#zach answers asks
starzzach · 1 month
is meow what i think it is 🤭
yes eva it is indeed what u think it is. for everyone else i have this fic where charles is sort of sometimes a cat. snippet under the cut!
A beat of silence.
And then another. 
Still nothing.
The silence continues.
“That’s a cat.”
“Fantastic observation.”
“Carlos. You hate cats.”
Carlos looks defensive, offended even. The kitten meows disapprovingly. If possible, he tucks it in even closer to himself. Lando stares. Carlos clears his throat. “Well I don’t hate this one.”
Lando stares a little bit more. “Where the fuck did you even get that. No, wait, when did you get that? When did this psychotic episode start?”
“Don’t you think that’s a little–“
“God, did you steal someone’s cat because you felt some sort of cosmic connection?” Lando windmills his arms in pure, undisguised confusion. “I’m just trying to understand this!”
“No,” Carlos huffs. He scratches behind the kitten’s ear and what the fuck. “But it is. Maybe. A cosmic connection.”
“What happened to Piñon?” 
“I can have more than one pet,” he argues.
Lando scoffs. “Yes you can. You can have your seventy fifth dog. God! Get a puppy, Carlos. You don’t know how to take care of a cat!”
The kitten meows again. Lando did not even know that cats could have different meows. It clearly does not like him. “Can’t you be quiet for a second?” Carlos berates crossly. Lando watches with his jaw threatening to touch the floor as Carlos lays it down carefully on a towel, gently murmuring to it as he mournfully lets it go. Turning back to Lando, he sighs. “Okay. You have one minute to complain.”
So Lando does, absolutely explodes at the chance. “Where did you get a cat? Why did you get a cat? What are you going to do with a c– wait.” He frowns. “Did you get a new girlfriend?”
Infuriatingly, Carlos’ eyes dart to the CAT before he stammers out a snappy “No!” 
Lando might murder this cat. And Carlos, too. But first the cat. “I’m taking your cat away,” he decides, and nearly falls on his ass when Carlos pushes him away with a surprising amount of force when he tries to make a go at the cat. Wincing, he amends, “Okay. Not taking your cat away.”
Despite everything that happened in the last five seconds, Carlos’ stupidly concerned hands are suddenly hovering all around him. “Fuck, Lando, are you okay? I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“Thanks. I totally noticed,” he says, trying to stay polite. And he is, well, okay. He will survive. Nurse his wounds and ghost Carlos for a couple of days. Hopefully enough time for Carlos to get rid of the damned ball of fur. But then they will be okay. “God. I need you to start answering my que–”
Shit. The meeting. Oscar is going to kill him. Lando scrambles to decline the call. Muttering curses under his breath he rushes out of the stupid little room while shouting at Carlos. He also tries not to be too hurt by the fact that Carlos seemed almost relieved to see him going, the kitten already burrowing back into his hands.
Lando has to tell everyone.
unfortunately this is an extremely stale wip but i do hope to actually finish at least the first chapter by the end of septemeber. we will see. we will pray
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assiraphales · 1 year
me at eleven years old when I watched bones at 8pm on a school night in disbelief as i found out that not only was the dorky lab assistant apparently a cannibal apprentice serial killer in training but my favorite friendship on the show was also effectively ruined: what the hot diggity dog
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nick-cassidy · 5 months
now who is Holger
my best friend and tennis player Holger rune … 21 . can’t drive . hates most creatures on tour . likes Twitter . addicted to wearing short shorts . … has the worst case of European or gay on earth
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commsroom · 1 year
if hera could eat, i think she'd be completely prepared for indulgence, but she would ultimately prefer subtler / more natural flavors. like, hera is getting pistachio rosewater ice cream while eiffel is creating ungodly sugar concoctions out of the most brightly colored artificial flavors known to man. minkowski - needless to say, a big fan of ice cream! - is a healthy eater through rigorous discipline, but in her heart of hearts, she does want, like. dark chocolate cherry with cake bits in it. minkowski earnestly believes in the concept of a "cheat day" and marks them on her calendar. which is a real "how do you live like this" moment for eiffel, on multiple levels.
