grimespial · 23 hours
ah i love reading fics and then just "finishing" them right before the saviour arc bc i dont enjoy that and i save myself pain
those 30+ chapters after no longer exist in my mind, everyone lives happily if i get anything to do about it
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grimespial · 1 day
Hey, just so you know, Garma-mom is actually racist and openly says the N-Word, going as far as to refer to people who they dislike as one (they're white). They're also extremely lgbt-phobic. If you search Garma-mom you can find the post by Guzma-hates-CGL. They interacted with one of your posts recently
thank you for informing me about this. i can't believe a DARYL fan of all would be a massive scumbag.
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grimespial · 2 days
Are your requests open right now?
they are!
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grimespial · 2 days
would it be controversial to say that i want him to beat me bloody then hold me close and pet my hair as he tells me that im his and ill never need anybody else but him (im a mentally ill teenage boy)
video made by me
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grimespial · 3 days
thinking that daryls fav position would be with his face shoved down into your pillow, ass up with his legs spread as far as possible. youve got a firm hand against his head, not that he even wanted to move. with the pillow muffling his sounds, he could be as loud as he wanted. the feeling of your cock stretching him out, your fingers prodding even further even though hes taking it all- its got him whining and writhing all over the bed, cock hanging heavily in between his shaking legs.
he cums all over your hand when you get even rougher, picking him up by the hip and lifting him just slightly to hit against his prostate over and over and over again.
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grimespial · 3 days
daryl dixon & kinks.
top male reader.
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hes obsessed with the how easily your larger hands fit over his neck, how gentle you are as you squeeze and watch his eyes flutter close. your fingers are constantly dancing around his neck, just teasing. its gets him riled up and he has to actively try to not think dirty.
if hes riding you, he'll drag your hand off of his hip and up his body, urging you to take your grip and squeeze and squeeze until he comes all over your stomaches. other than that, he adores taking your fat cock down his throat, and letting his spit pool up there. he gets lightheaded but enjoys just sitting there on his knees, taking you all.
at first, he wanted to avoid any marks. he already disliked pda- and he didnt want the rest of the group knowing what he got up to with you. eventually as the years passed, he didnt mind a few hickeys making their way up his skin and below his jaw. the feeling of being owned- of others knowing that you did that to him, it got him off. that doesn't mean those are the only marks he has though. youre ruthless when youve got him to yourself: sucking dark and purple bruises into his inner thighs or below his nipple or on the curve of his ass. you'd take any skin you could get. daryl pretends he hates the sting of it- but really it gets him hard when he sees the reminders of how hard you fucked him the other night.
more than anything, he wants to make you proud. he looks to you for everything- from the smallest to the biggest of things. if youre giving him directions during sex, he'll try his damndest to follow through. he's not really a brat; he doesnt find pleasure in failing you. all he wants to hear is how good he takes it, how good he's being for you, how pretty he looks with his legs wrapped around you.
although he doesn't really find pleasure in failing you, his cock'll start twitching if you get a little mean. he cant help but agree whenever you call him pathetic, because he knows its true. your mocking tone thats just shy of cruel, the names you call him- all of it was true. he'd only apologize and nod, tears brimming his eyes and hair falling in his face.
with his long hair constantly falling in his face, you were bound to be a little rough sooner or later. the way you can take control so easily just by pulling has him weak for you- and who doesnt know it?
"cant you take a little more?" youve got your fingers wrapped around daryls dick, tugging and tugging and playing at his sensitive slit. "i mean, look how good im makin' you feel. least you could do is hold out a little longer, right?" it was a game to you, and he could barely hang on. edging him is the fastest way to get him whimpering, crying, gasping. on one hand, he just wants to come all over your hand, paint your face with it- but on the other, he wants to be able to make you proud. hes usually got a 50-50 chance of making it.
one of things that might just embarrass him the most: manhandling. daryl was more than capable of handling himself. he was considered one of the more stronger people in his group. but none of that mattered next to you. you were broader, bulkier, stronger. he loves getting fucked against a wall, the thrill of someone even seeing, how easy it was for you to maneuver him in whatever position you wanted. maybe if you were hard enough youd leave hand prints.
