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444namesplus · 2 years ago
Abfuor Abicim Acisim Aczaun Adesur Adguema Advaim Afalela Afazuna Afiner Afqeem Afvouna Agarima Agbiula Aghuora Agodul Alibor Alonima Amcool Anjiuma Ansoun Apalima Apkoira Apugara Aqjiur Aqveum Arnaar Arrial Ashoera Atnuom Atvial Awerel Awutal Awzael Axceur Axjaoma Axkiol Axneera Azgaina Azixora Aznoer Azsool Baqean Bawoom Bekuira Bienom Bioyula Bonoan Boogal Buutar Buxoora Cabuol Catuen Cecuena Ceusera Covaema Cozuem Cubuin Cuewuna Dabuen Dacoim Dejaona Deraela Deuver Diicur Docaala Doehal Duuhona Duwoila Duyaura Ebbiura Ebohel Eborera Eboyema Ecebir Ecniir Ecroem Edhooma Edxeon Efgoun Efpuor Egaxin Ehhauna Ejebana Ejqiema Ekikena Ekqeuna Elesir Emhual Enfoum Enikul Enteola Epneul Epxaur Epxoal Eqkaana Erziuna Espior Esraina Etitom Evehena Ewguara Ewiqor Ewujana Eyojula Ezupima Faanun Facuoma Fautom Feagola Fefaam Fehuam Fenuina Ferauma Feroora Fiosera Fiqeama Fiutim Foelara Foibam Fomaila Fooyila Fuceal Fuezira Fujair Gaujir Gedoona Giamima Gihoera Gioxom Goakala Goilara Goyean Gukeor Gusuil Guukur Haaxir Haayor Haufon Haxuom Heguela Heofena Hiaqera Hiasama Hiilela Hoerol Ibifama Icimela Icoxila Icuroma Idihem Idijela Idjaala Iffuom Ifilira Iguhola Igyoen Ihbiona Ihepim Ihruam Ihsuuna Ijcain Ikeler Ilovim Imweuna Inamar Inewina Inhuila Inneima Ipagom Ipazim Ipxaan Ipyein Iqalala Iqocora Iqsuina Iqwiula Iriwom Irsoima Isboela Isigam Iskuela Ivelim Ivzaun Iwivin Iwlaar Iwubel Iybiana Iygaana Jaawel Jaheema Jairena Jaovura Jeabora Jeevona Jenaula Jenial Jeohol Jeukel Jifaun Jiluor Jixuin Jueter Kaafil Kaodam Kekiema Kexeila Kigoan Kiifoma Kiofan Kireul Kiunen Koamona Kosoila Kuiwor Kuocuna Laahuna Laavem Laqaer Leocama Liatoma Linoala Liuxun Loreul Lotaur Luemom Lunaum Maewema Mafeil Meafen Micuera Mijiur Moumim Muewema Muibom Naupena Neivola Nialem Nimoima Niofuna Noanem Nodoom Noemor Nuokala Obfiem Objuen Obreela Obxiur Ocqoina Odudun Ofodoma Ofucera Ogehela Oguxoma Ohelala Ohhiom Ohzuur Ojkoura Ojowona Ojpuora Ojsiar Okasara Olawara Olvoal Omnien Omudora Opobim Opohen Opxuura Oqonuna Orlail Orohima Orpeola Oruvel Oryeem Osdaur Osleir Osocama Otarara Otfuula Otsuona Otunel Otveim Ovitum Owmeama Owzium Oxbuoma Oyanel Oyozol Ozayama Ozjoil Ozojur Ozoqin Paasira Paoyan Peedina Peotem Pequona Peubema Piheina Piirom Pijiana Piorin Piozila Piunola Pojuel Puliama Qihuila Qimeoma Qiotar Raiwun Razoela Redaul Reipom Rianona Rioxuna Riumala Riusor Rodoana Rogiola Romeir Rouvum Ruiker Rukeura Ruomil Sagoima Siagal Siikama Soesom Suraona Susauma Tepoema Tiamira Tibaina Tiocima Tiupan Toajala Toiwar Tovuum Tuivoma Tunaor Tuogama Tuuxim Ubawema Ubloima Ubokum Uboxur Ucicira Uckuana Udalama Udeboma Ufadon Ufayuma Ufboon Ufqiema Uhtaala Uhteam Uhuvol Ujsuom Ukvaora Uledila Ulenor Ulxuon Umolum Umutun Unbeula Unbuor Unfoira Unroom Upebor Upqaal Upuluna Uqlaol Uqoyima Uqulum Uqyiima Urquel Usjeoma Uspeum Utiror Utisel Utnuuna Utxaal Uvadala Uvazer Uxyeul Uxzuira Uzalil Uzekom Veerana Vepiel Vineima Viuqana Vopiola Votaola Vuixuma Waegan Weukuna Wikiil Woegira Wofael Woixom Wopiil Wovuuna Wuajil Wuaxal Xacuur Xaisora Xearen Xecaem Xeibin Xejooma Xezoom Xidier Xixuuna Xiyiema Xoidira Xojiama Xopeala Xoyaun Xuacam Xucair Xuibela Xutoala Yajoil Yaolor Yaorula Yazoora Yeujil Yifeer Yiqaan Yiyeam Yohiir Yoroon Yudaum Zaater Zapiula Zeulel Zihour Zixuom Zoigera Zoivora Zuojom Zuurel
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fadiasfoodadventure · 3 years ago