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the-little-knight · 5 months
Sometimes drawing Beebee reminds me...
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Do you think Bex, Cam or Macey or Zach will ever teach at the Gallagher academy in the future?
Honestly I could see all of them teaching there at some point. Coming in to teach coveops or another class for a semester or a year could be fun for Bex or Macey. I do think Cammie eventually takes her mom’s position as headmistress. And it is my personal headcanon that, rather than have Zach just be the Gallagher coveops teacher, I think he becomes headmaster of Blackthorne.
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thosetrollkids · 11 months
❄ for Jim and 🍭 for Steve if possible please
Angsty art meme!
❄️ Frostbitten
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don't go fighting ice spirits without proper bundling up!
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samandcolbyownme · 6 months
It’s because the way you portray Zach is soo accurate got me fallin in love with the both of you fr 😩
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Oh stop it 🤭
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What about Celestial warlock! Zach? 🤔
Thematically it fits 100% perfectly. Zach literally made a contract with the angels and got power from said contract. No notes on that front. Unfortunately, there is a huge mechanical aspect missing. In my experience with warlock in most editions (3.5, and 5e), warlocks are generally known for having the most casting "ability," eldritch blasting and hexes, they are usually much more limited in terms of spell flexibility. You may theoretically have access to eldritch blast which is a very consistent attack, and some other very good at will abilities, you have the equivalent of fourth of the amount of spells known. Sure you can do your magical abilities all day (provided enough short rests in 5e), but at level 20 you get, like, 13 total spells/spell equivalents, while most classes surpass that flexibility by level 8.
I think in terms of balancing mechanics and flavors, Zach could be a sorcerer/warlock multiclass.
Although if we're able to step away from "basic" class building, Zach as a pathfinder witch, the pathfinder warlock equivalent, using the charisma based subclass (called seducer, lol) would fit much more.
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In OSOT, when cam comes back, zach says it's different, and he seem a bit distance quite a while, with him & bex always together. Do you think he's also mad at cam that's why? Or something else?
Oh my poor Zachy boy…
Zach’s mad. He’s furious with Cam. He’s pissed at her.
But not for the reasons we think.
Zach is the one who gave Cammie the idea of running away. He said so in OGSY. He told Cam that they should run. That they would keep each other safe. And Cam told him no. Cammie told him that that was not an option.
And what does she do? She leaves without him and she runs.
Zach doesn’t know where she is. She didn’t leave a note for anyone, she didn’t say goodbye, she’s just gone.
Zach has nobody. He can’t go home. He can’t go to his mom. He can’t go back to school. He doesn’t know if Cammie is even alive until they find her in Switzerland. And during that time he has Bex. And Bex is the only constant in his life that summer. She is the only one keeping his feet on the ground and keeping him from doing something stupid. Because if he can’t find Cammie, what does he have left? Joe’s in a coma for goodness sake.
And then to make matters worse, Cam comes back and she’s different. She can’t remember anything from that summer. He doesn’t even want to think about what she could’ve endured. He doesn’t want to process that. Between the sessions with Dr. Steve, the weapons incident, the memory loss, the fact that the Circle is still out there…
He tried to find Cam and he failed.
Things are different between them and while Cam is trying to process that and her missing summer, Zach is trying to process the fact that anything could have happened to Cammie and there was nothing he could do to stop that.
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chrswlls · 2 months
Off-topic question, but I'm very interested. Do you have any headcanons for the NFB characters? :')
Ok i swear I'll get to the requests but for now thank you for asking this anon because I have a ton. But im kinda embarrassed so I'll only share the ones I have for the popular chatacters lol
(some of these are gonna sound shippy so im gonna remind you now most of these are platonic lmao)
Post-heatwave Jeremy hates dealing with hotter temperatures and prefers to keep himself in cold/neutral places. During the summer he can't keep his composure as much as he wants to.