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man im obsessed with him☹️
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grimespial · 3 days
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grimespial · 4 days
Ok! Could I please get (fic or shorter) Daryl and Male reader where his boyfriend teaches him how to do bj? Basically instructing Daryl what to do, all soft and kind and sickly sweet.
Thank you~.
your gentle touch.
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top male reader x daryl dixon.
summary: a nice surprise turns into a learning experience for daryl.
era: prison.
note: literally before u requested this i was writing something like this so its perfect
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after taking in all of the governors people, the tombs and other cell blocks were quick to be cleared of walkers with the extra hands. you figured that with all the space, a room or two could be put to good use.
it took about three months to get it cleaned up and add some decorations- all whilst keeping it a secret from daryl. you had wanted to give the room to him as a surprise. with all the new additions to the group, you knew he was inclined to keep to himself and wasnt as comfortable showing affection to you like he is with rick and the others. the room wasnt just for him, but for the both of you.
hes got a tight grip on your hand, following you deeper into the darkness.
"cant ya just tell me what it is?" he huffs, at a complete loss as to why youve pulled him aside- not that he was doing anything.
"daryl, thats what a surprise is. i promise its a good one."
with him trailing after you, you miss the way he smiles softly, eyes tracing your broader figure. yeah, he'd follow you anywhere, good surprise or not.
he lingers in the doorway, eyes darting all over the room. a mattress in the corner, a mirror on the other end- how did you get these down there without him seeing? and a stack of books and markers.
he glances at you. "when the hell'd you do all this?"
you flop back onto the bed, gesturing him forward. he closes the door behind him and gets comfortable in your strong arms. its one of the things he was crazy about- how they flexed as you helped hershel plant some seeds, how they were almost the same size as his fucking head. it was insanely attractive to him.
"when you werent looking? it took a few months, actually. bringing back a mirror on a run and convincing everyone else not to tell you is easier than it sounds." you chuckle softly, fingers running through his thick hair.
he tilts his head to look at you, the effects of the four walls working almost instantly. he leans in for a kiss, his little beard tickling your chin. its not like you havent kissed before. in fact, you stole one from him any chance you could get. but here: with zero chance of someone walking in on you, you were warranted a make out session.
his lips were always a bit chapped but quick to warm up under your touch. they parted just slightly, allowing your tongue to slip inside. his firm hands come to rest atop your chest, body fitting against yours perfectly.
with blood rushing both to your heart and cock, you pull away to sit up a little. "guess this is perfect, huh? all this room with no one else to hear us..."
daryls eyes seem to widen a bit, a blush coming to his cheeks. he swallows thickly before nodding, his fingers dancing across your skin. every time he touched you, it sent sparks through you- time and time again.
"wanted to ask you somethin'," he rasps out, hair falling into his face. your hand comes up to brush the strands away from his face, showing you millions of expressions hidden away just for you. "i want you to teach me how to do something."
"uh, teach you what?" you reply, forcing your attention away from his open lips, still wet from where youve kissed them.
he ducks his head, and you immediately recognize that trait. hes shy.
"what?" youre laughing softly, trying to match his gaze. "what is it? yknow ill do it, whatever you want. ill teach you."
"i mean," he groans, rubbing at his eyebrow in frustration, "shit, how am i 'sposed to just say it? i wanna... y'know, be able to go down on you. ive never done that before."
you nod, amused by his words. it was so easy to forget how much of a virgin he was next to you; hes never been with a man before. what else could you expect? "alright, ill teach you. you wanna be on your knees?"
he blinks once, then twice, and then a third time. "man, i dunno. i guess.." his voice is quieter now, softer.
"youve gotta speak up around me," you reaffirmed, leaning in to press a kiss to his forehead. "wanna hear what youve got to say."
daryl sighs, always overwhelmed by the gentleness you had for him. "yeah. wanna be on the floor."
hes malleable in your hands, sinking to his knees before you and getting comfortable. just seeing him like this made your cock twitch.
you reached out, a thumb slipping inside his open mouth. and he lets you: his mouth opening wider and wider.