So, hier it is. What did you have for breakfast1⁉️ Manakesh, manakeesh or Manaeesh is an Arabic food consisting of a dough similar to a pizza dough, topped with zaatar, cheese(Akaawi cheese), keshek for breakfast or minced meat for Lunch (Lahmacun). It's used widely in many Levante countries such as Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Palestine. Similar to a pizza, it can be sliced or folded, and it can either be served for breakfast or lunch. A very tasty and healthy dish which should be served best with a cup of tea. For all those of you, who are not much aware of Zaatar and Manakish,  “ZAATAR” is a traditional Middle Eastern herb mixture popularly eaten in countries such as Palestine, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. It is traditionally eaten as part of a healthy breakfast with flat bread and olive oil. #dough #food #foodinspiration #foodinsta #eat #lebanesefood  #oliveoil #honey #homemade #sesame #yeast  #backing #traditional #foodlover #cookingathome #outsidecooking #stalbans  #sunshine #palestine #manaeesh #pizza #cheese #zaater #stalbansfood #stalbansbid #stalbanslife https://www.instagram.com/reel/CTuHzodKjkK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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volkanaltinors · 8 years ago
Tour Beriut / LEBANESE CUISINE 2016
I’ve  been invited to a Beirut by a friend of mine celebrity Chef Joe Barza last weekend.
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We have also met Turkish Chef Suleyman Engin there and we have spend 3 culinary days together. We have mainly cooked, taking notes, sharing recipes and we tried lots of delicious Lebanese food. 
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I didn’t know much about Beirut, so I’ve  made a quick research online about the city.
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Many different cultures have been living in Beirut together for thousands of years and you can see the influence of that on Lebanese cuisine.
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I would describe Lebanese cuisine as a probably the nearest cuisine to traditional Turkish food as a style and a variety, however, it has its own special flavors and characteristics.
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Lebanon has a cost line to the Mediterranean Sea, climate and the region are fertile lands to grow any kind of vegetables and fruits.
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Unfortunately, not all the seafood and shellfish is available as much as it should be there as a result of wrong fishing practice. Local beef is also not available for chefs all the time. But good quality of imported beef is available at any time.
The city center is surrounded by restaurants that serve delicious food from many different parts of the world. And Cafes are everywhere serving beverages, sisha and food. 
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We have visited a local market and check the quality and prices of local natural/organic products.
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We Tried some delicious street food.
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Freshly baked saj bread.
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Different varieties of natural organic honey. 
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Naturally, homemade vinegar, marmalades, and pickles.
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Homegrown organic micro sprouts.
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Lebanese fresh thyme “zaatar” so fresh and crispy when served with Lebanese olive oil and sumac.
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We have met some of the great Lebanese chefs on our visit.
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Breakfast in Lebanese Cuisine is a typical Mediterranean style. 
Good quality olives, different varieties of cheeses and stone baked pastries are famous.
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Lebanese thyme “Zaatar” is used fresh or dry in breakfast dishes as much as it’s used in general cooking. Dried Zaatar is usually mixed with sesame seeds and extra virgin olive oil and served at breakfast time.
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Almost every restaurant has a bakery inside making their own special bread like saj bread or pitta and serves  hot.
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Different variety of stone baked delicious pastries are very popular in the morning.
