. tilting her head she took her Polaroid camera and snapped a photo.
As the photo printed out she hummed and took the photo and watched it develop, taking the precious photo into her callous hands and placing it into a photo album with care.
(Y/n) closed the book, now turning to take care of the body.
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k1ss-m3-b3tt3r · 2 years
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★ Wake Up ★ - Jack Hodgins x gn! reader
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tw: gore, angst, weapons, just do not read if easily disturbed
a/n: heyy, i wrote this for a friend of mine, so sorry if anybody reads this besides them :,)
Waking up you could feeling a burning sensation on half of your body. The sun has aimed it's rays at you for hours, even if you didn't wake up on time. The sun waits for no one. Your hair was a mess from moving around so much in your sleep. Everything felt sweaty and humid. You still haven't fixed that damn A/C.
You turn towards the bed-side table, watching your phone, waiting. You were waiting to see if time would just go past and leave you alone. Closing your eyes, you realize the world doesn't follow your logic, every day is the same.
It's always the same. Same day. Same time. Same rising and lowering of the sun. It's all the same.
Your hand reaches for your phone, after opening your eyes. Just moving your arm and checking the time felt like a chore. "..I wish something interesting would happen today, instead of just sitting around, like everyday off.." you sighed and got up, slapping your face awake. The time was about 11 am. You didn't bother to check for the exact time on the dot.
A ringing noise resonated in your head. "What the fuck.." You turn your hand, seeing your phone vibrate and ring. It must be Hodgins. I mean, he calls you every day, unless you guys see each other.
"(Y/n), hey! I just want you to know about this new case we're solving. The killer seems to be targeting certain members on the team, so I'll be checking in on you more often," he said, in a not-so-reassuring voice.
"What?" You sighed, "Alright, should I stay at your place tonight? It's my day off, so I can pack up and leave right after this call."
"I would say just lock all doors and windows. Booth will send out agents to watch your house. Then, later, we can head over to mine-" You hear a voice on the other line, someone yelling "King of the Lab"?
Hodgins gets back on the phone, apologizing but, quickly, followed up by, "Just be safe, ok?"
"Are they targeting you?"
"We don't believe so. It should be aimed towards Brennan, since her being the best we have, technically."
"Alright, alright. I've got to go. Just, again, be safe, ok?"
"Of course."
He hangs up and you just stand there, not so worried. This type of thing happens every so often and you were there for the last one. Nothing too special about the occasion, plus it, apparently, didn't have any focus on you. You were relieved before hearing a knock at your door, anxiety already peaked.
You look through the peephole of your apartment door, not living the lavish lifestyle. It was your friend you've known for a few months. His name was Mason, generic but cute. You crack the door open with the lock still in it's place.
"Hey, Mason.. What are you doing here, dude."
"I wanted to drop off these. You left them in my bag when we last hung out." He places a few bracelets in your hand, some holding many memories, including the one engraved J.S.H., Hodgins full name, as ridiculous as it sounds to you.
"Hey, thanks. I was wondering where those went.." You inched the door close, "Is that all then?" You gave him a smile, tilting your head.
"Yeah, just don't turn around."
Defying his actions, you go to turn around but everything went black.
You wake up sweaty, not morning sweat, soaking wet sweat. Your head feels heavy and you struggle to shake your head, trying to regain consciousness. Everything's so blurry and your eyes can't focus on far away objects.
Suddenly a face pops into view, your eyes being able to focus on every detail as clear as day with how close the man's face is. "Hey, hey! Look who it is. It's that doctor's doll."
Another voice resonates, "Yeah, and they're gonna fight real hard to get her back.." The voice sounds too familiar to you.
You noticed your arms hanging above your head by something cold, almost like metal. You look up and there's chains gripping your arms together, above your head, your feet barely touching the floor. It was a method for torture, and you were well aware of that.
Remembering the last events leading up to the point, as much as you can, you whisper, "Mason?"
"You got that right. Didn't think it'd take this long for you or your little boyfriend to find out. This here, my brother, is Richard. Seems you've already met him."
The guy that was once all up in your face takes a step back, grabbing your chin so you could look at him. "Hey, sweets. Look at you.. Once this is all over, maybe I can take your corpse to my place and get you dressed all pretty to meet my parents." He pulls your face in more, coming into a kiss, but you bite the fuck out of his nose, blowing the chunk out of your mouth onto his clothes.
"Oh! You little slut!" Richard holds his nose and lifts his legs, successfully kicking you in the stomach. Your brain fogs over for a second, feeling the pounding of your heart all over your body. He goes in for another blow straight into your face, making the chains rattle. "You like that slut! HUH? I SAID DO YOU-"
"ENOUGH!" Mason yells to silence the room. "Beat her when I'm not in the room. Go wild, if you please. I just can't stand the helplessness. It makes me sick..."
The other dude laughs and goes on to saying how he's a baby and really should get used to the sight of blood. Mason just huffs and leaves.
"Now it's just, officially, me and you babe.." You looked at him in anger and rattle the chains, "Come at me, bitch!" You spit on him, making him look at you like an idiot. "Sure thing, toots."