^^ post-game where he's alive and living with Jenny, she usually helps him cool down during the summers. It's one of the ways they support eachother while recovering from everything that has ever happened
Megan does feel a genuine friendship with Julia sometimes. Even sympathizing with her when it comes to some things. This only really applies during the path where Jeremy is dead and Alan is alive but I'll keep it short
Julia admires Megan in a way. Even if she does end up taking her job after a long time
Robyn wins most games of Uno or whatever funny card game the Nightly Show thinks of. A lot of people say it's luck but it's either she's just good at the game or she can cheese/cheat the game well enough.
Patrick is disliked by his coworkers but is most disliked by Alex. I made a separate post about it once xd
Alex sneezing would be quiet and discreet. Sam on the other hand sneezes like a gun going off and you can hear it across the house
^ Alex pinches their nose for them when theyre about to sneeze XDXDXD
Julia makes jewelry in her free time. Sometimes they're themed after the peoplr around her. Peter wears one of her bracelets.
^ Peter wore the bracelet to his grave. Julia sees it during the funeral and Peter's death haunted her even more from then
Chris and Dave met eachother while fleeing the country. They could either be great friends or cant stand the other. But eitherway they keep seeing eachother and it's kinda funny
Alan writes a few books about his experiences post-game Path D. They're not very popular amongst the youth Advance raised but they're pretty loved by everyone else who bothered to listen and read
Geoff likes pineapple on pizza. See this is because I hate pineapple on pizza.
^^ so does Alex. Them and Boseman jokingly argue about it because Boseman doesn't like pineapple on pizza
Boseman loves Snoopy or whatever the in-universe version of Snoopy is. During early mornings when Channel 1 plays cartoons, Snoopy is always being broadcasted unlike other cartoons that only show up during weekends.
Pro-Advance Suzie canonically marries Zach anyway. I like to think they got married way later though which is some time after the Uprising and Disrupt's "downfall". Zach is the one head over heels for Suzie in this scenario
that's all im willing to share :PP if you wanna hear more you can ask for a patt two. Or maybe headcanons for specific characters/relationships too but you'll be able to tell who are my favs and who i dont mind as much LMAOO
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starzzach · 1 month
*ahem* son of the sea god ? 👀
hiiiiiiiiii malllllllllll
this one is really funny bc i have 1 wip of them being the gods, and this wip of them as the children of the gods set in a percy jackson-esque universe.
i haven't worked on this fic in a while but there's a solid enough foundation i think the snippet (under the cut) will make sense!
In fact, he hopes he can get another kiss out of the whole encounter, but Charles is sighing, standing up and tugging on the collar of his shirt, dragging Carlos with him. “Come on,” he says airily, dusting down his shorts, and tousling his perfectly styled hair. “It’s time for lunch.” Pointing down at the camp, he uses his other hand to take Carlos’, leading him down as if he hasn’t used this path countless times.
There are jeers and whistling from some of the other campers when they emerge, but Charles doesn’t drop his hand. Rumours have flown around about the two of them for more summers than Carlos cares to count. Lando spies him from the archery range, waving wildly in greeting. Carlos doesn’t have the chance to wave back, jerked yet another way by Charles’ iron grip. “Where are we–?”
“Lunch,” is the only answer he gets.
They’re, like, not really heading to lunch though. Unless the layout of the camp has completely changed in the months Carlos has been gone, the mess hall is in the opposite direction to which they’re moving in. He tries to fall in step with Charles but he’s making it much harder than it needs to be with the length of his stride. They walk past the Zeus and Hera cabins through to the Poseidon cabin, which Charles opens harshly with his shoulder, nearly knocking the door off its hinges. “You’re stronger these days,” he tries to joke, but Charles merely shoves him in, rolling his eyes. “What–”
“Gods,” Charles complains under his breath, hardly audible over the shut of the door behind them, “why can’t you take a hint?” Carlos only has a moment to try and comprehend the situation before Charles is walking them backwards, capturing his lips in a kiss so brutal he wonders whether the goal of all this is pain or pleasure. The air in the cabin has always been slightly salty, but Charles’ sweetness almost seems to be in a battle with it. Carlos loses himself in the embrace as his back hits the wall, arms hesitantly encircling Charles’ waist as his hands make their way along his jaw to his hair. 
