#zach; main verse
playedbetter · 8 months
@1mpulsee said: Gives Zach a big kiss on the cheek . Because revenge :)
Zach pauses, eyes a little wide with surprise as he processes what just occurred. A blush quickly creeps onto his face as he smiles softly and looks over at Bart. There is such adoration in his eyes. "Well aren't you cheeky,"
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chaosmultiverse · 10 months
🎁 spotify wrapped (for whoever makes most sense!)
While Thad spent most of his time planning and obessing and out of the civilian identity he forged to have access to things like banks or ID he did need to do things from time to time to make it so if people checked things like bank records or where his phone had been he would seem like a real person.
So he had decided on clubbing, it was something socially acceptable and it was a activity that made sense to be only a occasional expense.
He had been at things for awhile, really it was a daze in his mind as he had been drinking and didn't know how to hold his alcohol, he stumbled over and sat at someone's table.
"I- Sorry, do you mind if I catch my breath here for a minute or two? I'm not feeling the best." In his drunken state Thad failed to realize he had just sat down next to the decently known and former Teen Titan Zachary Zatara.
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quasarzt · 23 days
Been thinking more about roleswap as of late (I really want to write a fanfic of the time trampoline malfunctioning as a way to crossover AUs with canon, and I want roleswap zach and canon aviva to meet so bad because that friendship breakup has GOT to hurt worse after seeing what could’ve been. the things they could’ve accomplished)
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Here’s their Pinterest Board! very much a WIP lmao, you can find my other stuff too on my account if you stalk me
I’ve got a lot to say about design choices/etc under the cut!
Everyone with a suit is someone who wears one! Tried to resemble canon. Also because Zach is paranoid that Aviva is after his tech, so making more suits for the team tends to stress him out. I’ll make another post for the villains (also sorry the bros won’t be villains in my version of this au. mostly bc again, they’re real guys. and i don’t want them to be mean to animals. they’ll basically be the same as in canon, but just doing their own thing. working mostly with the fictional characters here!! Basically think of the Kratt Bros doing Kratt’s Creatures/Zaboomafoo instead of Wild Kratts. Which if you think about a roleswap, they went from main characters to side characters).
Zach: Zach’s skin shade, freckles, and hair come from his kid design! And the color of his sweater comes from Toodles. I color shifted the pants to be more of a grey hue, instead of one with a bit of purple in it (mostly because Aviva is going to have the purple motif in this). Basically a Zach who actually goes out into the sun! He’s a very anxious yet excited individual, studying the brains of the animals and making breakthroughs in science with it. Similar to canon Aviva but keeping that mind aspect from canon Zach as well, so I chose for him to be interested in neuroscience, using that as a base (plus chemistry knowledge) to create the information needed for the suits. He still studies DNA, just has the added brain studies for animals! He’s discovered a few animal friends who had brain tumors and has found a way to help slow/stop the process. I decided to go with chips instead of discs because I wanted to incorporate that V design into the paws, for Varmint Crew. They operate in the same way as canon suits do. Although I wanted to make their suits a bit more animalistic, not in any bad sort of way, just more accurate to the animals in a way they aren’t just fursuits LMAO. He is inspired by both canon Aviva and Chris.
Donita: I decided to go with a safari type of vibe with her! She wanted to match with Zach, as both of them are the dedicated field agents for the team (she shoves Dabio onto the field with them sometimes too, the kid needs the experience). She makes all the uniforms and helps Zach out with the design choices when it comes to the powered suits. She’s been in the field working with birds for a while, finding their beauty to be very inspiring for her artwork. I decided she would take on the role as Martin and Koki, as she’s very excitable as well, and is very well versed in talking to others. With the help of Dabio and Paisley, she sets up events where they can work with the Varmint Kids and do informative animal showings. Her colors were a bit icky to me, but I’m sticking with them for now. Colors were picked from her canon design. She does most of the naming of animals! She doesn’t think Zach’s very creative (he has a habit of naming things their latin names). Wears just gemstone earrings to not interfere with her work, although I see her wearing feather earrings too!
Dabio: He used to model before he joined the crew, upset by the animal use in the fashion industry. He’s the youngest on the team, but is just as passionate about what he does as the others. Donita has fully taken him under her wing, and has been showing him the ropes. He’s the first of the crew to get a creature power suit outside of the two main prototypes. This helps Zach out tremendously because now he can be an observer to help get out any bugs in the suits systems. He helps with communications, but more often than not, is the one who’s doing the documenting of information. He’s a photographer for the crew, and also works as a cinematographer, and has helped produce animal documentaries for the Varmint Crew. He also has a safari aesthetic, following in Donita’s footsteps and never giving up for his eye for fashion. He’s a field agent occasionally. His suit color is teal/turquoise, reminiscent of his shirt color and Donita’s earrings, this is just a color I’ve always associated with him.
Gourmand: The crews dedicated chef and animal nutritionist! With his knowledge of health, he’s the crews designated nurse/medic as well. His vast knowledge of how to find animals in the field, especially with his great sense of smell, has helped the crew tremendously when saving animals. He also likes to sing, and often sings random jazzy songs while he bakes animal themed pastries and meals inspired by the region/animal of the day. He often helps out injured animals, and is put on baby animal duty the most. I just hue shifted his pants to a more vibrant green, and then made it so his shirt wasn’t all the way white. He just wears a regular polo for now, with the logo of the Varmint Crew on his left breast pocket. He is a very joyous and boisterous team member, and is often the crews pick-me-up when the others are stressed from work. His suit color if he ever agrees to wearing a suit (he’s like Jimmy in that regard), will be a sage green, like his eye color. Yes he is Zach’s cousin in my AU. This is because of my headcanon that they’re related in some way because of the fact they both have the same voice actor (Zachary Bennett). Because of this, Zach and Gourmand are going to be related, hence why they’re cousins!
Paisley: An environmental architect and conservationist! She mostly travels with the crew to understand animals better and what their needs are to produce the best possible habitats for them. She’s the fourth one on the team to get a suit, initially it was going to rex, but he urged her to get out there in the wild to see the creature world for herself. She’s a bit of a germaphobe, but otherwise understands that her job is going to be messy, and she has to deal with that. She’s very passionate about what she does, and she wants to help the world, and the world for animals alike. She knows deforestation is detrimental to the planet, so she wants to find and explore ways to make green architecture that both supports people and animals lives. She works with water ways and forests alike, studying them and how they operate in the grand scheme of things. Her colors were color picked from her canon outfit, and her suit color is a light purplish gray that borders on white.
