#yw max
ouppy-bnuuy · 1 year
I'm like Sisyphus expect my rock is piss
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uglyduckling339 · 2 years
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tonyglowheart · 7 months
reading thru old meta posts on qian qiu and there's like, some stuff I agree with sure but there's also a lot I don't lol. w like yan wushi especially. there's a lot of. I think too much conventional-mindedness in approaching yws even from the ppl who did like him as a character. saying he's a difficult character, and is meant to be a difficult character, but then still framing him along more conventional moral frameworks. yet another apartment 'complex'? strange, I find it quite simple moments.
#qian qiu#yan wushi#sorry so many of you are still hung up over the *chapter 45* '''''betrayal''''' rip but i'm different#(though I wonder if I'd feel this way if ppl hadn't made such a big deal of it and so I was expecting The Betrayal to be like. worse lol)#like for me since I was expecting *a* betrayal when I hit it in chap 45 I was like. this is it? lmao I thought it was sth actually serious#and then ppl like I can't let it go or I can't get over him saying he doesn't regret it - like god forbid women do anything forreal#the thing about yan wushi is he is not just master-less he's also in many ways *peer*-less#and that's why to him he was so much on the 'what a shame you're like the one guy who maybe could have been my rival but you're not'#I think ppl see rival as like. could be my enemy. but it's like. someone has to be your peer to be your rival#and it's very much established that yan wushi even before his power level is like maxed up has this wild potential#there's that chap where sq reflects on what qfg said abt yws having the potential to be better than him#but also I think it's a huge mistake to see/think of yws as amoral#he HAS morals. they're just not the same as yours#he doesn't care about the greater good as a rule but he's also not completely indifferent to it#and like. I think it's also a simplification to say that 'sq breaks the rules of yws's world of human nature being inherently corrupt etc'#I think that's a belief that yws holds about human nature but I think he's also like. smarter than to believe in absolutes?#and besides. to say it that way I think frames it as if yws is in denial about sq's existence and nature#I just don't get that sense from him - imo he sees sq as more of a curiosity than a like aberration#he's testing sq's bottom line not necessarily bc he's convinced sq is secretly evil but he because he wants to see what sq's bottom line is#and he wants to know that because sq's nature is so different than his own or those he generally encounters and understands from people#he's squishing sq like a dog with a chew toy not because he wants to destroy it but because he wants to see exactly what kind of noises#he can get out of it and exactly how far he can squish it before it starts being too much#(but also I think bc he sees sq's potential to be on his level and wants to see if that can get teased out)#in a like... bonsai shaping kind of way#yes he's pruning the tree back and sometimes pruning & shaping quite hard#but as with the art of bonsai - it's an interactive dance and like only the tree can add material#and for all that you can prune & shape the tree you will never know exactly what the tree will do#SQ is also like a tree in the sense that like you have to prune to get read of dead growth & also encourage new growth#and SQ goes from that like houseplant side of the meme that's like i'm allergic to tapwater#to flourishing under the adversity and the 'i can eat thru concrete'
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random-ykw-facts · 2 years
Fact #47
Castelius I, Castelius Max, Naahndhi and Amplifly are the only Yo-kai to be fusions involving at least one fusion. Castelius I is a fusion between two Castelius II, who are fusions between two Castelius III, Castelius Max is a fusion between Castelius I and a Platinum Bar; Naandhi is a fusion between Why Naant and Mr. Sandmeh, who's a fusion between Sandmeh and a Sand Suit; and Amplifly is a fusion between Betterfly, a fusion of Enefly and Enerfly, and a Starry Spangles.
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war-cat770 · 2 years
omg thank u for introducing me to synths, i love them. you are responsible for me redesigning my sona for the millionth time now tho so uhh how dare you /j
Go open source.
Go synth.
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madomkasak · 2 months
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flags-planes-and-fire · 8 months
Someone remind me to post that one poem when I'm home
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hellbatschilt · 1 year
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YW collab is coming back eventually so time to level up Blue Mage in preparation :'^)
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embrosegraves · 5 months
𝕊𝕙𝕚𝕗𝕥 ℍ𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕟𝕤
Oscar Piastri x Horner!Reader Miami and Imola bring new challenges to the grid. Challenges such as finally initiating the romance part of your potential relationship- oh and being on the podium with your ex-teammate too.