An embarrassing noise escapes from Carlos, and he can feel Charles smile against his mouth, grip lightly tugging on Carlos’ hair in retribution. Carlos would stay here forever if he could, hiding away from his responsibilities and lost in Charles’ embrace instead. He deserves it, after the last two, three, four, five years. If it’s what Charles wants too.
Charles leans back, nibbling on his bottom lip before he lets go. He doesn’t go too far. Carlos doesn’t think he could take it if he did. His breathing is heavier than normal, which he takes as a small victory along with the redness coating his whole face, stretching down his throat and disappearing into the neckline of his shirt. But even after all that, he still looks mildly irritated.
“What hint?” he asks incredulously, brows furrowing. He’s getting increasingly tired of being left out of the loop, especially like this.
But Charles steps back for real this time, clearly wanting to use his hands in what is sure to be an argument, and Carlos feels his loss immediately. “After this winter?” he says, as if that makes anything clear. “You don’t even check to see if I’m here? If I came?”
He sounds… he sounds something close to hurt. Carlos’ frown deepens. He’s actually seriously at a loss here. Much had happened last winter, but nothing immediately comes to mind. “What?”
“You–” And, yes, here is the hand irritated hand waving, accompanied by his signature pacing. If the other campers could see him now, the senior counsellor of the Aphrodite cabin losing his shit over Carlos of all people, well, it would cause serious scandal. “You’re so annoying!” he huffs out, and Carlos blinks.
He was. Well, expecting worse. “But, why?”
Charles covers his face in what seems to be a silent scream. “If you want to be together then we have to be together,” he stresses, glaring venomously at Carlos as if he’s a piece of mould on the wall and not someone he’s proposing a real romantic relationship to. “Stupid. You’re so stupid, gods.”
“But I didn’t even do anything!”
“Exactly!” he says, and now he’s more confused than ever. “You can’t just kiss me and then not make anything, you fool.”
“Do,” he corrects distractedly, trying to process the whole conversation. He cannot quite tell if Charles is speaking, well, normally, or if his words have a sweet tinge to them, fogging up his thoughts. He blinks and then looks back up at Charles in surprise. “You want to be together? With me?”
Charles closes his eyes, counting wordlessly to himself. After a beat, he says: “I’m going to drive my knife through you.”
Carlos is sure even his ears turn red. “Oh.”
“‘Oh’,” Charles mocks, but he’s red himself, too. That’s him blushing twice in one day. A new record. (Certainly not, but, come on. Carlos has earned the right to exaggerate.)
After a few moments of silence, they both speak up at the same time. 
Carlos scratches the back of his neck in a nervous gesture, holding out his other hand for Charles to hopefully take. Hopefully is pushing it, because his arm doesn't feel like his own, but the air tastes salty again on his tongue. “Lunch?” he asks, avoiding his eyes. They’re green in this light, and he doesn’t think he’ll be able to look away if he does.
Charles clears his throat. “Okay,” he says indifferently, interlocking his fingers with Carlos’ as if that was a totally normal thing to do.
As if Carlos wasn't going to obsess over this for at least tonight.
honestly this fic has been kind of a headache to characterise bc half of their backstory is inapplicable due to their new parentage so. yeah. also i won't be hearing any complaints about their godly parents ESPECIALLY if its about charles (if you're thinking why not ares for carlos. you are thinking correctly)
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sweettoothvn · 9 months
I was curious...where do the LI put the limit of contact with MCs friends? (Like when do they jealous? When they hug , talks , kiss on the cheek... I hope you understand it Im not very good at explaining myself hehe ^^')
Dw you don't have to answer it if you feel uncomfortable with it
Andre: He trusts you, so if he sees you hugging, talking, etc. to other people and your friends, he doesn't mind. Now, kisses on the cheek are a little bit different, it really depends on who it is. For example, he doesn't mind if it's Chrys, but everyone else is a no-go. He doesn't like you talking to Noble, though. That's more so about their past than a jealous thing.