Rex: The crews pilot and mechanic/engineer. He is often operating most of the heavy machinery, and is the one who fixes most of the broken equipment. He takes on the role of Koki, as well as canon Rex. The garage of the ship is his place of work. Zach and him often work together, and Paisley often drops off blueprints for habitats she has in mind on his desk, which always ends up in a massive pile. Eventually gets a suit as well, Zach just has to make another. His suit color will be orange. I kept his vest look with an orange sweater vest, and now he wears a yellow baseball hat (mostly to hide his receding hairline at the ripe age of 25). He’s the second youngest in the group. Him and Dabio get along great, and tend to pair up if Paisley or Donita don’t nab them first. Basically rex flies the ship (Thinking Terrator or something. It’s not the Tortuga, but the Varmint Crew version of that, perhaps a flying beetle? idk yet. this is a WIP). He also does most of the repairs, this lets Zach have enough time to focus on his projects instead of being stuck taking care of things that can be done by someone else. However anything dealing with the suits is purely to be operated and meddled by Zach.
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paper-mario-wiki · 8 months
what's ur favorite erb?
i dont have "favorite" as much as i have "the ones i watch every now and again".
"Blackbeard vs Al Capone" i might just like the way EpicLloyd speaks as Capone, but i also cant help but be utterly entranced by a shouting match between to middle aged men who want the other one to be scared. Favorite verse: Capone 1 (of 2)
"Wonder Woman vs Stevie Wonder" although this one still has the signature simple and cheesy bar structure that ERB is known for, this is PEAK in terms of performers. nicepeter and epiclloyd (the main guys) are great, but after the first 30 videos it became very easy to detect their individual deliveries and cadences. t-pain is pretty iconic in his performance of stevie wonder. Favorite verse: Stevie 2 (of 3)
"Stephen King vs Edgar Allan Poe" watzky was unfortunately cursed by god to forever look like a little twerp, but he works with it really well and it fits very well for the real-life twerp that was Edgar Allan Poe. and zach sherwin is always a charismatic force to be reckoned with, his uniquely clever writing style and flow shining. Favorite verse: Stephen King 2 (of 2)
"Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock" this one's just good fun. its a little battle royale among a bunch of really famous pop directors. i know that the character-appropriate cgi background is a staple of post-season-one ERB, but i really appreciate these ones specifically for some reason. Favorite verse: Alfred Hitchcock
"Kryptonite" this isnt an ERB and is in fact a completely unrelated normal rap song but i was listening to this one today. my oldest brother listened to a lot of rap when i was young and this one was one of his favorites. i remember listening to it all the time when he would drive me to blockbuster to rent gamecube games. i didnt listen to it for a few decades, but i looked it up on youtube a few weeks ago on a whim and i really liked it a lot. it's all about smoking weed which i love doing, and the chorus is really catchy, plus the instrumental is one of my favorites. Favorite verse: Big Boi 1 (verse 3)
"The Joker vs Pennwise" both rappers somehow look like different versions of matpat in heavy makeup, and joker works in a natural "we live in a society" which i like. i think that's all i got for this one. Favorite verse: Joker 3 (of 3, because this is the one with the we live in a society bar, but all of his bars were actually really solid)
"Tony Hawk vs Wayne Gretzky" another one for the "zach sherwin is one of the best thing ERB has" pile. he delivers in a quaint (if a bit cartoonish) canadian accent a scathing comparison between the actual real-life achievements and significance and skill between the two actual athletes. which i think is very spiritually fulfilling considering the name of the series. Favorite verse: Wayne Gretzky 2 (of 2)
"James Bond vs Austin Powers" might unfortunate austin only gets 1 verse because it's far and away the best part of this one. aside from a clever pussy eating joke near the end between the two feuding bonds. Favorite verse: Austin Powers
"Nice Peter vs EpicLLOYD 2" this is an actual real-life catharsis event between the main two artists behind ERB who seemingly put very real and deep-seated creative and personal frustrations they have with each other into their verses, plus a very real burnout over this series that they put all their money on being The Big One, creating a legitimately tense feeling in watching their performances. for reference, Peter rips on how Lloyd is an alcoholic and is unwilling to let the channel grow or change, and Lloyd talks about how Peter is obsessive and manipulative, referencing a real life issue involving a friend they fucked over in the separate video he appeared in. Favorite verse: Lloyd 1 (of ??? this one is almost a duet at times really)
"Babe Ruth vs Lance Armstrong" this one is specifically here because babe's second verse goes extremely hard in an almost uncharacteristic way for a series with very middling raps in general. Favorite verse: Babe Ruth 2 (of 2)
i could keep going i think but i just scrolled to the top of the list and my face flushed with embarrassment at how long its getting so im gonna end it there. you get the idea.
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qiallosa · 16 days
these muses i never seem to run out of inspiration for , and will always prioritize or accept interactions for.
DUMON SOYLEMEZ. the vampire diaries universe , alperen duymaz. * is a recasted , reworked damon salvatore. FINN MIKAELSØN. the vampire diaries universe , matthew czuchry. HENRIK MIKAELSØN. the vampire diaries universe , louis partridge. DORIAN GRAY. penny dreadful & the picture of dorian gray , jonathan bailey & reeve carney. JONATHAN HARKER. penny dreadful & dracula , ben barnes. OSCAR ' OZ ' DIGGS. the wizard of oz & once upon a time , milo ventimiglia. * do keep in mind that my portrayal is not wicked based and entirely au and centered around my own , original storyline. ETHAN WINTERS. resident evil , milo ventimiglia.
these muses i currently have a high amount of inspiration for , but don't frequently prioritize. this list is always changing.
ALARIC SALTZMAN. the vampire diaries universe , michiel huisman. * particularly in his legacies verse , looking for interactions with a lizzie , josie , and / or hope. JESS MARIANO. gilmore girls , milo ventimiglia & felix mallard. * particularly in his au post main series verse. PUGSLEY ADDAMS. wednesday & the addams family , xolo mariduena. * particularly in his nevermore academy verse. ROBERT ' BOBBY ' SINGER. supernatural , timothy olyphant. * both in his canon verse as well as an au , younger verse based within the 70s — 80s. SALEM SABERHAGEN. the chilling adventures of sabrina , emilien vekemans & joshua colley. * particularly in his academic verse. SEFA SOYLEMEZ. the vampire diaries universe , deniz can aktas. * is a recasted , reworked stefan salvatore. ZIYA SOYLEMEZ. the vampire diaries universe , sukru ozyildiz. * is a recasted , reworked zach salvatore. DARING CHARMING. ever after high , drew starkey. DUCHESS SWAN. ever after high , davika hoorne. * particularly in a more high fantasy setting.