"take my pants off." you instructed, breathless.
he pulls off of your thumb, firm hands at your belt, and then tugging at your boxers. daryl swallows thickly, familiarizing himself with the shape of you so close.
your hand snakes around the base of your dick, guiding it to daryls lips. "open. wider. mhm, like that. now rest your tongue on the bottom of your mouth."
you consider how easy it would be to shove your cock inside that mouth, how he'd take it anyways. a feverish heat blossoms inside your chest, and you want to fill every inch of him.
"go on, take it slowly." you hum out instead, watching your cock slowly disappear into his warm mouth. his eyes fluttered shut in concentration, barely getting the tip down his throat before hes choking.
"alright, hold on," your hand comes up to brush the hair away from his face, letting you see his face more clearly. he was flushed all the way down to his neck, fists balled to the side like he was restraining himself. "youre too stiff. just relax your jaw, and take your time."
daryl nods, wiping at his mouth with the back of his hand. his mouth falls open again, and he returns with more passion. instead of simply trying to take swallow your cock all at once, hes sucking gently at the head- tongue swirling around you. you have to put all your effort into not bucking into that heat, into suppressing your shudder. daryl notices, his hand guiding your own to his shoulder.
you want to kiss him them, ravage him, tuck yourself into him and hear him cry for you.
"youre doing good, sweetheart," is all you can manage, your touch traveling up his neck to feel his pulse there. the trust he had for you was obvious, and nothing turned you on more than that, "making me feel so good."
your words spur him on, his throat relaxing around you as he breathed in deep before moving down, and down- nose shoved into the dark hair at the base.
you cant hold back now, a firm grip on the back of his head as he struggled to adjust to your size. through a lust filled gaze, you catch sight of his gaze staring right back at you, pupils blown wide and mouth stuffed.
maybe thats what sends you over the edge. or maybe it was his hands gripping onto your thighs, or his own erection pressed against your leg.
here daryl dixon was: cold and rough and strong, learning how to blow a guy for the first time.
"im gonna- gonna cum. cmon." youre gently pushing at his shoulder, trying to get him off.
he pulls away with a loud pop, lips plump and red. "just cum in my mouth." his voice is wrecked, throat sore. but you couldnt deny him.
his mouth is left ajar, tongue resting against his bottom mouth as he watched you jerk off in front of him.
"didnt think youd get this desperate," you mused, just teetering over your release, "this pathetic for a taste of my cock."
and hes whining, something low and soft that you could barely pick up. "but you know im just as fucking pathetic for you too, huh? thats why 'm gonna cum on your face, and then suck you off till youre crying. you want that, angel?"
hes nodding, one eye shut as he inches closer and closer to your twitching cock, a hand closing around the tip as hes teasing your orgasm out of you.
your back arches, breathes falling out of you in ragged patterns, a hand still clenched in daryls hair as you held him in place before jetting your release onto his mouth.
hes licking at his mouth, then at your cock again, cleaning up. a thumb pushes into his mouth again, exploring the wet heat thats been so eager this whole time. you push against his tongue, affectionate and proud, letting him swirl around it like he previously did.
"youre a quick learner," you mumble, tugging him back onto the bed, "but ive still got some tricks to show you."
he swallows thickly, reaching for a kiss. "m'kay. go ahead, mister."
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so lets ignore how fast u came i feel like im so bad at writing smut!!
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grimespial · 4 days
"I still think you're beautiful."
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i kiss the scars on his skin
Carl didn't want you to see him. If Daryl hadn't forced you to get rest after spending all night slaughtering any walkers you found then trying to stay up all night in case he woke up. It was one of the first things his dad told him, you were driving yourself insane waiting to see him.
But what would you think? His face was probably mangled, atleast that's what it felt like, being shot in the eye couldn't be pretty. He'd felt insecure before sure, but this was worse, he felt... broken. Carl knew there was no hiding forever, you would see his face eventually, you would see it and be disgusted and-
"Carl? You okay?" It was his dad, at some point Rick had walked in the room, and he never realised, too busy dreading what kind of face you would make.
"He's waiting you know? He knows you're awake, Daryl has to hold him back." Rick had good intentions, trying to clear the air, lighten the mood with the mention of his boyfriend, but it did the opposite. Carl choked out a sob, tears beginning to pool as he turned his head down, hair covering up the thing that caused all his self hatred.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong? Do you need Denise?"
