#z nation reader
So, I have noticed that a lot of my mutual's for many fandom's ( TUA, TWD, Z-NATION, WWDITS, Derry Girls, HOTD, etc. ) have been dropping like flies.
[ I love you my beautiful friends, and I hope one day you will feel comfortable and safe to come back 😘 ]
It got me thinking, why? Why? WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?! But, after talking to a few of my mutual's on other apps, it came down to mainly three common things with these mutual's. ( note, this is not for every fandom / fan, this was just the mutual's that I talked to, okay? )
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1. The TV show ended, so there isn't much reason to stick around anymore. ( Umbrella Academy, The Walking Dead, Derry Girls, Z-Nation, What We Do in the Shadows, etc. )
Which is valid. If there are no more ( Ex. Sunday episodes for HOTD or Sunday episodes for TWD ) not many fans wanna stick around.
Then, after so many fans leave. It kind of becomes a 'dead fandom'. Where people sometimes goes back to time to time and be like, "Oh, I remember that show.." for nostalgia.
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2. Their interests have changed.
Like any common trend, some people just say, "Nah, I don't like *insert show* anymore. I liked the 5th season and 2nd. But, I'm just not that into *insert genre* tv shows anymore." Again, valid.
Everyone had gone through one kind of phase before. It could have been books ( PJO, HP, etc. ) or fashion ( Skinny jeans, graphic t-shirts, etc. ) or music ( MCR, Blood on the Dance Floor, etc. )
It's fine to grow and change.
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3. The fandom doesn't feel like a fandom anymore. This is a BIG one that many have told me.
People are clashing together, book vs tv show fights, character x character ships are constantly hating on each other, death threats are being sent to actors / fans / fanfic writers, you can't share your opinion without someone sending hate, etc.
The best example is HOTD. A fandom that I am in / write for.
Now, now, here me out! I have been very open about the hate in the fandom. You can check. I've gotten hate for writing about highly requested character's ( Aegon, Aemond, etc. ) and I have called out how fans are acting towards each other / actors.
What I don't get is this. We are all in the same fandom.
How did we go from, "Oh, Tom Glynn-Carney is really cute in Aegon's wig. It suits him.", "I have a fan theory that maybe in the next episode they'll do this part from the book because the teaser at the end of the episode it shows..", and, "I hope they put this scene in the show!"
To "Oh, you think Tom Glynn-Carney is cute as Aegon? Well you support r@pe and deserve death threats!", "Oh, you wrote a fanfic / oneshot / etc. for this character? Oh, it has a trope that it being used by a lot of other writers? Here's hate for that!", and, "Tom Glynn-Carney says that Aegon is a complex character...so clearly he supports..."
The main point is that this is why soooooo many of people are dropping out of fandom's. And when people call it out, they either get run out of the fandom as well or blasted for it with death threats.
Fandom's used to be places where people could go to geek out with others. A safe place. It's why there is comic con, etc. People want to know other fans, the want a safe place to go to.
Now, it's become a place where you have to mostly keep your head down low and not say a thing to avoid being run out because you share a different opinion.
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In conclusion? I hope that fandom's can be kind to each once again so that people feel safe / comfortable to come back.
To all my beautiful fans who were run out / felt like they had to leave a fandom, I love you and understand why you left. I hope one day you will come back and find joy in the fandom that you once did.
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To those of you running out fans / sending death threats. It's you that ruins the fandom. Fandom's were safe places for people, now you've ruined it for those people.
If you don't like a fandom / other fan, you have other options :
5. Block their account / tag, ignore them, not send death threats, leave them alone and enjoy the parts of the fandom that matches you.
It's that simple!
hopefully i can get this out there. so i am tagging some of the bigger people i know / follow..
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grimespial · 10 days
Pretty Boy
10k x Addy's twin brother reader
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See 10k is innocent, he knows all about hunting, shooting and survival, but that poor boy is completely unaware of anything sexual
Even his romantic knowledge is lacking, anything he knows comes from the couples around him.
He had crushes, they were small, the kind just based on looks that pass on not long after it came.
They certainly weren't requited, and the hope he had for a relationship was crushed when the world ended.
Before the apocalypse he was already out of the loop, but now he was in his early 20s and atleast half the world was dead.
Not ideal for dating.
One of the first people he saw out of the group was a boy, a little older than him, with auburn hair, shouting at the old man to stop spinning "or you'll lose your head too"
Why did he shoot the zombie for them? It was hard to think when he locked eyes with the other guy.
10k thought he got shot at that moment, thats what it would feel like right? Suddenly losing your breath? He wouldn't feel the pain from adrenaline so it must be.
When 10k joined the group, it was suprisingly simple to fit into
Doc definitely took his part in welcoming him into the group.
But there was you.
It was different,
You were the same as everyone else really, it was Tommy that was the problem.
Yeah you were slightly touchy, not that he minded, but you were with Addy and Mack so maybe he was just overthinking everything.
But it was hard not to when it felt like he has allergies everytime you lock eyes, whenever your hands touch he swear he was struck by lightning
Even lightning wasn't a good comparison, because that would surely hurt, and this didn't, he almost melted in your hands.
Not very good when he's keeping watch while the group is travelling.
When you and Tommy date, Addy especially runs with the teasing, everyone joins in, but nobody teases as much as Addy.
Especially to 10k, everytime he's just admiring she manages to catch him.
He is very much a hopeless romantic, i mean youre one of his first big crushes, and his very first relationship
You will almost never have an empty hand, if he's there, he will be holding it.
He's not the proudest of it, and he's very shy when he does it, but he will take something if he sees it and thinks it would be a nice gift for you.
Any time you two have to split up (which isn't the most often because when you have a choice you will stick together, Warren learnt that too) he'll give you a bandana, a promise to meet again to return.
Neither of you needs a bandana to see eachother again, but its a sweet connection.
It doesn't matter how long you two are together, the fact he's dating you still makes him blush everytime you kiss him.
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topazy · 6 months
Inside, outside
Pairing: 10k x reader
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of blood and brains
Chapter: 5.06
After bringing the quad bike to a complete stop when you spot a deserted-looking warehouse, 10k jumps off the back first, and immediately you’re missing the warmth of his arm wrapped around your waist. With the sling of his gun over his shoulder, he offers you his hand to help you climb off. If 10K wasn’t a gentleman before, people would probably be catching onto how protective he was being.
You, 10K, Warren, Murphy, and Addy had gone to find the source of bizkit’s and why they seemed to be low rations of it, while Doc and George headed back to Altura to keep an eye on Dante’s trial.
“Is that the bakery? The place looks abandoned.”
“It doesn’t mean nobody is home,” Warren points out.
The five of you stand on the edge of a small hill that leads down to the pathway into the building. The side of the hill was mainly covered in rubble, preventing any vehicles from driving on it.
Murphy looks lost in thought; a look of distress appears on his face. You lightly hit his arm to gain his attention. “Are you okay?”
“I smell brains.”
“This must be the place, then.”
When the five of you started making your way down the path, you were being extra cautious not to trip while walking on such a rocky surface. 10k stays in front of you and continues to glance back, ready to catch you if you do fall.
Murphy walks by you at a normal pace and scoffs, “You two make me feel sick.”
“Just keep walking, Alvin.”
“My biggest fear is losing you. When you were kidnapped, I realized how much I loved you and that there was nothing I wouldn't do to find you,” Murphy says mockingly. “You're my best friend, Tommy, and there's not a line I wouldn't cross to keep you safe.”
10k glares at him and warningly snaps, “Shut the hell up.”
Addy, who’s standing at the bottom, already looks up in confusion. “What is he talking about?”
In a high-pitched fake girly voice, Murphy says, “I knew our fates were intertwined.“
“I swear to god!” You knew Murphy was looking for a reaction, and usually you wouldn’t take the bait too easily, but he had been teasing you since you left for this new task.
“Don’t get wound up; he’s not worth the reaction,” 10k says calmly, but as soon as you reach the bottom where the others are waiting, he presses the long side of his rifle against Murphy’s collarbone, pushing him into the wall. “Lay the fuck off Murphy.”
“Jeez, lighten up, kid.”
10k steps back.
Warren clicks her fingers. “All of you, focus.”
Once you checked, nobody else was in sight. You round the corner, and Addy breaks the lock on the door, giving you all access to the building.
The inside of the building stinks of rotten meat, which is explained when you find human skulls and parts of rotten brains scattered across various baking trays.
The group had split up, but you could see both Addy and 10k going to check out the same area. It saddened you that they no longer had a close relationship, and you felt partially responsible for it, but then it was your sister who left. Since they last saw each other, Addy had lost an eye, and 10k had lost his hand, and they could have leaned on each other for support.
“Astra, I’m really sorry, but it looks like she left during the night.”
You shake your head, refusing to believe it. “No, no. Something is wrong; Addy wouldn’t just go without leaving me. She wouldn’t do that.”
When you awoke in the morning to find Addy gone, you assumed she had gone hunting, but when she never returned, a couple of hours later, you, 10k, and Red went looking for her, but you couldn’t find her. You returned to your home to see if she had returned.
Red links her fingers with yours and gives you a sympathetic look. “All her stuff is gone.”
You squeeze your eyes shut to hold back tears. Addy only found you in the first place while looking for someone else. “She’s gone to find Lucy,” you say, clearing your throat. “We should go and let Tommy know; I don’t want him out there looking for someone who doesn’t want to be found.”
You aim your gun in the direction of something being crushed and slowly make your way over to a large mixer, which appears to have turned on itself. You look inside it and almost gag at seeing more skulls.
“You guys seeing this? This place is gross.”
When you don’t get a reply, you spin around to see Warren staring at something with a concerned look on her face. She notices you looking and waves you over. When you do, you see what the problem is.
“Eh Murphy, are you good? You’re practically drooling over a skull?”
“Yeah,” he quickly shrugs your comment off. “This place just gives me the munchies.”