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parf-fan · 30 days
Masterlist of recent PARF videographers
Inspired by a comment on my update of sorts in which the commenter stated that it had never occurred to them to see if anyone had filmed PARF, I present to you a post I have been intending to make literally since starting this blog.
● Michael Ulrich – PARF footage as far back as 2004, hitting stride around 2015, stopping at the end of 2022. Most of the older stuff is scattered in amongst the 2018 footage and again between 2020 and 2021. An excellent source for a one-off example of most in-house shows each year. Quite important for reviewing the Megan-Zach-Mary 'verse. Some of the highest-quality footage. ● Renaissance Road Trips (formerly known as maddog015) – PARF footage as far back as 2007. More out-of-house stuff than in-house, though they've been expanding to include a little more in-house in recent years. Contains footage from many different Faires, so sifting will be required if you are exclusively interested in PARF. Divides shows up into many pieces, which is handy if you want to reference a specific moment, but cumbersome if you want to just watch a whole show. Footage quality is perfectly reasonable, though not professional-level. Home of THE Halloween Finale of 2017.
● PARF Performers (formerly known as wavking) – PARF footage from 2011 through 2021, excepting 2014 and 2020. Filming is somewhat scattered and not systematic until around 2016. Occasional videos from NJRF and from non-Faire events taking place on PARF grounds. Overall the best source for Finales and an even selection of everything else for 2016-2018, petering off in 2019. Indispensable for reviewing the Megan-Zach-Mary 'verse, though less so the Mary part. Footage quality is perfectly reasonable, though not professional-level.
● Steve Kossor – PARF footage as far back as 2013. Very little in-house stuff; mostly focused on the artists who fall under the heading of “musicians of the shire”, both individually and as a whole. Plenty of stuff from other Faires, too. Most videos are clearly labeled. If you never got to witness the actual Pub Sing from the Before Times, this is where to look, particularly 2019. Very fancy filming, often including multiple cameras at different angles on the same day (goals tbh). Occasional interviews and such. Scattered throughout are videos completely unrelated to Faire, 'cause he's gotta put 'em somewhere.
● MerlinWinchestr – PARF footage as far back as 2013. Hits stride in 2016 (I think), at which point she carefully archives one example of each main-season plotline show, and sometimes Halloween, as well as scattered highlights. Literally the only person besides me to actually bother with non-Halloween plot before 2018, for which I owe her a small portion of my soul. Indispensable for reviewing the Megan-Zach part of the Megan-Zach-Mary 'verse. Nothing from PARF in 2018 or 2019 due to moving to a different state, but filmed stuff from other Faires in the interim. Picked up again in 2020, and expanded the number of shows filmed. Recent videos are carefully labeled. Footage quality is perfectly reasonable, though not professional-level. Scattered throughout are many clips from various unrelated concerts and cons and sometimes reenactment, as well as quite a lot of fandom edits of (predictably) both Merlin and Supernatural.
● Joseph Germano – PARF footage as far back as 2015. Almost entirely in-house; largely storyline, combat, improv. Initially filmed things exclusively for himself and his family, not listing the videos publicly for years. As such, the quality of camerawork can occasionally leave something to be desired (though much less, in my opinion, than he claims), hence his playlist called “MeadVision”. Filled the void left by PARF Performers's petering off, and is owed a small portion of my soul for archiving so much Disasterpiece in 2019. Footage quality is perfectly reasonable, though not professional-level. Chronology is a mere suggestion until 2021.
● PARF fan – If you're interested in 2017 plotline and combat, I've got everything I filmed up on the YouTube except for Halloween Joust and Halloween Finale. I've also got loads of raw footage of in-house stuff from the first half the 2020 season over on the Facebook. Effort is made with cinematography, though it sometimes backfires. Videos are carefully labeled, but only in the titles, not the thumbnails. Footage quality is perfectly tolerable, though far from professional-level, and the sound is sometimes bad (didn't have a fancy camera until the 2022 season). Indispensable for reviewing 2017, frankly.
● PA Renaissance Faire – PARF footage from 2018 only. One each Court, Melee, Bloody Best, some of the main-season individual Chess fights, Halloween Court, Halloween Chess, and a whole bunch of in-house songs from sundry Finales, many of which were not archived in any other form elsewhere (that I know of).
● Ren Faire with Rose – PARF footage as far back as 2018. Nigh-on exclusively in-house. Mostly highlights rather than entire shows. Features occasional streetwork, particularly from 2019, which is beyond value. Mostly chronological, but 2022 and 2023 and 2024 are intermittently jumbled. Tbh, I haven't gotten around to watching enough of their footage to comment on the quality of camera or camerawork.
● Dan Gualtieri – The newest member of this “team” (none of us actually coordinate or otherwise work together, though we should). Videos from 2022, 2023, and 2024. Mixture of highlights and full shows. Has already filled several gaps. I haven't actually watched any of his videos yet, so I cannot provide comment on camera or camerawork.
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byronlc · 1 year
multi-muse indie rp blog with canon muses. medium to low activity. 21+. penned by am. millennial. CET. likes rare fandoms. very slow writer.