"Alright, thanks.." Booth replies to the phone. "Look, they've checked Angela's and Hodgins' but they're just not there."
"Oh, come on!" Hodgins kicks his chair and looks at the dead body in front of him. "We have to think people!"
"We will find them Hodgins." Dr. Brennan says, looking at him apologetically, before looking at Booth, indirectly telling him to keep searching and checking everything.
"Wait, wait, wait. Have a look at the clothes," Hodgins says standing up immediately.
"What is that?" Angela starts inquiring.
"That is residue of a hydrothermal volcano.."
"Um, normal person here!" Booth says with a "what the fuck" face.
Hodgins rolls his eyes, "It's a miniature volcano. It's type is small, but still, an explosive eruption can occur from shallow reservoirs of steam or hot water, rather than just molten rock."
"Those can only be found in the Blue Ridge part of Virginia.. and what is that right there.." Bones follows up, attentively looking at a singular, small rock in a tube.
"It's some type of cobalt-enriched rock fused with some nickel.. How is that relevant?" As soon as Hodgins turned to look and said it to Dr. Brennan, his mouth fell open a bit.
"Booth, we've identified the killer and we know where he is!" Dr. Brennan shouts and Booth comes running over. "It's Mason Miller and Richard Wilson."
"Are you sure, Bones?"
"Positive, Booth. They're in Floyd County Virginia! Now, let's go!"
"I'm coming with you! This has something to do about my life this time. I need to go." Hodgins looks at Dr. Brennan straight in the eye.
"Come on! We need to go now!" Booth says, as Dr. Bennan and Hodgins follow along, speeding up drastically.
"Have you had enough, doll?" Richard looks into your eyes, one with a chisel stuck in your eye and another with a popped blood vessel. Even with your eyes having strain on them, you were still able to stare him, as hard as possible, into his eyes. He seemed to be uneasy for a second. Having someone so determined, even after being tortured, is still menacing.
Richard backs up and grabs the pliers next to him, dripping with blood seeing how he's already pulled out two of your teeth. The teeth were dried out and had a yellow coating on it with dried pink stains. It's not everyday you get to see your own teeth in front of you.
"Don't make me pull out more, you slut!" You spit blood at him, straight into his eye. You laughed while a mixture or blood and saliva poured out the right side of your mouth. You made sure to give him a little grin afterwards, satisfied with how angry you make him. You made sure to make none of this enjoyable for him.
Richard threw the pliers on the floor, making a loud bang. He came up to you saying, "You think this is a game? You're about to be dead and you think this is a joke!" Your smile faltered.
In this empty, dark room, there was only one thing bright: it was the pit of fire. He grabbed something you couldn't identify and shoved the end in a fire, making it burn a bright red with a little flame leeching off it. "You think is a game?" He said it again but with a smile. As he raised it up, you could see it was a fireplace poker. He came towards you, with a dead serious look on his face.
Richard shoved it in your side that was currently busted open, blood pooling out of what little you had left. The gash on your side exposed certain organs that you knew were there but had no knowledge about. God, you wish Hodgins was here. Just to be in his arms again would keep you alive for all eternity.
The poker went in again, this time deeper. You yelled hoping someone would hear you, even if it was just an animal. You want the world to know how cruel it was. To hear it is to experience just a bit of it with you to make the pain more bearable. Richard pulled it out after letting you scream a good minute.
With a finishing touch, he stuck the metal rod straight through your right leg. Having both of your legs broke in multiple places still doesn't mean you can hear the sizzling of your flesh or the pure agony your body is going into.
You started dry-heaving, not being able to get through this pain without so. You, eventually, threw up on yourself, no traces of food found, just pure stomach acid. Once the poking stick came out again, your head tilted to the side, it trying to rest on something but finding nothing.
"Had enough, babe?" Richard looked at you with longing eyes, almost as if you enjoyed the faces you made, full of pain. With a swift motion, Mason comes through the door and eventually stops to gag.
"Why haven't you killed them already!?" Mason couldn't stand to look at your already rotting corpse.
"I just wanted to have some fun with the doll! Look at their beautiful face!" Richard tilts your head to face Mason and you let him, not wanted to go through the pain again.
From what you gathered, Mason was the one who stalks the victims and Richard is the one who kills them. Mason would always do anything for his brother, even if that means harm towards the person he needs to stalk. They had such a weird, twisted loving relationship for each other.
You were too tired to do anything. That life of yours was slipping away while the brothers bickered back and forth. You would've almost gave them the satisfaction of dying if it wasn't for the tires screeching outside. You turned your head toward the noise and then at them, with a sly smile. You laughed and coughed at the same time, "You-u guys are.." You kept laughing like a manic, "You guys are-e FUCKED!"
The brothers started running, but, as soon as they did, the FBI came running after him. Through the crowd of men you could see Booth. When you tried to call out his name, nothing came out. Fortunately, Booth saw you followed by Dr. Brennan. They quickly got you down and Dr. Brennan started her whole analyzing a person thing she does with dead people. You aren't dead yet, well, you don't think so anyways.