All of a sudden, a man appears and starts firing at the three of you. Quickly, you jump out of the way to avoid being shot and accidentally scrape your stomach on something sharp. You duck behind one of the metal tables and, taking a few deep breaths, look down to see blood appearing on your top.
No, no, no.
Murphy crawls over beside you and says, “What the hell are you doing? We gotta keep moving.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know I just—fuck.”
“Did you get shot?”
“No, I’ve just cut my stomach.” The cut wasn’t deep, and you were sure it hadn’t harmed the baby, but it gave you one hell of a fright. Between deep breaths, you start mumbling to yourself, “Tommy is going to freak.”
Seeing how afraid you are, something clicks in Murphy, and he gives you a look of understanding. He knows. Quietly, he says, “Stay behind me; we are going to make a run for it.”
You nod, and the two of you manage to run behind a different spot without being shot.
“I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if you try anything stupid.” You say, aiming at the man who was previously trying to kill your head.
While he chases Murphy and Warren off from either side, the man seemed to not care that much about weapons being so close to his head. “It looks like we’ve got ourselves a zombie standoff. You have me; I got him, and my brothers got all three of you.”
You glance around the room; it was more than likely that 10k or Addy had gotten to his brother first.
“We are looking for bizkits,” Warren says. “We have starving talkers that are starting to turn.”
“We are just trying to survive ourselves, and it’s crooks like you who have shut down the bakery and turned us into a bunch of dirty dogs. So lower your weapons and kindly waltz out of here, or we’re all going to be crawling brains.”
“Look, I don’t know who you think we are, but we aren’t them.”
“That’s what the last bunch said before they started shooting.”
You didn’t doubt the man’s story for a second; the bakery was covered in a red mist of blood. A door creaks open, and Addy and 10k bring out another man, whom you assume is the brother with a gun at his back.
“Listen,” you lower your weapon slightly, “your brother is still human, and I know you want to keep it that way. Just tell us what we want to know, and nobody else will get hurt.”
The man gulps down, “So, you're in need of some help?”
While the older man, Gilly, looks at his younger brother, Skull's nose, which was cut by your sister 10K, pulls you aside and grips a hold of the bottom of your top, “What the hell happened? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine; it’s just a cut.”
He holds your gaze. “Are you sure?”
“We’ll be fine.”
You return to your group just in time to hear Gilly explain that it was their mom who invited bizkits to save their brother, who had been bitten, but then the brother bit the mom when they ran out. And since the bombing, someone has been attacking the bakery so they won’t continue making them. Their mom had turned two weeks ago, and she was the only one who had the recipe.
You look up at the window of the office overlooking the rest of the bakery and see multiple talkers that have turned.
Murphy stands up a table, holds up a radio, and turns the music up to distract the talkers while Skull sneaks inside to get the recipe. The plan was going well until Skull tripped and fell and was bitten by their zombified brother right after their mom ate the recipe.
“I hate to say it, but the only way to keep them from turning might be to feed them actual brains.”
From the doorway at the far side of the room, multiple heavy footsteps can be heard, along with snarling and hissing. All the noise must have attracted the nearby Z’s from outside. Thankfully, only a small number of them came into the building.
You run up behind one of the Z’s and stab it in the head before shooting another two. You notice Addy and 10k working together to take out Z's, which makes you smile.
Warren cuts the head off one and tosses it to Gilly.
You stand behind 10k and bury your face into his back, not wanting to witness Gilly crushing the skull, then cutting up the brains, and then feeding them to the walkers.
When the talkers return to normal, the mom flirts with a creeped-out Murphy, kissing him on the cheek before continuing to help.
Sitting with your legs dangling over the edge of a table, you watch as the brothers bag up the last of the bizkits. Hearing a whistling noise, you look over to Murphy, who was trying and failing to be discreet by waving you and 10k over to him, then looking away.
You and 10k stand on either side of him. “What’s going on?”
“I just wanted to say...” he trails off while tracing patterns in the flour scattered across the table with his finger. Murphy's jaw clenches slightly. “I don’t like either of you, but I do think you will be great parents, even lefty over here.”
With that, he turns and quickly walks away. You share a confused look with 10k. “Did you tell him?”
“No, but I think he figured it out.”
Ultimately, you’d need to tell the others the truth sooner than later. 10k smiles and brushes strands of hair out of your face. “Go for it.”
“Uh, guys, we’ve got something we need to tell you.”
Warren and Addy step a little closer, and you try not to laugh, seeing the worried look on their faces.
“Tommy and I are having a baby.”
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onlyhoons · 1 year
gyuvin is the #1 national gf day enthusiast. I DO NOT CARRREEEEE prove me wrong i dare u. just imagine all the type of gifts he gets you, all your favorite foods, cute clothes he caught you staring at when you went window shopping with him the other day, a pretty silver necklace with a cookie charm hanbin suggested as a gift!! gyuvin spoils you with love everytime hes with you but this time he has a reason to do so even more. he just loves you so much and genuinely thinks your the prettiest girl in the world and he still cannot believe youre in his arms staring at each other endearingly whilst wearing the matching sweaters he got for you and him (and eumppappa!). he's like posting you everywhere and showering you with kisses the whole day. you'd have to somehow convince him not to take you anywhere cuz by the time you get home his pockets are gonna be EMPTY. but whether or not you go out or not he still doesnt fail to show how much he loves you and how glad he is that youre in his life.
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smilerjoseph · 13 days
By the River
Pairing - 10k (znation) x (dom/top) Male Reader
- smut, fluff, swearing, oral, slight hair pulling nothin crazy, safe word etc
Word count - 2119
Summary - sneaking off with 10k and giving him head yipppppeeee
I don't ever do smut stuff, so keep in mind this is a first
apologies if its a bit ooc, awkward inexperienced 10k flooded my brain
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10k hadn’t said much all day—not unusual for him—but the glances had become more frequent. A brush of his shoulder here, an accidental meeting of eyes there. It wasn’t lost on you, anyone could feel the “subtle” tension between you growing stronger over the past few weeks.
Laying against your bag, watching the flickering embers of the campfire, while the others slept. 10k was sitting a little further away, sharpening his knife, his movements smooth and deliberate.
After what felt like an eternity of stolen glances and silent conversations between you two, 10k’s eyes met yours, and this time, they lingered. You didn’t need words to understand what was being said in the quiet.
It was an invitation.
Quietly, careful not to disturb the others, you rose to your feet. 10k followed, just as soundlessly, slipping his knife into its sheath. Both of the men moved through the trees, the forest dense enough to muffle their steps but not so thick that they couldn’t see the stars above.
Neither of them spoke as they made their way toward the river. The moonlight cast a calm silver glow over everything, making the water shimmer softly. The rushing of the river was the only sound between them as they stopped at the edge, the quiet broken only by the sound of soft breathing. 
You crossed your arms as you turned to face 10k. “Ya know, sneaking off like this could get us in trouble,” you teased.
10k smirked, that familiar half-grin that said more than his words ever could. “When do we ever play by the rules?” His voice was low, almost a whisper, as he stepped closer.
Your heart raced, not from fear or adrenaline, but from the mere proximity of the man who had been on your mind more than you’d like to admit. “Guess you’re right,” you replied, swallowing hard as you watched 10k close the space between you.
For a moment, you both just stood there, the river rushing past in the background, the tension thick enough to cut through. There was a brief hesitation, not wanting to cross a boundary you couldn’t come back from. But then 10k reached out, his fingers brushing your arm, sending a jolt of warmth throughout your body.
It was enough to break whatever unspoken barrier had been between you.
Before you could fully register what was happening, 10k’s lips were on yours, the kiss fierce and desperate, as though both of you had been holding back for far too long. You responded instantly, hands finding their way to 10k’s jacket, pulling him closer.
The kiss deepened, and everything else faded away—the apocalypse, the danger, the constant fight for survival. In that moment, all that mattered was the way 10k’s lips felt against yours, the way his hands gripped your arms as if he was afraid to let go.
When you finally pulled back, both of you were breathless. 10k’s usual cool exterior had melted, his blue eyes dark and intense in the moonlight. “I’ve been wanting to do that for a while,” he admitted, voice rougher than usual.
You chuckled, resting your forehead against 10k’s. “Yeah, me too.” He let out a breath, feeling the tension between you two ease, replaced with something warmer, softer. “So… What now?”
Not giving an answer right away, the tension between you hung thick in the air. You could feel 10k’s breath, quick and shallow, brushing against your lips after the kiss. You could see it in 10k's eyes—uncertainty mixed with desire, a combination that made your heart race even faster.
Slowly your hand moved to 10k's chest, fingers splayed across his shirt, feeling the rapid thud of his heartbeat. Slowly, carefully, you pushed, urging him backward. 10k took a step, his back meeting the rough bark of a nearby tree.
10k’s lips parted, his breath hitching as his eyes flicked to your hand, then back to your face. He didn’t resist—he wouldn’t have, not in this moment—but there was a subtle hesitation in the way his body tensed. It wasn’t fear. No, the look in his eyes told you it was something else. He was out of his element.
You could sense it. Despite the quiet confidence 10k showed in fights, here, under the stars, his inexperience was… obvious. He’d always been the sharpshooter, the guy who constantly put himself in front of danger—but this, this was new territory.
Your touch was gentle as you kept one hand on 10k’s chest, feeling the rapid rise and fall of his breath. Thumb stroking the fabric of 10k’s shirt, grounding him, reassuring him.
“You okay?” Your voice was soft, careful, not wanting to push too far too fast.
10k nodded, the slight flush on his cheeks more visible in the pale light. His eyes dropped for a second, then flicked back up. “Yeah,” he muttered, voice quieter than usual. “I just… I don’t really know how to do this.”
You smiled softly, closing the small space between you as your hand slid down to rest on 10k’s hip, keeping the contact slow and reassuring. “You don’t have to know everything,” you whispered, leaning in close enough that your words brushed against 10k’s skin. “We’ll figure it out.”
10k exhaled a shaky breath, his fingers twitching at his sides before he reached out, almost cautiously, and rested his hands on your arms. His touch was tentative, unsure, but you could feel the need behind it—the silent yearning to be close, to connect, even if 10k didn’t fully understand how to navigate these feelings.