rules memes open starters muse list under the cut
mains and affiliates: neverfittedin / dcyswclking, entangledmuses / ofthexnight, sarcaasmic
graphics by the amazing @neverfittedin
muse list
all canon muses can be treated as OCs and are adaptable to (almost) any fandom/setting
🚩 marks villainous/dangerous muse
Primary Muses
🚩 Trevor Anderson, 21-27, bi, Hellraiser (2022), fc Drew Starkey
your casual criminal crush
(🚩) Peter Rumancek, pan, 19-22; or 27-31, Hemlock Grove, fc Aaron Taylor-Johnson (post-series, headcanon-based portrayal)
your sexy man-beast who tore his own heart out
🚩Barry, 24-28, Outer Banks, fc Nick Cirillo moved to @klldare
your local drug dealer with a good heart and a gold tooth
Zach MacLaren, 20-24, The Other Zoey, fc Drew Starkey (intro)
your typical jock that is literally a puppy dog (aka the other Zach)
Secondary Muses
🚩James “Junior” Rennie, straight, 21-28, Under The Dome, fc Alexander Koch (intro)
your sociopathic obsessive boy next door
Dale “Barbie” Barbara, straight, 30-36, Under The Dome, fc Mike Vogel
your brooding anti-hero
(🚩) Liam/Angelus/Angel, 270 and forever 23 vampire; or 20-25 human, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, fc Jacob Elordi (headcanon-based portrayal; also modern non-vampire verse)
your ever-brooding, moody vampire cursed with a soul
Dylan Massett, straight, 21-27, Bates Motel, fc Max Thieriot
your white knight in a leather jacket
Selective/Exclusive Muses
James M. Beaufort, straight, 18-23, Maxton Hall, fc Damian Hardung (exclusive to @entangledmuses' Ruby Bell)
your way too attractive rich boy
🚩Rafe Cameron, 19-26, Outer Banks, fc Drew Starkey moved to @klldare
your @unhlnged rich boy
JJ Maybank, pan, 18-23, Outer Banks, fc Rudy Pankow moved to @klldare
your chaotic, quick-tempered @salt-lifer
Natalie Scatorccio, 18-23, Yellowjackets, fc Sophie Thatcher (very selective)
your i-don't-give-a-shit-but-also-care-too-much queen of misfits
New Muses (pending)
Troy Otto, Fear the Walking Dead, fc Daniel Sharman
your severly broken psycho boy
Fox Mulder, The X-Files, fc tbd
your tbd
Coriolanus Snow, The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, fc Tom Blyth
your tbd
Louisa "Wheezie" Cameron, 18-23, Outer Banks, fc Victoria Justice (aged-up headcanon-based portrayal) moved to @klldare
your little miss always overlooked
Nadia Godfrey, 18-23, Hemlock Grove, fc Elle Fanning (aged-up headcanon-based portrayal)
Muses on Hiatus
Grayson Ernest Theodor Spencer, ace, 24-28, Silber Trilogy, fc Josh Hutcherson (heavily headcanon-based portrayal)
your permanently tired loser boy, who will do anything for a cup of coffee
🚩Carlisle Cullen, 400 and forever 35, Twilight, fc Alexander Skarsgård (headcanon-based portrayal) (intro)
not your teen romance novel's friendly vampire daddy
🚩Chase Collins, 30-36, bi, The Covenant, fc Sebastian Stan (also younger version and non-magical version)
your power-hungry warlock with a wicked sense of humor
Luke Riordan, 21-26, Gen V, fc Patrick Schwarzenegger
your golden boy with a dark future
Zachary "Zach" Shan-Yung Dempsey, demi, 21-28, 13 Reasons Why, fc Ross Butler
your former jock turned musician that will literally come pick you up
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fatestouch · 1 year
soulmate info for lancaster manor bc i saw the word 'soulmate' on the dash and by the power of word association i now have to write about it, let's go (these are entirely verse dependent btw)
Morgan Lancaster: Kadios (@soulsxng), any other verse her soulmate is unknown and she hasn't met them
Azrael Lancaster: Unknown, hasn't met them
Cecil Lancaster: In one verse he and JJ (@soulsxng) made themselves soulmates by way of probably a crime, shockingly Cecil isn't soulmates with Avelan (@soraeia). In a hilarious twist of cruel fate and irony his soulmate is actually Jupiter in most verses. Neither of them know this and nothing will be done about it
Hayden Beckett: Main verse it's Nao, even if verses they aren't dating, it's still Nao
Seth Devereux: Order made him and Sivel (@soulsxng) soulmates in one verse, any other verse is unknown, haven't met them
Nao Yukimura: It's Hayden
Loki Raskoph: It's Varius (@soulsxng)
Danny Luz: Unknown, never met them
Faylan McClain: Unknown, never met them
Zach Murdock: Unknown, never met
Rene Dupre: Unknown, never met
Calypso Nicolaou: Unknown, never met
Cassius Nicolaou: Unknown, never met
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tuiyla · 1 year
Ranking Once More, With Feeling songs
Eyyyy let’s go. Separating songs that were part of a medley, for the most part. Going out to @rachelberryy​​!
Not part of the ranking:
The Mustard: wouldn’t feel fair or necessary to include it in the list. Still, as well executed as the rest of them and a fun La La Land feel wayyyy before La La Land actually happened.
Bunnies: I find Anya to be ridiculously delightful, including the bunny running gag and this was a shocking but funny and appreciated interruption in the middle of I’ve Got a Theory. The rock opera was a fun genre to bring in and yeah, Anya’s just cool.
The Parking Ticket: again not necessary to include in the actual ranking but a fun background (foreground) moment. Man it really reminded me that basically all of these songs have a CXG “equivalent”.
Dawn’s Ballet: fully instrumental so excluded for that reason. But eyyy, Zach Woodlee! Even if we don’t see his face. Again proving that playing around with genres and committing fully to the musical episode is fun.
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14. Dawn’s Lament
Despite technically ranking last I actually really like this short song. The fact that it’s so short is the only reason it’s so low but even in just two lines of lyrics I think it sums up Dawn’s angst and, well, lament really well and makes me wish she got a full feature. It’s my understanding that Michelle Trachtenberg asked not to sing too much so that’s understandable. But yeah, I think it’s good that she had this much, especially because, as I understand, despite Dawn’s behaviour being understandable she gets a lot of shit from the fandom.
13. What You Feel (+reprise)
Nothing against Hinton Battle who of course does an amazing job but the real strength of this episode is revelations about our beloved characters, not the monster of the week song. Not that this number isn’t as fun as the rest of the episode but it simply can’t compare to main cast’s solos, duets, and group numbers. The reprise shouting out the episode title is extra fun, though.
Best part: ironically in many ways, Dawn’s parts. Particularly “see, my sister’s the Slayer”
12. Something to Sing About
I feel like a lot would consider ranking this so low criminal. And in a way I do wish it could be higher but musically, I just don’t much vibe with it. I understand and appreciate the sentiment behind it, it’s a powerful scene and includes the big revelation about Buffy having been in heaven. The backup bit is amusing and Alyson Hannigan acts her butt off in the background as the reveal is going on but I simply can’t put it higher when I know this won’t be the song I listen to the most. I much, much prefer Buffy’s other solo. It’s also just, a bit long oops.
Best part: Musically, the beginning, but thematically probably Spike’s ending verse.
11. Where Do We Go From Here
I’m not sure how to justify ranking this above the previous one. I guess I’m just a sucker for group numbers and I think it has the appropriate balance of drama and levity. It feels a bit funky that Sweet leaves and yet they sing this afterward but whatever.