Warnings: swearing ig? idk my usual warnings apply (ALSO REALLY BAD TEXT MESSAGE EDITING LMAOOO)
you're crazy if you can see dates on the tweets (/hj)
series masterlist | previous part | next part
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liked by oscarpiastri, opeightyone and others
redbullracing #MiamiGP the RBR Admin is in love with you 😍
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gerihalliwellhorner I'm convinced that Miami loves you too, Darling 🥰🥰 -> redbullracing please don't embarrass me while i'm working, Mum!! -> gerihalliwellhorner Oh you do that well enough on your own
user4599 Thank you for feeding us with all the #OP81 content we could need 🫡🫡 -> redbullracing ofc! I have to use my power for something right??
maxverstappen1 This is Max Verstappen erasure 😒😒 -> redbullracing anyone ever tell you you're a massive baby?? -> maxverstappen1 not to my face, why? did you hear something? -> redbullracing only thing I can hear is you whining
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liked by oscarpiastri, maxverstappen1 and others
redbullracing Here's Max ig 😒 (shoutout to victoriaverstappen for giving permission for me to post Luka. u a real one fr)
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victoriaverstappen Always happy to give you posting privilege 🫶 -> redbullracing Admin is in love with you 😳🫶
maxverstappen1 thanks 😑 -> redbullracing yw 🥰😊
oscarpiastri Luka is clearly the best Verstappen out there -> redbullracing right?! the only one that comes close is his mother fr -> victoriaverstappen what a coincidence haha, Luka says you're his favourite rb driver 🤭 -> maxverstappen1 I'm still his favourite uncle tho right?? -> victoriaverstappen welllllll....... -> victoriaverstappen "Who's your favourite uncle, Luka?" "UNCLE OSCAR!!" -> maxverstappen1 ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!
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3 days later
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liked by oscarpiastri, christianhorner and others
yn.horner Everybody welcome the newest #PaddockPet ✨ Honey-Lemon 🍯🍋 (go follow her account misshoney.lemon 🤭)
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oscarpiastri was gonna say something clever, but Honey-Lemon is just too cute for me to think -> yn.horner she has that effect on cute boys -> oscarpiastri does said cute boy have an effect on Honey's cute mum? -> yn.horner maybe 🤭 -> user3216 chat is this real? -> user8569 1st of all: excuse me? 2nd of all: EXCUSE ME?! -> user 4568 ooooo i am SO HERE FOR THIS
user2268 following Honey-Lemon's acc RIGHT NOW -> misshoney.lemon You're a 🍬🫀 (get it? sweet-heart??) -> user4568 we've only had Honey-Lemon for 10mins but if anything happened to her I would k-ll everyone and then myself
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liked by danielricciardo, nicorosberg and others
redbullracing In honour of #Lestappen + Oscar on the podium (again), here are some pictures of Admin's favourite F1 drivers past and present :D tagged: maxverstappen1, oscarpiastri, charles_leclerc, nicorosberg, kimimatiasraikkonen, sebastianvettel
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user6548 Admin must have a thing for cunty drivers ->redbullracing 👁️🫦👁️💅💅 -> user6548 you and me are the same
nicorosberg I'm flattered 🤭 -> redbullracing Love you King 🫶🫶
oscarpiastri Why couldn't you pick a cunty pic of me too? -> redbullracing listen man, sometimes the fans don't deserve the fan service y'know?? -> user5589 DOES THIS MEAN ADMIN HAS CUNTY OSCAR PICS???!!?!? -> redbullracing ADMIN HAS THEM AND IS HOLDING THEM HOSTAGE
sebastianvettel I'll reply for both Kimi and myself. -> sebastianvettel I'm honoured to be considered one of your favourites :) -> redbullracing ok that was you, what's kimi's reply?? -> sebastianvettel 👍👍 -> redbullracing idk why i expected any different
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Here we go, as promised!