Your lips found his again, this time softer, slower, as if to remind 10k that there was no rush. They had time—maybe not much, given the world they lived in—but right now, tonight, they could take as much time as they wanted.
As the kiss deepened, your hand pressed a little more firmly against 10k’s chest, guiding him against the tree, the rough bark at his back a stark contrast to the warmth between them. You could feel the way 10k’s body slowly relaxed into the touch, the way his initial hesitation faded, replaced by a cautious curiosity.
You pulled back just enough to speak, voice low and gentle. “Just follow me, okay?” Your forehead rested against 10k’s, the moment quiet, intimate.
For a split second, 10k hesitated again, his breath coming out in a short, nervous laugh. “Yeah… okay.” His hands tightened slightly on your arms, grounding himself as he leaned into the touch, trusting, for once, in something other than his instincts to survive.
Your eyes flickered down to the ground for a split second, hesitating. “How about this… Pick a random word. Ya know, a, safe word. You say it and we’ll stop right there. Okay?” 10k’s mouth opened slightly, trying to think of something. His eyes darted around, searching for anything in the surrounding environment. His gaze shifted from the trees to the moonlit sky, and then down to the river beside them.
For a second, his brow furrowed in concentration, as if the right words were just out of reach. Then, in a low voice, almost like he was testing it, he said, “Salmon.”
You blinked, caught off guard. “Salmon?”
10k’s lips twitched into a half-smile, and he shrugged. “Yeah... I saw one in the river just now.” He paused, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand, looking a little sheepish. “I didn’t really know what else to say.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle, “Salmon it is.” the sound breaking the tension in the air. You smiled, stepping a little closer, the warmth of the moment returning as you looked at 10k, who was now watching the river with an embarrassed smirk. 
Without waiting for him to overthink it, You leaned in, gently pacing your hand on 10ks chin and redirecting his gaze back to you. 10k stared back softly, you placed a soft, long kiss onto the man's lips.
10k responded, his lips moving cautiously at first, but then he leaned into it, letting himself follow your lead. It was tentative, a little clumsy, but there was a sincerity in it that made it perfect.
Taking a small step back, your eyes gazed at the man in front of him, taking him in. “You ready?” Exhaling slowly, 10k simply nodded back, holding onto your clothes as a small self reassurance to cool his nerves.
Your lips curled into a soft smile as you sank to your knees, the roughness of the earth and cool blades of grass pressing against your skin. The dirt beneath shifted slightly under your weight, grounding you in the moment as you slowly settled down.
10k’s eyes widened, clearly going over everything in his head and processing. You placed your hands on the sides of 10k’s thighs, rubbing in a soothing manner. 
Relaxing under your touch, 10k slowly began reaching for his own belt, rough hands gliding against the leather, slowly undoing the buckle. The metal of the buckle hitting against 10k’s legs just as your patience ran thin, reaching over and unbuttoning his jeans, freeing him from his boxers.
10k’s eyes flickered, a mix of uncertainty and lust lurking behind them. His breath caught, barely audible, and you could see the tension in his jaw, the way his hands hovered at his sides as if unsure whether to reach out or pull away.
You gave a small experimental stroke, earning a surprised moan from the man. And that—- That was enough to fuel you for months. Starting at a slow pace, just watching the man above you shake. The cold breeze and rushing water becoming mere background noise.
Ever so gently guiding 10k’s tip into your mouth, running your tongue over the head gently. 10k’s hand shot up to cover his mouth as grunts spilled out. Taking your time and engulfing the rest of him at an excruciatingly slow pace, 10k’s hand comes down and lands on your head, gently but forcefully tugging as if to beg you to hurry it up.
Your hands are placed firmly on his hips, sucking him until your nose eventually hits his torso, eyes following his happy trail all the way up to his face. Sitting still for a moment, breathing in the mix of apocalyptic musk and river water. The man above you is still shaky, more and more grunts coming out by the second. 
Taking a deep breath, you swallow around him, gaining a reaction out of 10k, tugging your hair more forcefully, a reflex to the new sensation. Gently reaching up and placing a hand on 10ks wrist, he relaxes, loosening his grip on you. 
You take him out of your mouth, replacing it with quick strokes. “Feeling good?” He can’t even muster up a response, his glossy eyes meet yours and all he can do is nod frantically. Head going back, and resting against the tree as he gets closer to his climax. 
A smirk making its way onto your lips, you quicken the pace, hovering your mouth near the head, licking every so often. 
10k lets out strings of curses under his breath, his hand lowering from his mouth to now act as a support against the tree. “Close… F-Fuck so close.”
Basking in all the lovely sounds escaping 10ks mouth, you found yourself lost in the moment, gaze lingering on 10k. The way 10k’s lashes brushed against his cheeks when he blinked, the soft glow of his skin under the moonlight. 
"Fuck… There, please, I'm so— close," he whines, panting when he finally finishes onto your semi-distracted face. 
Taken aback by the warmth on half your face, you close your left eye and let him ride out his climax. 
Once he had caught his breath, 10k glanced down at you. Suddenly, his voice filled with panic as he froze for a split second before springing into action. “S-sorry—”
He fumbled with the small rag he kept in his pocket, his fingers trembling as he pulled it out. Without hesitation, he leaned down, his movements urgent but careful. Gently, he pressed the rag to your cheek, attempting to clean with quick, anxious strokes.
His face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and worry. “I didn’t mean to get it on you—” 
Grabbing 10k’s wrist, you chuckle softly. “You’re fine,” grabbing the rag from him to get the rest off, “Relax.”
Taking a deep breath, the man takes the moment to collect himself, pulling his pants back on and haphazardly doing his belt. He looks down at you, then down at your… Issue. Promptly, he clears his throat and meets you down on your knees, now at eye level. 
“U-uhm. I could–” He says, making a quick jerking off motion.
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zaynmirrors · 1 year
Fire on Fire: Part 20
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A/N: Getting close to the end guys! Does anyone have any ideas for another series or blurbs? Open to suggestions.
Chapter 20
10k stayed in and out of consciousness, so much to the point I was starting to worry. Eventually, by luck, we met up with Warren and the others. 
“I’m sorry I dragged you into this” Warren spoke, glancing back at me in the rearview mirror. 
I shook my head, “All good” though I’m not sure it was. 
“How’s your little girl?” She smiled fondly at the memory of her. 
A small smile tugged on my lips, “She’s good, talking, being a menace” which earned a chuckle from Warren. 
“Where is your daughter now?” Hector, who I managed to learn they had beef with for a while but was now on our side. 
I winced, “it’s a long story, but she's with this couple that took us in. Very fortified place”
Hector nodded and mumbled something about that being nice as Doctor Sun Mei glanced back at 10k who slept, she said nothing but looked skeptical. 
“What can you tell us about Murphy town?” Warren asked. 
I shook my head. “Not much, there’s a lot of security, a zombie moat, and these people just listen to him”
“Now that’s odd” Warren grunted, I nodded. 
“That’s all I got before he knocked me out” I stated 
Hector raised an eyebrow “knocked you out?”
I nodded, “yeah, woke up in a psych ward, that’s how I met up with doc and 10k”
“Oh you’re gonna wanna hear this!” Doc piped up and went on to tell the whole story, I snorted, laughing at some of the funny parts. 
“Sounds like you guys have been up to quite a bit” Addy pipes up. I nod. The ride continued swapping stories of zombies, family before, and just what we wish the world was now. 
Warren pulled to a stop at a lookout that gave us a good view of Murphy's little village. If it came to a fight I don't know if I'd be able to go down swinging. I promised I'd make it back to Em. 
I sighed quietly, taking a look at 10k who was still passed out. Good, sleep it off. The more time I have to plan out this conversation the better. 
Warren decided to set up camp here, so we sat around a low-burning fire eating beans Maggie packed for me. I stood taking what was left of my bowl over to the opened trunk of the car where 10k lay. Though instead of asleep, his eyes were open staring at the roof of the car. His head turned my way. Fuck. 
“How long have you been here?” He asked, voice still groggy from sleep, or drugs, or Murphy, hell maybe a combo. 
I took a breath, “been here a while” he sat up, swinging his legs over the edge of the trunk. 
He looked at the bowl in my hand and then back up to my face. “Come to really put a knife in my chest?” He deadpanned. 
No emotion was shown in his eyes, I glanced over to see if anyone was listening, if they were they were doing a good job hiding it. 
“I came to apologize, and save your ass” I offered up the bowl of beans, he crossed his arms over his chest in rejection so I set it on the edge of the trunk beside him. 
He stayed silent, either not wanting to listen or telling me to continue. Regardless I continued. “I was selfish, I chose Emma over you and the mission and I’m sorry.”
He loosened the tightness of his arms but his face remained stoic so I just went on, “Every waking moment I think about you, about us. fuck you’re in my dreams too. I was stupid and you can hate me all you want, I deserve it.” 
He remained silent, as tears threatened to spill. Heat ran its way up from my cheeks to the tops of my ears. I could tell he was in contemplation, I knew him all too well. “I would’ve gone with you,” he said, firm and truthful. “You could’ve just said something, everything could’ve been okay. All you had to do was just fucking say something!” His fist hit the carpet inside but still made a loud enough noise that made me jump. 
He went on, “The little savior act isn’t going to fix things. I should’ve known you would’ve picked that thing over me. I was happier thinking you were dead” 
I couldn’t stop the tear that fell down my cheek but I wasn’t about to cry in earshot of everyone else. I simply nodded and walked away, noticing we had gathered an audience. 
My feet carried me past the group, ignoring Warren calling out for me. This is exactly how I figured it would go. I should’ve just stayed at the farm. Crawling into one of the tents we set up, I laid on the sleeping bag and sobbed, Not caring about anyone hearing me. 
I sobbed, knowing you fucked up was one guilt but hearing it was a whole other level. I almost hadn’t heard Addy enter the tent. “Y/N, you wanna talk?”