Carl couldn't manage out a response, so he just shook his head. How do you tell your own dad you never want to see your boyfriend just so you don't have to witness how digusted he gets to your mangled face?
"Come on Carl, I can't help if you don't tell me what's wrong. You can tell me anything, you know this."
"I don't want to see him." It's a wonder Rick could even hear Carl the way his hands muffled his voice, but he caught on why immediately.
"You worried? He won't judge you, i think he'd fight anyone who tried to even look at you the wrong way." His dad layed a hand on his head, slightly ruffling his hair before a shout broke the short silence.
"Let go of me! Why can't I go see him if he's okay‽ I don't care if I need to hurt you to get there!" Of course it was you, any time he was injured you would make sure to check on him. Like always, your voice gave him butterflies but right now he felt sick, and the self-hatred burned again.
i still think you're beautiful
It wasn't long after that you burst through the doors, panting and slightly roughed up. Clearly you put up a big fight to get to Carl, all while he's thinking of ways to never show his face again.
"Carl! You're okay!" Though it sounded more like a question, trying to reassure yourself more than him or make a statement. Even with the sound of relief in your tone he couldn't bare to look up at you.
"I'll give you two some time alone, shout if you need anything."
"I'm sorry I couldn't get here earlier, I tried but they wouldn't let me, I hope you didn't think I was ignoring you.. I'm rambling now. Are.. are you okay Carl?"
Just the sound of how worried you were, how much you care for him broke him. He wanted to treasure this, it wouldn't last much longer and it stung. The last time he felt like this was when his mom was in labour. He couldn't even wipe his tears incase you saw his face.
And then you held him by his chin, lifting his head to meet your view before brushing the hair from over the wound.
"Don't look at me." No amount of hardening his voice could cover the choke and sadness, his face softening in your palms, his whole body was making him more pathetic when he was trying to hide it. It was useless though, he could never hide from you, every single one of his tics you knew. You cared so much it hurt.
"I still think you're beautiful." With one hand you rubbed your thumb across his cheek, making sure not to irritate the wound, and the other you wiped his tears.
"I'm not, don't lie, you're probably disgusted with me."
"I don't think anything about you could digust me, I'll let you know that every single hour if you need it. You're stuck with me now, even if you go down, I'll follow you."
and i dont ever wanna lose my best friend
Carl didn't hesitate to throw himself into your arms, almost tipping you over. You couldn't hold back a laugh at his reaction before leaving a chaste kiss on his lips with a small smile. It was only then that he realised he was exhausted like Denise told Rick he would be, the stress about your reaction apparently distracted him from it.
As he yawned, Carl pulled you back onto the bed, it was a tight squeeze but he didn't want to let you go, afraid that it would all be a dream and you'd be gone. That's how he fell asleep, practically on your lap squeezing you, before dragging you into a deep sleep with him, the comfort to strong to resist as your eyes shut.
That's how Rick found you, nobody had called him so everything should be fine, but it had been a while and as far as he could hear it was silent. Carl would have to forgive him later for coming in if they were still talking, but he needed to be sure everyone was okay. What he didnt expect was for Carl to be lying mostly on top of you, arms wrapped around eachother, the only sound being soft breathing and he smiled. Of course everything was okay.
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grimespial · 5 days
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 250 likes!
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grimespial · 6 days
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Carl: “you look very pretty today y/n”
Y/n: “how sweet of you Carl thank you“
Daryl watching from behind y/n: …
Later in the day
Y/n: “Daryl I haven’t see you all day where you been”
Daryl: “I don’ know why don’ ya go ‘nd ask Carl”
Y/n : “what- Daryl are you jealous?”
Daryl: …
Y/n “ Daryl he’s eleven?!”