If it is only one type, it’s called Mankoishe .
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If there is served more than one type they called Manakeesh.
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Many other different types of breakfast dishes are available in Lebanese Cuisine here is a few famous names Patata Harra, (sauteed potatoes), Grilled Cheese Rolls, Foul (broad beans) Lamb Sfeeha (meat pie) Mfarki (fried eggs with potatoes) Fatty With Awarma (kind of warm stew made with lamb stock, crispy bread pieces, chickpeas and yogurt)
This famous spot is known as a wealthiest local breakfast in town!  The restaurant serves traditional Lebanese Cuisine in a casual dining. 
Executive Chef Yamen has been in charge of the kitchen since first opening 12 years ago, He has helped the company to open other sides in the middle east. Chef Yamen and his team serves breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner and the restaurant is open for 24 hours. He is a little bit crazy about food and a great chef. 
Hats off to Him…
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Houmus with lamb, Falafel, Taboule, Shakshuka, Baba Ganesh, Kibbe, Makdous, Chanklich, Sfehah, Bakle with zaater I can only name few…
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Creamy full fat labne
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Lebanese food also well known for their famous Kebabs and Shawarmas all over the world.
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We promised each other to meet in Turkey soon for a gourmet tour, unfortunately, time was up so we had to leave.
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kashifmalim · 9 years ago
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Zaater in naan, garnished with olives. #Zaater #ArabCuisine #Arab #Lunch #Good #Naam #ArabicFood (at Allama Iqbal Town, North Nazimabad, Block "W", Karachi)
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colourmyplate-blog · 9 years ago
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Zaater fatayer/thyme flat bread have been a very special part of my childhood. I used to have them for lunch in school and mostly during our picnics at the beach. I have literally grown up eating these arabic delights and my love for zaater fatayer/thyme flat bread has never faded. There are a wide variety of toppings for flat breads other than zaater that I absolutely love but in this post I will share with you the recipe of these full of thyme flavor and aroma  flat breads. They’re very easy to make and are ready in about an hour or so.
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Prep time: 1 hour
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 1:30 hours
Serves: 6
For the flat bread:
2 cups all purpose flour
2 tbsp oil
1 tbsp dried yeast
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
Luke warm water as needed
For the topping:
3/4 cup zaater/ dried thyme
1 tbsp sumac (optional)
2 tbsp sesame seeds
1/2 cup olive oil
To make the dough, sift the flour in a large bowl and add salt, yeast and sugar to it and mix until well combined. Then add the olive oil and rub it in with your fingers. Now start adding water slowly until it forms a medium hard dough. Knead for a few minutes then shape it into a ball and cover with cling film. Put it aside to rise for an hour or until it has doubled in size.
While the dough is rising, mix together the zaater, sumac and sesame seeds and add olive oil to form a paste.
Preheat your oven to 180 degrees.
Once the dough has risen divide it into 6 balls.
Start rolling the balls one by one using a rolling pin. Roll it flat into a disc about a quarter inch thick. 
Then spread the zaater mix on the disc using a spoon and slide it on a lightly greased baking tray. 
Bake for about 10 to 12 minutes or until the sides have turned light brown.
Remove from the oven, sprinkle some more olive oil, serve hot and enjoy :)
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itsmahiblog · 10 years ago
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#DeliciousFlowerBakery #review coming soon.. #bakery #cakes #bake #confectionery #pizza #mussaffah #mohammedbinzayed #city #manaqesh #cheese #zaater #abudhabibloggers #UAE #uaebloggers #mega #contest #competition #freebie #free #cashvaluevoucher #mahiblog #musaffa
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kashifmalim · 9 years ago
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Zaater in naan, garnished with olives. #Zaater #ArabCuisine #Arab #Lunch #Good #Naam #ArabicFood (at Allama Iqbal Town, North Nazimabad, Block "W", Karachi)
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kashifmalim · 9 years ago
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Zaater in naan, garnished with olives. #Zaater #ArabCuisine #Arab #Lunch #Good #Naam #ArabicFood (at Allama Iqbal Town, North Nazimabad, Block "W", Karachi)
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kashifmalim · 9 years ago
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Zaater in naan, garnished with olives. #Zaater #ArabCuisine #Arab #Lunch #Good #Naam #ArabicFood (at Allama Iqbal Town, North Nazimabad, Block "W", Karachi)
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