Shaking my head earned a sigh from her, then some rustling and a sudden warmth at my back. I didn’t stray from her touch when she wrapped around me.
Addy rested her nose on the top of my head. A hand in my hair, rubbing in soothing circles. “I don’t think he means what he said,” she said lowly. So they had heard. 
I shook my head but she just shushed me, “Give him time, it’s obvious he’s not in the right mind at the moment”. It didn’t matter to me, somewhere deep in his mind he meant that. She held me, soothing me as I cried. Even as I fell asleep. 
That morning I woke alone, not that it bothered me. I was becoming used to waking up alone. I didn’t want to leave the safety of the tent. Leaving meant facing the group. Facing 10k. I couldn’t do that, though there wasn’t much choice in that matter. I’d have to leave eventually. 
Before I could even think about getting up Warren made her way into the tent, biscuit in hand which she offered out to me. I took it with a small smile. 
“He ran off” was all she said, I knew though. I just nodded and so she continued “We’re gonna fight, it'll be messy. I know you got that little girl to take care of so if you wanted to leave” Did I want to leave? I felt indifferent about fighting.
“If you find yourselves out our way, stop by,” I said, she nodded. I’m sure she knew what my choice was going to be. I told her how to find us, “when 10K gets fixed-“
She smiled, “I’ll send him your way, give that little girl a hug for me” I nodded and smiled, turning on my heel to face the tent. 
I didn’t waste time gathering my stuff. When I was done, I went to say my goodbyes but saw Addie talking to Warren who held a sullen expression on her face. 
Doc grabbed my attention as he said “I hate to see you go again” I turned to look at him. 
“I know, I want to stay and make sure he’s okay but I can’t.” He held his hand up as if he understood, “If I would’ve just stayed-“
“Hey, don’t. None of us could’ve known that Murphy was going to do that.” He placed a hand on my shoulder. “Murphy set that whole thing up, he knew what he was doing, it wasn’t your fault”
It was like everything clicked together, he truly had planned it all out. Fucker. He deserves everything that’s coming. “You bring him home to me,” I said, pulling Doc into a tight hug.
“We’ll be right behind you kiddo,” he said into my hair, slowly loosening his hold on me. With that, I left. 
Chapter 21
@whenmypartysover @multifandomlesbianic @isimpfordanielpark
@ophelia-nightt @peezbabey @lizzardgreene @lizx13 @nohemi2500
@missricecrispy @nightowlgirl
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wolfman-moony · 1 year
 Fanfic requests open!
My requests for stories are open!!
I’ll write any character on this list x male reader, non-binary reader, gender neutral reader, gender fluid reader, any specific pronouns you request I’ll do.
My rules on what type of stories I will, and will not right↓
Fandom and characters I’ll write for!
~Harry potter~
Draco Malfoy
Blaze Zebini
Viktor Krum
George Weasley
Bill/William Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Cedric Diggory
~Stranger Things~
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Gareth Emerson
Billy Hargrove
Nancy Wheeler
~Julie and the phantoms~
Alex Mercer (i’ll only write male reader for him)
Reggie Peters
Luke Patterson
Harry Hook
Gil LeGume
Carlos De Vil
~The 100~
(Note: I’ve only watched the first two seasons of the 100 so far)
Jasper Jordan
Monty Green
John Murphy
~D & D Honor among thieves~
Simon Aumar
~The school for good and evil movie~
Hort Hook
~Z nation~
Sarge/Lilly Madison Mueller
~Words on the bathroom wall~
~Diary of a wimpy kid~
Rodrick Heffley
~The Entitled~
Dean Taylor
~The Santa clause movies~
Bernard the head elf
~Evil Dead Rise~
~Matthew Lillard Characters~ 
Tim LaFlour
Stu Macher
Shaggy Rogers
Emmanuel "Cereal Killer" Goldstein
William Afton
Brock Hudson
Roger Sperling
And most any other character Me has played as long as I know the character 
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cmncisspnandmore · 1 year
People/Fandoms I write for!
This is a list complained of the people I will write fics for, I’ll add to it as I start writing for more people.
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner,
Derek Morgan
Spencer Reid
Emily Prentiss
David Rossi
Dean winchester
Sam winchester
Jo Harvell
Teen wolf
Stiles Stilinski
Scott McCall
Z Nation
Bucky Barnes
Tony Stark
Steve Rogers
Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish
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dazedstarr · 1 year
10k is so babygirl and i don't think i even need to elaborate
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lyssak09 · 2 years
Masterlist & Things I write for
AN: I automatically write the reader as female so when you re quest please please tell me what pronouns you want the reader to have. Also if requested I will and can write the reader as part of the LGBTQ+ community
Key: Italics means to be posted/its a draft
Fandoms I can write for:
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Night Court (1986)
Corpse Bride
Beetlejuice (both movies)
Doctor Sleep
Charmed (the original one)
The Labyrinth (David Bowie movie)
Krull (1983)
Secret Obsession (netflix movie)
Day of the Dead: Bloodline
The Walking Dead (seasons 1-7) I get pissed with the show when I get to parts of season 7 so I stop watching and restart from the beginning of the show
Umbrellas Academy
Z Nation
Warehouse 13
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Dead by Daylight
Adventure Time
The Big Bang Theory
Suicide Squad (both movies)
Slashers: Ghostface (preferably Stu), Michael Myers, Thomas Hewitt, Jason, Brahms Hillshire
Star Trek: TNG, Voyager, Lower Decks, TOS, SNW
My Bloody Valentine: Both 1981 and 2009 movies so please be specific with which one you want
Markiplier & Jacksepticeye egos
Yandere Dean hcs
Yandere Shapeshifter hcs
Yandere Sam hcs
Yandere Archangels request
Yandere Castiel hcs
Yandere Lucifer hcs
Yandere Casifer hcs
Yandere Casifer with Trans!reader request
Yandere Archangels soulmates request
Yandere Michael!Dean w/ soulmate fem!Reader ask
Dead by daylight
Platonic Yandere killers reaction to child reader
Yandere Leon with Killer!reader request
Yandere Leon with Killer!reader pt.2 request
Platonic Yandere (HOY) Trapper & Huntress with tween!reader request
Platonic Yandere Huntress & Trapper request 
Yandere Nemesis hcs request
Yandere Killers & Survivors request pt.1
Yandere Killers & Survivors request pt.2
Yandere Doctor hcs request
Plantonic yandere (HOY) Trapper & Huntress pt.2
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Yandere Jake Peralta hcs
Yandere Jake with Lawyer!reader request
Yandere Jake
Yandere Rosa
Yandere Amy
Yandere Charles request
Star Trek
Yandere Q request
Yandere William Riker
Yandere Brad Boimler
Yandere Spock (SNW)
Yandere Data
Yandere Tom Paris
Umbrella Academy
Yandere Five with Soft!reader request
Yandere Five hcs
Yandere Luther hcs
Yandere Diego hcs
The Walking Dead
Yandere Daryl with motherly!reader hcs request
Yandere Daryl motherly!reader hcs pt.2 request
Yandere Daryl
Yandere Daryl VS Rick hcs/sorta request
Yandere Rick VS Governor request
Yandere Rick hcs
Yandere Grown Carl hcs
Yandere Michonne hcs
Yandere Governor request
Tim Burton
Yandere Victor Van Dort hcs (Corpse Bride)
Yandere Emily hcs (Corpse Bride)
Yandere Beetlegleuse hcs (BeetleJuice)
Miscellaneous (Aka writing that doesn’t have their own category yet)
Yandere Brahms Heelshire (The boy)
Yandere Elliot Stabler (L&O SVU)
Yandere Mack Thompson (Z Nation) hcs
Yandere Black Mask/Roman Sionis (DC/BOP)
Yandere Pete Latimer (Warehouse 13) hcs
Yandere Homelander (The Boys) hcs
Yandere Joker (Suicide Squad)  hcs (Fight me on this)
Yandere Piper Hallowell (Charmed) hcs
Yandere Leo (Charmed)  hcs
Yandere Colwyn (Krull) hcs
Yandere Danny Torrance (Doctor Sleep) hcs I love Ewan McGregor 
Yandere Max (Day of the dead: Bloodline) hcs
Yandere Wilford Warfstache hcs
Yandere Antisepticeye hcs
Currently redesigning how these guys look like
Tyler from my yandere song fic
Evan ( Yandere Landlord)
Daniel (Yandere Slasher)
Hudson (Yandere Cop/Sheriff)
Luke (Yandere Childhood friend/Bully)
Damien (Yandere Teacher)
Zachary (Yandere zombie apocalypse survivor)
Derek (Yandere Hypnotist/ Therapist)
Ashton (Yandere Neighbor)
Zeke (Yandere robot boss)
William (Yandere Prisoner)
Adrian (Yandere Asylum patient)
Devon (Yandere Priest)
Jason (Yandere Step father)
Max (Yandere step brother)
Anthony (Yandere slasher/homicide survivor)
Ryan (Yandere childhood friend)
Ewan (Yandere military man) 
Unnamed (Yandere boss)
Unnamed (Yandere AI robot house)
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royalty-unknown · 1 year
Hi welcome to my Royal Palace
My name is Royalty!
Feel free to call me by any of these pet names: Like, Love, Okay
Angel, Puppy, Little One, Cub, Sweetheart, Darling, Honey, Bunny, Bambi!
My Pronouns are: She/Her/Hers
I am Bisexual
My big age is 18 but I regress to about 0-4 Majority of the time it’s 0-1!
This is a 120% SFW Agere blog!!!
NO NSFW!!!!!! (U will be blocked .)
Please do NOT Sexualize my age regression, mine is COMPLETELY NON-Sexual!
All SFW Everything! No NSFW allowed and all NSFW Acc will be blocked. I am working on creating a Big space blog on Tumblr so the two can stay separate. My Wattpad User is: Royalty_unknown and is NSFW and SFW writings but mainly NSFW.
Feel free to request anyone who I write for but I cannot guarantee anything! Because writing is a safe space for me but I only do it in my free time!