Daryl mumbling: “ tha’ ain’ a excuse”
Y/n: “ he’s a kid dare”
Daryl: “ don’t matter ta’ me”
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grimespial · 6 days
daryl w himbo bf? 🤔
daryl dixon & his himbo boyfriend! i tried:c
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after meeting you, he wanted to hate you so badly. at first glance, he chalked you up to a good addition to the group. afterall, you had all that height and muscle to you- perfect for taking down walkers. then he quickly realized exactly how wrong he was. you were an absolute airhead. he thought he was starting to grow a permanent bump on his forehead from the amount of times he’s face palmed at your actions.
despite your constant tripping and bumping into things, he did admire one thing about you: your blind kindness. he had fell victim to your antics ages ago, and grew fond over time.
but it was still rough dealing with you..
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youre always bumping into things and making noise- earning you disapproving looks from others; everyone besides daryl. he’d come up behind you, ruffling your hair affectionately and encouraging you to do better next time.
daryl observes you constantly, finding you almost comical. he’d silently swoon as you make friends with everyone (he tells you that you were his friend first- to not forget about him).
he decides to try and teach you how to use his crossbow, bringing you out deep into the woods. hes patient with you as you take aim, but fail every time. eventually, youve given up and admire him even more for his skill. daryl only chuckles, settling in besides you and leaning into your stockier build. even if you werent precise and careful like the others, you knew you always had your size going for you. it was great whenever you wanted to hold daryl close.
although you werent the best in combat or hunting, you had charm. theres been countless times where youve talked your way out of a bad situation, leaving daryl speechless and wanting to kiss you. he realizes how well you compliment each other.
the rest of the group dont expect the two of you to get together. all daryl can say is that you make him happy- simple as that(he doesnt tell them about the moments where youre enveloping him in a hug, when youre searching high and low for a pack of cigarettes, or how you pick flowers for him. youre the only one who gets him).
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grimespial · 7 days
Rick Grimes x Nurse!Male Reader
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You first met when he came into your hospital, shot on the job, and you were assigned to his case
When everything went down, you stayed, though not on purpose, stepping out meant getting killed
The only patient left was Rick Grimes, and considering you were still there, might as well care for him
It was honestly a mirace that he woke up, and he took you along with him on his mission to find his family, even though it didn't seem very likely.
The relationship just happened, except you both tried to push it away.
Rick has a wife and a kid, nothing could happen between you two. Never.
But there was an underlying 'softness' to your friendship, stemming from the way you cared for him, a complete stranger.
As time went by, Lori had passed, and you had just grown closer but still ignored the feelings.
Rick and Lori's marriage hadn't been the greatest even before the outbreak, and it broke down more finding out about Lori and Shane
But you being around also broke down the marriage, not in a bad way though
It was easier to see crack in their marriage when you were around, how much you cared for everyone, you just wanted to help, how you looked after him in the hospital
Oh and how you cared for Carl. It melted him. You helped him during surgery and constantly looked after him, it was sort of shocking you only met him recently.
When you first kissed you practically made him sign a waiver with how often you asked if he was sure about it
There was an underlying nagging feeling of guilt that he constantly reassured you wasn't rational or true
Carl didn't understand at first, only slightly confused about his dad dating both a man and a woman but that was easily explained, what confused him more was how his dad moved on.
He had to explain how they were having problems beforehand, how it was nobody's fault, it's just something that happens sometimes.
Rick loves PDA, his hands have to be touching you somewhere, if he wants a kiss he will happily, shamelessly suggest or ask for one.
Alot of the time you have to make him rest, he gets so focused on leading or protecting he forgets about his own health.
You do have to tell him sometimes that you can do things, he doesn't need to practically lock you up or hide you away.
If anyone needs to convince Rick of anything (like going to Alexandria) they go to you because he'll listen
An arm will be around your waist or shoulder, if his hands are full he'll just make sure you're close
Rick practically wastes away if he doesn't get kisses every day, its like his life support
Everytime he gets aggressive like with the claimers, he's worried he'll scare you away, but he just falls in love even more when you praise him for defending everyone while patching him up
You're also just as protective, but in a more subtle way, Rick makes sure they know he's defending you, but you have more 'self control' and will snap, especially if Carl is threatened
It's made a joke that you're the most dangerous because you know the human body and where will kill.
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grimespial · 7 days
daryl doodles <3
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grimespial · 7 days
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grimespial · 7 days
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grimespial · 7 days
Carl Grimes x Shane's Son Male reader
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slightly aged up just for plot reasons
You did not have a good relationship with your dad.
