little-bookends · 11 months
Romanticizing life is more than finding the beauty in joy. It is also finding the beauty in sorrow, in pain, in a meh day.
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little-bookends · 3 years
10 Easy Protective Habits
Carry Rosemary and salt in your pocket, purse, or keep in a satchel.
A lit white candle in a circle of salt will protect a room.
A lit black candle repels and banishes unwanted energy quite well.
Hang Garlic in your kitchen to ward away mischief and evil.
Add Pine essential oil to cleaners for an added cleansing boost when washing tile/hardwood floors.
Grow Rosemary, Lilac, Lavender or Rose at your doorways to protect them.
Use knot magick when tying shoe laces, bows, headbands, etc for added protection.
Draw protective sigils or wards onto your skin with make up or lotion/moisturizer before blending.
Hang protective charms off your pet’s collar.
Sprinkle a combination of Salt, Lavender, Rosemary and/or Rose onto a hard surface and sweep/vacuum the next morning for a cleansing sweep.
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little-bookends · 5 years
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A New Moon occurs in the sign of Libra on September the 28th 2019. This is a good time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Scales.
With this potent Libra energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives. Some of Libra’s “lessons” involve learning to make peace with those around us, as well as in our environments, establishing a sense of order and balance in our lives, and recognizing the value of partnerships. This is an ideal time to work on these skills. Libra has an innate ability for, and love of, synthesizing opposites. Peace and harmony are the goals, but there’s a fine balancing act involved along the way that requires some commitment and effort.
This New Moon brings fresh and creative energy into our lives, and more specifically, into our relationships. This is a cycle in which balancing our close personal relationships becomes an urgent desire. Negotiations may be especially effective, as we are inclined to assert our needs in ways that don’t offend others.
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little-bookends · 5 years
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💜🌾📚 Books & Lavender 📚🌾💜
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little-bookends · 5 years
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🥀 “The dead speak to those who listen” 🥀
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little-bookends · 5 years
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♍️ Virgo Season is here ♍️
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little-bookends · 6 years
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little-bookends · 6 years
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little-bookends · 6 years
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“Just rest for a moment, just feel the aliveness of your body.” ~Yogi Ant
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little-bookends · 6 years
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little-bookends · 6 years
adult: what do you want to be when you grow up?
me: an old lady with a garden, soulmate, tons of animals, & a peaceful forest home
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little-bookends · 6 years
Angel Numbers Quickie
Open. Something is waiting.
Welcome. Someone is waiting.
Speak. Something needs to be said.
Check. Make sure your bases are covered.
Laugh. You’re ready to be over it.
Stop. What are you not seeing?
Rejoice. You’ve hit the jackpot.
Observe. What cycles are you looping?
Prepare. It’s all ending.
Breathe. All is balanced.
Reap. Then sow another seed.
Focus. You’ve got this.
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little-bookends · 6 years
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little-bookends · 6 years
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Rest in peace, John Lennon (October 9th, 1940 – December 8th, 1980) 
“I’m not afraid of death because I don’t believe in it. It’s just getting out of one car, and into another.”
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little-bookends · 6 years
✨ signs of house fae ✨
okkkk this post is just for fun and for you babes are into the more mystical side of spirituality! signs there are faeries in your house : 
you see lights dancing out the corner of your eye 
your shoes seem to move - when I was little, I would always swear to my parents that my shoes would shift every time I woke up. the movements are usually so tiny that most people will dismiss it as their brains messing with them.
jewelry and shiny objects vanish  a l l   t h e   f u c k i n g   t i m e.  I once left a dangly earring on my bathroom counter, turned around, and looked back to see it slipping into the sink. it was as if a magnet was pulling it in, craziest thing in the world !! (then proceeded to cry because I really wanted to wear that fucking earring bitch)
you walk into a room and immediately forget what you went in there to do/get - sometimes just a psychological thing but if it happens randomly + frequently, could be a sign!
plants grow effortlessly around your house - even if you live in an urban area or don’t actively garden, you’ll find that everything just grows quickly.
birds, bees, wasps, etc. build nests around your house - even though there are a thousand other natural places for them to live.
your pets get random bursts of energy/excitement despite any visible stimulation - in celtic folklore this is considered a sign that the fae are playing around with your pets!
you hear bells, tapping, or singing at night or early morning - will sound like it’s distant but close at the same time, as if drifting from another realm.
🌷 feel free to add onto this list with your own signs and experiences! 🌷
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little-bookends · 6 years
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little-bookends · 6 years
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Nothing quite like the strand 📚
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