You can request mood boards too!
This is a fairly large writing scale for the people who I write for!
All of these people are in orders from my personal most favorite to just favorite person of that category if that makes sense
Stu Macher & Billy Loomis - Scream 1996
Bo, Vincent, & Lester Sinclair - House Of Wax
Brahms Heelshire - The boy
Corey Cunningham & Michael Myers - Halloween Ends
The Grabber - The Black Phone
Norman Bates - Bates Motel
Jason Voorhees - Friday The 13th
Chucky and Tiffany Valentine - Childs Play
Bubba Sawyer - Texas Chainsaw Massacar
Freddy Kruger - Nightmare On Elm Street
Kurt Krunkle - Spree
Detroit Become Human:
Black Panther: Wakanda forever
Riri Williams
Shuri Udaku
Bucky Barnes
Stee Rogers
Z Nation:
James Patrch March
Tate Langdon
Kai Anderson
Do request:
Poly Dynamics
I will about darker topics like ED’s, S*icidal, Intrusive Thoughts, Anxiety, OCD, etc. But only in ways that result in comfort, reassurance, coping, and support. I understand that mental health is a hassle at times so I understand it may be nice to read about someone caring for you through ickiness/times.
Don’t request:
Trans prompts (Sorry I just don’t know how to write in the correct way for that particular subject.Sorry.!)
Male reader (As a female I just don’t know how to write for male! So Sorry!)
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hyunjinbiased-blog · 7 months
Fandoms that I write for and rules
Stray Kids
Yu-Gi-Oh! (Any characters from the original to 5Ds as I haven't seen Zexal or Arc-V)
Z Nation
Attack on titan
The Witcher
Shadow and Bone
Star Wars
Dead Island (both the first game+riptide and dead island 2)
I don't write smut for underage characters, if you want a certain character then it will be set when they're in their 20s
If a gender is not specified in the ask then readers will be gender neutral
Please be patient as I have other commitments irl so I'm not writing 24/7
Original works Masterlist
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grimespial · 1 month
im gonna start writing for 10k from znation too, ive been obsessed recently
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aa i love him
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topazy · 8 months
Inside, outside
Pairings: 10k x reader, Addy Carver × sister reader
Warnings: Swearing, usual violence towards Z’s
Chapter: 5.05
People. Zombies. Bombs. Chaos.
Altura still hadn’t recovered from the bombing, and survivors were still scrambling to try and find their loved ones. You felt a sense of guilt knowing that some had lost everyone and everything, while you still had 10k and Red. Red was more concerned than either of you that Doc, Warren, and Murphy were nowhere to be seen, but you had a gut feeling they were gone but not dead.
“I’d bet any money the three of them will turn up soon. Murphy, no doubt caught up in something dangerous, he’ll drag the rest of them into.”
10k suddenly jolts up in the cot; it takes him a moment to gather his bearings. Once he realizes his place in your shared rent, he leans his head back, using his hand to grip the bedsheets before feeling for you.
“Do you feel any better?”
“A little,” he confirms. His voice was raspy from being in a deep sleep less than a minute before. “I had a dream we were still living out on the road, still on the mission to get that dickhead to California, and we kept encountering the same issues as before except this time we had a baby... I was useless. I could hold my own child or even take out a z; everyone had to do it for me.”
You lean forward and kiss the crown of his head. “You will be able to use your gun again; it will just take time to adjust.”
“You don’t know that.”
Seeing the doubt in his eyes, he said, “Yes, I do. Because I know the second you sense danger, your fatherly instincts will kick in, and protecting this baby will be the most natural thing in the world.”
He closes his eyes. “I hope so.”
You stand and offer him your hand. “Come on, once we’ve had breakfast, I’m going to help you practice.”
Behind the main buildings in Altura is a wooded area in which Red has set up a shooting range for 10k to practice his aim. So far, he has missed the tin can with every shot he has taken. The part of the hospital that had prosthetic limbs was destroyed during the bombing, and Sun Mei said it would be a while before new ones were made. He was given a leather pouch to cover his stump with a hook on the end of it, which was causing him to struggle to keep grip on his weapon.
“Just take your time,” Red says, reassuring him.
When 10K misses the target again, he lets out a hiss of pain. You motion to his stump and say, “Let me take a look.”
“It’s fine.”
“It’s not fine if you’re in pain.”
Knowing you wouldn’t let it go, 10k pulls down the leather pouch for you to inspect his stitches. The swelling was going down, but infection was weeping from the stitches. “You need to show Sun Mei and get more antibiotics.”
“Maybe you should take a break or use your left hand,” Red suggests.
“Just forget it.”
Red looks upset as 10k walks away. You place your hand on her shoulder and say, “Hey, thank you. It might not seem like it, but I know Tommy really appreciates everything you’re doing for him.”
She pulls you in for a hug. “I’m really scared; we are lucky we survived the first bombing. What if there’s another?”
“Then we do the same thing: keep each other safe.”
When you can’t find 10k in the medical bay, you go looking for him in the woods, but he spots you first. He puts his finger to his lips, signaling for you to remain silent, then waves you over. Crouching down beside him, you watch as two men shock a z with an electric baton, forcing it into one of the buildings, which looked empty aside from a few vans.
“What do we do?” You whisper.
“We gotta know where he’s taking it.”
You stay close to him as you make your way into the building. You jump back and grip onto his shoulder when Z's fingers peek through the crack underneath a large metal door, with metal chains covering the door as an extra precaution. 10k presses his ear against another securely locked door.
Quietly, you say, “It sounds like wild animals behind the doors.”
10k says nothing and leans back. Seconds later, a beeping sound fills the room, followed by the sound of a door opening and footsteps. 10k points to a large shipping truck, and you both crawl underneath it to avoid being seen.
From the spot you’re in, you notice Florida license plates on the back of the van in front. The man paces back and forth before eventually leaving the building.
You crawl out first, being careful so your stomach doesn’t rub against the concrete ground. You help 10K up and begin to dust yourself down, noting the fresh trail of mud tracks with traces of blood on the ground.
10k whispers, “We should go before—oh shit.”
A man’s voice comes from the opposite side of the truck. “Let’s get this shit over with.”
Not knowing where to go, you run to one of the other shipping trucks and climb into the back of it. When it starts to move slowly you ask, “Do we jump?”
Before you can make a decision, the back of the truck is facing the large metal doors, which are now unlocked, and a large ball made up of Z’s clutched together comes rolling towards you.
With no way of escaping, 10k points to the panels on the ceiling of the truck. “Whatever you do, don’t let go.”
You feel physically sick watching as 10k struggles to hold onto the wooden panel, which was the only thing keeping him from being devoured by the Z’s below. He was too far away for you to help him, and if you made any noise, the driver would hear it and most likely shoot the both of you.
When the truck comes to a sudden stop and the doors at the back open, allowing the Z’s to roll out of it, When the engine is turned back on, you both let go of the panels and jump down just as the truck starts to move off again, leaving the both of you deserted in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nothing but trees. You sigh, noticing the pouch 10K had covering his wound was gone.
Even though you land on your feet, 10K is beside you with a worried look on his face. “Soon as we get to safety, we are done; no more adventures for either of us.”
You place your hand on your stomach and say, “As happy as I am that we have Doc and Warren back in our lives, I sometimes wish we never left the treehouse.”
“How far along do you think you are?”
Because of the bombing, you never got your scan. You tried to work it out, but since you didn’t track days, it was impossible to actually know. “Since I’m not showing, I’d say I’m still in my first trimester. Maybe in five or six weeks, what do you think?”
When you don’t get an answer, you look back and see 10k crouching down, looking at some footprints left in the dirt. “These are Doc and Warren's footsteps.”
Noticing a small hill, you run up it and see newly dug graves. Seeing a fairly clean bandana on the ground, you kneel down to get it. You wipe it off and give it to 10k; he ties it around his stump to keep it covered.
You study the graves and are thankful you don’t know any of the names carved onto the wooden crosses above each one. Hearing a faint, snarling noise, you turn to see a Z coming up behind you.
You stumble backwards, “Tommy!”
He grabs one of the wooden planks sticking out of the ground, snaps it, and then stabs the Z in the head.
“Eight thousand six hundred and nine.”
While getting to your feet, you notice a red mark on a wooden sign. “It looks like spray paint. Do we follow it?”
He nods.
While following the road, you notice a few more of the red marks left behind on trees. Luckily, it was only the odd Z you came across; 10K was trying to shoot and was swaying on its feet, walking in your direction. After several failed attempts, he uses the opposite hand and manages to shoot it in the head.
“Eight thousand six hundred and ten,” you smile.
Soon as you make it to a small town, you take cover behind a car with the same red markings on it. It was parked outside a building with distant music coming from it.
“Are you sure about this? What if it’s a trap?”
“I’ll go in first,” 10K says. “You keep a good distance behind me; if it’s safe, I’ll wave for you to follow.”
You plant a soft kiss on his lips and say, “Okay.”
A side door is open, so it’s easy for you to get inside.10k enters the building first, checking it was clear before waving you to follow. When you reach the room the staircase you’re walking down leads to, 10k goes in first. Sweat drips down your brow as you wait to hear his voice call out, and you let out a sigh of relief when you finally hear him again. “Oh my god,” he calls back to you. “Astra, it’s safe to come in; it’s Doc!”
The room is filled with red lights, giving the impression that it was a seedy nightclub. Soon as you walk in, you see 10k and Doc hugging, and you rush over to join them. “I’m so glad you’re okay, Doc; we've got so much shit we need to tell you! Are Warren and Murphy with you?”
“I’m glad you kids are safe.”
10k steps back from the hug first and taps you on the shoulder. “Uh, it’s your sister.”
You open your eyes, and for the first time in years, you see Addy standing before you. Her hair was much darker and longer than you remember, and from the glaze in her eyes, you could tell she was drunk.
“Hey sis.”
You stare at her speechless; nobody has ever broken your heart like she did, and seeing her again, smiling as if nothing happened, opens up the old wound you tried so hard to heal.