(not even joking, planning this and having people ask abt writing for others in f1 has given me so much motivation, this is great)
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dreamauri · 1 year
Took some time to make some max gifs from today, had to capture that smile <3
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max: *on his way elsewhere* *finds checo* *starts maxsplaining* thats just golden content right there, idk why but it is ( yw )
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ps; does anyone else know where to get the orange lion cap bc they dont deliver then to my country :(
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iamsofuckinggay · 9 months
ues please. Tahnk yoy max 🥺 👀
Awmrccykeyje yw :3
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Thanks for letting me max-out on your account bestie
yw girl...
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xac-man · 7 months
Program for modeling 4D, 5D… ND-dimensional geometric shapes
Programs for modeling graphics of various sizes
For modeling 3D geometric shapes there are Blender, 3D Max, Cinema 4D. To create 2D graphics, there are Paint, Photoshop and other similar programs. But what if we want to model 4D, 5D, 6D… ND graphics? What program to use for this. In this case, 4D-ND Modeling Explorer will help (that’s how you can google it). In this program you can create multidimensional geometric shapes. In general, there are 2 completely different definitions of four-dimensional space. 2 completely different things are called by the same words. Geometric four-dimensional space and Minkowski space-time.
What is Minkowski space-time?
In Minkowski space-time, time is designated as the fourth dimension. And this notation is very convenient in physics. For example, in the theory of relativity, the faster we move in space, the slower we move in time. When the speed of light in space is reached, movement in time stops. Therefore, the speed of light cannot be exceeded. If we had a rocket with an infinite supply of fuel, when it reaches the speed of light on the rocket, time would simply stop and fuel consumption would stop. Therefore, it is impossible to gain speed above speed of light. Also, according to the theory of relativity, space is inextricably linked with time. This definition of the fourth dimension, where time acts as the fourth dimension, is called Minkowski space-time.
What is geometric four-dimensional space?
However, there is another definition of the fourth dimension. A geometric four-dimensional space in which time is not taken into account, and all 4 quantities are purely spatial and mutually interchangeable. Identical in all their properties. This is exactly what the 4D-ND Modeling Explorer program will discuss. In this video you can see rotating of 4D geometric shapes. The designation 4D means a space in which 4 dimensions exist. Length, width, height and one more that has no name. However, it has the same properties as the other 3 quantities. The fourth quantity is measured in the same values as the previous 3 — meters, centimeters, feet, inches. By the way, in 3D shapes the width of the fourth value is 0, and the other 3 values are equal to a value other than 0. Therefore, in 3 dimensions, 3D figures are volumetric, but when rotated in 4D they are flat, and hypervolume figures can be made from them in the same way as a 3D figure can be made from 2D planes. In 4D space you can draw 4 mutually perpendicular lines. The coordinates of 3D shapes are usually written as (x, y, z). The coordinates of 4D figures have 4 values and are written as (x, y, z, w). In 3D space there are 3 planes of rotation: xy, xz, yz. There are already 6 rotation options in 4D space: xy, xz, yz, xw, yw, zw. This program allows you to visualize all this. And independently create your own multidimensional figures. The 4D-ND Modeling Explorer program allows you to generate spaces not only with 4, but also with 5, 6, 10… and with as many spatial dimensions as your computer can handle. The rules for ND are the same as for 4D. N is the number of quantities in space. In N-dimensional space, N mutually perpendicular lines can be drawn. The number of sides of rotation in ND is determined by the formula (N * (N — 1)) / 2. For example, for 3D space the number of planes of rotation is 3 because (3 * (3–1)) / 2 = 3. For 5D space (5 * (5–1)) / 2 = 10 sides of rotations.
Why is this needed?