He was practically two different people in public and private. In private you were mostly ignored, but if you weren't, then you were just a disappointment.
All because of Carl and Lori Grimes.
Nothing you could do would make him proud, he would throw you away in the blink of an eye if it meant taking Rick's place.
You and Carl used to get along, but you couldnt help but push him away, atleast it could be played off with you being older and teen moods.
Rick tried to include you, he was more of a dad to you than Shane, talking, playing, sports, just spending time but it just hurt.
So when the apocalypse starts, it's not a suprise you just happen to be left.
You somehow made your way to a farm, hoping it would be abandoned, but of course it wasn't and a woman on a horse came at you.
That's how you ended up joining the Greene family. It was hard. You actually got cared for, you practically were adopted
But then a boy was shot and Hershel had to help, and of course the people you honestly never wanted to see again had to show up.
Rick almost choked you with the hug he gave, Shane wasn't back yet, still out with Otis. The man who was teaching you to hunt with a gun because a knife won't always work.
Your dad came back, alone. You were already Maggie and Beth's brother, but Otis was like an older brother. And now he's gone.
When Carl woke up, Rick with all good intent, told him you were here. You would think it was magic how quickly he healed enough to go looking for you.
He was so insistent. Didn't matter how much you walked away, or replied rudely, he would just follow you everywhere.
For Carl, it was worth getting shot, because now you're back! He missed how you two hung out and when everything went down he didn't think he would ever see you again.
Everything was horrible with Shane, his whole group didn't even know you existed, even worse when they thought Shane was Carl's dad at the very beginning.
The Greene family were on edge around Shane, sometimes even getting hostile if he started crossing the line against their brother and son.
Rick had to step in and tell Shane to leave you alone until they found Sophia, because Hershel warned him they'd get kicked out if it continued.
Your relationship progressed without you or Carl noticing, but everyone else did.
Carl included you in everything, and included himself in anything you did.
It was hard to get over the jealousy, but with Shane gone and how Carl seemed so happy to spend time with you, like you were the greatest thing in the world, it was easier to heal.
Maggie was having the time of her life teasing you, hypocritical considering her and Glenn can't leave eachother alone.
What pushed you two to date was when Lori died. Daryl asked you to look after Carl, so you did. Spending time in his cell, getting him outside for some fresh air, just talking to him.
When he wanted some private time, you cared for Judith instead. Hershel joked that neither you or Beth should think about having a baby antime soon.
Maggie, humorous as always, told him there was no worry on your side unless Carl could get pregnant.
It was later when Carl came out of his cell, you were still looking after Judith while Beth made milk and Glenn helped Maggie make some food.
That night, you stayed up with Carl. He was struggling to sleep lately, so you stayed up until he fell asleep. This night he just started crying.
So you just hugged him. Nobody spoke. The only sound was Carl hiccuping and breathing while you wrapped your arm around his shoulder.
When Carl quieted down, he turned to see you, but you were already looking at him. And you were close.
It was easier to push away any feelings before, there was no time to think over feelings, more important things were happening.
But here you were face to face and before you knew it Carl kissed you.
Carl is practically your owner and you're the guard dog. Stubborn is your middle name, but one whisper of your name from Carl and you listen.
He never gets over the butterflies or blushing, you hold his hand and he's practically burning and trying to hold his smile back.
You constantly were protecting him. There was technically no need, he could take care of himself perfectly fine, but you insisted on it.
Sometimes it got annoying to him and he'd snap, Rick would end up explaining that you just care for him and dont want him to get hurt.
It's free entertainment for the adults watching you two go through a relationship.
You both sneak away from the group to make out, but when youre on the road its harder and Carl really doesn't want to make out in front of anyone, especially his dad.
You do end up breaking that rule one day, you were with Michonne after the prison fell, and when you found him you both just ran to eachother.
Cuddles are mandatory.
You have to be watched when eating, because you will just give Carl your food if it means he's healthier, Carl was not happy when he found this out.
Carl loves being pampered by you but he'll pretend he doesn't, but if you can't for whatever reason it doesn't feel right.
this is based off the Carl fic i have with the same premise, i might end up putting it on ao3...
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