Hearing more steps approaching, your hand goes to a glass bottle sitting on the table next to you.
“Oh my god,” Warren says when she notices you. “You two have no idea how worried we were after hearing about the bombing.”
Warren sees your struggle to hold back tears and pulls you in for a hug and whispers, “I’ve got you, baby girl; I’ve got you.”
You look at Murphy suspiciously as he pours out drinks from behind a bar. He was dressed in a red suit, which matched his red skin. When he offers you a cup, you push it back and say, "No thanks.”
He grunts, “Not good enough for you, princess.”
Rolling your eyes, you walk over to join the rest of your group, sitting around a circle table. It felt weird to be with 10K, Doc, Warren, Addy, and Murphy at the same time again. George was there as well, but it still felt like old times.
You sit beside 10K, who was explaining what you saw. “Those vans are being loaded up deliberately. Somebody’s shipping a truckload of zombie tourists.”
“So you think it’s Altura?” Warren asks.
“I don’t know.”
“It’s where we saw the vans, but it could be anybody.”
While the conversation continues, Addy tries to make eye contact with you, but given the amount of alcohol you witnessed her drink, you pretended not to notice.
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thefizzyprince · 1 year
10k x male!reader
WARNINGS: None. Just a bit of fluff/angst.
*Established relationship!*
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“Behind you!”
(y/n) spun around as quickly as he could, the sword in his hand glinted in the light and blood splattered across his face as the blade cut a zombie's head in two.
“I had it handled,” (y/n) reassured the taller boy as he used his sleeve to wipe the blood from his face.
 10k crossed his arms and his brow furrowed in doubt, “you could've gotten hurt,”
“That's why I have you watching my back Thomas!” (y/n) smiled and continued down the forest trail.
10k muttered a few words then followed me silently, funny enough (y/n) found his silence endearing. Most people would think it annoying, assuming that he was egotistical or standoffish. It was partly since (y/n) was a rather quiet person himself. Doc joked that he and (y/n) were communicating telepathically which of course would be hysterical if their lives were some sort of tv drama.
“Wait,” 10k placed his hand on (y/n)’s chest to keep him from moving forward. He crouched down to the ground and examined the trail carefully.
“What is it?” (y/n) asked before crouching beside 10k. (y/n) observed the dirt looking for any clues as to what his partner had seen, but it looked like the rest of the earth that was under his boots. “Did yo—” The other young man pressed his finger against (y/n)’s lips and pointed towards a cluster of trees that lay a few feet in front of them.
“Just look,” he whispered and turned his attention away from (y/n).
From out between the trees a rather old looking deer wandered to a patch of grass, seemingly unaware of their presence. It had been so long since they’d seen anything that big in the wild, a rare sight.
“We need food,” the words left (y/n)’s mouth before they had even become a thought and his stomach ached at the prospect of having a decent meal for the first time in months.
10k sighed but nodded, understanding that this was an opportunity that only came once in a blue moon. (y/n) quietly unsheathed his bow and tiptoed towards the deer, doing his best to move as silently as possible.
‘You've got this (y/n), it's just a deer. a defenseless old deer that would taste better than some bugs’ he reassured himself and readied an arrow.
 A twig snapped under his boot and a flurry of curse words zipped through (y/n)’s mind. The deer's head snapped up immediately, its large black eyes stared at (y/n). Moving passed his body and diving into his very soul. Judging (y/n) for every bad decision he’s made since the outbreak started. Every muscle in (y/n)’s body froze and his vision began to blur as the combination of exhaustion and a lack of proper nutrition was finally catching up to him.
Then a moment later a gunshot filled the forest air and the old deer with its inquisitive eyes fell dead.
Quickly (y/n) wiped his eyes to keep the tears from falling. (y/n) cleared his throat and muttered “I had it handled,”
“I know,” 10k said before picking up the deer carcass. “Help me take this back.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” 10k asked as he put out the campfire. A few embers remained and glowed a soft bright red.
(y/n) sighed and walked over to the pick-up truck they had been using and jumped into the back.
“No…I'm fine, honest,” (y/n) murmured while shoving his backpack under his head to use as a makeshift pillow. The truck bed shifted slightly and a second later 10k was lying beside (y/n), he sat up on his side and turned towards (y/n). His hand rested on (y/n)’s arm and after a moment of hesitation he gently intertwined their hands. It was a small gesture, but it meant a lot considering 10k wasn’t very affectionate in front of the rest of the group.
“I... I love you,” 10k murmured in the dark. His voice was small, and his words were barely a whisper.
(y/n) sat up and turned to him in surprise, the words left his body with a tingling sensation.
10k’s eyes widened, and his mouth hung open as he struggled to find some sort of remedy for his quiet confession.
“Why?” (y/n) asked, the two of them had gotten closer over the past few months but the idea of their relationship being more than just trying to fill the loneliness of a postapocalyptic world had crossed never crossed (y/n)’s mind.
10k’s body shifted and he remained tongue tied. The moon's light cast a soft glow over his face and hid the growing redness of his face.
(y/n) sighed, “are you sure?”
“I don't know,” he admitted and looked toward the starlit sky. He shifted his gaze back to (y/n)’s with stars glittering in his eyes as (y/n) wondered if they had always been hiding there.
“All I know is...when I see you my chest fills with this warm fuzzy feeling, there's this crazy need to protect you and it scares me because you're all I can think about these days,” (y/n)’s face grew hot as 10k caressed his cheek gently. “It’s dangerous, but I don't care because I know I just can't live without you (y/n),”
10k inched his lips closer to (y/n)’s and waited for permission. (y/n)’s lips gingerly pressed against the other boys and a soft moan escaped the snipers lips.
“Thank you,” (y/n) whispered to him.
“What for?”
“For putting up with my nonsense.”
(y/n) pressed his lips against 10k’s once more, doing his best to commit to memory the way his lips feel and how his skin tingles wherever 10k’s fingers landed.
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smilerjoseph · 4 months
Chapter 1: The Military Cache (words: 4,823)
10k x Male Reader (mlm)
A group of survivors navigate perilous terrain in search of vital supplies, guided by the wonderful Citizen Z. Amidst the chaos, a romance begins between Y/N and 10K, offering a bit of comfort and strength in the face of danger.
Set pretty early in the show, not really following any specific timeline within the show. Sort of an "off camera" sort of events that can happen along the way.
I did my best to keep 10k in character while also trying to show how trusting and open he is to y/n, I also did add in little bits of non-canon lore to add to the story.
Stuck in the heat, barely managing to scrounge up materials to make a car radio into a two-way communicator, Addison felt the weight of desperation. Every day was a struggle for survival, and today was no different. Sweat dripped from her brows as she worked under the blazing sun, her hands shaking from exhaustion and nerves. The makeshift camp the group had set up offered little comfort, but they couldn't afford to stop.
Finally, the crackling static of the radio gave way to a voice. “Citizen Z, do you read us?” Addy spoke into the makeshift device, waving Mack over from looting another car.
“Reading you loud and clear,” came the reply. Relief washed over the both of them. They quickly detailed their urgent need for supplies, especially ammunition, their unfortunate lifeline in this not-very-forgiving world.
There was a brief intermission, the silence filled with the sound of their ragged breathing and the distant moans of the undead. Moments later, Citizen Z's voice crackled back through the speaker. “I've found a military supply cache about three hours west of your location.”
The news was a beacon of hope. They exchanged glances, determination hardening their resolve. This was the break they needed, a chance to restock and possibly turn the tide in their fight for survival. But first, they had to get there.
As the group packed up their few findings, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that this mission would be pivotal. They were all stepping into the unknown, but for the first time in days, they had a glimmer of hope. The journey west would be perilous, but they had no choice. Their lives, as usual, depended on it.
The sun was slowly starting to set as they hit hour one of the trip, the landscape bathed in a golden hue. The heat had started to diminish, but the tension in the air was palpable. Warren took the wheel, eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of danger. The old, battered vehicle they had managed to get running was their lifeline now, its engine rumbling as it inched them closer to their destination.
The road was littered with remnants of the old world: abandoned cars, broken signs, and the occasional shambling figure of the undead. As they drove, the conversation was small, each member was lost in their thoughts. The sound of the tires on the cracked asphalt and the distant cries of the undead were the only constants.
Y/N and 10K found themselves sitting in the bed of the pickup truck. The wind whipped through their hair, carrying with it the scent of dust and the rotting decay of Z’s. Inside the truck, five of their companions were crammed into the seats, while two others followed closely behind in a smaller, separate vehicle.
Y/N leaned back, glancing at 10K, who was meticulously cleaning his rifle, a routine that seemed to bring him a sense of calm. They had both seen so much and survived so much and in this brief moment of relative peace, the weight of the world felt just a little lighter.
“You ever think about what you'd do if this was all over?” Y/N asked, breaking the silence.
10K looked up, his intense blue eyes meeting his. He gave a small, almost unnoticeable smile. “Maybe find a quiet place. Somewhere with trees and a stream. What about you?”
Y/N chuckled softly, shaking his head. “I think I'd want to do something simple. Like…open a little bakery or something. Can you imagine that? Fresh bread, pastries…it sounds almost impossible now. God… Maybe even some Jam?”
10K's smile widened slightly, a rare sight. “Yeah, that sounds nice. You could make those…what are they called? Croissants?”
Y/N laughed, a genuine sound that felt foreign in the harsh world they lived in. “Exactly. You'd be a regular customer, right?”
“Of course,” 10K replied, a touch of warmth in his voice. “Wouldn't miss it for the world.”
They fell into a comfortable silence, the truck's movements moving them slightly. Y/N glanced at 10K, appreciating the way he seemed so focused yet relaxed at the same time. Something was reassuring about his presence, something steady, comforting. The journey was far from over, but for a moment, he allowed himself to dream of a future that was just a little brighter.
As the sky darkened, and they approached their destination, the tension in the air grew. The group had been driving for hours, their eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of the military cache Citizen Z had mentioned. When they finally spotted the building in the distance, hope surged through them—until they saw the unmistakable silhouettes of zombies milling around the entrance.