Best part: Giles’ solo line: The battle's done and we kind of won
10. Coda
As you’ll see further down this list I love a good reprise and this mash-up of Buffy and Spike songs only to culminate in the first step towards their relationship, it’s really chef’s kiss. Very very brief and closes by going back to the previous song but still, a good coda.
9. I’ll Never Tell
This is pure fun for Anya and Xander and a great performance. Harsher in hindsight, now that I’ve seen Xander leave Anya at the altar. But I keep being a sucker for Anya shenanigans in particular and this was very fun as that. I don’t care for all the lines but I appreciate all the effort that went into this number in particular.
Best part: His eyes are beady!
8. If We’re Together
It’s heartfelt and maybe a bit cheesy but hey, I love cheese and the power of love, found family and all that. It fits BtVS to have something like this, it simultaneously makes fun of the show and also emphasizes that yeah, this is the strength of the Scoobies. I also enjoy the double meaning behind Buffy’s what does it matter lines. We support our girl in her depression era.
Best part: Hey, I’ve died twice
7. I’ve Got a Theory
This is just that quintessential first group number with the lighter tone and everyone involved. It feels different enough to separate from If We’re Together and slightly ranking above it for the fun factor, including Xander’s ramble about witches. Points for being the song with the most Willow in it
Best part: Honestly, Xander’s ramble.
6. Under Your Spell
I kinda wish I could rank this higher. And it is good! It begins a new tier on our list and there’s much to appreciate. Amber Benson’s voice (even though I would prefer more chest voice but shhh okay okay) and the fairy tale vibes, and just the fact that the big love song went to the lesbian couple. The sentiment is lovely even with the darker undertone of Willow’s literal spell from the previous episode, but more on that in a bit. It feels apt to give Tara, usually a quiet and reserved ch a solo in the musical episode to express her feelings fully. I’m in awe that this was on television in 2001 and was quite shocked that they went there at the end lol. What do you know, they sure had the cojones and I appreciate that.
Best part: as cheesy as it is, the willow tree line
5. Rest in Peace
I debated putting this below Under Your Spell but I gotta appreciate the rock vibes, the angst, and the sheer over the top poetry of it. It’s really the perfect song for Spike and as much as I think the metaphors and puns are over the top, again it just fits him. Plus, I have to admit, it’s just more fun to listen to than Tara’s solo (still with love to her of course). God Spike would make such a dramatic lesbian.
Best part: If my heart could beat it would break my chest
4. Standing
Anthony Stewart Head really went for it and this song was perfect for both his voice and Giles’ character. I do think the sentiment felt a bit, hmm, off, but that’s a convo for another day. Giles’ fatherly love for Buffy is the very DNA of this series and him realizing that he has to let Buffy go, just after getting her back, hits all the right emotional places. If we had to let go of ASH, as a main cast member at least, this was as good a sendoff as we could get. Also curious that this is the only song that seems to be in just once of the characters’ head? Whatever, it’s musical logic.
Best part: the way he delivers Wish I could slay your demons
3. Under Your Spell/Standing Reprise
Ohh okay, so yeah I love an apt reprise and this mashup was incredibly powerful. Under Your Spell gains its darker meaning as Tara realizes what the audience had known and to parallel her sense of betrayal and, though it will take her another episode to truly admit, realization with Giles’ is so cool. To parallel a young woman’s queer love for her girlfriend with a middle aged man’s for his daughter figure. For both to realize, albeit for vastly different reasons, that they can’t be the ones helping their loved ones anymore. For Giles, it’s to help Buffy grow. For Tara, it’s the realization that she can’t, even inadvertently, continue enabling Willow. It’s such a cool thematic concept and executed beautifully musically, and cinematically as we see the shot of Buffy and Willow talking, ignorant the difficult decisions their loved ones are making. Well done, show.
Best part: Wish I could stay (but they can’t. and doesn’t that just break your heart?)
2. Walk Through the Fire
Here we go, the best group number of the bunch even though the other ones all have their strengths. It combines so many excellent parts. Buffy’s depression, even Going Through the Motions making a brief return. The Scoobies’ realization that yeah, they should help. Spike’s own realization that he’ll always come back to Buffy’s aid. The ‘villain’ parts. ASH once again delivering his solo bits very well, particularly the Dawn line. Beady-eyes is right, we’re needed! It combines funny and deep and heartfelt and really, that sums up the show well. Plus yeah, the small reprises.
Best part: I think this line's mostly filler. Pls, that’s too funny.
1. Going Through the Motions
Okay listen at first I was like, can I? Can I actually rank this first? But why not. What an excellent song to start us off with. A few minutes into the episode and this already had me so hyped. The composition, the flow, how fun the demons are in this, Buffy’s attitude, SMG’s voice to be honest. The fact that this is her I want song! The very first song! This is just such a fun and yet meaningful song. It’s funny how SMG turns inexplicably British in it (heaRt has an R, surely) but I don’t care, she does a great job and this song really embodies my love for season 6 Buffy. So good!
Best part: How can I repay...? Whatever. This was SO funny. The rhymes throughout the episode can be a little too simple but when they work they just work.
So that would be the list, hope I didn’t shock and upset anybody. I knew going into this that people heralded Buffy’s musical episode as not only an OG but one of the, if not the ultimate best and you know what, yeah. And if anything it really proved to me that jukebox musicals are not where it’s at - if you’re gonna do a musical, put your whole pussy into it. Write those original songs! Make them relate to the characters and reveal interesting things about them. That’s the whole point and it’s why, though the villain song was fun, others were far superior. Not that I didn’t love this series before but Once More, With Feeling well and truly cemented my love for BtVS.
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forgivenpunishment · 1 year
👄 + nico and meryl
⩥ anonymous || of course you want to know about them [OPEN]
Nico (@/full-of-mercy: wayward verse)
"Well... How do I even begin talking about Nico," Nick scratches at the side of his face, thinking, "At first it was weird, hanging around 'myself,' especially after I'd just been isolated for months in a cold cell, I honestly thought I might've been hallucinating."
He pauses, thinking about what to say, "Well, I can say that I still feel... weird... calling him Nico. It's a childhood nickname, you know? But that's what the Little Lady calls him, so I just kind of avoid saying it when I can. I have the luxury of being able to just say Nicholas or Wolfwood and act under the assumption that I'm not talking about myself. Still feels weird though. Maybe I should come up with some other name for him..."
Nick laughs to himself with a smirk, "Yeah maybe I'll just start calling him something totally out of left field. Zach... or Vincent... I dunno, fuckin' Loboleña or something. He'd probably have my ass if I started doing that though. Well, him or the Queen herself. It's a work in progress and a problem for later me."