And now about why this is needed. For interest, creativity, and visualization. It will be especially useful for those who want to understand the visualization of spaces with dimensions greater than 3. In the future, this also opens up the possibility of creating 4D and higher dimensional games. Current 4D games are presented in the form of 3D slices. This representation of 4D rather irritates me, because it’s the same as if 3D games were depicted in the form of 2D slices in a conditional Mario. And instead of a normal 3D image on the screen there would be flat slices changing their shape as they move in 3D space. 4D-ND Modeling Explorer allows you to visualize 4D without slices. Allows you to see what is impossible in the three-dimensional world, for example, 4 mutually perpendicular lines. Understand the geometry of multidimensional space. It makes it possible not only to see something that was previously unthinkable, that not everyone could imagine, but also to independently create something unthinkable and unusual. In general, there are a lot of things you need it for. This is unique creativity. Creating multidimensional figures — for modelers who want to create something special and unique, this can be an extremely interesting experience.
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bugdogg · 1 year
Hi max ty for ur services I love how u draw summer kamen. He's like .my best friend.
yw! thank you for liking my stuff<3! i am infected with summer kamen brainworm now but i think it was worth it :D
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Our start into the world of 29er hardtails. The larger wheels combined with the 100 mm suspension fork offer additional comfort and control, and the chosen components help tackle your next off-road adventure. Frame BIG.NINE SPEED; MAT aluminium; 29" Max. Wheelsize; 135x9 axle standard; BSA bottom bracket standard Fork Suntour XCT30; Coil; 100mm suspension travel Front Brake Shimano ST-EF505; BR-MT200 brake caliper Rear Brake Shimano ST-EF505; BR-MT200 brake caliper Front Rotor Shimano RT10; 160 mm Rear Rotor Shimano RT10; 160 mm Chain Sunrace M84 Chainwheel Shimano TY301; 42-34-24 teeth Crank/Size 170 mm-S, 175 mm-M/XXL BB Set FSA TH-7420ST-W, Cartridge Bearing DERA-F Shimano FD-TY700 DERA-R Shimano RD-M310 Freewheel Sunrace CSM558AU; 11-32 teeth; 8 speed; black Pedal VP VPE-891 Grip MERIDA EC Handle bar MERIDA CC; MAT aluminium; 690mm width; 15mm rise Handle bar Stem MERIDA CC; MAT aluminium; 31.8mm diameter; 6° stem angle; 70 mm-S, 80 mm-M, 90 mm-L, 100 mm-XL, 110 mm-XXL Head Set FSA NO.10 spacer 10mm*2 Front Hub Shimano TX505; 100x9mm width front hub; 32 spoke holes; Centerlock Rear Hub Shimano TX505; 135x9mm width rear hub; 32 spoke holes; Centerlock Rim MERIDA CC; 17mm inner width; MAT aluminium Saddle MERIDA Sport comfort Seat Clamp MERIDA COMP QR Seat Post MERIDA CC; MAT aluminium; 30.9mm diameter; 15mm setback Front Shifter Shimano ST-EF505 Rear Shifter Shimano ST-EF505 Spoke Steel UCP Inner Tube 29*2.2 A.V Tire (F&R) MERIDA K1080; 29x2.2"; wire Hardware Dacromet steel Bell YWS-Alloy Less aggressive and more upright geometry for maximum control and comfort SR Suntour 100 mm travel suspension fork Triple chainring setup Hydraulic disc brakes [ad_2]
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nyxi-pixie · 2 years
st characters fav ships
mike- shrek x mike wazowski (treats it like yn fanfiction-dramatically reads it out loud to the party like hes explaining something that actually happened in his life)
will- bob the builder x fix it felix (bc hes always fixing relationships so its nice to see when they know how to fix it themselves)
lucas- polyam scooby doo gang (idc. im right. him and max read the fics tgthr for dates when they cba to do anything srs. REAL)
dustin- lightning mcqueen x mater (look me in my eyes and tell me dustin hendersom has not read a 90k word lightning mcqueen x tow mater best friends to lovers angst hurt/comfort tattoo shop/flower shop au fic. u wld be lying.)
max- also polyam scooby gang as well as the evergiven container ship x suez canal (not sure if anyone remembers that era. i remember seeing it in the news then logging on to ao3 and i just found some things. and i. was aghast. i was shocked.)
el- is a draculaura x clawdeen truther. she cares less abt crackships but i can see her getting behind like shipping inanimate objects. like she thinks strawberries and raspberries are in an on/off relationship w loads of drama
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