Y/N and 10K exchanged glances, their earlier conversation now a distant memory. The rest of the group climbed out of the vehicles, gathering around to assess the situation.
“Looks like it's been overrun,” Y/N muttered, peering through binoculars at the shambling figures.
Garnett, the group’s de facto leader, nodded grimly. “We can't risk going in there right now. It's getting dark, we'll have a hard time seeing them coming.”
“Maybe we should wait until morning,” Doc suggested, his voice tinged with weariness. “We could find a safe spot to camp and go in at first light when we can see what we're dealing with.”
Murphy snorted. “And give those rotters a chance to scatter? They could wander off, but they could also just as easily wander in.”
The debate was interrupted by the sound of distant voices and the flash of a flashlight beam near the cache. Y/N squinted into the gloom, his heart sinking. “There's another group,” he whispered urgently. “They're already looting.”
The realization hit everyone at once. If they waited, there might be nothing left by morning. Garnett turned to the group, his expression resolute. “We don't have a choice. We go in now, or we risk losing everything.”
10K checked his rifle, his face set with determination. “I'm ready.”
The rest of the group quickly armed themselves, their earlier exhaustion replaced by a renewed sense of urgency. They moved with practiced efficiency, understanding the stakes. Every second counted.
As he approached the cache, Y/N felt a rush of adrenaline. The familiar sounds of the undead, the distant shouts of the looters, and the thudding of his heartbeat filled his ears. They were stepping into the unknown, but they had each other—and that made all the difference.
With weapons drawn and eyes sharp, the group advanced towards the cache, ready to face whatever possibly awaited them inside.
With the silhouette of the building looming ominously against the darkening sky, its windows shattered, and doors hanging off their hinges. The moans of the undead grew louder with each step, mingling with the distant shouts of the rival group.
A silent nod from Garnett and the group fanned out, approaching the cache from different angles. Y/N and 10K stuck close together, their weapons at the ready. The sense of urgency was off the charts now, a tangible force driving them forward.
As they reached the entrance, chaos erupted. Zombies poured out from the building, their decaying bodies lurching towards the intruders with relentless determination. The rival group, caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, scrambled for cover, their shouts mixing with the sounds of gunfire.
In the midst of the chaos, Y/N and 10K found themselves separated from the rest of the group. The darkness swallowed them whole, the only light coming from the flashes of gunfire and the occasional burst of flame.
“Stay close,” Y/n shouted over the din, his voice barely audible above the cacophony of noise.
10k nodded, his heart pounding in his chest. A bit more focused on the number going up as he shot down Z’s, trying to help the group from afar.
Slowly making their way to the roof, they fought their way through the horde, their bodies moving as one, their weapons flashing in the darkness. Each step brought them closer to the cache, closer to the hope of finding the supplies they so desperately needed.
Slowly, Y/N and 10K entered the building and approached the looming hallways. Their footsteps echoed in the empty corridors. The sounds of the undead grew louder with each step, heightening the tension in the air.
Suddenly, a pair of zombies lunged at them from the shadows as they stepped through a doorway. Y/N and 10K reacted swiftly, dispatching the undead with well-aimed shots and swift strikes.
Amidst the chaos of the ongoing battle, a brief lull in the action allowed for a moment of intimacy between Y/N and 10K. Their eyes met amidst the flickering light, and in that shared glance, a silent understanding passed between them.
However, their moment of staring was short-lived as the sound of approaching footsteps echoed through the corridor. A horde of zombies, drawn by the commotion, surged towards them with relentless determination. With a silent agreement, Y/N and 10K broke apart, their focus shifting back to the imminent threat.
As Y/N and 10K faced the advancing horde inside the building, the rest of the group battled tirelessly outside, desperately trying to make their way towards the cache. Warren, leading the charge, wielded her weapon with practiced precision, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of danger.
With each step closer to the cache, the tension in the air grew thicker, mirroring the intensity of the conflict within. The distant sounds of gunfire and the occasional roar of the undead served as a grim reminder of the dangers that awaited them.
As they neared the entrance, the group's progress slowed, the sheer number of zombies blocking their path proving to be a difficult obstacle. Garnett, ever the pragmatic leader, assessed the situation with a furrowed brow. “We're outnumbered,” he said grimly, his voice barely audible above the chaos. “We need to retreat.”
Murphy's eyes widened in disbelief. “But what about Y/N and 10K? We can't just leave them behind!”
Doc nodded in agreement. “He's right. We can't abandon them.”
Warren exchanged a glance with Garnett, her expression troubled. “We have to consider the safety of the group. If we go in now, we risk losing more than just Y/N and 10K.”
The group fell into a tense silence as they weighed their options, the distant sounds of fighting serving as a grim backdrop to their deliberations. Despite their reservations, they ultimately reached a consensus—waiting until morning was the safest course of action, even if it meant leaving their comrades behind for the time being.
As the group outside the cache struggled with their decision to wait until morning, Y/N and 10K found themselves cornered inside the building, the horde of zombies closing in around them. With nowhere left to run, panic threatened to overwhelm them.
“Dead end!” Y/N shouted, his voice strained with urgency, as they reached the end of the hallway. Without hesitation, he grabbed 10K's arm and pulled him towards a nearby door, their hearts pounding in their chests.
With the zombies hot on their heels, they slammed the door shut behind them and quickly barricaded it with whatever makeshift barriers they could find. The room offered only a temporary safe haven, and they knew they had to find another way out before it was too late.
Frantically scanning the room for any possible escape route, Y/N's eyes landed on a small hole in the wall. Without a second thought, he motioned for 10K to follow him as they squeezed through the opening, emerging into another room on the other side.
Taking a moment to catch their breath, they assessed their surroundings, their hearts still racing from the close call. As they searched the room, their eyes fell upon a small stash of supplies tucked away in the corner—a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos.
Eager to replenish their dwindling resources, Y/N reached for the supplies, his hand brushing against something sharp hidden beneath them. With lightning-fast reflexes, he pulled back just in time, narrowly avoiding a deadly trap.
The sight of blood trickling down Y/N's arm sent a pang of worry through 10K, his concern evident in his eyes. But there was no time to dwell on injuries, not when their lives were still in danger.
Together, they worked to disable the trap, their movements quick and efficient as they gathered what supplies they could carry. Y/n eager to leave, but 10k grabbed his arm and forced him to take a seat without a word. Quickly, he retrieved a first aid kit from their supplies.
With tender care, 10K began to clean and bandage Y/N's wound, his touch gentle yet steady. In the dim light of the room, their eyes met, the intensity of the moment sparking an unspoken connection between them.
As 10K focused on patching up Y/N's wound, their proximity brought them closer than ever before. Time seemed to stand still as they shared this intimate moment amidst the chaos surrounding them, their hearts beating in sync with the rhythm of their breaths.
With the wound properly dressed, 10K's gaze softened as he met Y/N's eyes, a silent reassurance passing between them. In that intimate moment, a sense of trust blossomed between them, encouraging them to share more than just their present struggles.
As they sat together in the dimly lit room, the sounds of the undead still echoing outside, 10K found himself opening up in a way he rarely did. “My father,” he began, his voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability, “He taught me everything I know about survival.”
Y/N listened intently, his own past weighing heavily on his mind. “I never really had a stable home life,” he admitted, his tone somber. “Always moving around, distant family after my parents passed. It's been a struggle, trying to make it on my own in this world.”
Their words hung in the air, each revelation drawing them closer together. Despite the hardships they had faced, they found comfort in the shared understanding of their pasts.
“Sounds like my dad would've liked you,” 10K said quietly, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips before swiftly standing up.
Y/N's lips curved into a small smile as he watched 10K leave the room. With a determined stride, Y/N sped up to catch up with him, their unspoken connection guiding them as they navigated through the dark corridors of the cache.
The door creaked open, revealing a dimly lit kitchen, its counters cluttered with pots and pans. As they cautiously stepped inside, the distant moans of zombies seemed to grow louder, echoing through the room.
“Let's find somewhere to barricade ourselves,” Y/N whispered, his voice barely audible above the noise.
Nodding in agreement, 10K scanned the room, his eyes landing on a door at the far end. “Over there,” he said, gesturing towards it.
They hurried towards the door, their footsteps echoing in the silence. But as they reached it, a sudden crash behind them made them whirl around, weapons raised.
A lone zombie lurched towards them, its decomposing limbs flailing wildly. With a swift motion, 10K kills it with a well-aimed shot to the head, the sound of the gunshot reverberating through the room.
Breathing heavily, they exchanged a tense glance before turning back to the door. With a joint effort, they pushed it open, revealing a small storage room lined with shelves stocked with supplies.
“We can hold up in here for the night,” Y/N said, his voice tinged with relief.
As they barricaded themselves inside, the adrenaline of the encounter slowly began to fade, leaving behind a sense of exhaustion. But despite the dangers that lurked outside, they found some comfort in each other's presence, knowing that together, they could weather whatever challenges the night brought.
As the night wore on, the darkness outside slowly gave way to the soft glow of dawn, casting a faint light through the cracks in the boarded-up windows of the storage room where Y/N and 10K had taken refuge. 
As morning broke, 10K stirred from his slumber, only to find Y/N leaning against his shoulder, fast asleep. Flustered yet oddly comfortable in the warmth of their closeness, he shifted slightly, hoping not to disturb Y/N's peaceful rest.
But his movements were enough to rouse Y/N from sleep, and as their eyes met, a fleeting moment of intimacy passed between them. With a sheepish smile, 10K cleared his throat, breaking the silence that had enveloped them.
“Morning,” he murmured softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
Y/N returned the smile, stretching his arms as he rose to his feet. “Morning,” he replied, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
Together, they set about their morning routine—10K searching for an exit while Y/N gathered supplies from the storage room. As they worked, the quiet of the morning gave way to the distant sounds of shuffling footsteps outside, a reminder of the dangers that still lurked beyond the safety of their makeshift barricade.