Meryl (@/misplacedreporter: main verse)
"Ahh yes, the Boss Lady herself. What can I say that won't have her coming after me with a grudge? Or, well, that damn Cube holds more grudges than she does, yeesh. I swear, that thing sends me off to God-knows-where on my own more often than I care to admit."
"Anyway," Nick refocuses, smiling fondly as he thinks of one of the few people he's actually let in and loved, "She's always been patient with me. Too patient. Way more patient than I've ever deserved. Feels like forever ago that she finally managed to break through my defenses and get me to feel things. I didn't actually expect to fall for her, to be honest. At first we were growing as friends."
There's a slight hint of grief, just the slightest, as he continues, "She was my wingman when I fell hard for Blondie. That was embarrassing, but it all ended up working out—especially once I did fall for her too. Back then, our short time together as a... whatever we were... was probably the happiest I'd been in my life. Didn't think I'd see her again—I'm incredibly lucky to be with her again."
He sighs, "...And I really actually enjoy getting to meet all the weird-ass people she introduces me to. I'm no social butterfly, but it can be fun, traveling around like we do. I, uh, do hope we can settle down at some point though."
(His eyes shift away from you for a moment and there's a light blush on his cheeks. Seems that settling down would involve him asking a very important question that he happens to be avoiding.)
"Ahem, I hope you weren't expecting to learn any private details about my relationship with them. Let's just say that I am very satisfied with where I am right now."
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playedbetter · 8 months
"You can stop looking," Zach announces as he flops backwards onto his bed, carelessly tossing his phone aside. There's an edge of deep frustration in his voice, this is not the first time his advice is going unheeded when the results are obviously cataclysmic, and he doubts it'll be the last time.
Nick looks up from his focused magic circle he has set up on the floor. "What? Did he tell you where he is? Or that this is a false alarm?" Nick honestly isn't sure why he jumped in to help, he supposes this will probably be a good mark on his record, not that those would ever cover up the bad ones.
"Nope!" Zach exclaims in an exasperated tone, throwing both his arms up for empathies. "He's going straight into the gapping maw of destruction whether it kills him or not!"
Nick just blinks bewildered for a moment. "Knowingly?"
Zach sits up just enough for it to be visible to Nick that he's nodding repeatedly and tightly.
"Well that's stupid," Nick says without thinking. Crossing his arms.
Zach lets out a groan and flops right back down. "I don't think he's being stupid, I'm sure he's well aware of what he's doing. He just doesn't think it matters, that he matters, and that it's not going to hurt everybody like fuck when something awful happens to him. That the best thing for the universe he can do is be a martyr, so he might as well throw himself in the line of any danger. I don't know why, but it's a recurring trend with my friends,"
Nick lights himself a cigarette, using magic to keep it from spreading ashes all over the place or stink it up. He hums for a moment, this really isn't his problem and yet it is a relatable one. "I've known my share of people like that in my time and you want to know my advice?"
"Not really," Zach mumbles. "Would take a cig though,"
"In exchange for a cigarette you're going to have to bare with an old man yapping your ear off, that's how it works," Nick pulls out a smoke and hands to Zach who sits up and lights his own, Nick can see the little move of the kids hands that's making his burn clean. Smart trick.
"Fine, go ahead," Zach relents.
"So when I've dealt with self made martyrs I've had to learn to not try to take responsibility for them, not try to control them, I would have gone crazy a lot sooner if I had tried to control them. I couldn't stop them from putting themselves in danger, and I couldn't make them care enough about themself to stop, and people like that never seem to be able to comprehend the hole they'd leave behind if they did die, trying to convince them is just going to frustrate. I had to look at myself at the mirror and decide if I could actually put up with the grief he would bring, and at the time for me the answer was yes. And frankly, that was probably a stupid choice-"
Zach crosses his arms and gives Nick a skeptical look. "I'm starting to think this isn't about me,"
"Right right, my bad. Anyways my point was, you have to choose whether or not you can deal with the grief they'll bring. If you can, set up what you can to patch them up metaphorically or literally, and make the best of the time you get with them. If you can't, find a way to cut them out and don't look back, it'll never be pretty if you look back,"
"You make it sound so simple, but I can't just cut people off like that. I'd leave a little bit of myself behind with them. I can't just make myself not care about people I've loved, even if it would be better for me not to care," Zach sighs and takes a drag. "I don't know how much heartbreak I can actually handle though, well, how much more. Not to sound like an arrogant twenty something but I think I've had my fair share already. And every time it's so bad, and it's always worse than the last time,"
"You have your cousins heart, and honestly, I don't know how she's managed to survive this long without numbing herself to everything. Have you ever considered alcohol or heavy drugs?" Nick asks in an almost joking tone.
Zach does actually snicker at that. "Both, and that's probably why I haven't flown off the handle yet, but at the rate I'd need them to be fully numb I'd kill myself,"
"Fair enough, I can't say I'd endorse killing yourself even though technically that'd solve your current problems," Nick shrugs.
"I'm not going to, if I ever was going to I would have already,"
They share silence for a minute, it's not actually all that tense, if anything it's calm.
"So what do I do?" Zach finally asks. "I've got a bleeding heart and I can't bring myself to cut any of them off. Either way, I'm fucked,"
Nick looks Zach over, he remembers what he was doing when he was the kids age. Everything that had gone wrong. Everything that made the man that he is now. "Try to hang on for as long as you can, because when you go off the rails, it's gonna be a doozy."
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chaosmultiverse · 1 year
"Max"'s face nor eyes went up to meet the stranger, it was best to play it as though he was very shy, anti social, someone who makes social encounters dull.
"Oh yes, that's me." He simply replied holding the package closer, and continuing to look at the ground, his bangs covering most of his face.
'Max' was someone dressed rather plainly though... notably out of date given his long selved shirt & t-shirt, as for his bottoms he was wearing plain black leggings & well worn running shoes.
The package itself was roughly the size of his torso, just a little smaller & it was a amazon box that was marked fragile & that it had to stay right way up.
"Can I help you?"
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einsteinsugly · 1 year
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My Verse, and the VIPs.
@hydesjackiespuddinpop, my verse, described by a middle school-ish diagram of the Earth (aka, the world).
The Kids: Most of the inner and outer cores are described in this post, minus Chelsea. Chelsea lives next door to Red and Kitty, and is Adrian's quiet, artsy best friend and eventual love interest.