Nothing could prepare you for what came through the door next: Hodgins. He looked so worried it started make you worried. You couldn't even fully remember everything that's gone down in the last hours of the torture. When he saw you, his worried look didn't change.
"(Y/n)!" He runs full speed at you, dropping everything he has on the floor. He lifts your head up, "It's ok.. It's going to be alright.." Well, you have, officially, seen everything. Your Hodgins never cries. It was so bizarre to see him do so. "MEDIC! PLEASE!" He faces you and kisses you like it's going to instantly revive you. Hodgins places his forehead against yours and rocks your body. "Shhhhh... you're ok. You're fine..."
You feel your body go at ease, almost like it's trying to take the easy way out no matter how much you fought it. Your eye kept rolling to the back of your head, seeming as your other one, practically, isn't even there. Your eyes got the moisture it was looking for. It was tears. Tears you couldn't hold anymore. You wished you hadn't opened that door. That was the last thing you could remember before you blacked out.
"Hey, (Y/n)... You feeling any better, love?" Angela rubs at your arm. She's been trying to make you feel better, but to honest, you've been feeling better every since you got out of that place. You retained some horrifying memories causing PTSD, but you've decided that not to define you. Plus, Sweets will always be there to give you his stupid theories on what's up with you.
Things haven't been exactly the same after the incident. Hodgins takes more attentive care for you. Angela and you have become closer. Everyone always visits you in the hospital, giving flowers, gifts, good news, or anything that'll take your mind off of everything, but today was the day you could finally go home. Well, Hodgins' home is best to put it. He wanted you closer to him, safer, and more accessible for your needs now.
All on your mind was going home today and nothing will stop you from the freedom. You friends from the lab were all there to help you and that's all you could ask for. Once in your wheelchair, you cracked jokes about it and everyone was afraid to laugh, making these jokes so much better for you. Oh, and don't forget about the pirate jokes. Hodgins joins on those every-so-often ever since you lost your eye. It was just something to keep the air light.
All in all, when you're with your friends, you are with you're family, and you'll always find your home within them.
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the-river-rix · 15 days
Zack/hodgins dort the bones hc (you can even toss in Angela in there I'd you want but don't have to)
They’re very special to me omg! Also I’m assuming you mean in a romantic sense.
Zack and Hodgins feel platonic romantic and queer platonic all at once to me like earlier seasons they’re best friends but they kind of want each other and s3 and on ward they’re queer platonic
I think Zack started questioning his sexuality after having sex with Naomi and just feeling nothing and he was talking to Hodgins about it and Hodgins was like “…well we could conduct an experiment, in the interest of scientific/personal discovery of course!” And Zack was like “..what??” and Hodgins was like “We should hook up.” And Zack agreed and that’s how he figured out he’s gay
That time in The Fall Out Shelter where they cram into the decontamination shower was an awakening for both of them
I’ve talked about this before but I think Hodgins helped Zack pay for his transition (specifically top surgery) and was a big support for him
Hodgins thinks Zack is the funniest person on the planet, and Zack can usually calm him down when he’s mad by making him laugh
Zack is at his bitchiest and brattiest with Hodgins and Hodgins loves it
Zack refuses to call Hodgins Jack
Zack makes Hodgins watch firefly with him and Hodgins complains about it to fuck with him
They have like a thousand inside jokes that no one else understands- they even started to create their own secret language before Zack left for Iraq
Hodgins helped Zack edit his dissertation
Hodgins makes Zack watch rom-coms, chick flicks, and reality television with him- Zack asks questions and talks over it the entire time (he did like legally blonde)
Zack is secretly really into musical theatre (a byproduct of his vocal training) and Hodgins catches him listening to it and never lets him hear the end of it
Hodgins and Zack share chores but Hodgins continuously comes up with ways to make Zack do his chores
After Zack gets back he struggles with flashbacks and nightmares due to his experiences in Iraq, and he doesn’t sleep much- Hodgins tries to help by keeping him company and doing experiments with him when he isn’t too tired or with Angela
Hodgins figured out that Zack was Gormogon’s assistant earlier in 3x15 and didn’t tell anyone
Hodgins blames himself for Zack being brainwashed by gormogon and for the explosion for the rest of his life
Hodgins is fond of ruffling Zack’s hair and kissing his forehead
Zack would tell Hodgins everything before leaving and he becomes more distant/closed off after he gets back- Hodgins can still tell when something is wrong but Zack will rarely open up about it
They have a shared playlist, it’s monstrous
And that’s all I can think of for now!
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byersbootyshorts · 2 years
Bones Masterlist
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Requests for this fandom are currently closed
Any of my works marked * contain explicit sexual content. Minors DNI
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Zack Addy:
One shots:
The Breakfast Anomaly After a long week at work you decide to start your day off by making breakfast for Zack. But when he tries to help you it takes a disastrous turn.
Comforting Zack when he’s upset
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Lance Sweets:
One shots:
Missed Reservation You and Lance get a little distracted before your Valentine’s Day dinner reservation, meaning you end up having to order takeout.
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