After what seemed like hours of searching, (15 minutes) 10K finally stumbled upon the group of looters inside the building. They lay scattered across the ground, their lifeless bodies being feasted upon by the very zombies they had sought to escape. With a heavy heart, 10K turned away, his mind focused on finding an exit.
After thorough exploration, he discovered an exit in another area of the building—a narrow alleyway that offered a path to freedom.
Returning to Y/N, he explained what he had seen, the weight of his words hanging heavily in the air. But despite the challenges that lay ahead, they knew they had to press on.
They quickly gathered their supplies and made their way towards the exit, their steps quickening as they drew closer to the promise of escape.
Emerging from the building with their hands full of supplies, Y/N and 10K made their way back to the group, their hearts lighter with the promise of their success. As they approached, Addy and Mack rushed forward, enveloping Y/N in tight hugs, their relief evident.
“Thank goodness you're okay,” Addy exclaimed, her voice thick with emotion.
“Yeah, we were starting to worry,” Mack added, his eyes filled with gratitude.
Murphy, ever the joker, couldn't resist chiming in. “Looks like you two managed to scavenge up more than just supplies,” he teased, a smirk playing on his lips.
Cassandra shot him a pointed look. “Shut up, Murphy,” she said firmly, her tone leaving no room for argument.
Despite the playful banter, there was a sense of joy and relief among the group as they reunited. Everyone was overjoyed to see Y/N and 10K return safely, their success a welcome beacon of hope in an otherwise bleak world.
Sharing a small smile, Y/N and 10K exchanged a silent understanding—a testament to the bond that had formed between them amidst the chaos and uncertainty. Together, they had faced the challenges of the apocalypse head-on, and together, they would continue to navigate the treacherous road ahead.
After the heartfelt reunion, Garnett stepped forward, his expression serious. “We should leave before those looters make their way out,” he suggested, his voice tinged with urgency.
Before anyone could respond, 10K spoke up, his tone grave. “Too late for that. Found them already, eaten away by zombies.”
Murphy couldn't resist making another wisecrack. “Well, I'm glad it wasn't me,” he joked, earning him a sharp jab in the arm from Cassandra and a yelp of pain in response.
Warren, always the voice of reason, intervened. “Enough, Murphy,” she said sternly, her gaze piercing. “We need to focus on getting out of here.”
With a nod of agreement, Warren turned to the group. “Let's get back on the road,” she declared, her voice firm. “Everyone, help load the supplies into the cars. We need to be on our way.”
With a sense of purpose, the group sprang into action, working together to load the supplies into the vehicles. 
“Find any meds in there?” Doc questioned, y/n smirked and threw the first aid kit that included a couple bottles of meds they’d come across at him. “Hell yeah.”
As the truck rumbled down the road, Y/N and 10K found themselves once again in the bed of the pickup truck, the breeze playing gently against their skin, creating a sense of peace and tranquility. Y/N glanced over at 10K, as if he had a question on his mind, but hesitated, deciding against it.
“What's on your mind?” 10K's voice broke the comfortable silence, his eyes curious as he looked at Y/N.
Y/N hesitated for a moment, dancing around the question before finally asking, “Have you ever had a girlfriend?”
A small smile tugged at 10K's lips as he shook his head. “Not really. Grew up off the grid with my father, so dating wasn't really a thing for me.”
Nodding in understanding, Y/N pressed on, curiosity getting the better of him. “If you were to date someone, what would your ideal type be?”
10K paused for a moment, choosing his words carefully. “Someone… who's easy to talk to, understands me. Someone who's independent, strong-minded.” He trailed off, his gaze distant, as if lost in thought. “Pretty?”
Y/N nodded, taking in his answer before 10k turns the question back to himself. “And what about you? What's your ideal type?”
An anxious glint danced in Y/N's eyes as he replied, “Well, I once dated a guy who was a bit controlling. So, I'd say someone who makes me feel free, happy, and comfortable.”
“A guy?” 10K's eyebrows shot up in surprise, his voice tinged with curiosity.
Y/N shrugged nonchalantly. “Yeah, a guy.”
There was a moment of silence as 10K processed Y/N's revelation before speaking again. “That sounds really nice,” he murmured, his voice soft.
Their eyes met, and for a moment, the world seemed to stand still as they stared at each other, a silent understanding passing between them.
Y/N chuckled softly, breaking the spell as he turned his gaze to the sky. “I'm really comfortable with you, 10K. Super comfortable.” His words hung in the air, a silent declaration of trust and affection.
As they reached a desolate town, the group decided to hunker down near an empty supermarket, taking stock of their supplies and considering their options for making contact with Citizen Z again. Under the guise of searching for supplies, 10K and Y/N wandered off, eventually finding themselves in a dusty old bar down the road.
As they explored the dimly lit interior, Y/N couldn't help but ask, “Do you ever drink?”
A faint smile tugged at 10K's lips as he confessed, “Stole some from my dad a few times. Got in quite a bit of trouble for it.”
Y/N laughed and began rummaging behind the bar, soon discovering a half-empty bottle of whiskey. “Looks like we hit the jackpot,” he exclaimed, offering the bottle to 10K.
They drank a little, the warmth of the alcohol spreading through their bodies as they continued to explore the abandoned bar. Y/N stumbled upon a dusty old record player and couldn't resist putting on a record. With a mischievous grin, he pulled 10K onto the makeshift dance floor, their movements slow and tentative.
“Are you a good slow dancer?” Y/N asked, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
Anxiety flickered across 10K's face as he shook his head. “Not really,” he admitted, unsure.
Y/N smiled reassuringly. “Just follow my lead,” he encouraged, guiding 10K through the steps as they swayed to the music. They stumbled a few times before finding their footing, their movements becoming more confident with each step.
As they danced, Y/N opened up about his past, recounting a bittersweet memory of his prom night. “My father grounded me to prevent me from dancing with a man,” he confessed quietly. “But I snuck out anyway and had the time of my life.”
Concern clouded 10K's expression as he asked, “Did you get into trouble?”
Y/N hesitated for a moment before nodding. “Yeah, quite a bit,” he admitted softly.
10K sympathetically mentioned he never got to attend a prom, reminding Y/N of his upbringing off the grid with his father. Y/N flashed him a warm smile and suggested that this could be their own little prom, if he'd like.
Their eyes met, and 10K struggled to maintain eye contact, his gaze repeatedly flickering down to Y/N's lips. Their slow dancing came to a halt as they inched closer, only for a loud bang from the back room of the bar to shatter the moment.
Immediately, they sprang apart, grabbing their weapons and rushing to investigate. They found a lone zombie feasting on a possum, and Y/N swiftly dispatched it with a blow to the head.
With a sigh, Y/N turned to 10K and joked, “Looks like we'll have to make up for that kiss later.”
They shared a knowing look before Y/N turned and began to leave the bar, with 10K following closely behind, still flustered from the interrupted moment.
As Addy and Mack struggled to make contact with Citizen Z on a fast-food speaker with a satellite, they finally managed to get through. 
“Hello? Citizen Z, do you copy?” Addy's voice crackled through the speaker.
A moment of static, then a familiar voice responded, “Loud and clear. What's the situation?”
Addy waved Murphy over. “He's right here, all good.”
“Good to see you're in one piece, Murphy,” Citizen Z said with relief evident in his voice.
“Thanks for your tip about the cache,” Addy replied gratefully.
Garnett joined the conversation, asking, “Any word on our next move?”
While Garnett was discussing logistics with Citizen Z, Y/N and 10K returned to the group. Y/N seeming perfectly normal, but 10K appeared a tad tipsy.
Cassandra caught a whiff of whiskey on their breath and raised an eyebrow. “Getting into the spirits, are we?”
Y/N chuckled. “Just a little celebratory drink.”
“Save some for the rest of us next time,” she teased.
Y/N apologized for their impromptu excursion, and then gently guided 10K back to the truck. They climbed into the bed, the breeze providing a welcome relief from the stifling heat.
“Damn, it's gotten hot,” Y/N muttered, fanning himself with his hand.
10K nodded absentmindedly, his gaze fixed on Y/N. “Yeah, it has.”
Y/N reached for a water bottle offered by Doc, taking a long drink before passing it to 10K. “Maybe you need to sober up a bit.”
10K scoffed and reached for his cigarettes, but Y/N sneakily grabbed them from his hand and took one for himself, pocketing the box.
“Hey!” 10K protested, but Y/N just flashed him a mischievous grin before lighting the cigarette.
After taking a puff, Y/N passed the cigarette to 10K. “You know, they say sharing is caring.”
10K raised an eyebrow, taking a drag. “Is that so?”
Y/N grinned. “Yep. And the next kiss won't be so indirect.”
Choking on his inhale, 10K coughed violently, earning a chuckle from Y/N. “Smooth, huh?”
10K managed a weak smile, still recovering from his coughing fit, whispered a small “Real smooth.”
Soon, they all regroup at the truck, discussing plans to continue west. Warren and Garnett had a brief conversation about the route, deciding on rest stops and other logistics.
Warren knocked on the side of the truck. “Alright, folks, time to hit the road.”
Everyone piled into their respective seats within the two vehicles, packed with supplies. As they started driving off, Y/N sneakily placed his hand on top of 10K's, the warmth of their touch sending a comforting shiver down 10K's spine. He couldn't help but stare lovingly at Y/N, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him.
Taking a drag from his cigarette, 10K relaxed into the moment. Y/N broke the silence with some small talk.
“What's your favorite color, 10K?” Y/N's voice broke through the quiet hum of the engine.
10K glanced over at Y/N, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “Blue. Yours?”
Y/N grinned. “F/C. What about your favorite season?”
“Fall,” 10K replied without hesitation. “You?”
“F/S,” Y/N answered, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.
“Do you have a name? Besides 10k, I mean.”
10k hesitated for a moment, locking eyes with y/n. He could feel the lightheartedness of the question, he didn’t have to answer it.
As they continued their exchange, the miles passed by, and the warmth of their connection only grew stronger.
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