The Inner Cores (the main): Rebecca "Becca" Hyde, James Hyde, Katherine "Kate" Forman, Leah Forman, and Adrian Forman
My Outer Cores (the occasional main/generally prominent): Elizabeth "Betsy" Kelso (main in my 95 version of T9S), Hallie Rivera (main in As The World Burns and beyond), Lamar Easton (Pastor Dan's son, main in The Kids are Alright), and Chelsea O'Connor (main in The Kids Are Alright). Fez's daughter Ashley Tate and KB's daughter Hannah Kelso are always around, too.
The Mantle (prominent minor characters):
Daniel "Danny" Acosta: Leo's great-grandson, Buddy's stepson, James's friend, and Becca's on-off boyfriend. Hyde hates him. Mentioned in The Kids are Alright, prominent in As The World Burns.
Zachary "Zach" Wilson: Colette's son, James's best friend, and Becca's love interest. Prominent in the As The World Burns, will probably be mentioned in The Kids are Alright at some point.
Morgan Silva: Buddy's niece, and Hallie's girlfriend. Toxic AF. Leah's frenemy. Prominent in As The World Burns.
Brittany Ford: The most popular girl in school, back in Chicago. A prominent bully, and a mix of Jackie and Laurie; Leah hates her. Donna also hates Brittany's mother, Brenda, after Brenda called Leah a loser (Donna punched Brenda at a PTA meeting, and got banned for a year). Prominent in As The World Burns, but will amply be mentioned on numerous other occasions.
Sabrina Miller: Mitch's daughter. Mitch's only salvageable kid, and Leah's friend. She's prominent in As The World Burns, and will probably be prominent in The Kids Are Alright (or its 1999 sequel, if that ever comes to pass).
Then, there are a bunch of minors, the crust, that are there to liven up the world, and make it feel lived in. And there are plenty of those.
The Adults:
My Inner Core (the main): The main six, obviously, and Red and Kitty.
My Outer Cores (the occasional main/generally prominent):
The OGs: Laurie Forman, Brooke Kelso, Rhonda Tate, Bernard "Buddy" Morgan, Colette Wilson (yes, that Colette), Mitchell "Mitch" Miller (the antagonist)
The new:
Samuel "Sam" Easton: Pastor Dan's brother, and the principal of Washington Park Middle School (where Eric works).
Sonia and Manuel "Manny" Acosta: Manny is Jackie's former co-host of Wake Up, Wisconsin. They are referred to as the "Milwaukee Eric and Donna." They are far more prominent in the 80s, when JH live in Milwaukee.
Victor "Vic" Acosta: Manny's brother, Buddy's partner, and Danny's father (biological; he's bi, and was formerly married to Leo's granddaughter Maura).
Elliot and Edith "Edie" O'Connor: Chelsea's parents and Red and Kitty's kooky hippie neighbors. Prominent in The Kids Are Alright. Edie is the daughter of Red's childhood best friend Arthur "Arch" Holland, who is definitely a member of The Mantle).
The Mantle (other prominent minor characters):
Gloria Butler: Donna's neoliberal boss.
Rozerin "Roz" Ward: Donna's close work friend, and consistent ally.
Then, there are a bunch of minors, the crust, that are there to liven up the world, and make it feel lived in. And there are plenty of those. You've seen some, like Pastor Dan.
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thriev · 2 years
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i'm not the girl i ought to be ⸻ tvdu's caroline e. forbes as interpreted by day (23, she/her, chinese). originally brought to life in 2022, re - established january of 2023. anti jplec. canon divergent, so read the verses section or i'll skewer you <3. blog uses beta editor. permanent plotting call.
rules ⁎
this blog is canon divergent, plot driven and smut averse.
medium activity.
my formatting in replies will be pretty bare (regular sized text, no fancy fonts) and i likely won’t be using icons for every thread (because lazy).
do not interact/follow if you’re a minor, an asshole, have problematic views and/or write problematic things.
@/witch3d is my exclusive bonnie bennett, i will not be following any other bonnie blogs.
stats ⁎
full name , caroline elizabeth forbes. nickname(s) , care, care bear. birthday , october 10th. gender , cis woman. pronouns , she/her. orientation , pansexual + panromantic. species , vampire. faceclaim , candice accola/king. family , elizabeth forbes (mother), william forbes (father). appearance , blonde hair (usually curled), blue - grey eyes, 5'6".
verses ⁎
main , canon takes a sharp left turn when zach sal/vatore walks into the cellar to check on his uncle, only to find him dead with a stake in his chest. caroline, who damon had managed to summon even in his weakened state, hadn't walked into the boarding house unprepared. (don't scream, don't move, don't be afraid, don't tell anyone. never once did he issue the command: don't try to kill me.) so the story changes, diverges down a different path. some things, however, are inescapable. caroline might've defeated her own personal monster, but the vampire world has always been much bigger than just a couple salvatores. (somewhere in the dark, katherine is watching, and somewhere behind her, klaus is listening). timeline.
final girl , info here.
legacies , info here.