Casey: He's not the jealous type typically. He tries to communicate with you and try to assure you that he's not mad or upset with you; he just wants to check-in. He really wants you to like him and wants to respect your boundaries and other relationships.
Chrys: She doesn't get jealous unless you're full-blown making out with someone.
David: He gets jealous when someone makes you laugh- it's more so that he worries that he isn't good enough for you. He tries to move away from you, figuring you would be better off with someone else than him.
Eddie: He doesn't care whatsoever so long as it's not kisses
Kieran: He's not really the jealous type... typically. It's only if you're messing around with David, Eddie or Zach that he might get upset.
Noble: He would prefer it if you were to speak with him only but if he gets to know your friends he will allow you to talk to them so long as they aren't touching you. He won't get terribly jealous if you're hanging out with Casey or Kieran though.
Zach: If he ever gets jealous he won't let you know, he doesn't want to intrude on your fun and he certainly doesn't want to seem like a controlling partner either.
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commsroom · 1 year
it is a little funny to me that zach valenti is a vegetarian and seems generally health conscious, considering that doug eiffel is... not that. the opposite of that, even. eiffel would say french fries should count as a vegetable. eiffel thinks ham & pineapple pizza covers all necessary food groups. eiffel has a meat & carbs & grease based diet, sustained by a quick metabolism and an iron stomach. and he is like aggressively american; eiffel is the guy they make novelty fast food items for. there is nothing in this world he wants more than a burger that is also a pizza. doritos® locos tacos and baja blast. that radioactive looking flamin' hot cheetos mac and cheese? he would eat that. no question. that guy loves koolaid flavors that don't even resemble artificial fruit.
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Favorite song that you can project Hannibal (the show) onto??
Also, what lyrics are the most similar to it?
Something in the orange by Zach Bryan specially in the pov of both Hannigram.
The lyrics are like them kinda having a conversation
Hannibal: It'll be fine by dusk light I'm tellin' you, baby
These things eat at your bones and drive your young mind crazy
But when you place your head between my collar and jaw
I don't know much but there's no weight at all
Will: And I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't
'Cause if I say I miss you I know that you won't
But I miss you in the mornings when I see the sun
Somethin' in the orange tells me we're not done
But the lyrics that remind me the most of them are these lyrics here
“If you leave today, I'll just stare at the way
The orange touches all things around
The grass, trees and dew, how I just hate you
Please turn those headlights around
Please turn those headlights around”
(I also cry to this song alot lmaoo😭)
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If there is/are taylor swift song that best describes the relationship of Zach/Cam, what is it and can you please make a short blurb out of it 😭 (obviously a swiftie) 🤭
No Taylor songs Zammie quite as hard as I Know Places and End Game. Those ones are pretty self explanatory, but songs like Mine, Sparks Fly, and Call it What You Want are also very Zammie coded. But for a quick blurb? I'm gonna go with You Are In Love:
It's in the way he catches her eye from across the room. In the way his expression shifts into something just for her to see. It's in the way he buttons the top button on her coat when they leave. It's in the innocuous joke she makes about chivalry. It's in the small talk she makes while he drives. It's in the way they have each others coffee orders memorized. It's in the way he stops on the sidewalk to point out the stars (because he knows she likes them). It's in the way she feels when their shoulders brush. It's in the way she burns toast trying to make breakfast. It's in the way he only notices that she's wearing his shirt. It's in the kisses they share in public and the fights they have in private. It's in their refusal to go to bed without reconciling. It's in the way he pulls her in closer in their bed. It's in the way he whispers,
"You're my best friend."
And it's in the way that he's hers. And they both know it.
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