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bookgeekgrrl · 1 year
My media this week (28 May-3 Jun 2023)
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🥰Where You Are (lemonoclefox) - 45K, modern no powers stucky - a sort of 'Falling Inn Love' AU [reread]
🥰Waking Up Slow (odetteandodile) - 44K, shrunkyclunks - single dad Bucky, living in a isolated lighthouse in Canada, finds an amesiac, just thawed Steve Rogers washed up on his beach… [reread]
🥰👂‍Legends & Lattes (Legends & Lattes #1) (Travis Baldree, author & narrator) - delightful, warm fantasy about retired orc barbarian Viv deciding to open a coffee shop and the found family she accrues along the way - when i started listening to this i was like, whoa this author is a really good narrator and it turns out that's his other profession.😆so yeah, excellent audiobook
🥰Pages To Fill (Legends & Lattes #0.5) (Travis Baldree) - prequel short story (also included after the main text of L&L published book)
🥰Calico Skies (musette22, author; britbrit99, artist) - 52K, shrunkyclunks - super hot carpenter Bucky, demisexual steve [reread]
😊So Alive (GottaSaveBucky (Cosmic_Entity_1of4)) - 109K, stucky no powers modern AU - bookstore mgr baby bucky, comics writer/publisher daddy steve - very schmoopy, a tiny bit silly & OTT, good smut; a bit of copaganda for plot reasons (i.e. the cops are friendly and on their side) but still enjoyable
😊At Last (Caedmon) - 69K, BlackBonnet modern AU, wedding planner Stede+caterer/bar owner Ed
💖💖 +262K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Slide To Answer series (relenafanel) - MCU: stucky, 13K - very funny & cute modern wrong number AU [reread]
I Wanna Kiss You (But I Want it too Much) (xiaq) - Stranger Things: steddie, 13K - loved this! - all outsider POV, especially loved Wayne's OC boyfriend
wanna have fun (and be in love with you) (CoraRochester) - MCU: stucky+thor, 15K - modern no powers AU, established stucky adding thor - very, very hot [reread]
some of them want to use you (some of them want to get used by you) (voxofthevoid) - MCU: stucky+thor, 14K - mer!bucky/hydra!steve, A++ quality hot tentacle sex [reread]
Um, Actually - s3, e8-12
Ted Lasso - s3, e12
TJ Alexander | Chef's Choice (in conversation with Cat Sebastian)
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Tick Collection
Richmond Til We Die: A Ted Lasso Podcast - Trusting Ted Lasso to Stick the Landing (with Alex McDaniel)
Re: Dracula - Bonus 2: Victorian Class and Gender
⭐The Soundtrack Show - E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial - the Music (Parts I-III)
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Woman with the Handbag
Shedunnit - The Villa Murder
Re: Dracula - May 31: New Scheme of Villainy
⭐Vibe Check - Dear Prudence with Sam, Saeed, and Zach
ICYMI Plus - The Only People Who Made Money From Tumblr
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Koutammakou
Ologies with Alie Ward - Black American Magirology (FOOD, RACE & CULTURE) with Psyche Williams-Forson
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Tonopah Mining Camp
⭐99% Invisible #415 - Goodnight Nobody [rebroadcast]
Welcome to Night Vale #229 - The Accused
Song Exploder - Feist "In Lightning"
Richmond Til We Die: A Ted Lasso Podcast - KG • Paul on Ted Lasso
Into It - What Was 'Succession' Really About? And Is 'Ted Lasso' Over or Not?
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse And What's Making Us Happy
Endless Thread - OK, Lamp!
Switched on Pop - Listening 2 Daft Punk: Human After All / Alive 2007
Films To Be Buried With with Brett Goldstein - James Lance
Off Menu - Ep 194: Tim Minchin
ICYMI Plus - Meet NPR’s TikTok Boy
⭐You're Dead To Me - Medieval Irish Folklore (Live)
Presenting Tina Turner
Juliana Hatfield Sings Olivia Newton-John [Juliana Hatfield]
Juliana Hatfield Sings the Police [Juliana Hatfield]
Xanadu (The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Presenting Olivia Newton-John
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (Music From The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Southern Culture on the Skids
My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult
Homework [Daft Punk] {1997}
Discovery [Daft Punk] {2001}
Human After All [Daft Punk] {2005}
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painofhumanity · 1 year
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NAME: Stefan Thomas Salvatore NICKNAME(S): Tom, Tommy, Stef/Steffy (by Damon) D.O.B: November 1st AGE: 17-23 (verse dependent) ORIENTATION: heterosexual SPECIES: human (main) FAMILY: Anthony Salvatore & Maria Salvatore (parents, deceased), Zach Salvatore (paternal first cousin once removed, deceased), Damon Salvatore (distant paternal uncle)
Trigger Warnings: parent death, manipulation, drug use
Stefan Thomas Salvatore grew up an only child with two loving parents. He would say his childhood was pretty uneventful until the day he was told his parents were dead. That day his quiet, normal life was turned completely upside down. He was taken in by his dad's cousin, Zach, and went to live in Mystic Falls in his family's old boarding house.
Still grieving, and adjusting his new life, Tommy didn't know what to think when a strange man showed up at the house who somehow knew him by name. Uncle Zach told him to go to his room, but he sat at the top of the stairs and listened to his uncle and the stranger--Damon--argue. Uncle Zach kept telling Damon he needed to leave, that this wasn't his Stefan--whatever that meant. He didn't get the chance to find out, though, as he heard yelling, and then Damon was crouched on the stairs in front of him, holding his face in his hands and telling him to "be a good boy" and listen to him. . .
Tommy doesn't remember any of that, though. He remembers a mean drunk of a father who would beat him and his mother, and his mother making excuses and covering it up, always telling Tommy not to go telling stories to people. He remembers growing up with an older brother who tried to protect him. He remembers that brother leaving home as soon as he was 18, promising to come back and get Tom when he could. He remembers his older brother drifting in and out of his life, and Uncle Zach being annoyed every time Damon showed up.
When he was 14, Tommy got high for the first time. One of the local boys thought Tommy--a depressed, socially anxious loner who hadn't even started high school yet--needed to loosen up and learn how to have a good time. Like a lot of kids, it just started with pot; Uncle Zach didn't like it, but he figured it was harmless enough, and Tom did seem to be a little more relaxed. But not even halfway through his freshman year, Tom had already moved from just doing pot every now and then to smoking regularly, and doing harder drugs when that wasn't enough to make the pain he was trying to bury go away.
It came to a head when Tom started flunking most of his classes (except for history and English, which seemed to be his favorites). Uncle Zach pulled him out of school and got him into an in-patient rehab for teenagers. By the time sophomore year started, he'd gotten sober and had his head on straight again. Uncle Zach started homeschooling him, though, rather than put him back in Mystic Falls High, because he was worried about the kids that had got him using in the first place would just help him get high again. Tom didn't love this arrangement, but he understood and didn't put up much of a fight.
One night, Tom was out for a run--because a large part of him staying sober was routine, and that included regularly working out--and he heard a crash nearby. He ran over a saw that a car had gone off Whickery Bridge, already mostly submerged in the water. He didn't even think about what he was seeing before taking off towards the river and diving in. He managed to pull out the girl in the back, but her parents were stuck, and they made it clear their daughter needed to be saved first. By the time Tom got her to shore and went back for her parents, they were gone. It didn't stop him from trying, though, and the teenager nearly drowned himself in his stubbornness to "do the right thing".
Tom never told anyone besides his uncle (and later Damon) what he did, saving the girl--that he only later recognized as Elena Gilbert--because he didn't want anyone making him out to be a hero, especially when (in his mind) he was the reason Elena and her brother were now orphans. Between his guilt at not being able to save Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert, and the grief for his own parents that had resurfaced, Tom ended up relapsing not long after. He spent the rest of the school year once again in rehab, then spent the summer convincing Uncle Zach to let him go to Mystic Falls High again, because he needed to feel normal again. That was how he ended up properly meeting Elena, and how his life ended up changing forever.
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